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Xa21是已经分离克隆的一个具有广谱抗性的水稻白叶枯病抗性基因,根据已克隆的白叶枯病抗性基因Xa21外显子Ⅱ序列设计特异性引物对云南3种野生稻及其他稻种进行PCR扩增.结果表明,只有普通野生稻(景洪普通野生稻和元江普通野生稻)及长雄野生稻中扩增到了长400bp的目的片段,而疣粒野生稻和药用野生稻及栽培稻中均没有扩增到目的片段.通过序列比较发现所克隆的序列同长雄野生稻的氨基酸序列变化是随机的.  相似文献   

云南野生稻中Xa21基因外显子II的分离及序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xa21是已经分离克隆的一个具有广谱抗性的水稻白叶枯病抗性基因,根据已克隆的白叶枯病抗性基因Xa21外显子II序列设计特异性引物对云南三种野生稻及其它稻种进行PCR扩增。结果表明只有普通野生稻(景洪普通野生稻和元江普通野生稻)及长雄野生稻中扩增到了长400 bp的目的片段,而疣粒野生稻和药用野生稻及栽培稻中均没有扩增到目的片段。通过序列比较发现所克隆的序列同长雄野生稻的氨基酸序列变化是随机的。  相似文献   

旨在从含有疣粒野生稻抗白叶枯病基因的新种质SH5、SH76基因组中克隆抗病基因。利用RGAs法得到1个NBS-LRR类同源基因,暂命名为SHNLR(登录号为JF934724)。结果表明,SHNLR的开放阅读框长度为3 105 bp,编码1 034个氨基酸,含有CC、NB-ARC与LRR结构域,具备CC-NBS-LRR类植物抗病基因的结构特征。BLASTn和BLASTp比对显示SHNLR是单拷贝基因,未发现同源性较高且功能已知的基因,仅NBS保守域序列与番茄Prf基因的相似度最高。对SHNLR基因电子定位,发现其位于水稻第11号染色体的长臂末端,但与11号染色体上已定位或克隆的8个白叶枯病抗性基因具有不同序列或处于不同的位置。半定量RT-PCR分析表明,SHNLR在抗病新种质叶片中的表达明显受到白叶枯病菌Zhe173的诱导。因此推测SHNLR可能是1个与抗白叶枯病相关的R基因。  相似文献   

水稻白叶枯病是水稻生产上的主要细菌病害之一。从野生稻中发掘优异的水稻白叶枯病抗性材料,可以拓宽栽培稻抗白叶枯病遗传基础。经过温室接菌鉴定和PCR标记分析,对云南野生稻进行Xa21基因的检测鉴定。温室接菌鉴定表明,云南野生稻对广谱致病小种PX099及云南强致病菌Y8具有较好的抗性能力,特别是疣粒野生稻对致病菌株达到免疫程度;PCR标记分析表明,云南野生稻不含有Xa21基因,但含有与Xa21基因某些区域同源的片段。本研究结果为寻找新的抗源材料及快速发掘利用云南野生稻中的抗白叶枯病基因提供理论依据。  相似文献   

水稻白叶枯病是水稻生产上的主要细菌病害之一。从野生稻中发掘优异的水稻白叶枯病抗性材料,可以拓宽栽培稻抗白叶枯病遗传基础。经过温室接菌鉴定和PCR标记分析,对云南野生稻进行Xa21基因的检测鉴定。温室接菌鉴定表明,云南野生稻对广谱致病小种PX099及云南强致病菌Y8具有较好的抗性能力,特别是疣粒野生稻对致病菌株达到免疫程度;PCR标记分析表明,云南野生稻不含有Xa21基因,但含有与Xa21基因某些区域同源的片段。本研究结果为寻找新的抗源材料及快速发掘利用云南野生稻中的抗白叶枯病基因提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为了研究白叶枯病菌对疣粒野生稻的抗病信号物质和抗病基因的影响,将疣粒野生稻的胚性细胞(即愈伤组织,非特异化)和叶片细胞(已特异化)进行白叶枯病原菌胁迫处理,然后分别检测其抗病信号物质及抗白叶枯病相关基因的表达情况。结果发现,愈伤组织的SA和JA含量无论是未处理还是处理后均高于叶片细胞,这可能与愈伤组织没有特异化、细胞壁较薄致使病原菌易侵入有关,为了防止病原菌的侵害而产生高的表达量,同时说明疣粒野生稻抗白叶枯病能力是在原胚细胞就已具备;ME207基因在疣粒野生稻细胞特异化前后均有表达,而ME281基因则在细胞特异化前是诱导型表达基因、特异化后是组成型表达基因。  相似文献   

云南元江普通野生稻中Pi-ta和Pib同源基因的克隆和分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用高保真PCR技术从云南元江普通野生稻中克隆了抗稻瘟病Pi-ta同源基因的编码区及Pib基因的部分同源序列。Pi-ta同源基因的编码区序列与报道的栽培稻有99.7%的同源性。根据前人的结果,从元江普通野生稻的Pi-ta基因推导的氨基酸序列中918位点为丝氨酸,属于Pi-ta~-等位基因,不能对含有AVRPita基因的稻瘟病菌产生抗性。与Pi-ta基因相比,元江普通野生稻中的Pib同源基因第一外显子与栽培稻的相应序列间存在较大差异,其中有一段87 bp的DNA序列缺失,而且不能按正常的Pib基因序列的阅读框进行翻译。因此认为,元江普通野生稻不具有基于Pi-ta和Pib基因的抗稻瘟病遗传基础。  相似文献   

抑制差减杂交分离赤霉病菌诱导的小麦特异表达基因   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了全面探索小麦赤霉病抗性机理,以抗赤霉病小麦品种‘苏麦3号’及其感病的近等基因系(Hwo4)为实验材料,构建了一个‘苏麦3号’受赤霉病菌诱导表达的正向差减杂交文库。随机选取了141个阳性克隆测序,共获得133条通读EST。将获得的EST去除载体及接头序列后,利用CAP3软件进行聚类分析,133条EST被聚成90个序列重叠群(contigs),片段大小介于106~643 bp间,平均长度为274 bp。利用NCBI的Blastx软件对序列进行蛋白序列同源性比对,结果显示76条序列在蛋白数据库中可以找到同源序列,功能涉及能量代谢、物质代谢、疾病/防御、转录及细胞结构等。其中以能量及物质代谢相关的基因数量最多,分别占总EST的21.1%及17.1%;其次是与抗病及防御反应有关的EST,数量占总EST的15.8%。进一步的分析表明与抗病及防御相关的EST功能主要涉及抗氧化、细胞解毒及相关物质的代谢。  相似文献   

通过已分离鉴定的水杨酸诱导烟草‘云烟85’中与抗性相关的差异表达基因,采用差示筛选和反式Northern检测以及序列分析得到94个烟草差异表达的EST序列。经测序及同源性比较,其中87个有同源序列,7个为新序列;有51个与抗性相关,占总序列的54.3%,其中有系统获得抗性蛋白基因和病程相关蛋白基因等。  相似文献   

白粉病是我国小麦的主要病害之一.尝试用表达序列标签(expressed sequence tags, EST)技术,研究了经白粉病菌诱导后的小麦基因表达.从构建的普通cDNA文库中随机挑取约1 500个阳性克隆并进行测序, 获不重复ESTs序列387条.不重复序列均获GenBank的存储号.其中49.4%的序列与已知基因同源,196条序列功能未知, 84条序列为新ESTs.将不重复序列制备成高密度点阵膜,用差示杂交法筛选到几个抗病相关序列.  相似文献   

利用in vivo转座技术构建了白叶枯病抗性基因Xa23鉴别菌株的突变体库,特异性引物PCR扩增和转座子插入位点旁侧序列分析结果表明转座子插入到白叶枯病菌的基因组中。经人工接种鉴定,筛选到4个毒力发生变化的突变体。为进一步克隆Xa23无毒基因提供了条件。  相似文献   

Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and the closely related X. oryzae pv. oryzicola cause bacterial blight and bacterial leaf streak of rice, respectively. Although many rice resistance (R) genes and some corresponding avirulence (avr) genes have been characterized for bacterial blight, no endogenous avr/R gene interactions have been identified for leaf streak. Genes avrXa7 and avrXa10 from X. oryzae pv. oryzae failed to elicit the plant defense-associated hypersensitive reaction (HR) and failed to prevent development of leaf streak in rice cultivars with the corresponding R genes after introduction into X. oryzae pv. oryzicola despite the ability of this pathovar to deliver an AvrXa10:Cya fusion protein into rice cells. Furthermore, coinoculation of X. oryzae pv. oryzicola inhibited the HR of rice cultivar IRBB10 to X. oryzae pv. oryzae carrying avrXa10. Inhibition was quantitative and dependent on the type III secretion system of X. oryzae pv. oryzicola. The results suggest that one or more X. oryzae pv. oryzicola type III effectors interfere with avr/R gene-mediated recognition or signaling and subsequent defense response in the host. Inhibition of R gene-mediated defense by X. oryzae pv. oryzicola may explain, in part, the apparent lack of major gene resistance to leaf streak.  相似文献   

The Xa21 gene previously cloned from the wild rice species Oryzae longistaminata confers broad-spectrum resistance to rice leaf blight caused by different strains of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Here we attempted to determine the existence of Xa21 homologs in other wild rice species and rice cultivars and the sequence differences between the homologs. We synthesized specific primers based on the reported Xa21 sequence to amplify homologs of the gene exon II from several rice cultivars and three wild rice species in Yunnan Province, China. The fragments cloned from various types of O. rufipogon Griff from Jinghong and Yuanjiang, Yunnan Province, were highly homologous to the reported Xa21 gene exon II. However, the fragment was not found in O. officinalis Wall. and O. meyeriana Baill. Sequence analysis suggested that differences in nucleotides were located randomly in the fragments we cloned.  相似文献   

A regulatory protein HrpXo of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, the causal agent of bacterial leaf blight of rice, is known to control the expression of hrp genes that encode components of a type III secretion system and of some effector protein genes. In this study, we screened novel HrpXo regulons from the genome database of X. oryzae pv. oryzae, searching for ORFs preceded by two predicted sequence motifs, a plant-inducible promoter box-like sequence and a -10 box-like sequence. Using a gus reporter system, nine of 15 ORF candidates were expressed HrpXo dependently. We also showed by base-substituted mutagenesis that both motifs are essential for the expression of the genes.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of disease resistance in rice   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
The rice gene Xa21 conferring resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), was isolated using a map-based cloning strategy. Compared with previously cloned genes, the structure of Xa21 represents a novel class of plant disease R genes encoding a putative receptor kinase (RK). This article proposes a model for the mode of action of Xa21 and summarizes our current knowledge of the modular basis of resistance in rice to bacterial leaf blight and blast.  相似文献   

Rice diseases caused by fungi, bacteria and viruses are one of the major constraints for sustainable rice (Oryza sativa L.) production worldwide. The use of resistant cultivars is considered the most economical and effective method to control rice diseases. In the last decade, a dozen resistance genes against the fungal pathogen Magnaporthe grisea and the bacterial pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae have been cloned. Approximately half of them encode nuclear binding site (NBS) and leucine rich repeat (LRR)-containing proteins, the most common type of cloned plant resistance genes. Interestingly, four of them encode novel proteins which have not been identified in other plant species, suggesting that unique mechanisms might be involved in rice defense responses. This review summarizes the recent advances in cloning and characterization of disease resistance genes in rice and presents future perspectives for in-depth molecular analysis of the function and evolution of rice resistance genes and their interaction with avirulence genes in pathogens.  相似文献   

水稻抗白叶枯病基因及其应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由黄单胞菌水稻变种Xanthomonas oryzae pv.Oryzae(Xoo)引起的白叶枯病是水稻重要病害之一。目前,已有37个水稻白叶枯抗性基因被鉴定并报道,其中28个被定位到染色体上,7个被克隆。本文简要综述了水稻白叶枯抗性基因的鉴定、定位和克隆的进展,并讨论了合理利用抗性基因防治白叶枯病的前景。  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】旨在揭示水稻白叶枯病菌(Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, 简称Xoo) 环鸟苷二磷酸(c-di-GMP)信号蛋白VieAxoo的生物学功能。【方法】本研究通过标记置换法对vieAxoo基因(PXO_04753)进行了缺失突变研究,采用表性测定进行了部分功能鉴定。【结果】从野生型菌株PXO99A中克隆的vieAxoo基因序列与其它病原黄单胞菌的同源序列高度保守。VieAxoo具有参与c-di-GMP降解的磷酸二酯酶(PDE)EAL结构域和磷酸信号识别受体REC结构域  相似文献   

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