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钱茜  李赛飞  文华安 《菌物学报》2011,30(4):556-565
培菌性白蚁能在存在于蚁巢或分散在其周围土壤中的菌圃上培养真菌。菌圃在无白蚁存在下培养会生长出炭角菌的子实体。对分别采集自我国西南四川、云南两省的4个土白蚁属菌圃采用原位培养法分离并纯化得到40株炭角菌,划分为13个形态型,ITS1-5.8S-ITS2序列分析确定为两种炭角菌。采用建立ITS基因文库的方法分析了白蚁菌圃真菌群落多样性,结果表明有白蚁存在的菌圃,蚁巢伞为单一优势菌;废弃的蚁巢中的菌圃,木霉、炭角菌等其他真菌成为优势菌。  相似文献   

在云南绿春观察大白蚁亚科4种土白蚁的分飞活动,研究大白蚁亚科白蚁和蚁巢伞之间的关系,得知:大白蚁亚科不同种类白蚁分飞孔形状不相同,分飞时分布于孔口周围的白蚁型、数目和扩散范围存在差异,这些蚁巢的外露特征可以作为白蚁种类识别的辅助依据。采集32巢白蚁以及其巢上生长的蚁巢伞,结果显示,大白蚁亚科每一个白蚁巢仅生长一种蚁巢伞Termitomyces子实体。与小果蚁巢伞共生的白蚁也与其他蚁巢伞共生,推测真菌能改变白蚁的行为。对白蚁种类和蚁巢伞种类对应关系的研究表明在小地域内,白蚁和蚁巢伞不仅存在属间高度专一性,而且种间也显示较高的共生专一性。  相似文献   

【背景】培菌白蚁是属于白蚁科的一类与鸡枞菌属真菌共生的高等白蚁,其与体内肠道微生物和体外菌圃微生物形成三维共生体系。【目的】分析培菌白蚁菌圃和粪便的微生物多样性,并与肠道微生物进行比较。【方法】通过Illumina MiSeq高通量测序方法对培菌白蚁菌圃和粪便样品进行细菌16S rRNA基因和真菌ITS测序分析。【结果】高通量测序获得培菌白蚁菌圃和粪便样品细菌和真菌的有效序列和OTU数目。5个样品细菌OTU数目在90-199之间,而真菌OTU在10-58之间,细菌的种类多样性明显大于真菌。不论是细菌还是真菌,粪便样品的OTU数目多于菌圃样品。经物种分类分析,菌圃样品主要优势细菌是变形菌门(Proteobacteria),其相对含量超过82.4%;其次是拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)和厚壁菌门(Firmicutes);粪便样品中优势细菌为拟杆菌门,其次是变形菌门,粪便优势菌属为别样杆菌属和营发酵单胞菌属,这与培菌白蚁肠道菌多样性组成一致。培菌白蚁菌圃和粪便样品共生真菌主要为担子菌门(Basidiomycota)和子囊菌门(Ascomycota)。菌圃优势真菌为鸡枞菌属(Termitomyces),相对含量在51.83%以上,菌圃中还鉴定到炭角菌属(1%,Xylaria)。【结论】为今后培菌白蚁-体内外微生物共生关系研究以及微生物的分离培养提供了依据和参考。  相似文献   

蚁巢伞属真菌研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王鹏飞  何隽  周文  李彪  吴鹏  李宗菊 《微生物学通报》2012,39(10):1487-1498
从蚁巢伞属真菌的分类鉴定、活性成分、生长培养及与宿主白蚁共生关系等方面进行综述。其中包括对近年来相关研究成果的总结,指出其中存在的问题,对蚁巢伞属真菌的研究前景进行展望。  相似文献   

白蚁及其共生微生物协同降解植物细胞壁的机理一直被世界各国科学家所关注。培菌白蚁作为高等白蚁,相比低等食木白蚁具有更多样化的食性,其利用外共生系统“菌圃”,对多种植物材料进行处理。本文综述了菌圃微生物降解木质纤维素的研究进展,以期为深入研究菌圃中木质纤维素降解过程及其机制,并挖掘利用菌圃降解木质纤维素的能力及仿生模拟菌圃开发新的生物质利用系统提供参考。培 菌白蚁在其巢内利用由植物材料修建的多孔海绵状结构——“菌圃”来培养共生真菌鸡枞菌Termitomyces spp.,形成了独特的木质纤维素食物降解和消化策略,使木质纤维素在培菌白蚁及其共生微生物协同作用下被逐步降解。幼年工蚁取食菌圃上的共生真菌菌丝组成的小白球和老年工蚁觅得食物并排出粪便堆积到菌圃上成为上层菌圃。这一过程中,被幼年工蚁取食的共生真菌释放木质素降解酶对包裹在植物多糖外部的木质素屏障进行解聚。菌圃微生物(包括共生真菌)对解聚的木质素基团进一步降解,将多糖长链或主链剪切成短链,使菌圃基质自下而上被逐步降解。最后下层的老熟菌圃被老年工蚁取食,其中肠的内源酶系及后肠微生物将这些短链进一步剪切和利用。因此,蚁巢菌圃及其微生物是培菌白蚁高效转化利用木质纤维素的基础。化学层面的研究表明,菌圃能够实现对植物次生物质解毒和植 物纤维化学结构解构。对共生真菌相关酶系的研究显示可能其在菌圃的植物纤维化学结构和植物次生物质的降解中发挥了作用,但不同属共生真菌间其效率和具体功能不尽相同。而菌圃中的细菌是否发挥了作用和哪些细菌类群发挥了作用等仍有待进一步的研究。相比于低等食木白蚁利用其后肠共生微生物降解木质纤维素,培菌白蚁利用菌圃降解木质纤维素具有非厌氧和能处理多种类型食物两大优势,仿生模拟菌圃降解木质纤维素的机制对林地表面枯枝落叶的资源化利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

羊桂英  郭梅霞  于保庭  胡寅  莫建初 《菌物学报》2019,38(11):1747-1759
蚁巢伞属真菌是一类极具市场开发价值的野生食用真菌。本文对蚁巢伞属真菌的分类、与白蚁的共生关系、活性成分和作用、人工培养研究以及产生的相关木质纤维素降解酶类等方面进行综述,总结了近年来该属真菌的研究现状,指出了研究过程中出现的分类混乱、重名异名现象严重等问题,展望了未来有望开发菌丝体相关产品及深化出菇机制以逐步实现蚁巢伞人工栽培的研究方向,以期为未来的研究提供依据。  相似文献   

蚁巢伞的活性物质与营养成分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蚁巢伞属的种类与大白蚁亚科白蚁专一性共生,是一类著名的美味食用菌,亦具有重 要的药用价值,极具开发利用前景.该文综述了蚁巢伞的食用和药用价值、营养成分和活性 物质研究,以及其在食品工业及保健方面的应用现状.对现有研究中存在的问题进行了论述 ,并展望了蚁巢伞属菌物在生物技术产业中的应用前景,为蚁巢伞的进一步开发研究提供参考.  相似文献   

<正> 白蚁是一类多型的、营社会生活的昆虫。白蚁巢内部常能发现许多蚁客(Termitophiles)。较低等的、蚁巢结构较简单的白蚁,其蚁客的种类和数量较少;而高等的、蚁巢结构复杂、特别是具有菌圃的蚁巢,其中蚁客的种类和数量也较多。 作者近年来(1975—1979)在浙江有关地区白蚁防治单位的协助下,自尖叉原白蚁、黑胸散白蚁、家白蚁、屏南象白蚁、黑翅土白蚁及黄翅大白蚁等6种蚁巢内,采集到30多种蚁客。经初步鉴定,它们隶属于节肢动物门中3个纲、9个目、16个科。其中以昆虫纲的种类最为丰  相似文献   

培菌白蚁起源于非洲,蚁巢内具有复杂的社会分工.培菌白蚁依靠独特的蚁巢结构维持内部稳态和气体循环.菌圃是白蚁培育鸡枞菌的场所.鸡枞菌隶属于担子菌亚门,但其传播方式和生活史具有区别于其它担子菌的特点.鸡枞菌协助白蚁进行植物纤维的消化,白蚁则为鸡枞菌提供合适的生长环境,并控制鸡枞菌的遗传结构.培菌白蚁和鸡枞菌形成紧密的共生关系,二者缺少任何一方都不能独立生存.本文综述了培菌白蚁的分类、品级、蚁巢结构,鸡枞菌的传播方式和生活史,白蚁与鸡枞菌的共生关系等,以期望为培菌白蚁生物学及鸡枞菌的研究提供有益参考.  相似文献   

白蚁是世界性害虫,但白蚁资源有着很高的利用价值。文章简要论述我国白蚁资源利用的研究现状及研究进展,主要包括白蚁本身、蚁巢及菌圃、蚁巢共生物--鸡榕菌Termitomyces albuminosus(Berk.)Heim、乌灵参Xylaria nigripes等直接利用价值及白蚁活动加速自然界物质循环、改善土壤理化性质、探矿等间接利用价值。同时还对白蚁资源研究利用的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Owing to their potential applications,as well as their structural diversity,the discovery of novel secondary metabolites from insect-associated fungi has been of interest to researchers in recent years.The aim of this study was therefore to estimate the diversity of fungi associated with fungus-growing termites and bioprospecting these for potential secondary metabolites.In total,18 fungal species were isolated and described from the gut and comb of Macrotermes barneyi based on 18S ribosomal DNA gene sequence analysis.Antimicrobial activity assays were carried out on all the known fungi,and nine isolates were recorded as active against pathogenic fungi.Xylaria escharoidea,the best performing isolate,was grown at laboratory scale and 4,8-dihydroxy-3,4-dihydronaphthalen-l(2H)was isolated and characterized.The minimum inhibitory concentration of this isolated compound against tested pathogenic organisms was found to be 6.25 fig.In addition,molecular docking studies have revealed that 4,8-dihydroxy-3,4-dihydronaphthalen-l(2H)is a prominent antibacterial agent with a marked interaction with key residues on protein A(agrAc)that regulates the accessory gene.The findings of this study support the drug discovery of antimicrobial properties in insect-associated fungi,which may lead to novel secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

Abstract The digestion of cellulose by fungus-growing termites involves a complex of different organisms, such as the termites themselves, fungi and bacteria. To further investigate the symbiotic relationships of fungus-growing termites, the microbial communities of the termite gut and fungus combs of Odontotermes yunnanensis were examined. The major fungus species was identified as Termitomyces sp. To compare the micro-organism diversity between the digestive tract of termites and fungus combs, four polymerase chain reaction clone libraries were created (two fungus-targeted internal transcribed spacer [ITS]– ribosomal DNA [rDNA] libraries and two bacteria-targeted 16S rDNA libraries), and one library of each type was produced for the host termite gut and the symbiotic fungus comb. Results of the fungal clone libraries revealed that only Termitomyces sp. was detected on the fungus comb; no non-Termitomyces fungi were detected. Meanwhile, the same fungus was also found in the termite gut. The bacterial clone libraries showed higher numbers and greater diversity of bacteria in the termite gut than in the fungus comb. Both bacterial clone libraries from the insect gut included Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, Spirochaetes, Nitrospira, Deferribacteres, and Fibrobacteres, whereas the bacterial clone libraries from the fungal comb only contained Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, and Acidobacteris.  相似文献   

Fungus-growing termites efficiently decompose plant litter through their symbiotic relationship with basidiomycete fungi of the genus Termitomyces. Here, we investigated phenol-oxidizing enzymes in symbiotic fungi and fungus combs (a substrate used to cultivate symbiotic fungi) from termites belonging to the genera Macrotermes, Odontotermes, and Microtermes in Thailand, because these enzymes are potentially involved in the degradation of phenolic compounds during fungus comb aging. Laccase activity was detected in all the fungus combs examined as well as in the culture supernatants of isolated symbiotic fungi. Conversely, no peroxidase activity was detected in any of the fungus combs or the symbiotic fungal cultures. The laccase cDNA fragments were amplified directly from RNA extracted from fungus combs of five termite species and a fungal isolate using degenerate primers targeting conserved copper binding domains of basidiomycete laccases, resulting in a total of 13 putative laccase cDNA sequences being identified. The full-length sequences of the laccase cDNA and the corresponding gene, lcc1-2, were identified from the fungus comb of Macrotermes gilvus and a Termitomyces strain isolated from the same fungus comb, respectively. Partial purification of laccase from the fungus comb showed that the lcc1-2 gene product was a dominant laccase in the fungus comb. These findings indicate that the symbiotic fungus secretes laccase to the fungus comb. In addition to laccase, we report novel genes that showed a significant similarity with fungal laccases, but the gene product lacked laccase activity. Interestingly, these genes were highly expressed in symbiotic fungi of all the termite hosts examined.  相似文献   

Fungus-growing termites cultivate their mutualistic basidiomycete Termitomyces species on a substrate called a fungal comb. Here, the Suicide Polymerase Endonuclease Restriction (SuPER) method was adapted for the first time to a fungal study to determine the entire fungal community of fungal combs and to test whether fungi other than the symbiotic cultivar interact with termite hosts. Our molecular analyses show that although active combs are dominated by Termitomyces fungi isolated with direct Polymerase Endonuclease Restriction - Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE), they can also harbor some filamentous fungi and yeasts only revealed by SuPER PCR-DGGE. This is the first molecular evidence of the presence of non-Termitomyces species in active combs. However, because there is no evidence for a species-specific relationship between these fungi and termites, they are mere transient guests with no specialization in the symbiosis. It is however surprising to notice that termite-associated Xylaria strains were not isolated from active combs even though they are frequently retrieved when nests are abandoned by termites. This finding highlights the implication of fungus-growing termites in the regulation of fungi occurring within the combs and also suggests that they might not have any particular evolutionary-based association with Xylaria species.  相似文献   

Fungus-growing termites efficiently decompose plant litter through their symbiotic relationship with basidiomycete fungi of the genus Termitomyces. Here, we investigated phenol-oxidizing enzymes in symbiotic fungi and fungus combs (a substrate used to cultivate symbiotic fungi) from termites belonging to the genera Macrotermes, Odontotermes, and Microtermes in Thailand, because these enzymes are potentially involved in the degradation of phenolic compounds during fungus comb aging. Laccase activity was detected in all the fungus combs examined as well as in the culture supernatants of isolated symbiotic fungi. Conversely, no peroxidase activity was detected in any of the fungus combs or the symbiotic fungal cultures. The laccase cDNA fragments were amplified directly from RNA extracted from fungus combs of five termite species and a fungal isolate using degenerate primers targeting conserved copper binding domains of basidiomycete laccases, resulting in a total of 13 putative laccase cDNA sequences being identified. The full-length sequences of the laccase cDNA and the corresponding gene, lcc1-2, were identified from the fungus comb of Macrotermes gilvus and a Termitomyces strain isolated from the same fungus comb, respectively. Partial purification of laccase from the fungus comb showed that the lcc1-2 gene product was a dominant laccase in the fungus comb. These findings indicate that the symbiotic fungus secretes laccase to the fungus comb. In addition to laccase, we report novel genes that showed a significant similarity with fungal laccases, but the gene product lacked laccase activity. Interestingly, these genes were highly expressed in symbiotic fungi of all the termite hosts examined.  相似文献   

A unique symbiosis exists between subterranean termites and the sclerotium-forming fungus Athelia termitophila, which forms termite-egg-mimicking sclerotia called ‘termite balls’. While the sclerotia gain a competitor-free habitat by being harboured by termite eggs, A. termitophila mycelia have to compete with wood-decay fungi in the life stage without termites. To understand its relationship with termites, the factors that affect the ability of A. termitophila to compete with other wood-decay fungi must be clarified. Here, we show that A. termitophila is competitive against other wood-decay fungi at low temperatures. In Petri dish experiments to evaluate the effects of the physicochemical conditions, that A. termitophila experiences in termite nests, on its competitive ability, A. termitophila overcame surrounding fungi in the winter, when termites are less active. Further studies quantifying the effects of A. termitophila on termites in winter will help us to understand this relationship.  相似文献   

The Macrotermitinae subfamily is characterized by its symbiosis with fungi of the genus Termitomyces. The most common and presumably primitive mode of reproduction for these fungi is to produce basidiocarps on the mounds of the host termite colony. The seasonal fructification pattern of the fungi seems to depend on the habitat type and termite ecology. We examined Termitomyces diversity and distribution in two phytogeographic zones in central and southern Côte d’Ivoire. Data were collected in different habitats in exhaustive searches with standardized methods for termites and basidiocarps as well. The respective findings were complemented with behavioral and life cycle data of the associated termite species. Basidiocarps occur species-specifically either during the long or the short rainy season in wooded habitats. The diversity and abundance of termites and their associated basidiocarps were significantly correlated only with woody plant species richness. Nuptial flight of termites, comb biomass and Termitomyces fructification periods were correlated. Termitomyces appear to fructify during (1) the period of strong precipitation, (2) in habitats with appropriate microclimatic characteristics.  相似文献   

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