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生态系统稳定性及其与生物多样性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在全球变化背景下, 生态系统能否长期有效地维持功能并提供服务, 有赖于其稳定性。生态系统稳定性及其与生物多样性的关系, 是生态学研究的核心问题, 生物多样性能否促进生态系统稳定性曾引起很多争论。该文在前期国内外综述和研究的基础上, 重点从以下三个方面对近期进展做了总结。第一, 介绍了近期理论研究在生态系统稳定性的内涵及不同稳定性指标间的内在关联方面取得的新认识。第二, 梳理了最近基于生物多样性实验开展的多项整合分析研究和理论探索, 以及在多维度框架下开展的多样性-稳定性关系研究。第三, 详细介绍了最近发展起来的多尺度稳定性理论框架, 对稳定性的尺度依赖、多样性-稳定性的多尺度关系等新议题做了探讨。最后, 提出了本领域有待进一步研究的关键问题和方向建议。  相似文献   

水生生态系统食物网复杂性与多样性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晓晓  杨薇  孙涛  崔保山  邵冬冬 《生态学报》2021,41(10):3856-3864
探索食物网的复杂结构是生态学的中心问题之一。基于构建的黄河口海草床食物网并耦合实际食物网的数据集,整理了包含河口、湖泊、海洋和河流四种水生生态系统类型的48个实际食物网案例。以食物网的节点数反映食物网多样性,物种之间的营养链接数、链接密度和连通度来表示食物网的复杂性,采用营养缩尺模型描述水生生态系统食物网的复杂性特征与节点数的普适性规律。结果表明:所涉及的48个水生生态系统食物网的多样性和复杂性跨度较大,其中,节点数的分布范围为4-124,链接数为3-1830,链接密度为0.75-15.71,连通度为0.06-0.25。不同类型水生生态系统间的连通度存在显著性差异(P=0.01),节点数、链接数、链接密度不存在显著性差异。各类型生态系统的食物网链接数、链接密度均随节点数的增加而增加(R2=0.92,P<0.001和R2=0.82,P<0.001)。湖泊生态系统的连通度随节点数的变化不明显,围绕在0.20附近;而其他3种类型生态系统的食物网连通度随节点数的增加而降低(R2=0.06-0.41,P<0.001)。对全球尺度的水生食物网多样性和复杂性的定量化研究对于提升对食物网的复杂结构的科学认识,从系统尺度探究多样性和复杂性的关系提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

王晴晴  高燕  王嵘 《植物生态学报》2021,45(10):1064-1074
食物网主要依靠基于不同营养级间物种互作形成的上行与下行调控维持其结构。全球变化能够改变种间关系, 威胁生物多样性的维持, 然而目前对全球变化改变食物网结构的机制仍处于探索阶段。近年来通过大时空格局与多营养级食物网研究, 发现全球变化的作用机制主要可归结为3种: 物候错配、关键种丧失与生物入侵。该文聚焦于这3种机制, 综述各种机制造成的食物网结构变化并探讨相关的进化与生态驱动因素。三种干扰机制均通过改变原有种间关系, 影响食物网调控, 改变食物网结构。不同的是, 物候错配造成的种间关系变化是由于不同物种的物候对全球变化产生非同步响应所致; 关键种丧失则使营养级间取食/捕食关系发生变化甚至缺失; 而入侵物种通过竞争排除同营养级物种改变种间关系。最后, 该文提出食物网结构变化的实质是物种是否能够适应快速变化的生态环境, 并据此展望未来研究方向。随着全球变化影响日益加剧, 急需继续深入探索导致全球变化下食物网结构改变的机制, 为制定合理的生物多样性保护与生态修复规划提供重要理论支撑。  相似文献   

植物功能性状、功能多样性与生态系统功能: 进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物功能性状与生态系统功能是生态学研究的一个重要领域和热点问题。开展植物功能性状与生态系统功能的研究不仅有助于人类更好地应对全球变化情景下生物多样性丧失的生态学后果,而且能为生态恢复实践提供理论基础。近二十年来,该领域的研究迅速发展,并取得了一系列的重要研究成果,增强了人们对植物功能性状-生态系统功能关系的认识和理解。本文首先明确了植物功能性状的概念, 评述了近年来植物功能性状-生态系统功能关系领域的重要研究结果, 尤其是植物功能性状多样性-生态系统功能关系研究现状; 提出了未来植物功能性状与生态系统功能关系研究中应加强植物地上和地下性状之间关系及其与生态系统功能、植物功能性状与生态系统多功能性、不同时空尺度上植物功能性状与生态系统功能, 以及全球变化和消费者的影响等方面。  相似文献   

食物网中的上行效应和下行效应对于群落的动态和生态系统功能有十分重要的影响,旨在探讨互利关系和植物多样性对节肢动物群落中食物网不同营养级之间的影响。通过随机裂区试验方法,分别设置了3种蚂蚁-紫胶虫互利关系处理(有互利关系、无互利关系和自然对照)以及3种植物多样性处理(单一种植、2树种混植和3树种混植),于2016年8月和9月分两次用手捡法、网扫法和震落法采集试验地寄主植物上所有的节肢动物,并按照不同营养级将其分类。利用结构方程模型分析方法对不同营养级之间的相互作用的路径和强度进行了比较,结果显示:1)互利关系对捕食者和消费者均有显著的下行作用,有互利关系处理下蚂蚁对捕食者的路径强度要强于自然对照组,互利关系对捕食者的影响要强于对消费者的影响。2)植物多样性会通过影响植物的生物量而对消费者和捕食者产生显著的上行效应影响,这种影响会随着营养级的升高而显著减小。3)消费者主要受植物多样性的上行效应影响,而捕食者主要受互利关系的下行效应影响。有互利关系的食物网结构更加复杂,营养级之间的相互作用更为显著。探讨了以蚂蚁-紫胶虫互利关系为核心作用的紫胶林生态系统中互利关系和植物多样性对节肢动物食物网中各营养级的影响,揭示了上行效应和下行效应对各营养级的作用途径和强度,其结果有一定的理论参考价值。  相似文献   

基于功能性状的生态系统服务研究框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
功能性状通过影响生态系统的属性和过程及其维持来影响生态系统服务。功能多样性-生态系统功能关系的研究有助于深入探讨生态系统服务形成机制, 也为生态系统服务研究提供了一个切入点。该文对目前的功能性状和生态系统服务研究框架进行了介绍, 回顾了功能多样性-生态系统功能关系的研究现状, 总结了目前功能性状在生态系统服务研究中的应用, 提出了基于功能性状的生态系统服务研究框架。在这个研究框架中, 首先选取对生态系统功能影响显著的非生物因子和功能多样性指数, 然后量化非生物因子和功能多样性与生态系统功能, 以及生态系统功能-生态系统服务之间的关系, 进而构建功能多样性与生态系统服务的数量关系。与此同时, 利用群落构建理论和物种共存机制分析功能多样性-生态系统功能变化的机制联系, 以研究生态系统服务形成和变化机制, 为生态系统服务管理决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

徐光华  杨俊杰 《生态学报》2022,42(20):8492-8507
食物网理论沟通了群落生态学和生态系统生态学,将生物多样性和生态系统功能的研究统一起来,是理解生态系统运作机制的关键。自从1973年Robert May的经典研究引发著名的"复杂性-稳定性"论辩之后,人们认识到食物网的稳定性是其结构维持、功能发挥和动态演化的一个重要前提,并开始了对食物网稳定性机制的探索。早期研究主要关注只包含拓扑关系的定性食物网,但后来人们逐渐认识到相互作用强度的重要性,并提出了诸如自限性、弱相互作用、适应性捕食等一系列机制。本文系统梳理了过往研究中模块层面的各类稳定性机制和全网层面对各模块的整合机制,从而清晰地展示了"模块-全网"双层框架的全貌。通过在其基础上的扩展,进而提出了一个基于等级系统的食物网稳定性框架,并从动力学和能量学角度,对各层级内部的稳定性机制以及层级之间的关系进行了探讨,以期为建立普适的食物网稳定性理论提供一些思路。未来的研究方向包括:①将稳定性机制的研究从食物网扩展到更一般的生态网络;②综合考虑生物物理要素、动力学稳定性、系统对能流功率的追求、环境的平稳程度、演化历史等影响因素,从而得到关于食物网结构和动态的更为深刻的认识。  相似文献   

生态多样性和稳定性之间的内在机理一直是研究热点。本文利用复杂网络理论,根据具体的阔叶混交林生态系统,把物种看成是节点,物种间的捕食关系看成是有向边,物种之间捕食依赖程度看成是边权,构建食物网的复杂有向加权网络。在随机或有选择地移除网络节点的情况下,利用相关指标,计算系统的稳定性和多样性,研究它们之间的关联性。结果表明,在阔叶混交林生态系统中,特定物种的丧失使生态多样性降低,影响了生态系统中能量供求的平衡关系,引起相关物种生活习性的改变,转而对其他物种加大捕食力度,使原本稳定的捕食关系逐渐破裂。捕食关系的不断破裂最终促使生态系统的稳定性下降。因此,在阔叶混交林生态系统中,生态多样性的丧失会降低系统的稳定性,多样性与稳定性呈正相关。  相似文献   

刘雅莉  吴俣  顾盼  杜剑卿  王艳芬 《生态学报》2023,43(18):7782-7795
生态系统的结构和功能是生态学研究的核心内容。早期基于野外调查的生态学研究强调生产力表征的环境梯度对生态系统结构的影响,而基于控制试验的生态学研究则强调生态系统结构变化对生态系统功能的影响。围绕这两类研究所支持理论间的争论是当前生态学的前沿、热点和难点,其中最具代表性的科学问题是生物多样性与以生产力为代表的生态系统功能间是否存在一般性关系。为深入了解生物多样性-生产力关系研究脉络,分析其对生态学研究范式与理论发展的影响以及对未来研究方向的启示,以Web of Science核心合集数据库中的相关文献为数据源,结合文献计量分析和文献综述,系统总结了多样性-生产力关系研究进展。结果表明:(1)生物多样性-生产力关系研究推动了生态学研究范式由以样带调查为主的观察性研究向以控制试验为主的实验性研究的转变,促进了全球联网控制试验研究的发展。(2)研究聚焦的生态系统类型由最初的北美普列利草原逐渐向其它草地、灌丛、森林等多样的生态系统过渡,研究结论及其生态学理论的普适性逐渐增强。(3)该研究推动了对生物多样性不同维度(如功能多样性和系统发育多样性)在生态系统中作用的认识,促进了学界对除生产功能外的生态...  相似文献   

土壤动物多样性地理分布及其生态功能研究已成为地学和生态学等领域共同关注的科学前沿。本文在介绍相关研究最新进展的基础上, 讨论已有研究的局限性或不确定性, 展望未来研究的重点方向。近10年来, 代表性土壤动物类群的全球分布研究取得突破性进展; 国内土壤动物研究的尺度和采样区域也有明显拓展, 尤其在蚯蚓和线虫相关研究上取得了系列成果。结果表明, 土壤动物多样性随纬度的变化模式主要有两种, 即在低纬度的热带最高或在中纬度的温带最高; 而土壤动物多度与多样性可能同步变化、无明显关系、截然不同甚至相反; 降水、植物生产力和土壤有机质是土壤动物分布格局的关键驱动力, 但它们的影响力因土壤动物类群不同而异。土壤动物具有改善土壤物理结构、促进养分循环和有机碳稳定、提高作物健康水平等多重功能; 土壤动物的多功能性评估方兴未艾, 但仍面临诸多挑战。简单分析土壤动物随经纬度等的变化规律存在较大局限性, 考虑在基于地质-生态历史及“经纬度-海拔-离海岸距离”等构建的多维时空框架内, 探究土壤动物分布特征及其驱动力。土壤动物分布格局对其潜在的生态功能有关键影响, 但是目前对土壤动物分布格局的预测和模拟仍主要依靠经验模型; 代谢生态学等理论在土壤动物群落研究中的应用值得关注。探究分类多样性的冗余机制, 突出功能多样性, 可以将生物多样性与生态功能更好地联系起来; 同时, 需要在特定条件和时空下, 从整个土壤食物网及其与植物的联系中理解土壤动物多样性与多功能性的联系。建议未来关注两个研究方向: (1)量化人类活动和气候变化给土壤动物多样性和生态功能带来的巨大不确定性; (2)完善土壤动物群落特征预测的理论框架和开展土壤动物群落的精准调控, 综合评价其多功能性, 进而将土壤动物与人类福祉更紧密地联系起来。  相似文献   

Detritus, trophic dynamics and biodiversity   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
Traditional approaches to the study of food webs emphasize the transfer of local primary productivity in the form of living plant organic matter across trophic levels. However, dead organic matter, or detritus, a common feature of most ecosystems plays a frequently overlooked role as a dynamic heterogeneous resource and habitat for many species. We develop an integrative framework for understanding the impact of detritus that emphasizes the ontogeny and heterogeneity of detritus and the various ways that explicit inclusion of detrital dynamics alters generalizations about the structure and functioning of food webs. Through its influences on food web composition and dynamics, detritus often increases system stability and persistence, having substantial effects on trophic structure and biodiversity. Inclusion of detrital heterogeneity in models of food web dynamics is an essential new direction for ecological research.  相似文献   

Nutrient cycling is fundamental to ecosystem functioning. Despite recent major advances in the understanding of complex food web dynamics, food web models have so far generally ignored nutrient cycling. However, nutrient cycling is expected to strongly impact food web stability and functioning. To make up for this gap, we built an allometric and size structured food web model including nutrient cycling. By releasing mineral nutrients, recycling increases the availability of limiting resources for primary producers and links each trophic level to the bottom of food webs. We found that nutrient cycling can provide a significant part of the total nutrient supply of the food web, leading to a strong enrichment effect that promotes species persistence in nutrient poor ecosystems but leads to a paradox of enrichment at high nutrient inputs. The presence of recycling loops linking each trophic level to the basal resources weakly affects species biomass temporal variability in the food web. Recycling loops tend to slightly dampen the destabilising effect of nutrient enrichment on consumer temporal variability while they have opposite effects for primary producers. By considering nutrient cycling, this new model improves our understanding of the response of food webs to nutrient availability and opens perspectives to better link studies on food web dynamics and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Body size in ecological networks   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Body size determines a host of species traits that can affect the structure and dynamics of food webs, and other ecological networks, across multiple scales of organization. Measuring body size provides a relatively simple means of encapsulating and condensing a large amount of the biological information embedded within an ecological network. Recently, important advances have been made by incorporating body size into theoretical models that explore food web stability, the patterning of energy fluxes, and responses to perturbations. Because metabolic constraints underpin body-size scaling relationships, metabolic theory offers a potentially useful new framework within which to develop novel models to describe the structure and functioning of ecological networks and to assess the probable consequences of biodiversity change.  相似文献   

The consequences of species loss on cascading extinctions in food webs have been the focus of several recent theoretical studies, with differing results. Changes in ecosystem properties consecutive to cascading extinctions have received far less attention even though such dramatic events might strongly alter ecosystem functioning. Here we use various food web models to investigate the effects of species loss and diversity on both secondary extinctions and their associated changes in ecosystem properties. Our analysis shows that diversity has contrasting effects depending on the presence of self-limiting terms at consumer levels and, to a lower extent, on connectance and interspecific competition. Ecosystems that lose a high proportion of species through cascading extinctions exhibit the most important changes in ecosystem properties. Linking studies on cascading extinctions in food webs with studies that investigate the effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning appears crucial for a better understanding of the consequences of species extinctions.  相似文献   

Global environmental changes threaten biodiversity and the interactions between species, and food-web approaches are being used increasingly to measure their community-wide impacts. Here we review how parasitoid–host food webs affect biological control, and how their structure responds to environmental change. We find that land-use intensification tends to produce webs with low complexity and uneven interaction strengths. Dispersal, spatial arrangement of habitats, the species pool and community differences across habitats have all been found to determine how webs respond to landscape structure, though clear effects of landscape complexity on web structure remain elusive. The invasibility of web structures and response of food webs to invasion have been the subject of theoretical and empirical work respectively, and nutrient enrichment has been widely studied in the food-web literature, potentially driving dynamic instability and altering biomass ratios of different trophic levels. Combined with food-web changes observed under climate change, these responses of food webs could signal changes to biological control, though there have been surprisingly few studies linking food-web structure to pest control, and these have produced mixed results. However, there is strong potential for food-web approaches to add value to biological control research, as parasitoid–host webs have been used to predict indirect effects among hosts that share enemies, to study non-target effects of biological control agents and to quantify the use of alternative prey resources by enemies. Future work is needed to link food-web interactions with evolutionary responses to the environment and predator–prey interactions, while incorporating recent advances in predator biodiversity research. This holistic understanding of agroecosystem responses and functioning, made possible by food-web approaches, may hold the key to better management of biological control in changing environments.  相似文献   

How species richness is distributed across trophic levels determines several dimensions of ecosystem functioning, including herbivory, predation, and decomposition rates. We perform a meta‐analysis of 72 large published food webs to investigate their trophic diversity structure and possible endogenous, exogenous, and methodological causal variables. Consistent with classic theory, we found that published food webs can generally be described as ‘pyramids of species richness’. The food webs were more predator‐poor, prey‐rich and hierarchical than is expected by chance or by the niche or cascade models. The trophic species richness distribution also depended on centrality, latitude, ecosystem‐type and methodological bias. Although trophic diversity structure is generally pyramidal, under many conditions the structure is consistently uniform or inverse‐pyramidal. Our meta‐analysis adds nuance to classic assumptions about food web structure: diversity decreases with trophic level, but not under all conditions, and the decrease may be scale‐dependent. Synthesis The distribution of species richness across trophic levels has not been evaluated in recent decades, despite improvement in food web resolution and the relevance of biodiversity distribution to ecosystem function. Our meta‐analysis of 72 large, recent food webs, illustrates that published food webs can generally be described as basal‐rich, top‐poor ‘pyramids of species richness’, consistent with classic theory. Although trophic diversity structure is generally pyramidal, under some environmental and ecological conditions the structure is uniform or inverse‐pyramidal. Our meta‐analysis confirms classic theory about food web structure, while adding nuance by describing conditions under which classic pyramid structure is not observed.  相似文献   

GUY WOODWARD 《Freshwater Biology》2009,54(10):2171-2187
1. Dramatic advances have been made recently in the study of biodiversity–ecosystem functioning (B-EF) relations and food web ecology. These fields are now starting to converge, and this fusion has the potential to improve our understanding of how environmental stressors modulate ecosystem processes and the supply of 'goods and services'.
2. Food web structure and dynamics can exert particularly strong influences on B-EF relations in fresh waters, as consumer–resource interactions (e.g. trophic cascades) are often more important than horizontal interactions within trophic levels. For instance, many freshwater food webs are size structured, with large organisms tending to occupy the higher trophic levels and often exerting powerful effects on ecosystem processes. However, because they are also vulnerable to perturbations, non-random losses of these large taxa can alter both food web structure and ecosystem functioning profoundly.
3. Recently, the focus of food web research has shifted away from exploring patterns, towards developing an understanding of processes (e.g. quantifying fluxes of individuals, biomass, energy, nutrients) and how the two interact. Many of the best-characterized food webs are from fresh waters, and these ecosystems are now being used to address some of the shortcomings of earlier B-EF studies. I have identified several key gaps in our current knowledge and highlighted potentially fruitful avenues of future B-EF and food web research.
4. A major challenge for this newly emerging research is to place it within a unified theoretical framework. The application of metabolic theory and ecological stoichiometry may help to achieve this goal by considering biological systems within the constraints imposed upon them by physical and chemical laws.  相似文献   

Parasites in food webs: the ultimate missing links   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Parasitism is the most common consumer strategy among organisms, yet only recently has there been a call for the inclusion of infectious disease agents in food webs. The value of this effort hinges on whether parasites affect food‐web properties. Increasing evidence suggests that parasites have the potential to uniquely alter food‐web topology in terms of chain length, connectance and robustness. In addition, parasites might affect food‐web stability, interaction strength and energy flow. Food‐web structure also affects infectious disease dynamics because parasites depend on the ecological networks in which they live. Empirically, incorporating parasites into food webs is straightforward. We may start with existing food webs and add parasites as nodes, or we may try to build food webs around systems for which we already have a good understanding of infectious processes. In the future, perhaps researchers will add parasites while they construct food webs. Less clear is how food‐web theory can accommodate parasites. This is a deep and central problem in theoretical biology and applied mathematics. For instance, is representing parasites with complex life cycles as a single node equivalent to representing other species with ontogenetic niche shifts as a single node? Can parasitism fit into fundamental frameworks such as the niche model? Can we integrate infectious disease models into the emerging field of dynamic food‐web modelling? Future progress will benefit from interdisciplinary collaborations between ecologists and infectious disease biologists.  相似文献   

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