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亚洲柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama是柑橘黄龙病的传播媒介。本文利用Ste REO Discovery V20体视显微镜对亚洲柑橘木虱成虫内生殖系统进行解剖观察,并探索了亚洲柑橘木虱雌雄成虫内生殖系统的形态变化规律。结果表明:雄虫内生殖系统由1对精巢、1对输精管、1个精泵、1个射精管、1对附腺和1个贮精囊组成。雌虫内生殖系统由1对卵巢、1对侧输卵管、1个中输卵管、2个附腺、1个黏腺和1个受精囊组成。交配前期和交配期的雄虫精巢饱满,精巢在交配后期明显萎缩。交配期和交配后期的雄虫贮精囊都明显大于交配前期的贮精囊。雌虫受精囊在交配前期、交配期和交配后期依次增大,交配前期的受精囊呈不饱满状态,交配期和交配后期受精囊呈饱满状态,内有白色精包。交配后期的雌虫卵巢内有大量成熟的橙黄色卵。  相似文献   

一般认为网蝽科及其近缘类群所特有的伪储精囊与其它半翅目异翅亚目昆虫的储精囊具有相同的储存精子的功能,但近期的功能形态学研究否定了伪储精囊的储精功能并认定其为雌性生殖附腺。本文从成虫性成熟过程中的内生殖系统发育角度,描述了菊方翅网蝽Corythucha marmorata的卵巢、侧输卵管、伪储精囊、精巢、精囊和雄性生殖附腺的结构及其形态变化。在成虫性成熟过程中,雄虫内生殖器官精囊和雄性附腺逐渐加长,且成熟期的雄性附腺充满粉红色分泌物;雌虫内生殖器官的成熟过程分为卵巢小管的卵室形成、卵黄沉积和卵粒成熟三个阶段,且排完卵后卵巢重新孕卵,出现周期性形态变化;交配时侧输卵管基部膨大为精液接受器,并接受精液(含精子和精浆);交配1d后侧输卵管恢复为正常状态,精液或至少部分精浆弥漫性渗入伪储精囊,并在伪储精囊内形成黄棕色沉积核;未交配雌虫的伪储精囊一直保持透明状,而已交配雌虫的伪储精囊具有明显的黄棕色沉积核。据精液传递和粉红色雄性生殖附腺分泌物渗入雌虫伪储精囊两个关键证据推断,菊方翅网蝽雌虫的伪储精囊具有储存精液的功能。  相似文献   

本研究利用室内饲养成虫,对柑桔爆皮虫的蛹及正常取食和交配、正常取食但未交配以及正常交配但未取食三种处理的雌成虫的卵巢发育进行了系统观察。结果显示:该虫具有1对卵巢,每侧有5根卵巢管。前两种处理的雌虫卵巢管均能正常发育,成虫寿命在30天左右; 没有取食的雌虫寿命只有7天左右,在其卵巢管的生长区和成熟区均无卵形成。根据卵巢的形状、卵的产生过程、卵巢萼内有无卵粒以及卵黄沉积情况等将卵巢发育程度分为6个级别,即发育初期(0级)、卵黄沉积前期(Ⅰ级)、卵黄沉积期(Ⅱ级)、成熟待产期(Ⅲ级)、产卵盛期(Ⅳ级)和产卵末期(Ⅴ级)。每头雌虫最高怀卵量在140粒左右,根据雌虫怀卵量变化趋势,推测正常取食和交配的柑桔爆皮虫雌虫在出孔后10天左右开始产卵,产卵历期可达22天左右。据此提出该虫卵巢管发育到成熟待产期(Ⅲ级)之前(即羽化出孔后10天之内)为出孔成虫的防治适期。  相似文献   

莲草直胸跳甲生殖系统与繁殖特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈磊  蔡笃程  陈青  唐超  冯岗  彭正强  金启安  温海波 《昆虫学报》2009,52(11):1255-1260
为了解与莲草直胸跳甲Agasicles hygrophila繁殖密切相关的结构与行为特性, 结合显微解剖和室内观察, 对该跳甲雌雄成虫的生殖系统构造、雌成虫卵巢发育进度以及繁殖特性进行了研究。结果表明:莲草直胸跳甲雌性生殖系统包括卵巢、侧输卵管、中输卵管、受精囊及其附腺, 左右卵巢一般不对称, 单侧有12~16根卵巢管, 受精囊豆芽状, 卵巢管为端滋式; 雄性生殖系统由睾丸、侧输精管及附腺、射精管和阳茎及附属器官组成, 阳基叉式。根据相关形态特征, 卵巢发育进度可分为发育初期(Ⅰ级)、卵黄沉积前期(Ⅱ级)、成熟待产期(Ⅲ级)、产卵盛期(Ⅳ级)和产卵末期(Ⅴ级)5个级别, 各等级在卵巢分区长度(原卵区、生长区和成熟区)及怀卵量上存在显著差异。成虫羽化2 d后即可进行交配, 16:00-18:00时为交配高峰期, 雌成虫产卵高峰期12:00-16:00时, 且偏好在寄主植株中部偏上叶片背部产卵; 22~32℃时, 雌性成虫的寿命和产卵总量随温度的上升而逐渐下降, 25~30℃间差异不显著, 但32℃时产卵前期延长至7.2 d, 寿命和产卵量显著下降, 表明32℃不利于莲草直胸跳甲繁殖。因此, 推测32℃及以上持续高温造成的子代卵量急剧减少, 可能是该跳甲夏季田间种群数量下降的原因之一。  相似文献   

拟澳洲赤眼蜂(Trichogramma confusum)的体长约0.6mm,腹部长度约0.3mm.雌蜂生殖系统(包括卵巢、生殖腔、受精囊及三种附腺)位于腹部后端,约占腹腔的2/3.成熟的卵巢由两条多滋式的卵巢管组成.两条成熟卵巢的端段细长,扭卷成一条疏松索,基部膨大,内脏贮存大量卵粒.成对的侧输卵管较短,分别开口于生殖腔后方的两侧,中输卵管缺如.受精囊呈梨形,开口于生殖腔后方.雌性生殖系统三种附腺中,第一种附腺是成对的,呈锤状,分别连接于生殖腔前方两侧;第二种附腺,腺体呈球状,其前端以短曲的小管通进膨大的贮腺囊,贮腺囊端部成柄状的弯曲小管,连接于产卵管的基部开口处.第三种附腺的腺体呈棒状,前端为细长的小管,开口于第二种附腺贮腺囊的前端.雄性生殖系统由成对的睪丸,输精管、贮精囊、附腺及单一的射精管组成.蛹的早期到后期至成虫期睾丸的形态结构,各有不同变化.  相似文献   

粘虫生殖的研究——Ⅲ.生殖系统的发育   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
吴秋雁  郭郛 《昆虫学报》1964,(6):795-802
根据粘虫生殖系统发育过程中的形态变化来区分雌蛾的日龄,是较为可靠和方便的方法。我们从前蛹期开始,研究粘虫雌雄两性生殖系统发育的形态发生过程,在25℃恒温条件下,粘虫雌雄两性内生殖系统的分化在蛹期第五天基本上完成。而生殖细胞发育成熟的时期则雌雄各不相同,雄性精子在成虫羽化时便已发育完成,雌性卵子必须在成虫羽化取食补充营养后方能发育成熟。我俩将粘虫雌蛾卵巢的发育分为4个时期:即(1)乳白透明期,(2)卵黄沉积期,(3)成熟期,(4)产卵后期。卵巢的发育情况可以作为鉴别雌蛾日龄的标准之一。雄性粘虫的睾丸在蛹期有合并现象,井由于排精体积逐渐缩小。由于羽化后雄蛾的生殖系统外形上无特别明显的变化,所见较难判断它的日龄。最后比较了卵粒的发育成熟与咽侧体活动以及飞翔、交配、产卵等的关系。  相似文献   

1962—1963年对不同类型田和不同水稻生育期的三化螟第1—4代各虫期进行解剖,研究其生殖系统,得出如下结果: 一、三化螟雌、雄生殖系统的发育,在一龄幼虫期体内腹部第五节背血管两侧就出现了卵巢或睾丸各一个,随着龄期的增加,卵巢或睾丸的体积逐渐增大。雄蛹的初期,左右睾丸仍然分开。化蛹末期两睾丸愈合包被在一层围膜内,同时,输精管、复射精管和附腺发育完成。成虫期除全部发育完成外,睾丸内并有精细胞和精子出现。雌蛹的初期,左右卵巢的分隔比较明显,包被在一层围膜内。化蛹中期,每边卵巢已分成四根卵巢管,而顶端仍包在膜质囊内。化蛹末期膜质囊消失,各卵巢管顶端出现端丝,在下端有成熟的卵,同时,输卵管、受精囊、贮胶囊、交配囊等都发育完成。成虫期内部生殖系统发育更完善,卵巢管有8根或6根,卵巢管的三分之二处充满了成熟的卵。 二、雌、雌幼虫的卵巢或睾丸的发育因不同类型田和水稻不同生育期而异。越冬代♀、♂幼虫9—10月取食开花的一季晚稻,和幼穗分化、抽穗及开花期的连作晚稻,其六龄幼虫卵巢或睾丸的发育比第3代同龄期雌、雌幼虫取食分蘖期和拔节期的一季晚稻,其卵巢或睾丸要大,这可能是与水稻生育期所含氮、醣营养物质比例不同有关。在晚稻生育初期氮代谢占主要地位,第3代幼虫期的食料内氮化合物多于醣,可能不适于螟虫的卵巢或睾丸的发育。在晚稻幼穗分化至抽穗开花乳熟期含醣量多于含氮化合物,在越有代幼虫期取食醣多的食物可能有利于卵巢或睾丸的发育。  相似文献   

椰心叶甲实验种群的生物学特性观察   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
周荣  曾玲  梁广  陆永跃  崔志新 《昆虫知识》2004,41(4):336-339
自然温度条件下 ,椰心叶甲Brontispalongissima (Gestro) 1年可发生 3代以上 ,世代重叠 ,主要以成虫越冬。成虫平均寿命 1 5 6d ,最长达 2 3 5d ,雌雄性比为 1∶1 ;雌雄虫一生均可交配多次。成虫产卵期长 ,产卵不规则 ,单雌平均产卵 1 1 9粒 ,最多可达 1 96粒。飞行磨测定的初步结果表明 ,雌虫飞行能力比雄虫强 ,2 4h未取食成虫最远飞行距离可达 40 0多m ;成虫和幼虫均具有负趋光性、假死性。成虫 3~ 5d不取食、高龄幼虫 7d不取食仍存活。幼虫经历 4~ 5龄 ,在温度或寄主不适宜条件下 ,可进入 6~ 7龄 ,或提前化蛹 ,从卵到成虫羽化大约需 3 6~ 61d。  相似文献   

刘佳宁  秦道正 《昆虫学报》1950,63(9):1125-1135
【目的】明确斑衣蜡蝉Lycorma delicatula雌成虫生殖系统整体形态及超微结构特征,为蜡蝉总科昆虫分类及系统发育探讨提供更多形态学证据。【方法】采用光学显微镜与透射电子显微镜,观察斑衣蜡蝉雌成虫生殖系统整体形态和各主要器官的超微结构。【结果】斑衣蜡蝉雌成虫生殖系统主要包括1对卵巢、1个中输卵管、1个交配囊、1个交配囊管、1个前阴道、1个后阴道、1个受精囊、1个受精管和2根受精囊附腺。卵巢为端滋式,由14根卵巢小管组成,卵室由固有膜、滤泡细胞和卵细胞组成,卵巢小管中的滋养细胞清晰可见;中输卵管位于前阴道基部,由中输卵管腔、上皮细胞、肌肉鞘和基膜组成;交配囊膨大呈圆球状,囊壁由上皮细胞、肌肉层和基膜组成;交配囊管呈圆柱状,连接交配囊和后阴道,由肌肉鞘、上皮细胞层和管腔组成;前、后阴道超微结构相似,主要由肌肉鞘、基膜、上皮细胞和管腔组成,但后阴道上皮细胞细胞核周围存在分泌颗粒,且管腔内有大量微绒毛,而前阴道壁内包含有大量囊泡结构;受精管从中输卵管末端延伸至受精囊,由基膜、厚层肌肉鞘和管腔组成;受精囊为受精管近末端略膨大的囊状结构,由肌肉鞘、基膜、上皮细胞和囊腔构成;雌性受精囊附腺着生于受精囊末端,为均匀的螺旋管状,主要由肌肉层、上皮细胞层和附腺中心管腔组成。【结论】斑衣蜡蝉雌性生殖系统与已报道的蜡蝉总科其他类群的雌性生殖系统结构相似,但卵巢小管数目有差异;蝉亚目中不同总科雌成虫雌性附腺与受精囊附腺的形态特征存在明显区别;斑衣蜡蝉雌性生殖系统超微结构与叶蝉总科和沫蝉总科昆虫也存在部分差异。这些差异是否可以作为头喙亚目高级阶元的划分依据仍有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

长足大竹象生殖系统的形态解剖研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
解剖研究了长足大竹象雌雄虫牛殖系统的构造.该虫的雌性生殖系统包括一对卵巢、一对侧输卵管、中输卵管、交配囊、受精囊、生殖腔、产卵器;雄性生殖系统由一对睾九、一对输精管、一对附腺、射精管和交配器组成.  相似文献   

The tamarisk leaf beetle, Diorhabda elongata Brullé deserticola Chen, was collected in northwestern China and has been released in the western United States to control tamarisk (Tamarix spp.). Characteristics of diapause and reproductive development in D. elongata were examined to improve management as a biocontrol agent. Under long days, 16:8 (L:D) h, males began to emit aggregation pheromone within 2-3 d of adult emergence, mating occurred, and females oviposited within 7 d of adult emergence. Under short days, 12:12 (L:D) h, males did not emit pheromone, mating did not occur, and both males and females entered reproductive diapause marked by inconspicuous gonads and hypertrophied fat body. Ovaries of diapausing females lacked vitellogenic oocytes, and the ovarioles were clear and narrow, whereas reproductive females had enlarged ovaries with two to three yellow oocytes per ovariole. Diapausing males had thin, transparent accessory glands and ejaculatory ducts, whereas reproductive males had thick white accessory glands and white opaque ejaculatory ducts. Sensitivity to diapause-inducing photoperiods extended into the adult stage. Reproductive females ceased oviposition, resorbed oocytes, and entered diapause when switched from long to short days. Diapause-destined insects ceased feeding and entered the leaf litter 10-20 d after adult emergence, whereas reproductive insects remained on the plants and fed for at least 30 d. Reproductive insects exhibited dispersal behaviors, such as attempted flights, whereas diapause-destined insects did not show dispersal behaviors. Information gained from these studies will be used to better manage populations in the field and to improve rearing and storage in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Sexually dimorphic characteristics of a bilaterally asymmetric gynandromorphic black cutworm moth, Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel), were compared with those of normal males and females. On one side of the body, the gynandromorphs wings were larger and darker than on the other side, and the antenna was filiform. On the other side of the body, the wings were smaller and lighter in color, and the antenna was pectinate. Females were usually larger and more pigmented than males. Female antenna were filiform and those of males pectinate. At the tip of the abdomen, the gynandromorph had 2 valves, as normal males do, but the one on the female side was smaller. The antennal lobes of the gynandromorphs brain included only ordinary glomeruli on the female side, and ordinary glomeruli plus a partially developed macroglomerular complex (MGC) at the base of the antenna on the male side. Normal female antennal lobes contained only ordinary glomeruli. Normal male antennal lobes contained ordinary glomeruli and a fully developed MGC, consisting of one large and 3 smaller glomeruli. In the gynandromorph, female reproductive organs were partially developed or absent. A portion of the oviduct was missing together with several ovarioles, and no spermatheca or seminal duct were found. The male reproductive track was complete, except for the paired structures, which in the gynandromorph were single. Normal females had paired accessory glands and ovaries, and single oviduct, bursa copulatrix, and spermatheca. Normal males had fused testes, paired accessory glands, and a single ejaculatory duct and aedeagus. The gynandromorph assumed a calling posture and attracted one male, but it did not respond to the pheromone from females.  相似文献   

Seminal fluid proteins (SFPs) produced in the male accessory glands and ejaculatory duct are subject to strong sexual selection, often evolve rapidly and therefore may play a key role in reproductive isolation and species formation. However, little is known about reproductive proteins for species in which males transfer ejaculate to females using a spermatophore package. By combining RNA sequencing and proteomics, we characterize putative SFPs, identify proteins transferred in the male spermatophore and identify candidate genes contributing to a one‐way gametic incompatibility between Z and E strains of the European corn borer moth Ostrinia nubilalis. We find that the accessory glands and ejaculatory duct secrete over 200 highly expressed gene products, including peptidases, peptidase regulators and odourant‐binding proteins. A comparison between Ostrinia strains reveals that accessory gland and ejaculatory duct sequences with hormone degradation and peptidase activity are among the most extremely differentially expressed. However, most spermatophore peptides lack reproductive tissue bias or canonical secretory signal motifs and aproximately one‐quarter may be produced elsewhere before being sequestered by the male accessory glands during spermatophore production. In addition, most potential gene candidates for postmating reproductive isolation do not meet standard criteria for predicted SFPs and almost three‐quarters are novel, suggesting that both postmating sexual interactions and gametic isolation likely involve molecular products beyond traditionally recognized SFPs.  相似文献   

Abstract The white grub Dasylepida ishigakiensis has a 2‐year life cycle and spends approximately 9 months as a nonfeeding larva, pupa and adult on a subtropical island. Evidence is presented indicating that this beetle has two diapauses that appear to synchronize this long life cycle with the seasons. Larvae exposed to 20, 22.5, 25 and 27.5 °C late in the third (last) stadium pupate rapidly except for some individuals kept at the highest temperature. The latter pupate upon transfer to 22.5 °C, indicating that larval diapause is maintained at high temperature but terminates upon transfer to a lower temperature. Pupal development is directly temperature‐dependent in the range 20–30 °C. Adults develop reproductive organs (i.e. the ovary in females and the seminal vesicles and accessory glands in males) rapidly at 15 and 20 °C, whereas those kept at 25 °C take a long time to do so. Ovarian development is completely suppressed at 30 °C but initiated upon transfer to 20 °C. In the laboratory, males with well‐developed reproductive organs mate even with sexually immature females , whereas females with undeveloped ovaries show no sexual behaviour. Although the two diapauses of this species are thermally regulated (i.e. a characteristic commonly expressed by insects in summer diapause), adults of this beetle emerge from pupae late in the autumn and remain in the soil for 2 months. Adult diapause effectively serves to synchronize the time of sexual maturation with the coldest month of the year.  相似文献   

The morphology and the ultrastructure of the male accessory glands and ejaculatory duct of Ceratitis capitata were investigated. There are two types of glands in the reproductive apparatus. The first is a pair of long, mesoderm-derived tubules with binucleate, microvillate secretory cells, which contain smooth endoplasmic reticulum and, in the sexually mature males, enlarged polymorphic mitochondria. The narrow lumen of the gland is filled with dense or sometimes granulated secretion, containing lipids. The second type consists of short ectoderm-derived glands, finger-like or claviform shaped. Despite the different shape of these glands, after a cycle of maturation, their epithelial cells share a large subcuticular cavity filled with electron-transparent secretion. The ejaculatory duct, lined by cuticle, has epithelial cells with a limited involvement in secretory activity. Electrophoretic analysis of accessory gland secretion reveals different protein profiles for long tubular and short glands with bands of 16 and 10 kDa in both types of glands. We demonstrate that a large amount of accessory gland secretion is depleted from the glands after 30 min of copulation.  相似文献   

Feeding, reproductive and locomotor activities of fourDrosophila species were studied under short and long daylengths at 15°C. A short daylength induced firm reproductive diapause in experimental strains ofD. subauraria andD. triauraria from northern Japan, but very shallow diapause in those ofD. lutescens andD. rufa from southern Japan. A subtropical strain ofD. triauraria had no diapause. The influence of diapause on feeding activity was detected only in aged (> 12 day old) females; that is, the feeding activity was lower in diapausing females than in non-diapausing ones. Females that do not produce eggs would not require so much energy. On the other hand, young adults of the study species exhibited a high feeding activity and rapidly increased bodyweight irrespective of sex and the diapause state. They would need nutrition to build up their adult body. In males, the feeding activity decreased with age irrespective of the diapause state. Males would not require so much energy for reproductive activity. Diapausing males became heavier than non-diapausing males, perhaps because they accumulated triacylglycerols in fat bodies. However, female bodyweight did not differ by the diapause state, perhaps because diapausing females accumulated triacylglycerols and reproducing females had eggs in their ovaries. InD. triauraria, diapausing individuals exhibited somewhat lower locomotor activity than non-diapausing ones.  相似文献   

Using light and scanning electron microscopy, the internal male and female reproductive anatomy of the praying mantid Ciulfina klassi is identified and described. This is the first detailed study to investigate the internal reproductive morphology of any Mantodea. The female structures identified were (1) paired ovaries with primitive panoistic type ovarioles, (2) a single blind-ended spermatheca with secretory gland cells and surrounding layer of striated muscle, and (3) female accessory glands associated with the production of the ootheca (the egg casing). The male structures identified were (1) paired multi-tubular testes, in which different stages of spermatogenesis were observed, (2) tubular vasa deferentia, (3) seminal vesicles, (4) male accessory glands and (5) a single muscular ejaculatory duct. Knowledge of basic reproductive morphology can be used to infer function and so provide key information for future research into reproductive behavior and physiology in the Mantodea.  相似文献   

Abstract. The red firebug, Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.), was shown not to be strictly a monovoltine species in Czechoslovakia. A second generation arises from eggs laid by females emerging between June and the beginning of August. Oviposition takes place before diapause is induced in the females by shortening of photophase. Adults that moult later, enter diapause without having laid eggs.
Electrophoretic patterns of haemolymph proteins of adults collected in the field throughout a year showed a characteristic temporal pattern of changes correlated not only with the stages of ovarian development, but also with the progression of diapause and post-diapause quiescence. The changes mainly concerned vitellogenin and polypeptides of molecular weight 78 and 80 kDa.
Vitellogenin was present only in the haemolymph of reproductive females. The polypeptides of 78 and 80 kDa, belonging to the group of storage proteins, accumulated conspicuously in the haemolymph of adults undergoing diapause and post-diapause quiescence. However, the occurrence of these polypeptides seems not to be connected exclusively with cold, because their titres increased with the length of diapause development, even in diapausing adults reared in the laboratory at a constant 26.C  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Previous publications have shown that aestival reproductive diapause is reversible in Oedipoda miniata (Pall.) males. Short days and/or relatively low temperatures terminate diapause, whereas long days and/or high temperatures maintain or reinduce it. The previous studies proved, however, only the effect of the temperature, or of the daylength—temperature combinations, and employed only male mating behaviour as an indicator of the state of diapause. The present work demonstrates that diapause can be maintained, terminated, or reinduced, solely by changes in the daylength. At a constant 27°C, diapause was terminated under LD 10.5:13.5, whereas it was maintained or reinduced under LD 18:6. The reproductive accessory glands were small in diapausing males and large in post-diapause ones, but their size decreased again with diapause reinduction, thus, they exhibited at least partially reversible changes. An intermediate state between full diapause and full reproductive activity was obtained under intermediate conditions of daylength and temperatures (LD 12:12; photophase (TP) at 38°C, scotophase (TS) at 27°C). In this state males showed consistently mild mating activity and intermediate size of the accessory glands, regardless of whether they had previously been in diapause or in post-diapause states. Under another combination of intermediate conditions (LD 16:8; TP = 26°C, TS = 13°C), another intermediate state with consistently little mating activity was observed. The 'all or none' principle does not apply to this diapause, rather the state of diapause may take any stable intermediate level between full diapause and full reproductive activity. The physiological and ecological implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Macrolophus caliginosus is a polyphagous mirid bug native to the Mediterranean area where it is widely used as a biological control agent, both in protected and open-field vegetable crops. Its reproductive biology remains largely unknown and a better understanding of it will improve mass rearing and release strategies. In the present work, we studied the development of reproductive organs in females and males and how age conditioned receptiveness to mating in both sexes.Females with mature eggs in their ovarioles appear 3–4 days after adult molt with a similar pattern of ovary maturation in virgin females as in females that were kept with males of the same age. Newly molted males were found to already have active sperm in their seminal vesicles but their accessory glands did not completely develop until 3 days later. Receptivity for copulation paralleled ovarian and accessory gland maturation.  相似文献   

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