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马鞍列岛褐菖鲉Sebasticus marmoratus栖息地适宜性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾旭  章守宇  汪振华  林军  王凯 《生态学报》2016,36(12):3765-3774
为了评估趋礁鱼类在岛礁海域的生境适宜度,选取马鞍列岛的褐菖鲉(Sebasticus marmoratus)为指示物种,以2009年获取的水深、盐度、叶绿素a、浊度和底质数据作为褐菖鲉春、冬季栖息地指示因子,建立栖息地适宜度曲线,并计算各站点的栖息地适宜性指数(HSI)。结果显示:1)绿华、花鸟、嵊山沿岸站点HSI普遍较低,枸杞岛、三横山、东库山沿岸站点褐菖鲉HSI相对较高,其中最大值1.0出现在枸杞岛沿岸的站点;2)春季褐菖鲉幼鱼的适宜水深在6 m左右,成鱼适宜在8—12 m的水深处生存;冬季褐菖鲉对8—12 m的水深适宜性良好;3)春季所有褐菖鲉的适宜盐度为30PSU,冬季幼鱼的适宜盐度为27—31PSU,成鱼的适宜盐度为27PSU、31PSU;4)随着叶绿素a和浊度值的增大,褐菖鲉适宜性逐渐降低。底质类型为岩时最适合褐菖鲉生存。5)相关分析显示,褐菖鲉丰度与底质类型相关性最大,而与叶绿素a、浊度呈显著负相关。研究结果表明,初级生产力和浑浊程度越高对褐菖鲉丰度抑制越明显。底质类型是褐菖鲉丰度分布的重要影响因子,其中分布有较多大型海藻的岩礁生境是其最适宜的栖息地。利用2010年春、冬季环境调查和渔获数据进行HSI模型验证,资源丰度随HSI值升高而增加,因此构建的模型可用于趋礁鱼类在岛礁海域的栖息地适宜性分析。  相似文献   

根据2014—2017年南海北部近海渔业资源调查的8个航次数据,结合遥感影像数据,包括海表温、盐度、叶绿素,对近海竹荚鱼空间分布的季节性变化进行分析。将单位捕捞努力量渔获量(catch per unit effort,CPUE)作为适宜性指数(suitability index,SI),分别采用最大值法、最小值法、算术平均法、几何平均法按季度建立栖息地适宜性指数(habitat suitability index,HSI)模型,并对各模型进行精度检验。结果表明:SI模型拟合准确,均呈单峰分布;几何平均法更适用各季HSI建模,模型平均准确度达到92%,CPUE高的渔场主要分布于HSI大于0.6的海域,其他HSI高值海域为潜在渔场。对各季环境因子进行主成分分析,发现海表温的影响最为显著。研究表明,栖息地适宜性指数模型可较好分析南海北部近海竹荚鱼资源丰度及空间分布。  相似文献   

长江口棘头梅童鱼幼鱼栖息地的初步评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了评估鱼类对长江口栖息地的选择偏好,选取长江口春季的优势种棘头梅童鱼幼鱼为模式物种,从19个水文、水质因子及生物因素指标中,筛选出狭额绒螯蟹丰度、盐度、底质类型和水深4个因子作为棘头梅童鱼栖息地指示因子,建立栖息地适合曲线,并计算了栖息地适宜度指数(HSI).结果表明: 长江口北支水域棘头梅童鱼幼鱼HSI普遍较高,基本在0.5以上,而南支水域普遍较低,基本上在0.2以下,表明长江口北支为棘头梅童鱼幼鱼的主要索饵场,同时发现,其幼鱼的最适生长水域为盐度大于14、底质平均粒径在29 μm以下、水深2~5 m的水域,与HSI的空间分布一致.生物因子可较好地表征棘头梅童鱼幼鱼对水文、水质等因素的响应;化学需氧量、铵氮、总磷和挥发性酚与棘头梅童鱼幼鱼丰度不具有显著相关性,亚硝酸盐氮、硝酸盐氮和总氮与其丰度具有显著正相关性,说明调查水域内水质的富营养化尚未对棘头梅童鱼栖息地造成破坏;而铜离子和镉离子浓度与其丰度具有极显著的负相关性,表明重金属污染已经对棘头梅童鱼幼鱼的生长和分布造成了一定的危害,推测重金属污染对长江口水域的鱼类栖息地分布具有限制性影响.  相似文献   

渤海线虫群落的多样性及中性模型分析   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
张志南  周红  慕方红 《生态学报》2001,21(11):1808-1814
对渤海的黄河口水下三角洲、莱州湾和渤海中部共9个站位的海洋线虫群落的多样性进行了研究.用于比较的海域和站位还包括1995年胶州湾的95B2站和1988年湄州湾的A01站.以上11个站位共鉴定出自由生活海洋线虫154种,分属于107属29个科.使用种丰度(SR),香农-维弗指数(H′)和均衡度(J)用来比较不同生境的生物多样性.不同生境和站位的生物多样性水平由高到低依次为渤海中部(9761、DA18、DA19和DA20,SR=8.60±0.84,H′=4.94±0.23)、莱州湾(9762、DA2和DA4,SR=6.48士0.40,H′=3.95±3.0)和黄河口水下三角洲(E9和E11,SR=4.18±0.56,H′=3.60±0.24).线虫生物多样性与海水的盐度和沉积物的异质性指数(h)呈显著的负相关(P≤0.01).Caswell 中性模型分析指明,大部分研究站位的"V"值为"-2~+2",说明未受到显著外界因子的扰动.渤海中部的9761站的"V"值为2.054,暗示环境稳定性的增强,而莱州湾的DA4站"V"值为-2.624指明受到外界环境因子的显著影响,可能与黄河口输送大量的物质有关.  相似文献   

在室内微生境模拟条件下,应用试验生态学方法,分别评估了岩原鲤幼鱼对底质、光照、水深3种生境因子的适宜性指数(HSI),建立了其栖息地适宜性模型,并初步估算了岩原鲤幼鱼的最小栖息面积.结果表明:岩原鲤幼鱼对底质、光照、水深3种生境因子的适宜栖息范围分别为砾石直径10~15 cm、光照强度0.2~1.8 lx、水深范围0~15 cm(离底距离);其适宜性指数表达式分别为SIS=1.7338e-0.997x(R2=0.89,P<0.01,SIS为底质适宜性指数,x为砾石直径)、SIL=3.0121e-1.339x(R2=0.93,P<0.01,SIL为光照适宜性指数,x为光强)、SIW=2.4055 e-1.245x(R2=0.97,P<0.01,SIW为水深适宜性指数,x为水深).算术平均法最适用于岩原鲤幼鱼的栖息地适宜性模型估计,最适模型为HSI=(SIS+SIL+SIW)/3.共发现7组岩原鲤幼鱼建立并维持着相对稳定的栖息地范围,其栖息地面积范围为628~2015 cm2,平均值为1114 cm2.  相似文献   

环境异质性对野生动物分布的影响具有明显的空间不均匀性。传统分析中多采用经典线性回归模型来量化野生动物分布与环境变量之间的关系,难以准确反映物种-环境关系的空间异质特征。地理加权回归(GWR)是近年来提出的一种新的空间分析方法,通过将空间结构嵌入线性回归模型中,以此来探测空间关系的非均匀性。以秦岭大熊猫为例,应用GWR模型分析大熊猫空间分布与环境异质性特征之间的潜在关系,并同经典的全局最小二乘回归法(OLS)进行比较。结果表明,GWR模型的AIC、R~2和校正R~2均显著优于OLS模型,GWR模型的局部回归系数估计能够更加深刻地揭示大熊猫空间分布与环境变量间的复杂空间关系,且GWR模型能够为物种的科学保护提供更加有效的理论支撑。因此,GWR模型可为探究物种-环境关系的空间异质特征提供一种新的方法,在物种栖息地选择与利用研究中具有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

淹水胁迫下棉花叶片高光谱特征及叶绿素含量估算模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为即时监测淹水胁迫下棉花功能叶叶绿素含量,确立叶绿素含量与单叶光谱特征参数的定量关系,本文以遮雨棚内蕾期淹水胁迫下的盆栽棉花为研究对象,淹水后每 3 d对棉花叶片进行测定、取样,综合分析叶绿素含量与高光谱特征参数的相关性,并构建和验证叶绿素含量的估算模型.结果表明: 随着淹水胁迫程度的加重,叶片叶绿素含量下降;叶片原始光谱反射率、一阶微分光谱反射率分别在580、697 nm波段附近与叶绿素含量呈显著负相关;利用差值指数和归一化指数建立的估算模型优于单波段线性模型,其中以植被指数(DR697-DR738)/(DR697+DR738)为自变量建立的模型棉花单叶叶绿素含量估算值与实测值拟合度最好,拟合系数为0.814,可用于淹水胁迫下棉花单叶叶绿素含量的估测.  相似文献   

2009年2-11月以水采、网采和显微鉴定的方法分别对湛江湾的浮游植物进行了周年的季节调查,分析了湛江湾角毛藻(Chaetoceros)群落的时空分布和影响因素.结果表明:湛江湾角毛藻共有32种,其中有17种为赤潮种,优势种有旋链角毛藻(C.curvisetus)、假弯角毛藻(C.pseudocurvisetus)和牟氏角毛藻(C.muelleri)3种;种类丰富度和细胞丰度在季节分布上表现为春夏季高于秋冬季,而在空间分布上总体表现为湾口高,向内湾逐渐降低.相关分析表明:角毛藻细胞丰度与水温、盐度、pH、叶绿素a浓度及浮游植物细胞丰度呈极显著的正相关,与DIN、SiO32-呈极显著的负相关,与PO43-相关性不显著:角毛藻细胞丰度的季节变化主要取决于水温,由季节更替而产生的种间竞争和浮游动物的摄食压力也是重要的影响因素,而空间变化则受到光照、盐度、pH和高丰度养殖贝类滤食压力的影响.  相似文献   

大亚湾鱼类群落嵌套分布格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为保护大亚湾渔业资源,2015年4月(春季)、8月(夏季)、10月(秋季)和12月(冬季)对大亚湾进行了4航次底拖网渔业资源调查,结合距最近大陆距离、距最近大岛距离、水深、水温、盐度、叶绿素a、总氮、总磷、鱼类的最大体长和捕捞努力量(CPUE)这些参数,研究了大亚湾鱼类的群聚特征。结果表明,大亚湾鱼类呈嵌套分布格局,鱼类最大体长对嵌套格局的形成具有显著影响;大亚湾鱼类群落嵌套格局的形成支持选择性迁入假说;大亚湾鱼类全年与四季的嵌套最友好位点均在湾口杨梅坑和大辣甲北部海域,此两海域为大亚湾鱼类的主要群聚区,大辣甲北部海域是鱼类的产卵场繁殖区,杨梅坑海域是鱼类的主要育肥区,均应优先进行保护和管理,是开展大亚湾鱼类增殖放流的最适宜海域。  相似文献   

粤东柘林湾无机氮的时空分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周凯  姜胜 《生态科学》2002,21(2):121-125
2000年5月~2001年5月对粤东柘林湾海域调查结果表明该湾三氮分布呈湾内向湾外递减趋势,湾内以西部海域含量为高。NO3-N是柘林湾无机氮的主要存在形态,其含量呈冬春季高、夏秋季低的特点。NH4-N和NO2-N与盐度的相关性较差,NO3-N则除秋季外,其余季节与盐度均呈良好的负相关关系,表现保守性行为。  相似文献   

渤海三湾表层水域细菌群落结构多样性及其环境因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】近海生态系统的可持续发展是目前人们关注的重大问题之一,河口输出以及人类活动干扰对渤海近岸环境有着重要的影响。【目的】选取2015年夏季渤海湾、辽东湾、莱州湾3个断面12个站位表层水样品,探究渤海三湾细菌群落结构多样性。【方法】提取3个断面水环境样品DNA,利用Illumina Hi Seq高通量测序技术对样品进行测序分析,比较3个断面的细菌群落结构多样性差异。【结果】根据多样性指数和稀释曲线结果发现,3个断面的微生物多样性有着明显的差别,多样性依次为莱州湾渤海湾辽东湾。分析3个断面中占优势地位的主要类群,渤海湾断面中变形杆菌门(Proteobacteria)所占比例为39.8%,拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)占25.7%,蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)占22.4%,放线菌门(Actinobacteria)占5.85%,浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes)占4.38%;辽东湾断面各类群所占比例依次为变形杆菌门(Proteobacteria)37.8%,拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes) 25.7%,蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria) 17.8%,放线菌门(Actinobacteria) 10.4%,浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes)5.64%;莱州湾断面主要类群所占比例为(Proteobacteria)59.0%,拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)17.5%,蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)8.2%,放线菌门(Actinobacteria)7.88%。通过主成分分析和热图相关性分析发现环境因子对微生物群落组成和多样性分布有显著的影响,通过Manteltest统计分析,其中硝酸盐的作用尤为显著。【结论】渤海三湾微生物多样性非常丰富且存在较大的差异,莱州湾种群结构最复杂且物种最丰富,渤海湾和辽东湾次之,多样性分布与环境因子和空间分布有一定的相关性,该研究将为进一步保护海洋微生物多样性和生态开发提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

The scleractinian coral Cladocora caespitosa deserves a special place among the major carbonate bioconstructors of the Mediterranean Sea. Annual coral skeleton growth, coral calcification, and skeleton density of the colonial coral C. caespitosa taken from 25 locations in the eastern Adriatic Sea were analyzed and compared with annual sea surface temperatures (SST). The growth rates of the coral C. caespitosa from the 25 stations in the Adriatic Sea ranged from 1.92 to 4.19?mm per year, with higher growth rates of the investigated corallites in the southern part of the Adriatic Sea. These growth rates are similar to those measured in other areas of the Mediterranean Sea. The correlation between coral growth and sea temperatures in the Adriatic Sea is seen as follows: An X-radiograph analysis of coral growth in C. caespitosa colonies that are over 60?years old showed that higher growth rates of this coral coincided with a warmer period in the Mediterranean Sea. A positive significant correlation exists between corallite growth rates and SST and coral calcification and SST. A negative correlation exists between coral density and SST. Coral growth rates also showed a correlation with higher eutrophication caused by nearby fish farms, along with a greater depth of the investigated colonies and high bottom currents.  相似文献   

We developed a habitat suitability index (HSI) model to evaluate the variability of suitable habitat for neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii) under anomalous environments in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Commercial fisheries data from the Chinese squid-jigging vessels on the traditional fishing ground bounded by 35°-45°N and 150°-175°E from July to November during 1998-2009 were used for analyses, as well as the environmental variables including sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration, sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) and sea surface salinity (SSS). Two empirical HSI models (arithmetic mean model, AMM; geometric mean model, GMM) were established according to the frequency distribution of fishing efforts. The AMM model was found to perform better than the GMM model. The AMM-based HSI model was further validated by the fishery and environmental data in 2010. The predicted HSI values in 1998 (high catch), 2008 (average catch) and 2009 (low catch) indicated that the squid habitat quality was strongly associated with the ENSO-induced variability in the oceanic conditions on the fishing ground. The La Niña events in 1998 tended to yield warm SST and favorable range of Chl-a concentration and SSHA, resulting in high-quality habitats for O. bartramii. While the fishing ground in the El Niño year of 2009 experienced anomalous cool waters and unfavorable range of Chl-a concentration and SSHA, leading to relatively low-quality squid habitats. Our findings suggest that the La Niña event in 1998 tended to result in more favorable habitats for O. bartramii in the Northwest Pacific with the gravity centers of fishing efforts falling within the defined suitable habitat and yielding high squid catch; whereas the El Niño event in 2009 yielded less favorable habitat areas with the fishing effort distribution mismatching the suitable habitat and a dramatic decline of the catch of O. bartramii. This study might provide some potentially valuable insights into exploring the relationship between the underlying squid habitat and the inter-annual environmental change.  相似文献   

以全球气候变暖为主要特征的全球气候变化对海洋生物和海洋生态系统造成的影响已引起国际学者的高度关注。根据中国14家国营渔业公司底拖网渔业生产和渔业资源大面定点调查获得的17种中下层渔业数据,结合1960—2011年东海北部水域海表温度的变化情况,利用Fox模型移除捕捞效应产生的趋势变化后,分析了气候变化对中、下层游泳动物群落结构及几种重要经济种类的影响。通过气候跃变检验分析发现,海表温度在整体变暖的趋势上叠加有年代际波动,研究水域分别在1982/1983年发生了从寒冷期(1960—1982年)向升温期(1983—1998)、经由1998/1999年再到温暖期(1999—2011年)的跃变。群落结构变化特征显示:相比于寒冷期,温暖期间底层类和大型捕食类资源指数降低,中层类和无脊椎类升高;暖水种资源指数升高,暖温种降低;生物多样性指数略有增加。移除捕捞效应后,对不同生态属性种类CPUE与海表温度距平进行相关分析显示:底层类、中层类和无脊椎类残差与海表温度距平均呈正相关关系,其中中层类与海表温度距平显著正相关,而大型捕食类则呈负相关关系;暖水种残差与海表温度距平呈正相关,而暖温种则呈负相关关系。中层类中的黄鲫(Setipinna taty)、银鲳(Pampus argenteus)的CPUE残差均与海表温度距平呈显著正相关关系,近底层类中的带鱼(Trichiurus japonicus)和头足类(Squid)的CPUE残差均与海表温度距平呈正相关关系,而底层类小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis)和对虾(Shrimp)则呈负相关关系。在气候变化的大背景下,需加强其对海洋生态系统结构和功能影响的研究,查明渔业资源对气候变化的响应机制和机理,制定科学有效的渔业管理制度,实现渔业资源的可持续发展。  相似文献   

渤海是黄渤海江豚种群的重要分布区,但是有关该区域江豚的种群数量的资料极其匮乏。2015年至2016年,采用截线抽样法在渤海水域开展了6个航次的目视调查,收集了渤海江豚的分布数据,首次评估了区域内的江豚种群数量,为制定有效的渤海江豚种群生态保护策略提供了基础资料。调查结果显示,在2015年8月、2016年5~7月、9月和11月进行的6个调查航次共计8972 km的有效航程中,发现江豚87次、136头次。江豚在渤海各海湾和中部水域都可观察到;14:00-18:00时段、离岸15~35km范围内较易观察到江豚;黄河口外、秦皇岛东北侧老龙口和莱州外沿岸河口水域,江豚出现频次较多。各季节中,以5月在黄河口外20~40km范围内发现江豚的频次和数量最多。采用Distance 7.0软件估算渤海江豚种群数量,其中探测概率分别取值0.399、0.85和1时,渤海江豚种群数量估算值分别为7883头(CV=0.21)、3701头(CV=0.21)和3124头(CV=0.21),对应的种群密度分别为1.441头/km2、0.066头/km2和0.056头/km2,均低于已报道的南黄海和日本海江豚种群相应值。受海上天气、调查条件和经验所限,本文估值可能存在偏差,但限于渤海江豚历史资料缺乏的现状,本文的结果对于认识渤海江豚的种群状况仍具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

We explored the possible effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and Arctic Oscillation (AO) on interannual sea surface temperature (SST) variations in the Alborán Sea, both separately and combined. The probability of observing mean annual SST values higher than average was related to NAO and AO values of the previous year. The effect of NAO on SST was negative, while that of AO was positive. The pure effects of NAO and AO on SST are obscuring each other, due to the positive correlation between them. When decomposing SST, NAO and AO in seasonal values, we found that variation in mean annual SST and mean winter SST was significantly related to the mean autumn NAO of the previous year, while mean summer SST was related to mean autumn AO of the previous year. The one year delay in the effect of the NAO and AO on the SST could be partially related to the amount of accumulated snow, as we found a significant correlation between the total snow in the North Alborán watershed for a year with the annual average SST of the subsequent year. A positive AO implies a colder atmosphere in the Polar Regions, which could favour occasional cold waves over the Iberian Peninsula which, when coupled with precipitations favoured by a negative NAO, may result in snow precipitation. This snow may be accumulated in the high peaks and melt down in spring-summer of the following year, which consequently increases the runoff of freshwater to the sea, which in turn causes a diminution of sea surface salinity and density, and blocks the local upwelling of colder water, resulting in a higher SST.  相似文献   

Coral colonies of Porites lutea and P. lobata were collected from areas to the east and south offshore of Hainan Island, South China Sea. Oxygen isotope ratios, 18O/16O, were analyzed along the major axis of growth at a resolution of 25–28 samples within an annual band from three colonies, giving data series lengths of 15, 20 and 30 years. Coral δ18O correlates well with sea surface temperature (SST) throughout most years, particularly when the Asian winter monsoon prevails over the region. Due to the same seasonal phases of SST and sea surface salinity (SSS), it is estimated that most of the seasonal features of coral δ18O are controlled by changes in SST with a significant contribution of SSS. This indicates the importance of temperature, as determined by the Asian winter monsoon, as a control on seasonal coral δ18O variations in the South China Sea. Given the fact that annual SSS maxima show minor inter-annual changes, the inter-annual change of annual coral δ18O maximum mainly reflects the SST induced by the winter monsoon. While the coral δ18O is mainly controlled by SST, deviations of the δ18O from SST correlate statistically with sea surface salinity, particularly for summer extreme events when SST reaches its annual maximum with minor inter-annual change. Therefore, we suggest that the inter-annual variation of the annual coral δ18O minima is mainly controlled by seawater composition. Seawater composition analysis indicates that its δ18O and salinity are simultaneously affected by freshwater inputs primarily from precipitation, which is mainly supplied by the Asian summer monsoon. Thus seasonal alternations of the winter and summer monsoon mainly control the coral δ18O, thereby allowing reconstruction of these monsoonal variables. The three coral records consistently reveal clear inter-decadal trends in δ18O — a gradual increase from 1968 to 1987, and a subsequent decrease from 1987 to 2003. These inter-decadal trends are roughly consistent with salinity changes — but not with temperature and precipitation, suggesting that seawater composition controlled by freshwater inputs from distant source areas, rather than from local precipitation, is responsible for the trends in seawater composition and coral δ18O over the last 30 years. Comparison of the three coral records indicates that spatial variations in coral δ18O coincide with variations in seawater salinity and local precipitation, but not with temperature. This confirms the dominant role of seawater composition, mainly controlled by monsoonal precipitation, on the spatial variability of coral δ18O in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

研究首次利用南海北部船基观测数据资料建立硝酸盐和海表温度的关系, 然后通过MODIS-SST资料与现场海表温度比较后进行了订正。利用订正后的数据表明南海北部的表层硝酸盐和海表温度之间存在显著的负相关关系(R2=0.7126)。结合海表硝酸盐和海表温度的关系式, 利用遥感海表温度的8 d平均值和月平均值估测了南海北部的表层硝酸盐浓度, 8 d平均海表硝酸盐浓度值范围为0~3.3167 μM, 月平均值为0~2.0590 μM, 该值与现场监测数据及历史资料均一致。  相似文献   


Sea surface temperatures (SST) and chlorophyll a concentrations (Chl a) in the southern Red Sea have wide variations based on distance from the coast. To understand how these variations can affect the diversity of symbionts hosted by reef-associated organisms, we conducted a study in the central and southern Red Sea to examine the diversity of Symbiodiniaceae hosted by the zooxanthellate zoantharian Palythoa tuberculosa at different distances from the coast: offshore (FBO), midshelf (FBM) and inshore (FBI) of Farasan Banks, and inshore at Thuwal (TI). Genomic DNA was extracted from 198 specimens, followed by amplification of the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS-2) and noncoding region of the chloroplast plastid minicircle (psbAncr). Durusdinium and six lineages of Cladocopium (Pt-1-a, Pt-1-b, Pt-1-c, Pt-1-d, Pt-3-a, Pt-3-b) were identified based on sequences of the two marker regions. Changes in composition of Symbiodiniaceae lineages were observed from FBI (high SST, high Chl a) to FBO (low SST, low Chl a). Molecular variance analyses showed that distance from coast was the most likely predictor of differences in Cladocopium lineages. Multinomial logistic regression analysis showed a transition among different Cladocopium lineages as SST increased. One Cladocopium lineage, Pt-1-b, demonstrated higher prevalences at high SSTs and increased in prevalences at the same rate as thermotolerant Durusdinium. Additionally, Cladocopium lineage Pt-3-a had a high affinity to low Chl a concentrations. This study demonstrates that environmental variations in SSTs and Chl a concentrations are significant predictors for the diversity of dominant Symbiodiniaceae within individual host P. tuberculosa colonies. We theorize that flexibility with different lineages of Symbiodiniaceae allows generalist P. tuberculosa to live across a wide range of environments in the southern Red Sea.


基于栖息地指数的东太平洋黄鳍金枪鱼渔场预报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄鳍金枪鱼是东太平洋海域重要的金枪鱼种类之一,也是我国金枪鱼延绳钓的主要捕捞对象之一。根据2011年东太平洋海域(20°N—35°S、85°W—155°W)延绳钓生产统计数据,结合表温(SST)和海面高度(SSH)的遥感数据,采用频次分析法获得黄鳍金枪鱼分布的SST和SSH适宜范围;运用一元非线性回归方法,以渔获量为适应性指数,按季度分别建立了基于SST和SSH的长鳍金枪鱼栖息地适应性指数,采用算术平均法获得基于SST和SSH环境因子的栖息地指数综合模型,并用2012年各月实际作业渔场进行验证。结果显示,黄鳍金枪鱼渔场多分布在SST为24—29℃、SSH为0.3—0.7 m的海域。采用一元非线性回归建立的各因子适应性指数模型在统计上均为显著(P0.05)。经与2012年实际生产情况比较,作业渔场预报准确性达66%以上。研究获得栖息地指数模型可为金枪鱼延绳钓渔船寻找中心渔场提供参考。  相似文献   

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