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栽培稻F1花粉不育基因座S—a的分子定位   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
庄楚雄  张桂权 《遗传学报》1999,26(3):213-218
以栽培稻品种台中65及其等基因F1不育系TISL4为材料,用RFLP和RAPD等技术,对F1花粉不育基因座S-a定位。通过用RFLP和RAPD方法对亲本间进行多态性分析,发现亲本间的多态性很低,说明经多代回交后,在等基因系基因组中供体亲本的DNA片段所占的比例很小。通过连锁分析,将S-a定位在第1染色体。S-a与分子标记CDO548、O11-1000、RG146和Y13-500之间的遗传距离分别为  相似文献   

用RAPD方法分析水稻光敏核不育基因   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
本文以农垦58S与F2杂交所得的F2分离群体为材料,按其育性分为不育和可育两大群体,分别以混合的可育群体核DNA和不育体核DNA为模板,进行RAPD分析,从检测过的300个引物中发现有2个引物在不育群体和可育群体中扩增出多态性产物。就其中一个引物对杂交亲本和F2个体的RAPD分析进一步证明了这种多态可靠性。转移杂交实验表明这个多态性产物是一种重复顺序。  相似文献   

萝卜细胞质雄性不育恢复基因的RAPD标记   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以萝卜恢复系9802和不育系9802A配制杂交组合,并以174株个体组成的F2分离群体作为恢复基因的标记群体.以分离群体的不育株和可育株分别建立不育池和恢复池,利用100个RAPD引物对两池间的多态性进行研究.分析表明引物OPC6在两池间扩增出稳定的多态性差异.经连锁分析,证明标记OPC61900与萝卜细胞质雄性不育恢复基因连锁,遗传距离为11.6cM(Centimorgan).这个标记可应用于对育性恢复基因的标记辅助选择.  相似文献   

采用RAPD方法对我国21个向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.)基因型和11个国外引进向日葵因型进行分析,构建了它们的方图谱。从80个随机引物中筛选出的25个有效引物共产生188条DNA片段,大小分布在0.26-1.98kb之间,其中164例带具有遗传多态性,约占总数的87.2%,平均每个引物扩增的DNA带数为7.52条。32个向日葵的遗传相似性分析表明,各基因型间的Nei氏相似性系数分布在0.3987.08531之间,平均相似性系数为0.6281。11个国外向日葵基因型的Nei氏相似性系数分布在0.7134-0.8531之间,平均相似性系数为0.7828,说明国外基因型之间的遗传基础比较狭窄。21个国内向日葵基因型的Nei氏相似性系数分布在0.4750-0.8206,平均相似性系数为0.6478,说明国内向日葵基因型之间的遗传多态性较为丰富。通过非加权算术平均数聚类(UPGMA)的方法,给制了32个向日葵基因型之间的遗传关系树图。32个向日葵基因明显地聚成A、B两大类群。21个国内向日葵基因型聚成了A1、A2两个亚类,A1组包括:X10、陕西向日葵、D-S12、长岭向日葵6、黑2-S2-2、T-C08、长岭葵花4、白葵3号、BH-10、J-S-B1、张掖白子葵、C101-S4-3S4等12个基因型;A2组包括:LK305-S8、LK、CS-7、长岭葵花S2-S2、辉南7-S1-3、辉南、CY-XX19-XX2、吉葵112、吉葵116等9个基因型。11个国外向日葵基因型划分为B1、B2两个亚类,B1组包括LG12028Q、LG9023R、CRN143、SF9903、SF9902、S-3322、SH332、SH41、SFP9001、CRN1445等10个法国基因型;B2组织有来自美国的G101一个材料。  相似文献   

利用分子标记定位农垦58S的光敏核不育基因   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
对农垦58S(Oryzasativasp.japonica)/大黑矮生标记基因系FL2组合组建可育集团和不育集团,并以亲本为对照进行了RFLP、RAPD和双引物RAPD分析,结果第12染色体上的一个单拷贝标记G2140与光敏核不育基因连锁遗传,二者间的遗传图距为14.1cM(centimorgan)。在筛选过的1040个随机单引物和190个双引物中,仅引物OPAU10扩增出与光敏核不育基因连锁的1.5kbDNA片段,回收、克隆该DNA片段并制备探针,将其转换成共显性的RFLP标记并命名为OPAU101500。分离群体连锁分析表明该标记与标记G2140紧密连锁,将农垦58S的一对光敏核不育基因定位于第12染色体上。  相似文献   

一个恢复力受单基因控制的水稻CMS育性回复突变体   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用 ̄(60)Co-γ射线对具有印尼水田谷细胞质的籼稻细胞质雄性不育系Ⅱ-32A干种子进行诱变处理,获得了一育性回复突变体T24。育性基因未纯合的突变体分离出可育株和完全不育株,比例为3∶1;其与Ⅱ-32A和珍汕97A测交,F1代分离出1∶1的可育株和不育株。育性稳定株系与Ⅱ-32A和珍汕97A杂交,F2分离成3∶1的可育株和不育株。表明其育性回复是由一对基因显性突变所致。这一突变体对不育系的育性恢复机制不同于明恢63、20964等恢复系,后者表现为两对显性恢复基因作用。未观察到T24与亲本Ⅱ-32A除育性以外的其他性状的差异,因而两者构成育性恢复基因的近等基因系。本文还对不育系育性回复类型和T24的理论意义与育种价值进行了讨论。  相似文献   

木耳交配型混合集群RAPD分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张永强  罗信昌 《菌物系统》1999,18(2):192-196
用RAPD-混合集群分析来检测异宗结合担子菌不同交配型间的多态性。来源于同一木耳Auricularia auricula (L.ex Hook.)Underw.子实体的10个单孢萌发而成的单核体进行RAPD分析证实,它们之间具有极高的同源性。将单核体按其所属的交配型分为两类,每类各5个,构成A1,A2两个基因池。用33种单引物,20种双引物对其进行扩增、分析,发现引物OPE19号能在这两个基因池间  相似文献   

利用RAPD技术对不同基因组合的鱼类进行了基因组指纹图谱构建,在DNA水平上对基因组成分进行了分析,探讨了其遗传多态性。RAPD结果发现,在26个随机引物扩增的产物中,平均每个个体观察到约142个RAPD标记,单个引物获得的标记平均为5.4。其中4个引物扩增的图谱可将不同的生物型区分开:S-26引物的扩增图谱(Fig.1)可将红鲫(RA)与其它组合区分开,还可将鲤鲫杂种一倍体(CA)与鲫鲤杂种三倍体(CAA)和人工复合三倍体鲤(CCA)区分开;S-8引物(Fig.2)可区分开红鲤(RC)和镜鲤(MC);S-45引物(Fig.3)可区分开RC和CA;S-22引物则可区分开CAA和CCA。六种生物型均存在基因组特异性的图谱即各自独特的“诊断性”图谱,作者由此建立了详细的分子标记检索表(Table1)。通过对RAPD图谱的量化分析,利用UPGMA构建了不同生物型的遗传关系树图;反映了鲤鲫及各种组合生物型之间的遗传相似关系:RC和MC属同一种系,聚为一族;CAA和CA基因组类型相同,聚为一族;CCA虽自成一体,但可与CAA和CA聚为一族;而RA与其它组合遗传距离较远,自成一族。RAPD的结果也表明各种生物型内个体间  相似文献   

李传友  伏健民 《遗传学报》1999,26(5):558-562
85EA是通过电子束辐照获得的胞质突变型小麦不育要用RFLP和RAPD技术对85EA及春保持系的线粒体DNA进行了比较研究。RFLP分析表明85EA线粒体基因组中coxⅡ基因的位置结构与保持系发生了变化;RAPD分析中引物OPD-15扩增产物在不育系和保持系间有明显差异,不育系的扩增产物比保持系多1条分子量为0.6kb的特展览 要带,用T-easy vector克隆该不育系特异条带并命名为OPD-  相似文献   

目的和方法:将红细胞生成素(EPO)3'-增强子野生片断及点突变片断借脂质体主人脐静脉内皮细胞株ECV-304,用半定量RT-PCR测定正常秘缺氧诱导因子-1(HIF-1)诱导剂氧化钴(CoCl2)作用下培养6h的细胞环氧合酶2(COX-2)和血栓素合酶(TXS)的mRNA。结果:HIF-1诱导剂CoCl2可放COX-2和TXS基因转明显增强2,向细胞导入野生EPO3'增强子片断可阻断CoCl2诱  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS), an economically important trait for hybrid seed production in many crops, is a maternally inherited trait in which a plant fails to produce functional anthers, pollen grains, or male gametes. It has long been reported that the restoration of CMS in chili pepper is controlled by a major nuclear gene termed restorer-of-fertility (Rf), along with several modifiers and some environmental factors. In this study, we identified the partial restoration (pr) locus related to the fertility restoration of CMS, demonstrated the inheritance of the trait, and developed a CAPS marker closely linked to the locus. The partially restored plant had normal anthers that produced a mix of normal and aborted pollen grains that stuck tightly to the anther wall, even after dehiscence. This trait was expressed only when the pepper plant had the sterile (S) cytoplasm and homozygous recessive pr alleles. A total of 768 AFLP primer combinations were screened, and bulked segregant analysis (BSA) was performed by preparing two pools of eight Pr/Pr (fully fertile) and eight pr/pr (partially fertile) plants, respectively, selected from the 87 individuals of the F2 segregating population. Of the eight Pr-linked AFLP markers that were identified, E-AGC/M-GCA122 and E-TCT/M-CCG116 were the closest to the locus, estimated at about 1.8 cM in genetic distance. E-AGC/M-GCA122 was converted into a CAPS marker, PR-CAPS, based on the sequences of the internal and flanking regions of the AFLP fragment. This PR-CAPS marker could be useful in selecting fully fertile lines (Pr/Pr) and eliminating partially fertile (pr/pr) and potential (Pr/pr) lines in segregant populations during the development of new inbred restorer lines.  相似文献   

粘类小麦雄性不育恢复基因的遗传分析及RAPD标记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用RAPD分子标记对粘类小麦雄性不育系ms(Kots)-90-110的恢复系Rk5451的恢复基因进行了标记定位。选取具有高恢复力的恢复系康本材料Rk5451和Rk5253为父本与ms(Kots)-90-110杂交.F1代再与保持系90-110回交;以90-110//ms(Kots)-90-110/Rk5451的BC1F1代分离群体为研究对象.利用分离群体分组分析法(Bulked Segregant Analysis.BSA).以350个随机引物对Rk5451的主效恢复基因进行RAPD分析.筛选到27个可在亲本间扩增出多态性的引物.其中引物S120经多次重复能在亲本间及不育和可育池间扩增出稳定的多态性片段S120-1745。  相似文献   

用微卫星标记定位小麦T型CMS的恢复基因   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
以T型细胞质雄性不育系 75 336 9A×恢复系 72 6 9 10的F2 群体作为育性调查和基因定位群体。通过育性分析 ,确定该恢复系含有 2个主效恢复基因 ;结合群分法 ,对恢复基因进行了SSR分子标记定位 ,在 2 30对微卫星引物中 ,微卫星标记Xgwm136和Xgwm5 5 0分别与 2个主效恢复基因连锁。这两个标记与Rf基因之间的遗传距离分别为 6 7cM和 5 1cM ,从而将该恢复基因定位在 1AS、1BS染色体上。  相似文献   

We have developed a cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) line of Brassica juncea through somatic hybridization with Moricandia arvensis and introgressed the fertility restorer gene into B. juncea. This fertility restorer locus is unique in that it is capable of restoring male fertility to two other alloplasmic CMS systems of B. juncea. As a first step toward cloning of this restorer gene we attempted molecular tagging of the Rf locus using the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique. A BC1F1 population segregating for male sterility/fertility was used for tagging using the bulk segregant analysis method. Out of 64 primer combinations tested in the bulks, 5 combinations gave polymorphic amplification patterns. Further testing of these primers in individual plants showed four amplicons associated with the male fertility trait. Polymorphic amplicons were cloned and used for designing SCAR primers. One of the SCAR primers generated amplicons mostly in the fertile plants. Linkage analysis using MAPMAKER showed two AFLP and one SCAR markers linked to the male fertility gene with a map distance ranging from 0.6 to 2.9 cM. All the markers are located on one side of the Rf locus.  相似文献   

AFLP fingerprinting of 45 Indian genotypes of linseed was carried out to determine the genetic relationship among them. Sixteen primer combinations produced 1142 fragments with 1129 as polymorphic and 13 as monomorphic fragments. Polymorphic fragments varied from 44 (E-ACA/M-CTA) to 94 (E-AGC/M-CAC) with an average of 70.6 fragments per primer combination. The frequency of polymorphism varied from 93.7% to 100% with an average of 98.8% across all the genotypes. The PIC value ranged from 0.19 to 0.31 with an average of 0.23 per primer combination. The primer pair E-AGC/M-CAC showed the maximum PIC value (0.31) followed by E-AGC/M-CAG (0.29), E-AAC/M-CAG (0.26) and E-AGC/M-CTA (0.25). Resolving power (RP) and marker index (MI) varied from 13.73 to 43.50 and 8.81 to 28.91 respectively. The Jaccard's similarity coefficient varied from 0.16 to 0.57 with an average of 0.26 ± 0.05. The maximum genetic similarities (57%) were detected between genotypes Him Alsi-1 and Him Alsi-2, followed by Him Alsi-1 and GS41 and GS41 and LC-54. The genotypes R-552, Himani, RKY-14, Meera, Indira Alsi-32 and Suyog were found to be more divergent genotypes. The NJ clustering grouped all the 45 genotypes into three major clusters. In general the genotypes of cluster III had high oil content and those of cluster I had low oil content. At the population level, within population variance was much higher than between populations variance.  相似文献   

Southern corn rust (SCR) is a fungal disease caused by Puccinia polysora Underw, which can infect maize and may result in substantial yield losses in maize production. The maize inbred line Qi319 carries the SCR resistance gene RppQ. In order to identify molecular markers linked to the RppQ gene, several techniques were utilized including random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), simple sequence repeat (SSR), and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). In addition, sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) techniques combined with bulked segregant analysis (BSA) were used. Seven RAPD markers, eight SSR markers, and sixty-three AFLP primer combinations amplified polymorphisms between two parents and two bulk populations. A large F2 population was used for genetic analysis and for fine mapping of the RppQ gene region. One AFLP polymorphic band, M-CAA/E-AGC324, was converted to a SCAR marker, MA7, which was mapped to a position 0.46 cM from RppQ. Finally, the RppQ gene was mapped between the SCAR marker MA7 and the AFLP marker M-CCG/E-AGA157 with distances of 0.46 and 1.71 cM, respectively.  相似文献   

Southern corn rust (SCR), Puccinia polysora Underw, is a destructive disease in maize (Zea mays L.). Inbred line Qi319 is highly resistant to SCR. Results from the inoculation test and genetic analysis of SCR in five F2 populations and five BC1F1 populations derived from resistant parent Qi319 clearly indicate that the resistance to SCR in Qi319 is controlled by a single dominant resistant gene, which was named RppQ. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) analysis was carried out in an F2 population derived from the cross Qi319×340. Twenty SSR primer pairs evenly distributed on chromosome10 were screened at first. Out of them, two primer pairs, phi118 and phi 041, showed linkage with SCR resistance. Based on this result, eight new SSR primer pairs surrounding the region of primers phi118 and phi 041 were selected and further tested regarding their linkage relation with RppQ. Results indicated that SSR markers umc1,318 and umc 2,018 were linked to RppQ with a genetic distance of 4.76 and 14.59 cM, respectively. On the other side of RppQ, beyond SSR markers phi 041 and phi118, another SSR marker umc1,293 was linked to RppQ with a genetic distance of 3.78 cM. Because the five linkage SSR markers (phi118, phi 041, umc1,318, umc 2,018 and umc1,293) are all located on chromosome 10, the RppQ gene should also be located on chromosome 10. In order to fine map the RppQ gene, AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) analysis was carried out. A total 54 AFLP primer combinations were analyzed; one AFLP marker, AF1, from the amplification products of primer combination E-AGC/M-CAA, showed linkage with the RppQ gene in a genetic distance of 3.34 cM. Finally the RppQ gene was mapped on the short arm of chromosome 10 between SSR markers phi 041 and AFLP marker AF1 with a genetic distance of 2.45 and 3.34 cM respectively.Communicated by H. F. Linskens  相似文献   

利用SSR标记定位明恢63的2对恢复基因   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
选取珍汕97A和明恢63杂交组合的F2高可育和高不育单株构建基因池,利用302对SSR引物对其进行了多态性分析。结果表明,位于第1染色体上的RM1和位于第10染色体上的RM258,RM304在亲本,基因池间表现多态性,用F2单株验证证明它们与野败型恢复基因连锁,完全不育株分析表明,与恢复基因间的遗传距离分别为1.9,2.9和0.0cM,野败型,红莲型,BT型3种不育胞质恢复基因在第10染色体上可能为同一基因或家族成员。  相似文献   

分别以太白红杉的胚乳、干叶和鲜叶为材料,通过改良的CTAB法提取总DNA,经酶切连接、PCR预扩增、PCR选择性扩增、凝胶电泳等程序,建立了太白红杉的FISH-AFLP分子标记体系。结果显示:引物E-ACG/M-CAC和E-ACG/M-CAA在28份材料中扩增总带数分别为1856和2013条;以胚乳和鲜叶为材料,可以得到稳定、丰富的扩增带。FISH-AFLP体系的建立为进一步分析太白红杉的遗传多样性奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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