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piRNA和PIWI蛋白的功能机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵爽  刘默芳 《生命科学》2010,(7):623-627
piRNA是2006年7月在动物生殖细胞中发现的一类新小分子非编码RNA。piRNA特异地与PIWI家族蛋白相互作用,因此,被命名为PIWI-interacting RNA,简称piRNA。这类长度在26~32核苷酸的小分子非编码RNA代表了一个生殖细胞转座子沉默的独特小RNA通路。它们可能通过与PIWI家族蛋白质相互作用,在表观遗传学水平和转录后水平沉默转座子等基因组自私性遗传元件,参与生殖干细胞自我维持和分化命运决定、减数分裂、精子形成等生殖相关事件。在piRNA发现后短短数年的时间,对其生物发生、功能及作用机制的研究都取得了诸多重大突破。该文就piRNA研究的最新研究进展作一简述。  相似文献   

piRNA是一类与Argonaute蛋白家族的PIWI亚家族蛋白结合的非编码小RNA,其在沉默转座子、维持基因组的稳定性和保证生物体生殖细胞的正常发育中起着重要作用。piRNA通路包括piRNA的生成、piRISC的形成,以及由piRISC介导的转座子沉默。现总结了目前发现的参与调控果蝇和小鼠中piRNA通路的蛋白质因子。  相似文献   

piRNA是2006年发现的一类在动物生殖系特异性表达的小分子非编码RNA。piRNA的生成和功能行使均依赖PIWI蛋白。之前的研究认为,PIWI/piRNA通过表观遗传水平和转录后水平沉默转座子等自私性遗传元件,维持生殖细胞基因组的稳定性和完整性。最近的研究发现,PIWI/piRNA还可以通过转录后水平调控蛋白质编码基因,参与胚胎发育、性别决定、配子发育等事件的调控。现简要介绍PIWI/piRNA调控基因表达研究的新进展。  相似文献   

piRNA属于非编码小RNA的一员,常见于生殖系干细胞中。既往学者们认为它主要在维持干细胞功能、配子的形成以及沉默外来转座子等方面发挥作用。但近来在体细胞系中的发现,使得人们对它的生物起源以及功能行使有了更大的兴趣。就piRNA的发现、结构特征、功能与基因调控等进行了综述。  相似文献   

男性不育是一个全球性的人口与健康问题,主要病因是少弱畸形精子症或不明原因。最近的生殖生物学和临床医学研究发现了一系列与男性不育相关的基因突变和调控通路,促进了对男性不育致病原因及机理的认识。piRNA(piwi-interacting RNA)是2006年发现的一类动物生殖细胞特异性小分子非编码RNA,通过与Piwi家族蛋白结合形成Piwi/piRNA复合物,在沉默转座子、维持生殖细胞基因组稳定性和完整性、调控生殖细胞发育分化和配子形成等过程中发挥不可或缺的重要生物学功能。近期的研究提示,Piwi/piRNA调控通路异常与男性不育相关。现简要总结和概述了近期关于Piwi/piRNA调控通路在精子发生和男性不育中的生物学功能和机制方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

刘启鹏  安妮  岑山  李晓宇 《遗传》2018,40(6):445-450
转座子是一类可以在染色体上或不同染色体间自由移动的DNA。在高等生物中,处于活跃状态的转座子多为通过RNA中间体进行转座的逆转录转座子。由于逆转录转座子在细胞基因组中占有很高的比例,它的频繁转座能引起细胞基因组结构和功能的改变,导致癌症等严重基因疾病的发生,因此宿主细胞在长期的进化中形成了多种自我保护机制用以控制逆转录转座子活性。属于非编码小RNA的piRNA以其独特的机制在转录及转录后水平控制逆转录转座子RNA中间体的产生,抑制了逆转录转座过程的发生。本文总结了近年来piRNA控制转座子转座相关分子机制的研究进展,以期为转座子及基因调控方面的研究工作提供一些参考。  相似文献   

PIWI-interacting RNAs(piRNA)是一类內源性小RNA,负责抵御转座子和转基因对基因组的入侵.已发现1.6万多种piRNA,在piRNA上游存在保守序列,根据上游序列特征可以预测新的piRNA.将线虫同步化培养至L4时期,分别提取野生和prg-1突变样本中的小RNA,并对其进行高通量测序.基于piRNA上游保守序列特征,在野生线虫L4时期中,发现了967种新piRNA,这些新piRNA在prg-1突变后表达消失.新piRNA的基因座集中分布在四号染色体的2个piRNA簇内,首位碱基以U为主.与已发表的成虫发育时期的PRG-1免疫共沉淀数据比对,发现有153种piRNA存在于与PRG-1免疫沉淀的数据中.同时还发现一些只在野生线虫中表达的non-21nt小RNA,它们与已知piRNA的基因座相同,推测这些non-21nt小RNA可能是其piRNA前体加工的产物.总之,通过小RNA测序,在线虫中发现了一些新的piRNA.  相似文献   

王承贤  容益康  崔敏 《遗传》2023,(3):221-228
端粒是保护线性染色体末端的核酸-蛋白复合物。与常见的真核生物短重复序列组成的端粒不同,黑腹果蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)端粒DNA由反转座子组成,其转座行为被果蝇宿主严格限制在端粒,既实现延长端粒的功能,也减少转座子跳跃对基因组的损伤。但果蝇宿主是如何完成如此精确调控的机制尚不明确。目前已知的全基因组范围抑制转座子表达包括H3K9me3参与的异染色质形成途径和piRNA路径,而近期研究发现果蝇端粒保护蛋白参与端粒反转座子的特异调控。本文主要综述了端粒保护蛋白在调控端粒转座子中的具体功能。对果蝇端粒转座子调控的研究有利于更好地理解宿主与转座子协同进化的分子机制。  相似文献   

昆虫的转座子及其功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转座子是一类散布在基因组中序列重复的DNA片段,它们可以通过特定转座酶在基因组中移动.目前测序的真核生物基因组的结果都显示转座子占基因组中相当大的一部分.目前对于转座子功能的研究主要集中在产生新功能、修饰染色质、保护生殖细胞,以及参与基因组的协同进化上.随着对其功能研究的深入,利用转座子转座能力开发的转基因系统可以改造物种的遗传性状.此外转座子还可以作为一个标尺用以分析物种进化关系.  相似文献   

Meng YN  Meng LJ  Song YJ  Liu ML  Zhang XJ 《遗传》2011,33(1):9-16
近来研究发现小RNA(small RNAs)可作为转录后及翻译水平上基因表达调节的重要调节因子,利用小RNA来阐明调节精子发生的分子机制取得了显著进展。这些小RNA主要分为3类,即小干扰RNA(siRNA)、微小RNA(miRNA)以及与piwi蛋白相互作用的RNA(piRNA)。在减数分裂和精子发生过程中,小RNA具有多种生物学功能,如利用siRNA体外转染或体内注射来敲低特定基因从而研究该基因在精子发生过程中的作用;miRNA可能参与精子发生中有丝、减数及后减数分裂阶段的基因表达调节;piRNA主要参与调节雄性生殖细胞减数及后减数分裂的过程,在精子发生中起抑制反转录转座子(retrotransposons)的作用。文章对小RNAs合成、作用机制、功能及展望等最新进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

piRNA是单链非编码小分子RNA,长度约26-31nt,大部分集中在29-30nt,5’端具有尿嘧啶偏向性(约86%),能够与Argonaute蛋白家族中的Piwi亚家族蛋白相互结合而产生作用。piRNA的功能主要是维持基因组中转座子的正常沉默状态,以防止基因组中转座子爆发而引起相应基因的改变。piRNA与siRNA及miRNA均是近些年发现的非编码小RNA,它们均可通过一套相应的机制进行RNA干扰,在转录、转录后甚至翻译水平对靶基因及蛋白进行调节,它们之间既有联系又有区别。piRNA数据库的建立将对这类小分子RNA的研究有很大的促进作用。  相似文献   

Discovered two decades ago, Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) play critical roles in gene regulation, transposon element repression, and antiviral defense. Dysregulation of piRNAs has been noted in diverse human diseases including cancers. Recently, extensive studies have revealed that many more proteins are involved in piRNA biogenesis. This review will summarize the recent progress in piRNA biogenesis and functions, especially the molecular mechanisms by which piRNA biogenesis-related proteins contribute to piRNA processing.  相似文献   

Despite exciting progress in understanding the Piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA) pathway in the germ line, less is known about this pathway in somatic cells. We showed previously that Piwi, a key component of the piRNA pathway in Drosophila, is regulated in somatic cells by Yb, a novel protein containing an RNA helicase-like motif and a Tudor-like domain. Yb is specifically expressed in gonadal somatic cells and regulates piwi in somatic niche cells to control germ line and somatic stem cell self-renewal. However, the molecular basis of the regulation remains elusive. Here, we report that Yb recruits Armitage (Armi), a putative RNA helicase involved in the piRNA pathway, to the Yb body, a cytoplasmic sphere to which Yb is exclusively localized. Moreover, co-immunoprecipitation experiments show that Yb forms a complex with Armi. In Yb mutants, Armi is dispersed throughout the cytoplasm, and Piwi fails to enter the nucleus and is rarely detectable in the cytoplasm. Furthermore, somatic piRNAs are drastically diminished, and soma-expressing transposons are desilenced. These observations indicate a crucial role of Yb and the Yb body in piRNA biogenesis, possibly by regulating the activity of Armi that controls the entry of Piwi into the nucleus for its function. Finally, we discovered putative endo-siRNAs in the flamenco locus and the Yb dependence of their expression. These observations further implicate a role for Yb in transposon silencing via both the piRNA and endo-siRNA pathways.  相似文献   


Liver cancer is one of the most common and deadly cancers in the world. In recent years, non-coding RNA has been a hot topic in liver cancer research. piRNAs (PIWI-interacting RNAs) are a new type of small non-coding RNA, which are formed by the PIWI proteins interacting with RNA. The latest research shows that piRNA and PIWI proteins are abnormally expressed in various cancers, including pancreatic, colorectal, breast, etc. piRNA plays an important regulatory role in liver cancer. In this review, we discuss the biological function of piRNAs and new progress in the development of liver cancer, and new targets and ideas for piRNA and PIWI proteins in the diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, PIWI proteins and bound PIWI‐interacting RNAs (piRNAs) form the core of a small RNA‐mediated defense system against selfish genetic elements. Within germline cells, piRNAs are processed from piRNA clusters and transposons to be loaded into Piwi/Aubergine/AGO3 and a subset of piRNAs undergoes target‐dependent amplification. In contrast, gonadal somatic support cells express only Piwi, lack signs of piRNA amplification and exhibit primary piRNA biogenesis from piRNA clusters. Neither piRNA processing/loading nor Piwi‐mediated target silencing is understood at the genetic, cellular or molecular level. We developed an in vivo RNAi assay for the somatic piRNA pathway and identified the RNA helicase Armitage, the Tudor domain containing RNA helicase Yb and the putative nuclease Zucchini as essential factors for primary piRNA biogenesis. Lack of any of these proteins leads to transposon de‐silencing, to a collapse in piRNA levels and to a failure in Piwi‐nuclear accumulation. We show that Armitage and Yb interact physically and co‐localize in cytoplasmic Yb bodies, which flank P bodies. Loss of Zucchini leads to an accumulation of Piwi and Armitage in Yb bodies, indicating that Yb bodies are sites of primary piRNA biogenesis.  相似文献   

In the germline of animals, PIWI interacting (pi)RNAs protect the genome against the detrimental effects of transposon mobilization. In Drosophila, piRNA-mediated cleavage of transposon RNA triggers the production of responder piRNAs via ping-pong amplification. Responder piRNA 3′ end formation by the nuclease Zucchini is coupled to the production of downstream trailer piRNAs, expanding the repertoire of transposon piRNA sequences. In Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, piRNAs are generated from viral RNA, yet, it is unknown how viral piRNA 3′ ends are formed and whether viral RNA cleavage gives rise to trailer piRNA production. Here we report that in Ae. aegypti, virus- and transposon-derived piRNAs have sharp 3′ ends, and are biased for downstream uridine residues, features reminiscent of Zucchini cleavage of precursor piRNAs in Drosophila. We designed a reporter system to study viral piRNA 3′ end formation and found that targeting viral RNA by abundant endogenous piRNAs triggers the production of responder and trailer piRNAs. Using this reporter, we identified the Ae. aegypti orthologs of Zucchini and Nibbler, two nucleases involved in piRNA 3′ end formation. Our results furthermore suggest that autonomous piRNA production from viral RNA can be triggered and expanded by an initial cleavage event guided by genome-encoded piRNAs.  相似文献   

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