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不同环境下籼型杂交稻穗干物质重的发育遗传分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
选用穗干物质重性状差异较大的 4个籼型不育系 (A)和相应的保持系 (B)以及 5个籼型恢复系(R) ,按不完全双列杂交设计 (4× 5 ) ,配成一套亲本和F12个世代的遗传群体 .采用包括基因型×环境互作的加性 显性发育遗传模型 ,分析了两年的籼型杂交稻不同发育时期穗干物质重的遗传表现 .结果表明 ,穗干物质重的发育全过程均受到遗传主效应和基因型与环境互作效应的控制 .在穗干物质重发育的前、中期 (15d前 )主要由显性效应控制 ,显性效应基因的表达量最大 ,环境因素的正向影响也较明显 ,可通过采取适当的栽培管理措施为稻穗发育创造良好的环境条件 ,促进杂种优势潜力的充分发挥 ;在发育的中后期 (15d后 )加性效应转为主要作用 ,加性效应基因的表达也呈最活跃状态 ,这一时期对穗重进行遗传选择会获得较好的遗传进度 .  相似文献   

韩建明  侯喜林  史公军  耿建峰  邓晓辉 《遗传》2007,29(9):1149-1153
应用主基因+多基因6个世代联合分离分析方法, 对不结球白菜SI×秋017组合的叶片重和叶柄重性状进行了分析。结果表明, SI×秋017组合的叶片重性状遗传受1对负向完全显性主基因+加性-显性多基因(D-4)控制, 主基因加性效应为1.8991, 显性效应为-1.8991; 多基因加性效应为-1.2934, 显性效应为1.7933; 势能比值为-1.3865, 显性度为-1.0000; B1、B2和F2世代群体叶片重的主基因遗传率分别为6.98%、4.33% 和36.08%; B1、B2和F2世代群体叶片重的多基因遗传率为16.03%、7.39%和23.96%。叶柄重的遗传受1对加性主基因+加性-显性多基因(D-2)控制, 主基因加性效应为-1.1457, 显性效应为0; 多基因加性效应为1.3472, 多基因显性效应为2.5788; 势能比值为1.9142, 显性度为0。B1、B2和F2世代群体叶柄重的主基因遗传率分别为31.72%、5.27%和57.94%。B1、B2和F2世代群体叶柄重的多基因遗传率分别为0.42%、4.59%和4.80%。对SI×秋017组合叶片重性状的改良要在晚代选择; 对叶柄重的改良要以主基因为主, 可在早代选择。  相似文献   

采用NCII设计研究显性核不育基因在40个杂种F1代的遗传效应。结果表明,显性核不育基因对F1代形态性状影响不大,而对产量、产量性状及品质性状的影响较大。F1形态性状主要表现加性效应,且不育株和可育株趋势一致;可育株单株产量及大部分产量性状表现显性效应,百粒重、每小穗粒数表现加性效应,而不育株这些性状的加、显性效应起作用。F1两种育性植株蛋白质含量的遗传以加性效应为主、蛋白质产量以显性效应为主,籽粒饱满度则是可育株以加性效应为主,不育株以显性效应为主。显性核不育基因在F1代有明显的母性效应,且在这种基因的细胞质基础上核质互作也很重要。  相似文献   

籼稻糙米厚度的发育遗传研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
樊龙江  石春海  吴建国  朱军  吴平 《遗传学报》2000,27(10):870-877
应用包括3套遗传体系基因效应的数量性状发育遗传模型,分析了12个籼稻亲本在4个不同稻米发育时期的糙米厚性状。结果表明,三倍体胚乳、二倍体母体植株基因的加性和显性效应以及细胞质效应均可以明显影响各个稻米发育时期的糙米厚度,其中灌浆始期以二倍体母体植株效应为主,灌浆中后期以三倍体胚乳效应为主,成熟期则以细胞质效应为主。在4个不同发育时期中,控制糙米厚的基因加性效应和显性效应交替为主。胚乳显性方差和母体  相似文献   

黄瓜霜霉病抗性遗传分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过2个抗感杂交组合,采用多世代联合的分离分析方法研究了黄瓜霜霉病抗性的遗传机制.结果显示,2个组合的最适遗传模型分别是2对加性-显性-上位性主基因 加性-显性-上位性多基因模型和2对等加性主基因 加性-显性多基因模型.组合I最优模型的主基因遗传率是56.84%~87.16%,多基因遗传率是0~34.93%;2个主基因的加性效应均为-15.191,加性效应较强,显性效应较弱,它们之间的加性与加性和加性与显性上位性效应较强.组合Ⅱ最优模型的主基因和多基因遗传率分别为48.92%和42.11%;2个主基因的加性效应皆为-13.505,显性效性均为0,它们之间不存在互作效应.结果表明,黄瓜霜霉病抗性,以加性效应为主,主基因遗传力较高,但是微效多基因效应也占相当的比重,所以,在霜霉病抗性育种中,要重视主基因,同时兼顾多基因效应.  相似文献   

短季棉早熟不早衰生化性状的遗传分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
用5个早熟不早衰的短季棉品种和5个早衰的短季棉品种进行双列杂交,并对亲本、F1和F2代于2001年和2002年田间试验研究与短季棉早熟不早衰有关的抗氧化系统保护酶(SOD、POD和CAT)、叶绿素及激素(生长素和脱落酸)的遗传特性。结果表明:抗氧化系统保护酶CAT、POD和SOD存在着不同的遗传特性,CAT酶以加性上位性效应为主,其次为显性效应;POD酶以加性效应为主,其次为加性上位性效应;SOD酶活以显性效应为主,其次为加性上位性效应;IAA以显性效应为主,其次为加性效应;ABA以加性效应为主,其次为显性效应。且这些生化性状的遗传率较高,在后代能稳定遗传;同时棉株在不同发育时期体内生化性状表达不同,在花铃期CAT、POD和SOD酶以显性效应为主,其次为加性上位性效应,加性效应表达量很小;棉株体内生化性状的表达也是相互联系、相互制约,CAT酶与POD酶存在着遗传和表型负相关,与SOD酶存在着遗传和表型正相关;POD酶与SOD酶存在着遗传和表型负相关;抗氧化系统保护酶与激素之间存在着复杂的遗传关系。因此,研究生化性状的遗传特性和表达特征,为选育短季棉早熟不早衰新品种和生化性状的QTLs定位提供理论依据。  相似文献   

苗永美  隋益虎  简兴 《广西植物》2015,35(5):704-708
为了解黄瓜雄花花器的遗传特性,该研究以雄花器官较小的华南型黄瓜二早子为母本,花器较大的加工型黄瓜NC-76为父本,构建4世代遗传群体,并采用多世代联合分离分析方法,分析黄瓜雄花花器性状的遗传特性。结果表明:分离群体的雄花花梗和花冠长2个性状均表现为单峰分布,表明两性状为数量性状且有主基因控制;花梗长性状符合2对完全显性主基因+加性-显性多基因(E-5)模型,花冠长性状符合2对加性-显性-上位性主基因+加性-显性-上位性多基因(E-1)模型;控制花梗长性状的两对主基因的加性效应相等,为0.573,多基因的加性效应和显性效应值相差不大,且均为负向;控制花冠长度性状的2对主基因的加性效应均为0,显性效应分别为-0.226和-0.472,在上位性作用中以加性×加性和显性×显性互作为主,多基因以显性效应为主,正向显性效应值为0.613,大于负向的加性效应值。花梗和花冠长度两个性状在F2群体中主基因遗传率分别为61.04%和69.60%,多基因遗传率均为0。由此看出黄瓜雄花花器性状为数量遗传,遗传率相对较高。该研究结果显示在黄瓜杂交育种中对花器大小选择可以在较早世代选择。  相似文献   

红麻株高与茎粗性状的动态发育遗传分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
红麻株高、茎粗是两个最重要的动态发育的经济性状.发育遗传学已探明生物个体的不同发育阶段基因是按一定的时空秩序有选择地表达的.采用数量性状的加性显性遗传模型和发育遗传模型,分析了红麻株高与茎粗在不同生长发育时期的遗传规律,即估算了株高与茎粗在某一生长发育时间(0→t)或某一特定生长发育时间段(t-1→t)的遗传效应.结果表明,株高在不同生长发育时期的非条件、条件遗传效应两者基本一致,均以显性效应为主,加性效应较弱,但条件遗传效应的分析与实际更为相符;茎粗的非条件、条件遗传效应表现一致,各个生长发育时期均未检测到加性效应,而显性效应均达显著、极显著水平;在各个不同生长发育时期中,株高与茎粗均在7月28日~8月9日(旺长期)、9月2~14日(纤维累积期)之间基因表达较活跃.株高与茎粗相关分析表明,两者在各个生长发育阶段均不存在加性相关,但8月21日之后的各期株高与茎粗之间均为显著或极著显正相关,该时期后进行相关选择比较有效.  相似文献   

不同环境下籼稻糙米重的发育遗传研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
采用包括遗传主效应和基因型与环境互作效应的数量性状发育遗传模型和统计分析方法 ,分析了籼稻(OryzasativaL .)稻米 4个发育时期糙米重的两年资料。结果表明 ,除了三倍体胚乳和二倍体母体植株基因的加性和显性主效应以及细胞质主效应可以控制不同稻米发育时期的糙米重量外 ,基因型与环境互作效应也可明显影响不同发育时期糙米重量。基因加性主效应和加性×环境互作效应在整个稻米灌浆过程中起着主要作用 ,对糙米重的选择可以取得良好的改良效果。条件方差分量分析结果表明 ,胚乳和母体植株中控制糙米重表现的基因在多数稻米发育时期均有新的表达 ,且以稻米发育早期为主 ,开花后第 1~ 7天是控制糙米重的基因表达最为活跃的时期 ,其次为开花后第 8~ 14天。一些基因只在个别发育时期间断表达 ,这在净细胞质主效应和净细胞质×环境互作效应以及净显性主效应上表现得尤为明显。稻米不同发育时期的遗传效应预测值表明 ,V2 0和作 5等亲本可以明显提高后代的糙米重量。  相似文献   

大豆籽粒大小的发育遗传分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
籽粒大小是大豆产量的一个重要因素。有关大豆籽粒的遗传学和生理生态学研究已有一些研究,而对于籽粒发育过程中的遗传效应却报道很少。文章采用种子广义遗传模型,分析了大豆双列杂交组合3个世代遗传材料8个时期的鲜籽粒大小和干籽粒大小的数据,应用非条件和条件遗传方差及相关方法分析了发育遗传规律。8个时期的亲本、F1、F2的鲜籽粒大小和干籽粒大小的平均数分别在9/6和9/13达到最高值,鲜籽粒大小在9/6后迅速下降,干籽粒大小在9/13后区于稳定。非条件方差分析表明在整个生育期中,胚遗传效应、细胞质遗传效应和母体植株遗传效应对大豆鲜籽粒大小和干籽粒大小有影响。在多数生育阶段中,细胞质和母体植株的遗传效应对鲜籽粒大小和干籽粒大小影响较大。条件方差分析表明,在大豆生育期中,各遗传体系的基因间断性表达。在多数生育阶段中,细胞质和母体植株的净遗传效应高于胚净遗传效应。不同时期的各遗传体系的基因效应可以单独或同时影响鲜籽粒大小和干籽粒大小的最终表现。8/16的胚加性效应、8/9和8/16的胚显性效应、8/2和8/16的母体植株显性效应影响到鲜籽粒大小的最终表现。8/2和9/13的胚加性效应、8/9的细胞质效应、8/2的母体植株显性效应对干籽粒大小的最终表现有影响。  相似文献   

水稻对受体植物化感作用的遗传生态学研究   总被引:19,自引:8,他引:11  
选用化感作用潜力差异较大的 5个水稻品种 (系 ) ,按不完全双列杂交设计 (4× 5 )配制成一套包括亲本、F1两个世代的遗传材料 ,在不同环境条件下 ,测定其不同叶龄时期对受体植物莴苣幼苗茎长的抑制作用 .采用包括基因型与环境互作的数量性状加性 显性发育遗传模型 ,分析了水稻化感作用的动态遗传及与环境互作效应 .结果表明 ,水稻叶龄在 7叶期对莴苣茎长的化感作用受加性效应的影响 ,在 3叶期和 6叶期由显性效应控制 ,在 5叶期和 8叶期加性和显性效应均有作用 ,以显性效应为主 ,呈现间断表达的遗传特点 .普通狭义遗传率在 5叶期、7叶期和 8叶期达显著水平 ,随叶龄增大趋于下降 .水稻化感作用受基因型与环境互作效应的影响较大 ,应注意控制水稻生长发育的环境 ,以达到最佳利用水稻化感作用潜力的目的 .  相似文献   

Summary A random sample of haploids, derived from 28 parental introductions from Solarium tuberosum Gp. Andigena, was used to estimate the quantitative genetic variation for six traits within this group. The six traits analyzed on a plot mean basis were: total tuber weight, fresh vine weight, total fresh weight (tuber+vine), dry vine weight, total dry matter (tuber+vine) and specific gravity. Progenies were obtained following the North Carolina mating Design I and were evaluated along with the female parental clones at two locations. Components of variance and narrow sense heritabilities were calculated by two methods: Design I and female parent-offspring regression. Heritability estimates calculated by the two procedures were in close agreement for most traits. The estimates for total tuber weight from the Design I procedure were twice that from parent offspring regression. The genetic coefficient of variation for these traits indicated a large amount of total genetic variance in this population. Genetic variability for total tuber weight was mostly additive, while both additive and dominant genetic variances were equally important for the remaining traits.  相似文献   

Soil waterlogging is one of the major abiotic stresses adversely affecting maize growth and yield. To identify dynamic expression of genes or quantitative trait loci (QTL), QTL associated with plant height, root length, root dry weight, shoot dry weight and total dry weight were identified via conditional analysis in a mixed linear model and inclusive composite interval mapping method at three respective periods under waterlogging and control conditions. A total of 13, 19 and 23 QTL were detected at stages 3D|0D (the period during 0–3 d of waterlogging), 6D|3D and 9D|6D, respectively. The effects of each QTL were moderate and distributed over nine chromosomes, singly explaining 4.14–18.88% of the phenotypic variation. Six QTL (ph6-1, rl1-2, sdw4-1, sdw7-1, tdw4-1 and tdw7-1) were identified at two consistent stages of seedling development, which could reflect a continuous expression of genes; the remaining QTL were detected at only one stage. Thus, expression of most QTL was influenced by the developmental status. In order to provide additional evidence regarding the role of corresponding genes in waterlogging tolerance, mapping of Expressed Sequence Tags markers and microRNAs were conducted. Seven candidate genes were observed to co-localize with the identified QTL on chromosomes 1, 4, 6, 7 and 9, and may be important candidate genes for waterlogging tolerance. These results are a good starting point for understanding the genetic basis for selectively expressing of QTL in different stress periods and the common genetic control mechanism of the co-localized traits.  相似文献   

The rise in soil salinity level tended to decrease shoot dry weight, and, grain yield per plant and, to some extent, weight of I grain. This effect was usually more pronounced in the presence of CCC. On the other hand, the shoot dry weight was increased by CCC in salinity absence but the reverse at 0.8 % salinization degree. The grain yield per plant was raised by CCC in the presence or absence of salinity, particularly in the latter case. The dry matter accumulation in the shoot system (at earing stage) rather than grain yield tended to be much more affected, whether regarding the negative response to salinity or the positive one to CCC.  相似文献   

To obtain crops tolerant to aluminum (Al) toxicity in acid soils, several methods have been used to screen different plant species and genotypes to this production constraint. Little is known about the effect of the method on genetic analyses and breeding method suggested. Three genetic studies were conducted to examine evaluation method on inheritance and gene action of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] to Al toxicity as measured by seedling dry matter production.Results of acid soil and solution culture studies indicated that tolerance to Al toxicity was inherited as a dominant character. Narrow-sense heritability estimates in the greenhouse acid-soil study were low for shoot and root dry matter production. Six of the same hybrids tested in solution culture produced high additive-genetic variance and had narrow-sense heritability estimates of 72% for shoot and 65% for root DM yields. Griffing's diallel analysis showed that seven of nine restorer lines had substantially higher specific than general combining ability variances for both root and shoot dry matter yields.Inconsistencies between the acid soil and solution culture techniques showed that different genetic responses to the treatments were being measured. The solution culture study indicated to the plant breeder that genes conditioning Al tolerance could be incorporated into pure lines while the greenhouse acid-soil study would predict that this would not be possible. The diallel study of plants grown in solution culture showed that developing both Al-tolerant varieties and hybrids would be possible depending upon Al-tolerant germplasm used. Acid-soil field studies of actual genetic gain for Al to lerance are needed.  相似文献   

A field study tested the hypothesis that modern wheat varieties invest a lesser proportion of the total dry matter (root plus shoot) in the root system compared to old varieties. The study was carried out on a duplex soil (sand over clay) at Merredin, Western Australia in a Mediterranean type environment. We also compared the root:shoot dry matter ratios of near-isogenic lines for Rht dwarfing genes.Root:shoot ratios decreased with crop growth stage and were closely related to the developmental pattern of a variety. All varieties appeared to accumulate more dry matter into shoots after the terminal spikelet stage. For the modern variety Kulin this occurred as early as 55 days after sowing (DAS), but did not occur until 90 DAS in the old variety Purple Straw. For all varieties, root dry matter reached its maximum at anthesis, while shoot dry matter continued to increase till maturity. At anthesis there were no significant differences in shoot dry matter between varieties, but from Purple Straw to Kulin root dry matter and thus root:shoot ratio decreased.The tall and dwarf isogenic lines had similar developmental and root:shoot dry matter accumulation patterns.At anthesis, the old variety Purple Straw had significantly higher root dry matter and root length density in the top 40-cm of the profile than modern variety Kulin. There were no varietal differences in rooting depth, water extraction or water use. At maturity about 30% of the total dry matter was invested in the roots among wheat varieties. Grain yield, harvest index (HI) and water use efficiency of grain (WUEgr) increased from old to modern varieties.The reduced investment of dry matter in the root system and thus the lower root:shoot ratio from early in the growing season may partly explain the increased HI and WUEgr of modern compared to old varieties.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that the positive response of transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) to nursery fertiliser application was due to increased seedling vigour or possibly to increased nutrient content. This paper presents results of two glasshouse experiments designed to test the hypothesis that seedling vigour was responsible for the response of transplanted seedlings to nursery treatments. The aim of the present study was to explore the concept of seedling vigour of transplanted rice and to determine what plant attributes conferred vigour on the seedlings. Seedling vigour treatments were established by subjecting seedlings to short-term submergence (0, 1 and 2 days/week) in one experiment and to leaf clipping or root pruning and water stress in another to determine their effect on plant growth after transplanting. Submerging seedlings increased plant height but depressed shoot and root dry matter and root:shoot ratio of the seedling at 28 days after sowing. After transplanting these seedlings, prior submergence depressed shoot dry matter at 40 days. Nursery nutrient application increased plant height, increased root and shoot dry matter, but generally decreased root:shoot ratio. Pruning up to 60% of the roots at transplanting decreased shoot and root dry matter, P concentration in leaves at panicle initiation (PI) and straw dry matter and grain yield at maturity. By contrast, pruning 30% of leaves depressed shoot and root dry matter by 30% at PI, and root dry matter and straw and grain yield by 20% at maturity. The combined effects of leaf clipping and root pruning on shoot, root and straw dry matter were largely additive. It is concluded that the response of rice yield to nursery treatments is largely due to increased seedling vigour and can be effected by a range of nutritional as well as non-nutritional treatments of seedlings that increase seedling dry matter, nutrient content, and nutrient concentration. Impairment of leaf growth and to a lesser extent root growth in the nursery depressed seedling vigour after transplanting. However, rather than increasing stress tolerance, seedling vigour was more beneficial when post transplant growth was not limited by nutrient or water stresses.  相似文献   

褐飞虱和白背飞虱的取食为害对水稻营养生长的影响   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
对塑料钵栽培的水稻进行罩宠试验,研究了褐飞虱和白背飞虱在不同若虫密度下取食为害对水稻营养生长的影响.结果表明,两种飞虱的成虫干重、水稻叶面积和其地上部干重因若虫密度的增加而下降.叶片干重占地上部干重的比例和稻株分配给叶片干物质量随为害程度的加重而增大;褐飞虱和白背飞虱总干重(X)与稻株地上部损失量(Y)之间存在着极显著的线性关系.两种飞虱干重每增加1mg,水稻地上部干重则分别损失26.01mg和21.90mg.讨论了稻飞虱取食为害对水稻致害的可能机制.  相似文献   

The effect of root-pruning on shoot growth was investigated in winter wheat growing in lysimeters. Removal of half of the root axes at the beginning of stem elongation reduced shoot dry matter, determined 1 month after pruning, by 13% and grain yield by 8%. Removal of either the seminal or nodal root system during tillering reduced shoot dry weight, measured during the growing season, by 7% and grain yield by 25%. Root-pruning had negligible, or only transient, effects on the concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and manganese in the shoots. The harvest index was not affected by root-pruning.  相似文献   

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