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卫星跟踪技术在候鸟迁徙研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自20世纪80年代末期应用基于Argos系统的卫星跟踪技术开展候鸟迁徙研究以来,鸟类学家取得了许多利用传统鸟类迁徙研究方法所无法取得的成果。但在中国,卫星跟踪技术在鸟类迁徙中的应用尚属空白。作者利用参与中国首次应用卫星跟踪技术跟踪候鸟迁徙研究之机,对该技术用于候鸟迁徙研究的技术平台、主要内容和未来研究进行了综述和展望。利用卫星跟踪技术开展的主要研究内容有:揭示迁徙路线和重要停歇地点;寻找新繁殖地和越冬地;利用卫星数据对栖息地及其利用进行评价;探讨鸟类的迁徙策略。期望该技术能够成为中国濒危鸟类保护的有效方法,并尽快得到应用。  相似文献   

应用兔抗polydT·polyrA的特异性抗体,在果蝇D.virilis多线染色体上用免疫酶标的方法检测到DNA·RNA内源杂交分子。多线染色体制片必须先进行变性复性处理(即内源分子杂交技术)才能得到明显的酶标显色带。大致可分辨到363条带,遍及染色体的各个区域。用DNA·RNA杂交分子为特异性底物的RNA酶H处理后再经变性复性处理后的多线染色体,免疫酶标的阳性带几乎全部消失,因此证明经内源分子杂交技术处理后用免疫化学方法检测到的阳性带确是由DNA·RNA内源杂交分子所构成的。  相似文献   

昆虫谐波雷达是一种良好的跟踪昆虫运动的技术。本文从成虫负载的电子标签确定、电子标签的制作、在环境中成虫的检测率和发现率测定、以及田间跟踪昆虫的运动轨迹的方法 4个方面,介绍昆虫谐波雷达技术跟踪昆虫运动行为的应用方法。目的是希望我国更多学者参与昆虫谐波雷达应用,为农林业害虫综合治理研究服务。  相似文献   

昆虫谐波雷达是一种良好的跟踪昆虫运动的技术,但在应用之前需确定昆虫谐波雷达跟踪昆虫运动的电子标签适合性.本文从昆虫谐波雷达电子标签的制作材料及其类型、昆虫翅载和额外负载、电子标签的适合性、局限性和展望六个方面,来阐明电子标签的研究进展.其目的是为我国开展利用昆虫谐波雷达技术跟踪昆虫运动行为研究提供参考.  相似文献   

水生哺乳动物信标跟踪记录技术及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水生哺乳动物(主要是鲸类和鳍脚类)分布范围广、活动范围大、行为复杂,且在水下活动时间长,常规的目视观察受时间和空间限制,通常只能获取有限的信。信标跟踪记录(Bio-logging)具有可跟随移动和自主操作的特征,能在很大程度上突破时间和空间限制,实时获取动物及其栖息环境信息。水生哺乳动物的信标跟踪记录始于20世纪60年代1,2,40年来,无论是记录技术,还是应用研究,都有了很大发展。2003年在日本东京国立极地研究所召开的“信标跟踪记录科学国际学术讨论会(International Symposium on Bio-loggingScience)”,收到来自法、美、英、日、澳、德、意、加、南非和中国共152名与会代表的104篇论文。这些论文主要介绍信标跟踪记录技术及其应用的现状和未来趋势。会议以不同研究对象分专题进行交流,共分为鲸类、鳍脚类、类、爬行类、鱼类和其他类6个专题,其中鸟类专题论文最多,其次是鱼类专题。有关水生哺乳动物的研究论文共22篇,除了4篇介绍记录技术外,其他论文主要介绍信标跟踪记录的应用研究,包括潜水行为、捕食策略、能量代谢、栖息地标识和发声策略研究。本文是近年来水生哺乳动物信标跟踪记录研究领域相关论文的综述,除介绍水生哺乳动物信标跟踪记录技术及其应用研究现状外,还对其不足之处和可能的发展趋势进行了讨论。此外,还重点介绍了我国珍稀动物长江江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides as iaeorientalis)信标跟踪研究的一些进展。    相似文献   

由于分子信标具有结构简单,灵敏度高及反应迅速等优点,因此,利用分子信标进行数学问题的求解将成为可能.通过对分子信标的计算模型进行详细的介绍,并对分子信标的计算模型的研究思路进行了展望,据此思路,可以建立多种组合优化问题及逻辑门的分子信标计算模型.  相似文献   

医疗技术准入制度越来越受到重视,我国这项工作刚刚起步,大多数研究只探讨了高风险、涉及重大伦理问题的第三类医疗技术的临床应用以及伦理问题,而未对第二类医疗技术准入问题进行探讨。第二类医疗技术准入管理刚起步,并存在评价指标的选择问题、申报数据的可靠性和真实性问题及准入后的后期跟踪管理问题等。卫生行政部门必须在认真做好医疗信息公示的前提下,采用科学的评价指标,分步骤实施医疗技术准入管理,并切实做好准入后的跟踪管理。  相似文献   

随着太阳能光伏发电技术的不断进步和运用,太能电车车作为一种利用光伏发电技术的运用模式,与太阳能光伏发电有着密不可分的关系,但是当前电动车的功率整体相对较低,因此,从多方面思考一种基于改进算法的太阳能电动车用最大功率跟踪系统,具有很大的现实意义。本文旨在围绕太阳能电动车的电源系统进行分析,并对光伏发电中太阳电池组件以及方阵进行试验论证,从最大功率跟踪器的设计进行全面探讨,更好的实现太阳能电动车用最大功率跟踪系统的技术运用。  相似文献   

本刊对论文中参考文献的格式暂作如下规定: 文后所列出的参考文献序号,应与正文中标注的序号(相应文字右上角上标的方括号内)一致。未发表的文章不能列入参考文献。  相似文献   

本刊对论文中参考文献的格式暂作如下规定: 文后所列出的参考文献序号,应与正文中标注的序号(相应文字右上角上标的方括号内)一致。未发表的文章不能列入参考文献。  相似文献   

Johnson KY  Liu L  Vincent TS 《BioTechniques》2002,32(6):1270, 1272-6, 1278, 1280
Epitope tagging can interfere with normal protein function, indicating the need for an unobtrusive epitope tag. The FLAG epitope (DYKDDDDK) was examined for a minimal epitope useful in the tagging of H-Ras. The heptapeptide tag, F7 (MDYKDDD), was found to retain reactivity with M2 and M5 monoclonal antibodies in immunoprecipitation, Western blotting, and immunofluorescence microscopy. The F7 tag did not interfere with Ras stability, EGF stimulation of Ras activation, and downstream phosphorylation of MAPK Erk1/2. Unlike the full FLAG sequence, the F7 tag had minimal effect on the growth properties of H-Ras in a colony-forming assay. The F7 tag may be useful when minimizing the effect of tagging on protein function is an important criterion in the selection of an N-terminal epitope tag.  相似文献   

常罡 《生态学杂志》2012,31(3):684-688
以四川省都江堰市亚热带常绿阔叶林内的优势鼠种——小泡巨鼠为实验动物,通过半自然状态围栏控制实验,检验了几种种子标签法对鼠类扩散植物种子的影响。结果表明:鱼线和细钢丝两种标记线在跟踪扩散种子命运上都是很有效的,但考虑到鱼线有时会被实验鼠咬断,细钢丝是更值得推广应用的一种标记线。3种标记牌(大塑料牌、小塑料牌和金属牌)在跟踪扩散种子命运上没有显著差异,但由于较大的尺寸和较强的可见度,大塑料牌更适合作为标签应用于野外种子扩散标记。  相似文献   

Tagging or marking of fish is instrumental to fisheries biologists and managers seeking to distinguish groups of fish, track movement or migration patterns, and monitor population characteristics. However, tag loss can inhibit the ability of biologists and managers to reach these objectives. The ability of Lake Sturgeon to live for long periods of time and reach large sizes, in combination with their dynamic spawning activity, requires tags to be retained under a variety of environmental and physically demanding conditions. This study evaluated tag retention of loop, monel, and passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags on wild, free‐ranging Lake Sturgeon in Lake Huron and the St. Clair – Detroit River System. Lake Sturgeon in this study were double‐tagged with both a PIT tag under one of the three anterior‐most dorsal scutes and an external tag (loop or monel) at the base of the dorsal fin. Fish were at large for up to 16 years. Overall, tag loss for PIT tags was 1% followed by monel tags at 12% and loop tags at 36%. Tag loss for loop tags was higher when the initial length of Lake Sturgeon tagged was smaller. Tag loss for monel tags increased with time at large but was not related to length at initial tagging. Monel tags left behind abrasion marks when attached to smaller Lake Sturgeon. PIT tag retention was higher than reported in previous studies that tagged other sturgeon species in different body locations. Monel tag retention was higher than other external tag types evaluated in previous studies while loop tags had similar retention rates to external tag types. Most previous studies on tag retention of sturgeon species were of shorter duration and conducted in laboratory settings, therefore loop tags may have performed more favorably during studies under short term laboratory settings. Results of this study suggest that PIT tags inserted below dorsal scutes represent a viable option for long‐term tracking of Lake Sturgeon. Monel tags attached at the base of the dorsal fin also seem to be a viable option relative to other external tag types, but should be limited to larger sturgeon as they can leave behind abrasion marks.  相似文献   

The impact of devices attached to animals remains a challenge in telemetry studies of dolphins. It was hypothesized that the hydrodynamic design of a tag could provide stable attachment to the dorsal fin by means of resultant hydrodynamic force appearing when a dolphin is swimming. To verify this hypothesis the computer fluid dynamics (CFD) study of tag performance was carried out. A virtual model presenting authentic geometry of a dolphin with tag attached to the dorsal fin was constructed. The same model without tag was used as a reference object to calculate tag impact as regards drag, lift, and moments coefficients. Flow around the models was simulated for the range of velocities as well as the ranges of pitch and yaw angles. It was shown that in 33 of 35 CFD scenarios the streamlined shape of a tag generates the lift force that facilitates keeping a tag attached to the fin. Throughout the set of calculations the tag‐associated drag coefficient does not exceed 4%, which indicates low impact. Data obtained present a baseline for the further development of non‐invasive dolphin telemetry tags.  相似文献   

Steelhead trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, are known to expel acoustic tags which can negatively bias population survival estimates. Tag burden may also affect the development and behavior of smolts, thereby impacting the results of population and behavioral studies. We monitored the growth, condition, and tag expulsion rate of steelhead trout in similar-sized individuals and used these data to adjust survival rates from an acoustic telemetry study conducted in the Sacramento River. Eighty fish were surgically implanted with tags—40 with cylindrical tags of 9 mm diameter and 21 or 24 mm length (V9, Vemco Ltd) and 40 with a 7 mm diameter and 20 mm length tag (V7, Vemco Ltd)—to examine the impact of tag size on peritoneal retention and survival rate of juvenile steelhead trout. A total of 20 % (16/80) of all tags were expelled by smolts during the 143-day study. Ten V9 tags were expelled between day 18 and day 66. Six V7 tags were expelled between day 21 and day 143. A statistical difference was found for retention rate by surgeon even though the surgeons were of equal experience and received the same training. There were no significant differences in the tag retention rate in relation to the tag/body weight ratio, or in growth (weight or fork length) among the control, V7 or V9 treatment groups over the duration of the study. All individuals survived throughout the experiment. Two methods were used to adjust the survival estimates of an acoustic telemetry data set from the Sacramento River based on the tag retention study. First, a simple individual censorship approach in Program MARK was utilized and next ATLAS, a software program designed to compensate for bias in survival estimates caused by tag failures was used. The results of the adjusted survival estimates were not significantly different from the unadjusted rates suggesting that it may be more important to focus on improving surgical techniques to reduce tag expulsion rather than adjusting survival estimates dependent on the study. The surgical techniques utilized in this study did not have significant impacts on the growth rates of either of the tag treatment groups compared to the control. However, tag retention was an issue regardless of the size and weight of the implanted tag and the size of the steelhead.  相似文献   

Proximity logging is a new tool for understanding social behavior as it allows for accurate quantification of social networks. We report results from field calibration and deployment tests of miniaturized proximity tags (Encounternet), digital transceivers that log encounters between tagged individuals. We examined radio signal behavior in relation to tag attachment (tag, tag on bird, tag on saline-filled balloon) to understand how radio signal strength is affected by the tag mounting technique used for calibration tests. We investigated inter-tag and inter-receiver station variability, and in each calibration test we accounted for the effects of antennae orientation. Additionally, we used data from a live deployment on breeding barn swallows (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster) to analyze the quality of the logs, including reciprocal agreement in dyadic logs. We evaluated the impact (in terms of mass changes) of tag attachment on the birds. We were able to statistically distinguish between RSSI values associated with different close-proximity (<5m) tag-tag distances regardless of antennae orientation. Inter-tag variability was low, but we did find significant inter-receiver station variability. Reciprocal agreement of dyadic logs was high and social networks were constructed from proximity tag logs based on two different RSSI thresholds. There was no evidence of significant mass loss in the time birds were wearing tags. We conclude that proximity loggers are accurate and effective for quantifying social behavior. However, because RSSI and distance cannot be perfectly resolved, data from proximity loggers are most appropriate for comparing networks based on specific RSSI thresholds. The Encounternet system is flexible and customizable, and tags are now light enough for use on small animals (<50g).  相似文献   

The sensitivity of Western blotting analysis after Phos‐tag SDS‐PAGE is occasionally inferior to that after normal (Phos‐tag‐free) SDS‐PAGE under similar experimental conditions, possibly as a result of inefficient electrotransfer from the Phos‐tag gel to the blotting membrane. We therefore present tips on improving the efficiency of electrotransfer of proteins in semidry and wet‐tank blotting. When model samples containing several standard phosphoproteins were subjected to semidry blotting, their electrotransfer efficiencies after Phos‐tag SDS‐PAGE were markedly inferior to those of their dephosphorylated counterparts in the same gel. This was ameliorated by immersing the electrophoresed Phos‐tag gel in a transfer buffer containing 1 mM EDTA for 30 min before electroblotting. Similarly, phosphoproteomes in crude cell extracts were inefficiently transferred by semidry blotting, but the efficiencies of their electrotransfer were improved by pretreatment with EDTA. In contrast, the efficiencies of wet‐tank blotting of the same samples were not dependent on the degree of phosphorylation, and the efficiencies of electrotransfer of all proteins from Phos‐tag gels were similar to those from normal gels. In some cases involving the use of a Phos‐tag gel, addition of 0.1% w/v of SDS to the transfer buffer significantly improved the electrotransfer.  相似文献   

Estimates of tag retention and tagging-related mortality are essential for mark-recapture experiments. Mortality and tag loss were estimated from 15 tigerfish Hydrocynus vittatus marked using Hallmark model PDL plastic-tipped dart tags released into a 1 730 m2 pond at Kamutjonga Inland Fisheries Institute, Namibia, and inspected bi-monthly for the presence or absence of tags. No mortality was observed during the experiment. All marked fish had lost their tags after 10 months and 50% tag loss was estimated at 3.9 months. The high tag loss rate indicates that PDL plastic-tipped dart tags are not suitable for long-term studies on this species.  相似文献   

Endoglucanases (endo-1,4-beta-D-glucan-4-glucanohydrolase, EC are industrially important enzymes. In this study endoglucanase I (EGI or Cel7B) of the filamentous fungi Trichoderma reesei has been genetically engineered to investigate the influence of tryptophan rich peptide extensions (tags) on partitioning in an aqueous two-phase model system. EGI is a two-domain enzyme and is composed of a N-terminal catalytic domain and a C-terminal cellulose binding domain, separated by a linker. The aim was to find an optimal tag and fusion position, which further could be utilised for large scale extractions. Peptide tags of different length and composition were attached at various localisations of EGI. The fusion proteins were expressed from T. reesei with the use of the gpdA promoter from Aspergillus nidulans. Variations in secreted levels between the engineered proteins were obtained. The partitioning of EGI in an aqueous two-phase system composed of a thermoseparating ethylene oxide-propylene oxide random copolymer (EO(50)PO(50)) and dextran, could be significantly improved by relatively minor genetic engineering. The (Trp-Pro)(4) tag added after a short stretch of the linker, containing five proline residues, gave in the highest partition coefficient of 12.8. The yield in the top phase was 94%. The specific activity was 83% of the specific activity of unmodified EGI on soluble substrate. The efficiency of a tag fused to a protein is shown by the tag efficiency factor (TEF). A hypothetical TEF of 1.0 would indicate full tag exposure and optimal contribution to the protein partitioning by the fused tag. The location of the fusion point after the sequence of five proline residues in the linker of EGI is the most beneficial in two-phase separation. The highest TEF (0.97) was obtained with the (Trp-Pro)(2) tag at this position, indicating full exposure and intactness of the tag. However, the peptide tag composed of (Trp-Pro)(4) improved the partition properties the most but had lower TEF in comparison to (Trp-Pro)(2).  相似文献   

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