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洪雅县人工林赤腹松鼠活动范围及栖息地利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年3~8月期间,通过观察并利用无线电遥测等方法对洪雅县林场赤腹松鼠(Callosciurus erythraeus)的活动范围和栖息地利用进行了研究。研究结果显示,赤腹松鼠的最小凸多边形(minimum convex polygon,MCP)巢域面积为(1.90±0.59)hm2,95%和60%固定核法(fixed kernel,FK)巢域面积分别为(1.06±0.19)hm2和(0.16±0.03)hm2。处在求偶高峰期的雄鼠会显著地扩大活动范围。栖息地利用的研究结果表明,赤腹松鼠对栖息地因子有明显的选择性,倾向在坡度大、灌木生长繁茂、靠近人居和水源及有藤本植物覆盖的区域活动。  相似文献   

2017和2018年每年6至10月,在甘肃安西极旱荒漠国家级自然保护区利用无线电遥测技术对繁殖期16只黑顶麻雀(Passer ammodendri)(9♀,7♂)和繁殖期后1个月内雌雄各1只的活动区进行了监测。使用95%固定核空间法(FK)计算活动区面积,60%固定核空间法求得的活动区面积作为核心区面积。结果显示,在繁殖期雌雄黑顶麻雀个体间的平均活动区面积分别为(23.88±4.50)hm2(n=9)和(32.36±7.24)hm2(n=7),核心区面积分别为(3.92±0.70)hm2和(5.55±1.55)hm2,繁殖期雌雄个体间的活动区和核心区面积均无显著差异。繁殖结束后一个月内雌雄活动区面积分别为123.86hm2和272.40 hm2,核心区面积分别为23.68 hm2和64.88 hm2。雌、雄性个体繁殖期的活动区面积和核心区面积均显著小于繁殖期后。个性表现为羞怯的个体活动区面积显著小于个性表现为勇敢...  相似文献   

人工林赤腹松鼠危害与繁殖关系的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
2000年4月至2003年12月,通过固定样地长期监测及样地外标本采集,对洪雅县人工林赤腹松鼠危害与繁殖的关系进行了初步研究,以期为人工林赤腹松鼠危害机理研究和危害控制提供科学依据.研究结果表明,洪雅县赤腹松鼠年均危害率呈上升趋势,但时空变化较大.危害全年都可能发生,但主要发生在3~5月,4月最严重.从赤腹松鼠繁殖情况看,雌鼠主要在3~4月和7~8月繁殖,4月繁殖指数最高;雄鼠基本全年都有睾丸下垂,即处在繁殖期.赤腹松鼠春季的危害高峰期和繁殖高峰期一致,繁殖期赤腹松鼠对食物能量和巢材的需求是产生春季危害高峰的主要原因.  相似文献   

红瘰疣螈Tylototriton shanjing为云南山地环境中典型的有尾两栖类,其求偶交配行为模式尚未被系统研究。2013—2014年对云南省新平县哀牢山繁殖期红瘰疣螈在陆地环境中的求偶交配模式进行了观察。研究结果显示,红瘰疣螈的求偶交配行为是按照一定时序进行的,整个过程由定位、静止展示、劝导展示和精子转移4个阶段组成。在求偶交配中雄性个体行为包括:警戒、追逐、阻拦、蹑行、嗅探、轻推、诱导、扇尾、侧行和产精包等类型。雌性个体的行为包括离开、静止、跟随、纳精包等类型。雄性行为较雌性复杂,雄性在求偶交配行为过程中占据主动。雌雄的识别主要以视觉为主,整个求偶交配过程中无抱握行为,雄性尾部的运动也比较单一,这些行为的变化可能是对在陆地求偶交配的适应。  相似文献   

王敦清 《昆虫学报》1957,(4):497-500
1956年7月间我们在5只花松鼠(Tamiops swinhoei maritimus) 体上检到了一种新的跳蚤15只,包括6只雄性和9只雌性标本。8月间我们又在2只赤腹松鼠(Callosciurus erythraeus ningpoensis)体上检到同样的跳蚤5只,包括2只雄性和3只雌性标本。同年11月我们又在花松鼠的窝内找到大量的这种跳蚤和其幼虫。这种跳  相似文献   

2015年12月至2016年5月,对上海动物园内活动的9只赤腹松鼠进行无线电遥测,应用Homing法进行空间定位,基于最小凸多边形(MCP)和95%固定 核空间(95%Kernel)模型估算城市绿地中赤腹松鼠的家域面积、空间分布特征及个体间的重叠情况,同时记录赤腹松鼠的昼间行为规律。赤腹松鼠 家域面积平均值为12376(MCP)~18146 m2(95%Kernel),雌雄个体间家域面积无显著差异(Independent-sample test,t= -0.101,P=0.922)。 赤腹松鼠冬季家域面积与春季家域面积间无显著差异(One way ANOVA,MCP:F=3.900,P=0.070;95%FK:F=3.566,P=0.081)。部分赤腹松鼠家域 间存在重叠,冬季重叠指数0.36~0.63,春季重叠指数0.02~0.43。赤腹松鼠的昼间行为以移动(29.4%)、取食(25.1%)和休息行为(24.7%)为主 。在不同季节,赤腹松鼠的取食行为发生显著变化(One way ANOVA,F=119.268,P<0.001),冬季取食行为发生频率最高(33.3%),夏季最低 (16.4%);领域行为在夏(15.8%)、秋(16.2%)季发生频率较高,春季(5.8%)降低(One way ANOVA,F=140.416,P<0.001)。赤腹松鼠昼间 活动呈“U”型分布,主要集中于05:00—08:00和15:00—18:00,休息主要分布于12:00—13:00。  相似文献   

繁殖期间的空间利用与活动模式特征是野生动物长期适应环境的具体表现,研究野生动物繁殖期间行为特征与策略是动物生态学研究中最重要的基础问题之一。2010年3月至2012年3月,我们利用内置记录活动水平传感器的GPS项圈记录了1只受孕、产仔并育幼的野生大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)的活动位点和活动水平。研究了该大熊猫各繁殖阶段(交配后期、产仔期和育幼期)的空间利用与活动模式特征。结果表明:在交配后期(2010年春季,即4-6月),雌性大熊猫活动空间范围较大为3.49 km2,其日平均活动距离较大,活动水平也相对较强;在产仔期前后(2010年夏秋季,即7-10月),雌性大熊猫的活动范围明显缩小为0.42 km2,日平均活动距离和活动水平都明显减低;自2010年冬季(2010年11月至2011年3月)开始雌性大熊猫带仔生活,其家域面积逐渐增大,且趋向稳定 (0.84~1.19 km2),日平均活动距离和活动水平都开始逐渐增大。雌性大熊猫在求偶交配、受孕、产仔和育幼过程中的空间利用与活动模式特征反映了大熊猫在繁殖期间的行为策略。本研究结果可为繁殖期间大熊猫及栖息地的保护管理政策制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   

高勇  康乐 《昆虫学报》2002,45(3):397-400
大多数动物在繁殖过程中,雌性在繁殖过程中要比雄性付出更大投资,如相对于精子较大的卵子细胞,较长的育幼时间等,因而在交配过程中,雌性具有选择权,而雄性之间相互竞争以取得与雌性的交配权。然而自然世界中并不总是竞争的雄性(competitive male)-选择的雌性(selective female)这种婚配形式。在螽斯类昆虫中,雄性同样具有较大的父方投资。在繁殖期间,雄性螽斯争相鸣叫,求偶,且在交配后要给予雌性特殊的营养物质-精包,供雌性取食。因此在特定情况下,雌性之间将进行竞争以获取雄性配偶,雄性变得更具有选择性。影响这种性角色逆转的主要因素是可获得资源的紧缺。父方投资理论和性选择理论预测雄性显著地对后代投资时,雌性将表现出典型的雄性特征,她们竞争追求性活跃的雄性,而雄性将表现出典型的雌性特征,对配偶具有选择性。螽斯类昆虫中这种特殊的性角色逆转现象符合性选择理论和父方投资理论的预测。  相似文献   

李文蓉  宋玉成  时磊 《生态学报》2013,33(2):395-401
2008年6月份至2009年5月份对吐鲁番沙虎的巢域进行调查:2008年6月份至2008年8月份为繁殖季节(RS),2008年9月份至2009年5月份(冬眠期除外)为非繁殖季节(NRS)。利用截趾标志重捕法研究吐鲁番沙虎的巢域,共标记283只吐鲁番沙虎,累计繁殖季节24只,非繁殖季节43只重捕超过3次(其中13只个体在繁殖季节和非繁殖季节均够3次以上捕捉次数,为重复个体),可以用于计算个体巢域面积数据。利用软件MapGis计算最小凸多边形法(MCP)巢域面积,并分析性别、体型大小、季节等因素对巢域的影响。结果表明:吐鲁番沙虎非繁殖季节雄性、雌性与幼体各组间的巢域面积差异均显著,繁殖季节巢域面积差异不显著;雌雄个体不同季节或全年合并比较巢域面积差异性均不显著;非繁殖季节面积与吻肛长(SVL)显著相关、全年成体组的巢域面积与吻肛长显著相关;成体巢域面积季节差异显著(U=41,P=0.046),幼体则没有季节差异(U=159,P=0.537)。因而,吐鲁番沙虎的巢域大小受性别因素影响不大,体型大小对巢域面积有显著影响,由于繁殖、食物资源等的季节变化是影响吐鲁番沙虎巢域最重要的因素。  相似文献   

蜂桶寨自然保护区小熊猫巢域初步研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
2002年5~11月,在蜂桶寨自然保护区利用无线电遥测技术对6只小熊猫的巢域利用进行了初步研究。结果表明,6只戴颈圈个体M1、M2、M3、F1、F2、F3的巢域面积分别为330·26hm~2、135·18hm~2、190·67hm~2、98·23hm~2、141·60hm~2、204·80hm~2;雄性个体平均巢域面积为218·70hm~2,雌性个体为148·21hm~2。小熊猫个体间巢域重叠普遍,平均重叠率达25·33%,其中雄性个体之间为26·00%,雌性个体之间为23·67%,两性个体之间为25·67%。可能受人为干扰的影响,M1在6只监测个体中巢域面积、日均移动距离均为最大。  相似文献   

The social thermoregulation hypothesis states that endothermic species will communally nest to reduce energy expenditures on thermoregulation. The hypothesis predicts that the frequency of communal nesting should increase with decreasing ambient temperature. The potential costs of communal nesting (e.g., increased predation risk, resource competition, cuckoldry, parasite/disease transmission, or infanticide) could decrease the frequency of communal nesting especially for asocial breeding females with dependent offspring. We examined the effects of ambient temperature and seasonal reproductive activities on the probability of communal nesting in Abert's squirrels (Sciurus aberti) in the Pinaleño Mountains, Arizona. Most squirrels nested consistently with the same partner in mixed‐sex pairs. The proportion of individuals engaging in communal nesting increased with decreasing ambient temperature as predicted by the social thermoregulation hypothesis. The onset of the breeding season greatly reduced the proportion of individuals communally nesting. The negative relationship between ambient temperature and communal nesting supports the use of communal nesting in Abert's squirrels as a mechanism to reduce thermoregulatory costs during cold conditions. The abrupt drop in the frequency of communal nesting during the breeding season is likely due to female abandonment of this behavior. By avoiding communally nesting during the breeding season, females may prevent males from mating with them outside of mating chases, reduce resource competition, and protect offspring from infanticide, diseases, and parasites. Males may gain additional fitness benefits from nesting with females because familiarity with females increases dominance rank in mating activities.  相似文献   

Steven C. Minta 《Oecologia》1993,96(3):402-409
I tested the following hypotheses of territorial polygyny on badgers (Taxidea taxus: Carnivora; Mustelidae): Competition among adult females for food should result in intrasexual territoriality, while male competition for females should result in larger territories that encompass multiple female territories. The sagebrush-grassland study area (Wyoming, USA) contained a depauperate terrestrial fauna with a dense badger population preying on high densities of ground squirrels (Spermophilus armatus). Implant telemetry generated locations for analysis of home range and spatio-temporal interaction. During the summer breeding season males doubled movement rates and nearly tripled home range areas to overlap those of females. Before and after the breeding season, males reduced their home ranges to sizes nearer those of stable female ranges ( =2.82 km2). Unexpectedly, home range overlap between males and females was no different than intrasexual overlap. However, analysis of spatio-temporal interaction revealed that females spatially avoided one another, while males were spatially and temporally attacted to one another, similar to that of male-female interactions. Presumably, olfactory mechanisms allow resource tracking and lagged communication. Male-male territoriality was not viable, most likely because the high density of badgers, combined with the severely male-biased sex ratio (1.75:1), effectively increased intruder pressure — as a resource, receptive females were too mobile and spatially unpredictable within their home ranges. Consequently, males monitored and searched widely for relatively scarce females during the breeding season with the effect of attracting each other. Male mobility, home range size, and possibly aggression increased with age, suggesting age-related breeding tactics, although dominance could only be surmised. This and other studies suggest how the spatial, temporal, and dominance components of carnivore resource partitioning and sociality will be understood better by unraveling the interplay of olfactory processes, attributes of disparate resources (e.g., food vs. females), seasonality, and population density and age-sex structure.  相似文献   

Two male and three female caracal Felis caracal were radio-tracked over a 1-year period in arid shrub on the west coast of South Africa, by day and night over at least 130 days for each caracal, and uninterrupted for up to 120 h at a time. These results, on short-term use of space, were related to concurrent availability of prey. The use by caracal of specific plant communities showed a significant positive correlation to prey biomass of rodents. Males had much larger home-ranges (26.9±0.75 km2) than females (7.39±1.68 km2). Male home-ranges overlapped completely with those of females, whereas female ranges overlapped between 0 and 19%. Caracal were active by night and day; onset of activity was affected more by ambient temperature (TA) than photoperiod. Caracal were active significantly longer on nights colder than 20°C. Females ceased activity at TA > 20°C, males at TA > 22°C. Males foraged faster than females (667 vs. 312 m h−1) and moved more than twice the distance of females during an active period. Calculated density of caracal was between 0.23 and 0.47 km−2.  相似文献   

For terrestrial vertebrates, gliding imposes unique constraints on the interaction of body mass and structural size, particularly with reference to minimizing wing loading. Females of gliding animals experience increases in wing loading during pregnancy or gravidity, and selection may favour increased structural size to compensate for the added mass. We tested whether pregnant southern flying squirrels Glaucomys volans had similar wing loading as males, and whether females with lower wing loading bore heavier litters, than those with greater wing loading. Males had greater wing loading than females, regardless of the latter's reproductive state (males: 38.4±3.62 N m−2, pregnant females: 30.7±4.21 N m−2 and non-pregnant females: 26.8±5.13 N m−2). The slope of the linear relationship between planar surface area and body mass was similar between pregnant females and males, however ( F =0.383, P =0.322). Thus female flying squirrels may optimize their litter mass to minimize wing loading during pregnancy. Contrary to our prediction, females with greater wing loading had heavier litters than those with lower wing loading, which suggests reproductive output may be influenced by other ecological factors.  相似文献   

Western Sandpipers Calidris mauri are the most numerous shorebird species in the San Francisco Bay estuary during winter. A sample of 106 Western Sandpipers was captured in mist nets and radio-marked with 1-g transmitters to examine their wintering site fidelity and movements. Differences in distances moved, home range extent and core area size were examined by age, sex, season, site, time of day and tide. All birds remained in the south San Francisco Bay region during winter and exhibited strong site fidelity, with a mean home range of 22.0 km2 or only 8% of the study area. First-year birds had larger home ranges (26.6 ± 3.6 km2) than adults (17.2 ± 2.5 km2) in winter, but home range sizes of males and females were not significantly different in any period. Home range sizes were similar between seasons, but core areas were smaller in spring (6.3 ± 1.2 km2) than in early (9.6 ± 4.0 km2) or late (11.6 ± 1.6 km2) winter. Movements and home range size were similar for radio-marked birds located during day and night. The high degree of regional and local site fidelity demonstrated that the mixture of natural mud fiats and artificial salt ponds in southern San Francisco Bay provided sufficient resources for large wintering populations of Western Sandpipers.  相似文献   

The spatial organization of the rare Ethiopian wolf ( Canis simensis ) was studied in the Afroalpine heathlands of Bale Mountains National Park, southern Ethiopia, between 1988 and 1992. Nineteen animals were radio-tracked, 48 ear-tagged and 64 others recognized by coat patterns and observed directly. Dry season (October—March) home ranges of resident wolves covered between 2 and 15 km2. The ranges of adult males were slightly larger than those of females, and subadults' home ranges were slightly smaller than those of adults. The population density of the wolves was correlated with prey biomass. In optimal habitat, wolves lived in packs of 3—13 adults (mean 5.9 wolves > 1year old) containing several close-kin males; adult sex ratio favoured males 1.88: 1 and combined pack home ranges averaged 6.0km2. In an area of lower prey productivity, wolves lived in pairs or small groups (mean 2.7), adult sex ratio was 1:1 and home ranges averaged 13.4 km2.
Home ranges overlapped extensively (mean 85%) between members of the same pack. Four to seven percent of the population was additionally composed of non-resident females, inhabiting larger ranges (mean 11.1 km2). Home ranges of neighbouring packs were largely discrete, forming a tessellating mosaic of packs occupying all available habitat. Pack home ranges were stable in time, drifting only during major pack readjustment after the disappearance of a pack or significant demographic changes. Ethiopian wolf home ranges were smaller than would be expected for a carnivore of its size and sociality, presumably as a result of the high rodent productivity of the Afroalpine ecosystem.  相似文献   

通过为期一年的标志重捕研究,获得了农田优势种黑线姬鼠与臭聃的巢区、活动距离、领域性等资料,分析了种间领域性及空间分布的关系。并观察到随着捕获突数增多,对动物的可捕性产生影响,再结合对重捕期体重变化的分析,发现长期标志重捕对两种动物产生了正与负的效应。  相似文献   

The social organisation of a population ofMicrotus agrestis (Linnaeus, 1761) was studied by live trapping and radiotracking in southern England. Radiotracking revealed significant differences in both female home ranges and core areas with breeding condition. Lactating females had the smallest home ranges and core areas, and pregnant females the largest. There were no significant differences in female home range and core areas during the breeding season or between years despite different densities. Females were only territorial whilst lactating during which time their core areas were small. There were some overlaps of core areas among females at the beginning of the breeding season which are thought to be due to familiarity or kin associations. Associations between females were short-lived, lasting approximately one breeding event. As the breeding season progressed core areas became distinct suggesting a change to a territorial system although densities were low and most females were lactating. Patterns of social organisation among females were similar in both 1995 and 1996. Mean nearest neighbour distances tended to increase as the breeding season progressed and were uncorrelated with density.  相似文献   

Abstract: The age-specific survival and fecundity of female adults of the aphidophagous parasitoid, Aphelinus gossypii Timberlake (Hym., Aphelinidae), were determined at a host density of 50 Aphis gossypii Glover (Hom., Aphididae) per leaf of Ageratum houstonianum Mill each day at 25°C. The age-specific mummy production, emergence rate and sex ratio of progeny were calculated. The implication of these results in terms of potential population growth of A. gossypii and related species is discussed. The age-specific survival curve ( l x ) of females exhibited a Type I pattern, which resulted in little difference between Σ m x and Σ l x   m x . The l x curve of males exhibited a Type II pattern, and their survival time was much shorter than that of females. Each mated female produced on average 598.9 ± 64.0 aphid mummies, and preyed on 87.9±6.2 aphids. Most of the biological performance parameters were not different significantly between mated and virgin females. The highly female-biased sex ratio of offspring produced by mated females soon after their emergence resulted in a high fecundity rate ( m x ) during the early reproductive period. Therefore, although the sex ratio of progeny was male-biased during the entire reproductive period, the intrinsic rate of increase estimated using age-specific sex ratios was larger than that estimated using a constant sex ratio of 0.5. These results indicate that the high survival and the adaptation of producing mostly female offspring during the early reproductive period contribute much to the population increase potential of this parasitoid.  相似文献   

We intensively monitored space use and movement in Microtus californicus over a 2-year period that included 1 year of high density (maximum 618/ha) and one of low (minimum 5/ha); historically this population has exhibited cycles of 2 or 4 years. Adults of both sexes dispersed at the start of the breeding season, culminating in the establishment of intrasexually exclusive territories. In females, these territories persisted throughout life, except that many young females recruiting during the breeding season established contiguous, overlapping, or adjacent home ranges with their mothers. This female philopatry explains the conclusion of previous workers that females of this species are non-territorial. In the dry (non-breeding) season, females had smaller ranges that often overlapped and were clustered. Adult males moved breeding territories at a modal interval of 6 weeks; this is consistent with their avoidance of inbreeding with philopatric daughters. Ranges overlapped 1–4 adult females at any one time, and a cohort of 7 long-lived males overlapped an average of 16.4 females during their tenure on the grid. The period of maximum overlap with adult females varied among individual males, and did not correlate with the time of maximum body weight. Ranges of males in the dry season overlapped extensively, with persistent associations among some individuals. In the lowdensity year, ranges of some adults failed to overlap intersexually. Juvenile males dispersed gradually between 3 and 13 weeks of age (half before 9 weeks), with some leaving after reaching sexual maturity; a few remained philopatric. Of juvenile females, 47% remained philopatric with the rest disappearing before 9 weeks of age. New understanding of vole social behavior, dispersal, and space use is achieved by focusing on the seasonal dynamics of spatial relationships among individuals with respect to age, sex, and relatedness.  相似文献   

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