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油菜作为优势能源作物的发展潜力与展望   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
介绍了生物能源的发展趋势、国内外油菜生产、用途与发展潜力,应用油菜作为生物能源的现状、趋势与生物柴油加工技术,提出了我国加快优势能源作物发展的建议。  相似文献   

生物能源专刊序言   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物能源作为可再生能源,有望减少能源供给中对石油的依赖程度。近年来,我国生物能源的发展非常迅速,已经成为继巴西和美国后的第三大燃料乙醇生产国和消费国。为促进生物能源相关技术研究的发展,本期“生物能源”专刊收录了我国生物能源专家学者在燃料乙醇、生物柴油、微生物油脂、生物燃料系统分析等领域的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

能源植物资源的研究和开发   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
植物能源是一种清洁的、方便的可替代能源,发展植物能源是解决矿石能源危机的可行的措施,生物汽油和生物柴油产业已得到初步发展和应用。按照能源植物所含特定化学物质的对能源植物进行类别划分,并结合我国的实际,提出我国适宜发展的能源植物品种。  相似文献   

生物能源作为可再生能源,可以替代部分石化能源,有望缓解能源供给中对石油的依赖程度.本期专刊结合第6届国际生物能源会议,包括综述和研究报告两部分,报道了我国生物能源专家学者在燃料乙醇、生物柴油、微生物油脂、生物燃料标准、航空生物燃料等领域的最新研究进展.  相似文献   

随着传统化石能源的日益枯竭、环境污染的日益加重,世界各国都在积极寻求发展可再生能源。生物能源,尤其是包括生物乙醇和生物柴油在内的生物燃料,因其原料的可再生性和燃料使用的环境友好性,  相似文献   

生物能源包括生物乙醇(玉米乙醇和纤维素乙醇)、生物柴油、生物制氢、生物发电、沼气等。随着石油资源的日益枯竭和环境污染的日益严重,作为一种清洁可再生的新能源,生物能源的研究和开发引起了全球各界的广泛重视。因此,各国政府颁布相关政策、加大投资力度,以积极支持生物能源的发展。  相似文献   

发展生物能源是减轻经济和社会发展对不可再生矿物质能源依赖程度,实现CO2减排的有效措施。本期专刊包括综述报告和研究论文两部分,涉及燃料乙醇、生物柴油、生物燃气、生物氢能、微生物燃料电池和微生物电解池等主要生物能源产品和系统,比较全面地分析其基础研究、关键技术开发和产业发展现状,讨论了存在的问题和挑战,展望了发展的前景。  相似文献   

生物能源产业演化过程及动力机制具有自身的规律和特点,深入分析了生物能源产业生态系统演化的过程,探讨了生物能源内生系统、外生系统和共生系统的演化动力机制和特点,对于产业生态系统的发展战略制定、企业竞争策略的选择有重要意义,为研究生物能源产业的发展提供了全新视角.  相似文献   

生物能源是一种绿色可再生能源,可缓解石化能源短缺危机和环境污染,在巴西、欧美已经得到广泛应用。我国生物能源还处于发展阶段,有燃料乙醇的生产但需要国家补贴,食用油每年大量进口,非食用油类植物种植加工尚无大规模形成。我国生物能源主要面临的问题是:与人争粮食,与粮食争地。我国生物能源主要发展方向是:利用第三代生物能源技术开发林业下脚料,农业秸秆、粪,以及在荒漠,水域,边缘性地区栽种油料植物,水藻,第三代生物能源技术没有大规模在我国实现,需加大研发力度和政策支持。  相似文献   

国家电网公司在2006年6月初参加在瑞典举行的世界生物能源大会时,与瑞典投资促进署签署了合作谅解备忘录,计划在今后投资20亿瑞典克朗(约合人民币21.6亿元)参与瑞典生物能源产业建设。 据悉,国家电网公司下属的国能生物发电公司分别与瑞典海热达林环保能源有限公司、瑞典国家电力公司、瑞典国家森林公司和银雪坪EnaKraft生物能热电厂签署了合作意向。根据合作意向,国能生物发电公司将与瑞典合作开发下列三大项目:最大的项目是位于瑞典北部Harjedalen的生物能源热电厂,同时生产加工木材球和酒精燃料;  相似文献   

After the strong climatic shocks which happened over and over again, which made the hands free and which started the biological and cultural development of Hominoids, everything depended on the brains of the species concerned and their ability to correlate and invent, because of the constant pressure of their natural and social environment. We are less interested in describing 15 steps here, than in specifying, for each reference mark in a non-stop process, the level reached by mental ability as much cognizantly as affectingly and the neurological bases, which allowed them to occur. This progression was based on the complexification (through epigenesis) of intracerebral connections at different levels allowing us to have large conscience and language, which are the bases of our freedom (via feelings, re-entries and mental pictures). Consequently, men could progressively have control of natural powers, inert ones first (tools), then moving ones (fire), living (hunting) and social ones (slavery); at last, men could free himself from them and perceive them objectively, dominate them, and conceive them in time and abstraction. Writing, then philosophy, then counting and logic have only recently crowned the progress towards the conquest of abstract and humanism through reversive action. The whole show phyletical gradualism, which is still progressing.  相似文献   

This paper is the sixteenth installment of our annual review of research concerning the opiate system. It is restricted to papers published during 1993 that concern the behavioral effects of the endogenous opiate peptides, and does not include papers dealing only with their analgesic properties. The specific topics this year include stress; tolerance and dependence; eating; drinking; gastrointestinal, renal, and hepatic function; mental illness and mood; learning, memory, and reward; cardiovascular responses; respiration and thermoregulation; seizures and other neurological disorders; electrical-related activity; general activity and locomotion; development; immunological responses; and other behaviors.  相似文献   

This article is the eighteenth installment of our annual review of research concerning the opiate system. It includes articles published during 1995 reporting the behavioral effects of the opiate peptides and antagonists, excluding the purely analgesic effects. The specific topics covered this year include stress; tolerance and dependence; eating; drinking; gastrointestinal, renal, and hepatic function; mental illness and mood; learning, memory, and reward; cardiovascular responses; respiration and thermoregulation; seizures and other neurological disorders; electrical-related activity; general activity and locomotion; sex, pregnancy, and development; immunological responses; and other behaviors.  相似文献   

Endogenous opiates: 1994   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article is the 17th installment of our annual review of research concerning the opiate system. It includes papers published during 1994 involving the behavioral, nonanalgesic, effects of the endogenous opiate peptides. The specific topics covered this year include stress; tolerance and dependence; eating; drinking; gastrointestinal, renal, and hepatic function; mental illness and mood; learning, memory, and reward; cardiovascular responses; respiration and thermoregulation; seizures and other neurological disorders; electrical-related activity; general activity and locomotion; sex, pregnancy, and development; immunological responses; and other behaviors.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of heavy metal additions on availability and uptake of cadmium, lead, zinc, copper, manganese and iron by oat was studied. The experiments were carried out as pot experiments using sandy loam, sandy soil and organic soil. Selective extractants were used to remove metals held in different soil fractions.Lead and copper were preferently bound by organics and oxides, zinc by oxides and inorganics, and cadmium by inorganics and organics.Addition of cadmium to the soils resulted in higher cadmium concentrations in all plant parts but lower concentrations of lead, zinc, copper, manganese and iron, and the accumulation indexes of these metals were also lower when cadmium was added to the soil.Addition of cadmium plus lead, zinc and copper resulted in higher cadmium concentrations in leaves and straw of plants grown in sandy loam and sandy soil, but lower concentrations when plants were grown in organic soil as compared with the results when cadmium was added separately. The transfer of cadmium, lead, zinc and copper from soil to plant was greatest from sandy soil, and zinc and cadmium were more mobile in the plant than were lead and copper.Cadmium concentrations in leaves correlated significantly with CaCl2 and CH3COOH extractions in sandy loam and sandy soil and with CH3COOH extractions in organic soil.Generally, the total metal uptake was lowest from organic soil.  相似文献   

Rigorous bed rest (RBR) induces significant electrolyte changes, but little it is not known about the effect of acute bed rest (ABR) (i.e., abrupt confinement to a RBR). The aim of this study was to measure urinary and plasma electrolyte changes during ABR and RBR conditions. The studies were done during 3 d of a pre-bed-rest (BR) period and during 7 d of an ABR and RBR period. Thirty male trained athletes aged, 24.4 ± 6.6 yr were chosen as subjects. They were divided equally into three groups: unrestricted ambulatory control subjects (UACS), acute-bed-rested subjects (ABRS), and rigorous-bed-rested subjects (RBRS). The UACS group experienced no changes in professional training and daily activities. The ABRS were submitted abruptly to a RBR regimen and without having any prior knowledge of the exact date and time when they would be subjected to an RBR regimen. The RBRS were subjected to an RBR regime on a predetermined date and time known to them from the beginning of the study. Sodium (Na), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), and phosphate (P) in plasma and urine, plasma renin activity (PRA) and plasma aldosterone (PA), physical characteristics, peak oxygen uptake, and food and water intakes were measured. Urinary Na, K, Ca, Mg, and P excretion and plasma Na, K, Mg, Ca, and P concentration, PRA, and PA concentration increased significantly (p ≤ 0.01), whereas body weight, peak oxygen uptake, and food and water intakes decreased significantly in the ABRS and RBRS groups when compared with the UACS group. However, urinary and plasma Na, K, Mg, P, and Ca, PRA, and PA values increased much faster and were much greater in the ABRS group than in the RBRS group. Plasma and urinary Na, K, Ca, Mg, and P, PRA and PA levels, food and water intakes, body weight, and peak oxygen uptake did not change significantly in the UACS group when compared with its baseline control values. It was shown that RBR and ABR conditions induce significant increases in urinary and plasma electrolytes; however, urinary and plasma electrolyte changes appeared much faster and were much greater in the ABRS group than the RBRS group. It was concluded that the more abruptly motor activity is ended, the faster and the greater the urinary and plasma electrolyte change.  相似文献   

在还原论、简化论的背景下,生理学和医学已经背离人体整体而从系统、器官、疾病等角度逐步细化,在带来医学科学进步的同时也显现出明显的缺陷和限制。从医学基础到临床各学科和分支学科之间亟需整合,人体健康管理、慢病预防、临床诊疗和功能康复等医学分支领域也亟需整合。人是不可分割的有机整体。作者以氧气需供代谢平衡为纲,以呼吸、血液循环、神经、代谢等系统联合一体化调控为基础,提出整体整合生理学医学新理论。唯物辩证地看待医学的专业细化和整合,以人为本,两者并重。医师应在继续强化专业化技术知识的同时,树立整体整合医学理念,以便为中国人民提供更优质和优化的防治医疗服务,并使之领先于世界。  相似文献   

The leafhoppers, planthoppers and their allies (collectively known as the Auchenorrhyncha) are presented as a group of insects that are highly appropriate for studying grassland ecology and conservation, evaluating the conservation status of sites and monitoring environmental and habitat change. Semi-natural grasslands typically support dense populations and a wide range of species with diverse ecological strategies. Their numerical dominance in many grasslands means that they have considerable functional significance, both as herbivores and as prey for higher trophic levels. Population and assemblage studies are supported by good ecological knowledge about most species and modern identification keys. Hitherto, most studies have focused on the composition and structure of assemblages and how they are affected by conservation management. However, grasslands support many rare species with small and fragmented populations which deserve conservation attention in their own right, and recent work has started to reflect this. The effects of management on the composition and structure of grassland leafhopper populations and assemblages are described and an assessment is given of the main threats facing individual species and overall diversity. There is a need to synthesise the scattered literature on grassland leafhoppers, to provide a model for how the composition and structure of populations and assemblages respond to major environmental and anthropogenic gradients across large biogeographic areas. Such an analysis could help predict the impact of likely future changes in land use and climate.  相似文献   

This review evaluates evidence of the impactof uncomposted plant residues, composts, manures, and liquid preparations made from composts (compost extracts and teas) on pest and disease incidence and severity in agricultural and horticultural crop production. Most reports on pest control using such organic amendments relate to tropical or arid climates. The majority of recent work on the use of organic amendments for prevention and control of diseases relates to container-produced plants, particularly ornamentals. However, there is growing interest in the potential for using composts to prevent and control diseases in temperate agricultural and horticultural field crops and information concerning their use and effectiveness is slowly increasing. The impact of uncomposted plant residues, composts, manures, and compost extracts/teas on pests and diseases is discussed in relation to sustainable temperate field and protected cropping systems. The factors affecting efficacy of such organic amendments in preventing and controlling pests and disease are examined and the mechanisms through which control is achieved are described.  相似文献   

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