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用生物素示踪法和P物质(SP)免疫组化技术研究表明:黄喉wu的高级发声中枢(HVc)接受端脑听区(L)、新纹状体中部界面核、新纹状体巨细胞核(MAN)、丘脑葡萄形核、桥脑蓝斑核的传入,并有神经纤维投射到古纹状体栎核(RA)和嗅叶X区(X);HVc壳投射到RA壳并接受L的传入。听觉控制与学习通路与发声中枢之间有许多神经联系,提示黄喉wu发声学习依赖于听觉反馈。在HVc、RA和MAN有SP阳性细胞体,在X、中脑背内侧核和延髓舌下神经核气管鸣管部、丘脑卵圆核壳区、中脑背外侧核壳区及中脑丘间核有SP阳性纤维和终末。SP广泛分布于发声-听觉中枢,可能参与了它们的活动。  相似文献   

用生物素示踪法和P物质 (SP)免疫组化技术研究表明 :黄喉的高级发声中枢 (HVc)接受端脑听区 (L)、新纹状体中部界面核、新纹状体巨细胞核 (MAN)、丘脑葡萄形核、桥脑蓝斑核的传入 ,并有神经纤维投射到古纹状体栎核 (RA)和嗅叶X区 (X) ;HVc壳投射到RA壳并接受L的传入。听觉控制与学习通路与发声中枢之间有许多神经联系 ,提示黄喉发声学习依赖于听觉反馈。在HVc、RA和MAN有SP阳性细胞体 ,在X、中脑背内侧核和延髓舌下神经核气管鸣管部、丘脑卵圆核壳区、中脑背外侧核壳区及中脑丘间核有SP阳性纤维和终末。SP广泛分布于发声 -听觉中枢 ,可能参与了它们的活动  相似文献   

用生物素示踪法和P物质(SP)免疫组化技术研究表明:黄喉Jiu的高级发声中枢(HVc) 接受端脑听区(L)、新纹状体中部界面核、新纹状体巨细胞核(MAN)、丘脑葡萄形核、桥脑蓝斑核的传入,并有神经纤维投射到古纹状体栎核(RA)和嗅叶X区(X);HVc壳投射到RA壳并接受L的传入。听觉控制与学习通路与发声中枢之间有许多神经联系,提示黄喉Jiu发声学习依赖于听觉反馈。在HVc、RA和MAN有SP阳性细胞体,在X、中脑背内侧核和延髓舌下神经核气管鸣管部、丘脑卵圆核壳区、中脑背我 核壳区及中脑丘间核有SP阳性纤维和终末。SP广泛分布于发声-听觉中枢,可能参与了它们的活动。  相似文献   

用免疫组织化学方法研究P物质在雌雄黄雀发声控制核团和听觉中枢内的分布,结合计算机图像分析仪检测SP免疫阳性细胞和末梢的灰度值,并作雌雄比较。结果如下:1.在发声学习中枢嗅叶X区有大量的SP阳性神经末梢和一些神经细胞。2.在发声控制核团前脑高级发声中枢(HVc)、古纹状体栎核、发声学习中枢新纹状体巨细胞核和丘脑背内侧核外侧部内有许多的SP免疫阳性细胞。3.在发声控制中枢中脑背内侧核和延髓舌下神经核气管鸣管部、听觉中枢丘脑卵圆核的壳区、中脑背外侧核壳区及中脑丘间核等有密集的SP免疫阳性神经末梢和纤维分布;雄性发声中枢内SP的分布比雌性丰富,两者有显著的差异。结果表明:SP的分布在雌雄发声中枢之间存在显著的性双态;SP广泛分布于黄雀发声控制核团和部分听觉中枢内,提示SP可能在发声控制及听觉中枢内具有重要的生理功能。  相似文献   

用免疫组织化学方法研究P物质在雌雄黄雀发声控制核团和听觉中枢内的分布,结合计算机图像分析仪检测SP免疫阳性细胞和末梢的灰度值,并作雌雄比较。结果如下:1.在发声学习中枢嗅叶X区有大量的SP阳性神经末梢和一些神经细胞。2.在发声控制核团前脑高级发声中枢(HVc)、古纹状体栎核、发声学习中枢新纹状体巨细胞核和丘脑背内侧核外侧部内有许多的SP免疫阳性细胞。3.在发声控制中枢中脑背内侧核和延髓舌下神经核气管呜管部、听觉中枢丘脑卵圆核的壳区、中脑背外侧核壳区及中脑丘间核等有密集的SP免疫阳性神经末梢和纤维分布;雄性发声中枢内SP的分布比雌性丰富,两者有显著的差异。结果表明:SP的分布在雌雄发声中枢之间存在显著的性双态;SP广泛分布于黄雀发声控制核团和部分听觉中枢内,提示SP可能在发声控制及听觉中枢内具有重要的生理功能。  相似文献   

用双向神经示踪剂生物素结合的葡聚糖胺和SP-免疫组织化学方法研究白腰文鸟发声学习中枢嗅叶X区的神经投射和P物质在发声中枢及相关核团内的分布。结果表明:X区接受发声与听觉整合中枢上纹状体腹侧尾核(HVC)以及中脑AVT的传入投射,由X区发出的神经纤维投射到丘脑外侧核内侧部(DLM)。在HVC、DLM、新纹状体前部巨细胞核和发声控制中枢古纹状极核内有许多的SP-免疫阳性神经细胞,在X区、中脑背内侧核和延髓舌下神经核等有大量的SP-免疫阳性神经纤维或终末等。提示P物质可能在发声中枢内起重要的生理作用。  相似文献   

用常规组织学,HRP 逆行示踪,电生理等方法确定了鸣禽锡嘴雀控制发声的神经核团及这些核团的定位坐标值。锡嘴雀控制发声的神经通路由四级神经核团组成。位于端脑上纹状体腹侧的尾部区域(HVc)是控制鸣禽发声的高位中枢,它发出的神经纤维投射到端脑原纹状体腹内侧的粗核(RA),由 RA 又发出两束纤维,分別投射到中脑丘间核(ICo)和延脑的中间核(IM)。左右侧发声控制神经通路并非严格单侧性,每侧气管鸣管肌群分別受双侧发声中枢的交叉控制。中脑 ICo 在控制发声行为中具有相对独立性。各级发声核团的定位坐标值为,HVc∶p1.3,L/R2.4,H0.8;RA∶1.4,L/R3.2,H6.0;ICo∶p0.3,L/R2.6,H8.5:IM∶P3.1,L/R1.0,H∶7.8。  相似文献   

用免疫组织化学方法研究脑啡肽(ENK)在极危物种朱(Nipponia nippon)脑内的分布,结合计算机图像分析仪检测免疫阳性细胞和末梢的灰度值。ENK阳性细胞、纤维和终末分布如下:发声核团有原纹状体中间区腹部、丘脑背内侧核外侧部、中脑丘间核、中脑背内侧核、延髓舌下神经核。听觉中枢有丘脑卵圆核壳区、中脑背外侧核壳区、脑桥外侧丘系腹核、上橄榄核、耳蜗核等。内分泌核团有视前区前核、旧纹状体增加部、下丘脑外侧核、下丘脑腹内侧核等。结果表明,朱脑内ENK可能对发声、听觉和下丘脑内分泌的生理活动有一定的调制作用。  相似文献   

采用辣根过氧化物酶顺、逆行标记方法对鸣禽鸟蜡嘴雀控制发声的神经核团、脑干听觉核团及神经通路,从外周至中枢逐级进行了追踪研究。结果表明:1.控制发声的神经核团及通路,前脑古纹状体腹内侧粗核是大脑控制发声的重要核团之一,它发出枕中脑后束经端脑前联合呈双侧支配延脑中间核,中间核又发出舌下神经经气管鸣管分支支配鸣肌,中间核同时也接受中脑背内侧核的支配,2.脑干听觉中枢及通路,中脑背外侧核是脑干较高级听觉中枢、初级中枢耳蜗核由角核和前庭外侧核组成,NA发出以对侧为主的纤维经外侧丘系可直接传入中脑背外侧核形成脑干听觉直接通路。  相似文献   

采用辣根过氧化物酶顺、逆行标记方法对鸣禽鸟蜡嘴雀控制发声的神经核团、脑干听觉核团及神经通路,从外周至中枢逐级进行了追踪研究。结果表明:1.控制发声的神经核团及通路,前脑古纹状体腹内侧粗核是大脑控制发声的重要核团之一,它发出枕中脑后束经端脑前联合呈双侧支配延脑中间核,中间核又发出舌下神经经气管鸣管分支支配鸣肌,中间核同时也接受中脑背内侧核的支配;2.脑干听觉中枢及通路,中脑背外侧核是脑干较高级听觉中  相似文献   

张信文  陈焱 《生理学报》1994,46(5):451-457
在乌拉坦麻醉的鸣禽燕雀(Fringillamontifringilla)上,观察电刺激上纹状体腹侧尾核(HVc)对发声和呼吸的影响,随后在HVc内注入CB-HRP溶液,研究HVc的中枢联系。结果如下:(1)电刺激HVc的不同区域都引起鸣叫反应。(2)长串电脉冲刺激HVc,产生明显的呼吸易化效应,表现为增频增幅的呼吸。(3)吸气期用短串电脉冲刺激HVc,产生吸气切断效应;刺激落位于呼气相,可使该呼气时程明显延长,以配合鸣叫,然后转变为增频增幅的呼吸。(4)CBHRP法表明,HVc投射到古纹状体粗核和嗅叶X区,HVc接受新纹状体前部大细胞核内侧部、新纹状体中部界面核、端脑听核-L区、丘脑葡萄形核及脑桥蓝斑核的传入投射。提示HVc除控制发声外,尚参与呼吸易化的调制。HVc对发声及呼吸的特异性影响,可能在鸣叫与呼吸的协调机制中起重要作用。  相似文献   

In zebra finches early auditory experience is critical for normal song development. Young males first listen to and memorize a suitable song model and then use auditory feedback from their own vocalizations to mimic that model. During these two phases of vocal learning, song-related brain regions exhibit large, hormone-induced changes in volume and neuron number. Overlap between these neural changes and auditory-based vocal learning suggests that processing and acquiring auditory input may influence cellular processes that determine neuron number in the song system. We addressed this hypothesis by measuring neuron density, nuclear volume, and neuron number within the song system of normal male zebra finches and males deafened prior to song learning (10 days of age). Measures were obtained at 25, 50, 65, and 120 days of age, and included four song nuclei: the hyperstriatum ventralis pars caudalis or higher vocal center (HVc), Area X, the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA), and the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (IMAN). In both HVc and Area X, nuclear volume and neuron number increased markedly with age in both normal and deafened birds. The volume of RA also increased with age and was not affected by early deafening. In IMAN, deafening also did not affect the overall age-related loss of neurons, although at 25 days neuron number was slightly less in deafened than in normal birds. We conclude that while the addition and loss of neurons in the developing song system may provide plasticity essential for song learning, these changes do not reflect learning.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Canary song is controlled by two groups of thalamo-cerebral nuclei. One, the hyperstriatum ventrale pars caudale (HVc) and the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA), is a motor driving system for vocalization. The other group, which includes the HVc, the nucleus magnocellularis of neostriatum (MAN), Area X and the nucleus dorsointermedius posterior thalami (DIP), modulates the driving system. The HVc receives synaptic projections from the MAN and sends fibers to Area X. Axons of Area X monosynaptically innervate the thalamic nucleus, the DIP, from which neurons extend axons back to the cerebral nucleus, the MAN. DIP neurons relay incoming impulses by way of Area X to the MAN. Double labeling of DIP neurons with HRP and Fast Blue shows that axonal terminals from Area X connect directly with DIP neurons which send fibers to the MAN. The axon formed a bulge from which multiple branches extended to the postsynaptic cell bodies covering most of the surface. The structure of the DIP synapse may be related to a characteristic pattern of discharge of the DIP neuron, which is transmitted over thalamic projection to cerebral vocal nuclei.  相似文献   

The present study examines the development of androgen accumulation in cells of two brain nuclei that are involved in controlling vocal behavior in zebra finches (Poephila guttata). HVc (caudal nucleus of the ventral hyperstriatum) is involved with vocal production in adult birds, and MAN (magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum) is involved with the initial ability to learn song. In both of these nuclei there is an increase in the proportion of cells that are labeled by systemic injections of tritiated dihydrotestosterone in juvenile male zebra finches during the time when production of song is becoming stereotyped (25-60 days). Within MAN there is an overall loss of cells during this time, such that the absolute number of androgen target cells in MAN remains at a constant level. However, it does not appear to be the case that unlabeled cells are selectively lost from MAN. Rather it appears that both labeled and unlabeled cells are lost, and the absolute number of labeled cells is maintained at a constant level via recruitment of additional labeled cells from the unlabeled population (i.e., some MAN cells that are unlabeled in young birds become labeled in older birds). In line with this hypothesis, there is a large increase in the density of labeling in individual MAN cells, indicating that these cells have an enhanced ability to concentrate androgen. In contrast to the situation in MAN, there is an increase in the overall number of cells within HVc during this time; this increase in total cell number combines with the increased proportion of labeled cells such that the absolute number of androgen target cells in HVc increases threefold. The ability of individual HVc cells to accumulate androgen remains constant. The relationship of these changes in the pattern of androgen accumulation to other aspects of neural and behavioral development related to song in zebra finches are discussed.  相似文献   

鸣禽锡嘴雀(Coccothraustes coccothraustes)发声中枢...   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
蓝书成  左明雪 《生理学报》1990,42(4):348-355
Vocal-control nuclei in hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes) were studied by HRP retrograde tracing and electrophysiological methods. Vocal control centres in hawfinch consist of four discrete nuclei. Hyperstriatum ventral, pars caudale (HVc) is the highest nucleus, with its efferent fibers projecting to the rubust nucleus of archistriatum (RA), which in turn projects to the nucleus intercollicularis (ICo) of midbrain and the nucleus intermedius (IM) of medulla oblongata IM innervating vocal organ (syrinx) also receives input from ICo. The both vocal control pathways are not strictly unilateral. ICo plays a relative independent role in vocal control. The stereotaxic coordinates for HVc RA, ICo, IM are tabulated in Table 2.  相似文献   

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