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王志明  潘元龙  吴俊  朱宝利 《微生物学报》2012,52(10):1219-1227
【目的】对卡介苗(Bacillus Calmette-Guerin,BCG)美国株(BCG Tice)进行基因组补缺口(补洞)工作,以得到它的基因组完整序列。【方法】首先对BCG Tice进行高通量测序,使用SOAPdenovo软件对得到的数据进行拼接。由于在高通量测序的过程中基因组某些区域测序覆盖度低,测序质量差会使测序结果经拼接后形成众多的重叠群(contig),相邻的位置关系确定的contig形成一个scaffold,contig之间未测到的区域为缺口序列(gap),在contig末端设计引物进行PCR扩增,得到连接相邻contig的PCR产物,对PCR产物进行测序。通过优化PCR引物设计策略,尝试不同的聚合酶进行聚合反应,调整PCR反应条件并结合PCR产物构建克隆测序等方法,补齐contig之间的缺口序列。【结果】完成了BCG Tice的全基因组测序,得到了它的基因组完整序列,序列已提交到美国国立生物技术信息中心(NCBI)的GenBank数据库。【结论】BCG属于高GC含量的革兰氏阳性细菌,其基因组GC含量高达65.65%。本文以BCG Tice基因组补洞为例,对高GC含量基因组补缺口过程中遇到的问题与采取的策略给予概述,望给相关高GC含量基因组的物种全基因组测序补缺口工作提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在使用基于线粒体基因通用引物的双重PCR技术同时扩增单一样本中两条标记基因,从而达到简化节肢动物物种鉴定流程的目的。【方法】在一次PCR实验中同时加入可扩增线粒体COI基因和16S rDNA两个不同分子标记的引物,对3纲8目14科的14种节肢动物物种标本的基因组DNA进行扩增;扩增产物经电泳和胶回收后测序,并BLAST在线搜索相似序列,验证基于通用引物的双重PCR在不同的动物类群中用于物种鉴定的有效性。【结果】应用基于COI和16S rDNA的引物从分属于3纲8目14科的14种节肢动物基因组DNA中均可成功扩增目的基因;扩增产物测序结果进一步证实了扩增的准确性。【结论】通过本方法进行物种的分子鉴定,不仅可以保证物种鉴定的高准确率,还可以明显减少时间与DNA样本量的消耗,这对需要快速准确鉴定物种或珍稀的材料样本十分重要。  相似文献   

【目的】在昆虫基因功能等相关研究中,通常需要利用单对交配策略来筛选纯合突变品系,如何在配对前确定个体基因型同时又不对昆虫造成损伤,显得尤为重要。本文旨在探讨利用末龄幼虫蜕和蛹壳进行单头昆虫的无损伤基因检测方法。【方法】针对大小不同的3种鳞翅目昆虫斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura Fabricius、二点委夜蛾Athetis lepigone M?schler和小菜蛾Plutella xyllostella Linnaeus,收集末龄幼虫蜕及蛹壳,利用常规分子生物学技术进行基因组DNA提取、靶标基因PCR扩增、琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测、连接转化和单克隆测序验证。【结果】从斜纹夜蛾、二点委夜蛾末龄幼虫蜕和蛹壳提取的基因组DNA,以其为模板对GOBP1基因进行PCR扩增,产物经琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测得到单一、明显的条带,进一步经连接转化和单克隆测序得到目的序列;但由于小菜蛾末龄幼虫蜕和蛹壳太小,以同样方法提取的基因组DNA浓度太低,PCR产物经电泳检测,未能得到目的条带。【结论】对于与斜纹夜蛾和二点委夜蛾相近或更大的昆虫,可以利用单头末龄幼虫蜕或蛹壳提取基因组DNA,通过常规PCR技术克隆特定基因序列,为突变品系筛选过程中昆虫个体的无损伤基因型检测提供了方法。  相似文献   

银环蛇线粒体基因组全序列分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据GenBank公布的蛇类物种线粒体基因序列和已知的引物序列,总共设计和合成了9对引物.采用保真度较高的Ex-Taq酶,以总基因组DNA为模板进行PCR扩增,产物纯化后进行TA克隆和步移测序,拼接后获得了全长17 144 bp银环蛇线粒体基因组全序列.其共编码13种蛋白质、2种rRNA和22种tRNA.这些基因没有内含子,基因间排列紧密,仅有极少或完全没有核苷酸,甚至相互重叠.除了含有2个调控线粒体基因组复制和转录的控制区外,其余基因在长度和位置等方面与其它脊椎动物均具有较高的同源性.  相似文献   

将微卫星探针5′端生物素化后与链亲和素磁珠特异结合,用磁珠和探针的结合物与两端连接已知序列人工接头的中国李品种小黄李(Prunus salicinacv.Xiaohuangli)基因组DNA酶切片段杂交,以此杂交片段为模板用人工接头序列为引物进行PCR扩增,根据PCR产物测序结果设计引物作为微卫星DNA的标记引物.结果在随机挑选的36个克隆进行菌落PCR检测时,从31个阳性克隆中挑选18个克隆进行测序后获得了12条特异序列,设计的8对SSR引物均在5个中国李受试品种上获得了预期的扩增产物,其中4对引物在受试品种上表现出多态性.  相似文献   

引物悬挂延伸PCR扩增白藜芦醇合酶cDNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了得到葡萄白藜芦醇合酶(RS)基因的cDNA,实验以葡萄叶片为材料,利用引物悬挂延伸PCR法,以葡萄总DNA为模板,先分别扩增得到编码白藜芦醇合酶的第一外显子和第二外显子的序列,再以这两个序列为模板,进行第二轮的PCR,得到大小与RS基因大小相同的片段,经PCR产物测序证明,两个外显子已经准确无误地拼接,此片段就是RS基因。  相似文献   

赤麂线粒体全基因组的序列和结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提取赤麂细胞株总DNA,参照我们实验室已测定的同属动物小麂线粒体全基因组序列设计引物,PCR扩增、测序、拼接,获得赤麂线粒体全基因组序列并进行生物信息学分析。赤麂线粒体全基因组序列全长16354bp。定位了22个tRNA基因、2个rRNA基因、13个蛋白编码基因和1个D-loop区。赤麂与小麂及其它哺乳动物线粒体的基因组结构相同,它们的序列同源性都较高。  相似文献   

肥胖基因的分离及其在大肠杆菌中的表达   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用PCR技术自外周血白细胞染色体DNA中扩增获取了肥胖基因(ob基因)的外显子2和3序列.经过拼接,获得了全长的ob基因编码序列. 测序结果表明,获得的序列与文献报道完全一致.利用PCR技术扩增出成熟蛋白的编码序列,克隆至表达载体pBV220中获得了表达菌株,并对表达产物进行了初步纯化,为进一步研究ob基因产物的功能与应用奠定了基础.  相似文献   

【目的】分析严重威胁柑橘产业发展的毁灭性病害——柑橘黄龙病的强致病性病原亚洲种“Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus”的种群多样性研究中出现多条带PCR产物的原因,为难培养菌的分子生物学研究提供参考。【方法】通过使用PCR、聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)和测序相结合分析“Ca. L. asiaticus”基因组上2个短串联重复(Short tandem repeats,STR)基因的PCR产物。【结果】单个菌株可扩增获得多个PCR条带且其扩增产物多态性受寄主品种影响;这2个STR基因的PCR产物在菌株间呈明显的多态性;扩增所获得的序列可来自“Ca. L. asiaticus”本身,也可来自其寄主或内生菌。【结论】难培养菌的STR基因PCR产物多态性产生的主要原因是该基因内部的串联重复序列数目存在差异,但目的菌及外源物种(寄主或内生菌等)基因组的非特异性扩增也是影响其多态性的因素。  相似文献   

东方田鼠特异DNA片段的克隆及核苷酸序列分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
目的获得东方田鼠的特异DNA序列.方法Aβ基因使用PCR,基因克隆,斑点杂交,DNA序列分析,生物信息学技术.结果根据小鼠MHCⅡ外显子2及其两侧序列,合成引物并扩增东方田鼠基因组DNA,将PCR产物回收、测序后,分别设计内引物扩增东方田鼠基因组DNA,其中一对引物可得到特异性扩增带,将得到的DNA片段插入PGEM-Teasy载体,进行序列分析.用这对引物扩增人、昆明小鼠、BALB/c小鼠及C57BL/6J小鼠基因组DNA,均无扩增产物.以东方田鼠特异性扩增产物为探针进行斑点杂交,除东方田鼠基因组DNA外,其他几种动物基因组DNA均为阴性结果.进一步对该DNA片段进行了BLAST同源性搜索和外显子预测,在Genbank中没有发现高度同源序列,并且找到一个可能的外显子,该外显子由69个氨基酸组成.结论获得的DNA片段为东方田鼠的特异片段,这将为从分子水平深入研究东方田鼠的遗传背景、生物进化规律以及东方田鼠抗日本血吸虫的机理奠定基础.  相似文献   



Adenovirus is one of the most common causes of viral acute respiratory infections. To identify the types of human adenoviruses (HAdVs) causing respiratory illness in Beijing, a sentinel surveillance project on the viral aetiology of acute respiratory infection was initiated in 2011.

Principal findings

Through the surveillance project, 4617 cases of respiratory infections were identified during 2011-2013. Throat swabs (pharynx and tonsil secretions) were collected from all the patients, and 15 different respiratory viruses were screened by multiplex one-step PCR method. 45 were identified as adenovirus-positive from sporadic and outbreak cases of respiratory infection by a multiplex one-step RT-PCR method, and a total of 21 adenovirus isolates were obtained. Five HAdV types among three species, including HAdV-3 (species HAdV-B), HAdV-4 (species HAdV-E), HAdV-7 (species HAdV-B), HAdV-55 (species HAdV-B), and an undefined HAdV type (species HAdV-C) were identified. The comparison results of the penton base, hexon, and fiber gene sequences of the Beijing HAdV-3, HAdV-4, HAdV-7, and HAdV-55 strains in this study and those from the GenBank database indicated significant spatial and temporal conservation and stability of sequences within the genome; however, the phylogenetic relationship indicated that both strain BJ04 and strain BJ09 isolated in 2012 and 2013, respectively, may have recombined between HAdV-1 genome and HAdV-2 genome within species HAdV-C, indicating intraspecies recombination.


This study confirmed that at least 5 HAdV types including HAdV-3, HAdV-4, HAdV-7, HAdV-55 and an undefined HAdV type were co-circulating and were the causative agents of respiratory tract infections in recent years in Beijing. HAdV-3, HAdV-4, HAdV-7, and HAdV-55 showed the apparent stability of the genomes, while intraspecies recombination was identified in strain BJ04 and BJ09. The recombinants carrying penton base gene of HAdV-1 as well as hexon and fiber genes of HAdV-2 might be a novel type of HAdV worthy of further study.  相似文献   

猪瘟病毒中国际标准强毒株—F114株全长cDNA的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

【背景】由于甲基营养菌被发现的时间较短,而且可以生产吡咯喹啉醌(pyrroloquinoline quinone,PQQ)的甲基杆菌属细菌只有少数菌株的全基因组序列被公布,增加了该类细菌基因组学和生物代谢途径研究的难度。【目的】将本实验室筛选的PQQ生产菌经多种诱变方式处理,用于提高PQQ的发酵产量。对高产突变菌株进行全基因组解析,以探究甲基杆菌PQQ合成的分子机制,为后续分子育种提供序列背景信息。【方法】将野生型PQQ生产菌株进行紫外诱变、亚硝基胍诱变、甲基磺酸乙酯诱变、硫酸二乙酯诱变和紫外-氯化锂复合诱变。将突变菌株利用PromethION三代测序平台和MGISEQ-2000二代测序平台测序,然后进行组装和功能注释。组装得到的全基因组序列与模式菌株扭脱甲基杆菌AM1 (Methylobacterium extorquens AM1)进行比较基因组学分析。【结果】经11轮诱变获得一株突变菌株NI91,其PQQ产量为19.49 mg/L,相较原始菌株提高44.91%。突变菌株NI91的基因组由一个5 409 262 bp的染色体组成,共编码4 957个蛋白,与模式菌株M. extorquens AM1比较发现其PQQ合成过程中剪切加工相关的基因pqqF和pqqG缺失,但首次在甲基营养菌中发现与基因pqqF具有相似功能的基因pqqL,且基因pqqC/D的序列存在较大差异。【结论】为甲基营养类细菌甲基杆菌的功能基因组学研究及PQQ合成机理研究提供了基础数据支持,NI91与模式菌株M. extorquens AM1的比较基因组学分析为揭示PQQ合成的不同机理提供了分子基础。  相似文献   



Human adenovirus 14 (HAdV-14) is a recognized causative agent of epidemic febrile respiratory illness (FRI). Last reported in Eurasia in 1963, this virus has since been conspicuously absent in broad surveys, and was never isolated in North America despite inclusion of specific tests for this serotype in surveillance methods. In 2006 and 2007, this virus suddenly emerged in North America, causing high attack rate epidemics of FRI and, in some cases, severe pneumonias and occasional fatalities. Some outbreaks have been relatively mild, with low rates of progression beyond uncomplicated FRI, while other outbreaks have involved high rates of more serious outcomes.

Methodology and Findings

In this paper we present the complete genomic sequence of this emerging pathogen, and compare genomic sequences of isolates from both mild and severe outbreaks. We also compare the genome sequences of the recent isolates with those of the prototype HAdV-14 that circulated in Eurasia 30 years ago and the closely related sequence of HAdV-11a, which has been circulating in southeast Asia.


The data suggest that the currently circulating strain of HAdV-14 is closely related to the historically recognized prototype throughout its genome, though it does display a couple of potentially functional mutations in the fiber knob and E1A genes. There are no polymorphisms that suggest an obvious explanation for the divergence in severity between outbreak events, suggesting that differences in outcome are more likely environmental or host determined rather than viral genetics.  相似文献   

我国分离的XJ-160病毒全基因组克隆的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The genome of HAdV-B14p1 strain BJ430, isolated from a six-month-old baby diagnosed with bronchial pneumonia at the Beijing Children’s Hospital in December 2010, was sequenced, analyzed, and compared with reference adenovirus genome sequences archived in GenBank. This genome is 34,762 bp in length, remarkably presenting 99.9% identity with the genome from HAdV14p1 strain 303600, which was isolated in the USA (2006). Even more remarkable, it is 99.7% identical with the HAdV-B14p (prototype “de Wit” strain) genome, isolated from The Netherlands in 1955. The patient and its parents presumably had no or limited contact with persons from the USA and Ireland, both of which reported outbreaks of the re-emergent virus HAdV-14p1 recently. These genome data, its analysis, and this report provide a reference for any additional HAdV-B14 outbreak in China and provide the basis for the development of adenovirus vaccines and molecular pathogen surveillance protocols in high-risk areas.  相似文献   

目的:构建表达超抗原SEA基因的溶瘤腺病毒载体并鉴定.方法:采用PCR技术,从产SEA的葡萄球菌标准菌株ATCC13565基因组DNA中获得SEA全长基因序列,酶切后克隆入pCA13质粒,构建重组病毒质粒pCA13-SEA.将鉴定正确的pCA13-SEA与含有腺病毒右臂的质粒pBHGE3通过Lipofectamine2000共转染HEK293细胞,经同源重组产生重组腺病毒Ad-SEA.Ad-SEA在293细胞中大量扩增并通过氯化铯密度梯度离心法纯化、测定其滴度.结果:经PCR扩增、酶切鉴定、序列测定证实,SEA基因成功克隆到溶瘤腺病毒载体中,可实现SEA基因的表达.结论:成功构建了表达超抗原SEA基因的溶瘤腺病毒载体,为进一步研究该病毒对膀胱肿瘤靶向治疗的作用奠定了基础.  相似文献   

In this study, we determined the complete nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of a primary isolate of rabies virus (SH06) obtained from the brain of a rabid dog. The overall length of the genome was 11 924 nucleotides. Comparison of the genomic sequence showed the homology of SH06 at nucleotide level with full-length genomes of reference vaccine strains ranged from 82.2% with the PV strain to 86.9% with the CTN strain. A full-length genome-based phylogenetic analysis was performed with sequences available from GenBank. Phylogenetic analysis of the complete genome sequences indicated that the SH06 exhibited the highest homology with rabies street virus BD06 and CTN vaccine strain originated from China.  相似文献   

An outbreak of adenovirus has been surveyed in Taiwan in 2011. To better understand the evolution and epidemiology of adenovirus in Taiwan, full-length sequence of hexon and fiber coapsid protein was analyzed using series of phylogenetic and dynamic evolution tools. Six different serotypes were identified in this outbreak and the species B was predominant (HAdV-3, 71.50%; HAdV-7, 15.46%). The most frequent diagnosis was acute tonsillitis (54.59%) and bronchitis (47.83%). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that hexon protein gene sequences were highly conserved for HAdV-3 and HAdV-7 circulation in Taiwan. However, comparison of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and phylogenetic trees of fiber gene in HAdV-7 clearly indicated that the predominant genotype in Taiwan has shifted from 7b to 7d. Several positive selection sites were observed in hexon protein. The estimated nucleotide substitution rates of hexon protein of HAdV-3 and HAdV-7 were 0.234×10-3 substitutions/site/year (95% HPD: 0.387~0.095×10-3) and 1.107×10-3 (95% HPD: 0. 541~1.604) respectively; those of the fiber protein of HAdV-3 and HAdV-7 were 1.085×10-3 (95% HPD: 1.767~0.486) and 0.132×10-3 (95% HPD: 0.283~0.014) respectively. Phylodynamic analysis by Bayesian skyline plot (BSP) suggested that using individual gene to evaluate the effective population size might possibly cause miscalculation. In summary, the virus evolution is ongoing, and continuous surveillance of this virus evolution will contribute to the control of the epidemic.  相似文献   

Shi  Zhibin  Liu  Chunguo  Yang  Huanliang  Chen  Yan  Liu  Hua  Wei  Lili  Liu  Zaisi  Jiang  Yongping  He  Xijun  Wang  Jingfei 《中国病毒学》2021,36(1):25-32
Fur seal feces-associated circular DNA virus(FSfa CV) is an unclassified circular replication-associated protein(Rep)-encoding single-stranded(CRESS) DNA virus that has been detected in mammals(fur seals and pigs). The biology and epidemiology of the virus remain largely unknown. To investigate the virus diversity among pigs in Anhui Province,China, we pooled 600 nasal samples in 2017 and detected viruses using viral metagenomic methods. From the assembled contigs, 12 showed notably high nucleotide acid sequence similarities to the genome sequences of FSfa CVs. Based on these sequences, a full-length genome sequence of the virus was then obtained using overlapping PCR and sequencing, and the virus was designated as FSfa CV-CHN(Gen Bank No. MK462122). This virus shared 91.3% and 90.9% genome-wide nucleotide sequence similarities with the New Zealand fur seal strain FSfa CV-as50 and the Japanese pig strain FSfa CVJPN1, respectively. It also clustered with the two previously identified FSfa CVs in a unique branch in the phylogenetic tree based on the open reading frame 2(ORF2), Rep-coding gene, and the genome of the reference CRESS DNA viruses.Further epidemiological investigation using samples collected in 2018 showed that the overall positive rate for the virus was 56.4%(111/197) in Anhui Province. This is the first report of FSfa CVs identified in pigs in China, and further epidemiological studies are warranted to evaluate the influence of the virus on pigs.  相似文献   

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