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构建了表达人 PSP94、TNFα衍生物 ( TNFα D1 1 a)及 PSP94与 TNFα D1 1 a( PSP94- TNFαD1 1 a)双功能蛋白真核表达质粒 pc DNA- TNFα D1 1 a、pc DNA- PSP94和 pc DNA- PSP94- TNFαD1 1 a,与 rh PSP94和 rh TNFα D1 1 a蛋白分别在人前列腺癌裸鼠移植瘤动物模型上进行了 PSP94与 TNFαD1 1 a联合治疗人前列腺癌的实验研究 .当动物肿瘤直径长至约 1 0 mm时 ,将以上 3种真核表达质粒分别以 50 μg/只的量给相应组动物的左右四头肌内注射一次 ,同时设 pc DNA3.0空载体对照组 ;rh PSP9450μg/kg、rh TNFαD1 1 a 1 0 0万单位 /kg、rh PSP94和 rh TNFαD1 1 a以同样剂量联合给药 ,肌肉注射 ,每 d一次 ,连续 1 0 d,同时设环磷酰胺阳性对照组和生理盐水阴性对照组 .基因治疗动物给药后第 1 5d处死 ,蛋白治疗组停药后第 2 d处死 ,观察疗效 ,计算抑瘤率 .结果显示 ,以上述方式给药 ,无论是基因治疗组还是重组蛋白组 ,给 PSP94的动物肿瘤虽然未见明显缩小 ,但肿瘤组织均出现不同程度的坏死和液化现象 ;给 TNFαD1 1 a的未见明显的抑瘤效果 ;PSP94-TNFαD1 1 a融合基因或 rh PSP94+ rh TNFαD1 1 a联合给药 ,不仅肿瘤有所缩小 ,而且也有不同程度的坏死和液化现象出现 .初步认为 :( 1 ) PSP94有一定的抗前列腺  相似文献   

体外研究显示,重组PSP94与重组TNFα(rhTNFαDll)有协同抗前列腺癌的作用。将编码这两种蛋白的基因与真核表达载体pcDNA3.0重组,构建成pcDNA-PSP94-TNFαDlla真核表达质粒,两基因中间通过一个编码6个氨基酸的人工接头连接。在体外,对pcDNA-PSP94-TNFαDlla质粒表达PSP94-TNFαDlla蛋白的生物学活性鉴定表明,该蛋白即具有PSPO94抑制前列腺癌细胞生长的活性,又具有TNFαDlla对L929细胞的细胞毒作用。肌肉注射该质粒DNA,注射后第0天血液中可检测到目的的蛋白的表达,目的蛋白浓度的高峰期约在注射后第14天,第25天仍可检测到目的的蛋白的表达。该质粒DNA以50μg/只的量给人前列腺癌裸鼠模型骨四头肌内注射,同时设pcDNA-PSP94、pcDNA-TNFαDlla、pcDNA3.0空载体和生理盐水对照组。注射后第20天处死动物,抑瘤率分别为:pcDNA-PSP94-TNFαDlla组24%,pcDNA-PSP94组19%,pcDNA-TNFαDlla组瘤体大小与生理盐水组无明显差异。以同样方法给药,pcDNA-PSP94-TNFαDlla质粒DNA对小鼠Lweis肺癌的抑制率31%,是pcDNA-PSP94组抑瘤率的2.2倍,是pcDNS-TNFαDlla组抑瘤率的2.1倍。提示,PSP94与TNF具有协同抗肿瘤的作用。  相似文献   

体外研究显示,重组PSP94与重组TNFα衍生物11a(rhTNFαDlla)有协同抗前列腺癌的作用。将编码这两种蛋白的基因与真核表达载体pcDNA30重组,构建成pcDNAPSP94TNFαDlla真核表达质粒,两基因中间通过一个编码6个氨基酸的人工接头连接。在体外,对pcDNAPSP94TNFαDlla质粒表达PSP94TNFαDlla蛋白的生物学活性鉴定表明,该蛋白即具有PSP94抑制前列腺癌细胞生长的活性,又具有TNFαDlla对L929细胞的细胞毒作用。肌肉注射该质粒DNA,注射后第9天血液中可检测到目的蛋白的表达,目的蛋白浓度的高峰期约在注射后第14天,第25天仍可检测到目的蛋白的表达。该质粒DNA以50μg只的量给人前列腺癌裸鼠模型骨四头肌内注射,同时设pcDNAPSP94、pcDNATNFαDlla、pcDNA30空载体和生理盐水对照组。注射后第20天处死动物,抑瘤率分别为:pcDNAPSP94TNFαDlla组24%,pcDNAPSP94组19%,pcDNATNFαDlla组瘤体大小与生理盐水组无明显差异。以同样方法给药,pcDNAPSP94TNFαDlla质粒DNA对小鼠Lweis肺癌的抑制率31%,是pcDNAPSP94组抑瘤率的22倍,是pcDNATNFαDlla组抑瘤率的21倍。提示,PSP94与TNF具有协同抗肿瘤的作用 。  相似文献   

 为了分析 PSP94- TNFαD1 1 a融合基因的表达和表达产物的生物学活性 ,将含该融合基因的质粒 pc DNA- PSP94- TNFα D1 1 a转染 NIH3T3细胞 ,72 h后收集细胞培养上清 ,并提取细胞总RNA,经 RT- PCR,得到与目的基因长度相符合的 c DNA片段 ;以 PSP94c DNA为探针 ,对 RT-PCR产物进行 Southern印迹分析 .结果表明 :转染 PSP94- TNFαD1 1 a融合基因的 NIH3T3细胞 ,其 RT- PCR产物杂交信号为阳性 .细胞培养上清用 TNF抗体行 Western印迹和 ELISA分析 ,检测结果为阳性 .生物学活性分析表明 ,细胞培养上清不仅具有 PSP94抑制人前列腺癌细胞 PC- 3生长的活性 ,而且显示出 TNFα对 L92 9细胞的细胞毒作用 .以上结果表明 ,pc DNA- PSP94- TNFαD1 1 a质粒能够正确表达目的基因 PSP94- TNFα D1 1 a,且表达的 PSP94- TNFαD1 1 a融合蛋白具有预期的双重生物学活性 .  相似文献   

目的:建立毕赤酵母表达质粒pPICZαA-cystatin,转化酵母细胞生产重组蛋白,探讨蛇毒半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂(sv-cystatin)对肿瘤侵袭的生物学作用。方法:利用PCR扩增技术从pUC18/sv-cystatin质粒中扩增sv-cystatin cDNA并克隆至酵母表达载体pPICZαA上,构建重组质粒pPICZαA-cystatin电激转化Pichia pastori酵母细胞GS115,经1%甲醇诱导获得稳定表达的重组蛋白,改良Boyden小室分析重组sv-cystatin蛋白处理对B16F1细胞体外侵袭力的影响。结果:SDS-PAGE检测和Western blot分析显示分泌表达的sv-cystatin重组蛋白相对分子量约为14 kD,摇瓶发酵每升发酵培养上清可获得16 mg的重组蛋白,经亲和层析纯化获得的sv-cystatin重组蛋白具有抑制木瓜蛋白酶的活性。改良Boyden小室实验结果显示:经0.5mg/ml浓度的重组蛋白处理的B16F1细胞穿过Matrigel的细胞数明显低于对照组(52.60±4.58,106±5.9,P<0.01) ,抑制率为50%。结论:成功实现sv-cystatin的酵母表达,初步证明sv-cystatin重组蛋白可抑制小鼠B16F1细胞体外侵袭作用。  相似文献   

利用基因工程技术表达能够促使肿瘤细胞DU145凋亡的肿瘤坏死因子α(TNFα)的衍生物TRSP10,并在体外研究其对DU145细胞的抑制效应。以重叠延伸PCR方法合成TRSP10基因序列,并插入高效表达的质粒载体p KYB-MCS的NdeⅠ和SapⅠ酶切位点之间,优化融合蛋白诱导表达的条件,建立了从载体构建到重组菌表达、制备的工艺技术条件。MTT法检测TRSP10对前列腺癌细胞DU145增殖的抑制作用。实验结果表明:重组菌ER2566诱导表达可溶性融合蛋白的最佳条件是诱导剂IPTG浓度为0.8 mmol/L、诱导表达温度37℃、诱导表达时间8h。利用IMPACT系统及HPLC技术纯化制备TRSP10,得到产物纯度达到96%,质谱鉴定确定其分子质量为3.59k Da,与理论值相符;体外细胞学研究结果表明,TRSP10对前列腺癌细胞DU145有明显的抑制作用,在5,10,20,40μmol/L TRSP10及10μmol/L TNFα阳性对照处理后48h抑制率分别达到11.40%,22.97%,33.26%,48.35%及42.50%。  相似文献   

将编码可溶性人TNFR75 (shTNFR75 )的cDNA与酵母整合载体pPICZαA重组 ,构建的重组质粒线性化后转染酵母细胞GS 115 ,获得了shTNFR75在酵母细胞中遗传性稳定表达酵母工程细胞 .甲醇诱导的pPICZαA shTNFR75 GS115重组酵母工程细胞培养上清 ,经CNBr活化的TNF Sepharose4B亲和层析柱纯化 ,纯化产物纯度为 92 % ;经Western印迹分析 ,可被TNFR75单克隆抗体特异性识别 ,分子量约为 31kD ;受体配体结合试验 ,shTNFR75纯化产物与rhTNFα和rhTNFβ的结合能力与其阳性对照基本相同 ;中和试验显示 ,该shTNFR75可完全阻断TNF对L92 9细胞的细胞毒活性 .表明酵母系统分泌表达的shTNFR75产物具有良好的结合TNF的能力 .  相似文献   

在毕赤酵母中分泌表达重组人白细胞介素-1α(rh IL-1α),优化rh IL-1α的发酵工艺及纯化方法,以获得高表达、高纯度具有生物学活性的rh IL-1α。通过PCR扩增获得h IL-1α基因,构建其真核表达载体p PICZαA/h IL-1α,电转化至毕赤酵母X-33,用PCR和SDS-PAGE方法筛选高效表达rh IL-1α的工程菌株并进行Western blot鉴定,DEAE弱阴离子离子交换层析一步纯化表达产物,并用MTT法初步检测其对人肝癌细胞7402的生物学作用。rh IL-1α在摇瓶规模下,经甲醇诱导4 d后表达量约为30 mg/L。Western blot检测rh IL-1α的特异性结合,获得纯度约95%,收率40%左右的rh IL-1α,并证明rh IL-1α能够抑制人肝癌细胞7402的增殖。构建了重组h IL-1α的基因工程菌,并在毕赤酵母中实现了高效表达,为进一步研究其生物学活性和功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

利用GAP启动子在毕赤酵母中组成型表达人鹅型溶菌酶2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用甘油醛三磷酸脱氢酶(glyceraldehydes-3-phosphatedehydrogenase,GAP)启动子在毕赤酵母中表达人鹅型溶菌酶2(human goose-type lysozyme 2,h LysG2),并在小试规模建立一套有效的重组hLysG2(recombinant h LysG2,rh LysG2)生产工艺流程。根据毕赤酵母密码子偏爱性设计并人工合成hLysG2基因,将其连接至pGAPZαA质粒中,构建重组表达质粒pGAPZαA-h LysG2。将重组表达载体线性化后电转化毕赤酵母GS115感受态细胞,通过Zeocin抗性筛选获取高拷贝重组菌株,并在5L生物反应器中进行发酵培养。发酵60h后发酵液上清酶活性达到最高,发酵液上清经SDS-PAGE及Western blot检测证实rh LysG2得到表达。与诱导型表达相比,组成型表达发酵时间缩短了48h,上清中rhLysG2总活性提高了23.8%;使用甲壳素亲和层析和分子筛层析对rhLysG2进行纯化后,每升发酵液上清可纯化到187.4mg重组蛋白,纯化产物纯度达99.0%以上;浊度测定法分析显示,在p H 5.6、30℃和0.1mol/L Na+的条件下,rhLysG2可达到最大酶活性13 500U/mg。利用GAP启动子在毕赤酵母中成功表达了高纯度和高活性的rh LysG2,避免了甲醇的使用,缩短了发酵时间,提高了蛋白产量,为将rhLysG2开发为新型抗耐药菌药物奠定了基础。  相似文献   

肝再生增强因子(ALR)是一类胞源性肝细胞生长因子。为在毕赤酵母中分泌表达人肝再生增强因子(rhALR),以色谱法分离纯化后进行体外活性研究,构建表达载体pPICZαA- ALR,经电穿孔转入毕赤酵母中,用0.5%甲醇诱导表达;重组酵母培养上清经SDS-PAGE电泳和western blot鉴定后表明, rhALR以分子量为30kD的二聚体为主;定量分析结果表明,重组酵母培养上清中rhALR约占总蛋白的66%,表达量约为40mg/L;经DEAE柱和G75柱纯化后,获得的rhALR纯度大于95%,得率为52%;体外生物学活性实验表明,rhALR能明显促进HepG2、SMMC-7721和NIH-3T3细胞的增殖。  相似文献   

人PSP94全长cDNA的获得及PSP94-TNF~Δ融合蛋白的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用RT-PCR从人肥大前列腺组织钓取94个氨基酸的人前列腺分泌蛋白(PSP94)全长cDNA,序列分析结果与文献报道的完全一致.将PSP94成熟肽与人TNFα衍生物(TNFΔ)通过Linker-SAPGTP在基因水平上融合成5′PSP94-TNFΔ,融合基因DNA序列分析结果与设计的相符合.5′PSP94-TNFΔ在大肠杆菌中表达产物分子量约为31kD,表达量约占菌体总蛋白量的35%.以L929细胞和人前列腺癌细胞株PC-3为靶细胞进行细胞毒分析结果表明,5′PSP94-TNFΔ融合蛋白既具有TNF的细胞毒活性,又具有对前列腺癌细胞PC-3的杀伤作用  相似文献   

在从成年人正常前列腺组织中获得人94个氨基酸的前列腺分泌蛋白(PSP94)cDNA基础上,利用PL表达系统,实现了人PSP94成熟肽N 末端带有19个外源氨基酸的融合蛋白在大肠杆菌中的表达。目的蛋白在细胞中主要以包涵体形式存在,表达量约占菌体总蛋白的30%,分子量约为16-5kD。表达产物在人前列腺癌细胞PC 3上活性分析表明,该融合蛋白能明显抑制前列腺癌细胞的生长。  相似文献   

Human PSP94 (prostate secretory protein of 94 amino acids) is a major protein synthesized by the prostate gland and secreted in large quantities in seminal fluid. Previous studies have suggested a potential biomedical utility of PSP94 in applications such as diagnosis/prognosis and in treatment of human prostate cancer (PCa). This study was designed to produce a recombinant human PSP94 (rPSP94) to evaluate its clinical and functional role in PCa. We cloned PSP94 cDNA and successfully expressed an active recombinant protein in yeast using Pichia pastoris expression system. A simple purification strategy was established that incorporated combination of membrane ultrafiltration (Pellicon tangential-flow system) and anion exchange chromatography using DE52 resin. The method minimized the technical level of expertise for the production of high quality functional protein. The purified rPSP94 (>98% purity) showed a single band with SDS-PAGE analysis and a peak with a molecular mass (M(r)) of 11,495 kDa using MALDI TOF mass spectrometry (MS). The in vitro competitive binding assays indicated high functional similarity of the rPSP94 with that of its native counterpart. Furthermore, in vivo administration of rPSP94 caused a significant growth inhibition of hormone refractory Mat LyLu tumors in Dunning rat model. Taken together, our data provides evidence for high suitability of the purified rPSP94 for evaluation of its potential diagnostic and therapeutic role in PCa and as a valuable analytical reference standard for clinical studies.  相似文献   

Prostate tissue-specific gene expression is crucial for driving potentially therapeutic genes to target specifically to the prostate. Prostate secretory protein of 94 amino acids (PSP94), also known as beta-MSP (microseminoprotein), is one of the three most abundant secretory proteins of the prostate gland, and is generally considered to be prostate tissue-specific. We have previously demonstrated that the expression of the rat PSP94 gene is strictly prostate tissue-specific by an antibody against a recombinant rat PSP94. In order to study prostate targeting utilizing the PSP94 gene in a mouse pre-clinical experimental model, we need to establish antibodies against mouse PSP94 to confirm if it is prostate tissue-specific as well. In this study, firstly we raised a polyclonal antibody against a recombinant glutathione-S-transferase- (GST-) mouse mature form of PSP94. However, it showed very poor immunoreactivity against prostate tissue PSP94 as tested in Western blotting experiments. Neither antibodies against rat PSP94 nor mouse PSP94 showed significant cross-reactivity. Thus a second antibody was established against a recombinant mouse mature PSP94 containing N-terminal polyhistidines, and stronger immunoreactivity against mouse prostate tissue PSP94 was identified in Western blotting experiments. Both of these antibodies showed immunohistochemical reactivity, while the latter showed stronger reactivity in IHC when tested with different fixatives. By studying tissue distribution, we demonstrated that, as with rat PSP94, mouse PSP94 is strictly prostate tissue-specific in experiments of both Western blotting and immunohistochemistry (IHC). This conclusion was also derived from a comparison among antibodies against human, rat, and mouse PSP94, showing very different immunoreactivities in Western blotting and IHC. Finally, a competitive assay between different species was performed. We demonstrated that antibodies against PSP94 from different species (human, primate, rodents) have poor cross-reactivities. These observations also indicate that the PSP94 gene is a rapidly evolving gene in all species. Results from this study have led to the possibility of utilizing PSP94 as a targeting agent specifically to the prostate in a mouse experimental model.  相似文献   

PSP94 (prostate secretory protein of 94 amino acids) was regarded as a possible prostate cancer marker, however, it has been controversial. All prior studies were designed to test the free form in serum using antibodies to PSP94. Results presented here demonstrate that PSP94 exists in prostate cancer patients in two forms, free and bound, and that the majority is present as serum bound complexes. This result was demonstrated by using both native and SDS-PAGE analyses of serum proteins from prostate cancer patients. Chromatographic separation of serum total proteins by a molecular sieve column generated two peaks (peak I and II), which were reactive with rabbit antiserum to human PSP94 in Western blot experiments. Peak I was eluted before the IgG fraction at a molecular weight larger than 150 kDa, and peak II appeared after serum albumin ( approximately 67 kDa) was eluted. By using a biotinylated PSP94 as an indicator of the free form of PSP94, we demonstrate that peak I contains serum PSP94-bound complexes and peak II is likely the free form of serum PSP94. Since the molecular weight of serum PSP94-bound complexes is close to IgG during molecular sieve separation, serum PSP94 complexes were further purified through two rounds of protein A column separation, followed by DEAE-ion exchange column chromatography. In vitro dissociation tests of the purified PSP94-bound complexes showed that the binding of serum PSP94-complexes is probably via disulfide bonds and is chemically stable. The results presented here indicate that serum PSP94-bound complexes must be considered in evaluating the clinical utility of PSP94 as a prostate cancer marker.  相似文献   

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