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脂质体作为一种药物载体广泛应用于肿瘤药物输送中。配体修饰的靶向脂质体,其靶向配体分子在脂质体表面修饰的构象和密度等参数,对脂质体本身的特性及其体内的靶向效果,有很大的影响。但有关其中的具体相互关系,以及可能的最优条件,国内外文献都尚无定论。据此我们建立了多肽靶向脂质体表面配体修饰的分析方法,并通过影像学手段来研究不同靶向肽含量对脂质体在荷瘤裸鼠中的靶向行为的影响。首先采用孵育插入法将带有多肽的脂质分子插入脂质体表面,用分子筛色谱法分离修饰后的脂质体和未插入的多肽脂质,再用HPLC-ELSD定量各脂质成分,得到多肽靶向脂质体表面的靶向肽密度。而后将修饰有不同密度靶向多肽的荧光脂质体经荷瘤小鼠尾静脉注射,分别在给药前后各时间点对小鼠进行扫描,对扫描得到的图像进行处理并计算AUC、T1/2和MRT等相关药代动力学参数。结果表明,随着脂质体表面多肽密度的增加,即多肽密度大于1.298%的靶向脂质体,其肿瘤部位的荧光AUC、T1/2和MRT都较未修饰的隐形脂质体有所提高,显示其在肿瘤组织中的聚集量增多、停留时间延长,针对肿瘤细胞的特异性作用机制得以彰显。  相似文献   

目的:本研究旨在构建一种转铁蛋白修饰负载阿霉素(DOX)的磁纳米粒靶向递药系统,以提高阿霉素作用的靶向性。方法:采用化学共沉淀法制备转铁蛋白修饰负载阿霉素的磁性纳米粒(DOX@MNP),采用zeta电位及纳米粒度分析仪测定DOX@MNP的粒径及其zeta电位,透析法评价DOX@MNP的体外释药特征。通过MTT实验,研究DOX@MNP与游离DOX对A549细胞的细胞毒性,通过激光共聚焦显微镜和流式细胞仪观察A549细胞对DOX@MNP与游离DOX的摄取情况。结果:DOX@MNP的释药具有p H依赖性。MTT实验结果显示,DOX@MNP与游离DOX具有相当的细胞毒性;激光共聚焦显微镜和流式细胞仪检测结果显示A549细胞对DOX和DOX@MNP的摄取没有明显差异。结论:本文构建了一种转铁蛋白修饰包载阿霉素的磁纳米粒,体外结果显示其具有与游离DOX相当的细胞毒性,为进一步进行体内实验奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的:采用PLGA-PEG为聚合材料,制备RGD修饰包载超顺磁性四氧化三铁纳米粒子(RGD-NP—Fe3O4),用于脑胶质瘤细胞靶向核磁共振成像纳米探针。方法:采用沉淀法制备RGD修饰的栽超顺磁性纳米粒,考察纳米粒的粒径,电位等理化指标以及细胞毒性。通过细胞以及肿瘤球摄取实验,考察RGD.NP—Fe304的脑胶质瘤细胞靶向性。结果:制备得到的RGD-NP-Fe3O4粒径在85±7.5nm,电位为18+1.15mV。纳米粒浓度在300μg/mL范围内,对脑胶质瘤细胞均无显著毒性。经过RGD修饰后脑胶质瘤细胞U87对纳米粒的摄取效率大大提高,纳米粒穿透肿瘤球能力显著增强。结论:RGD修饰包载超顺磁性氧化铁纳米粒是一种潜在的高效的脑胶质瘤细胞靶向诊断纳米探针和靶向给药系统。  相似文献   

亚油酸铂靶向脂质体抗肿瘤特性的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
用超声波制备了内部包裹亚油酸铂,表面有抗人乳腺癌单克隆抗体McAbGp-1D8的亚油酸铂靶向脂质体和亚油酸铂非靶向脂质体,研究了这些脂质体绎腹部注射到荷瘤裸鼠之后的组织分布和抑瘤效果,实验结果表明,靶向脂质体亚油酸铂在肿瘤组织的含量明显高于游离亚油酸铂组;在肾,肝,肺,脾,心脏等器官中,前者的含量比后者有所降低,分别在接种癌细胞后6天,12天和24天,按6mg/kg的剂量分别注射PBS,游离亚油酸  相似文献   

近年来,随着肿瘤靶向治疗在临床的不断推广,抗肿瘤靶向脂质体的研究也备受关注。抗肿瘤靶向脂质体可分为物理靶向脂质体和分子靶向脂质体,前者包括pH敏感脂质体、光敏感脂质体、磁性脂质体和热敏感脂质体;后者包括抗体靶向脂质体、叶酸修饰脂质体、转铁蛋白修饰脂质体、多肽修饰脂质体及糖基修饰脂质体等。现介绍抗肿瘤靶向脂质体的研究进展,为靶向脂质体的研究和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

王凡  戴维奇  何磊  林春蕾  程萍  沈淼  卢洁  徐凌  郭传勇 《生物磁学》2013,(24):4615-4619
目的:肝癌的转移与复发是肝癌治疗的一大难题,盐霉素是近年来新发现的具有抗肿瘤作用的抗生素,本文研究了盐霉素在体外及体内对人肝细胞癌转移与侵袭能力的作用及机制。方法:在体外对肝癌细胞株HepG2,SMMC-7721,BEL-7402给予盐霉素处理,体内建立裸鼠肝脏原位肿瘤模型,并给予腹腔注射盐霉素治疗。观察肿瘤细胞的转移侵袭能力以及肝内肿瘤转移灶的情况,进一步测定E.cadherin,Vimentin的表达,来研究盐霉素对肝癌转移及侵袭能力的影响及机制。结果:经盐霉素处理后,肝癌细胞株HepG2,SMMC.7721,BEL.7402的转移及侵袭能力明显下降,肝内转移灶的数目也减少。分子机制检测发现盐霉素处理后E.cadherin表达增高,Vimentin表达下降。结论:盐霉素在体内与体外都抑制了肝癌的转移与侵袭,其机制可能抑制了肿瘤细胞的上皮间质化(EMT)过程。这为控制肝癌的转移和复发提供了新的治疗思路。  相似文献   

为了提高聚乙烯亚胺(Polythylenimine,PEI)类载体对肿瘤细胞的靶向性同时降低其细胞毒性,先用1800DaPEI制备了交联低分子量PEI,然后将人转铁蛋白与之偶联,得到了新型肿瘤靶向性人转铁蛋白偶联交联聚乙烯亚胺基因载体(TCP)。对所得的TCP的理化特性经行了表征,并检测了其细胞毒性。采用TCP介导pGL-3和pEGFP分别对293T、HepG2和Hela细胞系进行体外转染实验。结果表明:TCP是一种低毒高效的基因载体,在肿瘤细胞中的转染效率显著增强,因为其二硫键可在细胞内还原降解,而且通过偶联的转铁蛋白配体与肿瘤细胞表达的转铁蛋白受体间的相互作用,可增强该载体对肿瘤细胞的转染效率和靶向性。  相似文献   

造影剂辅助的核磁共振成像是目前肿瘤诊断的最吁方法之一。但是由于核磁共振成像内在的低灵敏性以及造影剂的非特异性,导致肿瘤早期诊断较为困难。文章将一种新的肿瘤靶向核磁造影剂纳米粒子应用于早期肿瘤的影像诊断。这种新的肿瘤靶向核磁造影剂纳米粒子由配体转铁蛋白(Tf)、纳米水平的正电脂质体(Lip)载体和临床常用的造影剂Magnevist(Tf^NIR-Lip^NBD-Magnevist)三部分构成。另外转铁蛋白和脂质体粒子上,亦标记了荧光物质用于确定转铁蛋白一脂质体一造影剂纳米粒子的靶向性,以及肿瘤的光学影像诊断。在体外实验中,利用激光共聚焦显微镜和光学影像证明了靶向纳米粒子介导的细胞内吞和特异性结合。在裸鼠肿瘤模型中,造影剂纳米粒子Tf^NIR-Lip^NBD-Magnevist经尾静脉注入后,显著增强了肿瘤内信号与周围组织的对比度。由造影剂纳米粒子介导的肿瘤内信号显著强于单独Magnevist辅助的肿瘤内信号。同时,利用光学影像方法,在肿瘤内检测到特异的荧光信号。其结果进一步支持了转铁蛋白一脂质体一造影利(Tf^NIR-Lip^NBD-Magnevist)纳米粒子的靶向性和肿瘤影像诊断的有效性。  相似文献   

我们用超声法制备了内部包裹阿霉素,表面带有抗人胃癌细胞M85的单克隆抗体3Hll的阿霉素靶向脂质体,研究了这些脂质体经腹腔注射入荷瘤裸鼠之后的组织分布和抑瘤效果.结果表明,靶向脂质体组阿霉素在肿瘤组织的含量明显高于游离阿霉素组,而在心脏中的含量,前者则比后者有所降低。分别在接种M85细胞后5天、13天和25天,按4mg/kg的剂量注射阿霉素靶向脂质体和游离阿霉素,在40天时观察结果。我们发现,无论在动物存活数、肿瘤发生率还是在肿瘤生长速度方面,阿霉素靶向脂质体的抑瘤能力都明显地优于游离阿霉素。  相似文献   

造影剂辅助的核磁共振成像是目前肿瘤诊断的最好方法之一.但是由于核磁共振成像内在的低灵敏性以及造影剂的非特异性,导致肿瘤早期诊断较为困难.文章将一种新的肿瘤靶向核磁造影剂纳米粒子应用于早期肿瘤的影像诊断.这种新的肿瘤靶向核磁造影剂纳米粒子由配体转铁蛋白(Tf)、纳米水平的正电脂质体(Lip)载体和临床常用的造影剂Magnevist(TfNIR-LipNBD-Magnevist)三部分构成.另外转铁蛋白和脂质体粒子上,亦标记了荧光物质用于确定转铁蛋白-脂质体-造影剂纳米粒子的靶向性,以及肿瘤的光学影像诊断.在体外实验中,利用激光共聚焦显微镜和光学影像证明了靶向纳米粒子介导的细胞内吞和特异性结合.在裸鼠肿瘤模型中,造影剂纳米粒子TfNIR-LipNBD-Magnevist经尾静脉注入后,显著增强了肿瘤内信号与周围组织的对比度.由造影剂纳米粒子介导的肿瘤内信号显著强于单独Magnevist辅助的肿瘤内信号.同时,利用光学影像方法,在肿瘤内检测到特异的荧光信号.其结果进一步支持了转铁蛋白-脂质体-造影剂(TfNIR-LipNBD-Magnevist)纳米粒子的靶向性和肿瘤影像诊断的有效性.  相似文献   

肝细胞靶向pH敏脂质体的制备及性质分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了制备具有肝细胞特异靶向性和pH敏感性的脂质体,设计并合成了四种带有半乳糖残基的导向分子,与具有pH敏感性的DC-chol/DOPE混合制备脂质体,通过质粒转染实验、受体竞争抑制实验和红细胞溶血等实验选出最佳转染活性的十八醇-半乳糖甙(18-gal)脂质体,并证明其具有肝细胞特异受体介导的靶向性和pH敏感性,且细胞毒性较小,可以作为一种潜在的肝细胞靶向转运系统得到进一步发展.  相似文献   

The asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGPR) is a potential target in the search for hepatic cancer drugs. However, application of ASGPR targeting in the clinic is limited by inefficient synthetic methods for the ligand. In this study, we designed and synthesized a novel galactosylated lipid with a mono-galactoside moiety using a lipase. Then we investigated the optimal reaction conditions and analyzed the targeting ability of liposomes modified with the galactosylated lipid. In an organic phase system, different lipases were used as catalysts to synthesize (5-cholesten-3b-yl) [(4-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl)D-glucitol-6] sebacate (CHS-SE-LA). Variables in enzymatic esterification, such as the type of enzyme and solvent, were explored by single-factor experiments. Optimal reaction conditions were determined through response surface methodology. The (CHS-SE-LA)-incorporated galactosylated liposome containing fluorescent dye was then prepared by thin-film hydration and a HepG2 cell transfection test used to confirm the targeting efficiency of galactosylated liposomes to hepatic cancer cells. The structure of CHS-SE-LA was identified by electrospray ionization or ESI and nuclear magnetic resonance or NMR. Under optimal conditions, the predicted yield of CHS-SE-LA was 94.3%, and the actual experimental value was 95.6 ± 1.35%, n = 3. For HepG2 cells, the cellular fluorescence intensities of liposomes modified with CHS-SE-LA (galactosylated liposomes [GAL-FL]) were as much as 2.6-fold (P < 0.01) the control liposomes (FL). Moreover, the presence of excess galactose significantly inhibited the uptake of GAL-FL suggesting ASGPR mediated uptake. The novel galactosylated ligand was synthesized enzymatically with high efficiency under mild conditions. Liposomes containing CHS-SE-LA have great potential as drug delivery carriers for hepatocyte-selective targeting.  相似文献   

It is necessary to understand liposomal uptake mechanisms and intracellular distribution in order to design more efficient gene (drug) carrier systems. Until now, a few studies have been carried out using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) to investigate the cellular uptake and transfection mediated with liposomes. So, by CLSM, we demonstrated that artificial virus-like envelope (AVE) vesicles labeled with rhodamine-PE (Rh-PE), carbocyanine (DiI) and carboxyfluorescein (CF) were investigated into the cytoplasm of two human cell lines, Mewo (human melanoma cell line) and HepG2 (human hepatoma cell line) cells grown in DMEM medium supplemented with different percentages (0%, 30%, and 100%) fetal calf serum (FCS). The liposome uptake was dependent on the cell line, in view that the whole process of liposomes associated with cells (uptake) is a two-step process involving binding and endocytosis. Based upon the various assays used to measure cellular uptake of liposomes, we conclude the efficacy of cytoplasmic delivery by AVE-liposomes to cells in culture.  相似文献   

The treatment of glioma has become a great challenge because of the existence of brain barrier (BB). In order to develop an efficient brain targeting drug delivery system to greatly improve the brain permeability of anti-cancer drugs, a novel brain-targeted glucose-vitamin C (Glu-Vc) derivative was designed and synthesized as liposome ligand for preparing liposome to effectively deliver paclitaxel (PTX). The liposome was prepared and its particle size, zeta potential, encapsulation efficiency, release profile, stability, hemolysis and cytotoxicity were also characterized. What’s more, the cellular uptake of CFPE-labeled Glu-Vc-Lip on GLUT1- and SVCT2-overexpressed C6 cells was 4.79-, 1.95-, 4.00- and 1.53-fold higher than that of Lip, Glu-Lip, Vc-Lip and Glu?+?Vc-Lip. Also, the Glu-Vc modified liposomes showed superior targeting ability in vivo evaluation compared with naked paclitaxel, non-coated, singly-modified and co-modified by physical blending liposomes. The relative uptake efficiency was enhanced by 7.53 fold to that of naked paclitaxel, while the concentration efficiency was up to 7.89 times. What’s more, the Glu-Vc modified liposomes also displayed the maximum accumulation of DiD-loaded liposomes at tumor sites with the strongest fluorescence in the brain in vivo imaging. Our results suggest that chemical modification of liposomes with warheads of glucose and vitamin C represents a promising and efficient strategy for the development of brain-specific liposomes drug delivery system by utilizing the endogenous transportation mechanism of the warheads.  相似文献   

The effects of phospholipid composition on the pharmacokinetics (PK) and biodistribution of epirubicin (EPI) liposomes, as well as the in vitro macrophage uptake of various liposome formulations, were investigated. Three liposome formulations were investigated: HSPC:Chol (L-EPI; 5:4 molar ratio), HSPC:Chol:DSPG (D-EPI; 5:4:1 molar ratio), and HSPC:Chol:DSPG:DSPE-mPEG2000 (S-EPI; 5:4:1:0.3 molar ratio). Small unilamellar liposomes were prepared by the modified thin-film hydration method with extrusion through polycarbonate filters, and EPI was remote loaded into liposomes by the transmembrane ammonium sulfate gradient method. Macrophages were used to evaluate in vitro the cellular uptake of EPI-loaded liposomes. The following decreasing order of uptake amount was observed: L-EPI>D-EPI>S-EPI. D-EPI showed a relatively low level of uptake, probably because of the steric hindrance provided by the glycerol head group on DSPG, protecting it from the direct recognization by cell-membrane receptors. With the presence of serum, uptake values for all liposome formulations were increased for the activation of the complement system. In the PK study, S-EPI showed significantly prolonged circulating time and reduced clearance. The following increasing order of area under the concentration versus time curve was observed among the various liposome formulations: L-EPI<D-EPI<S-EPI. The biodistribution study indicated that S-EPI decreased drug disposition in the liver, spleen, lung, and heart and increased that in the kidney with respect to the other liposomes. The encouraging property of S-EPI, in terms of prolonging circulating time and reducing heart toxicity, might describe a promising perspective toward clinical application, and all the results would support further research into liposome-based drug carriers.  相似文献   

The effects of phospholipid composition on the pharmacokinetics (PK) and biodistribution of epirubicin (EPI) liposomes, as well as the in vitro macrophage uptake of various liposome formulations, were investigated. Three liposome formulations were investigated: HSPC:Chol (L-EPI; 5:4 molar ratio), HSPC:Chol:DSPG (D-EPI; 5:4:1 molar ratio), and HSPC:Chol:DSPG:DSPE-mPEG(2000) (S-EPI; 5:4:1:0.3 molar ratio). Small unilamellar liposomes were prepared by the modified thin-film hydration method with extrusion through polycarbonate filters, and EPI was remote loaded into liposomes by the transmembrane ammonium sulfate gradient method. Macrophages were used to evaluate in vitro the cellular uptake of EPI-loaded liposomes. The following decreasing order of uptake amount was observed: L-EPI>D-EPI>S-EPI. D-EPI showed a relatively low level of uptake, probably because of the steric hindrance provided by the glycerol head group on DSPG, protecting it from the direct recognization by cell-membrane receptors. With the presence of serum, uptake values for all liposome formulations were increased for the activation of the complement system. In the PK study, S-EPI showed significantly prolonged circulating time and reduced clearance. The following increasing order of area under the concentration versus time curve was observed among the various liposome formulations: L-EPI相似文献   

Adsorption of serum proteins to the liposomal surface plays a critical role in liposome clearance from the blood. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of liposome-adsorbed serum proteins in the interaction of liposomes with hepatocytes. We analyzed the serum proteins adsorbing to the surface of differently composed small unilamellar liposomes during incubation with human or rat serum, and found that one protein, with a molecular weight of around 55 kDa, adsorbed in a large amount to negatively charged liposomes containing phosphatidylserine (PS) or phosphatidylglycerol (PG). The binding was dependent on the liposomal charge density. The approximately 55-kDa protein was identified as beta2-glycoprotein I (beta2GPI) by Western blotting. Despite the high affinity of beta2GPI for strongly negatively charged liposomes, in vitro uptake and binding experiments with isolated rat hepatocytes, Kupffer cells or liver endothelial cells, and with HepG2 cells showed no enhancing effect of this protein on the association of negatively charged liposomes with any of these cells. On the contrary, an inhibitory effect was observed. We conclude that despite abundant adsorption to negatively charged liposomes, beta2GP1 inhibits, rather than enhances, liposome uptake by liver cells.  相似文献   

Coating of liposomes with polyethylene-glycol (PEG) by incorporation in the liposome bilayer of PEG-derivatized lipids results in inhibition of liposome uptake by the reticulo-endothelial system and significant prolongation of liposome residence time in the blood stream. Parallel developments in drug loading technology have improved the efficiency and stability of drug entrapment in liposomes, particularly with regard to cationic amphiphiles such as anthracyclines. An example of this new generation of liposomes is a formulation of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin known as Doxil® or Caelyx®, whose clinical pharmacokinetic profile is characterized by slow plasma clearance and small volume of distribution. A hallmark of these long-circulating liposomal drug carriers is their enhanced accumulation in tumors. The mechanism underlying this passive targeting effect is the phenomenon known as enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) which has been described in a broad variety of experimental tumor types. Further to the passive targeting effect, the liposome drug delivery platform offers the possibility of grafting tumor-specific ligands on the liposome membrane for active targeting to tumor cells, and potentially intracellular drug delivery. The pros and cons of the liposome platform in cancer targeting are discussed vis-à-vis nontargeted drugs, using as an example a liposome drug delivery system targeted to the folate receptor.  相似文献   

Coating of liposomes with polyethylene-glycol (PEG) by incorporation in the liposome bilayer of PEG-derivatized lipids results in inhibition of liposome uptake by the reticulo-endothelial system and significant prolongation of liposome residence time in the blood stream. Parallel developments in drug loading technology have improved the efficiency and stability of drug entrapment in liposomes, particularly with regard to cationic amphiphiles such as anthracyclines. An example of this new generation of liposomes is a formulation of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin known as Doxil or Caelyx, whose clinical pharmacokinetic profile is characterized by slow plasma clearance and small volume of distribution. A hallmark of these long-circulating liposomal drug carriers is their enhanced accumulation in tumors. The mechanism underlying this passive targeting effect is the phenomenon known as enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) which has been described in a broad variety of experimental tumor types. Further to the passive targeting effect, the liposome drug delivery platform offers the possibility of grafting tumor-specific ligands on the liposome membrane for active targeting to tumor cells, and potentially intracellular drug delivery. The pros and cons of the liposome platform in cancer targeting are discussed vis-à-vis nontargeted drugs, using as an example a liposome drug delivery system targeted to the folate receptor.  相似文献   

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