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From patterns to emerging processes in mechanistic urban ecology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rapid urbanization has become an area of crucial concern in conservation owing to the radical changes in habitat structure and loss of species engendered by urban and suburban development. Here, we draw on recent mechanistic ecological studies to argue that, in addition to altered habitat structure, three major processes contribute to the patterns of reduced species diversity and elevated abundance of many species in urban environments. These activities, in turn, lead to changes in animal behavior, morphology and genetics, as well as in selection pressures on animals and plants. Thus, the key to understanding urban patterns is to balance studying processes at the individual level with an integrated examination of environmental forces at the ecosystem scale.  相似文献   

虽然城市化对生物多样性影响的研究在发达国家是一个重要的研究领域,但是在发展中国家这方面的研究不多。通过案例研究,分析本土植物多样性沿着城市化梯度的变化,及其与生境土壤因子的关系。在廊坊市,中国北部一个快速城市化的地区,沿着中心城区、城区、郊区、远郊区城市化梯度,每个梯度选取6个样地进行本土植物多样性调查,记录种类数、多样性和种类组成,并分析了多样性指数。与远郊区相比,中心城区失去了88%的物种,物种多样性下降了78%,城区物种多属于禾本科、藜科等耐践踏、耐土壤紧实度的物种。远郊区的本土植物属于45个科,科数大于城区物种。相似性指数表明,城区和郊区大部分物种相同,但是远郊区差异较大。DCCA分析表明,土壤总氮、有机质含量是影响物种城市化分布的主要因素。城市化促进了物种分布的匀质化。  相似文献   

城市公园和郊区公园生物多样性评估的指标   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
陈波  包志毅 《生物多样性》2003,11(2):169-176
随着城市化进程的加快,城市的生物多样性不可避免地受到城市化的各种影响,城市及其郊区的生物多样性保护越来越受到人们的重视。城市公园与郊区公园中往往具有高度多样化的生境,并保存着某些自然植被片段和动物物种,那里的生物多样性较高。可见,在城市和郊区的生物多样性保护中,公园生物多样性的保护是一个非常关键的环节,而对其生物多样性的评估又是有效保护的基础。目前,我国生物多样性评估方面的研究工作多集中于物种水平,而对生境的研究较少,但实践证明,保护生境比保护物种更为重要。本文介绍了比利时学者Hermy & Cornelis在比利时西佛兰德省的Loppem市立公园的保护实践中构建的一种对城市公园和郊区公园中的生物多样性进行评估的方法。该方法从两个方面展开:生境多样性和物种多样性。在生境水平上,首先对各种生境单元进行分类,这些单元被分为面状、线状和点状要素。针对每种要素,分别计算了Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和饱和度指数。饱和度指数是实际的多样性指数与最大可能的多样性指数之比。在物种水平上,使用了物种数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和饱和度指数来评估公园中的高等植物、蝴蝶、两栖动物和饲养的鸟类等物种。这样,就获得了20个生物多样性指标,根据这些指数就可以对Loppem市立公园内的生物多样性进行评估。结合我国生物多样性评估工作的实际要求,文章最后对上述方法进行了讨论,指出该方法对我国公园的生物多样性评估工作具有借鉴意义,但在运用时各地需要结合本地的实际情况。  相似文献   

近年来,由于光化学反应引起的臭氧(O3)前体物增加,使全球植物受近地层O3胁迫的程度越来越严重。在东欧、西欧以及美国,O3污染被认为是造成大片森林植被衰退和枯死的主要原因。本研究通过对亚热带城市南昌城区至郊区森林植被的实地调查,结合2014年4-8月南昌近地层O3浓度实时监测数据,并参考O3伤害评估手册中的鉴别方法和标准,分析了南昌市近地层O3时空分布特征及其对木本植物叶片的伤害情况。结果显示:近郊区的O3浓度显著高于远郊区和城区;6月份的O3平均浓度最高,其累计剂量(AOT40)达35.5 mg·m-3·h,远远超过了植物受O3伤害的临界值(19.6 mg·m-3·h),即已经对植物造成了危害;在南昌市近郊区和远郊区,共有16种植物表现出典型的O3伤害症状,如叶缘干枯,叶片表面出现有色斑点、斑块、条带状变色等,其中东京樱花(Cerasus yedoensis(Mats.)Yüet Li)、紫楠(Phoebe sheareri(Hemsl.)Gamble)、闽楠(P.bournei(Hemsl.)Yang)、山鸡椒(Litsea cubeba(Lour.)Pers.)可作为南昌地区的O3污染指示物种。  相似文献   

Urbanization and urban landscape characteristics greatly alter plant and animal species richness and abundances in negative and positive directions. Spiders are top predators, often considered to be sensitive to habitat alteration. Studies in urban environments frequently focus on ground-dwelling spiders or on spiders in built structures, leaving aside foliage spiders. Effects of habitat, landscape type and structure and local characteristics on spider species composition, richness and relative abundance were evaluated in urban green patches in a temperate city of South America. We also assess whether Salticidae could be an indicator group for the broader spider community in the urban environment. Spiders were sampled with a G-VAC (aspirator) in urban green patches in Córdoba city, Argentina, in urban, suburban and exurban habitats (18 sites; six per habitat) and local and landscape traits were assessed. Overall, the exurban was richer than the urban habitat, however, at the site level Salticidae richness and abundance (but not the total spider assemblage) were significantly lower in urban sites. Species composition moderately differed between urban and exurban sites. Results indicate that on urban green spaces a low impervious surface cover, a coverage of trees, herbaceous vegetation and a vertical structure of vegetation at least up to 1 m in height contribute to higher richness and abundance of spiders, Salticidae being more sensitive than the overall spider community to local effects. In addition, Salticidae richness can predict 74% of the total spider richness recorded and may be used as spider diversity bio-indicators in this climatic region.  相似文献   


We analysed the relative role of landscape context (city, suburb and exurb) and distance to the edge (from forest edge to 45 m in interior) on plant diversity of natural forests in Wuhan city. The results indicated that landscape context had significant effects on plant diversity, and both landscape context and distance to the edge affect vegetation and disturbance characteristics. Landscape context was the main factor affecting richness of woods, herbs, indigenous species, forest generalists and insect or wind pollination species. These species tended to be higher in exurban forests while non-indigenous species were higher in the urban forests. The number of non-indigenous species, forest specialists, herbs and insect pollination species also depended on distance to the edge or on both interactions. Richness of non-indigenous species decreased with increasing distance to the edge in urban forest. Vegetation characteristics that shrub cover was lower and disturbance characteristics that disturbed cover and human activity were higher in the urban edge than in the suburb and exurb edge, which decreased from the edge to the interior. Therefore, we should prioritize the preservation of less disturbed and frequented forests (suburban and exurban) to buffer the invasion of non-indigenous species, and to reserve more indigenous species.  相似文献   

This work provides an overview of plant diversity in the municipality of Rome (Italy) through an assessment of the flora in urban and suburban sectors of the city. It is aimed at providing the knowledge required to support proactive action for plant conservation. On the basis of a literature-derived catalogue and of an extensive survey campaign, the flora was investigated in terms of conservation interest; habitat types and locations that require protection measures were identified according to the occurrence of valuable native plants. Valuable species exclusive of the urban sector are threatened by the compaction trend affecting the urban fabric. Such species occur mainly in ruderal environments and fallows of archaeological sites and urban parks, near river courses and in remnants of natural forests. Valuable species exclusive of the suburban sector are threatened by urban sprawl. They occur prevalently in wet environments of the subcoastal strip and in coastal sands, Mediterranean maquis, tuffaceous gorges, sulphur springs and archaeological sites. The results highlight the need to preserve the complexity of the land mosaic, especially within the urban matrix, and to strengthen the existing environmental protection tools in the suburban area against foreseeable land cover changes.  相似文献   

城市化进程带来的城市生境破碎化对城市野生动植物多样性产生了巨大的影响,而生态廊道作为城市中的绿色线性空间,对缓解城市化进程下的生物多样性丧失具有重要作用。自生植物不仅是城市植物多样性的重要组成部分,也为乡土动物提供了赖以生存的资源,在低维护植物景观营造中起到关键作用。聚焦北京温榆河-北运河生态廊道,在对廊道自生植物总体物种组成进行分析的基础上,探究城市化梯度上自生植物物种组成与多样性特征差异,并分析不同自生植物种群对城市化水平的适应性。共调查到温榆河-北运河自生植物195种,隶属于73科,156属,以自生草本植物为主。各城市化水平下自生木本植物的α多样性无显著差异;中低城市化水平下草本植物的α多样性显著高于其他水平(P<0.05)。随着城市化水平升高,自生乔木和一、二年生的β多样性升高,自生多年生草本、自生入侵植物和外来植物的β多样性值下降。在城市化梯度上的生态位宽度均值排序为入侵植物 > 乡土植物 > 国外外来植物 > 国内外来植物。将生态廊道自生植物按照生态位宽度划分为广适型、中适型和狭适型,并依据生态位重叠筛选了与15种入侵植物在城市化梯度上适应性相近的自生乡土植物种类。本研究结果可以为营造稳定的低维护自生植物群落,抵抗外来入侵植物的扩散,实现城市河流生态廊道的生物多样性保护功能提供参考。  相似文献   

北京城市生态系统植物种类构成及其分布特征   总被引:50,自引:1,他引:49  
为了认识北京城市生态系统植物的构成特点、变化趋势及保护城市植物多样性 ,进而为北京城市绿化提供科学基础 ,对北京城区五环内各功能类型的植物进行了抽样调查、标本采集、鉴定和研究。结果表明 :(1)北京城区五环内共有维管束植物 99科30 7属 5 36种 ,其中北京本地种 2 79种 ,占总种数的 5 2 .0 5 % ,国内引进种 15 0种 ,占总种数的 2 7.99% ,国外引进种 10 7种 ,占总种数的 19.96 %。 (2 )北京城区植物属的区系地理成分以北温带成分为主 ,占城区总属数的 2 1.0 5 % ,远低于全北京植物北温带成分占 30 .30 %的比例 ;温带亚洲物种、旧世界温带物种、世界分布物种的比例都呈减少趋势 ;除旧世界热带物种成分外 ,其它热带物种成分的比例都有所增加。(3)城区各功能区物种丰富度从大到小的顺序为公园、学校校园、居民小区、道路、体育中心及单位场院、广场及公共建筑。公园、学校校园植物的总种数都占城区五环内植物总种数的 5 0 %以上 ,是城区植物的物种库。但本地植物物种比例在所有的功能区中均较低 ,甚至在公园与学校校园 ,本地物种的比例也分别只有 5 3.86 %与 5 2 .5 2 % ,居民小区和广场及公共建筑的北京本地种比例分别只有 4 1.39%和 4 0 .2 3%。 (4 )公园的乔、灌木植物多样性最高 ,荒地的草本植物  相似文献   

Climate and land cover changes are important drivers of the plant species distributions and diversity patterns in mountainous regions. Although the need for a multifaceted view of diversity based on taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic dimensions is now commonly recognized, there are no complete risk assessments concerning their expected changes. In this paper, we used a range of species distribution models in an ensemble‐forecasting framework together with regional climate and land cover projections by 2080 to analyze the potential threat for more than 2500 plant species at high resolution (2.5 × 2.5 km) in the French Alps. We also decomposed taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity facets into α and β components and analyzed their expected changes by 2080. Overall, plant species threats from climate and land cover changes in the French Alps were expected to vary depending on the species' preferred altitudinal vegetation zone, rarity, and conservation status. Indeed, rare species and species of conservation concern were the ones projected to experience less severe change, and also the ones being the most efficiently preserved by the current network of protected areas. Conversely, the three facets of plant diversity were also projected to experience drastic spatial re‐shuffling by 2080. In general, the mean α‐diversity of the three facets was projected to increase to the detriment of regional β‐diversity, although the latter was projected to remain high at the montane‐alpine transition zones. Our results show that, due to a high‐altitude distribution, the current protection network is efficient for rare species, and species predicted to migrate upward. Although our modeling framework may not capture all possible mechanisms of species range shifts, our work illustrates that a comprehensive risk assessment on an entire floristic region combined with functional and phylogenetic information can help delimitate future scenarios of biodiversity and better design its protection.  相似文献   

Calcareous grasslands are among the most species-rich plant communities in Europe with a particularly high nature conservation value. During the past centuries their distribution has markedly decreased, at least partly due to urbanization. Thus we investigated the effects of urbanization on species diversity along a spatio-temporal urbanization gradient from traditionally managed grassland to areas affected by urban developments, which was situated in the plains northwest of Munich, Germany. Both a RLQ analysis linking species and environmental traits, and a redundancy analysis of the plant community features showed that soil disturbance, soil sealing and mean temperature explained most of the environmental variation along the gradient. The species in urban habitats showed increased insect pollination, earlier flowering and prolonged seed longevity. While urbanization favored short-lived species with dysochorous dispersal, the reference grasslands harbored more wind-pollinated perennials with effective vegetative spread and relatively large, short-lived seeds. Compared to the urban sites, traditionally used grasslands had a higher species diversity, more threatened species and a lower proportion of non-natives. We conclude that even under conservation management, urban habitats are not capable of maintaining the original biodiversity. However, we also found threatened species occurring exclusively in urban sites. Hence, urbanization decreased the area and diversity of traditional calcareous grasslands, but it also established niches for endangered species which are not adapted to the living conditions in calcareous grasslands.  相似文献   

城市化对植物多样性影响的研究进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
彭羽  刘雪华 《生物多样性》2007,15(5):558-562
本文综述了城市化对植物多样性影响的研究进展。随着全球特别是发展中国家城市化水平的提高, 城市化对生物多样性的影响逐渐引起了人们的重视。城市化造成了本土植物物种的丢失和外来物种的增加。在空间分布上, 城市化还常使城区本土植物多样性沿着远郊农区-城郊-城区梯度性下降; 但是由于引进大量外来物种, 总体植物多样性反而升高, 沿着远郊农区-城郊-城区梯度性升高。城市化对植物种类组成也有很大影响,优势种在远郊农区、城郊和城区呈现不同。城市化对植物多样性影响的机制主要有人为引入外来物种、小生境改变以及景观格局的变化三个方面。以下四个研究方向将越来越重要: (1) 不同区域、不同方法、不同学科的系统整合研究;(2) 城市化扩张与植物多样性变化过程的定位监测研究; (3) 本土植物多样性丢失以及性状改变的内在机制研究, 特别是外来物种与本地物种的相互作用过程和机制的研究; (4) 城市植物多样性保护研究。  相似文献   

以景东无量山国家级自然保护区为对象,通过样地调查、标本鉴定和查阅资料,对保护区内药用维管植物的种类和生存状况进行研究。结果显示,保护区内药用维管植物共有80科168属218种,占该区维管植物总数的57.37%。药用维管植物生长型分析表明,草本植物占绝对优势。药用部位分析表明,以根和全草入药是其主要利用形式。对药用维管植物的功效分析显示,该地区以清热类、活血化淤类和祛风湿类药物为主。对保护区内药用维管植物濒危等级的评估显示,无危种类占总数的82.11%,说明保护状况良好。保护区不同功能区内维管植物物种丰富度为:核心区缓冲区实验区,其中药用维管植物所占的比例为:核心区缓冲区实验区。对不同功能区药用维管植物相似性分析结果表明,核心区和实验区物种为极不相似;核心区和缓冲区物种为轻度相似。本研究表明保护区的建立对药用植物多样性保护起到了重要作用,明确了保护区药用维管植物的种类及生存状况,为进一步开展药用植物资源的保护和利用研究提供了参考。  相似文献   



The potential for reduced pollination ecosystem service due to global declines of bees and other pollinators is cause for considerable concern. Habitat degradation, destruction and fragmentation due to agricultural intensification have historically been the main causes of this pollinator decline. However, despite increasing and accelerating levels of global urbanization, very little research has investigated the effects of urbanization on pollinator assemblages. We assessed changes in the diversity, abundance and species composition of bee and hoverfly pollinator assemblages in urban, suburban, and rural sites across a UK city.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Bees and hoverflies were trapped and netted at 24 sites of similar habitat character (churchyards and cemeteries) that varied in position along a gradient of urbanization. Local habitat quality (altitude, shelter from wind, diversity and abundance of flowers), and the broader-scale degree of urbanization (e.g. percentage of built landscape and gardens within 100 m, 250 m, 500 m, 1 km, and 2.5 km of the site) were assessed for each study site. The diversity and abundance of pollinators were both significantly negatively associated with higher levels of urbanization. Assemblage composition changed along the urbanization gradient with some species positively associated with urban and suburban land-use, but more species negatively so. Pollinator assemblages were positively affected by good site habitat quality, in particular the availability of flowering plants.


Our results show that urban areas can support diverse pollinator assemblages, but that this capacity is strongly affected by local habitat quality. Nonetheless, in both urban and suburban areas of the city the assemblages had fewer individuals and lower diversity than similar rural habitats. The unique development histories of different urban areas, and the difficulty of assessing mobile pollinator assemblages in just part of their range, mean that complementary studies in different cities and urban habitats are required to discover if these findings are more widely applicable.  相似文献   

景观格局对植物多样性的影响已经在很多研究中得到了验证,但有关城市景观的影响仍然知之甚少。为了探究城市化景观格局对植物多样性的影响及其尺度效应,本研究在北京市顺义区调查了105个样地,计算每个样地的α和β多样性指数;并以100 m为步长,分析了100~1000 m范围内的10个尺度43个城市的景观格局指数。结果表明: 在所有尺度上,城市景观面积指数、核心类指数和边缘指数与本土植物多样性均呈负相关;形状复杂性指数在小尺度内有利于植物多样性,而面积加权复杂性指数则在较大尺度上影响明显。其他指数如城市斑块的连接性、邻近性、内聚性、破碎性和散布并列指数与本土植物多样性之间的关系轻微且不稳定。城市化强度与尺度呈负相关,与各个尺度的植物多样性呈负相关。合理将城市区域分为许多边缘简单的小斑块,能够更好地保护本土植物多样性。该研究提出了保护城市植物多样性的景观格局建议,为生态城市建设提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,绿化造林工程在北京市大规模展开,涉及林地生境类型多样.林地昆虫群落组成和多样性特征受林分树种组成、立地条件、管护方式的影响.通过对北京市5种人工林样地中蛾类群落结构、多样性和相似性及其时空动态特征的调查,探讨了蛾类多样性变化对生境类型的生态响应.结果 表明:共获得标本7046头,隶属于25科269种,以夜蛾科(...  相似文献   

城市化过程中北京市人口时空演变对生态系统质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王坤  周伟奇  李伟峰 《生态学杂志》2016,27(7):2137-2144
应用第五、第六次人口普查和MODIS-NDVI遥感数据,从城市、区/县和街道/乡镇3个尺度,分析了2000—2010年北京市人口时空演变特征及其对区域生态系统质量的影响.结果表明: 研究期间,北京市总人口增长了43.9%,人口空间分布形成了明显的圈层特征,呈现向近郊转移聚集的趋势;北京市的年最大归一化植被指数(NDVI)呈增加趋势,在5~6环之间却显著降低.城区和远郊区的NDVI变化趋势与人口密度变化率呈显著负相关.城市化带来的人口数量增加不仅没有导致北京整体生态系统质量下降,反而通过城市功能调整和农民进城务工人口转移等方式,提高了城区和远郊区的生态系统质量.不同的功能定位和发展机制是影响北京市人口时空格局变化及其生态影响的主要原因.  相似文献   

Urban landscapes are characterized by an urban matrix often unfavorable for biodiversity, interspersed with remnant corridors such as riparian areas. Those are increasingly threatened by urban expansion and land use change worldwide. We investigated the effect of the two components, matrix versus corridor, by comparing the riparian plant diversity and the community-level ecological traits along an urbanization gradient. Species distribution was surveyed at a local-scale along an urban riparian corridor in Strasbourg, eastern France. Ninety plots were sampled along an urbanization gradient. Several plant metrics were measured using both plant richness (R) and mean ecological trait values of species weighted by their abundance (CWM). The surroundings of each plot were first described by selecting representative variables of matrix and corridor. Secondly, the distribution of plant species according to a given i ecological trait was analyzed in relation with different levels of urbanization. Using mixed effects models, we verified whether matrix or corridor variables best explain the distribution of traits. Three levels of urbanization were detected, termed urban, suburban and peri-urban, based on landscape composition. Neither the peri-urban nor the suburban level affected plant metrics. At the urban level, and whatever indicator value was considered, the CWMi metrics clearly decreased, whereas species richness Ri increased. The upstream distance to the nearest natural area and tree cover were the most influential variables on CWMi metrics, whereas Ri metrics were mainly driven by built component and landscape heterogeneity. Matrix variables were more important in explaining Ri metrics while corridor features affected CWMi metrics. These results highlight the preponderance of the corridor effect on plant ecological types and the importance of the matrix on the selection and/or the implantation of novel species. Thus, the urbanization gradient may operate simultaneously on the abundance of local species and impose the recruitment of new co-existing species. This study suggests that ecological type responds to the urbanization gradient and may be an alternative tool to understand plant distribution rather than plant diversity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate genetic diversity and assess its importance for plant fitness in a species belonging to the most endangered species in Europe, Dracocephalum austriacum L., and to select the most valuable populations for conservation of genetic diversity within the species in the studied regions. We analyzed allozyme variation of 12 populations in three distinct regions (Czech Karst, Moravia and Slovak Karst) in Central Europe. The results showed high genetic diversity within populations (80.14%) and relatively low differentiation among populations within regions (9.42%) and between regions (10.45%). Seed production was significantly higher in larger, genetically more diverse and less inbred populations. The results suggest that genetic diversity has important effect on seed production in this species and thus can be expected to have strong direct consequences for plant fitness and vitality of the whole populations. They also show large variation in genetic diversity between populations and indicate which populations should get a priority in attempts to conserve all the genetic diversity within the region.  相似文献   

Urbanization has significantly affected the composition and distribution pattern of plant species within and around cities. Plants with airborne pollens can cause seasonal allergic symptoms that are intensified by increasing air pollution and temperature. In urban landscapes, the reduced native biodiversity, increased exotic biodiversity, and species homogenization may all affect the abundance and distribution of allergenic plants. We investigated the plants with airborne pollens in the Beijing metropolitan region to determine the distribution pattern of allergenic plants as influenced by urbanization. Our results show that native allergenic plants dominated the urban area in the region. The species richness of allergenic plants, particularly the exotic plants with airborne pollens, significantly differed between land use types. The higher the plant diversity in the urban area, the higher the frequency of allergenic plant occurrence. Despite the homogenization of the allergenic plant communities, their characteristic species were still present across the metropolitan region. The flowering allergenic plants also differed between the different land use types. We suggest that some common allergenic plants should be avoided by urban planners, especially those that are exotic to the region. Humans susceptible to pollinosis should stay away from places that are concentrated with allergenic plants, and be aware of the flowering phenology of allergenic plants.  相似文献   

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