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核小体定位对真核生物基因表达调控发挥着重要作用。前期基于核小体核心及连接区域的k-mer频次分布偏好性,构建了位置权重矩阵算法,并在酿酒酵母基因组内较好地预测了核小体占据率。利用该理论模型,以1 bp碱基为步长、147 bp碱基为窗口,用该算法计算了酵母1号、3号、14号染色体上核小体形成能力强、中、弱各3条长度为147 bp的DNA序列,将这些片段克隆到重组质粒中,大量扩增回收9条标记biotin分子的目的序列。同时分别表达纯化了组蛋白H2A、H2B、H3和H4,复性后装配形成组蛋白八聚体结构。利用盐透析方法将9条DNA序列在体外组装形成核小体结构,经biotin标记检测后计算了反应过程的吉布斯自由能,对比了9条目的序列形成核小体的亲和力大小。研究发现,9条序列中有5条序列与理论预测完全符合,4条序列与理论预测不完全一致。实验结果与该算法预测的核小体定位结果基本一致,表明该理论模型能够有效预测酿酒酵母基因组核小体占据水平。  相似文献   

核小体是构成真核生物染色质的基本结构单位,组蛋白变体H2A.Z及H3.3对染色质结构及基因转录过程发挥着重要的调控作用。体内研究核小体及染色质结构受到诸多因素限制,体外重构含有H2A.Z及H3.3的核小体结构是研究与组蛋白变体相关基因表达调控的重要方法之一。实验表达纯化了6种组蛋白,在复性的过程中装配了含有H2A.Z和H3.3的组蛋白八聚体。基于DNA序列10bp周期性及序列模体设计了3条易于形成核小体的DNA序列,通过PCR大量扩增的方法,回收了标记Cy3荧光分子的目的DNA序列。采用盐透析法体外组装了含有H2A.Z和H3.3的核小体结构,利用荧光标记、EB染色及考马斯亮蓝染色检测了含有组蛋白变体的核小体形成效率及形成过程的吉布斯自由能变化。结果发现,设计的3条DNA序列可以有效地组装形成含有组蛋白电梯的核小体结构,而且随着组蛋白八聚体与DNA比例的增加,核小体的形成效率显著提高;采用Cy3荧光标记可以灵敏且定量地计算组装过程的吉布斯自由能。该方法的建立对研究组蛋白变体相关的结构生物学及转录调控等具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

利用纯化的原始真核生物寇氏隐甲藻(Crypthecodinium cohnii E.)染色体,使之与非洲爪蟾(Xenopus laevis L.)S期卵提取物温育,发现甲藻染色体经历了一系列去凝集、再凝集的形态变化,最后形成类似典型高等真核生物的间期核结构。小球菌核酸酶酶切分析表明,不具备组蛋白和核小体结构的甲藻染色体在非洲爪蟾卵提取物中进行了核小体装配,此过程与DNA序列本身、核膜以及核纤层蛋白(Lamin)是否存在无关,但部分拓扑异构酶Ⅱ(TopoⅡ)参与了这个过程,说明核小体的组装并非为核重建所必需,决定染色体高级结构的因素并不在DNA本身,而可能是非细胞体系中的组蛋白和非组蛋白。  相似文献   

为探索组蛋白浓度对核小体体外装配的影响,本研究表达纯化了4种组蛋白,通过控制实验反应体系中组蛋白的浓度,利用盐透析法在体外装配了核小体,检测分析了组蛋白浓度与核小体组装效率的关系。以此实验数据为基础,提出了核小体组装过程组蛋白浓度依赖性的动力学模型。实验结果发现,反应体系中组蛋白浓度与核小体生成量呈典型的线性关系。依据动力学理论模型,进行线性回归拟合,回归系数达到0.963;经计算601 DNA序列组装核小体的反应速率常数k为1.49×10^-5mL·h·μg^-1。CS1序列验证动力学模型的线性回归相关系数为0.989,反应速率常数为1.52×10^-5mL·h·μg^-1。该实验方法及动力学模型中反应速率常数k可用于评价相同长度的DNA序列组装核小体的能力、组蛋白与其突变体以及组蛋白变体之间形成核小体结构能力的差异。该动力学模型的建立为理解核小体装配、核小体定位、染色质结构等相关问题提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

核小体是真核生物染色质的基本组成单位,组蛋白八聚体在DNA 双螺旋上精确位置称为核小体定位.核小体定位已被证实在基因转录调控、DNA复制与修复、调控进化等过程中扮演着重要的角色.随着染色质免疫共沉淀-芯片(ChIP-chip)与染色质免疫共沉淀-测序(ChIP-seq)等高通量技术的出现,已测定了多种模式生物全基因组核小体定位图谱,掀起了一股核小体定位及其功能的研究热潮,并取得了一定的成果.本文介绍了核小体定位的概念,总结了核小体在启动子与编码区域内定位的基本模式.在此基础上,综述了核小体定位在转录起始、转录延伸、基因表达模式多样化以及可变剪接等方面的功能研究进展.  相似文献   

真核细胞中,作为染色质基本结构单元的核小体参与调控基因的转录、DNA复制、重组以及RNA剪接等诸多生物学过程。阐明核小体定位机制并准确预测核小体在染色体上的位置对解读染色质结构与功能有重要生物学意义。在过去30多年时间里,研究人员发展了多种预测核小体位置的方法。最理想的方法应考虑DNA序列、组蛋白修饰和染色质重塑等影响核小体定位的诸多因素,然而现实中,捕捉主要因素的模型也往往具有很高的鲁棒性和实用价值。DNA序列偏好性是在全基因组尺度上影响核小体定位的最重要因素之一,因此基于DNA序列的核小体定位预测方法也最常见。这种方法可大致分为两类,即基于DNA序列信息的生物信息学模型和基于DNA变形能的生物物理学模型。本文重点介绍生物物理学模型近些年取得的主要进展。  相似文献   

在DNA序列上,定位模糊的特殊核小体与定位良好的普通核小体同时存在于染色体区域内,但由于二者的化学性质差异不明显,区分较为困难。本文针对实验核小体在真核基因转录起始位点周围的分布规律和保守性建立了一个核小体分布模型,并在前人所做的预测核小体位置的工作基础上,利用遗传算法寻找模型上不同性质核小体的分布中心,构建核小体定位性质判别准则,最终确定了转录起始位点上、下游定位良好和模糊核小体的位置。  相似文献   

着丝粒核小体结构研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
着丝粒是构成真核生物染色体的必需元件。在细胞有丝分裂或减数分裂时,微管通过动粒与染色体着丝粒连接,参与细胞分裂的染色体分离与分配过程,使染色体平均分配到子细胞中。构成着丝粒的基本单位是着丝粒特异的核小体,与常规核小体不同的是着丝粒核小体中的组蛋白H3被其变种——着丝粒组蛋白H3所替换。最近几年,着丝粒核小体的结构成为细胞生物学研究的热点之一。该文综述了最近在多种真核生物研究中,通过体外和体内实验,提出的着丝粒核小体结构的八聚体、六聚体、同型四聚体以及半八聚体模型,并对着丝粒核小体结构的动态模型与功能的关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

为研究高通量的人类CD4+T细胞的核小体定位模式,使用迭代算法对核小体定位模式进行分类,并利用位置权重矩阵方法分别构建稳定核小体定位序列、动态核小体定位序列和连接区序列模型,通过十倍交叉验证评估模型性能,并与Segal方法与弯曲度方法进行比较,发现位置权重矩阵方法在敏感性、精度和准确性方面都具有一定优越性。同时采用滑窗法在全基因组选取候选序列进行核小体识别,挖掘核小体定位相关基因,并进行基因生物学进程功能富集分析,发现稳定与动态核小体、真实与潜在核小体对应的基因所参与调控的生物学过程各有不同,但也有一些生物学过程为不同类别核小体所共有,例如对细胞内大分子的调控功能。  相似文献   

核小体定位研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
核小体定位在诸如转录调控、DNA复制和修复等多种细胞过程中起着重要作用。基因组上核小体位置的确定涉及DNA、转录因子、组蛋白修饰酶和染色质重塑复合体之间的相互作用。核小体定位、组蛋白修饰、染色质重塑等问题已成为目前遗传学研究的热点——表观遗传学——的重要研究内容。文章从核小体定位基本概念、核小体定位与基因表达调控的关系、核小体定位实验研究和理论预测工作等几个方面总结了核小体定位的最新研究进展。  相似文献   


An original signal extraction procedure is applied to database of 146 base nucleosome core DNA sequences from C. elegans (S. M. Johnson et al. Genome Research 16, 1505–1516, 2006). The positional preferences of various dinucleotides within the 10.4 base nucleosome DNA repeat are calculated, resulting in derivation of the nucleosome DNA bendability matrix of 16x10 elements. A simplified one-line presentation of the matrix (“consensus” repeat) is…A(TTTCCGGAAA)T…. All 6 chromosomes of C. elegans conform to the bendability pattern. The strongest affinity to their respective positions is displayed by dinucleotides AT and CG, separated within the repeat by 5 bases. The derived pattern makes a basis for sequence-directed mapping of nucleosome positions in the genome of C. elegans. As the first complete matrix of bendability available the pattern may serve for iterative calculations of the species-specific matrices of bendability applicable to other genomic sequences.  相似文献   


Resonance Raman spectra excited at 257 nm are reported for the complexes of the Nickel, Cobalt and Zinc derivatives of Tetrakis(4-N-methylpyridyl)porphine with poly(dA.dT)2, poly(dA)poly(dT), poly(dG.dC)2 and poly(dG).poly(dC). These spectra are interpreted as evidence of multiple outside binding modes with poly(dA).poly(dT), and of evidence for an outside binding mode with Poly(dG.dC)2. Some results obtained for the zinc derivative with poly(dA).poly(dT) suggest a binding mode peculiar to this derivative.  相似文献   


A nucleosome DNA sequence probe is designed that combines recently derived RR/YY counter-phase and AA/TT in-phase periodical patterns. A simple nucleosome mapping procedure is introduced for prediction of the nucleosome positions in the sequence of interest, to serve as a guide for experimental studies of the chromatin structure.  相似文献   

在对两种模式生物酵母与果蝇胚胎期核小体定位进行研究时,发现不同物种间以及同一物种中不同表达模式基因上的核小体分布呈现出差显著异性。在总体上,转录起始位点附近的酵母核小体NFR区域比果蝇的NFR短。经基因中心对齐后,酵母与果蝇胚胎期沉默型基因的核小体缺失区域的两个边界中间处共同呈现了一个明确有着均匀间隔的核小体数n,且随着基因长度L的变长其周期性特性逐渐变模糊,但果蝇的图谱表现的更为复杂。结果表明,从单细胞酵母生物到多细胞果蝇生物间基因组的进化过程中,核小体组织的演化既有变异性,也具有保守性。  相似文献   

Krajewski WA 《Biochimie》2008,90(3):534-541
Using cell-free system derived from Drosophila embryos, we found evidence for a regulated nucleosome disruption process, which depends on the phosphorylation status of 120 kDa protein (complex). Dephosphorylation enables the remodeling activity to destabilize nucleosomes, which assume a more accessible structure, possessing increased DNase I sensitivity and high conformational flexibility of DNA; remodeling was more efficient on highly acetylated chromatin templates. This phosphorylation-regulated nucleosome destabilization, acting synergistically with histone acetylation, is discussed as a possible mechanism to provide regulated disrupt of histone-DNA interaction.  相似文献   

Using a Brownian dynamics simulation, we numerically studied the interaction of DNA with histone and proposed an octamer-rotation model to describe the process of nucleosome formation. Nucleosome disruption under stretching was also simulated. The theoretical curves of extension versus time as well as of force versus extension are consistent with previous experimental results.  相似文献   

We found that Drosophila embryo extract contains a protein activity (or activities) that can destabilize nucleosomes, resulting in increased sensitivity to DNase I, release of nucleosomal supercoiling, high levels of conformational flexibility of DNA and more diffuse micrococcal nuclease digestion patterns. Incorporation of histone H1 did not significantly affect this nucleosome remodelling. Remodelling occurs more efficiently in hyperacetylated chromatin. It was shown previously that hyperacetylated chromatin, reconstituted in a Drosophila embryo cell-free system, exhibits increased DNase I sensitivity and a high degree of conformational flexibility of DNA. The present data suggest that the more diffuse structure of acetylated chromatin is a result of chromatin remodelling by protein activities in the Drosophila embryo extract. Received: 4 November 1998 / Accepted: 10 May 1999  相似文献   


Recent studies of genome-wide nucleosomal organization suggest that the DNA sequence is one of the major determinants of nucleosome positioning. Although the search for underlying patterns encoded in nucleosomal DNA has been going on for about 30 years, our knowledge of these patterns still remains limited. Based on our evaluations of DNA deformation energy, we developed new scoring functions to predict nucleosome positioning. There are three principal differences between our approach and earlier studies: (i) we assume that the length of nucleosomal DNA varies from 146 to 147 bp; (ii) we consider the anisotropic flexibility of pyrimidine-purine (YR) dimeric steps in the context of their neighbors (e.g., YYRR versus RYRY); (iii) we postulate that alternating AT-rich and GC-rich motifs reflect sequence-dependent interactions between histone arginines and DNA in the minor groove. Using these functions, we analyzed 20 nucleosome positions mapped in vitro at single nucleotide resolution (including clones 601, 603, 605, the pGUB plasmid, chicken β-globin and three 5S rDNA genes). We predicted 15 of the 20 positions with 1-bp precision, and two positions with 2-bp precision. The predicted position of the ‘601’ nucleosome (i.e., the optimum of the computed score) deviates from the experimentally determined unique position by no more than 1 bp—an accuracy exceeding that of earlier predictions.

Our analysis reveals a clear heterogeneity of the nucleosomal sequences which can be divided into two groups based on the positioning ‘rules’ they follow. The sequences of one group are enriched by highly deformable YR/YYRR motifs at the minor-groove bending sites SHL ±3.5 and ±5.5, which is similar to the α-satellite sequence used in most crystallized nucleosomes. Apparently, the positioning of these nucleosomes is determined by the interactions between histones H2A/H2B and the terminal parts of nucleosomal DNA. In the other group (that includes the ‘601’ clone) the same YR/YYRR motifs occur predominantly at the sites SHL ±1.5. The interaction between the H3/H4 tetramer and the central part of the nucleosomal DNA is likely to be responsible for the positioning of nucleosomes of this group, and the DNA trajectory in these nucleosomes may differ in detail from the published structures.

Thus, from the stereochemical perspective, the in vitro nucleosomes studied here follow either an X-ray-like pattern (with strong deformations in the terminal parts of nucleosomal DNA), or an alternative pattern (with the deformations occurring predominantly in the central part of the nucleosomal DNA). The results presented here may be useful for genome-wide classification of nucleosomes, linking together structural and thermodynamic characteristics of nucleosomes with the underlying DNA sequence patterns guiding their positions.  相似文献   

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