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氟喹诺酮类抗生素属于喹诺酮类抗生素,是一类人畜通用的抗生素。近年来,被广泛应用于人类和畜牧、水产等养殖业领域,然而其大量使用,造成在环境中的不断残留和累积,给自然环境和人类健康造成了较大威胁。现有研究表明,微生物降解是有效去除氟喹诺酮类抗生素残留污染的有效方法之一。本文总结和介绍了近年来氟喹诺酮类抗生素微生物降解单株菌和混合菌群、微生物降解酶、降解途径以及微生物降解氟喹诺酮类抗生素的实际应用,并对目前氟喹诺酮类抗生素微生物降解研究中存在的问题进行了分析,以及对未来氟喹诺酮类抗生素微生物降解研究的重点进行了探讨,以期为后续的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

微生物降解磺胺甲恶唑的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫雷  梁斌  王爱杰  刘双江  刘志培 《微生物学报》2020,60(12):2747-2762
抗生素是一类难降解、低浓度就有高生态毒性效应的化合物,近年来被归为新型环境污染物,其环境残留与去除备受关注。作为广泛使用的抗生素之一,磺胺甲恶唑在水土环境中的残留量不断增加,检出率也越来越高。研究表明,磺胺甲恶唑是少数几种可被微生物降解的抗生素之一,微生物降解法是最具潜力的残留磺胺甲恶唑去除手段。本文总结了磺胺甲恶唑在土壤、沉积物、活性污泥、混合菌群、酶等条件下的降解及已分离的具有降解能力的单菌株对磺胺甲恶唑的降解情况,包括其降解效率、降解条件等,归纳了目前磺胺甲恶唑微生物降解的主要分类,并讨论了影响磺胺甲恶唑降解的两个特有因素。指出从分子生物学及生物信息学角度研究其降解途径,降解菌、降解菌群的人工构建及其在含磺胺甲恶唑污水处理中的应用与效果评价等应为今后磺胺甲恶唑生物降解与应用研究的重点。  相似文献   

抗生素进入环境会对生物造成深远的影响,如何去除抗生素的残留引起许多国家的关注。抗生素在环境中主要发生生物降解,而具有抗性的微生物菌株发挥主要的功效,因此近些年利用微生物技术处理抗生素残留污染成为研究热点。本文对具有抗生素降解功能的微生物资源和利用复合菌系处理抗生素残留的生物技术进行概括总结,并对微生物处理技术的不足和发展方向进行展望。  相似文献   

【目的】过度使用抗生素作为动物饲料添加剂,导致畜禽粪便已成为抗生素抗性基因的主要蓄积库,为了研究蝇蛆(Musca domestica)对猪粪中残留抗生素及抗性基因的影响,本文动态采集了实际农场条件下蝇蛆转化过程中猪粪堆体及虫体样本。【方法】利用q PCR、液相色谱-电喷雾质谱、同位素内标法、Illumina高通量测序以及局部相似性研究蝇蛆生物转化过程中残留抗生素降解效能及相关抗性基因组变化的微生物生态机制。【结果】6 d周期内,猪粪中四环素、土霉素、金霉素、强力霉素、磺胺嘧啶、诺氟沙星、氧氟沙星、环丙沙星以及恩诺沙星等9种残留抗生素含量显著下降,累积减量为34.3%–58.1%,每日减量百分比介于7.8%–57.4%之间。猪粪中共检测到的158种抗性基因,其中有118种大幅衰减,衰减量平均达79.3%;23种抗性基因存在富集现象,富集倍数平均为3.48。在蝇蛆肠道的作用下,粪源微生物群落中Bacteroidetes相对丰度下降,Proteobacteria相对丰度增加,尤其是Ignatzschineria增幅最大。网络分析发现,抗性基因的增减与微生物群落的变化显著相关,与抗性基因衰减相关的微生物主要属于Clostridiales和Bacteroidales,而与抗性基因富集相关的微生物主要为Alcaligenaceae、[Weeksellaceae]及Bacillales。【结论】蝇蛆可有效削减猪粪中的残留抗生素及防控抗性基因向环境扩散。  相似文献   

土壤中抗性基因的产生,扩散传播以及消减的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,土壤中残留的大量抗生素不可避免的导致耐药微生物和抗性基因的增加和扩散,引起一系列土壤污染和生态风险。作为一类新兴污染物,抗性基因的污染水平已经远远超出我们的预想,因此对土壤中抗性基因的分布水平、扩散传播及消减技术的研究刻不容缓。本文对国内外土壤中抗生素和抗性基因残留水平进行了总结分析,探讨了土壤中抗性基因的产生、扩散的内在动力和机制。同时,分析了土壤中抗性基因分布和扩散的影响因素,如:抗生素残留水平,土壤理化性质和环境条件等。在此基础上,探讨了土壤抗性基因阻隔和消减技术,包括传统降解方法:高温,光照催化、微波-H2O2-微生物联合处理技术等,并提出新型消解技术:取代活性基团、靶位修饰以及改变外排泵的通透性等。讨论未来在控制抗性基因生态风险,降低其在土壤中的丰度,有效阻截技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

环境介质中的抗生素及其微生物生态效应   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
俞慎  王敏  洪有为 《生态学报》2011,31(15):4437-4446
环境介质中的抗生素因存在浓度较低被称为微量污染物,其对生态系统和人类健康的影响已逐步得到认知。长期以来,抗生素被用于人和畜禽细菌性感染疾病的治疗。然而,随着集约化养殖业的发展,抗生素被大量添加于饲料中来预防畜禽和鱼虾的养殖疾病。因此,环境介质中抗生素种类和含量随着畜禽和水产养殖业的快速发展逐年增加。本文综述了环境中抗生素的来源、残留浓度及其环境微生物生态学效应。医用、兽用抗生素和人畜粪便的农用是抗生素进入环境的主要来源,其在不同环境介质中残留浓度不一:地表水含量为μg?L-1,土壤含量为?g?kg-1,沉积物含量为μg?kg-1—mg?kg-1之间。抗生素进入土壤、水和沉积物等环境介质,经吸附-解吸、迁移和降解等过程重新分配,其降解方式主要有水解、光解和生物降解。抗生素影响环境介质中微生物的生物量、活性和群落结构,并诱导产生抗性基因,但对生态系统服务及其功能的干扰和影响尚有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

畜禽养殖业的迅速发展和疾病的日益复杂导致了兽用抗生素的广泛使用,但大部分抗生素不能被机体完全吸收,最终以原形或者代谢产物形式由粪尿排出,导致了畜禽粪便中大量残留抗生素。残留抗生素多途径进入土壤、水体,由此引起的潜在生态风险及抗性基因传播备受关注。本文总结了抗生素残留的降解方法:堆肥、厌氧消化、高级氧化、植物修复等,并对各种降解方法中的影响因素进行了阐述,以期为畜禽粪污的无害化处理和资源化利用提供参考。  相似文献   

抗生素大量不规范使用,其残留对环境和人类健康造成严重威胁。污水灌溉和生物有机肥的施用使土壤成为抗生素的主要归趋地之一,抗生素残留对土壤微生物产生不同程度的影响。首先综述了土壤抗生素污染现状,进一步论述了土壤抗生素残留对抗性基因诱导和微生物群落结构的影响,重点介绍了微生物方法在去除抗生素污染方面的重要作用,并指出了土壤抗生素污染研究中存在的问题,对今后主要研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

【背景】萘普生是一种被广泛使用的非甾体抗炎药,治疗人类疾病的同时对环境产生一定的消极影响,甚至危害到人类的生存环境。【目的】利用微生物降解萘普生类污染物是一种价格低廉且行之有效的方法。【方法】以萘普生为唯一碳源,培养驯化高效的萘普生降解菌群;利用高通量测序技术解析萘普生降解菌群的微生物群落变化,鉴定萘普生降解菌群种类;通过GC-MS分析萘普生降解菌群的降解途径。【结果】获得了以Rhodanobacter为主的萘普生高效降解菌群,确定了萘普生降解菌群的最佳降解条件为:30°C、pH7.0、摇床转速150r/min、接种量10%,萘普生降解率达60.58%,并预测出萘普生降解菌群的降解途径。【结论】获得了高效的萘普生降解菌群,明晰了降解机理和降解途径,不仅丰富了微生物资源种类,更为微生物的工程应用奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

细菌耐药影响肠道菌群及其宿主免疫调控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抗生素在养殖业、医疗业及制药业的广泛应用导致环境中的细菌耐药性日益严重,环境中的抗生素及耐药细菌一旦进入人体肠道,将破坏肠道菌群稳态,对人体健康造成威胁,而残存于饮食中的环境污染物则加剧了细菌耐药造成的人体健康影响。文中在总结大量文献的基础上,阐述了细菌耐药对人体和动物肠道菌群的影响机制及其相关的机体免疫调控,以环境中影响人体肠道菌群获得耐药性的来源作为切入点,阐述抗生素和耐药细菌进入人体肠道后对人体肠道菌群结构和耐药基因组成的影响,以及与人体免疫和免疫调节相关疾病之间的相关机制,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Effect of antibiotics in the environment on microbial populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antibiotics act as an ecological factor in the environment that could potentially affect microbial communities. The effects include phylogenetic structure alteration, resistance expansion, and ecological function disturbance in the micro-ecosystem. Numerous studies have detected changes of microbial community structure upon addition of antibiotics in soil and water environment. However, the causal relationship between antibiotic input and resistance expansion is still under debate, with evidence either supporting or declining the contribution of antibiotics on alteration of antibiotic resistance. Effects of antibiotics on ecological functions have also been discovered, including nitrogen transformation, methanogenesis, and sulfate reduction. In the latter part, this review discusses in detail on factors that influence antibiotic effects on microbial communities in soil and aquatic environment, including concentration of antibiotics, exposure time, added substrates, as well as combined effects of multiple antibiotics. In all, recent research progress offer an outline of effects of antibiotics in the natural environment. However, questions raised in this review need further investigation in order to provide a comprehensive risk assessment on the consequence of anthropogenic antibiotic input.  相似文献   

抗生素的环境归宿与生态效应研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刘锋  陶然  应光国  杨基峰  张丽娟 《生态学报》2010,30(16):4503-4511
抗生素是人类与动物疾病防治中被广泛使用的抑菌或杀菌药物。近年来,随着环境耐药性基因的出现,抗生素引起的环境问题成为公众关注的热点。关于抗生素的检测、环境行为和生态毒性等方面的研究也越来越多。综合已有的研究资料,对抗生素在环境中暴露水平、降解行为及其对生态环境影响等方面进行探讨,并对今后的研究进行展望。  相似文献   

酞酸酯污染农田土壤生物修复研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
酞酸酯是目前世界上产量最大、应用面积最广的人工合成有机物,作为塑化剂被广泛应用于塑料制品中。近年来发现酞酸酯是一类典型的环境内分泌干扰物。随着生活中塑料制品日益增多,尤其是农用薄膜和有机肥的大量使用,农田土壤中酞酸酯污染日益加剧,酞酸酯污染土壤的修复逐渐引起国内外学者的广泛关注。生物修复具有价格低廉、效果良好和环境友好等特点,尤其适合于大面积污染农田土壤修复。从植物修复、微生物修复、植物微生物联合修复和动物修复等方面综述了国内外酞酸酯污染土壤生物修复的研究现状,并从高效修复植物筛选及机理探讨、实际污染土壤的降解菌修复研究、高效降解菌群的构建和作用机制等方面对该领域的研究进行了展望,以期为酞酸酯污染土壤的修复研究提供借鉴并拓展新的思路。  相似文献   

Veterinary antibiotics in the aquatic and terrestrial environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fate of antibiotics in the environment, and especially antibiotics used in animal husbandry, is subject to recent studies and the issue of this review. The assumed quantity of antibiotics excreted by animal husbandry adds up to thousands of tonnes per year. Administered medicines, their metabolites or degradation products reach the terrestrial and aquatic environment by the application of manure or slurry to areas used agriculturally, or by pasture-reared animals excreting directly on the land, followed by surface run-off, driftage or leaching in deeper layers of the earth. The scientific interest in antimicrobially active compounds in manure and soil, but also in surface and ground water, has increased during the last decade. On the one side, scientific interest has focused on the behaviour of antibiotics and their fate in the environment, on the other hand, their impact on environmental and other bacteria has become an issue of research. Analytical methods have now been developed appropriately and studies using these new techniques provide accurate data on concentrations of antimicrobial compounds and their residues in different organic matters. Some antibiotics seem to persist a long time in the environment, especially in soil, while others degrade very fast. Not only the fate of these pharmaceuticals but their origin as well is an object of scientific interest. Besides human input via wastewater and other effluents, livestock production has been recognised as a source of contamination. One main concern with regard to the excessive use of antibiotics in livestock production is the potential promotion of resistance and the resulting disadvantages in the therapeutic use of antimicrobials. Since the beginning of antibiotic therapy, more and more resistant bacterial strains have been isolated from environmental sources showing one or multiple resistance. There have been several attempts to use antibiotic resistance patterns in different bacteria as indicators for various sources of faecal pollution. This review gives an overview of the available data on the present use of veterinary antibiotics in agriculture, on the occurrence of antibiotic compounds and resistant bacteria in soil and water and demonstrates the need for further studies.  相似文献   

Antibiotic production by bacterial biocontrol agents   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
Interest in biological control of plant pathogens has been stimulated in recent years by trends in agriculture towards greater sustainability and public concern about the use of hazardous pesticides. There is now unequivocal evidence that antibiotics play a key role in the suppression of various soilborne plant pathogens by antagonistic microorganisms. The significance of antibiotics in biocontrol, and more generally in microbial interactions, often has been questioned because of the indirect nature of the supporting evidence and the perceived constraints to antibiotic production in rhizosphere environments. Reporter gene systems and bio-analytical techniques have clearly demonstrated that antibiotics are produced in the spermosphere and rhizosphere of a variety of host plants. Several abiotic factors such as oxygen, temperature, specific carbon and nitrogen sources, and microelements have been identified to influence antibiotic production by bacteria biocontrol agents. Among the biotic factors that may play a determinative role in antibiotic production are the plant host, the pathogen, the indigenous microflora, and the cell density of the producing strain. This review presents recent advances in our understanding of antibiotic production by bacterial biocontrol agents and their role in microbial interactions. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

抗生素的环境污染问题日益严峻,如何对抗生素污染的水体和土壤进行有效的原位处理已然成为亟待解决的问题.植物修复是具有处理成本低、二次污染可控、易于后续处理、不破坏土壤和河流生态环境等优势的绿色、原位修复技术,已被证明是可用于抗生素污染治理的处理技术之一.因此,通过文献搜索和总结分析,作者们对植物修复在抗生素污染治理中的应...  相似文献   

In this paper the ecological aspects of widespread antibiotic consumption are described. Many practitioners, veterinarians, breeders, farmers and analysts work on the assumption that a antibiotics undergo spontaneous degradation. It is well documented that the indiscriminate use of antibiotics has led to the water contamination, selection and dissemination of antibiotic-resistant organisms, alteration of fragile ecology of the microbial ecosystems. The damages caused by the overuse of antibiotics include hospital, waterborne and foodborne infections by resistant bacteria, enteropathy (irritable bowel syndrome, antibiotic-associated diarrhea etc.), drug hypersensitivity, biosphere alteration, human and animal growth promotion, destruction of fragile interspecific competition in microbial ecosystems etc. The consequences of heavy antibiotic use for public and environmental health are difficult to assess: utilization of antibiotics from the environment and reduction of irrational use is the highest priority issue. This purpose may be accomplished by bioremediation, use of probenecid for antibiotic dosage reduction and by adoption of hospital infections methodology for control resistance in natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

Attempts to limit the use of antibiotics have not, in general, resulted in the gut flora in farm animals becoming predominantly sensitive. Partial success has been demonstrated, however, by feeding chickens with antibiotic sensitive Escherichia coli known to be good colonizers of the chicken gut. Where feeding was done prior to slaughter a corresponding reduction in carcass contamination by resistant E. coli was observed.  相似文献   

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