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<正>菌种资源库上海工微所科技有限公司菌种资源库是华东地区工业微生物菌种专业保藏机构之一。保藏国内外工业微生物菌种种类繁多,主要包括细菌、酵母菌、霉菌三大类。大部分菌种收集于生产一线,具有一定的生产和研究价值。基本涵盖了食品与发酵行业中各类生产、科研和教学用微生物菌种,其中许多优良菌种的生产性能具有较高的应用水平。可提供1600余株国内外工业微生物菌种,  相似文献   

<正>菌种资源库上海工微所科技有限公司菌种资源库是华东地区工业微生物菌种专业保藏机构之一。保藏国内外工业微生物菌种种类繁多,主要包括细菌、酵母菌、霉菌三大类。大部分菌种收集于生产一线,具有一定的生产和研究价值。基本涵盖了食品与发酵行业中各类生产、科研和教学用微生物菌种,其中许多优良菌种的生产性能具有较高的应用水平。  相似文献   

生物发酵是以微生物菌种为生物催化剂,以淀粉糖、生物质等可再生资源为原料发酵生产各种食品、化学品、燃料、材料等物质的生产过程,具有绿色、低碳和可持续等特征。我国拥有全球规模最大的生物发酵产业,尤其氨基酸、维生素等传统发酵产品占全球市场份额的60%–80%。发展生物发酵产业对于我国实现“碳中和、碳达峰”的战略目标和生物经济发展具有重要的意义。微生物工业菌种是生物发酵产业的核心,直接影响原料路线、产品种类和生产成本。创新发酵工业菌种,提升其原料转化利用效率,提高产物生产水平,拓展产品种类,是生物发酵产业高质量发展的关键。近年来,合成生物学、系统生物学等学科的发展,进一步加深了研究者对微生物底盘细胞生理代谢机制的理解,加速了基因编辑等菌种设计创制使能技术的发展,为发酵工业菌种改造提升提供了新动能。本文选取了具有代表性的大宗氨基酸、B族维生素、柠檬酸、燃料乙醇等发酵产业,从其工业微生物底盘的基础研究和技术开发角度,综述发酵工业菌种改造提升的最新进展,并展望人工智能、自动化与生命科学交叉融合将对工业菌种迭代产生的重要影响。  相似文献   

<正>菌种资源库上海工微所科技有限公司菌种资源库是华东地区工业微生物菌种专业保藏机构之一。保藏国内外工业微生物菌种种类繁多,主要包括细菌、酵母菌、霉菌三大类。大部分菌种收集于生产一线,具有一定的生产和研究价值基本涵盖了食品与发酵行业中各类生产、科硏和教学用微生物菌种,其中许多优良菌种的生产性能具有较高的应用水平。可提供1600余株国内外工业微生物菌种,菌种目录可登陆www.gsy-siim.com查询。可提供菌种保藏(冻干安瓿管)、选育、鉴定、评价与应用等全程微生物菌种服务。  相似文献   

Jia LY  Wang X 《生理科学进展》2004,35(3):237-239
蛋白质组学是旨在研究蛋白质表达谱和蛋白质与蛋白质之间相互作用的新的领域。蛋白质组学的研究必须依赖高通量、自动化程度很高的技术。双向电泳、液相色谱和生物质谱技术的发展推动了蛋白质组学的研究。蛋白质组学为疾病发病机制的研究提供了新的思路和方法 ,本文重点介绍了蛋白质组学技术在心血管疾病研究中的应用  相似文献   

正菌种资源库上海工微所科技有限公司菌种资源库是华东地区工业微生物菌种专业保藏机构之一。保藏国内外工业微生物菌种种类繁多,主要包括细菌、酵母菌、霉菌三大类。大部分菌种收集于生产一线,具有一定的生产和研究价值。基本涵盖了食品与发酵行业中各类生产、科研和教学用微生物菌种,其中许多优良菌种的生产性能具有较高的应用水平。  相似文献   

工业菌种改良述评   总被引:36,自引:1,他引:35  
微生物菌种是发酵工业的基础。菌种筛选和持续不断的改良贯彻于发酵过程始终。传统的(经典的)诱变—筛选仍是目前最实用的常规技术;以基因工程为核心的现代生物技术正越来越显示出其在菌种改良上的魅力,并将最终成为微生物育种的主导技术。  相似文献   

正菌种资源库上海工微所科技有限公司菌种资源库是华东地区工业微生物菌种专业保藏机构之一。保藏国内外工业微生物菌种种类繁多,主要包括细菌、酵母菌、霉菌三大类。大部分菌种收集于生产一线,具有一定的生产和研究价值。基本涵盖了食品与发酵行业中各类生产、科研和教学用微生物菌种,其中许多优良菌种的生产性能具有较高的应用水平。可提供1600余株国内外工业微生物菌种,菌种目录可登陆www.gsy—siim.com查询。可提供菌种保藏(冻干安瓿管)、选育鉴定、评价与应用等全程微生物菌种服务。  相似文献   

传统的育种方法由于本身的缺陷受到了基因工程育种的强有力挑战,基因工程技术应用于发酵工业创立了全新的发酵基因工程。传统发酵菌种棒状杆菌的分子生物学研究欣欣向荣,棒状杆菌的受体系统、载体系统以及DNA转移技术都已取得长足进展。对棒状杆菌的分子遗传机制的阐明使得构建表达载体并表达目的基因成为现实。利用基因突变和基因重组技术选育优良的棒状杆菌发酵菌种,业已取得明显成效。  相似文献   

L-乳酸的发酵生产和聚L-乳酸的化学加工   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
L-乳酸广泛应用于食品、医药、日化和工业等各个领域。近年来随着石化资源的不断紧缺,众多化学合成的高分子材料的生产受到了限制。以生物质资源为基础的L-乳酸因此被大量用于加工生产成聚L-乳酸等环境友好型生物可降解材料。正是由于L-乳酸需求量的增大,如何高效低成本地生产L-乳酸显得尤为重要。系统综述了L-乳酸生产菌株的选育,用于L-乳酸发酵生产的廉价资源的开发利用,L-乳酸的发酵生产和L-乳酸的分离纯化等方面的研究进展。目前研究的热点和难点正是基于上述四个部分:菌种方面,以可以高效代谢利用廉价底物,且营养需求低的选育目标获得了多个优良的生产菌种,然而具备综合代谢优势的菌种还有待进一步选育;发酵底物方面,已开发利用多种廉价,来源丰富且易于菌种代谢并高效转化成乳酸的底物,但是对这些底物工业规模应用还有待进一步研究;发酵工艺方面,建立了环境友好型,劳动强度低的发酵工艺,然而实际应用中仍然存在成本高的问题;后提取方面,通过选育低营养需求的生产菌种和采用新型发酵工艺有效地简化了后提取过程,但是实际应用方面仍受发酵工艺成本高的制约。最后对聚L-乳酸的化学加工以及聚L-乳酸的生物降解进行了探讨并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Industrial and culture collection strains of solvent-producing clostridia, classified as Clostridium acetobutylicum, Clostridium beijerinckii, Clostridium saccharobutylicum, and Clostridium saccharoperbutylacetonicum were utilised in a comparative study of fermentation performance in a laboratory fermentation medium, a molasses fermentation medium, and a maize fermentation medium under standardised culture conditions. At least one representative strain was selected from each of the sub-groups within the four species. Preliminary evaluations were first undertaken for the three different fermentation media to determine the most appropriate media formulations, carbohydrate concentrations, and culture conditions for comparison of the solvent-producing ability of these strains. Standardised fermentation media and culture conditions were then selected for each of the comparative fermentation studies. These included TYA medium containing 4% glucose, a supplemented molasses medium containing 6% fermentable sugars, and a supplemented maize mash medium containing 8% maize. Additional comparative fermentation studies on industrial strains belonging to two species of solvent-producing clostridia were carried out in molasses containing higher concentrations of fermentable sugars, and the sugar concentrations supporting maximum levels of solvent production were determined. Although all the strains tested grew in the maize fermentation medium and degraded starch, only a few strains produced consistently high solvent levels. Optimum starch utilisation and solvent production was obtained at a maize concentration of 80 g/l. Pretreatment of the maize by milling or saccharification decreased the buffering capacity of the medium and resulted in decreased solvent production. Decreasing the time used to gelatinise the starch had little effect. Solvent yields and concentrations obtained in this study were compared with various published data in the scientific and patent literature and appeared to closely simulate the results obtained in the industrial fermentation process. The fermentation performances of individual strains could provide useful comparative data for the selection and development of strains for use on various commercial fermentation substrates.  相似文献   

Economically viable production of solvents through acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) fermentation requires a detailed understanding of Clostridium acetobutylicum. This study focuses on the proteomic profiling of C. acetobutylicum ATCC 824 from the stationary phase of ABE fermentation using xylose and compares with the exponential growth by shotgun proteomics approach. Comparative proteomic analysis revealed 22.9% of the C. acetobutylicum genome and 18.6% was found to be common in both exponential and stationary phases. The proteomic profile of C. acetobutylicum changed during the ABE fermentation such that 17 proteins were significantly differentially expressed between the two phases. Specifically, the expression of five proteins namely, CAC2873, CAP0164, CAP0165, CAC3298, and CAC1742 involved in the solvent production pathway were found to be significantly lower in the stationary phase compared to the exponential growth. Similarly, the expression of fucose isomerase (CAC2610), xylulose kinase (CAC2612), and a putative uncharacterized protein (CAC2611) involved in the xylose utilization pathway were also significantly lower in the stationary phase. These findings provide an insight into the metabolic behavior of C. acetobutylicum between different phases of ABE fermentation using xylose.  相似文献   

随着新一代生物质能源的研发,利用梭菌的发酵生产丁醇已成为热点。选用能生产丁醇的Clostridium acetobutylicum AS1.7,Clostridium acetobutylicum AS1.132,Clostridium acetobutylicumAS1.134和Clostridium beijerinckii NCMIB 8052,在多种糖源下进行发酵培养,通过比较其在不同糖源条件下的生长情况、糖利用率、丁醇及副产物产量、对丁醇、木糖耐受能力等,综合筛选出了最适用于发酵生产丁醇的备选菌种。NCMIB8052因具有最高产量、相对优良的耐受性及可利用多种糖源的特点,而被确定为发酵能力最强的菌种。  相似文献   

【目的】目前,国内外鲜有关于羊源丁酸梭菌的报道。本课题选用羊源丁酸梭菌HDRy YB1为研究对象,对其发酵工艺进行优化,为该菌株作为饲料添加剂应用于畜牧业生产奠定基础。【方法】采用Plackett-Burman(PB)试验设计法和响应面法分析并优化显著影响HDRy YB1菌株发酵液中芽胞数的培养基成分。【结果】发酵培养基中的面粉浓度、鱼粉浓度和米粉浓度显著影响发酵液中的芽胞数,优化后的发酵培养基组分(质量体积比)为:面粉3.72%、鱼粉0.90%、米粉3.96%、酵母粉0.60%、Na Cl 0.19%、Mg SO4·7H2O 0.19%、KH2PO4 0.01%、Na HCO3 0.01%、Ca CO3 0.48%;培养参数为:37°C,初始p H为7.2-7.4,瓶装量100/250,接种量3%。在此条件下,HDRy YB1菌株发酵完全(18 h)的芽胞数为1.478×108 CFU/m L,是优化前的2.7倍。【结论】HDRy YB1菌株发酵培养基得到了优化,优化后的培养基可用于后期的扩大发酵试验,验证其在实践生产中的应用价值。  相似文献   

High titers of a noninducible bacteriocin were produced by Clostridium acetobutylicum in a molasses fermentation medium used for the industrial production of solvents. Release of the bacteriocin towards the end of the exponential growth phase was accompanied by lysis of the culture and inhibition of the production of solvents. The producer cells were sensitive to the bacteriocin, which only affected other C. acetobutylicum strains and a Clostridium felsineum strain. The thermolabile bacteriocin was not inactivated by protease enzymes and had no optimum stability between pH 4 and 5. The sedimentation coefficient of the bacteriocin was 6S.  相似文献   

High titers of a noninducible bacteriocin were produced by Clostridium acetobutylicum in a molasses fermentation medium used for the industrial production of solvents. Release of the bacteriocin towards the end of the exponential growth phase was accompanied by lysis of the culture and inhibition of the production of solvents. The producer cells were sensitive to the bacteriocin, which only affected other C. acetobutylicum strains and a Clostridium felsineum strain. The thermolabile bacteriocin was not inactivated by protease enzymes and had no optimum stability between pH 4 and 5. The sedimentation coefficient of the bacteriocin was 6S.  相似文献   

A robust Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain has been widely applied in continuous and batch/fed-batch industrial fermentation. However, little is known about the molecular basis of fermentative behavior of this strain in the two realistic fermentation processes. In this paper, we presented comparative proteomic profiling of the industrial yeast in the industrial fermentation processes. The expression levels of most identified protein were closely interrelated with the different stages of fermentation processes. Our results indicate that, among the 47 identified protein spots, 17 of them belonging to 12 enzymes were involved in pentose phosphate, glycolysis, and gluconeogenesis pathways and glycerol biosynthetic process, indicating that a number of pathways will need to be inactivated to improve ethanol production. The differential expressions of eight oxidative response and heat-shock proteins were also identified, suggesting that it is necessary to keep the correct cellular redox or osmotic state in the two industrial fermentation processes. Moreover, there are significant differences in changes of protein levels between the two industrial fermentation processes, especially these proteins associated with the glycolysis and gluconeogenesis pathways. These findings provide a molecular understanding of physiological adaptation of industrial strain for optimizing the performance of industrial bioethanol fermentation. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The reported incidence and effects of bacteriophage infections occurring in the industrial acetone butanol (AB) fermentation processes operated in the USA, Japan, and Puerto Rico during the earlier part of the twentieth century is reviewed. The growth characteristics and solvent-producing ability of a lysogenic strain of Clostridium madisonii isolated from a phage infection in Puerto Rico was determined in molasses fermentation medium. The host strain harbours a large lysogenic phage belonging to the Siphoviridae and the growth rate of the lysogenic strain was found to be slower than the non-lysogenic parent strain and exhibited reduced solvent production. The history of phage infections that occurred in the South African AB process is documented along with the various remedial actions that were taken to restore production. A more detailed account of the last phage infection that occurred in 1980 involving a small pseudo-lysogenic phage belonging to the Podoviridae is given. This phage infected Clostridium beijerinckii P260 and a number of closely related industrial strains. Factory-scale fermentations contaminated by this phage were compared with equivalent laboratory-scale control fermentations. The effect of the phage infection in the full-scale and laboratory-scale fermentations were monitored. Results obtained in laboratory-based studies included an assessment of the effect of the multiplicity of infection and the timing of phage infection. The general effects and symptoms of phage infections in the industrial AB fermentation are reviewed including gross changes in the fermentation and changes in cell morphology. Common techniques used for the diagnosis of phage infections and approaches for controlling phage contamination in the AB fermentation are discussed. Prevention strategies included good factory hygiene, sterilisation, decontamination and disinfection, and the use of resistant strains immunised against specific phages.  相似文献   

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