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概述了茶树花的特点、活性成分的功能及分离纯化、茶树花的专利及典型产品茶花茶、茶花饮料、茶花酒、精油、茶花花粉的利用现状,并对茶树花的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

茶树转基因技术研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
茶树原产于中国,目前已经成为一种世界性的重要经济作物,也是最流行的健康饮料植物。本文概要介绍了茶树农杆菌介导法和基因枪法遗传转化的特点、研究现状及存在问题,对近年来利用这两种方法转化茶树的范例做了概述,并展望了发展前景,将为新技术在茶树育种及育苗过程中的应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

本文介绍采用澄清剂工艺,将马蹄汁从混浊处理成澄清型饮料的新方法,高效省时,易于操作,是值得采用的饮料生产方法。  相似文献   

茶是世界三大饮料之一,并且茶树在中国被广泛种植。酸雨是中国乃至全球面临的主要环境问题,本研究选用一年生茶树幼苗作为实验材料,品种为湘妃翠,采用盆栽的方法培养,通过模拟pH值2.5、pH值3.5、pH值4.5酸雨以及自来水(pH值6.5)作为对照对茶树进行全喷淋,探究模拟酸雨对茶树幼苗生长状况和光合生理的影响。结果表明pH值4.5模拟酸雨对茶树幼苗生长有一定促进作用,pH值2.5模拟酸雨对茶树幼苗生长具有抑制作用。茶树幼苗SPAD值(叶绿素相对含量)、以及叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fm(PSⅡ最大光能转换率)、Fv/Fo(PSⅡ潜在活性)在pH值2.5酸雨胁迫下与对照组相比都显著降低,Fo(初始荧光产量)则显著增大。由此说明pH值2.5模拟酸雨对茶树幼苗具有较强的胁迫作用,pH值4.5模拟酸雨对茶树幼苗生长有促进作用。  相似文献   

沙平 《化石》2001,(2):39-40
云南省的植被类型、植物种类、植物遗留种和特有种均为全国之首 ,故有“植物王国”之称。在这个植物王国里 ,生长着不少极为珍贵和罕见的奇树异木。勐海茶树王茶是我国人民生活中最常见、最普遍的饮料 ,现代的茶叶都是从古代的野生茶树经过人工培育而成的 ,而云南正是我国茶树最早的故乡 ,至今在云南的不少产茶区 ,仍存活着许多古老的野生大叶茶树 ,它们都被当地老百姓称为“茶树王”。在众多的茶树王中 ,最高大最长寿的茶树王在西双版纳勐海县境内巴达区大黑山的森林中 ,四棵巨大的茶树依傍着生长在一起 ,其中最古老的一棵树身高34米 ,树…  相似文献   

桑椹汁澄清工艺及营养成分的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对桑椹汁的澄清工艺作了探讨,并对桑椹营养成分进行了分析。结果表明,采用该工艺生产的桑椹汁及饮料,不仅保留了原有的风味,而且较好地保留了营养物质  相似文献   

采用硅藻土、水溶性羧化壳聚糖和皂土3种澄清剂对杨梅汁进行澄清。通过透光率、浊度、p H、TSS、花色苷含量及贮藏后的稳定性指标,比较他们的澄清效果。结果表明:3种澄清剂都有很好的澄清效果,但对花色苷都有一定的损失作用,其中皂土对花色苷的损失最严重,硅藻土的澄清对花色苷的损失最少,水溶性羧化壳聚糖的澄清和稳定性介于两者之间。综合澄清效果和对花色苷含量的影响,3种澄清剂中,选择硅藻土作为澄清剂,且用量为1.5 g/L,透光率可以达到91.46%,花色苷可以保留86.44%。  相似文献   

本文对野生刺梨与甜橙、苹果和南瓜为原料加工而成的复合澄清汁 (饮料 )工艺及其产品质量控制进行了研究 ,所研制的产品达到了预期目标。本工艺对野生刺梨的进一步开发利用有一定促进作用  相似文献   

火龙果不但营养丰富而且具有一定的保健功能。本试验以新鲜的红皮白肉型火龙果果实的榨汁为原料,分别对发酵工艺条件、蔗糖添加量、柠檬酸用量、稳定剂用量等条件进行了研究,通过单因素试验和正交试验,得到火龙果汁发酵饮料的最佳工艺配方。采用该工艺配方制备的发酵饮料澄清透明,具有清新的果香和淡淡的醇香,酸甜可口,口感顺滑。  相似文献   

目的:以栀子果浸提液为主要原料,在配方优化的基础上,研制出口感均衡、具有抗氧化和清热解毒等综合保健功效作用的栀子饮料。方法:采用感官评价及脂质膜电子舌味觉分析系统,通过风味调配正交试验,确定栀子饮料最佳制备工艺和相关参数。结果:栀子饮料原液制备参数为:栀子果粉碎后经1∶50 (g∶mL)比例的纯净水于80 ℃超声浸提30 min,高速离心收集上清液。栀子原液和辅料对该饮料的感官品质有较大影响,最佳配方为栀子原汁:水=1∶3; 糖添加配比为木糖醇6%、蜂蜜1%、甜菊糖0.006%;柠檬酸添加量0.04%。结论:该饮料色泽亮黄、澄清透明、具有栀子特有风味、口感清爽,是一款适合大众口味的栀子功能性饮料。  相似文献   

Electrospinning was used to produce self-supporting nanofibrous poly(ethylene terephthalate) membranes with good mechanical properties and straightforward handling. The application of this type of membranes in apple juice clarification process was investigated. Processing characteristics and quality parameters of apple juice were analyzed in order to compare the proposed method to traditional clarification techniques. In general, the apple juice obtained from electrospun nanofiber membrane filtration revealed physico-chemical characteristics comparable to those from juice clarified by ultrafiltration or by conventional clarification using filtering aids. Nevertheless, the new process showed a high flux performance and revealed to be much faster, simple and more economical than the traditional processes. This work demonstrated the filtration potential of an electrospun PET membrane thus introducing a new concept of clarification and opening new approaches for the juice processing industry or even for other food industry fields.  相似文献   

Membrane clarification of green tea extract was studied as a treatment to reduce sediments in packaged drinks and as a pretreatment for concentration processes. The flux and variation of components were examined in dead-end and crossflow filtration with several types of membranes. In dead-end ultrafiltration, the flux reduction rate was small, although the initial flux was similar to the final flux in microfiltration. Prefiltration was effective in decreasing the reduction rate of flux. As the pore size of microfiltration membranes became smaller, the dry weight decreased gradually and the optical transmission at 660 nm increased. By ultrafiltration, 30–50% pectin, 3–11% catechins and, 7–20% caffeine were rejected. Crossflow filtration was effective in keeping the flux high. The ultrafiltration spiral membrane (pore size: 0.008 μm) was selected for repeated batch clarification of prefiltered green tea crude extract and showed reproducible performance.  相似文献   

A variety of apple beverages were tested for antiviral activity against poliovirus 1 or coxsackievirus B5. Freshly prepared apple juice was particularly antiviral, but its activity declined more readily than that of commercial juice in response to heat and storage. The component responsible for activity was located both in the pulp and skin; after ultrafiltration, activity was present in fractions greater and less than molecular weight 10,000. Virus infectivity was not restored from virus-apple juice complexes with gelatin, serum, Tween 80, or polyethylene glycol.  相似文献   

A variety of apple beverages were tested for antiviral activity against poliovirus 1 or coxsackievirus B5. Freshly prepared apple juice was particularly antiviral, but its activity declined more readily than that of commercial juice in response to heat and storage. The component responsible for activity was located both in the pulp and skin; after ultrafiltration, activity was present in fractions greater and less than molecular weight 10,000. Virus infectivity was not restored from virus-apple juice complexes with gelatin, serum, Tween 80, or polyethylene glycol.  相似文献   

Membrane technology for the processing of fruit juices and beverages has been applied mainly for clarification using ultrafiltration and microfiltration, and for concentration using reverse osmosis. The effects of product preparation, membrane selection, and operating parameters are important factors influencing filtration rate and product quality. Technological advances related to the development of new membranes, improvement in process engineering, and better understanding of fruit beverage constituents have expanded the range of membrane separation processes. Developments in novel membrane processes, including electrodialysis and pervaporation, increased the array of applications in combination with other technologies for alternate uses in fruit juices and beverages.  相似文献   

Manipulation of liquid oral drugs by mixing them into foodstuff is a common procedure for taste-masking of OTC pharmaceuticals when administered to children. However, the taste-masking capability of such application media is not systematically evaluated, and recommendations for suitable media are hardly published. In this study, a sensor array of commercially available and self-developed electronic tongue sensors was employed to assess the taste-masking efficiency of eight different beverages (tap water, apple juice, carrot juice, fennel tea, fruit tea, milk, cocoa, and Alete meal to drink) on the OTC pharmaceuticals Ambroxol-ratiopharm®, Cetirizin AL, and Laxoberal® by multivariate data analysis. The Euclidean distances between each pure application medium and its corresponding drug mixture were used as an indicator for the taste-masking efficiency and correlated to the physico-chemical properties of the beverages. Thus, the pH value, the viscosity, as well as the fat and sugar content of the beverages were included, whereas only the viscosity appeared to be insignificant in all cases. The sugar content as well as the fat content and pH value emerged to be a significant variable in taste-masking efficiency for some of the tested drug products. It was shown that the applied electronic tongue sensors were capable to demonstrate the impact of the physico-chemical properties of the application media on their taste-masking capacity regardless of their non-selectivity towards these characteristics.  相似文献   


Membrane technology for the processing of fruit juices and beverages has been applied mainly for clarification using ultrafiltration and microfiltration, and for concentration using reverse osmosis. The effects of product preparation, membrane selection, and operating parameters are important factors influencing filtration rate and product quality. Technological advances related to the development of new membranes, improvement in process engineering, and better understanding of fruit beverage constituents have expanded the range of membrane separation processes. Developments in novel membrane processes, including electrodialysis and pervaporation, increased the array of applications in combination with other technologies for alternate uses in fruit juices and beverages.  相似文献   

以紫斑牡丹(Paeonia suffruticosa var. papaveracea)花瓣为原料,采用隔离窨制,对牡丹花茶窨制过程中花坯、配花量等主要影响因子进行研究。结果表明,密闭箱桶温度21 ℃、相对湿度90%、窨制时间48 h条件下经一窨一提获得的花茶,感官评审花与茶叶的协调度高、香气高锐持久、茶汤滋味醇正鲜爽。采用气相色谱-质谱联用仪分析花茶香气成分,新鲜花瓣与茶叶配比5:1窨制48 h的花茶苯乙醇、香叶醇、橙花醇含量较高,其香气高扬、茶汤醇正鲜爽,配比2.5:1的花茶上述成分含量和感官其次,而拌和型茶品透素欠鲜爽。发酵或发酵揉捻花瓣窨制的花茶乙醇、环氧芳樟醇及高级烷烃含量较高,其主要赋香物质低于新鲜花瓣含量,渥味明显,茶汤有浊气欠鲜爽。  相似文献   

The process of apple juice clarification by pectolytic enzymes has been successfully observed turbidimetrically and macroscopically by heating of reaction mixtures. It has been shown that the process of apple juice clarification varies with the varieties and conditions of apple juices as well as with the sources of enzyme preparations. From a study of the turbidimetry of apple juice clarification, α method for determination of clarification values been described.  相似文献   

蒙古族传统茶用植物的初步调查研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蒙古族对植物在茶用方面所积累的传统知识和经验,主要表现在植物种类的选择,茶用部位的选择、采集、加工和饮用方法等方面。据初步调查,茶用植物20种;茶用部位有根、茎、叶、花、果实和种子;多数种类在秋季采集,也有春、夏、冬季采集利用的种类;民间加工方法有发酵、蒸、炒、晒干、阴干等,民间饮用方法有煮、沏和调配成奶茶等。蒙古族对植物的茶用知识和经验,对开发新型饮料方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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