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目的探讨几种常用益生元经过不同配伍组合后对3种常用益生菌体外生长的调节作用。方法使用基础培养基分别培养3株益生菌,观察不同益生元配伍组合对3株益生菌的体外调节作用。依据不同的益生元组分配伍以及浓度制作含不同益生元组分的基础培养基体外培养3株益生菌,分别在培养的0、6、12、18和24h取样进行平板活菌计数同时观察菌体形态。配置不同浓度的含葡萄糖基础培养基作为对照,研究不同益生元组分配伍组合对3株益生菌体外生长的调节作用。结果低聚半乳糖、低聚果糖、低聚异麦芽糖(组合2-0.5%)配伍以及低聚半乳糖、低聚果糖、低聚木糖(组合4-1.0%)配伍相较于相同糖浓度的葡萄糖基础培养基对嗜酸乳杆菌NCFM活菌计数有促进作用(P0.05)。低聚半乳糖、低聚果糖、低聚木糖(组合4-0.5%)配伍相较于相同糖浓度的葡萄糖基础培养基对乳双歧杆菌HN019活菌计数有促进作用(P0.05)。低聚半乳糖、低聚果糖、低聚异麦芽糖(组合2-1.0%)配伍以及低聚半乳糖、低聚果糖、水苏糖(组合3-0.5%)配伍相较于相同糖浓度的葡萄糖基础培养基对乳双歧杆菌Bi-07活菌计数有促进作用(P0.05)。结论低聚半乳糖、低聚果糖和低聚木糖组合对嗜酸乳杆菌NCFM和乳双歧杆菌HN019的增殖具有促进作用。低聚半乳糖、低聚果糖和低聚异麦芽糖组合对嗜酸乳杆菌NCFM和乳双歧杆菌Bi-07的增殖具有促进作用。低聚半乳糖、低聚果糖和水苏糖组合对乳双歧杆菌Bi-07的增殖具有促进作用。  相似文献   

目的探究母乳蛋白核心岩藻糖基化水平对新生儿肠道菌群结构的影响。方法采用凝集素(aspergillus oryzae lectin,AOL)检测不同母乳样本的蛋白核心岩藻糖基化水平,按照蛋白核心岩藻糖基化水平的高低将母乳样品分为高核心岩藻糖基化组和低核心岩藻糖基化组,采集两组母乳样品对应喂养的婴儿的粪便,利用PCR-变性梯度凝胶电泳(PCR-DGGE)的方法检测两组婴儿粪便中菌群的组成。利用Fut8~(+/-)和Fut8~(+/+)模型小鼠作为母代让其分别哺育野生型子代仔鼠,以进一步阐明核心岩藻糖基化对新生儿肠道菌群的影响。结果母亲/母鼠母乳蛋白岩藻糖基化水平高组与低组相比,婴儿肠道中双歧杆菌菌群丰富度增加,仔鼠肠道内乳杆菌定植增加。结论高核心岩藻糖基化的母乳可以促进子代肠道中双歧杆菌和乳杆菌等益生菌的生长。  相似文献   

目的探究母乳蛋白核心岩藻糖基化水平的高低对新生儿肠道双歧杆菌丰富度的影响。方法采用凝集素印记(Lectin Blot, LB)检测不同母乳样品的母乳蛋白核心岩藻糖基化水平,根据蛋白核心岩藻糖基化水平的高低将母乳样品分为两组;采集两组母乳样品对应喂养的新生儿的粪便,通过16S RNA高通量测序的方法检测两组婴儿粪便中菌群的构成。结果母亲母乳蛋白核心岩藻糖基化水平高组相对于低组,其对应的新生儿肠道中双歧杆菌丰富度显著增高。结论高核心岩藻糖基化的母乳可以促进子代肠道中双歧杆菌的优势生长。  相似文献   

母乳中含有丰富的唾液酸成分,大多数唾液酸是以与人乳低聚糖(HMOs)结合的形式存在。已有报道称唾液酸可以促进婴儿大脑和神经系统的发育,但唾液酸的代谢机制和生物功能并不十分清晰。唾液酸作为母乳中的一种有效营养成分,受到越来越多的关注。唾液酸化的母乳聚糖可促进有益微生物群的生长和新陈代谢,益于婴幼儿肠道健康和免疫功能。唾液酸化的母乳聚糖还具有抗病毒活性,在新生儿肠道的黏膜中具有抑菌作用,能抑制微生物对宿主细胞的黏附,对细菌、病毒和真菌有直接的细胞毒性作用。此外,唾液酸化的母乳聚糖在调节肠道菌群平衡和保护新生儿炎症性疾病方面也起着重要作用。本文综述了唾液酸化母乳聚糖对新生儿肠道微生态的调节作用及研究现状,并讨论了微生物对唾液酸代谢、唾液酸酶和唾液酸转移酶的作用以及唾液酸的生物合成及其在食品添加剂和医学领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

目的 观察不同喂养方式婴儿肠道双歧杆菌的构建规律,初步探索母乳双歧杆菌与婴儿肠道双歧杆菌之间的相关性。方法 在四川大学华西第二医院纳入57对母婴志愿者,根据喂养方式分为母乳(BF)组(n=31)和混合喂养(MF)组(1月龄内添加奶粉时间>8 d,n=26),收集产妇产后0天、第30天的母乳,以及婴儿出生后0天、第7天、第30天的粪便。采用实时荧光定量PCR测定母乳和婴儿粪便中双歧杆菌属、角双歧杆菌(B. angulatum)、链双歧杆菌(B. catnulatum)、齿双歧杆菌(B. dentium)、短双歧杆菌(B.breve)、两歧双歧杆菌(B. bifidum)、长双歧杆菌长亚种(B. longum subsp. longum)、长双歧杆菌婴儿亚种(B.longum subsp. infantis)及青春双歧杆菌(B. adolescentis)的丰度。观察2组婴儿肠道双歧杆菌0―7―30天的构建规律;分析母乳双歧杆菌与婴儿肠道双歧杆菌之间的相关性。结果 0―7―30天2组婴儿肠道双歧杆菌构建过程存在差异。母乳双歧杆菌与婴儿肠道双歧杆菌存在相关:0 d时,BF组母乳B. a...  相似文献   

母乳是新生儿最理想的营养来源。母乳喂养不仅维持婴儿的发育,也促进有益的肠道微生物增殖。母乳中的糖复合物,包括游离的低聚糖、糖蛋白和糖脂,因在肠道健康和菌群调节方面起着重要作用而被越来越多的人所重视。这些糖类物质不仅能预防传染病,也可作为益生元调节肠道微生态。新生儿出生时肠道是不成熟的,复杂的母乳成分确保了肠道微环境成熟。婴儿的肠道微生物群的构成在出生后会发生连续变化。出生后的细菌定植是肠道发育和免疫系统成熟的必要条件。本文将母乳中糖物质及对婴儿肠道菌群的影响作一综述。  相似文献   

益生元-双歧杆菌生长促进因子   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
微生态学的观点认为肠道菌群的状况与人体健康密切相关,肠道中的有益菌如双歧杆菌、乳酸菌等在净化肠道、改善机体营养和维护宿主健康方面起到重要作用。益生元为人体不消化或难消化的食物成份,其中多数是非消化性的低聚糖,其作用可选择性地刺激肠道有益菌的生长和代谢活性,改善肠道菌群平衡从而有利于人体健康。本文对一些重要的功能性低聚糖的性质、生理功能及其生产了概述。  相似文献   

乳果糖是一种具有益生元样作用的双糖,可促进肠道内双歧杆菌的生长。除了被应用于临床治疗便秘和肝性脑病等疾病外,在食品领域也有着广泛应用。为了更加贴近母乳喂养的效果,在婴幼儿配方奶粉中添加异构化乳糖,异构化乳糖的安全性、是否能发挥一定的健康效能值得关注。  相似文献   

目的探讨母乳性黄疸(BMJ)患儿的肠道菌群情况。方法采用鸟枪法宏基因组测序方法,对16例BMJ患儿及16例正常婴儿的肠道菌群进行研究。结果 BMJ组与对照组中样品菌种丰度及菌群种类总的水平上差异无统计学意义(P0.05);在部分菌种上有差异,双歧杆菌、脆弱拟杆菌及多形拟杆菌在BMJ组中较对照组少(P0.05);在菌群基因的功能通路上差异也有统计学意义(P≤0.05),尤其是在糖合成和代谢基因功能通路中,BMJ组比对照组表达较少些,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论 BMJ患儿肠道菌群的种类、丰度与正常同龄婴儿总体上差异不大,在菌种上有部分差异,双歧杆菌、脆弱拟杆菌及多形拟杆菌在BMJ患儿肠道中含量较少,可补充双歧杆菌、拟杆菌制剂使BMJ患儿的肠道菌群平衡。同时,在基因功能通路表达上,BMJ患儿与正常同龄婴儿有显著差别,特别是糖合成和代谢通路,可深入研究。  相似文献   

唾液酸乳糖是母乳寡糖(human milk oligosaccharides, HMOs)中含量最丰富的唾液酸化低聚糖之一,对婴幼儿的健康发育有重要作用,但是其目前缺乏高效、廉价的生产工艺。针对该问题,本研究建立了多菌株两步法耦合生物合成唾液酸乳糖方法。第一步构建2株工程菌,大肠杆菌JM109(DE3)/pET28a-BT0453和JM109(DE3)/pET28a-nanA,用于耦合合成中间产物N-乙酰神经氨酸,在2株工程菌株细胞生物量比为1:1,反应时间为32 h的条件下,得到的N-乙酰神经氨酸最高产量为20.4 g/L。第二步向上述发酵液中添加大肠杆菌JM109(DE3)/pET28a-neuA、JM109(DE3)/ pET28a-nst和面包酵母,通过三菌株耦合发酵合成3ʹ-唾液酸乳糖(3ʹ-sialyllactose, 3ʹ-SL)。在底物N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖、乳糖浓度均为200 mmol/L,面包酵母细胞生物量为150 g/L,辅因子Mg2+浓度为20 mmol/L的优化条件下,发酵24 h,发酵液中3ʹ-唾液酸乳糖的最高产量达到55.04 g/L,底物N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖的转化率为43.47%。研究结果为低成本生产3ʹ-唾液酸乳糖提供了一条新的技术路线。  相似文献   

微生物从发现、发展到现在已经有多年历史,其利用价值的开发也不断的被广大科研人员所研究,从最初的单一发酵食品到现在广泛应用于食品、医药卫生、植物疾病防治、畜禽养殖废弃物处理等均表现出微生物在人类、动植物乃至所有生物及非生物方面均有不可比喻的利用价值.本研究以霉菌和酵母菌两个菌属的不同菌种为例对其作用、发展前景及相关内容进行阐述,并对微生物系列中的微生态制剂进行探讨,表明微生物是一种潜在的可利用资源,其在未来的世界发展中占有重要位置.  相似文献   

Probability density functions for the various within-tree developmental life stages of D. frontalis are derived. The differences between some of these distributions are discussed. The possibility of the existence of a negative feed-back mechanism which enables the beetle to make optimum utilization of the available resources is proposed. In addition, the concept of an optimum location on the infested bole where the environmental (tree) conditions are such that maximum survivorship occurs is advanced.  相似文献   

IntroductionDue to its increasing incidence and its major contribution to healthcare costs, cancer is a major public health problem in the United States. The impact across different services is not well documented and utilization of emergency departments (ED) by cancer patients is not well characterized. The aim of our study was to identify factors that can be addressed to improve the appropriate delivery of quality cancer care thereby reducing ED utilization, decreasing hospitalizations and reducing the related healthcare costs.MethodsThe New Jersey State Inpatient and Emergency Department Databases were used to identify the primary outcome variables; patient disposition and readmission rates. The independent variables were demographics, payer and clinical characteristics. Multivariable unconditional logistic regression models using clinical and demographic data were used to predict hospital admission or emergency department return.ResultsA total of 37,080 emergency department visits were cancer related with the most common diagnosis attributed to lung cancer (30.0%) and the most common presentation was pain. The disposition of patients who visit the ED due to cancer related issues is significantly affected by the factors of race (African American OR = 0.6, p value = 0.02 and Hispanic OR = 0.5, p value = 0.02, respectively), age aged 65 to 75 years (SNF/ICF OR 2.35, p value = 0.00 and Home Healthcare Service OR 5.15, p value = 0.01, respectively), number of diagnoses (OR 1.26, p value = 0.00), insurance payer (SNF/ICF OR 2.2, p value = 0.02 and Home Healthcare Services OR 2.85, p value = 0.07, respectively) and type of cancer (breast OR 0.54, p value = 0.01, prostate OR 0.56, p value = 0.01, uterine OR 0.37, p value = 0.02, and other OR 0.62, p value = 0.05, respectively). In addition, comorbidities increased the likelihood of death, being transferred to SNF/ICF, or utilization of home healthcare services (OR 1.6, p value = 0.00, OR 1.18, p value = 0.00, and OR 1.16, p value = 0.04, respectively). Readmission is significantly affected by race (American Americans OR 0.41, standard error 0.08, p value = 0.001 and Hispanics OR 0.29, standard error 0.11, p value = 0.01, respectively), income (Quartile 2 OR 0.98, standard error 0.14, p value 0.01, Quartile 3 OR 1.07, standard error 0.13, p value 0.01, and Quartile 4 OR 0.88, standard error 0.12, p value 0.01, respectively), and type of cancer (prostate OR 0.25, standard error 0.09, p value = 0.001).ConclusionWeb based symptom questionnaires, patient navigators, end of life nursing and clinical cancer pathways can identify, guide and prompt early initiation of treat before progression of symptoms in cancer patients most likely to visit the ED. Thus, improving cancer patient satisfaction, outcomes and reduce health care costs.  相似文献   

通过民族植物学研究的方法,对显脉旋覆花进行实地调查和文献查阅,比较了不同民族的使用习惯.结果发现显脉旋覆花作为跌打损伤药是湖南通道侗族居民特有的用药方式;资源现状调查结果表明,显脉旋覆花市场需求大,种植繁殖困难,导致资源锐减.应加强显脉旋覆花的引种栽培研究及综合开发利用.  相似文献   

分析了医院医疗设备利用率管理的现状,提出了医疗设备利用率管理的前期工作与实施方法。建立设备的性能价值评定标准以及加强设备的维护保养工作都是提高设备利用率的有效途径。  相似文献   

本文介绍了国际水稻研究所成立近40年来育成品种的主要特性及IRRI品种在中国的应用情况.  相似文献   

The spatial ecology of free‐roaming dogs determines their role in the transmission of zoonoses. This study describes the geographic range of and identifies sites frequently visited by free‐roaming domestic dogs in western Kenya.Eight sites in Busia county, western Kenya, were selected. At each site, ten dog‐keeping households were recruited, a questionnaire was administered, and a GPS logger was fixed around the neck of one dog in each household. Loggers were programmed to capture the dog''s position every minute, for five consecutive days. Individual summaries of GPS recordings were produced, and the daily distance traveled was calculated. 50% and 95% utilization distribution isopleths were produced, and the area within these isopleths was extracted to estimate the size of the core and extended Home Ranges (HRs), respectively. Linear regression analyses were performed to identify factors associated with the movement parameters. The centroid points of the 10, 50, and 90% isopleths were reproduced, and the corresponding sites identified on the ground.Seventy‐three dogs were included in the final analyses. The median daily distance traveled was 13.5km, while the median core and extended HRs were 0.4 and 9.3 ha, respectively. Older dogs had a larger extended HR and traveled more daily, while the effect of sex on dog movement depended on their neutering status. Dogs spent most of their time at their household; other frequently visited sites included other household compounds, fields, and rubbish dumps. One of the centroids corresponded to a field located across the international Kenya–Uganda border, emphasizing the fluidity across the border in this ecosystem. Multiple dogs visited the same location, highlighting the heterogeneous contact networks between dogs, and between dogs and people.The field data presented are of value both in understanding domestic dog ecology and resource utilization, and in contextualizing infectious and parasitic disease transmission models.  相似文献   

2011年10月-2012年4月对滇、黔、川、陕、甘、桂、粤、琼等8省71个市(县)的斑茅野生种质资源进行考察与收集。结果表明除甘肃省外其他7个省都有野生斑茅的分布,采集到斑茅居群49个,共计420份材料。同时分析了斑茅的地理分布、形态特征和生态适应性,并对斑茅的利用方向进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

中国燕麦种质资源国外引种与利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了中国从国外引进燕麦种质资源及其利用情况。经过长期努力,中国从28个国家引进29个物种的燕麦种质资源共计2099份,大大增加了中国燕麦种质资源的数量,丰富了中国保存燕麦种质资源的物种和遗传多样性。与此同时,利用国外燕麦种质资源改良和培育出了一批优良品种,极大地提高了中国燕麦生产水平。利用引进的燕麦野生资源,开展了燕麦种质创新、起源进化和遗传学研究,取得了显著进展。建议继续加强国外燕麦种质资源的引进,对野生燕麦进行深入鉴定评价和利用,同时加强燕麦种质资源国际合作研究。  相似文献   

Independence of the five Papio species is evaluated. Baboons appear to be more similar to man than are other monkey species, which makes them a desirable model for use in experimental research to approximate human health conditions. They are, however, used less widely than macaques. Publications on baboons account for 10.3% of literature on the use of primates in experimental research. Baboons were most intensively used in surgery, then in hematology, cardiology, endocrinology. They were most rarely used in stomatology and in studies on infectious diseases.  相似文献   

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