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对采后番茄果实的电镜观察表明:当果实成熟衰老时,叶绿体数量减少,多数基粒结构丧失;成熟果实胞壁中胶层水解成中空的电子透明区,初生壁的纤丝也发生一定程度的水解,相邻细胞分离;外源 PG(多聚半乳糖醛酸酶)提取物处理绿熟期果实组织,也可引起胞壁结构和叶绿体发生与正常衰老相同的变化。Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)、Co~(2+)二价金属离子处理果实,可明显降低番茄红素含量和 PG 活性,延缓果实软化。外源乙烯处理果实,可促进番茄红素的形成,提高 PG活性,并能解除钙对 PG 活性的抑制。本文也对 PG 在乙烯和 Ca~(2+)调节果实成熟中的作用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

番茄果实中乙烯与多聚半乳糖醛酸酶的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
乙烯与多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)都是果实成熟过程中关键的调节因子.一方面,在有乙烯合成缺陷的转反义ACS番茄和乙烯感受缺陷的Nr突变体番茄果实中PG基因表达量都明显下降,PG酶活性明显降低;用外源乙烯(100 μL/L)处理绿熟期番茄果实使PG基因的表达明显增强,而1-甲基环丙烯(1-MCP,1 μL/L)处理转色期番茄果实明显抑制PG基因表达.另一方面,转反义PG基因番茄果实乙烯释放量在授粉后低于其野生型,番茄乙烯受体基因LeETR4和乙烯反应因子LeERF2基因表达量比野生种低.PG降解果胶的产物D-GA(100 mg/L)促进未熟期番茄果实中的乙烯生成和LeETR4、LeERF2基因的表达.  相似文献   

PG与番茄果实成熟的关系   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
系统比较了转多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)反义基因和对照番茄果实成熟过程中绿熟、转色、粉顶、粉红、全红5个时期的PG活性和与其相关的生理、生化组分的动态变化.实验表明,转基因果与对照果相比,PG活性始终处于较低水平,PG活性强烈被抑制是在全红期;果实的硬度、贮藏寿命指数都高于对照果;番茄红素合成积累进程被延缓;可溶性果胶含量、电解质外渗百分率均低于对照果.外源乙烯刺激引起对照果PG活性剧增,而转基因果表现钝化.讨论了PG活性与果实成熟、耐贮性及软化的关系,及对外源乙烯刺激的敏感性.首次明确提出PG活性在对照果中极大地表达,在转基因果中强烈被抑制是在全红期,而不是在整个成熟期;PG活性在果实软化中起直接和重要作用;PG活性的高低与番茄红素的合成与积累有关.  相似文献   

系统比较了转多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)反义基因和对照番茄果实成熟过程中绿熟、转色、粉顶、粉红、全红5个时期的PG活性和与其相关的生理、生化组分的动态变化。实验表明,转基因果与对照果相比,PG活性始终处于较低水平,PG活性强烈被抑制是在全红期;果实的硬度、贮藏寿命指数都高于对照果;番茄红素合成积累进程被延缓;可溶性果胶含量、电解质外渗百分率均低于对照果。外源乙烯刺激引起对照果PG活性剧增,而转基因果表现钝化。讨论了PG活性与果实成熟、耐贮性及软化的关系,及对外源乙烯刺激的敏感性。首次明确提出PG活性在对照果中极大地表达,在转基因果中强烈被抑制是在全红期 ,而不是在整个成熟期;PG活性在果实软化中起直接和重要作用;PG活性的高低与番茄红素的合成与积累有关。  相似文献   

为了解多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)在香蕉采后软化中的分子调控机制,采用40 μL/L NO熏蒸处理绿熟期的‘巴西’香蕉果实3 h后,在20℃和相对湿度为85%的条件下贮藏,研究NO对香蕉果实乙烯释放量、硬度、PG活性及MaPGs基因表达的影响。结果表明:NO处理降低了果实乙烯释放量,延缓了果实硬度的下降,抑制了PG的活性;降低了MaPG2、MaPG3和MaPG4基因的表达,延缓了香蕉果实的软化。  相似文献   

随着菠萝果皮由绿转黄,果肉硬度及可溶性固形物含量降低,可溶性糖醛酸含量增加,多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)活性持续升高,而果胶脂酶(PE)活性在过熟期达到高峰并开始下降。研究表明,同一菠萝不同部位果肉硬度、PG活性及可溶性糖醛酸含量差异较大。  相似文献   

1-甲基环丙烯采后处理对樱桃番茄果实成熟过程的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了不同浓度(0、0.035、0.07和0.11μL/L)的乙烯受体竞争性抑制剂1-甲基环丙烯(1-MCP)采后处理对绿熟期樱桃番茄的乙烯合成、果实软化、果实色素(叶绿素、茄红素、β-胡萝卜素)含量消长的影响.0.07 μL/L及其以上浓度的1-MCP降低了前期乙烯合成,同时推迟了乙烯释放高峰,但0.035 μL/L浓度的1-MCP处理并不能抑制内源乙烯合成.1-MCP显著延迟了果实软化和叶绿素降解,但并不影响这两个过程的启动.茄红素合成的启动和积累均受到了1-MCP抑制,而1-MCP并不推迟β-胡萝卜素合成的启动,只抑制其积累.这些结果提示了乙烯调节成熟生理过程的不同机制.对于绿熟期的樱桃番茄,0.07~0.11μL/L的1-MCP是实用的有效处理浓度.1-MCP有效浓度可能用于了解果实的乙烯受体水平和乙烯敏感性.  相似文献   

研究了采后钙处理对中华猕猴桃果实的还原性Vc、还原糖、蛋白质及半乳精醛酸酶(PG)活性的影响。果实采后钙处理,能抑制PG酶的活性,延缓果实的衰老,同时保持果实的良好品质。利用中华猕猴桃对钙处理的适宜浓度范围较大的特性,可根据市场不同时期的需求采用不同浓度的钙处理。  相似文献   

研究了黄花梨经浸钙处理后,果实钙形态转变及果胶含量、多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)和果胶甲酯酶(PME)活力的变化,以及果实硬度的变化。结果表明:浸钙处理的果实总钙含量显著提高,其硬度明显高于对照,且有利于细胞膜透性的保持;梨果实中的NaCl溶性钙最多,其次是水溶性钙,醋酸溶性钙和HCl溶性钙含量较少。在果实贮藏21d时,水溶性钙含量有一个上升的过程,而NaCl溶性钙则有一个下降的过程。浸钙处理后,除醋酸溶性钙外,果实中的水、NaCl和HCl溶性钙含量均有显著的提高。浸钙处理明显抑制了果胶的降解进程与PG的活力,但对PME抑制作用不明显。浸钙处理能提高果实硬度可能与浸钙处理抑制了PG活力有关。  相似文献   

水杨酸是一种天然抑制剂,对植物有多种多样的作用,新近研究报道,它是乙烯生物合成的一种新的抑制剂。本文用水杨酸处理番茄、苹果、梨等果实,储藏在室温下,不时检查SA对果实贮存保鲜的影响。其结果表明SA处理的果实,PG活性比对照低,而硬度大,抗病力强。番茄,苹果和梨的无病好果率比对照果提高10%以上。上述结果证明,用SA处理绿熟番茄及梨和苹果,能有效保存果实新鲜,增强抗病力和延长货架的寿命。  相似文献   

It has been reported that PG is a key enzyme related to the tomato fruit ripening and that the application of calcium can dramatically decrease the PG activity and delay the ripening of fruits. In this paper the effects of calcium treament at various ripening stages on the transformation of absorbed calcium, PG activity and PG synthesis in tomato fruits were studicd. According to the analysis of calcium by atomic absorption spectroscopy, it was shown that the soluble and total calcium contents in pericarp of fruits treated with calcium at mature-green stage were increased significantly, and that more soluble calcium was transformed into bound calcium. Both the absorption and transformation of calcium decreased in fruits treated with calcium at later stage of ripening. The inhibition of calcium on PG activity was most effective by treatment at mature-green stage, but less effective at later stage of ripening. One reason for the decrease of calcium inhibition was probably due to the decline of calcium absorption as fruit ripening. The polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of PG showed that PG with a molecular weight of 46.7 kD was absent in mature-green fruits, and PG synthesis occurred only at the later stage of ripening. It seems that the earlier the treatment was done the more effective of the calcium inhibition of PG synthesis. Based on the above results, it was concluded that the PG plays a major role in ripening and senescence of tomato fruits, and both PG synthesis and its activity were inhibited by calcium. In order to delay the ripening and senescence of tomato fruits, the treatment with calcium should be done at mature-green stage.  相似文献   

It has been reported that PG is a key enzyme related to the tomato fruit ripening. In this study tomato fruits were harvested at the mature-green stage and stored at room temperature. The cell ultrastructure of pericarp tissue was observed at different ripening stages, and the effects of treatments with ethylene and calcium on PG activity and fruit ripening were examined. The object of this study is to elucidate the role of PG in regulation of tomato fruit ripening by ethylene and calcium. PG activity, was undetectable at mature-green stage, but it rose rapidly as fruif ripening. The rise in PG activity was coincided with the dechnmg of fruit firmness during ripening of tomato fruits. The observation of cell ultrastructure showed that the most of grana in chloroplast were lost and the mitochondrial cristae decreased as fruit ripening. Striking changes of cell wall structure was most noted, beginning with dissolution of the middle lamella and eventual disruption of primary cell wall. A similar pattern of changes of cell wall and chloroplast have been observed in pericarp tissue treated with PG extract. In fruits treated with calcium and other divalent metal ions atmature-green stage, the lycopene content and PG activity decreased dramatically. Ethylene application enhanced the formation of lycopene and PG activity. The inhibition of Ca2+ on PG ac ivity was removed by ethylene. Based on the above results, it was demonstrated that PG played a major role in ripening of tomato fruits, and suggested that the regulation of fruit ripening by ethylene and Ca2+ was all mediated by PG. PG induced the hydrolysis of cell wall and released the other hydrolytic enzymes, then effected the ripening processes follow up.  相似文献   

多聚半乳糖醛酸酶反义基因在转基因番茄中的表达   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
番茄的多聚半乳糖醛酸是一种在果实成熟阶段特异性表达的酶。为了研究它在果实成熟中的作用,将其cDNA与花椰菜花叶病毒35S启动子嵌合后,以反义基因的形式经农杆菌介导导入番茄植株,进一步分析了反义基因的整合与表达。结果表明,在转基因番茄中,反义基因的表达能明显抑制果实内源多聚半乳糖醛酸酶的活性。  相似文献   

Tomato mRNA was extracted from individual fruits at different stages of development and ripening, translated in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate and the protein products analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The results indicate that there are at least two classes of mRNA under separate developmental control. One group of approximately six mRNAs is present during fruit growth and then declines at the mature-green stage. Another group of between four and eight mRNAs increases substantially in amount at the onset of ripening, after the start of enhanced ethylene synthesis by the fruit, and continues to accumulate as ripening progresses. Studies of protein synthesis in vivo show that several new proteins are synthesised by ripening fruits including the fruit-softening enzyme polygalacturonase. One of the ripening-related mRNAs is shown to code for polygalacturonase, by immunoprecipitation with serum from rabbits immunised against the purified tomato enzyme. Polygalacturonase mRNA is not detectable in green fruit but accumulates during ripening. It is proposed that the ripening-related mRNAs are the products of a group of genes that code for enzymes important in the ripening process.Abbreviation SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

Enzymes of Botrytis cinerea were detected in vitro using various carbon sources. Pectin-pectate as a sole carbon source induced both polygalacturonase (PG) and pectin lyase (PL) activity, whereas carboxymethylcellulose served as an inducer for cellulase (Cx) activity. PG activity appeared earlier than Cx activity when induced by their respective sources. Both PG and PL activities were detected earlier and their level was higher on cell walls of the normal tomato fruit, than of the nor mutant, and in each case activity was higher on cell walls of the mature fruits than of the mature-green ones. Whereas relatively high rates of PG and PL activity were recorded on autoclaved tomato homogenate (TH) of both the normal and the nor fruits, only trace levels of PG activity were recorded on unautoclaved media, except for those prepared from ripe normal fruits, and no PL activity was detected on either of the unsterilized media. Botrytis-infection resulted in PG activity in the enzyme-less rin and nor mutant fruits at both stages of maturity and in the normal and hybrid fruits at their mature-green stage. In the ripe normal and hybrid fruits, infection increased the level of PG activity recorded prior to inoculation. An association was drawn between the low PG activity recorded in the nor mutant and its hybrid at initial stages of invasion and their resistance to infection. Following infection an increase in the level of Cx activity over that recorded in healthy fruits was found in all the tomato genotypes, whereas no PL was recorded in either healthy or infected fruits.  相似文献   

The activity of polygalacturonase (PG, E.C during ripening in climacteric fruits has been positively correlated with softening of the fruit tissue and differential expression of its gene is suspected to be regulated by the plant hormone ethylene. We have cloned four partial cDNAs, MAPG1 (acc. no. AF311881), MAPG2 (acc. no. AF311882), MAPG3 (acc. no. AF542382) and MAPG4 (acc. no. AY603341) for PG genes and studied their differential expression during ripening in banana. MAPG3 and MAPG4 are believed to be ripening related and regulated by ethylene whereas MAPG2 is associated more with senescence. MAPG1 shows constitutive expression and is not significantly expressed in fruit tissue. The genomic clone MAGPG (acc. No. AY603340) includes the complete MAPG3 gene, which consists of four exons and three introns. The structure of the gene has more similarity to tomato abscission PG rather than tomato fruit PG. It is concluded that softening during ripening in banana fruit results from the concerted action of at least four PG genes, which are differentially expressed during ripening.  相似文献   

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