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魔芋茎尖组织培养和植株再生的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
徐刚  王彩莲 《生物技术》1994,4(1):19-21
以魔芋茎尖、幼芽为外植本,接种于1/2MS+1.0mg/LBA+0.01mg/LNAA的培养基中,茎尖、幼芽逐渐生长直接形成幼芽或幼苗;或从茎尖、幼芽由来的膨大的块茎组织表面诱导出幼芽。膨大的块茎组织分割后接种于MS+0.01mg/L+0.01mg/LNAA的培养基中进行增殖培养,同时从增殖的块茎组织表面不断地诱导出幼芽。幼芽切块转入不含激素的MS培养基中,形成幼苗。幼苗切块转入MS+0.1mg/LNAA的生根培养茎中,幼苗生根,形成完整的植株。试管苗移栽6个月后获得干块茎。  相似文献   

荷兰鸢尾(Iris xiphium L. var. hybridum)的组织培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
取荷兰鸢尾(IrisxiphiumL.var.hybridum)鳞茎片不同部位外植体块,接种于附加不同激素配比的基本培养基上,其中取自鳞茎片基部外植体块2mm×2mm×2mm,培养基为MS+BA1.0mg/L+NAA0.2mg/L的不定芽诱导率为最高(70%);最理想的增殖培养基为MS+BA2.0mg/L+NAA0.2mg/L。不定芽直径4~5mm,培养基为MS+BA0.2mg/L+NAA0.5mg/L有利于不定根的发生,诱导生根率达833%。试管苗不经练苗可直接出瓶,移栽于泥炭∶田土∶河沙=1∶1∶1(V/V)的基质中。  相似文献   

圆柏组织培养繁殖研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用5年生圆柏幼嫩茎段为外植体,研究植物生长调节剂对试管苗的调控作用及增殖效果。结果表明:在1/2MS+BA0.5mg/L+NAA0.5mg/L+IBA0.2mg/L的培养基上,试管苗分化率为95.0%,生长发育良好。在MS|BA1.0mg/L+NAA0.01mg/L的培养基上,增殖效果较好。  相似文献   

唐菖蒲球茎芽的离体培养及快速繁殖   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将带1-2个芽眼的唐菖蒲球茎切块接种到附加1.0mg/L BA的MS基本培养基上可诱导休眠芽萌动。无菌芽转移至附加3.0mg/L BA的培养基上可分化产生丛生芽。丛生芽的幼代增殖宜采用附加1.5mg/L BA的培养基生根培养,以MS+NAA0.1-0.5mg/L或MS+IBA1.mg/L效果最佳。  相似文献   

香艳梨离体培养研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本试验以香艳梨的茎尖,不带芽茎段,带芽茎段,叶片,叶柄为试材,以1/2MS为基本培养基,分别附加0.5~2.0mg/L的6-卡基氨基嘌呤(6-BA)和0.1mg/L的萘乙酸(NAA)、吲哚乙酸(IAA),2,4-二氯苯氧乙酸(2,4-D)进行离体培养研究。结果表明,试材用0.1%HgCl2灭菌5~6分钟为宜;在7月份接种感染率低,愈伤组织形成较快;茎尖,不带芽茎段,带芽茎段,叶片均可作为离体培养的外植体,叶片的脱分化,分化的效果尤为明显,叶柄不宜作外植体;1/2MS+1.5mg·L-16-BA+0.1mg·L-1NAA有利于脱分化;1/2MS+1.0mg·L-16-BA有利于分化;瓶外生根优于瓶内生根。本试验可为香艳梨的工厂化育苗提供参考。  相似文献   

墨兰的无菌播种和植株再生   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
墨兰的无菌播种结果发现,在不添加细胞分裂素的培养基上,种子可以发芽,但只有原球茎和根状茎产生,不可能进一步分化成苗,只有在含有不同激素成分MS或KnudsonC培养基上,才有可能诱导芽的分化,其中以附加6-BA0.5-1.0mg/L_NAA0.1mg/L诱导效果最佳,在附加6-BA2.0mg/L+NAA0.4mg/L的MS培养基中,能加速芽的增殖,根状茎转入含有相同激素成分的液体增殖培养基中振荡培  相似文献   

大蒜分生组织培养脱病毒和快速繁殖技术   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
采用茎尖分生组织培养技术,获得了大蒜(Allium sativum L.)的无病毒试管苗。通过基本培养基和激素配比试验,筛选出最佳的培养基组成,进行脱病毒苗的快速繁殖。结果表明:诱导愈伤组织的最适培养基为:MS+BA0.2mg/L+NAA0.5mg/L,月生长率达12.70倍;诱导丛生芽的最适培养基为:B5+BA0.5mg/L+IAA0.2mg/L,丛生芽繁殖系数高达25.5倍,技术上达到了快速繁  相似文献   

李玉芬  史权 《生物技术》1995,5(5):43-46
本文在重瓣丝石竹开发与应用研究中对以下三方面问题进行了探讨与研究。Ⅰ.茎尖和茎段组织培养技术及存在问题的分析与研究;最适诱芽培养基为MS+6-BA 1mg/‘L+琼脂8 ̄10g蔗糖30g,克服试管苗玻璃化现象的方法。Ⅱ.不同介质对重瓣丝石竹试管苗生根试验;最佳生根培养基为1/2MS+NAA0.5mg/L+IBA0.5mg/L+珍珠岩+蔗糖30g,介质为珍珠岩。Ⅲ.移载技术研究;最佳入地栽培的土壤配  相似文献   

枸杞髓组织离体培养及高频率植株再生的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
曹有龙  陈放  罗青  曲琳   《广西植物》1999,19(3):239-242+292
枸杞髓组织在4种MS培养基上都能诱导出愈伤组织,诱导率53.7%~100%。在培养基MS+6-BA0.1mg/L+NAA0.5mg/L获得的愈伤组织,呈颗粒状,分散性能好,胚性细胞多.将其转移到MS+6-BA0.5mm/L+NAA0.01mg/L的分化培养基上获得大量绿色小芽,小芽在MS+6-BA0.2mg/L的培养基上得到快速繁殖,繁殖系数50~150株/芽·月。丛生芽在MS+NAA0.2tmg/L的培养基上形成完整植株  相似文献   

哑特猕猴桃微繁工艺流程的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选用哑特猕猴桃腋芽为外植体。在不同发育阶段适宜培养基组成:芽增殖生长培养基为MS+6-BA0.5mg/L+IAA0.1mg/L(或者IBA0.1mg/L;NAA0.1mg/L),其在苗基部呈辐射状萌发多个嫩枝与主茎伸长生长同步进行的繁殖特点,有利提高繁殖率。40d繁殖系数为5-7。诱导生根培养基为MS+IBA0.5mg/L+IAA0.2mg/L,生根率达97.1%,培养30d,平均苗高3.5cm,  相似文献   

特大‘新红宝’西瓜的快速繁殖研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
利用新红宝西瓜种子、茎段、茎尖及腋芽为外植体,接种子改良的MS培养基上。种子经常规消毒灭菌后,7—15d后可获得95%以上的健壮无菌苗.苗高3cm─5cm时即可用于有关实验。接种6d后,茎段两端切口处膨大,28—35d后出现愈伤组织,出愈率达到68%。接种5d后,茎尖明显长大。在本实验的激素组合中.35d后,茎尖周围均出现了不同数量的腋芽。最好的组合为改良的MS+2.5mg/LBA+IAA1mg/L,可使一个茎尖在35—42d后扩增为18─21个芽并逐渐长成无根苗。47d后,转入改良MS+NAA0.5mg/L培养基中.生根率达到94%以上。28d后,将苗移到田间,第一批移苗500株,成活438株,成活率达到87.6%。  相似文献   

徐刚  王彩莲 《生物技术》1992,2(6):28-30
以唐菖蒲花色突变株开花后的子房为外植体,接种于MS+1.0mg/L BA+0.01-0.1mg/L NAA或MS+1.0mg/LBA+1.0mg/L KT+0.01-0.1mg/LNAA的培养基中,从膨大的组织表面直接诱导不定芽.膨大的组织或带不定芽的组织每隔周转入1/2MS_1.0mg/L BA+0.01-0.1mg/L ANN培养基中,不断地诱导产生不定芽,分化的不定芽转入不含激素的1/2MS培养基中,形成幼苗、然后生根,最后可形成小球茎.幼苗转入1/2MS+0.1mg/L NAA培养基中,幼苗生根,再可形成小球茎.1个唐葛蒲突变株子房,经6—7个月培养,获得了上千株试管苗.  相似文献   

We investigated the optimal levels of growth regulators, culture media, and pH on callus growth and organogenesis of in-vitro cultured ‘Kyoho’ grapes. Calli were induced by culturing leaf blades on an MS basal medium supplemented with 1 mg/IL BA and 0.01 mg/L 2,4-D. In addition, calli originating from the exocarp and mesocarp of grape fruits devel-oped on MS media supplemented with 0.1 mg/L IAA, NAA, or 2,4-D, or with 0.2 mg/L BA. In testing the potential for plant regeneration from shoot tips on various media, we found that the Nitsch medium, with I mg/L BA, was optimal for caulogenesis. The type of shoot development depended on the pH of the medium, with vigorous multiple-shoot devel-opment occurring at pH 6.0, and single shoots forming at pH 5.0. Finally, we were able to obtain rooted seedlings from the regenerated shoots that had been cultured on 1/4-strength Nitsch medium supplemented with 0.03 mg/L NAA.  相似文献   

Large populations of mesophyll protoplasts were released from the leaves of 1.5–2 month old sterile seedlings, with a high protoplast yield (3.7× 10 6g-1FW) after protoplast purification. The purified protoplasts were cultured in a modified K8p liquid medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D, 1 mg/L NAA and 0.5 mg/L BA. Higher density (1× 106/ml) in the initial culture of protoplasts is favourable to the division of cultured mesophyll protoplasts of this woody species among the densities tested. The protoplasts started to divide after 6 days of culture, and achieved 26.8% division frequency by 14 days. Sustained divisions resulted in mass production of cell colonies and small calli in 8 weeks. The calli further grew to 2–3mm on the gelrite-solidified K8 medium supplemented with 0.2 mg/L NAA aud 0.5 mg/L BA. Then, they were transferred onto the MSB proliferation medium with 0.1 mg/L NAA and 0.25 mg/L BA, where compact and cream-coloured calli were formed. Shoot formation was initiated on MSB differentiation medium coraming 0.5 mg/L IAA, 1 mg/L each of BA and ZT. It was observed that the frequency of shoot formation was about 28.7%. Whole plantlets were regenerated upon transferring 3 cm shoots to 1/2MS medium with 0.5mg/L IBA and 0.1mg/L BA, from which they were already transplanted into pots and grew well in the phytotron of Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology.  相似文献   

Shoot tips from seedlings of Digitalis thapsi L. were cultured on Murashige and Skoog's medium and the effect of various auxins (2,4-D, NAA and IAA) were analyzed alone or in combination with cytokinis (BA and kinetin). Shoot multiplication and direct rooting of the new shoots were obtained after four weeks of culture in MS medium without hormones, but callus formation and the appearance of abnormal phenotypes were frequent. The addition of auxins to the cultures prevented the formation of callus but not the appearance of variant phenotypes. Both drawbacks could be avoided by combination of NAA or IAA with BA or kinetin. The best results for shoot multiplication and direct rooting were obtained with 0.5 mg l-1 NAA and 0.1 or 0.5 mg l-1 kinetin.Abbreviations BA 6-benciladenine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - Kin kinetin - NAA naphtalene acetic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog  相似文献   

Summary An in vitro shoot multiplication system was established from juvenileFagus sylvatica L. tissues, and plantlets were regenerated. Embryonic axes were excised from beech seeds and germinated in vitro on media supplemented with 6-benzyladenine (BA) to obtain plantlets with axillary shoots. Shoot multiplication was maintained by sequential subculture of axillary shoot tips and basal segments on Woody Plant Medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/liter BA+2 mg/liter zeatin+0.2 mg/liter naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). The effeciency of shoot multiplication clearly depended on the kind of explant used. Transfer to fresh medium every 2 wk during the 6-wk multiplication cycle improved multiplication rates. In the rooting stage, an initial 7-day dark period significantly improved rooting capacity and accelerated the emergence of roots on auxin-treated shoots. Adventitious buds were induced on the intact hypocotyls of the whole plantlets derived from the initial embryonic axis explants, especially on those cultured on medium with 1 mg/liter BA. Cotyledon and hypocotyl segments isolated from seedlings grown in vitro from embryos also exhibited capacity for adventitious bud formation, especially when cultured on media supplemented with 0.5 mg/liter BA + 0.1 mg/liter NAA.  相似文献   

Excised zygotic embryos,cotyledons and hypocotyls of juvenile seedlings of masson pine were grown on DCR medium supplemented with several concentrations of various plant phytohormones.BA(1.0mg/L) in combination with NAA(0.05mg/L) in DCR medium was found to increase the formation of adventitious buds from mature zygotic embryos,but most of them were formed at the tips of embryonic cotyledons.Adventitious buds were obtained from cotyledons and hypocotyls from juvenile seedlings when they were cultured on DCR medium containing BA 3-5 mg/L and NAA 0.1-0.2 mg/L.Elongation of buds were observed on hormone-free DCR medium with or without activated charcoal(0.5%).Root initiation was achieved with full or half strength DCR medium supplemented with IBA 1.0 mg/L and NAA 0.25-0.5 mg/L.Approximately 11-20 axillary buds formed on each explant when juvenile seedling explants were treated(3-20h) with BA 50-100 mg/L,followed by transfer to hormone-free DCR medium.The maximum number of shoots obtained per explant within six months was 33.  相似文献   

金鱼草下胚轴不同部位切段形态发生能力的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金鱼草(AntirhinummajusL.)下胚轴不同部位切段的形态发生能力有很大差异。在外源添加BA,NAA的情况下,金鱼草下胚轴近基部切段培养物的芽、根发生明显高于其上各部位切段,以近基部切段为外植体培养时,其形态发生能力以BA和NAA配合为好,最适剂量为BA10mg/L+NAA015mg/L。  相似文献   

魏琴  曹有龙  陈放  周黎军  陈东林   《广西植物》2000,20(2):168-171+203
枸杞髓组织在 MS+6 - BA0 .1mg/ L+NAA0 .5mg/ L培养基上诱导愈伤组织发生。在 MS+6 - BA0 .1mg/ L+NAA0 .5mg/ L+CH50 0 mg/ L培养基上继代培养 ,再转入 MS+6 - BA2 mg/L +NAA 0 .5mg/ L的分化培养基上进行分化培养。显微观察表明 ,在培养过程中愈伤组织细胞由非胚性细胞转变为胚性细胞 ,直至发育成体细胞胚胎和完整植株 ;电泳结果显示 ,体细胞胚胎发生的各阶段 ,其过氧化物酶同工酶发生相应的变化。  相似文献   

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