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目的分析比较显示真菌的4种特殊染色方法 ,旨在寻找一种显示芽生菌并适合于临床病理诊断的染色方法。方法对病理石蜡组织芽生菌感染标本进行PAS染色、PASM染色、抗酸染色及爱尔新蓝染色(p H2.5),光学显微镜下观察染色效果。结果 HE染色切片上见多数圆形、厚壁、棕色的硬壳小体,PAS染色呈红色,PASM染色呈黑色,抗酸染色个别菌体呈红色,爱尔新蓝染色呈阴性。结论 PAS染色和PASM染色均可用于显示芽生菌,但改良后的PAS染色时间最短,结构清晰、对比明显,是检测芽生菌效果最佳的染色方法。  相似文献   

目的 介绍一种新方法来明确NPR-A蛋白在大鼠肾组织的定位.方法 采用肾脏石蜡切片先行NPR-A免疫荧光染色,然后再行PAS或HE染色.结果 NPR-A免疫阳性物在大鼠肾组织主要沉积于皮质的近端小管、外髓的髓袢升支粗段以及内髓集合管,直小血管、肾小球、远曲小管和细段也有一定量的表达,而皮质及外髓集合管仅有少量的表达.结论 研究采用石蜡切片先行免疫荧光染色后再行PAS或HE染色,在不用或少用特异性抗体的情况下,成功的解决了NPR-A蛋白在大鼠肾组织表达的分布位置及细胞定位的难题.  相似文献   

目的探讨制作大鼠尾巴标本石蜡切片的方法。方法采用盐酸脱钙液运用两种脱钙方法制作大鼠尾巴标本石蜡切片。结果两种方法制作的石蜡切片完整、无破碎,HE染色观察组织结构细胞形态完整,核浆分明,红蓝适度。结论两种方法都能制作理想大鼠尾巴标本石蜡切片,可保证病理诊断质量。  相似文献   

目的通过改良两种时段接收淋巴结的固定方式,提高淋巴瘤诊断的制片质量。方法随机收集上午10时左右及下午4时左右接收的132例淋巴结标本,每例各切取2块组织,上午切取的组织随机分为2组,分别行短时间固定处理程序(上午短时间组)和延长固定时间处理程序(上午长时间组)进行固定,下午切取的组织也随机分为2组,也分别行短时间固定处理程序(下午短时间组)和延长固定时间处理程序(下午长时间组)进行固定。回顾性分析并筛选出病理诊断为弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤的58例,其中包括上午10时左右接收的26例及下午4时左右接收的32例。脱水处理后的4组组织进行包埋后,按常规进行切片、HE染色、CD79a免疫组织化学检测、C-MYC双色分离荧光原位杂交实验(fluorescence in situ hybridization, FISH)。通过比较4组切片出现肉眼可见裂隙、皱折及破碎不全发生率、HE染色质量、免疫组织化学检测阳性率、荧光原位杂交成功率,探讨最佳的淋巴结固定方法。结果上午长时间组制片CD79a免疫组织化学检测阳性率、荧光原位杂交成功率均不如上午短时间组,切片不完整发生率及HE染色质量与上午短时间组无明显差异;下午短时间组制片切片不完整发生率高且HE染色质量、CD79a免疫组织化学检测阳性率、荧光原位杂交成功率明显不如上午短时间组;下午长时间组切片以上指标均与上午短时间组无明显差异。结论上午接收的淋巴结标本应剖开于当天进行隔夜常规脱水,下午接收的淋巴结标本必须剖开后行延长固定程序进行脱水,随后得到的淋巴结组织在切片完整性、HE染色、免疫组织化学检测及FISH检测中能更好地提高淋巴瘤诊断的制片质量。  相似文献   

目的建立真菌的病理切片改良革兰染色法。方法选取确诊真菌感染的组织蜡块,切若干空白片,通过苏木素-伊红染色(HE)、高碘酸-无色品红染色(PAS)、六胺银染色(GMS)、改良革兰染色后,比较改良革兰染色法的染色效果。结果改良革兰染色法的染色效果好,该法具有易操作、染色效果稳定等优点。结论改良革兰染色法能够清晰地显示出组织切片中的真菌,并且染色效果稳定,在检测组织中的真菌时可发挥重要的辅助诊断价值,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

目的探讨半薄切片在视神经组织学和免疫组织化学研究中的应用,寻找一种视神经形态学研究和疾病诊断的有效方法。方法健康Sprague-Dawley大鼠视神经分别行树脂包埋制成半薄切片与石蜡包埋制成石蜡切片,分别采用HE、甲苯胺蓝染色及髓鞘碱性蛋白(myelin basic protein,MBP)免疫组织化学方法染色,光学显微镜下观察并比较半薄切片与石蜡切片染色结果的差异。结果石蜡切片HE和甲苯胺蓝染色均显示视神经髓鞘不着色,MBP免疫组织化学染色示MBP阳性着色较重,着色较紊乱,髓鞘着色不清晰。半薄切片HE及甲苯胺蓝染色均显示髓鞘呈环形,着色清晰,颜色对比鲜明;MBP免疫组化染色结果可见髓鞘呈环形,非特异性染色不明显,阳性对比显著,可清晰显示髓鞘结构。结论半薄切片在视神经组织学和免疫组织化学研究中优于石蜡切片,可用于视神经疾病的诊断和研究。  相似文献   

PCR结合反向斑点杂交法检测石蜡包埋组织中的曲霉感染   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
目的评价PCR结合反向斑点杂交法检测福尔马林固定、石蜡包埋组织中曲霉感染的可行性。方法选取39例病理证实曲霉感染的患者活检标本(21例为鼻窦感染标本、18例为尸检标本),以1对真菌特有的28SrRNA保守序列结构作为真菌通用引物,以临床常见的4个曲霉菌种:烟曲霉、黄曲霉、黑曲霉、土曲霉的种特异性序列为种特异性探针,与扩增产物进行反向斑点杂交。结果尸检标本阳性率为55.6%(10/18),鼻窦标本阳性率为76.2%(16/21),特异性均为100%。在这些曲霉所致的系统性感染中,烟曲霉是主要的致病真菌。结论该方法能对临床无法培养的石蜡组织块进行回顾性病原学研究,并可以鉴定常见的曲霉菌种,有良好的特异性和敏感性,适用于临床曲霉感染的检测。  相似文献   

目的比较显示脂褐素的3种特殊染色方法,探讨哪一种方法更适合应用于临床病理诊断。方法分别采用三氯化铁-铁氰化钾、醛品红和PAS 3种特殊染色方法,检测HE染色石蜡切片中呈浅棕色或金黄色的颗粒是否为脂褐素。三氯化铁-铁氰化钾染色的脂褐素呈蓝黑色颗粒,醛品红染色的脂褐素呈深紫色颗粒,PAS染色的脂褐素呈红色颗粒。结果通过3种染色结果的比较,发现三氯化铁-铁氰化钾染色对比清晰,定位准。结论三氯化铁-铁氰化钾、醛品红、PAS三种染色均可用于显示脂褐素,但三氯化铁铁氰化钾染色方法优于其他两种。  相似文献   

该文旨在探讨基于冰冻切片样品进行苏木素–伊红(hematoxylin-eosin,HE)染色和快蓝(luxol fast blue,LFB)染色方法的优化及其在实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓炎(experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis,EAE)组织病理分析中的应用。取正常及EAE建模后的C57BL/6小鼠脊髓样品各5份,每份脊髓样品一分为二,分别制成冰冻切片和石蜡切片样品,通过设置不同优化条件对这两组切片进行HE和LFB染色,比较两组切片染色的结果。石蜡切片经过HE染色和LFB染色后细胞的形态结构和组织结构清晰,冰冻切片HE染色和LFB染色后细胞结构清晰度几乎和石蜡切片一致,进一步将该方法应用于分析β-arrestin2基因敲除对于小鼠EAE发生中的病理变化,发现能够很好地重复出基因敲除加重EAE疾病这一现象。冰冻切片染色优化后,基于冰冻切片进行HE染色和LFB染色可以达到石蜡切片类似的效果,并且实验过程简洁快速,大大缩短了实验时间,提高了效率,可以较好地应用于分析自身免疫疾病病理变化,该优化方法将在自身免疫疾病特别是多发性硬化动物模型的研究中有广泛的应用。  相似文献   

目的探讨在恶性黑色素瘤组织中如何快速褪除黑色素,便于进行免疫组织化学检测和观察。方法选取20例恶性黑色素瘤组织石蜡切片,分别应用0.5%高锰酸钾水浴法、0.25%高锰酸钾溶液滴入法、15%过氧化氢浸泡法和传统过氧化氢脱色法进行褪黑色素处理,处理过的切片分别进行免疫组织化学和HE染色,比较染色结果。结果以0.25%高锰酸钾溶液滴入法处理后的效果较为理想:HE染色显示切片完整,色素颗粒完全去除,组织形态和细胞形态清晰;免疫组织化学染色结果清晰易判读,具有较强的敏感性和特异性。结论 0.25%高锰酸钾溶液滴入法可作为恶性黑色素瘤去除色素颗粒的有效方法。  相似文献   

Aims: For identification of members of the fungal order Eurotiales, an 18S rRNA gene‐based oligonucleotide microarray was developed and optimized. Methods and Results: Eurotiales‐specific probes covering most members of the Eurotiales as well as species‐specific probes were designed and evaluated with three pure cultures (two fungi from the Eurotiales and one fungus from the Hypocreales). Nearly complete 18S rRNA genes of each reference culture were amplified and fluorescently labelled by random priming. Conclusions: Positive and negative hybridization results confirmed that the Eurotiales probes tested in this study could correctly identify members of the Eurotiales. The species‐specific probes were also capable of species‐level detection. Significance and Impact of the Study: These findings demonstrate the potential applications of a phylogenetic oligonucleotide microarray approach to characterizing fungal species and populations in environmental and other samples.  相似文献   

目的探讨吸烟患慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pul monary disease,COPD)者与吸烟不患COPD者肺组织中白介素-18(interleukin-18,IL-18)表达水平的差异。方法不吸烟不患COPD(Control组)、吸烟不患COPD(Smoker组)和吸烟患COPD(COPD组)患者各10例,性别、年龄相匹配,均为因肺部占位病变行肺叶切除术患者,取材尽量远离病变组织,采用HE染色观察各组肺组织形态学变化,用免疫组织化学染色方法,检测IL-18在肺组织的表达。结果1.HE染色显示正常对照组与吸烟不患COPD组无明显炎症变化;COPD组肺组织有明显的肺泡结构破坏和炎症细胞浸润,炎性细胞较Control组和Smoker组明显增加。2.免疫组化染色图像分析显示,Control组IL-18的平均光密度值为0.472±0.134,Smoker组为0.622±0.090,COPD组为0.897±0.193,COPD组与Control组和Smoker组之间有显著统计学差异(n均为10,P0.01),并且Smoker组和Control组之间也存在统计学差异(P0.05)。将30例受试者作为整体分析,肺组织中IL-18表达(平均光密度值表示)分别与肺功能指标FEV1/FVC、FEV1(%pred)之间存在显著的负的直线相关关系(n=30,r=-0.778,P0.01和n=30,r=-0.520,P0.01)。结论吸烟患COPD者肺组织中IL-18的表达较不患COPD者明显增加,IL-18在肺部的表达量与气流受限程度具有显著相关性,提示IL-18在吸烟致COPD的发病机制中可能起重要作用。  相似文献   

肛门生殖器区肿瘤组织中HPV的快速检测和分型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐钤  齐凤菊  黄扬中 《病毒学报》1999,15(4):348-353
迄今已发现的人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)型已超过77型,其中至少有30个型与泌尿生殖道肿瘤有关。所以HPV的检测与分型对于泌尿生殖道肿瘤的病因和预后将是非常重要的。HPV有很大的异质性,故用常规的诊断技术来测定未知标本中的HPV基因型有一定困难。为此,我们应用了反向点杂交法(ROB)来检测HPV分型。即用7种序列特异性寡核苷酸探针分别对应7型HPV(HPV6B、11、16、18、31、33、35),这些  相似文献   

M Meyberg 《Histochemistry》1988,88(2):197-199
A cytochemical method for light microscopical studies is described which allows the specific detection of fungal hyphae in plant-fungus associations: e.g. lichens, mycorrhiza, or fungal infections of plant tissue. The specimens were fixed and embedded in epoxy resin by a standard protocol for electron microscopy. Semithin sections were successively incubated with fluorescein isothiocyanate labelled wheat germ agglutinin (FITC-WGA) and calcofluor white (CW). FITC-WGA stained exclusively the fungal cell walls while CW stained both the fungal and the plant cell walls. Therefore, FITC-WGA is an excellent marker for the fungal hyphae.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Fungal plant pathogens exert much of their effect on plant cells through alterations in the host cell walls. However, obtaining biochemical proof for this change is difficult because of the relatively small number of cells that are affected by the pathogen relative to the bulk of host tissue. In this study, we examined the differences in host wall composition between infected and uninfected areas of seedlings of the weed hemp sesbania (Sesbania exaltata) that were treated with the biocontrol agent Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. ? Methods: To determine the changes in cell wall composition, we used semi-thin sections and a battery of antibody probes that recognize components of the cell wall and immunogold-silver cytochemistry to visualize the probes. ? Key results: A loss of specific plant cell wall polysaccharides in the region surrounding the primary fungal infection and the creation of a defensive layer by the plant to limit the fungal invasion were the two most obvious changes noted in this study. At the invasion site, there was significant loss of rhamnogalacturon-1 (RGI) and esterified and de-esterified homogalacturonan (HG)-reactive epitopes from the cell walls. In contrast, boundary tissue between the vascular tissue and the fungal lesion reacted more strongly with antibodies that recognize arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) and xyloglucans than in unaffected areas. ? Conclusions: These data strongly indicate a role of pectinases in the invasion of the biocontrol agent and the importance of extensins, AGPs, and xyloglucans as defense by the host.  相似文献   

In this study, we sequenced 18S rRNA genes (rDNA) from 49 fungal strains representing 31 species from 15 genera. Most of these species are common airborne fungi and pathogens that may cause various public health concerns. Sequence analysis revealed distinct divergence between Zygomycota and Ascomycota. Within Ascomycota, several strongly supported clades were identified that facilitate the taxonomic placement of several little-studied fungi. Wallemia appeared as the group most diverged from all the other Ascomycota species. Based on the 18S rDNA sequence variation, 108 oligonucleotide probes were designed for each genus and species included in this study. After homology searches and DNA hybridization evaluations, 33 probes were verified as genus or species specific. The optimal hybridization temperatures to achieve the best specificity for these 33 probes were determined. These new probes can contribute to the molecular diagnostic research for environmental monitoring.  相似文献   

Acid mine drainage (AMD) microbial communities contain microbial eukaryotes (both fungi and protists) that confer a biofilm structure and impact the abundance of bacteria and archaea and the community composition via grazing and other mechanisms. Since prokaryotes impact iron oxidation rates and thus regulate AMD generation rates, it is important to analyze the fungal and protistan populations. We utilized 18S rRNA and beta-tubulin gene phylogenies and fluorescent rRNA-specific probes to characterize the eukaryotic diversity and distribution in extremely acidic (pHs 0.8 to 1.38), warm (30 to 50 degrees C), metal-rich (up to 269 mM Fe(2+), 16.8 mM Zn, 8.5 mM As, and 4.1 mM Cu) AMD solutions from the Richmond Mine at Iron Mountain, Calif. A Rhodophyta (red algae) lineage and organisms from the Vahlkampfiidae family were identified. The fungal 18S rRNA and tubulin gene sequences formed two distinct phylogenetic groups associated with the classes Dothideomycetes and Eurotiomycetes. Three fungal isolates that were closely related to the Dothideomycetes clones were obtained. We suggest the name "Acidomyces richmondensis" for these isolates. Since these ascomycete fungi were morphologically indistinguishable, rRNA-specific oligonucleotide probes were designed to target the Dothideomycetes and Eurotiomycetes via fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). FISH analyses indicated that Eurotiomycetes are generally more abundant than Dothideomycetes in all of the seven locations studied within the Richmond Mine system. This is the first study to combine the culture-independent detection of fungi with in situ detection and a demonstration of activity in an acidic environment. The results expand our understanding of the subsurface AMD microbial community structure.  相似文献   

Agarose-coated glass slides, after activation, were spotted with amine-modified oligonucleotide probes using a manual eight-pin arraying device. Two probes, designed to identify two common greenhouse fungal plant pathogens, Didymella bryoniae and Botrytis cinerea, were hybridized with polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified fluorescently labeled DNA extracted from pure culture and from diseased plant tissue. The probes easily distinguished these pathogens from each other without cross reaction. Thickness of the agarose layer and length of the sample DNA were important factors affecting hybridization efficiency of immobilized probe to PCR product. These factors did not affect hybridization with short complementary oligonucleotide. Probes fixed on agarose-coated slides could differentiate samples as readily as probes on nylon but with potentially higher spot density and gave much better signal than probes on silylated slides. The use of plain glass slides, agarose, and a manual arrayer makes this technique useful for developing specialized and inexpensive DNA microarrays on a solid rigid substrate.  相似文献   

Nematodes and fungi are both ubiquitous in marine environments, yet few studies have investigated relationships between these two groups. Microbial species share many well-documented interactions with both free-living and parasitic nematode species, and limited data from previous studies have suggested ecological associations between fungi and nematodes in benthic marine habitats. This study aimed to further document the taxonomy and distribution of fungal taxa often co-amplified from nematode specimens. A total of 15 fungal 18S rRNA phylotypes were isolated from nematode specimens representing both deep-sea and shallow water habitats; all fungal isolates displayed high pairwise sequence identities with published data in Genbank (99-100%) and unpublished high-throughput 454 environmental datasets (>95%). BLAST matches indicate marine fungal sequences amplified in this study broadly represent taxa within the phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, and several phylotypes showed robust groupings with known taxa in phylogenetic topologies. In addition, some fungal phylotypes appeared to be present in disparate geographic habitats, suggesting cosmopolitan distributions or closely related species complexes in at least some marine fungi. The present study was only able to isolate fungal DNA from a restricted set of nematode taxa; further work is needed to fully investigate the taxonomic scope and function of nematode-fungal interactions.  相似文献   

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