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载体DNA的制备是构建大片段基因组文库的关键步骤之一,高质量载体DNA受到酶切、脱磷等因素的影响,以载体pBHYG为材料,优化了限制性内切酶胁HindⅢ酶切和小牛肠碱性磷酸酶(CLAP)脱磷的作用条件,并在T4连接酶作用下自连,通过胶回收纯化制备了可用于进一步构建大片段基因组文库的线性载体DNA。  相似文献   

目的:克隆杜氏盐藻硝酸盐还原酶(NR)基因5′上游序列序列,并对其功能进行分析。方法: 利用BamHI、EcoRI、HindIII、PstI、SalI、Xbal 6种限制性内切酶分别酶切盐藻基因组DNA,并与接头连接,构建成盐藻基因组步行文库。采用 LA-PCR方法,从上述盐藻步行基因组文库中扩增NR基因5′上游序列序列,测序并进行分析。为检测其表达特性,构建了该片段与GUS 嵌合基因的表达载体pNR-GUS, 通过电击法将所构建的重组表达载体转化盐藻,组织化学染色法观察GUS的表达。结果: 从盐藻基因组步行文库中扩增出约1200bp特异片段,序列分析表明5′上游序列含有启动子的特征性序列。GUS瞬时表达染色结果显示,该DNA 片段具有硝酸盐诱导和铵抑制的启动子活性。结论:所克隆的盐藻的5′上游序列可能是一种具有"开关"活性的可控性启动子。  相似文献   

为了探讨限制性显示(RD)技术在构建蛋白质多肽文库中灵活的接头设计,分别根据原核表达载体pET22b以及酵母表达载体pNMT-TOPO设计了三套接头,三套接头依次增加一个碱基以保证与之连接的片段总有可能表达正确的开放阅读框.然后以HIV-1 B亚型代表株U26942全基因质粒DNA为对象,利用RD技术分别建立了相应的蛋白质多肽文库.从每个库中各随机挑选12个克隆进行测序分析并进行蛋白质表达预测.结果从原核表达文库中获得了一个可以表达HIV Pol多肽的克隆,SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)结果显示该克隆在细菌BL21(DE3)中有较高的表达,蛋白质印迹为阳性,与理论预测相符.这些结果提示,RD技术是一种建立基因组随机多肽文库的新方法,该方法灵活的接头设计可以满足不同的表达载体需求.  相似文献   

为从地衣中筛选耐寒基因,采用CTAB法提取岛衣北极变种的共生菌藻中基因组DNA,经Sau3AⅠ酶切,获得2~6 kb的DNA片段。再与经BamHⅠ酶切消化并经去磷酸化处理的质粒载体pUC19体外连接,转化至DH5α大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)的感受态细胞中,成功构建了岛衣北极变种的宏基因组文库。  相似文献   

目的:拼接DNA片段并克隆。方法:用T4DNA连接酶将DNA片段以平末端随机连接,随后用限制性内切酶切割,琼脂糖电泳分离酶切产物,挑选特定片段纯化回收,与线性化的载体质粒连接,转化大肠杆菌感受态细胞。结果:通过以上步骤,成功拼接了不同DNA片段,构建了含有目的拼接片段的重组质粒。结论:该方法简便、易行、可靠,可作为拼接、克隆DNA的备选方案,在分子生物学研究和基因工程中应用。  相似文献   

目的:建立甲基营养菌MP681基因组文库,用于鸟枪法测序。方法:提取MP681基因组DNA,经超声随机片段化及T4 DNA聚合酶末端修平处理后,与经SmaⅠ酶切、小牛肠碱性磷酸酶(CIP)去磷酸化处理的pUC19载体连接,电击转化大肠杆菌DH5α感受态,并通过末端双向测序对文库质量进行评价。结果:分别构建了2~4 kb和4~6 kb基因组文库,电泳结果显示插入片段长度与预期符合,文库库容均在10万以上。结论:构建了插入片段大小和库容符合要求的甲基营养菌MP681全基因组鸟枪法2~4 kb、4~6 kb测序文库。  相似文献   

目的:克隆杜氏盐藻硝酸盐还原酶(NR)基因5′上游序列,并对其功能进行分析。方法:利用BamHI、EcoRI、HindIII、PstI、SalI、Xbal6种限制性内切酶分别酶切盐藻基因组DNA,并与接头连接,构建成盐藻基因组步行文库。采用LA-PCR方法,从上述盐藻步行基因组文库中扩增NR基因5′上游序列,测序并进行分析。为检测其表达特性,构建了该片段与GUS嵌合基因的表达载体pNR-GUS,通过电击法将所构建的重组表达载体转化盐藻,组织化学染色法观察GUS的表达。结果:从盐藻基因组步行文库中扩增出约1200bp特异片段,序列分析表明5′上游序列含有启动子的特征性序列。GUS瞬时表达染色结果显示,该DNA片段具有硝酸盐诱导和铵抑制的启动子活性。结论:所克隆的盐藻的5′上游序列可能是一种具有“开关”活性的可控性启动子。  相似文献   

目的:旨在建立一种简便易行的DNA甲基化文库构建载体,用于筛选细胞中具有甲基化敏感性CCGG位点的DNA片段。方法:根据HpaⅡ/MspⅠ酶切体系对甲基化酶敏感性不同的特点,通过在PCR引物中添加CCGG酶切位点的方法,将扩增得到的目的片段连接到无CpG甲基化的质粒载体上。结果:成功构建了含双CCGG位点的pCpGfree-HpaⅡ/MspⅠ-1质粒载体。结论:所构建的pCpGfree-HpaⅡ/MspⅠ-1质粒载体CCGG位点未发生甲基化,故可以用于构建含有甲基化CCGG序列的DNA甲基化文库。  相似文献   

藏鸡微卫星文库的构建与微卫星标记筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过磁珠富集法构建了藏鸡基因组微卫星富集文库,分离微卫星序列并对其进行分析.将藏鸡基因组DNA经Sau3AI酶切后纯化回收,连接特定接头.用生物素标记的(CA)12探针与藏鸡基因组酶切回收片段杂交,捕获200~900 bp片段,随后将获得的片段连接到pMD 18-T载体上,转化至JM109中,成功构建藏鸡微卫星富集文库.从1200个转化子中获得了353个阳性克隆,随机挑选53个测序,根据测序结果成功设计了18对藏鸡微卫星引物,最终筛选出6个具有多态性的微卫星标记,其PIC值均大于0.5,同时可以用于研究藏鸡遗传多样性.实验结果表明磁珠富集法能够有效提高分离微卫星标记的效率.  相似文献   

目的:构建人snail基因真核表达载体并鉴定。方法:使用RT-PCR法获取人snail基因全长c DNA,经Bam H I、Eco R I双酶切、连接,插入pc DNA3.1(+)真核表达载体,转化TOP10感受态细胞,用含氨苄青霉素的LB培养基筛选阳性克隆,提取质粒双酶切电泳及测序鉴定,瞬时转染siha细胞Western-blot从蛋白水平鉴定重组质粒在真核细胞内的表达。结果:pc DNA3.1-snail重组质粒经酶切电泳符合预期片段,测序鉴定插入片段与NCBI Gen Bank文库中人snail序列一致,重组质粒瞬时转染后snail蛋白表达量明显增高。结论:成功构建pc DNA3.1-snail重组质粒载体,为进一步探讨snail基因生物学功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A method for generation of arbitrary peptide libraries using genomic DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Random peptide libraries can be constructed either by in vitro synthesis of random peptides, or through translation of DNA sequences from synthetic random oligonucleotides. Here we describe an alternative way of making arbitrary peptide libraries with high diversity that can be used in screening as random peptide libraries. Genomic DNA digested with a frequent-cutting restriction enzyme recognizing four nucleotides will theoretically consist of small DNA pieces with average length of 256 nucleotides, and on average around 107 fragments can be generated from a genome of 3 × 109 bases. A peptide library translated from these fragments will have sufficient diversity for some protein interaction screening experiments. Moreover, the same genome digested with a different four-cutter enzyme or ligated into different reading frames will result in different nonoverlapping libraries. A series of such libraries could be generated with genomic DNAs from different species. In this study, human genomic DNA was digested with four-cutter restriction enzymes DpnII and Tsp509I, respectively, and cloned into yeast expression vector pGADT7 to generate arbitrary peptide libraries. These libraries were used in yeast two-hybrid assays to screen for binding motifs of the PDZ domain containing protein synectin. Our results showed that in addition to various native carboxy-terminal tails, synectin could also bind to many artificial ones, some of which contained a consensus sequence—(S/T)XC-COOH.  相似文献   

Nucleoids isolated from either synchronized or exponentially growing HeLa cells were digested with restriction enzymes to separate a nuclear matrix-bound DNA component from the rest. Partial libraries were constructed by inserting DNA fragments from both components into a yeast-bacteria plasmid vector. A random sample from these libraries was tested for ARS activity by a standard yeast transformation assay. We found that synchronization for DNA replication results in an enrichment for autonomously replicating sequences in the library constructed with the DNA component bound to the nuclear matrix.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNAs of six morphologically different Phytophthora species were digested with 15 restriction enzymes. The numbers of restriction fragments obtained differed considerably from those theoretically expected for random base distribution. Enzymes with relatively many G and C in their recognition sequences produced significantly larger numbers of fragments. Moreover, fragments generated by most of these enzymes were more often shared by two or more species than those from enzymes with more A and T in their recognition sequence. It is concluded that base distribution in mitochondrial DNA of Phytophthora is heterogeneous,AT-rich stretches occurring scattered over the mitochondrial genome and GC-rich regions present in conserved sequences, presumably genes. A practical consequence for taxonomic RFLP studies is that optimal enzymes can be selected, depending on the desired level of resolution.  相似文献   

Chicken B-G-subregion cDNA probes were used to analyze restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) of the B-G subregion of the chicken major histocompatibility complex. Genomic DNA from chickens representing 17 of the 27 standard B haplotypes were digested with restriction endonucleases and analyzed in Southern hybridizations with two cDNA clones from the B-G subregion. Each B-G genotype was found to produce a unique pattern of restriction fragments in these Southern hybridizations. With 15 of the 17 genotypes examined, the different genotypes could be readily distinguished in hybridizations produced with DNA digested with a single restriction enzyme, PVU II. The two additional genotypes produced nearly identical patterns in PVU II preparations and with three additional enzymes as well, but were readily distinguishable in Eco RI digestions. For many of the haplotypes, samples from several individuals in different flocks were examined. In every instance, genotyping by RFLP pattern was found to confirm the B-G allele assigned serologically.  相似文献   

G M Santangelo  J Tornow  K Moldave 《Gene》1986,46(2-3):181-186
We have developed a novel efficient method, carrier-facilitated insertion, to insert small (150-600 bp) DNA fragments into plasmid vectors. This method employs a carrier segment of vector DNA to circumvent the difficulties in ligating two fragments together to generate a recombinant circle efficiently. We have used carrier-facilitated insertion to construct three genomic libraries of random (DNase I-generated) fragments from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome. One of these was an expression library, and the other two were promoter-cloning libraries. 87-90% of the Escherichia coli colonies in each library contained recombinant plasmids, and less than 3% of the recombinants contained more than one insert. Detection of open reading frames among the inserts in the expression library was accomplished by testing for beta-galactosidase activity. This methodology, unencumbered by the intrinsic disproportionality of cDNA libraries, can be used to identify and clone DNA that codes for a specific antigenic determinant. When used in combination with a method to detect and isolate random constitutive, repressible and inducible yeast promoters, these libraries should permit a comprehensive analysis of the yeast genome and its expression.  相似文献   

HCVNS3基因片段酵母展示文库的构建和鉴定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 HCV NS3特异的 CD4+T细胞反应与 HCV感染的良性转归相关 .为了筛选其 CD4+T细胞表位 ,构建了 HCV NS3基因片段酵母展示文库 .首先 DNase 不完全酶切 HCV NS3基因产生长度为 1 0 0~ 30 0 bp的随机片段 ,然后在它们两端加上含限制性内切酶 Bam H 作用位点的接头 ,再以接头序列作引物进行 PCR扩增 .最后扩增产物用 Bam H 酶切后与 Bam H 线性化的穿梭载体 p YD1连接 ,转化大肠杆菌 (E.coli) DH5α,共得到 2× 1 0 6个转化子 .转化菌落的 PCR扩增结果表明 ,约 50 %转化子含插入片段 .随机选择 5个插入片段测序 ,然后与 DNA序列数据库中的序列比较 .结果显示它们分别与 HCV NS3序列有 96%~ 99%的同源性 .用从转化菌落中提取的质粒转化酵母 (S.cerevisiae)菌株 EBY1 0 0 ,得到含 2× 1 0 5个插入片段的 HCV NS3基因片段酵母展示文库 .半乳糖诱导的酵母细胞通过和 FITC标记的抗体结合 ,用 FACS可以在 2 0 %的细胞表面检测到融合蛋白的表达 .  相似文献   

Pulsed electrophoresis was used to study the organization of the human centromeric region. Genomic DNA was digested with rare-cutting enzymes. DNA fragments from 0.2 to greater than 5.7 Mb were separated by electrophoresis and hybridized with alphoid and simple DNA repeats. Rare-cutting enzymes (Mlu I, Nar I, Not I, Nru I, Sal I, Sfi I, Sst II) demonstrated fewer restriction sites at centromeric regions than elsewhere in the genome. The enzyme Not I had the fewest restriction sites at centromeric regions. As much as 70% of these sequences from the centromeric region are present in Not I DNA fragments greater than 5.7 and estimated to be as large as 10 Mb in size. Other repetitive sequences such as short interspersed repeated segments (SINEs), long interspersed repeated segments (LINEs), ribosomal DNA, and minisatellite DNA that are not enriched at the centromeric region, are not enriched in Not I fragments of greater than 5.7 Mb in size.  相似文献   

Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries are the large DNA insert libraries of choice and valuable tools for the map-based cloning of target quantitative trait loci, physical mapping, molecular cytogenetics and comparative genomics. The protocol reported here is a simplified method used to produce and screen BAC libraries from Brachypodium species and other related grasses. Intact nuclei, containing high molecular weight (HMW) DNA, are isolated and embedded in agarose plugs. The HMW DNA is digested using an appropriate restriction enzyme and size-fractionated using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The DNA is isolated by dialysis, ligated into pre-prepared vector and electroporated into competent Escherichia coli cells. A PCR-based method for screening the library is also described. The entire protocol takes at least 6 weeks to complete.  相似文献   

目的评估AFLP-DNA指纹技术在新生隐球菌分类中应用情况。方法新生隐球菌基因组DNA用双酶酶切,双链接头连于其酶切末端,用与接头和酶切位点互补的引物扩增DNA片段,其产物在高分辨的变性聚丙酰胺凝胶上电泳分离,然后进行银染。结果分析来自5种血清型和临床分离株的18株新生隐球菌,可见有30多条大小在30~500bp的DNA-AFLP指纹,相同的血清型有不同的指纹图谱,来自同一患者不同病期的两株分离株和来自同一患者患者的不同部位的两株分离株都显示出相同的带型。结论显示了AFLP的高分辨率,是适用于新生隐球菌流行病学调查的有力工具。  相似文献   

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