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虽然城市化对生物多样性影响的研究在发达国家是一个重要的研究领域,但是在发展中国家这方面的研究不多。通过案例研究,分析本土植物多样性沿着城市化梯度的变化,及其与生境土壤因子的关系。在廊坊市,中国北部一个快速城市化的地区,沿着中心城区、城区、郊区、远郊区城市化梯度,每个梯度选取6个样地进行本土植物多样性调查,记录种类数、多样性和种类组成,并分析了多样性指数。与远郊区相比,中心城区失去了88%的物种,物种多样性下降了78%,城区物种多属于禾本科、藜科等耐践踏、耐土壤紧实度的物种。远郊区的本土植物属于45个科,科数大于城区物种。相似性指数表明,城区和郊区大部分物种相同,但是远郊区差异较大。DCCA分析表明,土壤总氮、有机质含量是影响物种城市化分布的主要因素。城市化促进了物种分布的匀质化。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的加快,城市中存留森林的演替过程也发生明显变化。选取高度城市化的珠江三角洲为研究区域,以地带性群落常绿阔叶林为研究对象,选择城区(帽峰山、西樵山和大岭山)和郊区(鼎湖山、象头山和南昆山) 6个样地,分析城郊梯度上的植物群落结构和植物多样性指数。结果表明:城区森林包括31科42属46种,郊区森林包括44科75属96种,郊区样地的物种数高于城区样地的物种数;城区优势种明显,多为耐旱耐贫瘠种类,郊区无明显优势种,多为喜湿耐荫种类;城市森林中的Margalef指数、Shannon指数和Pielou指数显著低于郊区森林,城郊森林植物多样性的差异主要反映在乔木层。城市化降低了常绿阔叶林的植物多样性,促进了物种的均质化。  相似文献   

林下草本植物是城市森林生物多样性重要的保育层,敏感度高,可塑性强,能有效反映城市植被对城市化的响应策略。本研究在上海市范围内沿中心城区—近郊—远郊的城乡梯度,共选取16块林地共398个样方,分析了上海市森林草本群落区系特征和多样性格局沿城乡梯度的变化规律。结果表明:上海城市森林生态系统中共有草本植物144种,隶属47科118属;多年生草本74种,占半数以上(51.39%);属和种分别涵盖18和12个分布区类型和亚型,以热带和温带成分为主;外来植物28种,占比接近20%;物种丰富度和群落多样性指数均沿中心城区—近郊—远郊梯度先下降后上升,近郊最低,远郊最高;中心城区物种构成与远郊相似,与近郊差异最大。本研究揭示了城市森林生态系统中草本植物的分布格局以及多样性沿城乡梯度的变化规律,为深入开展城市化与城市植被的互作研究提供了理论支撑,为管理部门制定相关政策提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

采用样方法调查了哈尔滨市17块绿地的植物多样性,研究城市绿地生态系统中本土植物多样性对外来植物的影响规律。结果如下:哈尔滨市绿地有75种外来植物,外来栽培植物42种,外来非栽培植物33种。在哈尔滨市绿地植物群落中,外来栽培植物的平均盖度、平均重要值和平均出现频度均较高;外来非栽培种的平均盖度、平均重要值较低,而平均出现频度较高。绿地本土植物物种数与外来栽培种、外来非栽培种的物种数极显著正相关(P<0.01),与外来非栽培种的平均出现频度显著负相关(P<0.05)。绿地乔木层本土植物的香农威尔指数、物种丰富度与外来栽培种、外来非栽培种的物种数均显著负相关(P<0.05),乔木层本土植物的均匀度与外来非栽培种的平均出现频度极显著负相关(P<0.01);灌木层本土植物的物种丰富度与外来栽培种的平均重要值显著负相关(P<0.05);草本层本土植物的均匀度与外来非栽培种的平均相对盖度显著正相关(P<0.05)。随绿地总面积的增加,外来栽培种和外来非栽培种的物种数增加,平均出现频度均呈现显著降低的趋势。随建成时间增加,外来栽培种的平均出现频度呈非线形变化,外来非栽培种的平均出现频度呈现降低的趋势。应提高哈尔滨市绿地本土植物的多样性,严格控制新建成的、总面积较小的绿地中外来植物的引种栽培管理,以防止外来植物发展成为危害本地生态系统的入侵植物。  相似文献   

张丽  罗建 《生态科学》2019,38(4):91-98
随着林芝市城市化进程的加快和对内外交流的通畅, 给外来植物的引入和扩散提供了更便利的途径, 大量外来植物用于城市绿化建设、小区景观配置, 外来植物进入的速度不断加快。为了了解外来植物对市区植物多样性的构成造成的影响, 野外采用随机抽取样地的方法, 近期内对林芝市城区的6种不同城市生态系统类型中进行了调查, 共记录了77科199属319种, 其中外来植物63科136属185种。分析结果显示: 林芝市城区的外来植物比例高达58.13%, 其中66.67%的国外外来种来自美洲和亚洲; 不同生活型植物中以二年生草本的外来种比例最高, 分别高达82.35%。部分国外外来种已对林芝市城区形成了入侵。外来种比例最高的城市生态系统类型是观赏性要求较高的居住区绿地。外来植物属的地理区系分布广泛, 其中北温带分布所占比例较大。在快速城市化的进程中, 植物物种的生存和在城市环境中建立自我维持种群的生物多样性保护的能力越来越重要。外来植物由更能够适应本地独特条件或更能利用在城市环境中发现机会的物种组成, 对城市生态系统可能存在潜在的生物安全风险。  相似文献   

中国外来入侵生物的空间分布格局及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
不同地理区域影响生物分布格局的因子不同,对外来入侵物种也是如此。在区域尺度上分析外来入侵生物的空间分布格局及其影响因子对预测生物入侵的影响及入侵种的控制管理具有重要意义。本研究应用中国外来入侵物种数据库、自然环境数据库和社会人文环境数据库,分析了我国外来入侵动植物的空间格局;并运用主成分分析(PCA)和典范对应分析(CCA)探讨了自然环境和人类活动等因素对外来入侵动植物分布格局的影响;同时研究了外来入侵物种多样性与本地物种多样性之间的关系。结果表明,我国现有外来入侵动物138种、入侵植物384种,其数量和密度都呈现出由东南沿海向西北内陆减少的趋势,且入侵动物和入侵植物空间格局基本一致;降水(MAP)是决定我国外来入侵动植物分布格局的主要自然环境因子,国民生产总值(GDP)是主要社会经济影响因子。在全国尺度上,外来入侵物种多样性与本地物种多样性之间呈显著的正相关关系,但地域间存在较大差异。不同区域外来入侵物种与本土物种多样性的相关关系表现出不同,与研究尺度有密切关系。  相似文献   

外来植物入侵严重威胁着入侵地本土植物多样性和生态系统功能, 认识外来物种的入侵机制有助于提高对入侵植物的防控能力。本文以攀西地区云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)林下外来入侵植物紫茎泽兰(Ageratina adenophora)为研究对象, 基于大量野外群落调查, 从群落可入侵性入手, 分析了环境因子和群落物种多样性、谱系多样性等群落生态学特征对紫茎泽兰入侵的影响。结果表明: 海拔、坡向和火烧强度等环境因子和冠层郁闭度、灌木层盖度等生物因子对研究区紫茎泽兰入侵强度没有显著影响(P > 0.05); 但群落灌木层物种多样性和草本层组分种与紫茎泽兰的亲缘关系显著影响紫茎泽兰的入侵强度(P < 0.05), 说明灌木层对光照等环境资源的占用和草本层(同层)物种对相似资源的竞争能够在很大程度上抑制紫茎泽兰的入侵。  相似文献   

城市化进程带来的城市生境破碎化对城市野生动植物多样性产生了巨大的影响,而生态廊道作为城市中的绿色线性空间,对缓解城市化进程下的生物多样性丧失具有重要作用。自生植物不仅是城市植物多样性的重要组成部分,也为乡土动物提供了赖以生存的资源,在低维护植物景观营造中起到关键作用。聚焦北京温榆河-北运河生态廊道,在对廊道自生植物总体物种组成进行分析的基础上,探究城市化梯度上自生植物物种组成与多样性特征差异,并分析不同自生植物种群对城市化水平的适应性。共调查到温榆河-北运河自生植物195种,隶属于73科,156属,以自生草本植物为主。各城市化水平下自生木本植物的α多样性无显著差异;中低城市化水平下草本植物的α多样性显著高于其他水平(P<0.05)。随着城市化水平升高,自生乔木和一、二年生的β多样性升高,自生多年生草本、自生入侵植物和外来植物的β多样性值下降。在城市化梯度上的生态位宽度均值排序为入侵植物 > 乡土植物 > 国外外来植物 > 国内外来植物。将生态廊道自生植物按照生态位宽度划分为广适型、中适型和狭适型,并依据生态位重叠筛选了与15种入侵植物在城市化梯度上适应性相近的自生乡土植物种类。本研究结果可以为营造稳定的低维护自生植物群落,抵抗外来入侵植物的扩散,实现城市河流生态廊道的生物多样性保护功能提供参考。  相似文献   

该文综述了植物—土壤反馈研究的定义、途经、方法和国内外的研究现状以及存在的问题。植物—土壤反馈是指植物改变根际土壤的生物和非生物特征,同时被改变的也能提高或降低该植物的生长,形成正的或负的反馈,从而影响植物群落组成及植物间相互作用。植物—土壤反馈研究对于理解植物群落演替、生态系统多样性与生产力形成与维持机制,认识生态系统对气候变化和生物入侵等全球生态事件的响应具有重要的理论意义。外来物种快速生长和繁殖及其可能的负反馈可能会导致本地种被竞争排除,未来气候变化可能导致物种组成发生变化及生物多样性丢失,但资源互补和植物—土壤反馈效应则可能使植物群落具有较高的生产力和多样性。因此,未来植物—土壤反馈关系应该加强以下几方面研究:(1)开展不同生态系统植物—土壤反馈关系的比较研究;(2)植物—土壤及土壤—植物等群落水平的反馈研究;(3)特别是要加强分子和基因工具在植物土壤—反馈关系中的应用,揭示植物—土壤反馈关系的分子机理。  相似文献   

选择河北省遵化市(39°55'~40°22'N,117°34'~118°14'E),调查了城郊和乡村在东南西北4个方向上以及市区的植物多样性,同时考察了不同取样点土壤养分的差异结果表明,西部和北部接近,而东部和南部的土壤养分特殊,城郊与乡村明显差异;西部物种丰富度低于其它方向,而南部最高,这种差异由草本造成;城市与东南西北4个方向的生物多样性差异明显;城市植物多样性与城郊和乡村呈现梯度变化;本研究统计的物种总数只有126种,而与之同纬度的北京东灵山区却有高等植物997种.城市化的影响是引进了一些观赏物种,区域地形和土壤养分等自然特征的影响微弱.  相似文献   

Urbanization has significantly affected the composition and distribution pattern of plant species within and around cities. Plants with airborne pollens can cause seasonal allergic symptoms that are intensified by increasing air pollution and temperature. In urban landscapes, the reduced native biodiversity, increased exotic biodiversity, and species homogenization may all affect the abundance and distribution of allergenic plants. We investigated the plants with airborne pollens in the Beijing metropolitan region to determine the distribution pattern of allergenic plants as influenced by urbanization. Our results show that native allergenic plants dominated the urban area in the region. The species richness of allergenic plants, particularly the exotic plants with airborne pollens, significantly differed between land use types. The higher the plant diversity in the urban area, the higher the frequency of allergenic plant occurrence. Despite the homogenization of the allergenic plant communities, their characteristic species were still present across the metropolitan region. The flowering allergenic plants also differed between the different land use types. We suggest that some common allergenic plants should be avoided by urban planners, especially those that are exotic to the region. Humans susceptible to pollinosis should stay away from places that are concentrated with allergenic plants, and be aware of the flowering phenology of allergenic plants.  相似文献   

城市生物多样性分布格局研究进展   总被引:20,自引:8,他引:12  
城市生物多样性分布格局由自然生态环境和城市化过程所决定;其动态和机理与自然生态系统迥然不同.城市生物多样性为城市生态系统提供了诸多生态系统功能和服务,对改善城市环境、维持城市可持续发展有着重要的意义和作用.城市化过程深刻改变了城市的生物多样性分布格局,导致了诸如本地物种多样性降低、外来物种多样性增加、物种同质化等一系列问题.近年来,城市生物多样性受到学界高度关注,大量研究结果既回答了一些关键性问题,又提出了诸多新的论题和挑战.分析了当前城市生物多样性分布格局研究的若干热点问题,总结了影响城市生物多样性格局的主要因素,探讨了城市生物多样性格局研究方法的关键问题,指出了未来城市生物多样性研究的发展方向,特别强调了城市生物多样性的生态系统功能研究在未来城市生物多样性研究中的重要地位.  相似文献   

Urbanization is a major driver of biodiversity change but how it interacts with spatial and temporal gradients to influence the dynamics of plant–pollinator networks is poorly understood, especially in tropical urbanization hotspots. Here, we analysed the drivers of environmental, spatial and temporal turnover of plant–pollinator interactions (interaction β-diversity) along an urbanization gradient in Bengaluru, a South Indian megacity. The compositional turnover of plant–pollinator interactions differed more between seasons and with local urbanization intensity than with spatial distance, suggesting that seasonality and environmental filtering were more important than dispersal limitation for explaining plant–pollinator interaction β-diversity. Furthermore, urbanization amplified the seasonal dynamics of plant–pollinator interactions, with stronger temporal turnover in urban compared to rural sites, driven by greater turnover of native non-crop plant species (not managed by people). Our study demonstrates that environmental, spatial and temporal gradients interact to shape the dynamics of plant–pollinator networks and urbanization can strongly amplify these dynamics.  相似文献   

Urbanization is one of the most extreme forms of environmental alteration, posing a major threat to biodiversity. We studied the effects of urbanization on avian communities via a systematic review using hierarchical and categorical meta‐analyses. Altogether, we found 42 observations from 37 case studies for species richness and 23 observations from 20 case studies for abundance. Urbanization had an overall strong negative effect on bird species richness, whereas abundance increased marginally with urbanization. There was no evidence that city size played a role in influencing the relationship between urbanization and either species richness or abundance. Studies that examined long gradients (i.e. from urban to rural) were more likely to detect negative urbanization effects on species richness than studies that considered short gradients (i.e. urban vs. suburban or urban vs. rural areas). In contrast, we found little evidence that the effect of urbanization on abundance was influenced by gradient length. Effects of urbanization on species richness were more negative for studies including public green spaces (parks and other amenity areas) in the sampled landscapes. In contrast, studies performed solely in the urban matrix (i.e. no green spaces) revealed a strong positive effect on bird abundance. When performing subset analyses on urban–suburban, suburban–rural and suburban–natural comparisons, species richness decreased from natural to urban areas, but with a stronger decrease at the urban–suburban interface, whereas bird abundance showed a clear intermediate peak along the urban–rural gradient although abundance in natural areas was comparable to that in suburban areas. This suggests that species loss happens especially at the urban–suburban interface, and that the highest abundances occur in suburban areas compared to urban or rural areas. Thus, our study shows the importance of suburban areas, where the majority of birds occur with fairly high species richness.  相似文献   

世界范围急剧的城市化进程所带来的生态问题,尤其是城市化对鸟类的影响引起了生态学家越来越多的关注。关注点从最初的群落水平,逐渐向种群水平和个体水平深入。在群落水平上,现有的研究展示了城市化对鸟类群落组成、物种的丰富度、多度、生物量和多样性等多方面存在的不同程度的影响;而物种水平的研究探讨了城市化影响鸟类群落格局的内在原因:不同的鸟类物种对城市化具有不同的反应;而个体水平的研究,更是进一步从鸟类行为、生活史特征等方面揭示城市化压力和鸟类的适应对策。大量的证据说明,城市化所带来的土地使用的改变、人为干扰、热岛效应、食物资源改变、巢捕食、夜间灯光等,不同程度地对城市鸟类产生了影响。  相似文献   

The introduction of exotic species and the extirpation of native species that occurred during the past two centuries have strongly modified the structure of most plant and animal assemblages across the globe. Such a biotic change is particularly marked in isolated environments such as islands or isolated lakes. Most studies reported drastic changes between before and after human disturbances, but the dynamics of change in assemblage structure through the invasion and extirpation processes are rarely reported. Here we measured the aquatic ecosystem degradation through exotic species introduction and native species extirpation experienced by Lake Erhai (China) during the last 50 years using structural, functional and taxonomic distinctness biodiversity indices. Structural diversity (species richness) did not varied monotonically along the temporal gradient, due to an opposite trend between exotic species increase and a concomitant decline of native species richness. Functional diversity displayed unclear ascending trends driven by the introduction of exotic species having distinct functional traits than natives. Taxonomic distinctness indices exhibited an increase of the average taxonomic distinctness (Δ+), but a decrease of the variation in taxonomic distinctness (Λ+) through time. Structural, functional and distinctness indices providing complementary information on ecosystem degradation, we here proposed a new multifaceted degradation index integrating these three facets of biodiversity. Such an index provided an accurate representation of the faunistic changes experienced by Lake Erhai and might constitute a comprehensive way to measure ecosystem degradation through exotic fish species introductions and native fish species extirpations.  相似文献   

Exotic-dominated ecosystems with low diversity are becoming increasingly common. It remains unclear, though, whether differences between native and exotic species (driver model), or changes in disturbances or resources (passenger model), allow exotics to become competitive dominants. In our field experiment, plant species origin (native or exotic), cattle grazing (ungrazed or intensely grazed once), and species composition treatments were fully crossed and randomly assigned to four-species mixtures and monocultures of grassland plants. We found that biodiversity declined more rapidly in exotic than in native species mixtures, regardless of our grazing disturbance treatment. Early declines in species evenness (i.e., increases in dominance) led to subsequent declines in species richness (i.e., local extinctions) in exotic mixtures. Specifically, Simpson’s diversity was 29% lower after 1 year, and species richness was 15% lower after 3 years, in exotic than in native mixtures. These rapid biodiversity declines in exotic mixtures were partly explained by decreased complementarity (i.e., niche partitioning and facilitation), presumably because exotic species lack the coevolutionary history that can lead to complementarity and coexistence in native communities. Thus, our results suggest that exotic species can drive biodiversity declines in the presence or absence of a grazing disturbance, partly because exotic species interactions differ from native species interactions. This implies that restoring plant biodiversity in grasslands may require removal of exotic species, in addition to disturbance management.  相似文献   

Domestic gardens collectively cover substantial areas within cities and play an important role in supporting urban biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. The extent of their contribution to urban biodiversity is ultimately determined by the attitudes, motivations, and practices of their owners. We identified variables characterizing individual householders and their properties that explained variation in perennial plant and avian species richness and plant diversity among 55 gardens in New Zealand. The size of the vegetated area was most important in explaining bird and plant diversity, independent of property size. Also important and positively associated with plant richness were socio-economic status and ability to discriminate between native and exotic species. Median housing age and neighborhood green space were less important. Contrary to expectations, better educated householders who demonstrated pro-environmental orientation (NEP) did not necessarily have gardens with greater plant diversity, however, people with higher NEP scores tended to have gardens with more structurally complex vegetation. Similar variables were important in explaining native and exotic species richness, but higher exotic plant diversity was associated with older people with smaller properties of lower value. Avian species richness increased primarily with vegetated area, but also the areas of beds and hedges. We demonstrate that although householder knowledge is an important determinant of garden biodiversity, vegetated area is most important. Promoting urban garden biodiversity requires that larger vegetated properties be supported and encouraged, and that planners should consider biodiversity when formulating policies concerning garden size, property size, and consents that may result in a progressive increase in the proportion of built over/paved areas.  相似文献   

Urbanization induces changes in species abundance and richness that are beginning to be extensively described. However, the functional structure of urban communities still requires attention to provide a basis for a more accurate understanding of urban ecosystems’ functioning. This study has been performed in order to assess functional changes in ecological communities related to changes of urban landscape features along an urbanization gradient. Species abundance and richness of birds and butterflies in the city parks of Marseille (south-east France) have been used to assess these changes. On the basis of easily accessible traits (reproduction parameters, size, feeding habits), we have examined whether different contexts of urbanization favour some strategies more than others. Some differences occur between butterflies and birds in terms of species abundance and richness through the urbanization gradient, showing that at least some species of birds manage to colonize city centre and/or exploit urban resources better than butterflies. But our results also clearly reveal general patterns in biological traits for both birds and butterflies that further reflect the gradient of urban features from outskirts to city centre. Species associated with the city centre tolerate a wide range of conditions whereas species associated with city outskirts have more specialized abilities. Urbanization acts as an environmental filter for bird and butterfly communities selecting species able to colonize and settle in the city centre on the basis of their biological traits. In our context, environmental filters induce a biotic homogenization with urbanization through loss of species (taxonomic homogenization) and over-representation of generalist species (functional homogenization). This homogenization reflects an underlying process of disruption of biotic interactions for butterflies and birds. This study has enabled us to identify a combination of biological traits sensitive to urban features that may represent useful indicators for both theoretical and applied purposes in order to understand the impact of urbanization on animal communities.  相似文献   

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