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红隼的生态和繁殖生物学观察   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
1989-1991年的4-8月,在山西庞泉沟自然保护区,对红隼生态和繁殖生物学进行了观察。已知该鸟的栖息地有三种:营巢地、觅食地和短暂停息地,利用率分别为39.42%、40.37%和20.19%。该鸟的种群密度在繁殖前4月为2.06,繁殖后的8月为2.89,繁殖后比繁殖前的种群密度增加40.29%。该鸟营巢于悬崖峭壁的洞穴或石缝;产卵多在5月,产卵与孵卵同步;窝产卵3-6枚,孵化期29-30天。其食物组成为小型啮齿动物、小型鸟类和昆虫,分别占64.26%、31.50%和4.26%。  相似文献   

国内关于靴隼雕(Hieraaetus pennata)资料缺乏,仅有几例新纪录报道,无繁殖信息。本文报道2010~2016年间靴隼雕在新疆南部和北部的繁殖与分布状况。靴隼雕巢址选择开阔的地带,营巢于大树上(n=7),巢距地面高度在7~12 m,巢直径约74~102 cm。窝卵数2~3枚,孵卵期37~40 d,育雏期48~58 d,繁殖期持续4~5个月。育雏前期与后期亲鸟的行为变化较大。其巢区附近野生动物资源丰富,食物以鸟类为主,主要是水鸟的幼鸟(体重小于300 g);哺乳类包括草兔(Lepus capensis)、大耳猬(Hemiechinus auritus)、鼹形田鼠(Ellobius talpinus)等。在新疆和硕利用红外相机监测32 d,共收获77 894张图片。育雏期人工观察16 d,约248 h,同时拍下行为照片及录像作为辅助记录。育雏前期,雌鸟的陪护时间占88.43%,雄鸟只有3.26%。亲鸟育雏期的活动节律、投食次数呈现单峰型;续巢频次则为双峰型。在中亚,靴隼雕有明显"东扩"之趋势。通过野外观察靴隼雕的行为,了解繁殖状况,积累基础资料,对其种群保护和管理具有意义。  相似文献   

2002年7月到2004年6月对上海郊区祝桥镇、机场镇和朝阳农场及其附近区域的红隼种群密度进行了计数调查.调查通过固定路线进行,共进行调查53次.结果表明该区域红隼种群密度冬季明显高于夏季,呈现明显的月变化和季节变化,红隼种群的季节变动在一定程度上反映了该区域红隼的迁徙及居留情况,认为红隼在上海地区的居留状况包括留鸟、冬候鸟和过境鸟3种类型.混合农作物生境和芦苇生境中红隼种群密度具有极显著差异(t=4.6506,P=0.0000〈0.001),红隼更加偏好混合农作物生境.通过红隼的种群密度可以反映红隼的居留状况和对生境的选择情况.  相似文献   

红隼的繁殖习性及领域选择的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
红隼是森林益鸟。本文着重记述了其分布和数量、活动规律、繁殖习性、雏鸟生长等,并对繁殖期的领域选择作了较深入的探讨。  相似文献   

栖木是重要的生境因子,对于鸟类生境选择和利用具有重要意义。2003年9月-2004年3月,采用固定样地对照观测的方法,分析研究栖木在越冬红隼(Falco tinnunculus)的栖息地选择与捕食方式选择中的作用。研究结果表明,增加了栖木的试验区(下称试验区),红隼的出现频率远大于未增加栖木的对照区(下称对照区);试验区红隼个体平均停留时间显著长于对照区;在试验区红隼栖停捕食占捕食次数的77.24%,而在对照区红隼只进行飞行捕食,红隼捕食方式和样地中是否增加栖木具有极显著相关性;试验区,红隼栖停行为时间占51.8%,大于对照区(30.1%),对照区中,红隼在空中的行为如飞行、翱翔、悬停等行为时间所占比例为34.8%,远高于试验区(12.1%)。这些结果表明,栖木在越冬红隼的栖息地选择和捕食方式选择中具有重要的作用,栖木的存在是栖停捕食的先决条件,冬季红隼偏好于具有较好栖木条件的栖息地,并且偏向于采取低消耗低收益的栖停捕食。  相似文献   

上海郊区冬季红隼行为时间分配   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
2003年11月~2004年2月采用随机个体、连续取样的方式,在上海郊区获取了越冬112只次红隼(Falco tinnunculus)123.33 h的行为数据,对红隼的时间行为分配模式进行了研究与分析。结果表明,冬季红隼白天活动时间大部分用于栖停(44.45%),其次为捕食(18.83%)、停落(12.17%)、飞行(9.98%)、滑翔(8.11%)、悬停(3.46%)、梳羽(1.70%)、戏耍和交互(1.32%)。栖停在早中晚占有较高的比例,而捕食在上午和下午分别具有一个高峰时段。红隼在1 d中具有两个活动高峰分别在上午(8∶00~10∶00)和下午(13∶00~15∶00)。通过对行为发生时间的相关性分析,发现活动高峰主要是由捕食行为及相关的飞行、悬停等行为组成。  相似文献   

()、纵纹腹小()和红隼视器的比较形态学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨猛禽视器结构与生活习性的关系,用光镜和扫描电镜观察、测量并统计了、纵纹腹小和红隼视网膜各层的厚度,三个核层的胞核层数和视细胞密度.视网膜外核层、内核层和节细胞层胞核的平均层数在依次为2.6、7.6和0.4层;在小为3.0、11.4和1.9层;红隼为1.6、14.6和1.7层.视网膜中央区视锥细胞密度(±SD)在为190 117±27 304个/mm2,小为202 122±49 542个/mm2,红隼为234 039±44 916个/mm2.视网膜周围区视杆细胞的密度在为190 422±26 595个/mm2,小为165 800±26 408个/mm2,红隼为178 015±40 165个/mm2.红隼视网膜周围区还有视锥细胞分布,其密度为22 082±9 864个/mm2.结果表明,视器的结构为夜行性特征,而小有趋于晨昏活动的特点,红隼为典型的昼行性视觉特征.3种猛禽栖息于同一生态环境内,视器的结构差异显示出其时间活动格局上的差异.  相似文献   

为了解黄渤海甲壳类的分类多样性特征, 我们统计了2010-2015年中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所调查捕获的黄渤海甲壳类(软甲纲: 十足目与口足目)物种名录。结合历史文献, 进一步系统整理得到黄渤海甲壳类物种总名录。基于这2个名录, 应用分类阶元包含指数(the inclusion index at taxonomic level, TINCLi)、平均分类差异指数(average taxonomic distinctness index, Δ+)和分类差异变异指数(variation in taxonomic distinctness index, Λ+)研究了其分类多样性特征。结果显示: 2010-2015年调查名录中, 甲壳类共93种, 隶属于2目39科66属, 其中10种为新分布种; 对虾科、藻虾科、长臂虾科、梭子蟹科和弓蟹科的物种数最多, 合计占总物种数的38.71%; TINCLi分别为1.41种/属和2.38种/科; Δ+和Λ+分别为50.25和35.20。总名录中, 甲壳类共228种, 隶属于2目53科123属, 其中藻虾科、豆蟹科、对虾科、弓蟹科和鼓虾科的物种数最多, 合计占总物种数的30.70%; TINCLi分别为1.85种/属和4.30种/科, Δ+和Λ+分别为50.18和30.87。对虾科的相对丰富度指数(the relative richness index, Rr)最高(100), 其次是梭子蟹科(71.43)和长臂虾科(62.50), 豆蟹科最低(6.25)。黄渤海甲壳类的平均分类差异指数(Δ+)明显小于鱼类(P < 0.05)。2010-2015年调查的Δ+计算值高于理论值, 且在理论值的95%置信区间内, 说明黄渤海甲壳类群落正处在中等程度的干扰中。  相似文献   

2012年11月2013年3月,采用样点法和样线法相结合,对鄱阳湖4个地区岸边鸟类进行调查,共记录陆生鸟类7目29科69种。其中国家Ⅱ级保护鸟类5种:黑翅鸢Elanus caeruleus、白尾鹞Circus cyaneus、赤腹鹰Accipiter soloensis、普通鵟Buteo buteo和红隼Falco tinnunculus。居留型方面,留鸟和冬候鸟最多,分别占鸟类物种总数的55.07%和31.89%。鸟类区系方面,古北界种类最多,占44.93%;东洋界鸟类次之,占30.43%。都昌候鸟省级自然保护区的鸟类物种数最多,南矶湿地国家级自然保护区鸟类多样性和均匀度最高,鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区的鸟类多样性和均匀度最低而优势度最高。  相似文献   

根据1953-2011年小兴安岭森林调查数据和森林火灾统计资料,结合野外火烧迹地调查与室内控制试验数据,估算了小兴安岭1953-2011年森林火灾的碳排放量和含碳气体排放量.结果表明: 1953-2011年小兴安岭森林火灾的总碳排放量为1.12×107 t,年均排放量为1.90×105 t,约占全国年均森林火灾碳排放量的1.7%;其中,含碳气体CO2、CO、CH4和非甲烷烃(NMHC)的排放量分别为3.39×107、1.94×105、1.09×105和7.46×104 t,相应年均排放量5.74×105、3.29×104、1.85×103、1.27×103 t分别占全国年均森林火灾含碳气体排放量的1.4%、1.2%、1.7%和1.1%.不同林型的燃烧效率和单位过火面积的碳排放量均为针叶林>阔叶林>针阔混交林.最后提出了合理的林火管理措施.  相似文献   

Recent largely unexplained deaths in African flamingos have prompted the need for standard, reproducible methods for the post-mortem examination of these birds, for the taking of samples and for the recording of findings. Here we describe suitable techniques and present three distinct protocols for field-based post-mortem examination of flamingos that can be employed flexibly, depending on the circumstances, by veterinarians and non-professionals alike. The adoption of these protocols is strongly recommended to improve standardisation of data and sample collection, which will ultimately enhance our understanding of the causes of mortality in African flamingos.  相似文献   

P.P. Olea 《Bird Study》2013,60(1):110-115
Much is known about the breeding period of the threatened Lesser Kestrel, but little of the postfledging period. Here, I examine the postfledging dispersal of juvenile Lesser Kestrels, based on all ringing recoveries of Lesser Kestrels ringed as nestlings in Spain and recovered before September (migration) of the same year. Of 28 juveniles recovered, 19 (67.9%) dispersed and their median recovery distance was 210 km (range 41–578 km), with significantly northern directions. No difference was found in the dispersal distance between individuals ringed as nestlings in mid-north and mid-south Spain, nor was any correlation found between the recovery distance and ringing latitude. These findings for postfledging dispersal in juvenile Lesser Kestrels seem in accordance with predictions of a mental map hypothesis for homing, but they do not exclude food as a potential factor influencing such movements. However, these postfledging movements cannot be explained by the hypothesis of gathering information for identifying a future breeding site.  相似文献   

Although the Kestrel has a preference for Short-tailed Voles where they are obtainable, it is an opportunist hunter and will exploit local abundance of other kinds of prey, even earthworms during spring ploughing. Small birds figure most importantly in the diet during periods of severe weather.  相似文献   

Population fragmentation is a widespread phenomenon usually associated with human activity. As a result of habitat transformation, the philopatric and steppe-specialist Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni underwent a severe population decline during the last century that increased population fragmentation throughout its breeding range. In contrast, the ubiquitous Eurasian Kestrel Falco tinnunculus did not suffer such adverse effects, its breeding range still remaining rather continuous. Using microsatellites, we tested the effects of population fragmentation on large-scale spatial patterns of genetic differentiation and diversity by comparing these two sympatric and phylogenetically related species. Our results suggest that habitat fragmentation has increased genetic differentiation between Lesser Kestrel populations, following an isolation-by-distance pattern, while the population of Eurasian Kestrels is panmictic. Contrary to expectations, we did not detect significant evidence of reduced genetic variation or increased inbreeding in Lesser Kestrels. Although this study reports genetic differentiation in a species that has potential for long-distance dispersal but philopatry-limited gene flow, large enough effective population sizes and migration may have been sufficient to mitigate genetic depauperation. A serious reduction of genetic diversity in Lesser Kestrels would, therefore, only be expected after severe population bottlenecks following extreme geographic isolation.  相似文献   

The concentrations of maternally derived androgens in the yolks of avian eggs vary within and among clutches, but a mechanistic basis for this variation has not been elucidated. We investigated in the American kestrel, Falco sparverius, whether changes in plasma-prolactin concentrations induced by changes in photoperiod and food supply affect yolk-androgen concentrations. Over the course of a photoinduced breeding period in the laboratory, we measured concentrations of plasma immunoreactive prolactin (ir-prolactin) in female kestrels with ad libitum food availability (control) or food availability that was reduced during the early breeding period. In a second laboratory study, we administered via osmotic mini-pumps ovine prolactin (o-prolactin) to females beginning on the day they laid their first egg of a clutch (egg-day 1) to determine the effects of high prolactin concentrations on yolk-androgen concentrations. In both this study and one on free-living kestrels, we quantified changes in yolk-androgen concentrations with date of clutch initiation. Concentrations of ir-prolactin in nonlaying females rose with date, irrespective of food treatment. Egg-day 1 ir-prolactin concentrations were higher in control females laying late during the breeding phase than in those laying early. This increase was absent in food-reduced females. Yolk-androgen concentrations in eggs 3 and 4 but not eggs 1 and 2 of the clutch were higher in clutches initiated late than in clutches initiated early in the breeding phase in both the field and laboratory. o-prolactin treatment elevated yolk-testosterone but not androstenedione concentrations. These findings suggest that, in American kestrels, seasonal and laying-associated increases in plasma-prolactin concentrations elevate yolk-testosterone concentrations. Food availability and other factors may interact with date to regulate the effects of prolactin on yolk-testosterone deposition.  相似文献   

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