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草履虫培养方法的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
草履虫(Paramoecium caudatum)是原生动物门纤毛纲的代表动物,是动物学教学最常用的实验材料之一。传统培养草履虫的方法是用稻草液培养,近年来又有采用玉米粒、玉米雄芯、小麦粒、荷叶、动物组织、蚕黄、葡萄糖、奶粉、干酵母等材料制成培养液进行培养的报道。但究竟哪种方法效果较好,缺乏客观的比较与评价,由此特进行了本试验,旨在筛选较好的培养方法,为有效地培养教学实验动物提供科学依据。  相似文献   

一种培养草履虫的新方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
汪安泰 《生物学通报》1996,31(10):40-40
一种培养草履虫的新方法目前,稻草虽是培养草履虫普遍使用的一种材料,由于稻草受农药污染日趋严重,一般简便的稻草场培养方法,往往不能高速繁殖草履虫,达不到理想的种群。数年来我反复实验发现,以菹草(Potamogetoncrispus)和玉米粉配制的培养液...  相似文献   

常用培养草履虫接合方法,是将草履虫生长旺盛的培养液离心,除去培养液,加自来水稀释,放过夜,次日上午可见接合。但用此法培养接合率低、杂质多。本人根据遗传学原理结合草履虫生活史特点进行改进。现介绍如下。培养液的制备取优质的早稻草10克,洗净切成2.5厘米长的小段,放入1000毫升水中煮沸20分钟,除去稻草,放3天,用NaOH溶液调正pH7.4左右。实验方法 1在解剖镜下,用呼管吸取已接合的草履虫12对,分别放在双凹玻片的2个凹孔内,在24-28℃下培养,每隔半小时观察1次,约1-2小时后可见  相似文献   

将第一年分离和培养好的草履虫培养液,在上完实验课后,不要倒掉,在装有草履虫培养液的烧杯口上盖上清洁的新闻纸,扎好杯口。由于新闻纸透气又较易吸湿,所以,杯内的培养液透过纸在1年内可全部蒸发掉,只剩下干稻草。而在稻草上含有草履虫的包囊。到第二年做实验前3~5天,将含有包囊的干稻草烧杯内注入凉开水或蒸馏水,浸泡杯中干稻草约40分钟后,再搅拌  相似文献   

重金属镉抗性菌株的筛选及其对镉活化作用的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
夏娟娟  盛下放  江春玉 《生态学杂志》2005,24(11):1357-1360
通过在培养基中加入一定浓度的Cd2+,从土壤中分离筛选出2株具有较强镉抗性及产酸能力的细菌JL-4和JC-9。经初步鉴定,JL-4和JC-9分别属于芽孢杆菌属(Bacillussp.)和黄单胞菌属(Xan-thomonassp.)。将菌株JL-4和JC-9接种到添加不溶性镉(100 mg.L-1)的培养液中28℃培养48 h,接菌处理比不接菌对照培养液中有效镉含量分别增加1 392.3%和1 410.8%,培养液pH分别降低了2.87和3.18。将JL-4和JC-9分别接入含不同浓度重金属镉(100、200 mg.kg-1)的土壤中28℃培养20 d,接菌处理比不接菌对照土壤中有效镉含量分别增加17.02%~100%(JL 4)和36.17%~61.80%(JC-9)。菌株JL-4和JC-9的最适生长温度均为28℃,最适pH值分别为7和8。除对镉具有抗性外,两菌株对重金属铅、铜、镍、锌也具有一定抗性。  相似文献   

将草履虫培养在罐头瓶或奶粉瓶等广口容器中。罐头瓶每天滴牛奶1滴;奶粉瓶每天滴牛奶2—3滴。如果没有牛奶,用豆浆也行。将容器放在温度适宜的地方,草履虫就可以长期生活和繁殖下去,随用随取,十分方便。培养液取用后,可以加注清水补足。加水时也滴入  相似文献   

取陈旧稻草垫子的稻草,剪成0.5—1寸长,放在150毫升的小烧瓶内,加5克葡萄糖,再放100毫升凉开水(经煮沸10—15分钟后晾凉的),用纱布盖好,放在恒温箱内培养,在23℃左右,经5—7天就可培养出草履虫。此时将表面白膜移开,用肉眼即可观察到草履虫的白色小点。培养液中加葡萄糖的作用是使培养液中增加营养,有利于细菌和其他微生物的繁殖,为草履虫提供了充足的饵料。同样道理,在培养液中加入维生素,草履虫会生长得更好、更大。  相似文献   

尖顶羊肚菌液体培养基质与条件的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对尖顶羊肚菌液体培养基质与条件的研究,明确其菌丝生长的最适pH值、最适温度、适宜光照条件、适宜葡萄糖和蛋白胨浓度、适宜培养基,以便应用于尖顶羊肚菌液体菌种的生产和工业发酵。结果表明:菌丝的最适生长温度为2 5℃;最适生长pH值为6 ;葡萄糖和蛋白胨最适浓度分别为2 0 0g/L和10g/L ;菌丝在黑暗环境下生长良好,光照对菌丝生长具有抑制作用;用胡萝卜酵母膏培养基振荡培养形成的菌丝球多,菌丝生长量大;菌丝球在不同培养基中生长,可引起培养液pH值的上升或者下降;菌丝球可利用培养基内的氨基酸,使氨基酸降解,在胡萝卜酵母膏培养基中振荡培养8d的菌液总氨基酸含量较原液减少了36 71% ,亮氨酸、异亮氨酸和甲硫氨酸含量的下降幅度最大  相似文献   

草履虫活体观察——体积定量法的进一步完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尾草履虫Paramecium caudatun,属于原生动物纤毛纲,一直是动物学实验中不可缺少的实验材料.由于虫体游动快速,给活体观察实验带来了困难.近年来有一些关于草履虫观察方法的报导(黄丽清,2000;龚军辉,2003;吴美仙,2003;马惠钦等,2006;杨丽红,魏开,2007),但是这些方法仍具有一定的局限性.本研究室在前人工作的基础上,总结并报告了活体观察草履虫的一套方法,包括体积定量法、矿物油封闭法和脱纤毛法(杨仙玉等,2008).体积定量法中,使用了22×22 mm2规格的盖玻片,观察效果良好.但是利用体积定量法对草履虫进行观察时,使用不同规格的盖玻片所需草履虫培养液的体积不同.本文针对4种规格的盖玻片,对所需最适草履虫培养液的体积进行了研究,扩充了体积定量法,为观察活体草履虫带来了更大的方便.  相似文献   

不同环境条件对白灵侧耳菌丝生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对白灵侧耳(Pleurotus nebrodensis)菌丝生长适宜的温度、培养料含水量、pH值进行了研究。结果表明,白灵侧耳菌丝生长的适宜温度范围为22~28℃,最适温度28℃;培养料适宜绝对含水量65%~75%,最适绝对含水量75%;适宜pH值为5.02~7.24,最适pH值5.79。  相似文献   

以玉米秸秆为原料,以麸皮和异Vc钠生产废液(WEP)为辅料进行生物蛋白饲料固态发酵研究.通过菌种配伍试验,确定了混菌发酵菌种为白地霉、产朊假丝酵母和枯草芽孢杆菌.在此基础上通过单因素优化试验确定了秸秆蛋白饲料的最优发酵条件:以玉米秸秆(5 g)和麸皮(1 g)为基料,4%WEP营养液,固液比1:4(g/mL),初始pH值4.5;以麸皮浸汁作种子培养液,种龄24 h,各菌接种比例为产朊假丝酵母∶白地霉∶枯草芽孢杆菌=3:1:1,接种量2 mL;28℃、静置发酵2 d,在此条件下,秸秆饲料中真蛋白含量为6.21%,比对照提高了23.95%.该研究为秸秆和异Vc钠生产废液的高质化利用提供了新的思路和途径.  相似文献   

酵母发酵玉米秸秆水解液产麦角甾醇应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋公明  刘娇  薛冬桦 《微生物学通报》2008,35(12):1862-1867
生物质是一种可再生资源,生物质发酵可产生高端化工产品.本文主要探讨蒸汽爆破处理玉米秸秆及水解可发酵单糖,考察酵母发酵玉米秸秆糖化液产麦角甾醇的应用研究.实验结果表明:当固液比10%,盐酸浓度1.5%,90℃水解反应3 h,还原糖含量达到53.3%,纤维素转化率79%.发酵工艺参数为玉米秸秆糖化液6.0°Bx,玉米浆4%,pH 7.5,接种量10%,28℃摇床振荡培养32 h,细胞生物量达8.5 g/L,麦角甾醇含量可达2.35%.同时对玉米秸秆发酵产麦角甾醇晶体进行结构表征.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic nematode production in liquid fermentation still requires improvements to maximize efficiency, yield, and nematode quality. Therefore, this study was aimed at developing a more suitable liquid medium for mass production of Steinernema feltiae, by assessing the effects of nutrient concentration, thickeners (primarily agar), and agitation speed on infective juvenile (IJ) yield. Base medium (BM) contained yeast extract (2.3%), egg yolk (1.25%), NaCl (0.5%), and corn oil (4%). All media were inoculated with Xenorhabdus bovienii, and 2 d later, with 2-d-old S. feltiae juveniles. For the nutrient concentration experiment, we evaluated the base medium versus a modified base medium containing all the components, but with 3× concentrations of yeast extract (6.9%), egg yolk (3.75%), and corn oil (12%). The nematodes and bacteria were cultured in 150-ml Erlenmeyer flasks containing 50 ml of liquid medium at (25°C) and 180 rpm on a rotary shaker incubator. To assess the effect of thickeners, IJs were inoculated in BM with agar (0.2%), carrageen (0.2%), and carboxymethyl cellulose (0.2% and 0.5%). The addition of 3× more nutrients relative to the BM resulted in a significantly lower yield of nematodes. For agar and agitation speed experiments, five levels of agar in the BM (0%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, and 0.8% agar) and two agitation speeds (180 and 280 rpm) were evaluated for production. Increasing agitation speed from 180 to 280 rpm and higher levels of agar in the medium (> 0.2%) significantly increased the yield of bacteria. At the lower agitation speed, media amended with 0.4% and 0.6% agar produced higher nematode yields compared to media without agar. Media with 0.2% and 0.8% agar resulted in intermediate levels of nematode production. At the higher agitation speed, media supplemented with 0.8% agar resulted in the lowest yield of nematodes when compared to the other media tested. Results indicated that increasing nutrient concentration levels was detrimental to nematode production. Also, media containing agar (0.4% and 0.6%) increased nematode yields when cultures were grown at low agitation speed. When IJs were used as the inoculum, 0.2% agar also enhanced recovery and nematode yield at the higher agitation speed.  相似文献   

为了筛选具有高效分解玉米秸秆纤维素能力的菌株,采集玉米秸秆还田土样作为样品,并于20℃条件下进行富集培养。利用以玉米秸秆纤维素为唯一碳源的固体分离培养基和刚果红染色法进行初筛,再将筛选到的菌株进行液体发酵培养并取上清液测定酶活,最终获得1株产纤维素酶能力较强的真菌SY-403。结合形态学特征与分子生物学鉴定结果得知,菌株SY-403为蓝状菌属(Talaromyces stollii)。对其所产纤维素酶酶学性质进行初步研究,结果表明,该酶最适反应pH为6.0,最适反应温度为20℃。在模拟室外条件(15℃)下进行秸秆降解试验,玉米秸秆经菌株SY-403处理40 d时,秸秆失重率及纤维素分解率分别达到42.67%、55.26%。利用傅里叶变换红外(Fourier transform infrared,FTIR)光谱技术对降解过程中官能团的变化进行分析,结果表明,纤维素相关谱峰(1 052~1 054 cm-1)相对强度减弱,而羟基相关谱峰(1 328~1 330 cm-1)相对强度增强,这说明纤维素已被分解为可利用的短链结构,即菌株SY-403可用于降解玉米秸秆。  相似文献   

Several isolates of Candida albicans were tested for production of chlamydoconidia and metabolic changes when grown on several different solid and liquid media. A liquid medium, consisting solely of sterilized skimmed milk and a solid medium containing processed cheese stimulated more rapid and greater production of chlamydoconidia than the corn meal agar and the other media tested.  相似文献   

The responses of dairy cows to the substitution of beet pulp (BP) for grain or forage are not consistent, and heat stress may affect the response of dairy cows to this substitution. The effects of substituted BP for corn silage and barley grain on feed intake, performance, and ruminal parameters were evaluated using eight multiparous Holstein cows in a duplicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with 21-day periods. Cows were in mid-lactation (45.4 ± 3.6 kg/day milk production and 116 ± 10 days in milk) with an average BW of 664 ± 41.2 kg. Dietary treatments were as follows: 1) 0% BP (0BP, control, 38.5% barley grain, and 20.3% corn silage); 2) 12% BP (12BP, 32.5% barley grain, and 14.3% corn silage); 3) 18% BP (18BP, 29.5% barley grain, and 11.3% corn silage); and 4) 24% BP (24BP, 26.5% barley grain, and 8.3% corn silage). Cows were under mild heat stress and the average temperature–humidity index was 70.5; increasing BP caused a linear decrease in respiration rate (P < 0.01). Higher BP in the diet caused a linear increase in DM intake (P = 0.01) and NDF digestibility (P = 0.03). Dry and organic matter (OM) digestibilities tended to increase linearly with higher BP (P < 0.10). Milk yield, energy-corrected milk, protein, lactose, and fat production and content were not affected by the treatments. Increasing BP in the diet caused a linear decrease in feed efficiency and rumen ammonia (P < 0.05) and a tendency to a linear decrease in milk urea nitrogen (P < 0.10). Rumen pH and acetate to propionate ratio were not affected by the replacement. Total volatile fatty acid concentration in the rumen increased linearly with increasing the BP inclusion (P = 0.04). Acetate and butyrate (P = 0.07) proportion tended to increase, whereas propionate (P = 0.06) and isovalerate (P = 0.08) proportion tended to decrease linearly as BP was substituted for corn silage and barley grain. The results indicated that under mild heat stress condition, BP can be successfully substituted for barley grain and corn silage up to 24% of the diet without any negative effect on production and ruminal pH.  相似文献   

Summary Growth ofLactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.bulgaricus, grown at a constant pH (5.7) in papain-or pepsin-treated whey was superior to that in whey or whey permeate, but inferior to growth in milk; it was not significantly different from that found in a 1:1 whey: milk medium. When 2% sodium citrate was added to the fermented medium, the cell recovery levels (59–75%) upon centrifugation were not significantly different in papain-treated media compared to untreated substrates. Cultures obtained from papain-treated milk or whey showed similar mortality levels following freeze-drying (99%) to those grown on untreated milk or whey. Addition of Tween 80 to the growth medium improved survival rate by a factor of ten.  相似文献   

生物炭具有良好的理化特性(富碳、呈碱性、孔隙丰富),能够有效调节其所在系统的理化性质.通过室内培养试验研究了玉米秸秆生物炭对玉米秸秆腐熟进程以及腐熟产物的理化性质、养分含量和CO2气体排放的影响.试验设置4个处理:对照(CK);生物炭添加量5%(B1,生物炭干基质量占玉米秸秆腐熟体系的干基质量分数);生物炭添加量10%(B2);生物炭添加量20%(B3).结果表明: 生物炭能够提高秸秆腐熟体系的升温速率和温度峰值,加快秸秆腐熟进程;生物炭能够提高秸秆腐熟过程中微生物活跃时期的pH值,提高秸秆腐熟体系的电导率(EC),为微生物降解有机物提供更适宜的环境;生物炭能够促进秸秆腐熟体系有机质的降解,增加秸秆腐熟体系的总养分含量,提高秸秆腐熟产物的品质.另外,随着生物炭添加量的提高,氮(N)含量没有显著变化,磷(P2O5)含量和钾(K2O)含量都显著提高.其中,B3处理的P2O5和K2O含量较CK分别提高了0.2%和0.9%.生物炭添加能够提高秸秆腐熟体系CO2的排放通量,且CO2排放通量与温度的变化趋势一致,进一步说明生物炭能够提高微生物降解有机物的强度.  相似文献   

生物炭具有良好的理化特性(富碳、呈碱性、孔隙丰富),能够有效调节其所在系统的理化性质.通过室内培养试验研究了玉米秸秆生物炭对玉米秸秆腐熟进程以及腐熟产物的理化性质、养分含量和CO2气体排放的影响.试验设置4个处理:对照(CK);生物炭添加量5%(B1,生物炭干基质量占玉米秸秆腐熟体系的干基质量分数);生物炭添加量10%(B2);生物炭添加量20%(B3).结果表明: 生物炭能够提高秸秆腐熟体系的升温速率和温度峰值,加快秸秆腐熟进程;生物炭能够提高秸秆腐熟过程中微生物活跃时期的pH值,提高秸秆腐熟体系的电导率(EC),为微生物降解有机物提供更适宜的环境;生物炭能够促进秸秆腐熟体系有机质的降解,增加秸秆腐熟体系的总养分含量,提高秸秆腐熟产物的品质.另外,随着生物炭添加量的提高,氮(N)含量没有显著变化,磷(P2O5)含量和钾(K2O)含量都显著提高.其中,B3处理的P2O5和K2O含量较CK分别提高了0.2%和0.9%.生物炭添加能够提高秸秆腐熟体系CO2的排放通量,且CO2排放通量与温度的变化趋势一致,进一步说明生物炭能够提高微生物降解有机物的强度.  相似文献   

Corn silage (CS) is associated with a reduction in milk fat content. The fact that CS is constituted of a grain and a forage fraction could explain this effect. This experiment evaluated the effect of grain fraction of CS on rumen fermentation, production performance and milk composition. Earless CS (ECS) was harvested after manually removing corn ears from the plant. Whole CS (WCS) was harvested from the same field on the same day. Eight (four ruminally fistulated) multiparous Holstein cows (84 days in milk) were utilized in a double 4 × 4 Latin square with 21-day periods. Treatments were (dry matter (DM) basis) (1) 23.0% WCS; (2) 12.4% ECS plus 10.6% high moisture corn (HMC) to obtain reconstituted CS (RCS); (3) 23.0% ECS; and (4) 23.0% timothy silage (TS). Diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous and were fed as total mixed ration once a day. DM intake (DMI), milk yield, 4.0% fat-corrected milk (FCM), as well as protein concentration and yield were higher for WCS than ECS. Compared with WCS, cows tended to eat less with RCS, and produced less milk and milk protein. However, yield of FCM was similar between WCS and RCS. Milk fat concentration and yield, as well as the specific ratio of t11 18:1 to t10 18:1 in milk fat did not differ among diets. Milk urea-N tended to be higher for ECS than WCS and TS, whereas ruminal NH3-N was higher with ECS than TS. Rumen pH decreased linearly with time after feeding but was not different between treatments. Higher acetate and lower propionate concentration resulted in greater acetate to propionate ratio with ECS compared with WCS. In conclusion, removing grain fraction from CS decreased milk production and modified rumen fermentation without affecting milk fat concentration and yield. Moreover, despite some differences in DMI and total ruminal volatile fatty acid concentration between WCS and RCS, the restoration of FCM yield, using HMC in RCS diets, to a level of production similar to WCS highlights the importance of energy and nutrients supplied by the grain fraction of CS to support milk yield.  相似文献   

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