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猕猴桃花粉原位生长过程中Ca2+的超微细胞化学定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用扫描电镜和荧光显微镜对软枣猕猴桃同种花粉在柱头上原位萌发及花粉管生长情况进行了观察,并用焦锑酸盐沉淀法对其授粉前后柱头及花柱中Ca2+进行超微细胞化学定位.结果显示:(1)猕猴桃柱头属于干性柱头,具有一道裂沟,乳突呈长圆柱形,授粉前后形态差异不明显.(2)授粉后3 h,花粉管生长穿过柱头表面,授粉后7 h,花粉管生长到达花柱底部;(3)授粉前后,柱头接受面靠近柱头外围细胞的角质层一侧细胞器内含有丰富的钙,而柱头非接受表面钙颗粒分布很少;(4)授粉前和授粉后3 h,花柱顶端钙颗粒较少,基部钙颗粒较多;授粉后7 h,花柱顶端和基部钙分布密度无明显差别;(5)授粉前后花柱顶端钙主要均匀分布在细胞质膜位置;在花柱基部授粉前钙主要分布在引导组织胞间隙中,授粉后3 h主要分布在细胞质内,授粉后7 h主要存在于细胞质、内质网上.研究表明,猕猴桃授粉前后,柱头和花柱组织中均含有钙,授粉前和授粉后3 h花柱中的钙呈现出梯度分布,授粉后7 h钙的梯度分布现象减弱甚至消失.  相似文献   

向日葵柱头,花柱和珠孔中钙分布的超微细胞化学定位   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
用焦锑酸盐沉淀法对向日葵(HelianthusannuusL.)授粉前后柱头、花柱和珠孔中的钙进行了超微细胞化学定位。同时还运用X射线能谱(EDX)和波谱(WDX)两种方法进行了X射线定性分析,证明了前法所得沉淀确系焦锑酸钙。观察表明,花粉萌发和花粉管生长所经的柱头接受面,花柱引导组织和珠孔引导组织中含钙较柱头、花柱和珠孔的其它部位明显地多。柱头乳突细胞的表面和花柱引导组织的胞间基质中、尤其胞间基质与细胞壁外层相接之处钙很密集。在珠孔外端引导组织中,以角质层为界,钙主要分布于其近珠柄侧。花粉管壁果胶质层中有相当多的钙。结合向日葵中已有的研究和其他文献,讨论了钙的分布与花粉管生长的关系  相似文献   

桦木科植物花柱适应风媒传粉的特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物体为适应自己的传粉系统, 表现出高度的适应特征。风媒花植物为适应风传播花粉, 要形成特殊的结构, 以扩大接受花粉粒的面积。利用扫描电镜观察了桦木科(Betulaceae)6属18种植物花柱的形态及花粉粒在花柱上的萌发过程, 探讨了桦木科植物花柱适应风媒传粉的特征。结果表明, 桦木科植物的二心皮(铁木、云南鹅耳枥稀为三心皮)雌蕊具柱状花柱, 柱头不发达, 花柱表皮细胞长条状, 纵向排列紧密。传粉时, 花柱表皮细胞能执行柱头的功能, 接受花粉粒, 为花粉粒萌发提供场所和萌发条件。桦木科植物花柱有2种类型: 一种是花柱表皮细胞能形成乳突, 花粉管经乳突细胞进入花柱; 另一种是花柱表皮细胞不形成乳突, 花粉管经过花柱表皮细胞或胞间隙进入花柱。无论花柱表皮细胞是否形成乳突, 乳突的形态、大小以及花粉管和乳突的结合方式等在族间、属间、属内种间存在差异。与基部被子植物相比, 桦木科植物的花柱呈现适应风媒传粉的进化特征。桦木科植物花柱表皮细胞形成的乳突与基部被子植物柱头乳突功能相同, 是桦木科植物风媒传粉的适应策略。  相似文献   

鹅掌楸属植物引导组织和花粉管生长   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
应用光学显微镜和常规石蜡切片技术研究了鹅掌楸属(LiriodendronL.)两种植物雌蕊引导组织的分布和个体发育,引导组织是由心皮边缘或内表面的表皮细胞层或亚细胞层发育形成,是由一层细胞组成的连续层,覆盖干柱头、花柱道和珠柄的表面,引导组织的细胞形态学因其所在部位不同而有差异。在电境水平上研究了柱头和花柱引导组织的超微结构,引导组织细胞是分泌型的传递细胞,其分泌面发育了明显的壁内突,细胞质中富含内质网、多聚核糖体、各种小泡、高尔基体和线粒体,大液泡通常远离分泌面。文中还探讨了花粉管生长后引导组织的变化。  相似文献   

利用磷酸铅沉淀技术对荞麦(Fagopyrum esculentum Month.)pin型植株分别进行亲和授粉和不亲和授粉后的柱头、花粉粒、花粉管进行了ATPase的超微细胞化学定位。结果表明(1)亲和授粉和不亲和授粉后0.5h,柱头细胞的ATPase活性反应水平较低或基本无酶活性;柱头表面、柱头上附着的花粉粒内ATPase活性在不亲和授粉时较低,亲和授粉时较高,花粉粒内ATPase主要定位于线粒体和精子细胞;(2)授粉后1.5h,不亲和授粉的柱头细胞及花粉管的ATPase活性均较低,花粉管停止生长,细胞质开始解体;而亲和授粉的柱头细胞及花粉管的ATPase活性均较高,ATPase主要定位于柱头细胞的质膜、胞基质以及花粉管的壁、质体的膜、高尔基体、线粒体上。根据不同时期不同部位ATPase活性的差异,我们认为荞麦发生自交不亲和时,花粉管在花柱中停止生长不仅是因为花粉管得不到花柱中的营养物质而引起的,可能也与花粉管自身物质代谢发生障碍有关。  相似文献   

莴苣柱头呈两裂片状,有接受花粉的接受面和非接受面之分。授粉前后,柱头接受面乳突细胞的细胞壁中贮存丰富的细小钙颗粒,而非接受面的表皮细胞壁中的钙颗粒很少。在花柱组织中钙的分布具有明显特征,在同一水平上,钙主要分布在引导组织的质外体中,如细胞壁和细胞间隙中,而在引导组织外的薄壁组织中钙主要分布在的细胞内液炮和细胞壁中以及维管束导管内。在花柱不同水平上,花柱中的钙呈现出梯度分布,顶端各组织中的钙颗粒较少,基部各组织中的钙颗粒较多。授粉后1h花柱基部组织的钙颗粒增多,钙梯度分布现象增强。花柱引导组织中的钙梯度分布很可能是吸引花粉管向下生长的原因。讨论了莴苣花柱引导组织中钙梯度分布特征和花粉管在其体内生长的关系。  相似文献   

莴苣授粉前后柱头与花柱中钙的分布变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
莴苣柱头呈两裂片状,有接受花粉的接受面和非接受面之分。授粉前后,柱头接受面乳突细胞的细胞壁中贮存丰富的细小钙颗粒,而非接受面的表皮细胞壁中的钙颗:粒很少。在花柱组织中钙的分布具有明显特征,在同一水平上,钙主要分布在引导组织的质外体中,如细胞壁和细胞间隙中,而在引导组织外的薄壁组织中钙主要分布在的细胞内液泡和细胞壁中以及维管束导管内。在花柱不同水平上,花柱中的钙呈现出梯度分布,顶端各组织中的钙颗粒较少,基部各组织中的钙颗粒较多。授粉后1h花柱基部组织的钙颗粒增多,钙梯度分布现象增强。花柱引导组织中的钙梯度分布很可能是吸引花粉管向下生长的原因。讨论了莴苣花柱引导组织中钙梯度分布特征和花粉管在其体内生长的关系。  相似文献   

利用磷酸铅淀淀技术对荞麦(Fagopyrum esculentum Monch.)pin型植株分别进行亲和授粉和不亲和授粉后的柱头、花粉粒、花粉管进行了ATPase的超微细胞化学定位。结果表明(1)亲和授粉和不亲和授粉后0.5h,柱头细胞的ATPase活性反应水平较低或基于无酶活性;柱头表面、柱头上附着的花粉粒内ATPase活性在不亲和授粉时较低,亲和授粉时较高,花粉粒内ATPase主要定位于线粒体和精子细胞;(2)授粉后1.5h,不亲和授粉的柱头细胞及花粉管的ATPase活性均较低,花粉管停止生长,细胞质开始解体;而亲和授粉的柱头细胞及花粉管的ATPase活性均较高,ATPase主要定位于柱头细胞的质膜、胞基质以及花粉管的壁、质体的膜、高尔基体、线粒体上。根据不同时期不同部位ATPase活性的差异,我们认为荞麦发生自交不亲和时,花粉管在花柱中停止生长不仅是因此花粉管得不到花柱中的营养物质而引起的,可能也与花粉管自身物质代谢发生障碍有关。  相似文献   

烟草花粉萌发和花粉管生长期间柱头和花柱中的钙分布   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
烟草柱头表面有两层覆盖物,其中含有少量细小的钙颗粒.花粉落到柱头上后,储存在花粉外壁中的钙被释放到覆盖层中.当花粉管穿过覆盖层长入柱头细胞之间时,花粉管顶端的细胞壁中出现了大量的细小钙颗粒.开花后22 h观察时,在花柱引导组织中形成了钙的梯度分布:花柱上部引导组织中的钙较少,而下部连接子房处的花柱引导组织中含有较多的钙颗粒.去雄花开花后1 d时,花柱上部引导组织中的钙明显增多;3 d时,连柱头细胞中也出现了较多的钙颗粒.讨论了烟草花柱引导组织中钙梯度分布和花粉管生长的关系.  相似文献   

烟草柱头和花柱中阿拉伯半乳糖蛋白的定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过Western印迹法、免疫组织化学和超微细胞化学等技术,研究了烟草柱头和花柱中阿拉伯半乳糖蛋白(arabinogalactan-proteins,AGPs)的分布。结果表明烟草柱头和花柱组织中含有大量的AGPs,主要分布于柱头表皮细胞的细胞质和分泌层细胞的胞外基质中,且授粉前后AGPs的分布情况差异不明显;而花柱中的AGPs主要分布于表皮细胞的外层细胞壁、维管组织周围细胞的细胞质及引导组织的胞外基质中;花粉管通过后,引导组织胞外基质中AGPs减少,而花粉管细胞质和花粉管壁中检测到大量AGPs。  相似文献   

A study of the pollen tube pathway in Lilium leucanthum var. centifolium and in L. regale reveals that the entire pathway from stigma to ovule is lined with cytologically unique stigmatoid cells. Assays for chemotropic activity of tissues and exudates along the pathway of pollinated or unpollinated pistils showed that onset of chemotropic activity progressed basipetally (and, when pollinated, in advance of the pollen tubes), commencing at the stigma 3-5 days before anthesis and appearing in the ovules 1-2 days after anthesis. Activity persists about 10 days in ovules of pollinated pistils and for 14-16 days in ovules of non-pollinated pistils. Attempts to localize the source of the chemotropic factor showed that gynoecial tissues bearing stigmatoid cells are chemo-tropically active while slices of style or ovary wall lacking stigmatoid cells are inactive. When ovules were sliced transversely and the micropylar and chalazal halves assayed, only the micropylar half showed activity. We suggest that the ovules and the stigmatoid tissue along the pollen tube pathway are the sources of the chemotropic factor responsible for the directional growth of the pollen tube.  相似文献   

Calcium(Ca~(2+)) signaling has been implicated in pollen germination and pollen tube growth. To date,however, we still know very little about how exactly Ca~(2+) signaling links to various physiological subcellular processes during pollen germination and pollen tube growth.Given that Ca~(2+) signaling is tightly related to the cytosolic concentration and dynamics of Ca~(2+), it is vital to trace the dynamic changes in Ca~(2+) levels in order to decode Ca~(2+) signaling. Here, we demonstrate that G-Ca MP5 serves well as an indicator for monitoring cytosolic Ca~(2+) dynamics in pollen cells. Using this probe, we show that cytosolic Ca~(2+) changes dramatically during pollen germination, and, asreported previously, Ca~(2+) forms a tip-focused gradient in the pollen tube and undergoes oscillation in the tip region during pollen tube growth. In particular, using G-CaMP5 allowed us to capture the dynamic changes in the cytosolic Ca~(2+) concentration([Ca~(2+)]_(cyt)) in pollen tubes in response to various exogenous treatments. Our data suggest that G-CaMP5 is a suitable probe for monitoring the dynamics of[Ca~(2+)]_(cyt) in pollen cells.  相似文献   

钙和硼对蓝猪耳花粉萌发及花粉管生长的影响   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:31  
研究了钙(Ca^2 )和硼(H3BO3)对蓝猪耳花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响。结果表明:(1)在一定范围内Ca^2 几乎不影响花粉萌发频率,而主要影响花粉萌发速度和花粉管生长速度;低Ca^2 不利于花粉管生长,而高Ca^2 抑制花粉萌发速度和花粉管生长;在稍高于最适Ca^2 浓度的条件下,花粉管生长早期呈现波浪形。(2)硼明显影响花粉萌发频率及花粉管形态;花粉管生长必需硼,但不同浓度的硼对花粉管生长速度影响不明显;在高浓度硼条件下,较长时间内花粉管均呈现出波浪形。(3)Cooled-CCD动态跟踪观察进一步证实Ca^2 影响花粉管生长速度,而硼则不明显。  相似文献   

The stigma papillae in Gladiolus are of the “dry” type and are highly vacuolated cells with an organelle-rich peripheral cytoplasm. The cell wall of each papilla is overlain by a distinctive cuticle possessing an irregularly scalloped inner margin. Between the cell wall and cuticle is a layer of amorphous sub-cuticular material. Lipids are detected on the papilla surface. A pollen grain will hydrate and germinate only on a papilla and not on any other (non-papillate) portion of the stigma. The pollen tube penetrates the papilla cuticle, which is forced away from the papilla cell wall by sub-cuticular pollen tube growth. As the cuticle lifts away, the sub-cuticular material disperses. At the base of the papilla, the pollen tube grows onto the adaxial non-papillate surface of the stigma lobe. At this site, the cuticle has been lifted away from the underlying cells by release of a mucilaginous substance from the latter, and the pollen tube grows within this substance beneath the detached cuticle. The cytological features of Gladiolus papillae are compared with other stigma papillae described in the literature. Also, a review of the literature, as well as some of the findings of the present study, suggest that certain prevalent interpretations of dry stigma structure and function may be open to question.  相似文献   

The fertilization process of plants is governed by different kinds of cell-cell interactions. In higher plants, these interactions are required both for recognition of the pollen grain by the female reproductive system and to direct the growth of the pollen tube inside the ovary. Despite many years of study, the signaling mechanisms that guide the pollen tube toward its target, the ovule, are largely unknown. Two distinct types of principles, mechanical and chemotropic, have been suggested to account for the directed growth of the pollen tube. The first of these two types of models implies that the guidance of the pollen tube depends on the architecture and chemical properties of the female reproductive tissues, whereas the latter suggests that the ovule provides a signal for the target-directed growth of the pollen tube. To examine such a role for the ovules, we analyzed the growth path of pollen tubes in mutants defective in ovule development in Arabidopsis. The results presented here provide unique in vivo evidence for an ovule-derived, long-range activity controlling pollen tube guidance. A morphological comparison of the ovule mutants used in this study indicates that within the ovule, the haploid embryo sac plays an important role in this long-range signaling process.  相似文献   

Ca2+、pH在花粉及萌发花粉管生长中的作用研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
花粉正常萌发并生长是精细胞顺利到达胚囊并实现受精作用的前提,因而是高等植物有性生殖的一个关键环节。花粉管生长涉及一系列过程,而花粉(或花粉管)内外的Ca^2 和pH的变化与花粉萌发、花粉管生长有着密切的关系。比较详细地论述了Ca^2 和pH在花粉萌发、花粉管生长过程中的分布特点、生理功能及分子机制。  相似文献   

The pollen tube is the most rapidly growing cell in the plant kingdom and has the function to deliver the sperm cells for fertilization. The growing tip region of the cell behaves in a chemotropic manner to respond to the guidance cues emitted by the pistil and the female gametophyte, but how it perceives and responds to these directional triggers is virtually unknown. Quantitative assessment of chemotropic behavior can greatly be enhanced by the administration of pharmacological or other biologically active agents at subcellular precision, which is a technical challenge when the target area moves as it grows. We developed a laminar flow based microfluidic device that allows for continuous administration of two different solutions with a movable interface that permits the dynamic targeting of the growing pollen tube apex over prolonged periods of time. Asymmetric administration of calcium revealed that rather than following the highest calcium concentration as would be expected with simple chemotropic behavior, the pollen tube of Camellia targets an optimal concentration suggesting the presence of two superimposed mechanisms. Subcellular application of pectin methyl esterase (PME), an enzyme that modifies the growth behavior by rigidifying the pollen tube cell wall, caused the tube to turn away from the agent – providing important evidence for a previously proposed conceptual model of the growth mechanism.  相似文献   

Gametophytic competition and selection have important effects on patterns of mating in plant populations. However, the relative importance of prezygotic mechanisms is often unclear due to a paucity of observations on pollen tube growth in vivo. In this study, we present observations on pollen tube behavior in the gynoecium of wild radish. Significant variation in the order of fertilization of the linearly arranged ovules occurred within the radish ovary. This variation is evidence that prezygotic mechanisms of gamete selection operate to sort pollen tubes nonrandomly to different ovule positions in the ovary. We propose that the variation in fertilization patterns can be attributed to variance in pollen tube growth rates in the central septum of the radish gynoecium. The path of pollen tube growth and gynoecial structure deserve greater attention in future studies of gamete competition.  相似文献   

Summary Water-homogenized stigma pellets of pearl millet and precipitates resulting from dialysis of their salt extracts were observed to: (1) chemotropically attract pearl millet pollen tubes on a sucrose-containing pollen germination and growth medium, (2) have acid invertase activity as assayed by the arsenomolybdate method, (3) hydrolyze sucrose in the pollen germination and growth medium to glucose as assayed by coupled glucose oxidation with Nitro Blue Tetrazolium, and (4) lose chemotropic and invertase activities upon heat treatment. The results indicate that the in vitro chemotropic attraction of pearl millet pollen tubes to water-homogenized stigma pellets is a response to glucose produced by homogenate-pellet-bound invertase hydrolyzing the sucrose present in the pollen germination and growth medium. Yeast and tomato invertases used as controls verified this conclusion. Water extracts of whole stigmas contained water-soluble acid invertase. The results are discussed in relation to the identification of possible in vivo chemotropic factors of pearl millet and other plants by in vitro assays.Abbreviations dH2O Deionized, house-distilled water - NBT Nitro Blue Tetrazolium, NBT-medium - PGG medium, pollen germination and growth medium (10% sucrose, 1 mM H3BO3, and 1% agarose); - WHS pellet, water-homogenized stigma pellet On Specific Cooperative Agreement 58-6612-8-002 with the Department of Biochemistry, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA  相似文献   

A study of the egg apparatus of Quercus gambelii was made at both the light and the electron microscope levels. This investigation was concerned primarily with the changes that occur in these cells before and after the process of fertilization and what role, if any, is played by the synergids in this phenomenon. The synergids before fertilization are, on the basis of ultrastructure, healthy, intact, functional cells. They have numerous mitochondria, dictyosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, and a typical nucleus. A prominent filiform apparatus is present, but the cell wall only extends a short distance around the micropylar end of the cells. Just before fertilization, one of the synergids degenerates. This is the synergid that receives the pollen tube and its discharge, including both male gametes. Dictyosomes increase in number and activity in the other synergid (persistent synergid) after fertilization. Eventually a complete cell wall forms around both of the synergids. No plasmodesmata are present in these walls. The egg has numerous mitochondria, dictyosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, and ribosomes, both free in the cytoplasm and attached to the endoplasmic reticulum. Lipid bodies are characteristic of this cell. A cell wall is present only around the micropylar end of the egg. After fertilization, little change occurs in the zygote. The number and activity of the dictyosomes increase, apparently in correlation with cell wall formation. The number of lipid bodies increases. The zygote is approximately the same size as the egg. Plastids are scarce, and starch grains are typically absent from all cells of the egg apparatus. It is suggested that the synergids function in the secretion of chemotropic substances that guide the growth of the pollen tube. Comparisons are made between the egg apparatus of Quercus gambelii and that of the other plants studied thus far.  相似文献   

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