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应用光学组织切片和电镜超薄切片技术对菜粉蝶新的野田村病毒感染菜青虫幼虫的组织病理学和超微病理 学变化以及菜青虫颗粒体病毒混合感染后的病理学变化进行了研究。结果表明该病毒只在菜青虫中肠细胞质内 增殖。病毒侵染时,线粒体、内质网等细胞器均发生显著病变。该病毒与前人报告的能侵染菜青虫的其它病毒均 有所不同。本文还讨论了野田村病毒的装配。  相似文献   

菜粉蝶野田村病毒感染宿主的病理学变化及病毒的装配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用光学组织切片和电镜超薄切片技术对菜粉蝶新的野田村病毒感染菜青虫幼虫的组织病理学和超微病理学变化以及菜青虫颗粒体病毒混合感染后的病理学变化进行了研究.结果表明该病毒只在菜青虫中肠细胞质内增殖.病毒侵染时,线粒体、内质网等细胞器均发生显著病变.该病毒与前人报告的能侵染菜青虫的其它病毒均有所不同.本文还讨论了野田村病毒的装配.  相似文献   

武汉大学生命科学学院病毒研究所科研工作者,近年研究出了一种新的生物杀虫剂,即生物工程增效蛋白复合生物杀虫剂,也即是高效广谱病毒(CPV)。 这种病毒杀虫剂是从国内首次筛选出的败血型病毒与我国首次研制的增效工程蛋白,按一定比例组配研制而成。这种病毒性生物杀虫剂是将颗粒体病毒的增效蛋白基因克隆于表达载体,并进一步在大肠杆菌内再表达增效而制成的工程蛋白,有较强的杀虫能力,能显著提高病毒在虫体的感染力和协同杀虫效果好的苏云金杆菌的毒力。与此同时,它还是微生物杀虫剂的中间体,可广泛用于病毒杀虫剂、Bt杀虫剂和转Bt基因棉的杀虫剂。其应用范围很广,可对农、林、牧等鳞翅目的主要害虫,尤其对夜蛾科害虫有特效。例如斜纹夜蛾、银纹夜蛾、粉纹夜蛾、甜菜夜蛾以及菜青虫、棉铃虫、松毛虫等。这说明它杀虫谱广。同时,杀虫速度快,可造成“靶”昆虫幼虫瘫痪死亡。因其毒力破坏了靶昆虫幼虫肠道的微食膜,所以造成害虫停食、停止运动并最后死亡。 据统计,我国棉田(地)约5000万亩,森林9亿亩,蔬菜400万亩。危害棉花、蔬菜和森林的棉铃虫、松毛虫和夜蛾科的害虫繁殖快,危害严重和抗药性强,若用传统农药,效果不十分显著,现采用生物工程增效蛋白复合生物杀虫剂,可确保农林牧增产和丰收。秦春圃  相似文献   

本文综述了昆虫病毒,包括核多角体病毒(NPV)、昆虫痘病毒(EPV)和颗粒体病毒(GV),在防治农林害虫中的应用及其对寄主寄生蜂影响的研究进展,同时也介绍了昆虫杆状病毒诱导细胞凋亡及基因工程研究的近况.  相似文献   

为了有效的制备菜粉蝶(Pieris rapae)颗粒体病毒(简称PrGV)杀虫剂。我们对丙酮-乳糖共沉和低速差速离心两种提取病毒的方法进行了比较。前者是以乳糖作为病毒包涵体表面的  相似文献   

我们于1977年由中国科学院动物研究所引进了菜青虫颗粒体病毒,1978年春季开始进行试验。室内测定表明,菜青虫颗粒体病毒有较强的感染力。用不同浓度病毒感染2龄幼虫,发病率随病毒浓度增加而提高。致死时间随浓度增加而缩短,当浓度为1头5龄病死虫/500毫升时,死亡90%以上。病毒可感染1—5龄的幼虫,病毒浓度相同时,发病率随幼虫龄期  相似文献   

对防治蔬菜菜夜蛾(S)和斜纹夜蛾(ProdenialituraFabricius)为主并兼治菜螟、菜青虫、小菜蛾等鳞翅目害虫的单五型和复配型苜蓿银纹放蛾核型多角体病毒(AutographacalifornicanuchlearpolyhedrosisVirus,AcMNPV)生物杀虫剂进行筛选。  相似文献   

本文通过生物杀虫剂螨虫素对棉花、蔬菜害虫的毒力评价及田间应用研究表明,它对棉朱砂叶螨和菜青虫两种害虫杀伤力最强,其中LC90分别为0.078ppm和0.013ppm。兼有胃毒、触杀作用,残效期较长,分别达13天和9天。田间小区试验认为防治菜青虫和茄朱砂叶螨以2ppm浓度为宜。防治适期为卵孵化初期或低龄幼(若)虫(螨)期,其防效能达90%以上。该药特点用药量低、效果好、无公害、值得推广。  相似文献   

"虫瘟一号"是我国首个登记应用在蔬菜上的昆虫病毒杀虫剂,是以斜纹夜蛾多角体病毒(Spodoptera litura Nucleopolyhedrovirus,简称SpltNPV)为主要有效成分的商品化杀虫剂,主要用于防治暴食性、多食性的斜纹夜蛾[1].  相似文献   

斜纹夜蛾核多角体病毒 (Spodopteralituranuclearpolyhedrosisvirus ,简称SpltNPV)杀虫剂是一种无公害的生物杀虫剂 ,主要用于防治多食性的重要经济害虫斜纹夜蛾 ,同时兼治其它一些鳞翅目害虫。该产品主要由SpltNPV、增效剂、填料等组成。本文研究了斜纹夜蛾核多角体病毒 (SpltNPV)、增效剂以及两者混配对斜纹夜蛾幼虫的防治效果。在室温条件下 ,斜纹夜蛾幼虫的死亡率随病毒浓度或增效剂添加量的提高而增加。增效剂和SpltNPV混配后 ,对斜纹夜蛾幼虫防治效果比单独使用…  相似文献   

The effect of a nuclear polyhedrosis virus on the relationship between Trichoplusia ni and the parasite, Hyposoter exiguae, was investigated to determine if the virus could invade and multiply in the tissues of the parasites, if parasites which emerged from virus-infected T. ni larvae had normal emergence, fecundity, and longevity, and if the parasite could serve as a vector for the virus. Light microscopy revealed particles which appeared to be polyhedra within the lumen of the midgut of parasite larvae from virus-infected hosts. Transmission electron microscopy confirmed the presence of polyhedra and free virions within the midgut of the larvae. Polyhedra or free virions were never found within any parasite tissues. Parasite larvae within hosts exposed to virus before parasitization perished when their hosts died of virus infection. Parasite larvae in hosts exposed to virus after parasitization completed their development before their hosts died of virus infection. The proportion of parasites which survived increased as the time between host parasitization and host virus exposure increased. Parasite larvae which developed in hosts exposed to the virus soon after parasitization spent significantly less time in their hosts than did parasites which developed in noninfected hosts. There was no significant difference in time spent in the pupal stage, percent adult emergence, adult longevity with and without food and water, and fecundity of parasites which developed in virus-infected hosts and those which developed in noninfected hosts. Female parasites laid as many eggs in virus-infected hosts as they did in noninfected hosts. Sixty percent of the female parasites which oviposited in virus-infected hosts vectored infective doses of virus to an average of 6% of the healthy hosts subsequently exposed to them. None of the healthy host larvae exposed to male parasites which had been exposed to virus-infected host larvae became infected with the virus. Forty percent of the female parasites which developed in virus-infected hosts transmitted infective doses of the virus to an average of 65% of the healthy host larvae exposed to them. Ninety percent of the male parasites which developed in virus-infected hosts transferred infective doses of the virus to an average of 21% of the healthy host larvae exposed to them.  相似文献   

核型多角体病毒与侧沟茧蜂对斜纹夜蛾幼虫的协同作用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
研究了斜纹夜蛾幼虫体内的斜纹夜蛾侧沟茧蜂存活率、发育历期、寄主感染病毒时间、病毒浓度之间的关系,并测定了斜纹夜蛾侧沟茧蜂的传毒效率.结果表明,病毒对寄主体内寄生蜂历期无明显影响,寄生在幼虫体内的寄生蜂能在寄主病死前完成发育,存活比例因寄主感染病毒的时间和浓度而异.斜纹夜蛾被寄生后接种病毒(SINPV),距离寄生时间越长,饲毒浓度越低,寄生蜂完成发育的比例越大,但饲毒时间是主要影响因素.从感病幼虫体内发育成的侧沟茧蜂或曾经在感病寄主上产过卵的寄生蜂,以及通过人工方式使产卵器被病毒污染的寄生蜂,均能携带一定数量的病毒.通过产卵活动,侧沟茧蜂成蜂能在寄主幼虫个体间传递病毒.当寄生蜂在感病的寄主幼虫上产卵带毒后,平均可传递病毒给2.14头幼虫;发育于感病幼虫体内的寄生蜂,平均可传递病毒给2.45头幼虫.通过用病毒液浸茧或用混有病毒的蜂蜜饲喂成蜂等方式使产卵器污染病毒的寄生蜂,传毒效率随饲毒浓度增加而提高,平均可传递病毒1.45头和0.94头幼虫  相似文献   

Competition between granulosis virus (GV) and the larval parasite,Sturmiopsis inferens Tns. (Tachinidae: Diptera), was studied in 3rd — and 4th — instar larvae of the sugarcane shoot borer,Chilo infuscatellus Snellen (Crambidae: Lepidoptera), under laboratory conditions. Mortality due to GV infection and parasitization was 76.8 and 47.6 per cent, respectively, when they were tested separately. But when hosts were infected simultaneously with microfeeding of GV and larval parasite, a significantly low parasitism (5.5%) was obtained compared to 74.8 per cent mortality by GV infection. When the larvae were microfed with the GV 6 days after inoculation with parasitic maggots, mortality due to the virus was reduced significantly to 20.5 per cent, but when the maggot inoculation was preceded by virus microfeeding 6 days before, parasitization was unsuccessful, while 75% of larvae died of virus. Results obtained from field — collected larvae also showed that significantly more parasite puparia were recovered from healthy larvae than from virus — infected larvae. Similar differences in parasitization were not obtained in the case of healthy or virus — infected pupae.   相似文献   

We determined the physiological effects of joint and separate nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) infection and parasitism by the endoparasitoid Microplitis pallidipes Szepligeti on biochemical events in the noctuid Spodoptera exigua (Hübner). The results indicated that in parasitized larvae, compared to healthy larvae, total protein concentration in host hemolymph began to decline and total sugar concentration significantly increased by the first day, while lipid content in the host body significantly increased by the second day after parasitization. Meanwhile, in jointly infected and parasitized hosts, compared to parasitized larvae, total protein concentration was consistently higher, total sugar concentration was consistently lower, and lipid content became higher by the second day after treatment. In virus-infected larvae, compared to healthy larvae, total protein concentration sharply declined during the first two days but increased by the third, while total sugar concentration increased on the second and third days after virus infection but decreased at other observation times, and lipid content began to increase by the second day after virus infection. Finally, in larvae that were both parasitized and virus-infected, compared to just virus-infected larvae, total protein concentration increased during the first two days but decreased by the third, total sugar concentration increased only on the first and fourth days, and lipid content decreased significantly on the first day but began to increase by the second day after treatment. These findings led us to conclude that parasitization inhibited protein mobilization but stimulated sugar mobilization in host hemolymph, and promoted lipid mobilization in the host body, while Spodoptera exigua NPV infection stimulated protein mobilization induced by parasitization but inhibited sugar mobilization induced by parasitization.  相似文献   

Two states of parasitization in the Pseudaletia separata-Cotesia kariyai system were examined: one that was lightly parasitized and one that was heavily parasitized. We predicted that the consumption of fat body and hemolymph nutrients depends on the number of parasitoid larvae in the host. Lightly parasitized hosts (average clutch size+/-S.E.: 42.5+/-16.2, N=15) and heavily parasitized hosts (average clutch size+/-S.E.: 230.2+/-8.8, N=15) were prepared artificially. Eight days after parasitization, perivisceral fat body was depleted in the heavily parasitized host, although peripheral fat body was not yet consumed, but by day 10 most of the peripheral fat body was consumed. In lightly parasitized hosts, perivisceral fat body was not consumed by day 10. The parasitoid larvae deplete the perivisceral fat body first and then consume the peripheral fat body in the heavily parasitized host. The amount of trehalose, the major carbohydrate in the hemolymph, was related to the number of parasitoid larvae developing in the host. In a heavily parasitized host, trehalose concentrations remained low. However, in lightly parasitized hosts, the amount of trehalose increased 8 days after parasitization and then decreased by day 10. Protein and total lipid concentrations in the hemolymph of the heavily parasitized host were significantly lower than in lightly parasitized host on day 10, suggesting that the large number of parasitoid larvae depleted the fat body and hemolymph nutrients by day 10. High concentrations of total lipid on day 8 and 10 in lightly parasitized hosts and on day 8 in heavily parasitized host are likely to be attributed to the teratocytes.  相似文献   

It was previously demonstrated that parasitization by Cotesia kariyai caused a decrease in weight gain and food consumption in host larvae, resulting in a lower final weight for parasitized hosts. It is predicted that C. kariyai regulates the physiological condition of the host to obtain maximum food under restricted nutritional conditions. Approximate digestibility (AD) was higher following parasitization but the efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD) of the parasitized hosts was lower. This suggests that resources available to the parasitoid larvae are enhanced in the parasitized hosts. We evaluated the physiological changes caused by injection of calyx fluid (polydnavirus) plus venom (C+V) in nonparasitized hosts. Injection of C+V into the nonparasitized hosts duplicated the effects of parasitism, namely it increased the AD and decreased the ECD. Furthermore, C+V injections elevated trehalose concentrations in nonparasitized host 7 to 10 d after injection (2nd stadium of the parasitoid larva). Protein content also increased on days 9 and 10 after C+V injection. These results suggest that the nutrients that parasitoid larvae require for their growth increase in the hemolymph of the host during the 2nd stadium of the parasitoid larva.  相似文献   

Larvae of the gregarious ectoparasitoid, Euplectrus separatae, a species that parasitizes Pseudaletia separata, migrate from the dorsal to the ventral side of the host larva for pupation 7 days after parasitization. The parasitized host larvae die after the migration. The body mass of the parasitoid larvae increases while that of the host larva drastically decreases. Most of the tissue in the dead host larvae completely collapses. In this study, we examined the cause of host death and how the tissues collapse. Artificial removal of all parasitoid larvae before their migration on day 7 rescued the host larvae, but removal after parasitoid migration did not rescue the hosts. Tissues of the dead host larvae were completely liquefied. Injection of saliva from day 7 parasitoid larvae into host larvae killed the host larvae. High activity of a trypsin-like enzyme was detected in the saliva of day 7 parasitoids. Though phospholipase B and hyaluronidase were also detected in the saliva, commercial phospholipase B and hyaluronidase did not kill the hosts, whereas an injection of commercial trypsin was lethal. The trypsin-injected hosts showed the same tissue collapse as noted in parasitized and saliva-injected hosts. Leupeptin, a trypsin inhibitor, reduced mortality when injected into day 7 hosts (parasitoids were removal following migration). These observations suggest that the day 7 parasitoid larvae release saliva containing a trypsin-like enzyme to digest the host tissues following migration.  相似文献   

松褐天牛肿腿蜂对寄主松褐天牛三龄幼虫的功能反应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为评估松褐天牛肿腿蜂Sclerodermus sp.(膜翅目: 肿腿蜂科)对其寄主松褐天牛Monochamus alternatus 3 龄幼虫的控制作用, 通过功能反应试验, 研究了松褐天牛肿腿蜂对松褐天牛3 龄幼虫补充营养时期的捕食功能反应和补充营养后的寄生功能反应以及肿腿蜂的密度效应。结果表明: 当松褐天牛肿腿蜂密度固定为1 头/缸时, 肿腿蜂因补充营养对松褐天牛3 龄幼虫的捕食功能反应符合Holling Ⅱ型方程, 1 头松褐天牛肿腿蜂雌蜂对松褐天牛3 龄幼虫的最大致死量为9.48 头, 平均为3.75 头; 寄生作用的功能反应符合Holling Ⅰ型方程, 可知肿腿蜂的寄主密度阈限为4 头就能满足补充营养和寄生的需要; 在捕食和寄生两个阶段其对松褐天牛幼虫的寻找效应随着寄主密度的增加呈线性减弱。当松褐天牛幼虫密度固定为30 头/缸时, 随着肿腿蜂的密度增加, 其补充营养阶段的捕食作用和之后的寄生作用均呈线性升高, 寻找效应则呈线性减弱; 由蜂虫比和致死总量的模型可得肿腿蜂与天牛幼虫比例为0.9805(近1∶1)时, 可使松褐天牛幼虫死亡总数最大。这些结果表明, 松褐天牛肿腿蜂是松褐天牛幼虫期的有效天敌。本研究为评价松褐天牛肿腿蜂对寄主的控制能力提供了基础数据和方法, 并为其在野外的释放量提供了依据。  相似文献   

Tobacco hornworm larvae parasitized by the gregarious larval endoparasitoid Cotesia congregata exhibited an inhibition in testicular growth and development, the extent of which was determined by the age and developmental stage of the host at the time of parasitization. The degree of parasitic castration, as assessed by measurements of testicular volume, was correlated with the stadium in which parasitization occurred. A mathematical formula requiring the measurement of testicular length, width and depth was used to calculate testicular volume. The use of the depth parameter revealed a negative correlation between host weight and testicular volume in parasitized larvae. Testicular volumes of fifth instar hosts, which had been parasitized in the first stadium, were significantly smaller than those originally parasitized as fourth or fifth instar larvae and were not correlated with parasitoid load. Effects of natural parasitism were not duplicated by injections of C. congregata polydnavirus and venom, topical treatment with the juvenile hormone analog methoprene, or starvation of nonparasitized larvae. Larvae receiving virus plus venom or methoprene grew larger due to delayed wandering and had larger testes than controls. Deleterious effects on host testes may be due to the effects of nutrient competition between the developing parasitoid progeny and the gonads, combined with the juvenilizing effects believed to be caused by the polydnavirus.  相似文献   

Ovipositional choice tests by Microplitis rufiventris females (Hym., Braconidae) between granulosis virus‐infected (GVI) and non‐infected (NI) Spodoptera littoralis larvae (Lep., Noctuidae), were assessed using discriminatory methods for re‐isolating the NI and virus‐infected hosts after removing the female parasitoid. When M. rufiventris females were given a choice between NI and GVI S. littoralis hosts, the adult females exhibited marked preference (P < 0.01) for the NI (i.e. higher quality) hosts. In this case, M. rufiventris females and S. littoralis GV (SlGV) did not significantly compete for the same type of host larvae and are, generally, compatible. However, when the choice was given between two low qualities of S. littoralis hosts, i.e. virus‐free previously parasitized hosts and viral‐infected hosts a significant preference (P < 0.01) of the parasitoid females for the GVI larvae was observed. In this case, the parasitoid would be at a disadvantage when competing with GV for the same host. However, the parasitoid could be used as an additional tool for the dissemination of biocontrol viruses within different pest populations, i.e. hosts other than S. littoralis. Importantly, the results showed different strategies of parasitoid female in egg‐laying management. When M. rufiventris female was given a choice between healthy and SlGVI hosts, the female deposited more eggs than when she was given a choice between two low qualities of host larvae. The results of the study may have implications in pest management strategies using M. rufiventris and SlGV against S. littoralis larvae.  相似文献   

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