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繁殖期巢域的研究对了解繁殖期间动物的社群关系、种群动态、繁殖策略等有重要作用。2009 年3 ~12月和2010 年3 ~9 月对洪雅县赤腹松鼠的巢域面积变化进行观察。使用最小凸多边形(Minimum convex polygon,MCP)法计算赤腹松鼠各时期的巢域面积,结果显示: (1)整个繁殖期,雄性赤腹松鼠的巢域面积为1.34 ±0. 34 hm2 ,显著大于雌性的巢域面积(0.60 ± 0. 08 hm2 ); (2)雄性赤腹松鼠在求偶交配期主动增加其巢域面积,可能会增加雄性与雌性的遇见率,从而增加与雌性的交配数量;雌性赤腹松鼠在求偶交配期不主动增加巢域面积,而是具有较为稳定的活动范围。在妊娠育幼期雌性的巢域面积会减小,这可能是雌性为提高后代的成活率,在增加能量和降低捕食风险两者间做出的权衡;(3)整个繁殖期,雌性赤腹松鼠间无巢域重叠现象,而雄性间存在巢域重叠。两性之间仅在求偶交配期存在巢域重叠现象,因此,雌性赤腹松鼠在繁殖期有较强的领域性。  相似文献   

研究大熊猫种群空间利用的消长动态及其干扰因素对识别大熊猫潜在生境、保护大熊猫种群可持续增长具有重要的现实意义。本文收集了第三次和第四次秦岭大熊猫种群及栖息地调查数据,借助地理信息系统空间分析工具,对比分析了大熊猫种群的空间利用变化格局,并探究了道路干扰对大熊猫种群空间利用格局的影响。结果显示:(1)2000-2012年间,佛坪、长青核心密集区大熊猫种群空间利用密度西北方向增加,东南方向减少,即黄柏塬保护区呈增加趋势,而佛坪、观音山和周至保护区交界处呈减少趋势。其中,局部高密度区面积减少,但整体空间利用面积增大,并呈向外围扩散趋势。种群空间利用密度最大增长达3.05痕迹点/ km2,最大减小密度达2.71痕迹点/km2。(2)距国道、省道和县道2000 m以内种群空间利用密度增幅上升,距乡村道路2000 m外种群空间利用密度变化减小,且距高速公路3500 m大熊猫种群空间利用密度由减转增。深入探讨大熊猫种群空间利用格局可为建设优良栖息地和潜在栖息地提供参考,其结论将有助于优化道路选址和保护区规划,缓解人为活动和野生动物之间的冲突。  相似文献   

为研究育幼期不同的育幼方式对圈养成年雌性大熊猫Ailuropoda melanoleuca福利状况的影响情况,了解圈养育幼模式可能引发成年雌性大熊猫的应激问题,完善育幼期大熊猫的饲养管理和兽舍参数设计,提高育幼过程中圈养大熊猫福利状况,选择成都大熊猫繁育研究基地育幼期采取不同育幼方式管理的成年雌性大熊猫为研究对象,利用...  相似文献   

人类对于野生动物的影响复杂多样, 其中家养动物所产生的干扰往往被忽视, 例如保护区林缘社区饲养的家犬。半散放的家犬(Canis familiaris)进入野生动物栖息地, 对保护区内以大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)为代表的野生动物可能产生重要影响。为明确家犬进入林区活动范围对大熊猫的影响, 本研究采用红外相机技术和GPS项圈无线追踪技术对甘肃白水江国家级自然保护区内家犬对大熊猫潜在栖息地范围和时间节律的影响进行研究, 利用MaxEnt模型对家犬活动范围及大熊猫潜在栖息地进行预测。结果表明: 甘肃白水江国家级自然保护区内大熊猫潜在栖息地面积为885.8 km2, 约占保护区总面积的48.2%; 家犬活动面积为861.2 km2, 约占保护区总面积的47.6%。家犬活动范围与大熊猫潜在栖息地重叠的面积约占保护区面积的28.2%, 且多集中在低海拔的常绿阔叶林。大熊猫在有家犬出现的位点和没有家犬出现的位点日活动节律具有显著差异。本研究揭示了家犬进入林区对大熊猫栖息地潜在影响的空间范围, 为保护区开展生物多样性管理提供了关键信息, 对于其他保护区具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

对野外大熊猫的产仔、育幼,至今仍是一知半解。大熊猫在人工饲养下的配种难,受孕率低,雌兽育幼也差,截至1990年9月7日发稿时止,在世界范围内,大熊猫共产仔79胎次,幼仔119只,成活至3岁以上的共计20只,1—3岁的4只,16—76天的3只。过去大熊猫雌兽无论一胎产一仔或是二仔,一般只能带活一仔,甚至一仔也带不活,如压死,窒息死,带不好生病致死等,更没有二仔同时吃过一天初乳的。成都动物园和成都大熊猫繁育研究基地饲养繁殖的雌性大熊猫“庆庆”,于1989年4.5岁时用激素诱导排卵,受孕产仔养活后,今年5月6日和7日发情,进行了自然交配和冷冻精液人工授…  相似文献   

2017年10月至2018年3月采用连续记录法和焦点取样法,对上海野生动物园熊猫馆的2只雌性大熊猫在育幼期间的时间分配与活动节律进行了初步观察研究。结果表明:2个个体在育幼期间,育幼行为是最主要的行为方式,在育幼前期占90%以上。在整个育幼期间,随时间大熊猫的舔阴和育幼行为呈下降趋势,摄食、休息、活动、求适和其他行为呈上升趋势。但2个个体之间也表现出一定差异:育幼经验不足的个体("芊芊")母性强于育幼经验丰富的个体("思雪"),在育幼期不同阶段,"芊芊"用于护仔、舔仔、哺乳和母仔互动的时间均高于"思雪"。通过对上海野生动物园育幼期大熊猫行为的研究,为圈养育幼期的大熊猫饲养与管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

不同配种方式对大熊猫产仔效果的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
冯文和  张安居 《兽类学报》1994,14(4):249-254
1987-1993年,我国人工圈养的大熊猫先后有31只雌性受配108只次,产仔胎,获幼仔45只。有16只雄性参加配种,其中7只能进行自然交配,9只没有自然交配能力。从3只雄性采出的良好精液,能使雌怀孕产仔,怀孕率为19.12%。在雄性自然交恿前后再给雌兽化人工授精,能提高雌兽怀孕产仔效果,来自不同山系大熊猫的繁殖能力有不同程序的差异,尤以岷山山系大熊猫的繁殖效果较差。  相似文献   

黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)为国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物,由于其生存的自然环境恶劣,野外种群数量少,许多动物园以及保护区等机构用迁地保护的方式对黑颈鹤进行保护和繁育,然而长期以来笼养黑颈鹤繁殖率低。本研究运用非损伤的研究方法,并结合行为观察,对繁殖期黑颈鹤的繁殖生理特征进行了探索研究。结果表明,进入繁殖期黑颈鹤的雌二醇水平显著升高,可作为有效监测雌性黑颈鹤繁殖期生理状态的重要生理指标之一;繁殖前期雄性黑颈鹤的睾酮水平显著升高,与非繁殖期以及繁殖期的其他阶段差异显著,表明睾酮可有效监测雄性黑颈鹤的繁殖生理状态,为人工采精选择合适的时间提供理论基础;交配成功的雌性黑颈鹤繁殖中期的孕酮水平极显著高于其他阶段,表明该指标可有效监测雌性黑颈鹤的交配状态。综上,通过非损伤性的采样研究手段,遴选合适的生理指标参数可以为黑颈鹤的人工繁育提供理论依据。  相似文献   

灵长类动物社会中,个体间的社会关系是维系群体稳定的重要基础,也影响个体的寿命和繁殖成功。本研究以栖息于安徽黄山的短尾猴YA1群为对象,采用焦点动物取样法和行为取样法采集成年雌性个体在交配期(2015.9 - 2015.12)和非交配期(2016.3 - 2016.5)的社会行为,通过理毛和近距行为计算社会联系强度,探讨群体成员之间的社会关系及影响因素。结果表明:在交配期和非交配期,雌性短尾猴的社会联系强度无显著差异(t = 0.181,P = 0.857);亲缘关系和社会联系强度呈显著正相关(交配期:r = 0.534, P = 0.001; 非交配期:r = 0.469, P= 0.001);个体间的等级距离和社会联系强度呈显著负相关(交配期:r = -0.288, P= 0.014; 非交配期:r = -0.238, P= 0.048);年龄差异和社会联系强度无显著相关性(交配期:r = -0.176, P = 0.181; 非交配期:r = -0.192, P = 0.151)。本研究提示成年雌性短尾猴个体间会形成稳定的社会关系,亲缘关系和等级顺位是影响个体之间社会关系的重要因素。  相似文献   

四川小相岭山系大熊猫种群及栖息地调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小相岭山系是现存大熊猫种群数量最少的山系之一。根据全国第3次大熊猫及其栖息地调查结果,小相岭山系大熊猫栖息地分布在石棉、冕宁和九龙三县,栖息地总面积802.04 km2,大熊猫种群数量有32只。大熊猫在3个位于小相岭山系的自然保护区内种群数量和栖息地面积分别为:四川冶勒自然保护区9只,栖息地面积168.01 km2;四川栗子坪自然保护区14只,栖息地面积306.38 km2;四川贡嘎山自然保护区1只,栖息地面积15.19 km2。在3个保护区大熊猫栖息地总面积为489.58 km2,占各山系大熊猫栖息地总面积的61.05%;有大熊猫24只,占大熊猫种群数量的75.0%。小相岭山系大熊猫meta种群栖息地片段化比较严重,它由2个种群和2个孤立分布点组成。南北方向从成都至昆明的108国道以东的种群A有大熊猫13只,栖息地面积263.54 km2, 完整性较好,大熊猫分布比较集中。108国道以西的种群B有大熊猫19只,栖息地面积为538.50 km2,栖息地破碎。该山系大熊猫数量少,栖息地片段化严重,需加强保护。

大熊猫初生幼仔体重较轻,仅为正常母体体重的千分之一,平均144.9±40.59 g(张志和和魏辅文,2006).初生体重在70 g以下的幼仔,常被称之为超轻体重幼仔,初生体重超轻、身体瘦弱活动无力,产后无叫声或叫声小是其主要特点.对于体重超轻初生幼仔的育幼,目前有1993年对一例初生体重为61 g的幼仔,在产后两周内采用胃导管喂母初乳、之后采取人工与母兽交替哺育的方法养育存活以及2000年对一只58 g幼仔进行全人工育幼存活7 d的报道(钟顺龙和何光昕,1997,侯蓉等,2000).2006年成都大熊猫繁育研究基地的一只雌性大熊猫产下一对双胞胎,其中一仔初生体重仅51 g,经人工辅助哺育存活,该幼仔是圈养条件下育成的初生体重最轻的大熊猫.现将该例的育幼情况报道于后,以供参考.  相似文献   

佛坪自然保护区野生大熊猫交配行为的观察   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
On March 26 and 27, 2003, we observed six and five giant pandas assembled together respectively in Huodiba and Lijiagou districts of Sanguanmiao, Foping Nature Reserve, Shaanxi Province, China. The mating sites were located in the coniferous forest and mixed coniferous and deciduous forest, with steep slope and sparse shrubs and bamboos. Wind power was estimated over 3rd category in those two days. The competition and lighting among male pandas were observed, and the mating right with the female panda was mainly based on the hierarchical ordering. However, not all the winners during competition can be access to mating with the female panda. For wild giant panda, its mating system is maybe plastic, which perhaps is affected by environment, time and panda population itself. Cubs or sub-adults are observed oceurring at the mating site, which is considered to be linked with the learning of the reproductive behavior. Our results maybe provide a useful guideline to the management and breeding of giant pandas in the captivity.  相似文献   

Successful breeding of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) following artificial insemination was achieved at the Ueno Zoo in 2 consecutive years (1985 and 1986). The first cub, born in June 1985, unfortunately died 43 hours after birth from being crushed by the mother panda; the second cub, born in June 1986, has been growing in good health. Electroejaculation and artificial insemination procedures were performed after immobilization with diazepam (0.1 mg/kg) and ketamine HCL (4.0–5.0 mg/kg). Semen of the male panda was collected by electroejaculation using a rectal probe with a diameter of 2.0 cm and with eight rings as electrodes. Stimulation of the male was given with 3 V (30–40 mA) over a 5-sec period with 5-sec intervals. The female panda exhibited estrus between late February and early March in 1985 and also between mid-january and early February 1986. Increased excretion of urinary total estrogen showed coincidentally at maximum behavioral estrus, and a gradual rise of pregnanediol level was followed by artificial insemination. The gestational length for the first pregnancy was 110 days and that of the second 121 days.  相似文献   

The female giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) experiences a brief (24-72 h) seasonal estrus, occurring once annually in spring (February-May). Our aim was to determine the existence and temporal profile of reproductive seasonality in the male of this species. The study was facilitated by 3 yr of access to eight giant panda males living in a large breeding center in China. Seasonal periods for the male were defined on the basis of female reproductive activity as prebreeding, breeding (early, peak, late), and nonbreeding seasons. Testes size, fecal androgen excretion, ejaculated sperm density, and frequency of reproductive behaviors (i.e., locomotion, scent marking, vocalizations) increased (P < 0.05) from the prebreeding period (October 1-January 31) to the early breeding season (February 1-March 21). Testes volume and sperm concentration were maximal from March 22 through April 15, a period coinciding with maximal female breeding activity. The occurrence of male reproductive behaviors and fecal androgen concentrations began declining during peak breeding and continued from April 16 through May 31 (late breeding period), returning to nadir throughout the nonbreeding interval (June 1-September 30). Reproductive quiescence throughout the latter period was associated with basal testes size/volume and aspermic ejaculates. Our results reveal that testes morphometry, fecal androgen excretion, seminal quality, and certain behaviors integrated together clearly demonstrate reproductive seasonality in the male giant panda. The coordinated increases in testes size, androgen production, sperm density, and sexual behaviors occur over a protracted interval, likely to prepare for and then accommodate a brief, unpredictable female estrus.  相似文献   

利用阴道粘液电阻值进行大熊猫排卵监测的研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对5只大熊猫发情配种期间阴道粘液电阻值进行了检测,结果发现4只发情表现正常的大熊猫发情配种期阴道粘液电阻值呈现相似的V字形变化曲线,V形曲线的谷底所代表时期恰好与尿雌酮峰值期吻合,其中3只大熊猫于秋后产仔,结果提示测定大熊猫发情配种期间阴道粘液电阻值可有效用于监测排卵,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Maintaining a good cub-rearing relationship is of great significance for the healthy development of newborn giant panda cubs. Oxytocin plays a key role in this cub-rearing relationship development during the breeding period. To investigate the relationship between oxytocin levels and maternal behavior, we sampled the maternal behavior of 6 adult female giant pandas (3 in lactation group, 3 in non-lactation group) at Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding from June to September 2019 by using the focal sampling method, and tested the urine oxytocin level of each individuals by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The results showed that the oxytocin levels were significantly higher in the lactation group (278. 86 pg/mg ±44. 42 pg/mg) than in the non-lactation group. For the two types of breastfeeding groups, the level of oxytocin in the multiparous female pandas (185. 64 pg/mg ±44. 61 pg/mg) was significantly lower than that in the primiparous female pandas (465. 30 pg/mg ±82. 39 pg/mg). Compared with the primiparous female pandas, the multiparous female pandas had more embracing cub behavior (77. 45% ±1. 24%) and feeding behavior (15. 22% ±1. 62%), but less licking cub (14. 26% ±0. 91%) and position adjustment behavior (1. 69% ±0. 29%). Finally, we found the licking cub behavior was significantly positively correlated with the oxytocin level in the lactation group, and the embracing cub behavior was significantly negatively correlated with the oxytocin level in the lactation group. The results indicate that primiparous female pandas show more maternal behavior, less individual behavior and higher oxytocin levels. The results of this study suggest that the different reactions of oxytocin in the two types of giant panda females may help to improve the refined and differentiated breeding techniques for captive giant pandas in the future.  相似文献   

Inbreeding can have negative consequences on population and individual fitness, which could be counteracted by inbreeding avoidance mechanisms. However, the inbreeding risk and inbreeding avoidance mechanisms in endangered species are less studied. The giant panda, a solitary and threatened species, lives in many small populations and suffers from habitat fragmentation, which may aggravate the risk of inbreeding. Here, we performed long‐term observations of reproductive behaviour, sampling of mother–cub pairs and large‐scale genetic analyses on wild giant pandas. Moderate levels of inbreeding were found in 21.1% of mating pairs, 9.1% of parent pairs and 7.7% of panda cubs, but no high‐level inbreeding occurred. More significant levels of inbreeding may be avoided passively by female‐biased natal dispersal rather than by breeding dispersal or active relatedness‐based mate choice mechanisms. The level of inbreeding in giant pandas is greater than expected for a solitary mammal and thus warrants concern for potential inbreeding depression, particularly in small populations isolated by continuing habitat fragmentation, which will reduce female dispersal and increase the risk of inbreeding.  相似文献   

大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)发情期叫声及其行为意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大熊猫发情期是它叫声最频繁的时期。本文分析研究了大熊猫发情期的12种叫声和喘气声,按其物理特性和行为意义分析了它们的特点。按行为意义可将叫声归为三类。证明雌性大熊猫咩叫颇次高峰与发情高峰有直接关系。声音通讯对于大熊猫远距离传递信息,节省能量是有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

本文记录一只因环境、饲料等因素改变而2001年春季未能发情的雌性大熊猫,于秋季9月中旬发情,并与另一只同期发情的公熊猫自然交配,当年冬季12月17日成功产仔的这一世界首例圈养大熊猫秋季发情配种的行为表现和配种经过,并对该大熊猫秋季发情的原因作了分析。  相似文献   

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