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不同贮藏条件及生长调节剂对欧李花粉生活力的影响   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
以2年生欧李植株为试材,采用液体培养法研究了不同采集时间、贮藏时间、贮藏条件以及不同生长调节剂对欧李花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响。结果表明:(1)欧李花粉在大花苞期至初花期的生活力和发芽力最强,是花粉适宜的采集时期。(2)贮藏条件对花粉的贮藏时间起决定作用,在干燥条件下,花粉的生活力迅速降低,在自然湿度条件下,欧李花粉的贮藏时间随温度的降低而延长,-89℃超低温是欧李花粉贮藏的适合条件。(3)6-BA对花粉的萌发有抑制作用,但适宜的浓度(15mg·L-1)可以促进花粉管的生长,反之则抑制花粉管的生长;所有浓度的2,4-D均能促进花粉管的生长,但浓度对花粉萌芽率的影响极大;低浓度NAA(<20mg·L-1)或GA3(<50mg·L-1)对欧李花粉的萌发和花粉管的生长均影响不大;当NAA≥20mg·L-1时,对花粉的萌发有抑制作用,对花粉管的生长有促进作用;当GA3≥50mg·L-1时对花粉萌发和花粉管生长均具有一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

不同培养条件对黄连木花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
以黄连木花粉为试材,采用离体培养法研究了培养基组分和植物生长调节物质对黄连木花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响.结果表明:花粉萌发和花粉管生长的适宜蔗糖浓度为15%,适宜培养温度为25℃;该培养条件下,花粉萌发率和花粉管长度分别达最大值63.3%和412.1 μm.硼酸、赤霉素(GA3)和吲哚乙酸(IAA)在一定浓度范围内,可以促进黄连木花粉萌发和花粉管生长,浓度过高时起抑制作用;最适宜黄连木花粉萌发和花粉管生长的硼酸浓度、赤霉素(GA3)和吲哚乙酸(IAA)浓度分别为100、50和15 mg/L.  相似文献   

花粉内的多胺和外源多胺对花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了不同生理状态下的油松花粉内的多胺含量,并研究了腐胺和精胺对十种不同植物花粉的萌发和花粉管生长的影响。三种多胺(腐胺、亚精胺和精胺)总量贮藏花粉中高于新鲜花粉,萌发花粉内相对不变。三种生理状态不同的花粉内,亚精胺含量均高于腐胺和精胺。腐胺对花粉荫发和花粉管生长的作用不明显,精胺一般表现为抑制作用,并随浓度而加强,还与植物品种、花粉成熟度、花粉萌发速度、花粉管生长速度和培养基中硼酸的有无有关。一般,容易萌发、成熟较充分,或正在迅速生长的花粉,以及培养基中有硼时受抑制轻。  相似文献   

Ca2+、pH在花粉及萌发花粉管生长中的作用研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
花粉正常萌发并生长是精细胞顺利到达胚囊并实现受精作用的前提,因而是高等植物有性生殖的一个关键环节。花粉管生长涉及一系列过程,而花粉(或花粉管)内外的Ca^2 和pH的变化与花粉萌发、花粉管生长有着密切的关系。比较详细地论述了Ca^2 和pH在花粉萌发、花粉管生长过程中的分布特点、生理功能及分子机制。  相似文献   

桔梗花粉萌发与花粉管生长研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以2年生桔梗植株为材料,采用液体培养法研究了培养基种类、PEG、蔗糖、pH以及培养温度、培养时间对桔梗花粉离体萌发生长的影响,结果表明:(1)浓度为100~150 g.L-1的PEG可显著促进桔梗花粉萌发和花粉管的生长;200~250 g.L-1PEG显著促进花粉萌发,但对花粉管生长的作用不显著。(2)100 g.L-1的蔗糖有利于花粉萌发和花粉管生长,高浓度蔗糖(200 g.L-1)有明显抑制作用;(3)桔梗花粉离体萌发和花粉管生长的适宜培养基为ME3+BK+10%蔗糖+150 g.L-1PEG(pH5.8);(4)25~40℃条件下桔梗花粉均可较好萌发,以30℃培养1.5 h为最佳培养条件。  相似文献   

以砂梨(Pyrus pyrifoliaNakai)品种今村秋(Imamuraaki)和丰水(Hosui)为材料,分别用光学显微镜和荧光显微镜观察了离体和半活体条件下微丝骨架解聚剂细胞松弛素B(cytochalasin B,CB)和稳定剂鬼笔环肽(phalloidin)对梨花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响.结果表明:(1)低浓度(10μg/mL)鬼笔环肽能促进花粉萌发和花粉管生长,但高浓度对花粉萌发和花粉管的生长具有抑制作用;CB抑制花粉萌发和花粉管生长,且抑制效应随其浓度的增加而增强.(2)鬼笔环肽处理柱头后进行自花授粉,可明显促进自花花粉萌发和花粉管的生长,而CB处理柱头后异花授粉则抑制异花花粉萌发及其花粉管生长.可见,微丝骨架参与了梨花粉萌发和花粉管生长过程,并参与了梨自交不亲和反应的调节.  相似文献   

采用液体培养法研究不同培养基组分和培养条件对蜡梅花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响。结果表明:(1)PEG-4000是蜡梅花粉离体培养所必需的培养基成分,当培养基中无PEG-4000时,花粉不能正常萌发。(2)培养基内低浓度蔗糖对花粉萌发和花粉管的生长无显著影响,但随着蔗糖浓度的升高,则对花粉萌发和花粉管生长表现出强烈的抑制作用,且浓度越高,抑制效应越强。(3)培养基内其它组分分别在一定浓度范围(0~250g/L PEG-4000、0~50mg/L硼酸、0~30mg/L硝酸钙)内对花粉萌发及花粉管生长有促进作用,但超过上述高限值时则起抑制作用。(4)培养基内镁和钾的浓度对花粉萌发及花粉管生长影响不显著。研究表明,蜡梅最适花粉液体培养基组分为250g/L PEG-4000+50mg/L H3BO3+30mg/L Ca(NO3)2.4H2O,且在pH 5.5、温度15℃和600lx的光照培养条件下蜡梅花粉萌发和花粉管生长最佳。  相似文献   

淫羊藿花粉萌发及花粉管生长研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用方差分析、多重比较和正交实验方法对淫羊藿花粉的萌发和花粉管生长进行了研究.结果表明:培养基内硼酸、硝酸钙、蔗糖在一定浓度范围内,对花粉萌发及花粉管生长起促进作用,但超过一定浓度时则起抑制作用;镁和钾对花粉萌发及花粉管生长影响不显著.在正交实验中蔗糖和H3BO3对淫羊藿花粉萌发有显著影响,而培养基组分间没有明显的交互作用.淫羊藿最适花粉液体培养基为15%蔗糖 40 mg/L H3BO3 40 mg/LCa(NO3)2·4H2O;在pH值为5.0、25℃和600 lx光照时淫羊藿花粉萌发和花粉管生长最好.  相似文献   

G蛋白调节剂对梨花粉萌发及花粉胞内Ca2+浓度变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用激光共聚焦技术研究了异三聚体G蛋白活性调节剂对梨花粉萌发、花粉管生长及花粉细胞内游离钙离子浓度动态的影响。结果表明:异三聚体G蛋白激活剂霍乱毒素(CTX)可促进梨花粉萌发与花粉管生长,而其抑制剂百日咳毒素(PTX)则抑制花粉萌发与花粉管生长;霍乱毒素处理后,花粉细胞内产生特异性的“钙瞬变”信号,而百日咳毒素处理后则引起花粉细胞内游离钙离子浓度的持续下降。这表明:异三聚体G蛋白可能参与了梨花粉萌发与花粉管生长的调控过程,G蛋白的活性变化对花粉萌发的效应可能是通过调控花粉细胞内游离Ca^2 浓度的动态变化产生特异性的钙信号来实现的。  相似文献   

桃花粉离体萌发和花粉管生长特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用花粉离体萌发法研究不同培养基组分和培养条件对桃花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响,同时对不同贮藏温度下的桃花粉寿命进行研究.结果表明:固体培养基与液体培养基对桃的花粉萌发率和花粉管长度影响差异不显著;10%蔗糖是大多数桃品种花粉的最适萌发条件;硼能提高桃花粉的萌发率,但对花粉管的生长没有促进作用;桃花粉在20℃~25℃的培养温度下萌发率最高,花粉管最长;桃花粉萌发率和花粉管长度在培养前3 h内上升最快,3~5 h上升趋势减弱,5 h后基本停止;随着贮藏温度的升高和贮藏时间的延长,花粉生活力呈降低的趋势.  相似文献   

采用非固定、DMSO渗透和异硫氰酸标记的鬼笔环肽(FITC—Ph)染色方法,观察水稻花粉离体萌发过程中花粉管内肌动蛋白微丝的形态和分布。结果表明:(1)水稻花粉水合2min后即可萌发,花粉管生长速度在600~1500μm/h之间。(2)水合而未萌发的花粉粒中,大量较短的梭形微丝束构成微丝网络结构,萌发过程中花粉粒内的梭形微丝束松解,部分微丝转移至萌发的花粉管内沿花粉管纵轴呈束状结构;随着花粉管的伸长,微丝束主要分布在花粉管中前端,但在花粉管顶端区域始终未见明显的微丝束。(3)水合后不能正常萌发的花粉粒内肌动蛋白微丝呈弥散不规则分布,在相同萌发时间生长迟缓的花粉管中,微丝束较少,且主要位于花粉管近萌发孔的部位。表明微丝骨架的形态和分布影响水稻花粉管的萌发和生长。  相似文献   

Calcium(Ca~(2+)) signaling has been implicated in pollen germination and pollen tube growth. To date,however, we still know very little about how exactly Ca~(2+) signaling links to various physiological subcellular processes during pollen germination and pollen tube growth.Given that Ca~(2+) signaling is tightly related to the cytosolic concentration and dynamics of Ca~(2+), it is vital to trace the dynamic changes in Ca~(2+) levels in order to decode Ca~(2+) signaling. Here, we demonstrate that G-Ca MP5 serves well as an indicator for monitoring cytosolic Ca~(2+) dynamics in pollen cells. Using this probe, we show that cytosolic Ca~(2+) changes dramatically during pollen germination, and, asreported previously, Ca~(2+) forms a tip-focused gradient in the pollen tube and undergoes oscillation in the tip region during pollen tube growth. In particular, using G-CaMP5 allowed us to capture the dynamic changes in the cytosolic Ca~(2+) concentration([Ca~(2+)]_(cyt)) in pollen tubes in response to various exogenous treatments. Our data suggest that G-CaMP5 is a suitable probe for monitoring the dynamics of[Ca~(2+)]_(cyt) in pollen cells.  相似文献   

The deals with the effects of nifedipine (Nif), a Ca2+ channel blocker of rather high specificity, on pollen germination, pollen tube growth and division of generative nucleus (GN) in experimentlly germinated pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacurn L. Pollen germination was inhibited by the addition of 10-4 mol/L Nif whereas no significant inhibition by 10-7~10-5 mol/L Nif was observed. The effects of Nif on pollen tube growth were related to its concentration and duration of treatment. At the earlier stage, tube growth was promoted at the lower concentrations (10-7~10-5 mol/L), but was significantly inhibited at a concentration of 10 4 mol/L Nif. With increasing time of culture, even the lower concentrations also became harmful; the stronger the concentration, the earlier the transition from promotion to inhibition. Generally, inhibition of tube growth occurred within 24 hours of culture with different extent in various concentrations. Moreover, higher concentrations also tended to disturb tube morphology and cytoplasmic streaming. Nif was observed to perturb GN division at various concentrations, either blocked it completely at 10-4 mol/L, or only delayed it at 10-7~10-5 mol/L. The dynamics of membrane-associated calcium in pollen tubes was tested with chlorotetracycline (CTC). With increasing time of culture and escalating Nif concentration, CTC fluorescence weakened gradually, indicating that the physiological effects of Nif is mediated by its in hibition on Ca2+ channel activities.  相似文献   

A new method for isolation of quantities of mature pollen protoplasts in Nicotiana tabacum has been established. The first step was to germinate mature pollen in Brewbaker and Kwack medium containing 20% sucrose. When most of the pollen grains had just germinated short pollen tubes, they were transferred to an enzymatic solution for the second step. The enzymatic solution contained 1% pectinase, 1% cellulase, 0.5% potassium dextran sulfate, 1 mol/L mannitol, 0.4 mol/L sorbitol in Dx medium with or without 15% Ficoll. The enzymes firstly degraded the pollen tube wall and then the intine. As a result, intact pollen protoplasts were released with the isolation rate up to 50%-70%. Factors affecting pollen protoplast isolation during the germination and maceration of pollen grains were studied. The suceees depended on two key points:pollen germination duration and osmotieum concentration. The optimal germination duration was 30 rain at 30℃. When it was too long, long pollen tubes formed and subsequently, large number of subprotoplasts instead of whole protoplasts were yielded, as the case reported by previous investigators. The optimal concentration of mannitol and sorbitol in enzyme solution was as high as 1.4 mol/L in total. Lowering of the osmoticum concentration resulted in decrease of percentage of pollen protoplasts.  相似文献   

Actin cytoskeleton was localized in the pollen and pollen protoplast of Narcissus cyclamineus using fluorescence labelled phalloidin andconfocal microscopy. In the hydrated pollen (before germination) actin filamem bundles were arranged in a parallel array and at right angles to the long axis of the pollen grain in the cortex. But at the germination pore region(or fur row) the actin filament bundles formed a reticulate network. In the centre of the grain there was also an actin filament network which was more open and had less bundles associated with it than the network underneath the furrow. When the pollen grain started to produce pollen tube, most(if not all) of the actin filament bundles in the pollen grain rearranged into a parallel array pointing towards the tube. The bundles in the array later elongated and extended into the pollen tube. In the pollen protoplast a very tightly-packed actin bundle network was present. Numerous branches and jonts of actin filament bundles could be seen in the network. If the protoplasts were fixed before staining, the bundles aggregated and the branches and joints became less obvious indicating that fixation had affected the nature and arrangement of the actin filament bundles. If the pollen protoplasts were bursted (using the osmotic shock technique) or extracted (using Triton X-100), fragments of actin filament bundles could still be found associated with the membrane ghost indicating that some of the actin filament bundles in the cortex were tightly attached to the membrane. Using a double staining technique, actin filaments and microtubules were co-localized in the pollen protoplast. The co-alignment of some of the actin filament bundles with the microtubule bundles suggested that the actin cytoskeleton and the microtubule cytoskeleton were not distributed at random but in a well organized and orchestrated manner [possibly under the control of a yet undiscovered structure(s). The actin filament cytoskeleton in the generative cells failed to stain either in pollen or pollen tube, but they became stained in the pollen protoplast. The actin cytoskeleton in the generative cell appeared as a loosely organized network made up of short and long actin filament bundles.  相似文献   

Pollen and pistil in the progamic phase   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The progamic phase, the period of pollen tube growth through the pistil, is a period of specific interactions between the male gametophyte and the pistil. Understanding of pollen germination and pollen tube growth are relevant for the study of pollen-pistil interactions and for understanding the function of components specifically accumulated in the transmitting tissue cell walls and intercellular matrix that may interact with pollen tubes. Received: 18 January 2001 / Accepted: 19 June 2001  相似文献   

Cytoskeleton in Pollen and Pollen Tubes of Ginkgo biloba L.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The distribution of F-actin and microtubules was investigated in pollen and pollen tubes of Ginkgo biloba L. using a confocal laser scanning microscope after fluorescence and immunofluorescence labeling. A dense F-actin network was found in hydrated Ginkgo pollen. When Ginkgo pollen was germinating,F-actin mesh was found under the plasma membrane from which the pollen tube would emerge. After pollen germination, F-actin bundles were distributed axially in long pollen tubes of G. biloba. Thick F-actin bundles and network were found in the tip of the Ginkgo pollen tube, which is opposite to the results reported for the pollen tubes of some angiosperms and conifers. In addition, a few circular F-actin bundles were found in Ginkgo pollen tubes. Using immunofluorescence labeling, a dense microtubule network was found in hydrated Ginkgo pollen under confocal microscope. In the Ginkgo pollen tube, the microtubules were distributed along the longitudinal axis and extended to the tip. These results suggest that the cytoskeleton may have an essential role in the germination of Ginkgo pollen and tube growth.  相似文献   

 We examined the influence of pollen competitive environment on pollen performance in Mirabilis jalapa. We used the number of pollen grains and the number of pollen tubes per pistil as measures of pollen competition. Pollen germination, pollen tube penetration into the style, and pollen tube growth rates were used as measures of pollen performance. All three measures of pollen performance were affected by the competitive environment. Pollen germination was greatest at intermediate pollen load sizes. The percentage of germinated pollen grains that penetrated the stigma and grew into the style decreased with pollen load size. Pollen tube growth rate in the style was greater and more variable with larger numbers of pollen tubes in the style. Controlling for the degree of selection at the stigma indicated that pollen-pollen or pollen-style interactions were the likely causes of increased growth rates. Received: 28 October 1996 / Revision accepted: 24 January 1997  相似文献   

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