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2022年9月和2023年4月在浙江省温州市鹿城区仰义水库分别采集到1条脊蛇属(Achalinus)物种幼体尸体标本(标本编号分别为2022AZJLCN1和2023AZJLCN2)。形态上它们分别与黄家岭脊蛇(A. huangjietangi)和云开脊蛇(A. yunkaiensis)接近。基于线粒体COI基因片段的最大似然树结果,两蛇样本序列分别与这两种脊蛇聚为一个支系;2023AZJLCN2标本与云开脊蛇的遗传距离为0.10,低于中国境内分布脊蛇属物种间的遗传距离(0.12~0.16);2022AZJLCN1标本与黄家岭脊蛇的遗传距离为0.09,在黄家岭脊蛇种内遗传距离(0.04~0.12)范围内。综上,鉴定2023AZJLCN2标本为云开脊蛇,2022AZJLCN1标本为黄家岭脊蛇。此前记录云开脊蛇分布于我国广东和广西,本次在浙江温州市鹿城区的发现为浙江蛇类新分布记录种;黄家岭脊蛇分布于安徽和浙江,此次在在温州市鹿城区的发现是温州市首次新分布记录。这两种脊蛇的新分布记录提示它们有更广的分布范围。  相似文献   

云开脊蛇(Achalinus yunkaiensis)之前仅在广东和广西有分布报道。本文基于形态比较及线粒体COI基因序列分子系统关系分析结果,确定采集于湖南省新宁县的1号雌性脊蛇标本(CIB 119041)为云开脊蛇,为湖南省新记录种。该标本鼻间鳞沟约等于前额鳞沟,上颔齿24枚;背鳞通身23行,腹鳞150枚,尾下鳞55枚;尾长与体长之比为0.203。至此共有4种脊蛇分布于湖南省。此外,本文还报道了棕脊蛇(A. rufescens)1号雄性地模标本(CIB 119042),该标本鼻间鳞沟长于前额鳞沟;背鳞通身23行,腹鳞153枚,尾下鳞62枚;尾长与体长之比0.201。分子系统发育结果显示,棕脊蛇种组各支系的系统地位还需进一步研究厘定。  相似文献   

2009年6月,在广东省信宜市云开山自然保护区调查时采集到越南烙铁头蛇(Ovophis tonkinensis)标本2号,为广东省新纪录,为该种在中国分布的有效性提供了重要的依据.标本保存在华南濒危动物研究所.  相似文献   

2007年8月至2009年7月,在云开山脉广东黑石顶自然保护区和广西六万山脉罗阳山采集到3只斑蜓蜥Sphenomorphus maculatus(Blyth,1853)标本,为广东省和广西壮族自治区爬行动物的新纪录.斑蜒蜥的现代核心分布区为中南半岛,在云开山脉和六万山脉的分布是斑蜓蜥自其核心分布区沿十万大山向六万山及云开山脉扩散的结果.检视所采集的斑蜓蜥标本,发现其存在一定程度变异:每侧颞鳞4或5个,环体中段鳞最少为36行;顶鳞和前颊鳞存在分裂为二和愈合的现象.  相似文献   

2013年5月,在湖南省怀化市鹤城区黄岩乡野外考察期间采集到1号游蛇科蛇类标本,经鉴定为青脊蛇(Achalinus ater),为湖南省蛇类新纪录种。此记录能为研究青脊蛇的形态变化和地理分布提供基础资料。  相似文献   

2013年5月,在湖南省怀化市鹤城区黄岩乡野外考察期间采集到1号游蛇科蛇类标本,经鉴定为青脊蛇Achalinus ater,为湖南省蛇类新纪录种。此新纪录能为研究青脊蛇的形态变化和地理分布提供基础资料。  相似文献   

彭丽芳  黄松 《动物学杂志》2015,50(1):159-159
<正>安徽省黄山市祁门县地处皖南山地多雨区,属北亚热带湿润季风气候。雨量充沛,四季分明,日照较少,气候温和。2014年5月10日21时,在祁门县渚口乡伊坑村旁的山径上(29°49′08″N,117°32′17″E,海拔254 m)采集到蛇类成体雌性标本1号(采集号:HS14023,标本保存在黄山学院标本馆)。当时气温17℃,小雨。经鉴定该标本为游蛇科(Colubridae)脊蛇属(Achalinus)棕脊蛇(A.rufescens)(图1)。棕脊蛇为小型穴居或隐匿生活  相似文献   

云南省蛇类一新记录--美姑脊蛇   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
寇治通  王晓佳 《四川动物》2003,22(4):267-267,263
1991年5月14和15日我们在云南省水富县太平乡铜锣坝自然保护区的阔叶林间的菜地边捕获到一条幼体,二条雌性成体,分别编号为R91514-l,R91515-2和R91515-3。标本保存在云南大学生命科学学院脊椎动物标本室,但R91515-3标本遗失。根据采集本的记录,这3条标本当时鉴定为游蛇科脊蛇属美姑脊蛇(Achalinus meiguensis Hu and Zhao,1966),系云南省蛇类新记录。现将两条标本情况报道如下。  相似文献   

美姑脊蛇幼蛇的形态特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘绍龙  戴波  郑志荣 《四川动物》2002,21(3):189-189
20 0 2年 5月在四川屏山县老君山采到一条幼蛇标本 ,经鉴定为美姑脊蛇 (AchalinusmeiguensisHuandZhao ,1 966)。美姑脊蛇是胡淑琴先生和赵尔宓先生于1 966年发表的新种 ,中国的特产蛇类 ,目前仅分布于四川西部的美姑、安县、洪雅、峨嵋、宝兴、汶川、卧龙、屏山等地。其幼蛇的形态特征与成年蛇差异较大 ,尚未见报道。现简述如下。幼蛇体全长 (1 2 9+3 5 )mm ,颈躯区分不明显。头背面吻部至额部蓝褐色 ,有金属光泽 ;顶部与颞部略浅 ,呈棕褐色 ;枕部有宽约 2mm的玉白色弧形横斑 ,每侧向前延伸至第 6枚上唇鳞…  相似文献   

广西蛇类一新记录--方花小头蛇   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
蒋爱伍  周放  刘宏  王绍能 《四川动物》2006,25(2):271-271
2005年9月6日和10月10日在广西猫儿山国家级自然自然保护区采集到蛇类标本两条,经鉴定为方花小头蛇(Oligodon bellus),是广西蛇类新记录.标本分别保存于广西大学动物科技学院标本室和广西猫儿山国家级自然保护区标本室。  相似文献   

湖南省衡东县发现大卫鼠耳蝠   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2015年7月26日于湖南省衡东县四方山仙妃洞(26°58′24.93″N,113°3′23.03″E,海拔641 m)捕到1只雌性蝙蝠。该蝙蝠体型较小,前臂长34.54 mm,后足长超过胫长的一半;通体黑褐色,被毛毛尖染有淡棕色,腹毛由前而后淡棕色毛尖逐渐增加,到腹后部几乎形成淡棕色区;颅全长13.34 mm,齿式为2.1.3.3/,初步鉴定为大卫鼠耳蝠(Myotis davidii)。基于线粒体Cyt b基因1 140 bp序列对上述标本与大卫鼠耳蝠不同种群进行系统发育分析,大卫鼠耳蝠是一个单起源的谱系,其种群形成了广东、广西一个支系和江苏、安徽、浙江、湖南、重庆另一个支系,其中,江苏种群和广西种群之间的遗传距离最远。通过形态特征和线粒体Cyt b基因序列鉴定,确认此标本为蝙蝠科(Vespertilionidac)鼠耳蝠属的大卫鼠耳蝠。标本保存于湖南师范大学脊椎动物标本馆。  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Achalinus is described based on five specimens collected from the villages of Huangjialing and Fuxi, Huangshan, Anhui, China. It can be morphologically differentia ted from all the other species in Achalinus except for A. spinalis and A. werneri by the presence of a dotted black streak in the middle of the subcaudal. It can be distinguished from A. spinalis in that its two anterior temporals are in contact with eye, and A. werneri by its light brown flanks. The phylogenetic rela tionship of Achalinus was reconstructed using the mitochondrial locus of cytochrome coxidase subunit 1(CO1). The five new specimens form a monophyletic clade with strong support. The uncorrected p-dista nces between the new species and other representatives of Achalinus range from 13.6% to 21.7%. The recognition of the new species increases the number of described Achalinus species to 14.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The utility of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) DNA barcodes for the identification of nine species of forensically important blowflies of the genus Chrysomya (Diptera: Calliphoridae), from Australia, was tested. A 658-bp fragment of the COI gene was sequenced from 56 specimens, representing all nine Chrysomya species and three calliphorid outgroups. Nucleotide sequence divergences were calculated using the Kimura-two-parameter distance model and a neighbour-joining (NJ) analysis was performed to provide a graphic display of the patterns of divergence among the species. All species were resolved as reciprocally monophyletic on the NJ tree. Mean intraspecific and interspecific sequence divergences were 0.097% (range 0–0.612%, standard error [SE] = 0.119%) and 6.499% (range 0.458–9.254%, SE = 1.864%), respectively. In one case, a specimen that was identified morphologically was recovered with its sister species on the NJ tree. The hybrid status of this specimen was established by sequence analysis of the second ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS2). In another instance, this nuclear region was used to verify four cases of specimen misidentification that had been highlighted by the COI analysis. The COI barcode sequence was found to be suitable for the identification of Chrysomya species from the east coast of Australia.  相似文献   

广西境内的琴蛙有多个地理种群,主要分布于桂东北地区的龙胜、灌阳,北部地区的融水,中部地区的金秀和南部地区的上林及武鸣,现己证实在灌阳都庞岭的种群为湘琴蛙(Nidirana xiangica),在大瑶山的种群为瑶琴蛙(N.yaoica),在大明山的种群为广西琴蛙(N.guangxiensis).雷山琴蛙(N.leisha...  相似文献   

Partial (~ 780 bp) mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and near complete nuclear 18S rDNA (~ 1,780 bp) sequences were directly compared to assess their relative usefulness as markers for species identification and phylogenetic analysis of coccidian parasites (phylum Apicomplexa). Fifteen new COI partial sequences were obtained using two pairs of new primers from rigorously characterised (sensu Reid and Long, 1979) laboratory strains of seven Eimeria spp. infecting chickens as well as three additional sequences from cloned laboratory strains of Toxoplasma gondii (ME49 and GT1) and Neospora caninum (NC1) that were used as outgroup taxa for phylogenetic analyses. Phylogenetic analyses based on COI sequences yielded robust support for the monophyly of individual Eimeria spp. infecting poultry except for the Eimeria mitis/mivati clade; however, the lack of a phenotypically characterised strain of E. mivati precludes drawing any firm conclusions regarding this observation. Unlike in the 18S rDNA-based phylogenetic reconstructions, Eimerianecatrix and Eimeria tenella formed monophyletic clades based on partial COI sequences. A species delimitation test was performed to determine the probability of making a correct identification of an unknown specimen (sequence) based on either complete 18S rDNA or partial COI sequences; in almost all cases, the partial COI sequences were more reliable as species-specific markers than complete 18S rDNA sequences. These observations demonstrate that partial COI sequences provide more synapomorphic characters at the species level than complete 18S rDNA sequences from the same taxa. We conclude that COI performs well as a marker for the identification of coccidian taxa (Eimeriorina) and will make an excellent DNA 'barcode' target for coccidia. The COI locus, in combination with an 18S rDNA sequence as an 'anchor', has sufficient phylogenetic signal to assist in the resolution of apparent paraphylies within the coccidia and likely more broadly within the Apicomplexa.  相似文献   

Biologists frequently sort specimen‐rich samples to species. This process is daunting when based on morphology, and disadvantageous if performed using molecular methods that destroy vouchers (e.g., metabarcoding). An alternative is barcoding every specimen in a bulk sample and then presorting the specimens using DNA barcodes, thus mitigating downstream morphological work on presorted units. Such a “reverse workflow” is too expensive using Sanger sequencing, but we here demonstrate that is feasible with an next‐generation sequencing (NGS) barcoding pipeline that allows for cost‐effective high‐throughput generation of short specimen‐specific barcodes (313 bp of COI; laboratory cost <$0.50 per specimen) through next‐generation sequencing of tagged amplicons. We applied our approach to a large sample of tropical ants, obtaining barcodes for 3,290 of 4,032 specimens (82%). NGS barcodes and their corresponding specimens were then sorted into molecular operational taxonomic units (mOTUs) based on objective clustering and Automated Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD). High diversity of 88–90 mOTUs (4% clustering) was found and morphologically validated based on preserved vouchers. The mOTUs were overwhelmingly in agreement with morphospecies (match ratio 0.95 at 4% clustering). Because of lack of coverage in existing barcode databases, only 18 could be accurately identified to named species, but our study yielded new barcodes for 48 species, including 28 that are potentially new to science. With its low cost and technical simplicity, the NGS barcoding pipeline can be implemented by a large range of laboratories. It accelerates invertebrate species discovery, facilitates downstream taxonomic work, helps with building comprehensive barcode databases and yields precise abundance information.  相似文献   

广西泥盆纪的窄鳞鱼类化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述了采自广西南宁、横县、博白等地的窄鳞鱼类(Arctolepida)的一些标本。根据它们的形态特征的比较,暂分别归属于一新属新种,郁江拟威氏鱼(Parawilliamsaspis yuiangen-sis gen.et sp.nov.);菲里克特鱼亚科的未定属种(Phlyctaenaspinae indet.);窄鳞鱼类的胸刺。对于这些化石的古地理学及地层对比上的意义,也作了初步的讨论。  相似文献   

2011年4月,在广西壮族自治区桂林市兴安县猫儿山国家级自然保护区采集到蛇类雌性成体标本1号;2011年5月,在浙江省丽水市缙云县新建镇采集到蛇类雌性成体标本1号;2012年4月,在江西省赣州市全南县采集到蛇类雄性成体标本1号。经鉴定这3号标本为蛇亚目游蛇科链蛇属福清链蛇(Lycodon futsingensis),为在广西壮族自治区、浙江省和江西省首次发现,标本保存在广东省昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

Five differently preserved groups of adult Rhipicephalus appendiculatus specimens were compared for quality of DNA extracted. Three methods were used to extract DNA from specimens i.e. two simple mosquito validated DNA extraction methods and a tick validated method. Extraction of DNA from tick legs was attempted. The quality of DNA extracted was evaluated by the success of PCR amplification of the ITS2 gene and the mitochondrial COI gene fragment. Fresh specimens (i.e. killed just before extraction) had the highest success of DNA amplification followed by specimens killed in ethanol and subsequently stored in the refrigerator (4 °C). There was no significant difference in amplification success between cryopreserved and 70% ethanol preserved specimens. It was possible to amplify DNA from legs of ticks. Sequenced ITS2 amplicon of template obtained from legs of ticks was as legible as those from whole tick extract. The two mosquito validated DNA extraction methods showed a significantly lower amplification success than the tick validated protocol.  相似文献   

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