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闭弯尾姬蜂与菜蛾盘绒茧蜂寄生菜蛾幼虫时的种间竞争   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
在室内25℃下,以菜蛾3龄初幼虫作寄主,研究了菜蛾盘绒茧蜂Cotesia plutellae和半闭弯尾姬蜂Diadegma semiclausum的种间竞争。当寄主供2种蜂同时产卵寄生时,2种蜂各自的寄生率与其单独寄生时无显著差异,合计寄生率比一种蜂单独存在时有所提高,但差异不显著。2种蜂均能产卵寄生已被另一种蜂寄生了的寄主幼虫。当寄主被2种蜂寄生的间隔时间很短(少于10 h)时,所育出的蜂绝大部分(80%以上)为绒茧蜂;当寄主先被绒茧蜂寄生,并饲养2天以上再供弯尾姬蜂寄生时,所育出的全为绒茧蜂;当寄主先被弯尾姬蜂寄生,并饲养2天以上再供绒茧蜂寄生时,寄主幼虫绝大部分不能存活,只有少部分能育出寄生蜂,且多为弯尾姬蜂。当2种蜂的幼虫存在于同一寄主体内时,2种蜂的发育均受到另一种蜂的抑制;绒茧蜂1龄幼虫具有物理攻击能力,能将弯尾姬蜂卵或幼虫致死。这些结果表明,菜蛾盘绒茧蜂与半闭弯尾姬蜂在同一寄主中发育时,前者具有明显的竞争优势。  相似文献   

三种内寄生蜂寄生对小菜蛾幼虫精子发生的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内寄生蜂寄生可能会引起寄主的寄生性去势。对小菜蛾Plutella xylostella与菜蛾啮小蜂Oomyzus sokolowskii Kurdumov (膜翅目: 姬小蜂科)、半闭弯尾姬蜂Diadegma semiclausum Hellén (膜翅目: 姬蜂科)、菜蛾盘绒茧蜂Cotesia plutellae (Kurdj.) (膜翅目: 茧蜂科) 3个寄生体系,利用形态学方法和蛋白质技术,研究了寄生对小菜蛾幼虫精子发生的影响。结果表明:菜蛾啮小蜂寄生对寄主的精子发生过程没有影响。半闭弯尾姬蜂寄生造成寄主精母细胞的细胞核畸形,精细胞的染色质超浓缩并趋向核膜,但能形成少量的精子;半闭弯尾姬蜂寄生会导致寄主精巢总蛋白的含量显著下降。菜蛾盘绒茧蜂寄生对小菜蛾幼虫精子发生的抑制程度最强,被寄生寄主的精母细胞出现肿胀,核膜皱缩,胞质中的线粒体发生病变;精细胞的染色体也出现超浓缩并趋向核膜,大量的精子溶解,无正常的精子形成;其精巢总蛋白含量的下降程度比姬蜂寄生的更为明显,且导致分子量为63.4 kD的主蛋白缺失。  相似文献   

应用扫描电镜(SEM)对桔小实蝇本地寄生蜂长尾全裂茧蜂Diachasmimorpha longicaudata(Ashmead)雌成虫的产卵器感器进行观察.结果表明:长尾全裂茧蜂的产卵器由2根产卵鞘和产卵针两部分构成,产卵鞘上分布有倒钩状组织.在产卵器上共有7种感器,分别为B(o)hm鬃毛、毛形感器Ⅰ、毛形感器Ⅱ、钟形感器Ⅰ、钟形感器Ⅱ、表皮刺和分泌毛孔.并对各个感器的形态、分布及生理功能做了阐述.  相似文献   

本文报道了江苏扬州地区水稻二化螟Chilo suppressalis(Walker)寄生蜂主要有10种,即中华钝唇姬蜂Eriborus sinicus(Holmgren)、二化螟盘绒茧蜂Cotesia chilonis(Munakata)、稻螟小腹茧蜂Microgaster russata Haliday、螟甲腹茧蜂Chelonus munakatae Munakata、中华茧蜂Amyosoma chinensis(Szepligeti)、螟黄足盘绒茧蜂Cotesia flavipes(Cameron)、夹色姬蜂Auberteterus alternecoloratus(Cushman)、桑蟥聚瘤姬蜂Iseropus(Gregopimpla)kuwanae(Viereck)、螟蛉瘤姬蜂Itoplectis naranyae(Ashmead)以及二化螟盘绒茧蜂的重寄生蜂绒茧灿金小蜂Trichomalopsis apanteloctena(Crawford)。田间系统调查表明:扬州地区7-9月水稻二化螟寄生蜂的主要种类为二化螟盘绒茧蜂、中华钝唇姬蜂、螟甲腹茧蜂、稻螟小腹茧蜂、螟蛉瘤姬蜂、桑蟥聚瘤姬蜂,但这些寄生蜂对一代水稻二化螟幼虫的寄生率较低,对二代水稻二化螟幼虫的寄生率高。水稻二化螟越冬期的系统调查表明:扬州地区二化螟越冬幼虫的寄生蜂主要有3种,即二化螟盘绒茧蜂、中华钝唇姬蜂和稻螟小腹茧蜂,其中二化螟盘绒茧蜂和中华钝唇姬蜂是寄生水稻二化螟越冬幼虫的优势种。水稻二化螟越冬幼虫的寄生率调查表明,扬州地区水稻二化螟越冬幼虫的寄生率在不同年份间有一定的波动,但一般都在15%以上,有的甚至高达89.88%,因此寄生蜂对二化螟越冬幼虫具有很好的控制作用,能有效压低来年水稻二化螟的田间越冬基数。此外,3种寄生蜂出茧时间在1月和2月之间达到最长,分别达到19.79 d、17.26 d和27.00 d,该结果表明,在扬州地区这3种寄生蜂可能都存在滞育现象。  相似文献   

何瑶  白素芬  李欣  晁云飞 《昆虫知识》2010,47(3):460-466
为探明寄生蜂引起寄主寄生性去势的机制,本文选取携带不同多分DNA病毒(Polydnavirus,PDV)的2种内寄生蜂与共同寄主小菜蛾Plutella xylostella(L.)为寄生体系,研究不同虫龄小菜蛾被寄生后雄性生精细胞、精子束形态和精巢发育体积变化,系统比较寄生性去势程度和分别拥有2类PDV的寄生蜂在寄主精子发生和形成过程中的作用。结果表明:携带Bracovirus PDV的菜蛾盘绒茧蜂Cotesiave stalis(Haliday)或拥有Ichvovirus PDV的半闭弯尾姬蜂Diadegma semiclausum Hellén寄生对不同虫龄小菜蛾的精子发生和形成过程均产生明显的抑制作用,表现为不能产生精子束或精子束数量减少,但抑制程度以寄生低龄寄主时最明显。2种蜂寄生均能抑制小菜蛾精巢体积的增长,但对低龄寄主的抑制程度明显强于高龄寄主,寄生性去势程度取决于寄生时寄主虫龄。相比而言,寄生不同虫龄小菜蛾时,茧蜂引起小菜蛾寄生性去势的程度均强于姬蜂。  相似文献   

二化螟盘绒茧蜂触角感器的超微结构   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
周志军  王世贵 《昆虫知识》2005,42(6):676-680
采用扫描电子显微镜对二化螟盘绒茧蜂Cotesia chilonisMunakata触角感器进行了观察和研究。结果表明,二化螟盘绒茧蜂触角上共存在6种感器,分别为板形感器、毛形感器、刚毛型感器、柱形感器、钟形感器、锥形感器。对各种触角感器的形态、分布特点进行了描述,并对两性间的差异及其功能进行了探讨。  相似文献   

何瑶  白素芬  李欣  蔡东章 《昆虫学报》2009,52(11):1183-1190
我们曾发现菜蛾盘绒茧蜂Cotesia vestalis和半闭弯尾姬蜂Diadegma semiclausum寄生严重阻碍小菜蛾Plutella xylostella幼虫的精子发生。本研究着重比较2种蜂寄生对小菜蛾精巢生长和精子束形成的影响, 以探明寄生因子对昆虫生殖调控的作用途径。 采取过寄生和假寄生方法, 对2种蜂各自寄生后的小菜蛾精巢生长体积, 精子发生和形成过程中生精细胞、精子束的显微形态变化进行了比较。 结果表明: 茧蜂和姬蜂寄生均明显降低小菜蛾精子束的数量, 严重阻碍了寄主幼虫的精子发生和精子形成. 姬蜂寄生造成小菜蛾精巢畸形, 而茧蜂则造成小菜蛾精子束畸形, 且茧蜂对小菜蛾精巢生长的抑制程度明显强于姬蜂。过寄生造成寄主寄生性去势程度加剧, 茧蜂和姬蜂过寄生后的小菜蛾精巢体积分别为0.005 mm3和0.008 mm3, 仅为各自只寄生1次后精巢体积的33.1%和36.3%。假寄生后, 发现只有寄生蜂母代物质存在的前提下, 对小菜蛾精巢生长的抑制程度基本模拟了正常寄生时的状态, 说明多分DNA病毒(polydnavirus, PDV)和毒液发挥了主要作用。 由此推断分属姬蜂属PDV和茧蜂属PDV的2类PDV功能基因对小菜蛾精巢生长发育的调控机制可能存在较大差异。  相似文献   

菜蛾盘绒茧蜂卵携带的免疫抑制因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抑制寄主昆虫的免疫反应是内寄生蜂存活的关键。菜蛾盘绒茧蜂Cotesia vestalis(Haliday)寄生小菜蛾Plutella xylostella (L.)幼虫后,蜂卵如何逃避和抑制寄主的免疫攻击,尚未得到全面揭示。本文采用电镜技术系统观察了菜蛾盘绒茧蜂卵表面的超微结构。结果显示:蜂卵表面覆盖有纤维层和絮状的类病毒样纤丝(VLFs),同时携带了含多分DNA病毒粒子(PDV)的萼液。在寄生初期,包裹在蜂卵表面的纤维层和VLFs首先起到保护蜂卵不被小菜蛾血细胞包囊的被动防御作用。随后,PDV发挥主动的免疫抑制作用。通过假寄生手段,证明了菜蛾盘绒茧蜂PDV (CvBV) 具有较持久的克服寄主免疫攻击的能力,是主要的免疫抑制因子。在假寄生后连续8 d的观察时间内,菜蛾盘绒茧蜂的蜂卵均未被包囊。结果提示,在菜蛾盘绒茧蜂-小菜蛾寄生体系中,菜蛾盘绒茧蜂采取被动防御和主动攻击两种方式应对寄主小菜蛾的免疫攻击。  相似文献   

霍氏啮小蜂Tetrastichus howardi(Olliff)是许多鳞翅目害虫的群居性蛹寄生蜂。为分析霍氏啮小蜂成虫产卵器和交配器上与成虫产卵和交配有关的感受器类型,本文利用扫描电镜对霍氏啮小蜂成虫产卵器和交配器的超微结构进行了观察。在霍氏啮小蜂成虫产卵器上共发现了7种感受器,分别是毛形感器1(TS1)、毛形感器2(TS2)、刺形感器2(CH2)、分泌毛孔(SP)、栓锥形感器1(SS1)、栉齿状感器(DS)、浅凹形感器(SD)和火山形感器(VS)。交配器上共发现6种感受器官,分别是栓锥形感器2(SS2)、火山形感器(VS)、表皮孔(CP)、鸡冠状结构(Crs)、钟形感器(CAS)和毛形感器3(TS3)。结果表明霍氏啮小蜂可通过产卵器和交配器上感受器获得与寄主和配偶相关的信息,进而调控产卵行为和交配行为。  相似文献   

江化琴  陈媛  刘映红 《昆虫学报》2014,57(10):1213-1218
【目的】过寄生现象普遍存在于寄生蜂寄生过程中。本研究旨在探究螟蛉盘绒茧蜂Cotesia ruficrus的过寄生对子代发育的影响及影响过寄生行为的主要因素。【方法】室内研究了螟蛉盘绒茧蜂在其寄主稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis3龄幼虫上过寄生行为的发生,不同产卵次数对寄主存活及子代蜂生长发育的影响,研究了不同接蜂时间和不同接蜂密度对过寄生发生的影响。【结果】螟蛉盘绒茧蜂存在过寄生行为,无论雌蜂有无产卵寄生经历,均能在被自身寄生过和同种不同个体寄生过的寄主内产卵。寄生蜂茧量随着被产卵次数的增加而增加,被产卵3~5次的寄主体内死亡的寄生蜂幼虫数随着增大。寄主在育出蜂前的死亡率随着被产卵寄生次数的增加而增加,被产卵5次时,寄主育出蜂前死亡率达50%。过寄生使螟蛉盘绒茧蜂子代蜂卵-蛹的历期延长,羽化率和雌雄性比下降,雌蜂体型随寄生次数的增加显著变小。过寄生率随着接蜂密度及接蜂时间的增加而增加。【结论】在寄主上产卵2次对螟蛉盘绒茧蜂子代发育是最适合的,产卵3次及以上为过寄生。过寄生使蜂子代发育适合度降低,不利于子代生长发育。在室内大量繁殖螟蛉盘绒茧蜂时,应减少接蜂密度和接蜂时间,从而减少过寄生的发生。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2013,16(3):343-348
Parasitoid wasps from the insect order Hymenoptera can be deployed successfully as biological control agents for a number of pests, and have previously been introduced for the control of corn pest insect species from the Lepidopteran genus Ostrinia. Organs on the ovipositor of parasitoid wasps have mechanical and tactile senses that coordinate the complex movements of egg laying, and the ovipositor of Hymenopteran insects have evolved associated venom glands as part of their stinging defense. The ovipositor of parasitic wasps has evolved an additional function as a piercing organ that is required for the deposition of eggs within suitable host larvae. The morphology and ultrastructure of sense organs on the ovipositor and sheath of Macrocentrus cingulum Brischke (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) are described using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Three types of sensilla trichodea were shown to be abundant on the outer sheath of the ovipositor, with types II and III being most distal, and the inner surface of the ovipositor covered with microtrichia, more densely near the apex. Sensilla coeloconica are distributed on both ventral and dorsal valves, while campaniform sensilla and secretory pores are only located on the dorsal valve. The olistheter-like interlocking mechanism, as well as the morphology of the ventral and dorsal valve tips and the ventral valve seal may be important in stinging, oviposition and in the host selection process.  相似文献   

斑鞘豆叶甲是大豆苗期重要害虫,本文利用扫描电镜技术观察了斑鞘豆叶甲触角感器超微形态与分布。结果表明:斑鞘豆叶甲触角感器绝大部分着生于鞭节,在鞭亚节端部和末节凹陷区感器分布密集,类型较多。基于感器外部形态可分为8种类型:毛形感器Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型、刺形感器、锥形感器、指形感器、腔锥形感器、栓锥形感器Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型、钟形感器和B hm氏鬃毛。其中毛形感器数量最多,其次是锥形感器,钟形感器最少,仅分布于雄虫触角,还着生有大量表皮孔。雌、雄虫触角感器在形态、数量和分布上均存在差异,雄虫毛形和刺形感器显著长于雌虫,刺形感器端部膨大,两种感器的数量也明显多于雌虫;雌虫与雄虫相比末节背面也具感器密集的凹陷区,指形感器短于雄虫但数量显著多于雄虫。斑鞘豆叶甲触角感器种类丰富,分布密集,雌、雄虫感器存在明显的性二型现象,其结构和类型表现出种间分化特性。  相似文献   

The ovipositor of the parasitoid wasp Trybliographa rapae was examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Characteristic peg-like sensilla with a cuticular ring at the base are found at the tip of the ventral valves, where they occur in a characteristic arrangement of triplets. The unusual basal structure probably protects the sensilla against damage during movement through the substrate and piercing of the host cuticle. These sensilla are each innervated by six dendrites, some of which have lamellated tips, generally considered to be characteristic of thermosensitivity. It is suggested that the remaining dendrites are gustatory, and as such probably respond to factors present in host haemolymph. A second type of peg-like sensillum is found on both the dorsal and the ventral valves. These are set in deep pits so that only the tip of the peg protrudes above the surface of the cuticle. These occur along the length of the ovipositor shaft and ultrastructural studies reveal the pegs to be innervated by a single mechanosensitive dendrite, probably monitoring the movement of the ovipositor through the substrate.  相似文献   

We describe the number, distribution, and function of sensilla located on different organs of Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) females using scanning electron microscopy, selective staining, and contact electrophysiology. The tarsi of the prothoracic legs bear contact chemo‐mechanoreceptor sensilla chaetica (5–13 per tarsomere), arranged in rings mainly concentrated on ventral surfaces, and different mechanosensory structures (sensilla chaetica, sensilla squamiformia, sensilla campaniformia, and spines). A single contact chemo‐mechanoreceptor sensillum chaeticum is present between the claws on the pretarsus. The ventral surface of the ovipositor lobes is covered with numerous mechanosensory sensilla chaetica of different types, out of which 10 have a contact chemosensory function. Putative contact chemo‐mechanoreceptor sensilla were also observed on the proboscis and antenna. Longitudinal rows of alternated sensilla styloconica and basiconica are present on the distal part of the proboscis, and rings of sensilla chaetica are present at the antennal tip. The sensilla on these body parts may play different roles in the selection of an oviposition site.  相似文献   

Antennal sensilla typology, number and distribution pattern were studied in the ground beetle Bembidion lampros Hbst (Coleoptera, Carabidae) using scanning electron microscopy. The 1.6–1.8 mm long filiform antennae of both sexes consist of the scape, pedicel and of the flagellum composed of nine flagellomeres. In both sexes, three types of sensilla chaetica, two types of sensilla trichodea, five types of sensilla basiconica, one type of sensilla coeloconica, one type of sensilla campaniformia and Böhm sensilla were distinguished. The possible function of the sensilla was discussed and three types of sensilla were considered as olfactory, sensilla trichodea type 2 and sensilla basiconica types 1 and 2. Olfactory sensilla occupy dorsal and/or ventral areas of the flagellomeres and occur sparsely (sensilla basiconica type 1) or not at all (sensilla basiconica type 2 and sensilla trichodea type 2) outside these areas. No remarkable sexual differences in the types, numbers and distribution of antennal sensilla were found.  相似文献   

为了解属模巨齿蛉成虫多个部位感器的超微结构及其对生命活动的影响,本文对属模巨齿蛉成虫的触角、大颚、翅缘和生殖器4个部位进行了电镜扫描。研究发现,触角有7种感器,分别是毛形感器Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型、Ⅳ型、腔锥感器、锥形感器、柱形感器;大颚有3种感器,分别是腔锥感器、锥形感器、刺形感器;翅缘有4种感器,分别是毛形感器Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型、Ⅳ型、腔锥感器;雌性成虫生殖器有7种感器,分别是毛形感器Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型、Ⅳ型、Ⅴ型、Ⅵ型、锥形感器、钟形感器。柱形感器是触角的特殊感器,钟形感器是雌性成虫生殖器的特殊感器。毛形感器是触角、翅缘和生殖器主要感器,而大颚上没有毛形感器。触角和生殖器上的感器类型最多,且分布最密集,这与触角和生殖器对成虫的交配、产卵行为具有重要作用相吻合。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2021,24(4):1313-1325
Tetrastichus sp. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) is a primary parasitoid of the Metisa plana (Lepidoptera: Psychidae), an oil palm bagworm. The sensilla on the surface of the antenna and ovipositor of Tetrastichus sp. were examined using a scanning electron microscope. The antennae of both male and female Tetrastichus sp. are geniculate in shape and hinged at the scape-pedicel joint. The female antenna is about 200 µm longer than the male antenna. However, the male antenna has an additional flagellomere compared to the female antenna. In total, eight different types of antennal sensilla were observed on the antenna of Tetrastichus sp.: trichoid sensilla type 1, 2, 3, 4, placoid sensilla type 1 and 2, basiconic sensilla, and campaniform sensilla. The antenna of the female Tetrastichus sp. lacks placoid sensilla type 2 and campaniform sensilla. The distribution and abundance of the antennal sensilla were compared between the male and female Tetrastichus sp. and discussed. On the ovipositor stylet of Tetrastichus sp., coeloconic sensilla, styloconic sensilla and campaniform sensilla were observed. Trichoid sensilla were observed at the medial part of the distal extremity of the ovipositor.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Interspecific competition between Diadegma semiclausum and Cotesia plutellae was investigated at 25°C in the laboratory, by exposing the third instar larvae of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella to both species together, either species alone or by exposing the host larvae already parasitized by one species, at different intervals, to the other. When host larvae were exposed simultaneously to two species in one arena, parasitism rates of the host by each species were not reduced by the presence of the other species; joint parasitism rate by two species was not significantly higher than that by either parasitoid alone. Both parasitoids could lay eggs into the host larvae which had previously been parasitized by the other species, leading to the occurrence of multiparasitized hosts. When host larvae were parasitized first by D. semiclausum and then being followed within 1–2 h by exposing to C. plutellae , or vice versa, ensuing parasitoid cocoons from the multiparasitized host larvae were nearly all C. plutellae . When host larvae were parasitized initially by C. plutellae and then being followed by D. semiclausum two or more days later, all parasitoids ensued from the multiparasitized hosts were C. plutellae . In contrast, when host larvae were parasitized initially by D. semiclausum and then being followed by C. plutellae two or more days later, most host larvae could not survive to prepupae and most of the ensuing parasitoid adults from the surviving hosts were D. semiclausum . Dissections of host larvae at various time intervals after parasitization by the two parasitoids showed that development of both parasitoids in multiparasitized hosts were somewhat arrested, and that the first instar larvae of C. plutellae could initiate a physical attack on the larvae of D. semiclausum and remove the latter.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(4):1165-1180
Drosophila suzukii is a serious horticultural and quarantine pest, damaging various berry crops. Although the active use of olfactory communication in D. suzukii is well-known, their olfactory sensory system has not been comprehensively reported. Therefore, the present study was carried out to understand the morphology, distribution and ultrastructure of olfactory sensilla present in the antennae and maxillary palps of D. suzukii, through scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The olfactory sensilla on the antennae of D. suzukii in both sexes could be classified into three major morphological types, basiconic, trichoid and coeloconic sensilla, according to their shapes. The antennal basiconic sensilla were further divided into three subtypes and the antennal trichoid sensilla into two subtypes, respectively, according to the size of individual sensillum. In contrast to the antennal olfactory sensilla showing diverse morphology, basiconic sensilla was the only type of olfactory sensilla in the maxillary palps of D. suzukii. The basiconic sensilla in the maxillary palps could be further classified into three subtypes, based on their size. Our SEM and TEM observations indicated that multiple nanoscale pores are present on the surface of all types of olfactory sensilla in the antennae and maxillary palps, except coeloconic sensilla. The difference in the morphological types and the distribution of olfactory sensilla suggests that their olfactory functions are different between antennae and maxillary palps in D. suzukii. The results of this study provide useful information for further studies to determine the function of olfactory sensilla in D. suzukii and to understand their chemical communication system.  相似文献   

The present paper aims at describing the fine structure of coeloconic sensilla located on the cutting valves of the endophytic ovipositor of two Odonata species, the anisopteran Aeshna cyanea (Aeshnidae) and the zygopteran Ischnura elegans (Coenagrionidae), by carrying out parallel investigations under SEM and TEM. In both species these coeloconic sensilla are innervated by four unbranched neurons forming four outer dendritic segments enveloped by the dendrite sheath. One dendrite terminates at the base of the peg forming a well developed tubular body, while the other three enter the peg after interruption of the dendrite sheath. The cuticle of the peg shows an apical pore and a joint membrane. This last feature, together with the tubular body and the suspension fibers, represent the mechanosensory components of the sensillum while the pore and the dendrites entering the peg allow chemoreception. The ultrastructural organization of these coeloconic sensilla is in agreement with the one reported for insect gustatory sensilla. Our investigation describes for the first time typical insect gustatory sensilla in Odonata. Electrophysiological and behavioral studies are needed to verify the role that these structures can perform in sensing the egg-laying substrata.  相似文献   

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