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记述了寄生在珠江水系外来鱼类清道夫 Hypostomus plecostomus 鳃上的指环虫科Dactylogyridae 单殖吸虫中国1新纪录属,1新纪录种,即下口鲶三环虫 Trinigyrus hypostomatis Hanek, Molnar & Fernando,1974和锚首虫科Ancyrocephalidae 单殖吸虫1新纪录属,1新纪录种,即单侧虫 Unilatus unilatus Mizelle & Kritsky,1967,对新纪录属种作了新的形态描述并给出特征图.  相似文献   

广州鱼类单殖吸虫似伪指环虫属一新种及一新纪录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了寄生于尖尾鱼Oxyurichtyspapuensis (Cuvier&Valenciennes)鳃上的似伪指环虫属 1新种和寄生于嵴塘鳢Butisbutis (Hamilton)鳃上的似伪指环虫属我国 1新纪录种。尖尾鱼似伪指环虫Pseudodactylogyroidespapuensissp .nov.与PseudodactylogyroidesmarmorataeLim ,1995和PseudodactylogyroidesbutisensisLim ,1995相似 ,但新种中央大钩的内外突分化不如已知种明显 ,且在内突上没有明显的凹陷 ,附加片的形态相似 ,但已知种的附加片与中央大钩相连 ,而新种的附加片与中央大钩完全断开 ,量度上也有明显的差异 ,新种交接管据弯度长0 0 2 8~ 0 0 4 5较已知种 (分别为 0 0 8~ 0 10mm和 0 13~ 0 15mm)短。尖塘鳢似伪指环虫PseudodactylogyroidesmarmorataeLim ,1995与原始描述相比 ,除中央大钩和交接管稍长外 ,其形态基本一致。  相似文献   

重庆地区鲫鱼外寄生车轮虫的记述及一新种描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了寄生于重庆地区淡水养殖鲫鱼鳃上的车轮虫属2种,小车轮虫属1种,其中1新种和中国2新纪录种.文中对新种作了详细的描述并提供了新种(包括成体与幼体分裂期)及新纪录种附着盘的银染标本照片及齿体的线条图.  相似文献   

为了阐明养殖环境对鱼类寄生指环虫群落的影响,研究调查了湖北省梁子湖和湖北省石首市养殖池塘中鲫鳃部寄生指环虫的种类和感染情况。在梁子湖中的野生鲫共发现6种指环虫,分别为坏鳃指环虫(Dactylogyrus vastator)、中型指环虫(D.intermedius)、弧形指环虫(D.arcuatus)、弓茎指环虫(D.baueri)、美丽指环虫(D.formosus)、望外指环虫(D.inexpeatatus);在养殖池塘中,除了望外指环虫外,其他5种指环虫均有发现。分析结果表明,来自于梁子湖野生鲫鳃部的坏鳃指环虫的平均丰度以及其他4种指环虫(不含望外指环虫)的感染率与平均丰度明显高于养殖池塘的。梁子湖中的指环虫群落平均物种丰富度、平均寄生虫数量以及Brillouin多样性指数都明显高于养殖池塘的;梁子湖野生鲫寄生指环虫的优势种是弧形指环虫(0.54),而池塘中的是坏鳃指环虫(0.76)。在宿主密度、种群大小、光照和溶氧等影响指环虫群落的因子中,溶氧可能是最主要因子。  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2014,38(1):137-141
为了阐明养殖环境对鱼类寄生指环虫群落的影响,研究调查了湖北省梁子湖和湖北省石首市养殖池塘中鲫鳃部寄生指环虫的种类和感染情况。在梁子湖中的野生鲫共发现6种指环虫,分别为坏鳃指环虫(Dactylogyrus vastator)、中型指环虫(D. intermedius)、弧形指环虫(D. arcuatus)、弓茎指环虫(D. baueri)、美丽指环虫(D. formosus)、望外指环虫(D. inexpeatatus);在养殖池塘中,除了望外指环虫外,其他5种指环虫均有发现。分析结果表明,来自于梁子湖野生鲫鳃部的坏鳃指环虫的平均丰度以及其他4种指环虫(不含望外指环虫)的感染率与平均丰度明显高于养殖池塘的。梁子湖中的指环虫群落平均物种丰富度、平均寄生虫数量以及Brillouin多样性指数都明显高于养殖池塘的;梁子湖野生鲫寄生指环虫的优势种是弧形指环虫(0.54),而池塘中的是坏鳃指环虫(0.76)。在宿主密度、种群大小、光照和溶氧等影响指环虫群落的因子中,溶氧可能是最主要因子。    相似文献   

寄生于洪湖经济鱼类鳃上的单殖吸虫包括二新种的描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报告寄生于洪湖经济鱼类鳃上的单殖吸虫共60种,包括描述指环虫和三代虫各一新种,并有若干寄主新记录及长江流域新记录。  相似文献   

本研究利用28SrDNAC1-D2区序列分析采自鲤科鱼类中6亚科宿主和寄生在花鲈、梅花鲈上的共17种指环虫的系统发育关系。同时,通过比较宿主鲤科鱼类与指环虫的系统发育树,检验指环虫与其宿主是否存在协同进化关系。结果表明:17种指环虫形成5个进化支(Clade),其中寄生在团头鲂(亚科)和鲢、鳙(鲢亚科)上的6种指环虫聚为一支(Clade1),而它们的宿主鱼类在系统发育分析中也表现为近缘关系;寄生在鲮鱼(野鲮亚科)上的D.quanfami(Clade5)位于系统树最基部,鲫鱼和鲤鱼(鲤亚科)的寄生指环虫处在系统树的次基部位置,而鲤亚科与野鲮亚科组成的姐妹群在宿主系统树上同样处在基部位置,寄生虫和宿主在进化上较为原始的地位得到了很好地相互印证。因而,本研究首次利用分子系统学手段分析指环虫属远缘物种间的系统关系,揭示了指环虫属与宿主鱼类之间存在协同进化关系。另外,本研究首次发现,野鲮亚科鱼类也可能是指环虫类的早期宿主,这与先前认为鲤亚科鱼类为指环虫类的祖先宿主的推测有所不同。  相似文献   

鲈鱼寄生逆转指环虫的分类地位   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用单个虫体PCR扩增、序列测定与分析的方法,对寄生于鲈鱼及鲤科鱼类的4种指环虫的核糖体28SrRNA基因5'端部分序列和内转录间隔区1(ITS1)进行了研究,并采用PAUP软件中的最大简约法(most parsimo-ny,MP)和邻接法(neighborjoining,NJ)构建了28S rDNA分子系统树.结果显示,逆转指环虫明显地嵌合于其它3种指环虫之间,不宜将其从指环虫属中移出另立似小突虫属,从而进一步明确了逆转指环虫的分类地位.  相似文献   

本文记述了云南澜沧江水系景洪流域段(100°47'43″E,22°0'28″N)鳘条Hemiculter leucisculus(Basilewsky,1855)鳃丝上寄生指环虫属Dactylogyrus 2新种,以采集地命名为版纳指环虫Dactylogyrus bannaensis sp.nov.和景洪指环虫D.jinghongensis sp.nov.。版纳指环虫和景洪指环虫均为双联结片虫,基于后吸器,尤其是中央大钩、边缘小钩和交接器的形态学特征,鉴定为指环虫属科学上2新种。版纳指环虫交接器的形态有别于记录种船茎指环虫D.nilkolskyi Gussev,1955,版纳指环虫的交接管呈长带状,延伸至虫体左侧边缘阴道口处,末端微弯;感染率100%(40/40)。寄生于同一宿主的景洪指环虫,其交接器的形态有别于记录种红鲌指环虫D.erythroculteris和锥花指环虫D.pannosus,景洪指环虫的交接器呈彩虹状,交接管的一端基部膨大成漏斗状,另一端折叠;支持器"V"形,且中间包绕交接管;感染率100%(40/40)。  相似文献   

2009年4月到2012年7月对额尔齐斯河(中国段)高体雅罗鱼鳃部寄生的指环虫进行了取样调查,以期了解该鱼指环虫的种群生态学特点。结果表明,高体雅罗鱼共感染了三种指环虫,分别为号筒指环虫、小刺指环虫、大翼指环虫,该鱼的总感染率为28.47%,平均感染强度为7.39(1—42)。感染率、感染强度在不同体长组的宿主中表现出不同的变化趋势,指环虫的感染率在30 cm以上的宿主中达到最大,为50%,而在L10范围内未发现感染;在不同体长组宿主中指环虫种群的分布类型主要为聚集分布,另外,根据形态学特征鉴定大翼指环虫(Dactylogyrus alatus f.major Linsyow,1878)为我国指环虫属一新记录种,论文对其主要形态特征进行了描述并绘制了特征图,同时与寄生于高体雅罗鱼鳃上的国内已记述指环虫属虫种的主要形态特征作了比较。  相似文献   

Heterotylus Jogunoori, Kritsky & Venkatanarasaiah, 2004 is a junior homonym of Heterotylus Kirsch in Reitter, 1913. It is replaced by Heteropriapulus nom. nov. and its type- and only species, Heterotylus heterotylus Jogunoori, Kritsky & Venkatanarasaiah, 2004, is transferred as Heteropriapulus heterotylus (Jogunoori, Kritsky & Venkatanarasaiah, 2004) n. comb.  相似文献   

海南岛海水鱼类单殖吸虫研究及宽海盘虫二新种记述   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
记述了采自海南岛后水湾的眶棘双边鱼Ambassis gymnocephalus Lacépéde鳃上寄生的宽海盘虫2新种.张氏宽海盘虫Euryhaliotrema zhangjianyingi sp nov.以其边缘小钩明显长于两对中央大钩,支持器的套环状特殊结构,两对中央大钩和联结片而不同于属内的已知种;双边鱼宽海盘虫,Euryhaliotrema ambassisi sp.nov.以其交接器的量度,后吸器中央大钩内突基部较宽,外突较小,钩基部较直,钩尖短而不同于相似种和属内已知种.文中量度μm,模式标本保存在海南师范学院生物系.  相似文献   

Three new species of the Dactylogyridae are described from aquarium fishes collected in India and two new genera are proposed: Heterotylus heterotylus n. g., n. sp. from Hypostomus sp. (Loricariidae), Diaphorocleidus armillatus n. g., n. sp. from Gymnocorymbus ternetzi (Characidae) and Urocleidoides vaginoclaustrum n. sp. from Xiphophorus helleri (Poeciliidae). Heterotylus n. g. is characterised by species having overlapping gonads (testis posterodorsal to the ovary), a mid-ventral vaginal aperture, a copulatory complex consisting of a relatively straight copulatory organ unarticulated to a complex accessory piece, erect acute hook thumbs, unexpanded hook shanks, dorsal and ventral anchor/bar complexes and absence of well-defined basal roots of the ventral anchors. Diaphorocleidus n. g. includes species with overlapping gonads (testis posterodorsal to the ovary), submarginal sinistral vaginal pore, a copulatory complex comprising a coiled (counterclockwise) copulatory organ unarticulated to an accessory piece, protruding depressed hook thumb, hook shank with two subunits (proximal subunit expanded), dorsal and ventral anchor/bar complexes and V-shaped bars. The following new combinations are proposed: D. affinis (Mizelle, Kritsky & Crane, 1968) n. comb. (syn. U. affinis Mizelle, Kritsky & Crane, 1968), D. kabatai (Molnar, Hanek & Fernando, 1974) n. comb. (syn. U. kabatai Molnar, Hanek & Fernando, 1974) and D. microstomus (Mizelle, Kritsky & Crane, 1968) n. comb. (syn. U. microstomus Mizelle, Kritsky & Crane, 1968).  相似文献   

During an investigation of the diversity of metazoan parasites of 7 freshwater fish species from 3 localities in central Panama, the following gill dactylogyrid (Monogenoidea) species were found: Aphanoblastella chagresii n. sp. from Pimelodella chagresi (Heptapteridae); Aphanoblastella travassosi (Price, 1938) Kritsky, Mendoza-Franco, and Scholz, 2000 from Rhamdia quelen (Heptapteridae); Diaphorocleidus petrosusi n. sp. from Brycon petrosus (Characidae); Gussevia asota Kritsky, Thatcher, and Boeger, 1989, from Astronotus ocellatus (Cichlidae); Sciadicleithrum panamensis n. sp. from Aequidens coeruleopunctatus (Cichlidae); Urocleidoides flegomai n. sp. from Piabucina panamensis (Lebiasinidae); and Urocleidoides similuncus n. sp. from Poecilia gillii (Poeciliidae). Consideration of the comparative morphology and distribution of these parasites along with the evolutionary history of the host fishes suggests that diversification may be associated with geotectonic events that provided isolation of the Central American fauna with the uplift of the Panamanian Isthmus during early Pliocene (3 mya).  相似文献   

The authors describe a new species in the genus Schilbetrematoides Kritsky & Kulo, 1992 from the gills of Schilbe mandibularis (Günther, 1867) (Schilbeidae) caught in the rivers Bia and Agneby in Ivory Coast. S. manizani n. sp. differs from S. pseudodactylogyrus Kritsky & Kulo, 1992, a parasite of Schilbe intermedius Rüppell, 1832 by having morphologically distinct gripi.  相似文献   

This paper reports two new species of Euryhaliotrema Kritsky & Boeger, 2002 collected from the gills of Lutjanus argentimaculatus (Forsskål). E. xinyingense n. sp. is similar to Euryhaliotrema atlanticum Kritsky & Boeger, 2002 in the structure of copulatory apparatus, but differs from the latter in the shape of anchors and the structure of vagina. E. hainanense n. sp. also closely resembles E. atlanticum Kritsky & Boeger, 2002, but differs from the latter in the structure of haptor and the shape of accessory piece.  相似文献   

Two new species of Tereancistrum Kritsky, Thatcher & Kayton, 1980 are described from the gills of Prochilodus lineatus (Prochilodontidae) collected from the upper Paraná River floodplain, Brazil. T. toksonum n. sp. is characterised by a slim ventral bar with a sclerotised membrane along the anterior margin. Another characteristic is the dorsal anchor with an elongated deep root. T. curimba n. sp. is similar to T. ornatus Kritsky, Thatcher & Kayton, 1980 but possesses a sclerotised structure between the accessory sclerites of the ventral anchors. Moreover, the accessory anchor sclerites of this new species are longer than those described for T. ornatus.  相似文献   

Three species of Euryhaliotrema Kritsky & Boeger, 2002 (Monogenoidea: Dactylogyridae) were collected from the gills of four golden snapper Lutjanus johnii (Bloch) (Lutjanidae) from the marine and brackish waters off Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. Type-specimens of Ancyrocephalus johni Tripathi, 1959 apparently have not survived and the possibility existed that the species was based on specimens representing more than one species. Euryhaliotrema johni (Tripathi, 1959) (sensu Young, 1968) was redescribed and determined to most likely represent A. johni, originally described from the River Hooghly, Diamond Harbour, India. Two new species were described. Euryhaliotrema longibaculoides n. sp. was most similar to Euryhaliotrema longibaculum (Zhukov, 1976) Kritsky & Boeger, 2002 from Lutjanus spp. from the western Atlantic Ocean. It differed from E. longibaculum by having a male copulatory organ (MCO) with an elongate comparatively delicate shaft and a bulbous base (MCO U- or J-shaped with funnel-shaped base in E. longibaculum). Based on the comparative morphology of the haptoral sclerites, Euryhaliotrema lisae n. sp. was most similar to Euryhaliotrema cryptophallus Kritsky & Yang, 2012 from the gills of the mangrove red snapper Lutjanus argentimaculatus (Forsskål) from the South China Sea. Euryhaliotrema lisae differed from E. cryptophallus by having a copulatory complex with an obvious weakly sclerotised J-shaped MCO (MCO cryptic, delicate, and with a shaft comprising about one counterclockwise ring in E. cryptophallus).  相似文献   

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