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江西武夷山雉科鸟类研究初报   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
2004年9月~2008年5月对江西武夷山国家级自然保护区的雉类资源进行了调查,查明区内分布有白眉山鹧鸪、灰胸竹鸡、黄腹角雉、白鹇、勺鸡、雉鸡、白颈长尾雉等雉科鸟类,隶属于7属7种,分别占我国雉类属、种数量的33.3%和12.7%.较常见的种类有灰胸竹鸡、白鹇和黄腹角雉.并对有关物种的生境利用特点、生物学特征和灾害性天气对其分布的影响等进行了初步分析.  相似文献   

我们于1984—1987年在广东省鼎湖山自然保护区对白鹇(Lophura n.nycthemera)进行生态研究以及1986年5月起在海南岛坝王岭自然保护区对白鹇(Lophura n. whiteheadi)、灰孔雀雉(Polyplcctron bicalcaratum)、海南山鹧鸪(Arborophila ardens)及原鸡(Gallug gallus jabouillei)等进行生态观察时试用诱饵定位观察的方法,均获得比较理想的效果。从选点投食开始至雉类喙食成习而经常出现,快的只需2月(白鹇),慢的约6个月(孔雀雉)。通过诱饵定位观察,克服了在野外不易见到研宄对象的技术难题。白鹇是反应最敏捷的雉鸟之一,重  相似文献   

探讨亲缘关系密切、营养关系相似的物种间的共存机制,是群落生态学的研究热点之一。研究结果有助于了解同域物种的资源利用特点和分化方式,对于地区生物多样性的保育工作亦具有指导意义。黑颈长尾雉(Syrmaticushumiae)、白鹇(Lophuranycthemera)和红喉山鹧鸪(Arborophilarufogularis)为哀牢山国家自然保护区南华片区同域分布的3种雉类,它们亲缘关系较近,食性相似。比较三者春季取食地18个生态因子生态位宽度和重叠指数,结果显示,黑颈长尾雉广适性(生态位宽度值>0·8)的取食地因子最少(1个),专一性(生态位宽度<0·8)因子最多(4个);白鹇居中(3个和2个);红喉山鹧鸪与黑颈长尾雉恰好相反(6个和0个)。黑颈长尾雉与白鹇生态位重叠指数≥0·5的因子数(5个)多于黑颈长尾雉与红喉山鹧鸪的(2个)和白鹇与红喉山鹧鸪的(4个);灌木层盖度、草本层盖度和种子密度的生态位重叠指数在3种雉类间均较大。单因素方差分析结果表明,3种雉类在坡向、乔木密度、草本层盖度、种子密度和土壤动物等5个因子均无差异;在距空旷地距离、距道路距离和灌木层盖度等3个因子均有差异;而其余因子则是在不同的两个物种之间有差异。主成分分析结果显示,黑颈长尾雉取食地前7个主成分的累计信息量达85·6%,白鹇的前6个达86·0%,红喉山鹧鸪的前5个达79·0%。影响这三种雉类取食地选择的因子主要集中于前3个主成分。3种雉类间取食地因子差异状态呈镶嵌分布,意味着种间生态位呈分化状态。各物种优先选择的因子组合不同,各因子的重要程度亦不一。  相似文献   

探讨亲缘关系密切、营养关系相似的物种间的共存机制,是群落生态学的研究热点之一。研究结果有助于了解同域物种的资源利用特点和分化方式,对于地区生物多样性的保育工作亦具有指导意义。黑颈长尾雉(Syrmaticus humiae)、白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)和红喉山鹧鸪(Arborophila rufogularis)为哀牢山国家自然保护区南华片区同域分布的3种雉类,它们亲缘关系较近,食性相似。比较三者春季取食地18个生态因子生态位宽度和重叠指数,结果显示,黑颈长尾雉广适性(生态位宽度值>0.8)的取食地因子最少(1个),专一性(生态位宽度<0.8)因子最多(4个);白鹇居中(3个和2个);红喉山鹧鸪与黑颈长尾雉恰好相反(6个和0个)。黑颈长尾雉与白鹇生态位重叠指数≥0.5的因子数(5个)多于黑颈长尾雉与红喉山鹧鸪的(2个)和白鹇与红喉山鹧鸪的(4个);灌木层盖度、草本层盖度和种子密度的生态位重叠指数在3种雉类间均较大。单因素方差分析结果表明,3种雉类在坡向、乔木密度、草本层盖度、种子密度和土壤动物等5个因子均无差异;在距空旷地距离、距道路距离和灌木层盖度等3个因子均有差异;而其余因子则是在不同的两个物种之间有差异。主成分分析结果显示,黑颈长尾雉取食地前7个主成分的累计信息量达85.6%,白鹇的前6个达86.0%,红喉山鹧鸪的前5个达79.0%。影响这三种雉类取食地选择的因子主要集中于前3个主成分。3种雉类间取食地因子差异状态呈镶嵌分布,意味着种间生态位呈分化状态。各物种优先选择的因子组合不同,各因子的重要程度亦不一。  相似文献   

2017年11—12月、2018年7—8月、2018年11—12月,在江西老虎脑省级自然保护区开展鸟类资源调查,调查发现该保护区有鸟类17目53科240种。其中,非雀形目16目22科94种,雀形目31科146种。本区鸟类中有留鸟115种,冬候鸟57种,夏候鸟42种,旅鸟26种;古北界87种,广布种22种,东洋界131种。其中,国家重点保护鸟类31种,列入中国红色名录濒危等级(EN)物种有1种,黄胸鹀Emberiza aureola;易危等级(VU)物种有2种,白颈长尾雉Syrmaticus ellioti、白眉山鹧鸪Arborophila gingica;近危等级(NT)物种有19种。中国特有种4种,灰胸竹鸡Bambusicola thoracica、白颈长尾雉、白眉山鹧鸪、黄腹山雀Parus venustulus。多样性分析结果显示,该区鸟类群落Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou指数分别为4.135、0.778,通过与周围包括武夷山、井冈山、齐云山、九连山4个保护区比较,显示研究区域物种种数较高。  相似文献   

江西井冈山地区灰胸竹鸡的遗传多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灰胸竹鸡Bambusicola thoracica是我国特有鸟类.本文采用聚合链式反应和直接测序的方法测定井冈山地区灰胸竹鸡3个种群线粒体DNA(mtDNA)控制区1142 bp的序列,分析其序列变异和种群遗传多样性.30个样本共发现16个变异位点和10种单倍型,其中hapl广泛分布,占所分析样本的23.33%,是其祖先单倍型.3个种群的平均单倍型多样性和核苷酸多样性分别为0.815和0.00243.青原区种群与其它两个种群遗传分化显著,基因交流受限制.受隔离影响,青原区种群遗传多样性最低.在系统发生树上,10种单倍型形成两支,井冈山种群和永新县种群聚在一起,与其地理位置相一致.  相似文献   

2006年4月~5月,对四川省老君山自然保护区鸡形目鸟类种群的鸣叫雄鸟的密度进行了调查。调查发现了4种鸡形目鸟类:灰胸竹鸡(Bambusicola thoracica)、白腹锦鸡(Chrysolophus amherstiae)、四川山鹧鸪(Arborophila rufipectus)和红腹角雉(Tragopan temminckii)。采用鸣叫计数的方法,在调查区域的3种生境(原始林、人工林和次生林)中记录了鸣叫雄鸟的数量和距调查点的距离。应用距离取样法对数据的计算估计,4种鸡形目鸟类的鸣叫雄鸟在调查区域的密度(只/km2)分别为20.19±6.07、1.48±0.46、4.24±0.60和11.19±2.97。在原始林、人工林和次生林3种生境的鸡形目鸟类密度,灰胸竹鸡分别为7.19±4.19、26.89±8.92和17.79±9.49;白腹锦鸡密度分别为0.74±0.43、2.92±1.42和1.19±0.58;四川山鹧鸪密度分别为7.94±0.99、1.99±1.63和3.06±0.60;红腹角雉密度分别为17.66±5.98、0和12.58±4.85。鸡形目鸟类群落Shannon-Weiner物种多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数大小依次均为次生林>人工林>原始林,Simpson优势度指数大小则相反。  相似文献   

两种竹鸡线粒体DNA的遗传变异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用PCR和直接测序的方法测定灰胸竹鸡(Bambusicola thoracica)与棕胸竹鸡(B.fytchii)线粒体DNA(mtDNA)控制区1142bp的序列,分析二者间的遗传变异。两种竹鸡间共发现32个变异位点,其中20个转换,12个颠换。灰胸竹鸡mtDNA控制区的碱基含量T34.26%、C25.98%、A24.84%和G14.96%,棕胸竹鸡的分别是T34.47%、C25.60%、A25.03%和G14.93%。t-检验分析显示,两种竹鸡mtDNA控制区的T和C含量差异显著。在系统发生树上,两种竹鸡在系统发生树各聚成一支,支持率达到100%。两种竹鸡间的遗传距离是0.0396。根据分子钟计算,它们大约在200万年前分歧进化。推测它们的物种形成主要受更新世第二次寒冷期的影响。  相似文献   

Liu P  Huang XF  Gu SS  Lu CH 《动物学研究》2012,33(2):170-176
2009年10月—2010年11月在江西官山国家级自然保护区对白颈长尾雉、白鹇、勺鸡和灰胸竹鸡4种雉类的生境选择进行了研究:共调查了6条样线上的388个样方,选取了与这四种雉类栖息地相关的17个生态因子进行观测和测量。结果显示,4种雉类均偏好阔叶林和针阔混交林、阳坡或半阴半阳坡的生境。Kruskal-Wallistest检验表明,4种雉类在海拔、坡度、乔木盖度、灌木盖度、灌木数量、灌木高度、草本盖度、草本种类、草本数量、落叶层盖度和水源距离11个生态因子上存在极显著差异(P<0.01),乔木种类存在显著差异(P<0.05),其余生态因子无显著差异(P>0.05)。典则判别函数图显示,4种雉类在生境选择上存在一定程度的重叠,又有比较明显的差异。逐步判别表明在区分4种雉类生境选择差异方面有一系列的生态因子发挥作用,依照贡献值的大小依次为海拔、草本数量、灌木高度、水源距离、灌木盖度、乔木盖度、坡度、落叶层盖度、灌木数量、草本盖度。由这10个变量构成的方程对4种雉类生境选择差异的正确区分率为74.7%。  相似文献   

竹鸡(Bambusicola thoracica)是一种有名的狩猎禽鸟。它除供食用外,也是动物园中常饲养的观赏动物之一。为了满足城乡人民对多种山味的要求,根据它的生活规律,有计划的开展狩猎业,就成为狩猎者的任务了。而总结动物的生态(特别是与狩猎有关的生态),提出科学的狩猎方法,便是当前有关科学工作者的重要任务。 作者之一,家居四川东部陪陵县丛林乡山区。青年时,常以猎野禽为乐,故对于竹鸡的生态及狩猎,  相似文献   

D P Frisby  R A Weiss  M Roussel  D Stehelin 《Cell》1979,17(3):623-634
The chicken is a domesticated form of Red Jungle-fowl (Gallus gallus), which belongs to the Pheasant family (Phasianidae) within the order Galliformes. Domestic chickens carry the genome of the endogenous retrovirus RAV-O as DNA sequences integrated into host chromosomes transmitted through the germ line. We have examined the presence and distribution of RAV-O-related sequences in the DNA of Red Junglefowl and other closely related species of Junglefowl, as well as more distantly related Pheasants and Quail. DNA sequences homologous to RAV-O were analyzed by molecular hybridization in liquid and after electrophoresis of restriction endonuclease fragments. The presence of RAV-O-related sequences in avian DNA does not correlate with phylogenetic relationships. Under stringent conditions of hybridization in liquid, DNA sequences homologous to RAV-O cDNA were detected at high levels (greater than 80% homology( only in the genomes of the domestic chicken and its phylogenetic ancestor, the Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus). The DNA of two other species of Gallus (G. sonnerati, Sonnerat's Junglefowl and G. varius, Green Junglefowl), of Ring-necked Pheasant and of Japanese Quail contained sequences with less than 10% homology to RAV-O cDNA. Under conditions permitting mismatching, however, Ring-necked Pheasant DNA hybridized up to 50% of the RAV-O cDNA, and Quail DNA 24%, whereas the extent of hybridization to Sonnerat's and Green Junglefowl DNA was not markedly increased. Analysis of restriction enzyme digests revealed several distinct fragments of DNA hybridizing to chick retrovirus cDNA in both Red Junglefowl and domestic chicken, and multiple fragments in DNA from two species of Phasianus. No fragments with sequences related to chicken retroviruses were found, however, in digests of DNA prepared from Sonnerat's, Ceylonese and Green Junglefowl, from two other Pheasant genera (Chrysolophus and Lophura), or from one Quail genus (Coturnix). Thus the DNA of three Junglefowl species closely related to Gallus gallus lacked RAV-O sequences while the DNA of more distantly related Phasianus species showed significant homology. These results show that RAV-O-related sequences have not diverged together with the normal host genes during the evolution of the Phasianidae. Although RAV-O sequences are endogenous in all domestic chickens and Red Junglefowl studied thus far, it appears that the RAV-O genome has been introduced relatively recently into the germ line of Gallus gallus, following speciation but before domestication, and independently of the related sequences found in members of the genus Phasianus.  相似文献   

Pheasants (order Galliformes) are typical ground‐dwelling birds, having a large body size and weak flight abilities. Sympatric pheasants are expected to share narrower niche space and face more extensive interspecific competition. However, little work has been undertaken simultaneously to investigate niche partitioning among sympatric pheasant species across multiple ecological dimensions. We compared microhabitat use, activity pattern and foraging strategy of sympatric Blood Pheasant Ithaginis cruentus, Buff‐throated Partridge Tetraophasis szechenyii and White Eared‐pheasant Crossoptilon crossoptilon on the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau, China, to identify potential interspecific niche partitioning along different ecological dimensions in the breeding season. We found that the Buff‐throated Partridge differed significantly from the other two species in microhabitat use, and the three species showed different foraging strategies. It is likely that niche partitioning reduced potential interspecific competition, thus facilitating the species’ stable coexistence. Our study provides practical evidence of multidimensional niche theory within sympatric ground‐dwelling pheasant species, emphasizing that species interactions and coexistence within a guild are often not uni‐dimensional. Given global conservation concern for maintaining bird diversity, we recommend further restriction of yak grazing in these species’ habitat.  相似文献   

笼养灰胸竹鸡的繁殖行为   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
于1999年3-7月对笼养条件下灰胸竹鸡的繁殖行为进行了观察。结果表明,笼养灰胸竹鸡仍保留求偶,交配和产卵等野外繁殖行为,但营巢,邻域,孵卵和育雏行为基本消失,求偶和交配于3出现,5月达到高峰,8月以后繁殖行为基本消失,本文还分析了笼养灰胸竹鸡繁殖期的觅食行为。  相似文献   

Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus) are among the few remaining ancestors of an extant domesticated livestock species, the domestic chicken, that still occur in the wild. Little is known about genetic diversity, population structure, and demography of wild Red Junglefowl in their natural habitats. Extinction threats from habitat loss or genetic alteration from domestic introgression exacerbate further the conservation status of this progenitor species. In a previous study, we reported extraordinary adaptive genetic variation in the MHC B‐locus in wild Red Junglefowl and no evidence of allelic introgression between wild and domestic chickens was observed. In this study, we characterized spatial genetic variation and population structure in naturally occurring populations of Red Junglefowl in their core distribution range in South Central Vietnam. A sample of 212 Red Junglefowl was obtained from geographically and ecologically diverse habitats across an area of 250 × 350 km. We used amplified fragment‐length polymorphism markers obtained from 431 loci to determine whether genetic diversity and population structure varies. We found that Red Junglefowl are widely distributed but form small and isolated populations. Strong spatial genetic patterns occur at both local and regional scales. At local scale, population stratification can be identified to approximately 5 km. At regional scale, we identified distinct populations of Red Junglefowl in the southern lowlands, northern highlands, and eastern coastal portions of the study area. Both local and long‐distance genetic patterns observed in wild Red Junglefowl may reflect the species’ ground‐dwelling and territorial characteristics, including dispersal barriers imposed by the Annamite Mountain Range. Spatially explicit analyses with neutral genetic markers can be highly informative and here elevates the conservation profile of the wild ancestors of domesticated chickens.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Plasmodium japonicum and P. juxtanucleare are two very similar species of avian malaria parasites. The former was discovered in domestic fowl in Japan, and the latter in the same host species in Brazil; it has since been found in chickens in Uruguay, Mexico, and Ceylon. The present study, based on a Ceylon strain of P. juxtanucleare and slides from the Bamboo Partridge (Bambusicola thoracica sonorivox) of Taiwan indicates that the latter host is a natural reservoir of P. juxtanucleare, since this species appears to differ in no significant way from P. japonicum. Infection is common in the Bamboo Partridge (5 of 26 birds showed it), but it has not so far been found in any other avian species, although a total of 973 birds, belonging to 17 orders, 45 families, 110 genera, and 183 species, have been examined from this area. Since the younger stages of Plasmodium nucleophilum look very much like similar stages of P. juxtanucleare, they are compared. The older stages however are usually easily distinguishable, and the former species is so far known only from non-gallinaceous birds whereas the latter appears to be limited to gallinaceous ones.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Blood films were examined from 1477 birds of Taiwan (193 species, 49 families). Haemoproteus Kruse was by far the commonest parasite, with Leucocytozoon Danilewski a not very close second. It is probable that some of the Haemoproteus infections represented new species, and 1 occurring in the Bamboo Partridge (Bambusicola thoracica sonorivox Gould) seemed characteristic enough to justify recognition as such; the name Haemoproteus bambusicolae sp. n. is proposed for this organism. Malaria was found in 77 birds, the greatest number of infections occurring in the Bamboo Partridge. Most of them were caused by Plasmodium juxtanucleare Versiani & Gomes, a pathogen of chickens, but a number were due to an undetermined species of Plasmodium. The Bamboo Partridge may be a reservoir host of the former. A few other identified species (P. rouxi Sergent & Sergent, P. hexamerium Huff, P. tenue Laveran & Mesnil) were seen, as well as some unidentified ones. Plasmodium tenue was seen in Garrulax canorus taewanus Swinhoe, a babbler: until now it was known only from the Pekin Robin (Leiothrix luteus Scopoli), also a babbler, in which we have found it extremely common. Sixty-four microfilarial infections were identified; they were especially frequent in the Button Quail (Turnix suscitator rostrata Swinhoe).  相似文献   

白冠长尾雉(Syrmaticus reevesii)是分布狭窄的全球性易危鸟类。2020年5月,在位于广西百色市乐业县的雅长兰科植物国家级自然保护区观察到白冠长尾雉活动,确认为广西鸟类分布新记录种。生境的丧失和河面的加宽导致广西西北部的白冠长尾雉可能形成一个与贵州分布区隔离的孤立种群,建议对其分布区和种群数量进行专门调查,为相关部门制定白冠长尾雉的保护规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

To define the process of karyotypic evolution in the Galliformes on a molecular basis, we conducted genome-wide comparative chromosome painting for eight species, i.e. silver pheasant (Lophura nycthemera), Lady Amherst's pheasant (Chrysolophus amherstiae), ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), Western capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), Chinese bamboo-partridge (Bambusicola thoracica) and common peafowl (Pavo cristatus) of the Phasianidae, and plain chachalaca (Ortalis vetula) of the Cracidae, with chicken DNA probes of chromosomes 1-9 and Z. Including our previous data from five other species, chicken (Gallus gallus), Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) and blue-breasted quail (Coturnix chinensis) of the Phasianidae, guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) of the Numididae and California quail (Callipepla californica) of the Odontophoridae, we represented the evolutionary changes of karyotypes in the 13 species of the Galliformes. In addition, we compared the cytogenetic data with the molecular phylogeny of the 13 species constructed with the nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, and discussed the process of karyotypic evolution in the Galliformes. Comparative chromosome painting confirmed the previous data on chromosome rearrangements obtained by G-banding analysis, and identified several novel chromosome rearrangements. The process of the evolutionary changes of macrochromosomes in the 13 species was in good accordance with the molecular phylogeny, and the ancestral karyotype of the Galliformes is represented.  相似文献   

自动录音机是一种低成本、高效、可以在较长时间和较大空间范围内对物种的活动进行有效监测的设备。2019年4至6月,在北京小龙门地区(40°00′ N,115°26′ E)褐马鸡(Crossoptilon mantchuricum)、勺鸡(Pucrasia macrolopha)和环颈雉(Phasianus colchicus)的栖息地内布设了songmeter自动录音机,对三种雉类的鸣声进行为期2个月的连续收集。利用Kaleidoscope软件(Wildlife Acoustics公司,美国),对不同雉类鸣声进行了人工辅助的机器学习和自动识别,从录制的22 536 h录音数据中提取了褐马鸡、勺鸡和环颈雉的鸣声。优化鸣声提取的时频参数后,勺鸡鸣声提取的正确率为73.32%,探测率为52.91%;环颈雉鸣声提取的正确率为89.32%,探测率为67.36%;褐马鸡鸣声提取的正确率较低,仅为8.69%,探测率为58.54%。结合三种雉类的繁殖资料,揭示了三种雉类的鸣声节律:褐马鸡和环颈雉有早晚两个鸣叫高峰期,但高峰时段不尽相同,勺鸡只存在鸣叫早高峰;褐马鸡、勺鸡和环颈雉在交配期、孵卵前期具有一个鸣叫高峰。  相似文献   

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