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BAI1(脑血管生成抑制因子1)因其具有抑制血管生成的作用而得名,研究表明肿瘤的发生可能与BAI1的低表达有关.为了进一步探索BAI1的作用机制,运用改良的Red重组系统和低拷贝中间载体,利用50 bp的同源重组序列直接从BAC载体中克隆长片段的小鼠基因组序列;将得到的基因组序列再次通过重组和改造,构建了BAI1基因的完全敲除并带有报告基因的打靶载体,为后续的构建BAI1基因敲除小鼠模型、在动物体内研究基因功能奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Red/ET重组在基因打靶载体快速构建中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王军平  张友明 《遗传》2005,27(6):953-958
通过合理应用Red/ET重组技术实现基因打靶载体的快速构建。在Red/ET重组介导下,首先从基因组DNA中将靶基因片段亚克隆至打靶质粒载体中,随后将两端带有50 bp同源臂的抗性筛选基因插入并替换靶基因上的目标序列,如此两步操作即可完成一个传统型基因敲除打靶载体的构建;结合Cre-loxP系统,在传统型基因敲除打靶载体的基础上,经过再一轮的Red/ET重组就能够成功实现条件性基因敲除打靶载体的构建。整个实验过程不需要PCR扩增长、短臂序列,也不涉及酶切、连接反应,因此,不仅省时、省力,而且所构建的基因打靶载体序列准确,无突变。此实验方法的建立为加速后基因组时代的基因功能研究提供了一条捷径。  相似文献   

目的:探索通过细菌人工染色体(BAC)同源重组系统构建条件基因敲除载体的高效率方法,提高条件基因敲除小鼠(Flox小鼠)的构建效率。方法:利用作者自己构建的噬菌体重组酶系统,通过BAC同源重组进行条件型基因敲除载体构建工作。首先通过亚克隆构建了一系列载体含有同源臂的靶向质粒,线性化后,打靶片段经电穿孔法转入大肠杆菌内,与相应的BAC同源重组,再经过三步同源重组和一步位点特异性重组,构建小鼠条件型基因敲除载体。结果:高效率构建了小鼠基因的最终条件基因敲除载体。结论:通过BAC同源重组高效构建条件基因敲除载体,为条件基因敲除载体的构建提供了全新思路,并为FLox小鼠的建立,及相应基因在发育、生理、致病机制等方面的功能研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

用Red/ET重组酶构建基因打靶载体   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基因敲除的小鼠模型是研究基因功能的一种重要资源。采用常规分子克隆的方法建立基因敲除的打靶载体存在构建效率低和难以获得长片段同源臂的缺点。因此快速高效地构建打靶载体,已成为获得特定基因敲除动物模型的关键环节。为研究Resp18未知功能分泌肽基因,应用一种新的DNA工程平台——Red/ET同源重组技术来构建其打靶载体,并比较了这一方法在构建不同长度同源臂中的效率。研究表明,Red/ET重组方法构建打靶载体具有很高的效率,可以获得较长的同源臂,并且不会引入突变,有助于获得更高的打靶效率。因此Red/ET重组为构建打靶载体提供了一种新的可靠的方法。  相似文献   

郑敬民  李坚  傅继梁   《生物工程学报》2001,17(5):566-569
利用小鼠HPRT基因组DNA片段和人工合成的含有FLP重组酶识别位点变异体FRT和F3RT序列的寡核苷酸 ,构建了针对小鼠HPRT基因位点的置换型打靶载体pSP HPRT Fneo F3。经过限制酶酶切及部分测序鉴定其结构正确后 ,将线性化了的打靶载体以电穿孔法导入ES细胞内 ,经G418和 6 -TG双药筛选和分子鉴定 ,得到了 2个在HPRT位点整合有FLP重组酶“交换盒”F Neo F3结构的双交换重组ES细胞克隆 ,为建立基于FLP重组酶介导的盒式交换的高效、定点转基因体系创造了条件.  相似文献   

利用λRed重组系统敲除伤寒沙门氏菌rfaH基因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:利用λRed重组系统敲除伤寒沙门氏菌的rfaH基因。方法:以伤寒沙门氏菌(Salmonella typhi Ty2,S.ty2)基因组为模板扩增得到的同源臂,与两端带有FRT位点的卡那霉素抗性基因片段共同构建同源重组载体;以重组载体为模板扩增打靶片段,将其转化S.ty2;在抗生素压力和λRed重组系统帮助下,打靶片段和菌体基因组发生同源重组,通过卡那抗性筛选得到带有抗性标记的重组菌;转入重组酶表达质粒pCP20以去除抗性标记,得到保留单一FRT位点的突变菌株;通过PCR鉴定重组菌,并经透射电子显微镜分析表型。结果:在S.ty2中敲除了rfaH基因,经PCR扩增和序列测定正确;初步的表型分析表明突变体的鞭毛合成显著减少。结论:获得了S.ty2突变株,为将沙门氏菌进一步减毒成为疫苗表达载体奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的:建立性激素结合球蛋白(SHBG)基因条件敲除小鼠模型,为探讨胎盘组织中SHBG在体内的生理功能及其与妊娠期糖尿病发病关系提供实验手段。方法:首先运用生物信息学手段确定小鼠SHBG基因组序列,构建SHBG打靶载体,以电穿孔方法将其导入小鼠ES细胞,筛选培养阳性ES细胞并行PCR鉴定,并将正确同源重组的ES细胞注射进小鼠囊胚,移入受体小鼠子宫;将获得的嵌合体小鼠与C57BL/6J小鼠交配,筛选后获得Flox小鼠,该小鼠与EIIa-Cre转基因小鼠杂交,子代多次自交获得SHBG全身基因敲除(SHBG~(-/-))的小鼠。结果:运用同源重组及ES细胞技术建立了SHBG基因的Flox小鼠,并利用Cre/Loxp重组酶系统建立了SHBG基因全身敲除小鼠模型,PCR方法从基因水平证明了SHBG基因Flox小鼠及SHBG基因全身敲除小鼠模型建立成功。对基因敲除鼠进行初步表型分析发现:SHBG基因全身敲除小鼠的生长发育与野生型小鼠相比无明显肉眼所见异常,SHBG基因全身敲除雌雄小鼠均具有生殖能力。结论:成功建立SHBG基因全身敲除小鼠模型,通过对基因敲除鼠进行初步表型分析,发现SHBG基因全身敲除小鼠外观上发育正常,为进一步研究SHBG在妊娠期糖尿病中的作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

重组工程系统研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大肠杆菌的同源重组依靠内源性的RecA蛋白。RecBCD降解双链线性DNA分子,因此必须构建环状质粒打靶载体才能完成体内重组,操作过程繁琐,所需同源臂长。最近建立起的依赖于Rac噬菌体的ET重组系统和基于入噬菌体的Red重组系统,可有效利用线性DNA片段作为打靶分子,对大肠杆菌染色体DNA和BAC、PAC载体中包含的真核细胞基因组DNA进行基因敲除、敲入、替换、单碱基突变及体内基因克隆等修饰。这2种系统重组效率高,用PCR方法便可合成双链线性DNA打靶分子,不需要限制酶和连接酶,操作过程简单、精确、快速、经济,大大缩短了构建打靶载体的时间,成为功能基因组研究的有力工具。  相似文献   

目的:构建针对人CC亚族趋化因子配体20(CC chemokine ligand 20,CCL20)基因外显子2的置换型打靶栽体.方法:设计和合成引物,利用长距离聚合酶链反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)从永生化人角质形成细胞系(HaCaT)基因组DNA中克隆出CCL20基因组DNA片段,再以CCL20基因为模板扩增出长度为1969 bp的同源短臂和2356 bp的同源长臂.分别插入pioxP栽体的Neo基因上游和下游,构建针对人CCL20基因外显子2的置换型打靶载体(ploxP-hCCL20).将打靶载体线性化并以电穿孔方法转移入HaCaT,观察克隆的形成.结果:经过PCR、限制性内切酶鉴定及DNA序列测定.证实该载体的两条同源臂包含人CCL20基因的外显子1、3、4及其邻近的部分内含子.结论:ploxP-hCCL20载体构建成功,增加Neo基因下游同源臂长度的策略有可能提高细胞基因敲除的同源重组率.  相似文献   

The study of the function of novel human genes has become an increasingly active academic field with the gene-knockout (KO) mouse model forming the basis of this study. Because of the low efficiency of recombination of targeting vector constructed using the traditional method, the KO mouse model has become the key step in the construction of a targeting vectors, both economically and efficiently. To study the function of a novel gene (Resp18), a novel DNA engineering platform, Red/ET recombination, was introduced to construct the Resp18 targeting vector. Red/ET recombineering differs from the conventional methods of vector construction (e.g., PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, and ligation), and genetic modification is accomplished by acquisition, insertion, fusion, or replacement of the target gene through small fragments-mediated homologous recombination. At present, Resp18 targeting vectors constructed using three strategies mentioned above were successfully released through two homologous recombination processes of retrieval and neo-targeting. Red/ET recombination has the advantage of producing genes with longer homology regions without mutation.  相似文献   

Gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells generally includes the analysis of numerous colonies to identify a few with mutations resulting from homologous recombination with a targeting vector. Thus, simple and efficient screening methods are needed to identify targeted clones. Optimal screening approaches require probes from outside of the region included in the targeting vector to avoid detection of the more common random insertions. However, the use of large genomic fragments in targeting vectors can limit the availability of cloned DNA, thus necessitating a strategy to obtain unique flanking sequences. We describe a rapid method to identify sequences adjacent to cloned DNA using long-range polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification from a genomic DNA library, followed by direct nucleotide sequencing of the amplified fragment. We have used this technique in two independent gene targeting experiments to obtain genomic DNA sequences flanking the mouse cholecystokinin (CCK) and gastrin genes. The sequences were then used to design primers to characterize ES cell lines with CCK or gastrin targeted gene mutations, employing a second long-range PCR approach. Our results show that these two long-range PCR methods are generally useful to rapidly and accurately characterize allele structures in ES cells  相似文献   

Functional genomics require manipulation and modification of large fragments of the genome. Such manipulation has only recently become more efficient due to the discovery of different techniques based on homologous recombination. However, certain limitations of these strategies still exist since insertion of homology arms (HAs) is often based on amplification of DNA sequences with PCR. Large quantities of PCR products longer than 4-5 kb can be difficult to obtain and the risk of mutations or mismatches increases with the size of the template that is being amplified. This can be overcome by adding HAs by conventional cloning techniques, but with large fragments such as entire genes the procedure becomes time-consuming and tedious. Second, homologous recombination techniques often require addition of antibiotic selection genes, which may not be desired in the final construct. Here, we report a method to overcome the size and selection marker limitations by a two- or three-step procedure. The method can insert any fragment into small or large episomes, without the need of an antibiotic selection gene. We have humanized the mouse luteinizing hormone receptor gene (Lhcgr) by inserting a approximately 55 kb fragment from a BAC clone containing the human Lhcgr gene into a 170 kb BAC clone comprising the entire mouse orthologue. The methodology is based on the rationale to introduce a counter-selection cassette flanked by unique restriction sites and HAs for the insert, into the vector that is modified. Upon enzymatic digestion, in vitro or in Escherichia coli, double-strand breaks are generated leading to recombination between the vector and the insert. The procedure described here is thus an additional powerful tool for manipulating large and complex genomic fragments.  相似文献   

Gene targeting and site-specific recombination strategies allow the precise modification of the eukaryotic genome. Many of the recombination strategies currently used, however, will introduce a selection marker gene at the modified site. DNA sequences of prokaryotic origin like vector sequences, selection marker, and reporter genes have been shown to markedly influence the regulation of the modified genomic loci. In order to avoid the insertion of excess sequences, a biphasic recombination strategy involving homologous recombination and Cre-recombinase-mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) was devised and used to insert a foreign gene into the beta-casein gene in murine embryonic stem cells. The incompatibility of the heterospecific lox sites used for the recombinase-mediated cassette exchange was found to be critical for the success of the strategy. The frequently used mutant site lox511, which differs from the natural loxP site by a single point mutation, proved unsuitable for this approach. A mutant lox site carrying two point mutations, however, was highly effective and 90% of the selected cell clones carried the desired modification. This biphasic recombination strategy allows for the efficient and precise modification of gene loci without the concomitant introduction of a selectable marker gene.  相似文献   

Transformation-associated recombination (TAR) cloning in yeast is used to isolate a desired chromosomal region or gene from a complex genome without construction of a genomic library. The technique involves homologous recombination during yeast spheroplast transformation between genomic DNA and a TAR vector containing short 5′ and 3′ gene-specific targeting hooks. Efficient gene capture requires a high yield of transformants, and we demonstrate here that the transformant yield increases ~10-fold when the genomic DNA is sheared to 100–200 kb before being presented to the spheroplasts. Here we determine the most effective concentration of genomic DNA, and also show that the targeted sequences recombine much more efficiently with the vector’s targeting hooks when they are located at the ends of the genomic DNA fragment. We demonstrate that the yield of gene-positive clones increases ~20-fold after endonuclease digestion of genomic DNA, which caused double strand breaks near the targeted sequences. These findings have led to a greatly improved protocol.  相似文献   

Gene targeting by double homologous recombination in murine embryonic stem (ES) cells is a powerful tool used to study the cellular consequences of specific genetic mutations. A typical targeting construct consists of a neomycin phosphotransferase (neo) gene flanked by genomic DNA fragments that are homologous to sequences in the target chromosomal locus. Homologous DNA fragments are typically cloned from a murine genomic DNA library. Here we describe an alternative approach whereby the inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS2) gene locus is partially mapped and homologous DNA sequences obtained using a long-range PCR method. A 7 kb NOS2 amplicon is used to construct a targeting vector where theneo gene is flanked by PCR-derived homologous DNA sequences. The vector also includes a thymidine kinase (tk) negative-selectable marker gene. Following transfection into ES cells, the PCR-based targeting vector undergoes efficient homologous recombination into the NOS2 locus. Thus, PCR-based gene targeting can be a valuable alternative to the conventional cloning approach. It expedites the acquisition of homologous genomic DNA sequences and simplifies the construction of targeting plasmids by making use of defined cloning sites. This approach should result in substantial time and cost savings for appropriate homologous recombination projects.  相似文献   

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