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采用夏季不同播期,研究了sh-2型超甜玉米乳熟期籽粒重量和碳水化合物的变化,用多重回归分析方法对气温、降雨量与籽粒重量、碳水化合物含量的关系进行了分析.结果表明,两个播期的可溶性总糖、果糖、蔗糖含量变化趋势有明显差异.夏季早播,提高了乳熟期籽粒鲜重和干重,灌浆速率,可溶性总糖和淀粉含量.说明夏季早播有利于提高甜玉米的独特甜风味和产量构成.移栽-收获期的T(温差)、K(有效积温)和RF(降雨量)是影响乳熟期籽粒鲜重和干重及可溶性总糖、果糖、蔗糖、淀粉含量的主要因子,K、RF表现正相关效应;在授粉-收获期,K是影响的主要因子,K与籽粒鲜重和干重及果糖、淀粉含量呈正相关,与籽粒蔗糖含量呈负相关.  相似文献   

对比了HPLC-RID法和UPLC-ELSD法对果糖、葡萄糖、蔗糖和麦芽糖4种可溶性糖的检测。结果表明:UPLC-ELSD法的分离效果、重复性、灵敏度等比HPLC-RID法好,确定了UPLC-ELSD法测定4种糖含量的技术参数,即流动相为0.2%(w/v)三乙胺溶于75%(v/v)乙腈,流速为0.2 m L/min,柱温为35℃,上样量为2μL,在6 min内可以灵敏、快速地检测出果糖等4种可溶性糖。利用UPLC-ELSD法测定玉米种子吸胀过程中蔗糖、麦芽糖、葡萄糖和果糖4种可溶性糖的含量,结果表明:胚乳在吸胀之前,仅检出蔗糖、葡萄糖和果糖,其中蔗糖含量最高,随着种子吸胀,蔗糖含量先下降后上升,而葡萄糖和果糖逐渐增加,吸胀48 h时检出麦芽糖。胚在吸胀之前,4种可溶性糖均可以检测到,且含量均显著高于胚乳,在吸胀过程中4种糖的变化规律与胚乳相似。因此,在玉米种子吸胀过程中,可能先动员蔗糖分解成葡萄糖和果糖,再动员贮藏物质合成蔗糖、麦芽糖、葡萄糖和果糖,为种子萌发生长提供能量和中间物质。  相似文献   

通过对洛阳地区海拔100、650和1010 m‘凤丹'牡丹籽粒发育过程中形态指标、营养成分和关键基因的表达分析,研究了不同海拔条件下‘凤丹'牡丹籽粒产量性状变化和可溶性糖、淀粉、可溶性蛋白质与脂肪酸间的转化规律,以及相关酶活性和油脂代谢关键基因差异表达。结果表明: ‘凤丹'牡丹单果籽粒产量性状随海拔的升高而升高,且高海拔‘凤丹'籽粒生长期长于低、中海拔。成熟籽粒中可溶性糖和淀粉含量随海拔的升高而增加,可溶性蛋白质和粗脂肪含量差异不显著。籽粒发育过程中蔗糖合成酶(SS)和蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)活性呈现先降后升的趋势,花后90 d活性最低;丙酮酸脱氢酶(PDH)、谷丙转氨酶(GPT)和谷草转氨酶(GOT)活性均在花后50~90 d快速增加,花后90 d达到最大值。牡丹籽粒中乙酰CoA羧化酶基因(ACCase)和硬脂酰ACP脱氢酶基因(SAD)相对表达量在花后50 d达到最大值,而ω-6脂肪酸去饱和酶2(FAD2)相对表达量在花后90 d达到最大值。籽粒发育过程中可溶性糖和淀粉与蛋白质和粗脂肪的积累呈负相关;SPS活性与可溶性糖和淀粉呈正相关,与可溶性蛋白质和粗脂肪呈极显著负相关;GPT、GOT与可溶性糖呈负相关,与淀粉呈极显著负相关,与可溶性蛋白质和粗脂肪呈极显著正相关;PDH与可溶性蛋白质、GPT、GOT呈正相关,与可溶性糖呈负相关,与淀粉呈极显著负相关。表明牡丹籽粒发育过程中养分积累是由糖类向粗脂肪和蛋白质的方向转化,SPS、PDH、GPT、GOT等在此过程中起重要作用。籽油中的棕榈酸、硬脂酸和亚油酸与亚麻酸相对增量呈负相关,说明牡丹籽油中脂肪酸去饱和过程是向亚麻酸合成的方向进行。ACCaseSADFAD2相对表达量与亚麻酸的相对增量呈正相关,均在亚麻酸合成过程中起重要作用。不同海拔条件下牡丹籽粒油脂品质相对稳定,籽粒生产性能随海拔的升高而升高,故在洛阳中高海拔地区种植油用牡丹是边际土地高效利用的重要策略。  相似文献   

大麦胚乳细胞增殖动态及其与粒重的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
大麦籽粒胚乳细胞数在花后17 d左右就基本决定,增殖动态可用Richards曲线方程拟合,决定系数0.9900以上,达极显著水平.籽粒胚乳细胞数目、单个细胞重量与粒重均存在极显著正相关,r值分别为0.9019**和0.9409**.籽粒胚乳细胞数对粒重影响最大,单个胚乳细胞重次之,胚乳细胞数的多少是决定粒重的主要原因.  相似文献   

采用常规方法测定颖果的鲜重、干重变化和籽粒中营养成分积累变化,同时用扫描电镜观察淀粉粒的形态变化的结果表明,籽粒中淀粉含量呈“s”型曲线变化;蛋白质含量先急剧下降后缓慢增加;可溶性糖和脂肪含量均呈单峰曲线变化;粗纤维含量呈“快-慢-快-慢”的变化。籽粒鲜重和可溶性糖、脂肪以及粗纤维含量均呈(极)显著的正相关,与蛋白质含量呈极显著负相关;可溶性糖与脂肪含量呈正相关,与蛋白质含量呈显著负相关。鲜食甜玉米的最适宜采收期为授粉后25d:甜玉米淀粉粒呈现“裸露型”、“非裸露型”和“中间型”3种形态。  相似文献   

以‘翠冠’梨为材料,研究了套双层遮光纸袋梨果实贮藏过程中蔗糖、果糖、葡萄糖、山梨醇及糖代谢中酶活性的变化规律。结果表明,贮藏套袋梨果实中果糖、葡萄糖、山梨醇和蔗糖含量都低于未套袋对照;套袋梨果实中山梨醇脱氢酶活性在贮藏的前5d都低于对照,贮藏10d后活性均高于对照,且与山梨醇含量呈现极显著正相关;贮藏套袋梨果实中蔗糖磷酸合酶(SPS)及蔗糖合酶(SS)分解和合成方向活性都是前期低于对照,贮藏后期都高于对照,且蔗糖含量与蔗糖磷酸合酶和蔗糖合酶(分解方向)活性都呈显著正相关;贮藏的套袋梨果实和对照中的山梨醇含量与果糖含量均呈极显著负相关,蔗糖含量与葡萄糖含量呈极显著负相关,即在贮藏过程中山梨醇可能转化为果糖,而蔗糖则转化成葡萄糖。  相似文献   

三种粒型小麦品种胚乳细胞增殖动态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以三种粒型小麦品种(系)为材料,观察了不同品种和同一品种不同粒位籽粒胚乳细胞增殖动态。结果表明,用Richards方程能较好地模拟胚乳细胞增殖动态。强势粒胚乳细胞分裂起始势高,达到最高增殖速率的时间短,活跃分裂期长,可分裂出更多的胚乳细胞。弱势粒胚乳细胞增殖起始势低,细胞分裂速率变化缓慢,其最终胚乳细胞数显著低于强势拉。不同品种间胚乳细胞数有一定的差异,表现为大粒饱满品种(鄂思1号)>不饱满品系(95A-10)>小粒饱满品种(华麦8号)。胚乳细胞增殖速率变化为单峰曲线,强势粒胚乳细胞增殖速率曲线偏左,弱势粒胚乳细胞增殖速率曲线偏右。  相似文献   

以‘台农1号’芒果为材料,测定了果实生长发育过程中淀粉、蔗糖、葡萄糖和果糖含量以及淀粉酶、蔗糖代谢相关酶———酸性转化酶(AI)、中性转化酶(NI)、蔗糖合成酶(SS)和蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)的活性,并对果实中糖组分与酶活性的关系进行了分析.结果显示,(1)台农1号芒果果实属于单S型生长曲线,发育前期主要积累淀粉、葡萄糖和果糖,果实成熟软化时,淀粉酶活性降至最低,淀粉水解,蔗糖快速积累.(2)酸性转化酶活性在果实整个发育过程中维持最高,完熟时略有降低;蔗糖磷酸合成酶在果实发育前期略有降低,完熟时升至最高;蔗糖合成酶和中性转化酶活性在整个发育期一直很低且较稳定.(3)淀粉含量与淀粉酶活性呈显著正相关,与SPS活性呈极显著负相关,蔗糖、葡萄糖含量均与SPS、SS呈显著、极显著的正相关;果糖含量与SS呈极显著的正相关.研究表明,芒果成熟时淀粉分解、酸性转化酶活性的降低,且蔗糖合成酶和蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性的增加是引起果实蔗糖积累的主要因子.  相似文献   

试验研究了夏季两个不同播期的sh-2超甜玉米乳熟期籽粒大小、糖分积累、酶活性的变化及其相关性.结果表明,由于籽粒乳熟后期脱水,籽粒长度、宽度、厚度、体积和可溶性总糖、果糖含量呈中间高,两头低的抛物线型;籽粒淀粉酶、过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物岐化酶(SOD)活性变化也均呈抛物线型;曲线符合方程=a bx cx2(y为籽粒大小、糖含量、酶活性,x为授粉后天数,a,b,c为参数).相关分析表明,在播期一,α-淀粉酶、β- 淀粉酶、POD、SOD活性与籽粒长度、宽度、厚度、体积和可溶性总糖、果糖含量均无显著相关;在播期二,α-淀粉酶活性与籽粒长度、宽度、体积和可溶性总糖、果糖含量,SOD活性与籽粒长度、体积存在显著负相关.  相似文献   

以‘宁杞1号’(红色)、‘宁夏黄果’(黄色)和‘黑果’(黑色)3份不同果色枸杞为试材,测定枸杞果实发育过程中糖含量与蔗糖代谢酶活性的变化,并分析糖含量与蔗糖代谢酶活性的相关性,以探讨不同果色枸杞糖积累差异的生理基础,为进一步阐明枸杞品质形成及调控机理提供理论依据。结果显示:(1)气相色谱(GC)法检测结果为 ‘宁杞1号’果实含8种糖,‘宁夏黄果’含7种糖,‘黑果’仅检测到4种糖;且成熟期枸杞果实均以果糖、葡萄糖和蔗糖为主。(2)在枸杞果实发育过程中,各材料果实的果糖和葡萄糖含量呈现逐渐升高趋势,果实发育的后期升高幅度高于初期;而各材料蔗糖和赤藓糖含量却呈现出不同的变化趋势,不同发育时期材料间差异各异。(3)不同果色枸杞蔗糖代谢酶活性在枸杞果实发育过程中差异较大,其中酸性转化酶(AI)在果实发育的初期活性较低,材料间差别小,但在果实发育的后期活性高,材料间差异较大;从枸杞果实发育色变期到成熟期,供试材料AI和蔗糖合成酶(SS)活性高于中性转化酶(NI)和磷酸蔗糖合成酶(SPS);在整个果实发育过程中‘黑果’保持着较低果糖含量和蔗糖代谢酶活性。(4)3种果色枸杞果糖含量均与AI活性达到显著相关关系,红色与黑色枸杞己糖(果糖和葡萄糖)含量与NI达到显著相关关系。研究表明,不同果色枸杞果实中的糖种类与含量、蔗糖代谢酶活性差异较大,AI活性升高有利于枸杞果糖的积累,转化酶在枸杞果实己糖积累过程中发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

Sucrose metabolism and the role of sucrose synthase were investigated in the fruit tissues (pericarp, perisperm, and endosperm) of Coffea arabica during development. Acid invertase, sucrose phosphate synthase, and sucrose synthase activities were monitored and compared with the levels of sucrose and reducing sugars. Among these enzymes, sucrose synthase showed the highest activities during the last stage of endosperm and pericarp development and this activity paralleled closely the accumulation of sucrose in these tissues at this stage. Carbon partitioning in fruits was studied by pulse-chase experiments with (14)C-sugars and revealed high rates of sucrose turnover in perisperm and endosperm tissues. Additional feeding experiments with (14)CO(2) showed that leaf photosynthesis contributed more to seed development than the pericarp in terms of photosynthate supply to the endosperm. Sugar analysis, feeding experiments, and histological studies indicated that the perisperm plays an important role in this downloading process. It was observed that the perisperm presents a transient accumulation of starch which is degraded as the seed develops. Two full-length cDNAs (CaSUS1 and CaSUS2) and the complete gene sequence of the latter were also isolated. They encode sucrose synthase isoforms that are phylogenetically distinct, indicating their involvement in different physiological functions during cherry development. Contrasting expression patterns were observed for CaSUS1 and CaSUS2 in perisperm, endosperm, and pericarp tissues: CaSUS1 mRNAs accumulated mainly during the early development of perisperm and endosperm, as well as during pericarp growing phases, whereas those of CaSUS2 paralleled sucrose synthase activity in the last weeks of pericarp and endosperm development. Taken together, these results indicate that sucrose synthase plays an important role in sugar metabolism during sucrose accumulation in the coffee fruit.  相似文献   

Sucrose utilisation in sink tissues depend on its cleavage and is mediated by two different classes of enzymes, invertase and sucrose synthase, which determine the mechanism of phloem unloading. Cloning of two extracellular (BIN35 and BIN46) and one vacuolar invertase (BIN44) provided the basis for a detailed molecular analysis of the relative contribution of the sucrose cleaving enzymes to the sink metabolism of sugar beets (Beta vulgaris) during development. The determination of the steady state levels of mRNAs has been complemented by the analysis of the corresponding enzyme activities. The present study demonstrates an inverse regulation of extracellular invertase and sucrose synthase during tap root development indicating a transition between functional unloading pathways. Extracellular cleavage by invertase is the dominating mechanism to supply hexoses via an apoplasmic pathway at early stages of storage root development. Only at later stages sucrose synthase takes over the function of the key sink enzyme to contribute to the sink strength of the tap root via symplasmic phloem unloading. Whereas mRNAs for both extracellular invertase BIN35 and sucrose synthase were shown to be induced by mechanical wounding of mature leaves of adult plants, only sucrose synthase mRNA was metabolically induced by glucose in this source organ supporting the metabolic flexibility of this species.  相似文献   

Metabolite transport processes and primary metabolism are highly interconnected. This study examined the importance of source-to-sink nitrogen partitioning, and associated nitrogen metabolism for carbon capture, transport and usage. Specifically, Arabidopsis aap8(AMINO ACID PERMEASE 8) mutant lines were analyzed to resolve the consequences of reduced amino acid phloem loading for source leaf carbon metabolism,sucrose phloem transport and sink development during vegetative and reproductive growth phase. Results showed that decreased amino acid transport had a negative effect on sink development of aap8 lines throughout the life cycle, leading to an overall decrease in plant biomass. During vegetative stage, photosynthesis and carbohydrate levels were decreased in aap8 leaves, while expression of carbon metabolism and transport genes, as well as sucrose phloem transport were not affected despite reduced sink strength.However, when aap8 plants transitioned to reproductive phase, carbon fixation and assimilation as well as sucrose partitioning to siliques were strongly decreased. Overall,this work demonstrates that phloem loading of nitrogen has varying implications for carbon fixation, assimilation and source-to-sink allocation depending on plant growth stage. It further suggests alterations in source-sink relationships, and regulation of carbon metabolism and transport by sink strength in a development-dependent manner.  相似文献   

We have used top-down metabolic control analysis to investigate the control of carbon flux through potato (Solanum tuberosum) plants during tuberisation. The metabolism of the potato plant was divided into two blocks of reactions (the source and sink blocks) that communicate through the leaf apoplastic sucrose pool. Flux was measured as the transfer of 14C from CO2 to the tuber. Flux and apoplastic sucrose concentration were varied either by changing the light intensity or using transgenic manipulations that specifically affect the source or sink blocks, and elasticity coefficients were measured. We have provided evidence in support of our assumption that apoplastic sucrose is the only communicating metabolite between the source and sink blocks. The elasticity coefficients were used to calculate the flux control coefficients of the source and sink blocks, which were 0.8 and 0.2, respectively. This work suggests that the best strategy for the manipulation of tuber yield in potato will involve increases in photosynthetic capacity, rather than sink metabolism.  相似文献   

Wild-type tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) seed development was characterized with respect to architecture and carbohydrate metabolism. Tobacco seeds accumulate oil and protein in the embryo, cellular endosperm and inner layer of the seed coat. They have high cell wall invertase (INV) and hexoses in early development which is typical of seeds. INV and the ratio of hexose to sucrose decline during development, switching from high hex to high suc, but not until most oil and all protein accumulation has occurred. The oil synthesis which coincides with the switch is mostly within the embryo. INV activity is greater than sucrose synthase activity throughout development, and both activities exceed the demand for carbohydrate for dry matter accumulation. To investigate the role of INV-mediated suc metabolism in oilseeds, genes for yeast INV and/or hexokinase (HK) were expressed under a seed-specific napin promoter, targeting activity to the apoplast and cytosol, respectively. Manipulating the INV pathway in an oilseed could either increase oil accumulation and sink strength, or disrupt carbohydrate metabolism, possibly through sugar-sensing, and decrease the storage function. Neither effect was found: transgenics with INV and/or HK increased 30-fold and 10-fold above wild-type levels had normal seed size and composition. This contrasted with dramatic effects on sugar contents in the INV lines.  相似文献   

The import-export transition in sugar beet leaves (Beta vulgaris) occurred at 40 to 50% leaf expansion and was characterized by loss in assimilate import and increase in photosynthesis. The metabolism and partitioning of assimilated and translocated C were determined during leaf development and related to the translocation status of the leaf. The import stage was characterized by C derived from either 14C-translocate or 14C-photosynthate being incorporated into protein and structural carbohydrates. Marked changes in the C partitioning were temporally correlated with the import-export conversion. Exporting leaves did not hydrolyze accumulated sucrose and the C derived from CO2 fixation was preferentially incorporated into sucrose. Both source and sink leaves contained similar levels of acid invertase and sucrose synthetase activities (sucrose hydrolysis) while sucrose phosphate synthetase (sucrose synthesis) was detected only in exporting leaves. The results are discussed in terms of intracellular compartmentation of sucrose and sucrose-metabolizing enzymes in source and sink leaves.  相似文献   

Sucrose is a molecule that is synthesized only by oxygenic photosynthetic organisms. In plants, sucrose is synthesized in source tissues and then can be transported to sink tissues, where it is utilized or stored. Interestingly, sucrose is both a metabolite and a signaling molecule. Manipulating the rate of the synthesis, transport or degradation of sucrose affects plant growth, development and physiology. Altered sucrose levels changes the quantity of sucrose derived metabolites and sucrose-specific signaling. In this paper, these changes are summarized. Better understanding of sucrose metabolism and sucrose sensing systems in plants will lead to opportunities to adapt plant metabolism and growth.  相似文献   

Sugarcane accumulates high amount of sucrose, thus making it one of the important cash crops worldwide. The final destination of sucrose accumulation in sugarcane is sink tissue, i.e., stalk, supplied by the source, i.e., leaf, to fulfill the need of plant growth, respiration, storage, and other metabolic activities. Signals between sink and source tissues regulate sucrose accumulation in sink and possibly the negative feedback from the sink restrains further accumulation in the stalk. However, perturbation of this negative feedback may help to improve sugar yield. This can be achieved by the application of GA3 (Gibberellic acid), a plant growth regulator, known to excite physiological responses and modify the source–sink metabolism through their effect on photosynthesis, which in turn improves sink strength by redistribution of the photoassimilates. In the present study, GA3 applied canes showed prominent increase in invertase activity, at early stage of the application, to provide hexoses. This in turn helped increase the internodal length and cane capacity for additional accumulation of sucrose, thereby increasing sink strength. At maturity, sucrose% and brix% were found higher in middle and top portions of the GA3-applied canes. Expression analysis of various sucrose metabolising genes viz., sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS), sucrose synthase (SuSy), soluble acid invertase, neutral invertase, and cell wall invertase (CWI) was carried out at different growth stages, using quantitative RT-PCR. CWI, which plays key role in phloem unloading in sink tissues, exhibited higher expression in GA3 samples at the elongation stage which decreased with maturity, whereas both SuSy and SPS, involved in regulation of sucrose accumulation, showed a variable level of expression. Thus, GA3 application on cane may improve the sucrose content in stalk and thus assuage maneuvering source–sink dynamics in sugarcane.  相似文献   

Castrillo  M. 《Photosynthetica》2000,36(4):519-524
Sucrose metabolism was studied at three leaf development stages in two Phaseolus vulgaris L. cultivars, Tacarigua and Montalban. The changes of enzyme activities involved in sucrose metabolism at the leaf development stages were: (1) Sink (9-11 % full leaf expansion, FLE): low total sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) activity, and higher acid invertase (AI) activity accompanied by low sucrose synthase (SuSy) synthetic and sucrolytic activities. (2) Sink to source transition (40-47 % FLE): increase in total SPS and SuSy activities, decrease in AI activity. (3) Source (96-97 % FLE): high total SPS activity, increased SuSy activities, decreased AI activity. The hexose/sucrose ratio decreased from sink to source leaves in both bean cultivars. The neutral invertase activity was lower than that of AI; it showed an insignificant decrease during the sink-source transition.  相似文献   

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