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赫勒教授在1927年所发表的“山西中部古生代植物化石”一书中曾描述几块楔叶属的子囊穗化石,定为一新种,名Bowmanites laxus,另外一种则定为Bowmanitessp.前者发现于太原附近的下石盒子系,后者则发现于上石盒子系。因为“孢子囊柄”的着生形态,赫勒教授相信他的标本很可能是属于楔叶属的。赫勒当时曾经指出:这些标本暂定其属名为Bowmanites,这个属名是Binney 1870年所创立的,这个属名后来仍被Solms-Laubach 1895年所应用,也曾经被Scott 应用于“Studies in Fossil  相似文献   

戴静  陈威兆  金露露  黄亮 《生物多样性》2022,30(11):22553-48
栎属(Quercus)植物叶片化石在新生代地层中分布普遍, 对亚热带常绿阔叶林具有重要的指示意义。本文对采自云南省宜良县上新统茨营组中的栎属植物叶片化石进行角质层结构分析, 结合叶形态特征, 系统描述了4种栎属植物: 阔叶栎(Quercus latifolia)线叶栎(Q. scottii)、楔基栎(Q. simulata)和黄毛青冈相似种(Q. cf. delavayi)。通过对比化石和现生植物的叶形态和角质层特征, 本文认为叶片形状、叶基和叶尖特征、二级脉数量、表皮细胞和垂周壁特征、气孔大小和形状、气孔密度、毛基类型、形态和分布情况可以作为区分不同种类的特征, 但是不能只考虑其中的一个因素, 应该综合这些特征作为判断依据。结合宜良植物群中其他化石资料认为, 包括壳斗科柯属(Lithocarpus)、栲属(Castanopsis)以及樟科、榆科、木兰科等在内的植物, 代表了以栎属青冈组为优势树种的半湿润常绿阔叶林。宜良植物群与同时期相近纬度的植物群相比, 植被类型相似, 但是落叶成分较少。宜良植物群中的线叶栎、楔基栎和阔叶栎同晚始新世的线叶栎以及早中新世的楔基栎和阔叶栎相比, 形态并未发生大的变化, 与现生植物也非常相似, 进一步说明云南现代常绿阔叶林的主要成分来自于古老植物的承袭, 没有发生较大的改变。  相似文献   

洪桦枫  常艳芬 《广西植物》2017,37(10):1290-1300
膜叶铁角蕨属隶属于铁角蕨科,全世界约有30种,我国分布有18种,是该属植物的分布中心之一。到目前为止,膜叶铁角蕨属的物种数目和物种分类还存在很大争议,一些物种的界限和定义还模糊不清,为了得到一个自然的膜叶铁角蕨属分类系统,还需要对膜叶铁角蕨属的物种分类做进一步研究。该文在前人研究的基础上,对膜叶铁角蕨属10种植物的形态特征,包括孢子形态特征、叶柄和根状茎上的鳞片形态特征、叶片形态、羽片形状以及叶脉特征等进行详细观察分析,探讨了各个形态特征间的关系以及膜叶铁角蕨属植物的物种分类。结果表明:膜叶铁角蕨属植物的叶片及羽片等形态特征存在很大区别,叶柄和根状茎上的鳞片以及孢子形态的种间差异虽然不大,但其在大小、形状、颜色等方面的细微差别仍可作为部分种类的鉴定依据。该研究结果为膜叶铁角蕨属植物的物种分类及进一步研究提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

金粟兰属(Chloranthus Swartz)是研究被子植物起源和早期演化的关键类群之一,部分种类被广泛地栽培和使用。虽然前人已对该属植物的形态、地理分布、分类、系统发育、化石和化学成分等开展了丰富的研究,但是通过作者持续广泛的调查研究发现,以往对该属植物形态多样性、生活型和地理分布的认识仍不充分,且在该属植物中还存在分类观点不统一、名实混淆、沿用错误分类信息等问题。该研究在广泛查阅标本资料和长期野外调查的基础上,对金粟兰属植物的形态多样性、生活型和地理分布格局进行了较为全面的描述。结果表明:在形态方面,金粟兰属内花部器官尤其药隔形态在种间呈多样性而种内相对稳定,是物种划分最有效的分类性状,其中网脉金粟兰药隔形态变异较大,疑为复合群;在生活型方面,狭叶金粟兰与网脉金粟兰为常绿草本,区别于该属其他常绿亚灌木以及地上部分每年秋冬季节枯萎的多年生草本种类;在地理与生境分布方面,验证了金粟兰属内最近缘的4个长药隔草本物种间的确呈显著水平替代分布格局,而一直被认为只分布在湖北宜昌和重庆奉节等地的狭叶金粟兰却在贵州亦有分布。该研究结果不仅丰富了对中国金粟兰属植物的形态多样性、生活型、地理和生境分布特点等方面的认识,而且为正确划分和鉴别金粟兰属植物不同种类提供了更详实的依据,同时还为进一步深入研究该属植物物种的形成、演化和特殊分布格局的成因奠定基础,为这一类植物资源安全地可持续开发利用提供了保障。  相似文献   

张泓  沈光隆 《古生物学报》1990,29(3):270-283
Sphenophyllum Brongniart是晚古生代全球广布的植物,日本三叠纪卡尼期也有此类可疑标本发现(Asama et al.,1978,1980), Storch(1966)按叶形和脉序特征将该属分为三组,其中“畸楔叶”组植物以叶的面积较大,形态各异,叶脉外弯,部分直达顶端,部分交于侧边为共同特征。Batenburg(1981,1982)指出,除只有二歧分叉全裂线状叶的古老类型的种(如S.  相似文献   

在对中国东北辽宁本溪中三叠统林家组的化石研究中, 发现了木贼目瓣轮叶属一个新种——林家瓣轮叶(Lobatannularia linjiaensis sp. nov.)。该种叶轮小, 明显分成两瓣, 每瓣叶数约10–12枚。叶线形至倒披针形, 叶长差别大, 叶联合长度占叶长约1/3–3/4。自1927年Kawasaki建立瓣轮叶属以来, 该属已至少发现了33种, 其中大部分报道于二叠纪, 少数见于三叠纪。瓣轮叶属作为晚古生代华夏植物群孑遗分子之一, 当前该属新种的发现不仅丰富了瓣轮叶属的分类多样性, 而且拓展了对二叠纪-三叠纪之交生物大灭绝及之后复苏过程中瓣轮叶属演化趋势的认识。  相似文献   

晚泥盆世是植物叶片形态复杂化进程中的一个重要时期,前裸子、种子、似真蕨和楔叶这四类植物都独立演化出了片化的大型叶。本文研究浙江长兴上泥盆统(法门阶)五通组的几种羽状复叶植物(3属4种),包括Sphenopteris(楔羊齿),Rhodea(须羊齿)和Triphyllopteris(三裂羊齿)。它们大多具二次羽状复叶,小羽片具有不同程度、数目和形状的裂片。这里明确Rhodea的晚泥盆世起源,并给出Triphyllopteris的最早化石记录。这些植物的分类尚不清楚,但为大型叶尤其是复叶的早期演化提供了新证据。  相似文献   

《中国古生代植物》(“中国植物化石”第一册)去年已由科学出版社出版,这是一本鉴定化石用的工具书。该书汇集了1966年前发表的有关我国晚古生代植物化石的资料,以及近年来的新资料,共计载入121属362种,作了较简洁的描述,并附有插图和130幅图版。此外还初步介绍了我国晚古生代各时期陆生植物群的概貌,简要地阐述了植物界辩证发展的历史规律(包括常见的、较大的属在地质历程中演变的规律)。在属种的比较方面,重点放在国内的相近种,而国外的种,一般只附插图;此外,凡以姓氏命名的旧汉名大部分作废,尽可能以形态特征重新取名,但拉丁学名未作改动。本书还附有分组和种的检索表、地层对比表和各时代化石名录等,这对读者鉴定标本及其时代有很大帮助。  相似文献   

晚泥盆世是植物叶片形态复杂化进程中的一个重要时期,前裸子、种子、似真蕨和楔叶这四类植物都独立演化出了片化的大型叶。本文研究浙江长兴上泥盆统(法门阶)五通组的几种羽状复叶植物(3属4种),包括Sphenopteris(楔羊齿),Rhodea(须羊齿)和Triphyllopteris(三裂羊齿)。它们大多具二次羽状复叶,小羽片具有不同程度、数目和形状的裂片。这里明确Rhodea的晚泥盆世起源,并给出Triphyllopteris的最早化石记录。这些植物的分类尚不清楚,但为大型叶尤其是复叶的早期演化提供了新证据。  相似文献   

Protoblechnum Wongii Halle二次羽状复叶标本的发现及讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘陆军 《古生物学报》1989,28(4):447-454
Protoblechnum wongii一名系瑞典古植物学家Halle(1927)在研究我国山西中部晚古生代植物群时,给一种在蕨叶形态和叶脉特征上与北美二叠系的Protoblechnum holdeni(Andrews)Lesquereux十分相似的,一次羽状分裂的化石植物所创建的。此后,这个种的标本在我国华北地区多有发现,但均为一次羽状分裂的蕨叶碎片。1955年,斯行健在研究杨敬之、王水采自山西东南部石盒子系中的植物化石时,首次描述了这个种蕨叶分叉的特征,并详尽讨论了Protoblechnum属与Danaeopsis,Glenopteris,Supaia,Brongniartites 及Megalopteris等属之间的关系。后来,周志炎  相似文献   

Sphenophyllum was an important and long-surviving sphenopsid genus in the Paleozoic floras, with a worldwide distribution. A new species, Sphenophyllum changxingense sp. nov., is described from the Upper Devonian Wutong Formation of Changxing County, Zhejiang Province, China. This plant is characterized by two orders of slender axes and wedge-shaped leaves borne in whorls. The axes bear short spines and show longitudinal ridges and furrows on surface. Three to eight isophyllous leaves, with one, two, or no second-order axes, are attached at each node of first-order axes. Leaves bear spines and show a bilobate morphology; the two leaf lobes divide distally to form several marginal segments, each segment with a leaf vein. Sphenophyllum changxingense represents an early and primitive species within the genus, in light of the absence of heterophylly and specialized hook-like leaves. Like some Carboniferous and Permian species, it appears to have formed dense mats with mutually supportive axes. This plant adds to the known diversity of early sphenopsids in the Late Devonian.  相似文献   

Well-preserved Marattialean fertile fronds are analyzed in this paper that come from the Cisuralian Shanxi Formation of Yongchang, Gansu Province, northwestern China. In particular, synangium in fronds and in situ spores are analyzed in the lab. Data show that the synangium of this species contains between four and five radially arranged pedicellate sporangia. The spores of this plant are small, between 21 and 30 μm, monolete and microgranulate with no visible annule. The fossils presented in this study are included within the genus Cyathocarpus. Furthermore, these spore masses and spores in situ of this genus are described in detail at the first time as a component of the Cathaysian flora. Based on comparisons with previously reported fossil records of these plants, we determined a series of differences. Thus, the fossils presented here are referred to a new species. In addition, the reproductive organs of the new fossils described in this paper provide some valuable taxonomic information. Based on the paleogeographic distribution of Cyathocarpus and the position of paleoplates in Late Paleozoic, we speculated that one of the possible migrated routes of Cyathocarpus is from the Euramerica to the North China Block and Alashan Terrane, terminating in the South China Block.  相似文献   

The order Osmundales is a unique fern taxon with extensive fossil records in geological past. Diverse osmundalean fossils have been reported from China, ranging in age from the Late Palaeozoic to the Cenozoic. Most of them are based on leaf impressions/compressions, but permineralized rhizomes are also well documented. In this study, we provide a systematic overview on fossil osmundalean ferns in China with special references on diversity variations, distribution patterns, and evolutionary implications. Fossil evidence indicates that this fern lineage first appeared in the Late Palaeozoic in China. The Late Triassic to Middle Jurassic interval was the radiation stage. From the Late Jurassic onward, fossil diversity declined rapidly. Cenozoic osmundalean taxa are represented by the relict species of Osmunda. Geographically, osmundalean fossils are found from both the Northern and Southern phytoprovinces of China, though variations are documented for geographical ranges. The Chinese fossil records cover almost all important stages for the macroevolution of the Osmundales, and contribute to further understanding of evolutionary processes of this peculiar fern lineage.  相似文献   

A new fossil genus and combination of gigantopterides is reported. The specimen was collected from the Late Paleozoic "Longtan Formation” of Jiangle county, Fujian Province of China. It was originally determined to the genus Gigantonoclea and named as G. cardiophylla Zhu et Geng by one of the present authors and his colleague some times ago. In view of its venation being trinervious and that the incompletely duplicated net-like veins are close to those of gigantopterides and the leaf bears sori on its back. Upon reconsideration it was renamed by the authors as Trinerviopteris cardiophyUa (Zhu et Geng) Zhu gen. et comb. nov. At the same time. the authors have confirmed that it is a kind of true fern. In association with the new taxon there are Sphenophyllum emarginatum, Bowmanites lascus, Lobatannularia lingulata, Chansitheca pcdaeosilvana, Ch. cf. kidstonii, Pecopteris anderssonii, P. echinata, P. taiyuanensis, P. unita, Danaeites mirabilis, Fascipteris densata, Cladophlebis permica, Compsopteris contracta, Gigantonoclea chingii, G. fukienensis, G. sp., G. sp., Gigantopteris cordata, G. nicotianaefolia, Taenioteris serrulata, T. szei, T. tingii, Radicites sp. 1, R. sp. 2 etc. The present flora is more simplified than the others which discovered from different areas in the same geological time. Based on the grouping of these fossil plants, the geological era of the present flora must be late Early Permian to early Late Permian. Moreover it is emphasized that the gigantopterides is only but an artificial compound taxon not only including seed ferns but also true ferns and others.  相似文献   

Two new species of Araucarioxylon and one new species of Protophyllocladoxylon are described from the Permian of western Henan, China. The stratigraphic position of the fossil woods is discussed in detail, mainly based on the recent findings of animal and plant fossils, and palynomorphs. Interesting is the fact that in North China only the Late Permian wood has growth rings; the specimens from older deposits do not. The presence of growth rings in secondary wood at the close of the Permian shows climatic change, suggesting that aridization most probably took place during that period in the vast area of North China.  相似文献   

Summary Selected Late Paleozoic and Triassic limestone exposures were studied on northern Palawan Island, Philippines, with regard to microfacies, stratigraphy and facies interpretation. Although some of the outcrops were already reported in literature, we present the first detailed microfacies study. Late Paleozoic carbonates in the El Nido area are represented by widley distributed Permian and locally very restricted Carbonifenous limestones. Of particular interest is the first report of Carboniferous limestones in the Philippines dated by fossils. Fusulinids indicate a ‘Middle’ Carboniferous (Moscovian-Kasimovian) age of the Paglugaban Formation only known from Paglugaban Island. The Permian Minilog Formation consists mostly of fusulinid wackestones and dasycladacean wacke-/packstones. Fusulinid datings (neoschwagerinids and verbeekinids) provide a Guadalupian (Wordian-Capitanian) age. The depositional setting of the Middle Permian carbonates corresponds to a distally steepened ramp with biostromes built by alatoconchid bivalves locally associated with richthofeniid brachiopods. Late Triassic limestones occur in isolated exposures on and around Busuanga Island (Calamian Islands). The age of the investigated carbonates is Rhaetian based on the occurrence ofTriasina hantkent Maizon. Microfacies data indicate the existence of reefs (Malajon Island) and carbonate platforms (Kalampisanan Islands, Busuanga Island, Coron Island). Reef boundstones are characterized by abundant solenoporacean red algae, coralline sponges and corals. Platform carbonates yield a broad spectrum of microfacies types, predominantly wacke- and packstones with abundant involutinid foraminifera and some calcareous algae. These facies types correspond to platform carbonates known from other parts of Southeast Asia (Eastern Sulawesi and Banda Basin; Malay Peninsula and Malay Basin). The Philippine platform carbonates were deposited on and around seamounts surrounded by deeper water radiolarian cherts. The new data on facies and age of the Philippine Permian and Triassic carbonates contradict a close paleogeographical connection between the North Palawan Block and South China and arise problems for the currently proposed origin of the North Palawan Block at the paleomargin of South China. We hypothesize that North Palawan was part of the Indochina Block during the Carboniferous and Permian, separated from the Indochina Block during the Middle Permian and collided with the South China Block in the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Plant and associated insect-damage diversity in the western U.S.A. decreased significantly at the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary and remained low until the late Paleocene. However, the Mexican Hat locality (ca. 65 Ma) in southeastern Montana, with a typical, low-diversity flora, uniquely exhibits high damage diversity on nearly all its host plants, when compared to all known local and regional early Paleocene sites. The same plant species show minimal damage elsewhere during the early Paleocene. We asked whether the high insect damage diversity at Mexican Hat was more likely related to the survival of Cretaceous insects from refugia or to an influx of novel Paleocene taxa. We compared damage on 1073 leaf fossils from Mexican Hat to over 9000 terminal Cretaceous leaf fossils from the Hell Creek Formation of nearby southwestern North Dakota and to over 9000 Paleocene leaf fossils from the Fort Union Formation in North Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming. We described the entire insect-feeding ichnofauna at Mexican Hat and focused our analysis on leaf mines because they are typically host-specialized and preserve a number of diagnostic morphological characters. Nine mine damage types attributable to three of the four orders of leaf-mining insects are found at Mexican Hat, six of them so far unique to the site. We found no evidence linking any of the diverse Hell Creek mines with those found at Mexican Hat, nor for the survival of any Cretaceous leaf miners over the K-Pg boundary regionally, even on well-sampled, surviving plant families. Overall, our results strongly relate the high damage diversity on the depauperate Mexican Hat flora to an influx of novel insect herbivores during the early Paleocene, possibly caused by a transient warming event and range expansion, and indicate drastic extinction rather than survivorship of Cretaceous insect taxa from refugia.  相似文献   

A new cycad,Leptocycas yangcaogouensis sp.nov.,was found in sediments from the Late Triassic in western Liaoning,China.The pinnately compound leaves(Pseudoctenis type)are screwed in a crown on the stem top.The leaflets are linear,with parallel veins and decurrent bases on the rachis.The leaf bases are persistent.The cataphylls intermix with the leaves.The female cone is ovoid in shape.The characteristics of the new plant are more similar to those of Leptocycas gracilis,a Triassic cycad from North America,but the new species differs from L.gracilis in the size of its stem(7-8 vs.3-5 cm in diameter,respectively),leaves(length × width 100 × 16 vs.30 × 7 cm,respectively)and leaf density along the stem(4-6 vs.1-2 bases/1 cm length,respectively).Both L.gracilis and L.yangcaogouensis,having leaves of the Pseudoctenis type,show a closer relationship to the extant Dioon of Zamiaceae.The present study provides evidence for the origin of the genus Dioon,which may have come from Leptocycas plants of the Triassic.It would be assumed that the extent cycads in Zamiaceae originate from the pteridosperms in the Late Paleozoic and have evolved through the stage of L.gracilis and L.yangcaogouensis in Late Triassic,and reaching the extant Dioon.  相似文献   

描述了一种产自山东省南部的陶枣煤田和兖州煤田太原组煤核中的鳞木类茎的解剖构造特征。根据叶座的形态,该种茎曾被归入大青山“鳞木”(“Lepidodendron”tachingshanense Lee)种,但此次重新仔细研究后转归三点“鳞木”(“Lepidodendron”tripunctatum Stock.et Math.)种内。与欧美植物区和华夏植物区已有的具解剖构造的鳞木类茎进行了详细对比,认为与奇木属Diaphorodendron很接近,但叶座的形态和解剖差别较大。此外,当前标本的分枝方式还不清楚,因此,还不能将当前标本归入奇木属内。当前标本与奇木属的关系及其分类位置有待于今后对更多更好的标本进行深入研究。  相似文献   

The subfamily Rosoideae Focke (Rosaceae) has a good fossil record in the Northern Hemisphere, but these fossil records are confined mainly to a few genera, whereas the majority, in particular those with herbaceous members, are still under‐represented. In this study, we describe new fruit fossils of Rosoideae, including Fragaria achenes and Rubus endocarps, from the late Pliocene of northwestern Yunnan, Southwest China. These fossils add new accounts to the fossil archive of Rosoideae and provide the first fossil record of Fragaria in East Asia. The new fossil findings provide a historical backdrop for the modern diversity and distribution of the subfamily in northwestern Yunnan, a topographically complex area accommodating a high diversity for many plant groups. Our Rubus fossils, in combination with other nearby coeval occurrences of the genus, suggest that Rubus was already establishing its modern diversity in northwestern Yunnan during the late Pliocene. This finding enriches our knowledge of the post‐Neogene diversification of flowering plants in northwestern Yunnan, which is thought to be largely driven by dramatic mountain uplifts and environmental complications associated with the southeastern extension of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

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