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繁殖期黄喉Wu的领域鸣唱及其种内个体识别   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在镜泊湖自然保护区收录黄喉wu(Emberiza elegans)的鸣唱声,室内作出鸣唱的语图和声谱图。繁殖期黄喉wu领域鸣唱的频率范围2.4-6KHz,有13-28个音节,2-3泛音,鸣唱持续时间2.2-4.0秒;具有相似的频谱结构,但种内个体间亦存在差异。野外对比实验的结果可说明,黄喉wu有识别邻鸟和陌生鸟领域鸣唱的能力,有对声音的记忆和定位的能力。  相似文献   

采用SDS-聚丙烯酰氨凝胶电泳法,对扎龙自然保护区6种雀形目鸟类(黄喉鹀、黄眉柳莺、黄胸鹀、虎纹伯劳、麻雀和灰头鹀)的4个血液蛋白位点[血红蛋白(Hb)、白蛋白(Alb)、转铁蛋白(Tf)和腺苷脱氨酶(Ada)]进行了多态性检测.结果表明:研究区6种鸟类在这4个血液蛋白位点上均存在多态性,这6种鸟在Ada座位上均表现出较大的遗传变异性;黄眉柳莺的群体遗传变异较大,灰头鹀的群体稳定性相对较高;这6种鸟可划分为两大类,黄喉鹀、黄胸鹀、灰头鹀和黄眉柳莺聚为一大类,麻雀和虎纹伯劳聚为另一类,这与6种雀形目鸟类的实际分类地位基本相符;研究区较高的体温调节价和取食压力并未导致6种鸟类血液蛋白的遗传结构产生较大变异,可能是由于该地区雀形目鸟类与外界存在一定的基因交流,从而缩减了其群体遗传上的变异和分化.  相似文献   

在国内首次利用光纤光谱仪对鸟类的羽色进行量化和分析.对黄喉鹀Emberiza elegans雌、雄鸟羽色的差异以及雄鸟羽色与雄鸟质量的相关性分析结果表明,黄喉鹀雌、雄鸟在人眼看来相同的黄色羽和白色羽部分,在紫外光色度上却存在显著差异,雄鸟紫外光色度高于雌鸟;雄鸟的质量与脸部黑色羽的亮度、可见光色度和色调呈显著正相关,雌...  相似文献   

2013年至2016年野外调查期间,发现7种青海省鸟类新纪录,分别为靴隼雕(Hieraaetus pennatus)、金黄鹂(Oriolus oriolus)、苍头燕雀(Fringilla coelebs)、蓝鹀(Latoucheornis siemsseni)、黄鹀(Emberiza citrinella)、灰颈鹀(E.buchanani)、黄喉鹀(E.elegans)。这些发现不仅为鸟类种群分布地扩展、迁徙路线的研究以及鸟类的保护和监测提供了依据,同时也为探讨鸟类潜在分布地提供了参考。  相似文献   

调查资料表明,黄鹀(Emberiza citronella erythrogenys)在中国境内新疆北部越冬,并非是偶见冬候鸟或迷鸟。  相似文献   

鸟类环志是种群监测和迁徙研究的重要手段。基于秦皇岛鸟类环志站1999 ~ 2019年的环志数据,对黄胸鹀(Emberiza aureola)和蓝歌鸲(Larvivora cyane)两种鸟类在21年间的种群动态和迁徙时序进行了分析。结果表明,迁徙途经秦皇岛的黄胸鹀种群数量以4或5年为周期呈规律性的波动下降,年均降幅达17.3%,21年间种群数量累计下降了97.7%。近年来我国加强了对黄胸鹀及其栖息地的保护管理,并于2021年初将其列为国家I级重点保护动物,有望促进其种群的逐步恢复。蓝歌鸲种群数量的年均降幅为4.2%,但下降过程主要集中在1999至2003年间,其后种群指数趋于稳定。黄胸鹀春季网捕高峰短暂而集中,持续约15 d;秋季网捕高峰则较为分散,持续约47 d。这表明黄胸鹀春季迁徙进程明显较为集中和快速,可能是出于繁殖需求采取了时间最短的迁徙策略。蓝歌鸲成年雄鸟、成年雌鸟和亚成鸟春季的网捕高峰在日期上有明显的差异,间隔4或5 d先后出现,表明蓝歌鸲不同年龄和性别的个体在春季进行差别迁徙,有利于减小停歇地的种内竞争,并确保雄鸟提前到达繁殖地占领优质的繁殖领域。  相似文献   

<正>动物行为学46.Peter Marler关于白冠带鹀学习鸣唱的研究显示先天和经历分别对鸣唱和行为发育的贡献。成年雄鸟在繁殖季鸣唱本物种特有的求偶歌曲。Peter Marler想了解这些歌曲是先天具有还是后天学习获得的,或者是先天和后天都在起作用。2支歌曲的声谱图表示如下,(a)为听到同种其他雄鸟的鸣唱后所唱的歌曲;(b)为与同种其他雄鸟隔离的雄鸟所唱的歌曲。  相似文献   

家鸽、黄雀和黄喉鹀耳蜗核的定位与比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
向非鸣禽家鸽(Columba livia domesticus)和鸣禽黄雀(Carduelis spinus)、黄喉鹀(Emberiza, elegans)耳蜗内注射 HRP作顺行追踪表明,耳蜗纤维组成第八脑神经的听支( N Ⅷ)后,分别投射至延髓的角状核(NA)和巨细胞核(NM),由 NA及 NM两个亚核组成耳蜗核(nucleus cochlea),它是听觉的上行通路中的第一级中继站,延髓层状核并不接受耳蜗纤维的直接投射。家鸽与黄雀、黄喉鹀之间的NA、NM及NⅧ在形态和分布上都有较明显的差别。  相似文献   

正2015年10月31日在黑龙江省嫩江县高峰林场水库环志点(49°05′31″N,125°15′12″E,海拔297 m)捕到1只眉纹、颊、耳羽、喉和上胸均呈蓝灰色的鹀类小鸟,经查阅相关文献,鉴定为灰眉岩鹀北方亚种(Emberiza godlewskii omissa)雄鸟。该鸟体重28.6 g,全长168 mm,头喙30 mm,嘴峰11 mm,翼长80 mm,尾长80 mm,跗跖20 mm(图1)。经查阅《黑龙江省鸟类志》、《黑龙江省脊椎动物检索》及相关文献,  相似文献   

(一)目的通过观察、记录、分析、讨论和教师的必要说明,使学生了解:(1)鸟类的多样性;(2)鸟类的形态结构和生活习性(包括食性)各异,这都是同其适应性相联系的;(3)关于鸟类中的留鸟、候鸟和迁徙的知识。 (二)过程 1.准备尽可能多准备一些形态不同的活鸟和鸟类剥制标本。 (1)鸟类标本室:备有家鸽、鹦鹉、鹌鹑、黑尾蜡嘴雀、锡嘴雀、燕雀、麻雀、蒙古百灵,太平鸟、黄胸鹀、三道眉草鹀、大山雀、朱顶雀、黄  相似文献   

The degradation of bird sounds during long-range propagation depends on different parameters such as density of vegetation, height from the ground and atmospheric perturbations. We investigated whether the wren Troglodytes troglodytes, a bird species which has a high-pitched song that is very susceptible to degradation and lives in an environment that is very restricting for sound propagation, has any advantage in choosing relatively high song posts. Song degradation was investigated by analysing sound attenuation, duration of notes and silences, spectrum composition, modifications of frequency-modulated notes and amplitude fluctuations. Our data show that the choice of an elevated song post improves the reliability of all song parameters and increases the propagation distance of the song. It also improves the male wren's ability to hear opponent songs. The results are discussed from an ecological point of view.  相似文献   

本文由1741个叫声的分析,给出了蟋蟀的鸣声特征和黑蝉叫声的影响.雄蟋招引声的每个单次叫声(SC)平均含有7.6个节拍,每个含有2个脉冲列组,每组含有4个主要的调幅脉冲列.每个SC的声长、间隔和平均重复周期(?)及节拍速(?)分别为1.285-1.325s,0.755—0.746s和2.078s及每秒7.6个节拍.鸣声谱的主峰频率(MPF)和MPF下降20db的带宽分别为5223±79Hz和(4498±82)—(5656±68)Hz.正在歌唱的蟋蟀鸣声基本上不受黑蝉自鸣声的影响,但黑蝉的前置自鸣声对蟋蟀鸣声波形有一定的影响.黑蝉的惊叫声不仅对蟋蟀鸣声波形有明显影响,而且时间特性有一定影响,即(?)约缩短一半,(?)的变差明显扩大.但对频率特性都无影响.  相似文献   

Adult males of the grasshopper Chorthippus biguttulus exhibit a stereotyped turning behaviour towards the direction of the female song. This behaviour has been used to study the regeneration of synaptic connections used for pattern recognition and sound localization. Unilaterally deafened animals are not able to localize the sound direction and turn exclusively towards the intact side, regardless of the speaker position. This behaviour does not change with postoperative time. After an axotomy of the tympanic nerve fibres the sensory axons regrow and regenerate their synaptic contacts which is deduced from the recovery of the ability to localize sound. The behavioural threshold for stimulation from the operated side is increased by approx. 5 dB SPL. The probability of correct turning towards the operated side increases with postoperative time. The ability for lateralization improves with postoperative time and may reach values of intact animals (discrimination of 1–2 dB SPL difference. Animals with two operations (axotomy of one tympanal nerve and blocking of the other ear) do not react to the female song, which suggests that recognition of the species-specific song pattern is not possible with the regenerated fibres and their synaptic connections alone. Neuroanatomical studies show that the regeneration of localization ability is correlated with an ingrowth of sensory fibres into the frontal auditory neuropil of the metathoracic ganglion.  相似文献   

The cicada Okanagana rimosa (Say) has an acoustic communication system with three types of loud timbal sounds: (i) A calling song lasting several seconds to about 1 min which consists of a sequence of chirps at a repetition rate of 83 chirps per second. Each chirp of about 6 ms duration contains 4-5 pulses. The sound level of the calling song is 87-90 dB SPL at a distance of 15 cm. (ii) An amplitude modulated courtship song with increasing amplitude and repetition rate of chirps and pulses. (iii) A protest squawk with irregular chirp and pulse structure. The spectra of all three types are similar and show main energy peaks at 8-10 kHz. Only males sing, and calling song production is influenced by the songs of other males, resulting in an almost continuous sound in dense populations. In such populations, the calling songs overlap and the temporal structure of individual songs is obscured within the habitat. The calling song of the broadly sympatric, closely related species O. canadensis (Provander) is similar in frequency content, but distinct in the temporal pattern (24 chirps per second, 24 ms chirp duration, eight pulses per chirp) which is likely important for species separation in sympatric populations. The hearing threshold of the auditory nerve is similar for females and males of O. rimosa and most sensitive at 4-5 kHz. Experiments in the field show that female phonotaxis of O. rimosa depends on parameters of the calling song. Most females are attracted to calling song models with a 9 kHz carrier frequency (peak frequency of the calling song), but not to models with a 5 kHz carrier frequency (minimum hearing threshold). Phonotaxis depends on temporal parameters of the conspecific song, especially chirp repetition rate. Calling song production is influenced by environmental factors, and likelihood to sing increases with temperature and brightness of the sky. Correspondingly, females perform phonotaxis most often during sunny conditions with temperatures above 22 degrees C. Non-mated and mated females are attracted by the acoustic signals, and the percentage of mated females performing phonotaxis increases during the season.  相似文献   

杭州鹊鸲的声行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜仕仁 《四川动物》2003,22(3):144-146,F003
1996年8月至2002年7月,在杭州对鹊鸲的声行为进行了观察和记录,并以鸣声回放验证某些鸣声的功能。对求偶鸣唱、领域鸣唱、抗议鸣叫、嬉闹鸣叫、联络呼唤声和惊叫声等6种鸣声进行了分析,各具不同的声学特征。该鸟的鸣声结构非常复杂,由一系列不同类型的短语所组成,每个短语又有3~10个音素所构成。并将杭州与印度哈里瓦地区鹊鸲的领域鸣唱进行了比较,两地鹊鸲的鸣声特征很不相同。  相似文献   

The crystallized structure of adult zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) song is modifiable if sensory feedback is altered during sound production. Such song plasticity has been studied by examining acoustic modifications to the motif; however, the underlying changes to the vocal motor patterns of these acoustic modifications have not been addressed. Adult birds in two age categories (young=90-120 days or middle aged 150-250 days) that sang crystallized song were used in the experiment. Vocal motor patterns were monitored by recording respiratory air sac pressure before, during, and after song plasticity was induced by partial or complete reduction of phonation (i.e., "partial muting"). Birds were recorded until changes in air sac pressure patterns underlying the song structure were observed (up to 160 days). Young adult birds were more likely to insert shorter duration (<125 ms) expiratory pulses (EPs) into the motif than middle-aged adults. These shorter duration EPs were produced with a unique pressure pattern relative to the intact song, and therefore appeared to be generated by novel motor gestures. Stuttering (atypical repetition of an EP) was observed when these novel EPs were inserted into the motif, regardless of age. The EP of the distance call, which is also a learned vocalization in zebra finches, showed a similar reduction in duration if EPs were also shortened in the song. The emergence of shorter duration EPs was not related to sound production, or nonspecific effects of the surgical procedure, which suggests an age-dependent neural process for song plasticity.  相似文献   

蟋蟀常见鸣声类型的比较研究(直翅目:蟋蟀总科)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对蟋蟀的3类常见鸣声(召唤声、求偶声、争斗声)进行了分析比较,同种3类鸣声在频域特征和时域特征上存在差异,但也有一些相似的特征;3类鸣声中,召唤声在分类研究上更有应用价值。  相似文献   

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