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【目的】研究大豆蚜发生为害及大豆与多种作物间邻作种植对大豆蚜的控制作用,为大豆蚜的可持续综合治理提供理论依据。【方法】采用系统调查的方法,研究大豆蚜和天敌田间种群动态;通过田间罩笼、人工接蚜和释放天敌的方法,研究捕食性天敌对大豆蚜种群的控制作用;在佳木斯地区进行大豆与早熟马铃薯间作,牡丹江地区进行黄瓜-大豆-玉米、甜葫芦-大豆-玉米、烟草-大豆-香瓜、甜菜-大豆-玉米等多作物带状穿插种植模式,以单作大豆田为对照,对不同种植模式的大豆田大豆蚜与天敌进行调查,研究作物多样性对大豆蚜的控制作用。【结果】2009年6月中下旬大豆蚜开始侵入大豆田,3~5周后田间有蚜株率达到100%,大豆蚜种群发生高峰期在7月下旬至8月上旬,9月上旬在田间逐渐消失。草蛉、瓢虫和寄生蜂等为蚜虫天敌优势种;按大豆蚜与天敌数量之比700︰1,释放异色瓢虫和叶色草蛉成虫7 d后,蚜虫种群减退率分别为54.78%和78.79%;大豆与早熟马铃薯间作,在大豆蚜种群迅速增长期早熟马铃薯收获(7月20日)后第5天,豆田蚜虫天敌总数是收获前的2.6倍,与同期单作大豆田相比,间作田大豆蚜种群数量降低了51.3%。大豆与甜葫芦、香瓜、烟草和玉米等作物进行多样性间作种植,在大豆蚜田间发生高峰期,单作豆田益害比为1︰65.2,多样性种植区的大豆田益害比为1︰26~1︰42,与单作大豆田相比,间作田大豆蚜种群数量降低40.7%~83.5%。【结论】2009年大豆蚜的种群高峰期为8月3日,田间的天敌优势种类为草蛉、瓢虫和寄生蜂。早熟马铃薯与大豆间作,在大豆蚜种群迅速增长期间收获早熟马铃薯,大量蚜虫天敌转移至间作的大豆田,从而形成对大豆蚜的控制。大豆与其它经济作物间邻作,大豆田天敌昆虫与蚜虫的益害比明显提高,表明利用农田作物多样性能充分发挥自然天敌的生物控害作用。  相似文献   

黑龙江省哈尔滨地区吸虫塔有翅蚜种群动态   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
【目的】明确吸虫塔对作物蚜虫防控的指导意义,明确中国黑龙江省哈尔滨地区有翅蚜(和大豆蚜)的种群动态,为大豆蚜虫防控提供预警信息。【方法】2009至2012年通过吸虫塔监测哈尔滨地区有翅蚜及有翅大豆蚜动态结合当年田间大豆蚜动态调查。【结果】哈尔滨吸虫塔全年收集有翅蚜量为0.6~1.7万头不等。具1~3个高峰(不同年份有翅蚜发生高峰数量不同),高峰期时间1个月左右,位于7月中旬至10月中旬之间。周有翅蚜量达200头时预示着有翅蚜高峰期的到来,高峰期有翅蚜量可占年有翅蚜量的90%以上。同一地区不同年份有翅蚜高峰期时间不同。吸虫塔有翅大豆蚜亦具1~3个高峰期,时间位于当年有翅蚜的高峰期时间内,为短短的1周或几周,高峰期蚜量占全年采集有翅大豆蚜量的80%~95%。田间大豆蚜只存在一个高峰,2009、2010、2012年田间大豆蚜高峰期均与吸虫塔收集的大豆蚜高峰期相重叠,且峰值日期一致。【结论】吸虫塔可以很好地反应当年田间大豆蚜的种群动态,表现在高峰期及高峰点的预测,可为大豆蚜的预测预报提供预警信息。  相似文献   

在系统整理河北大学博物馆馆藏食蚜蝇科Syrphidae昆虫标本的基础上,鉴定出中国食蚜蝇亚科Syrphinae昆虫4族21属41种,其中5新种:直带垂边食蚜蝇Epistrophe rectistrigata sp.nov.,黑龙江美蓝食蚜蝇Melangyna heilongjiangensis sp.nov.,秦巴细腹食蚜蝇Sphaerophoria qingbaensis sp.nov.,秦岭细腹食蚜蝇Sphaerophoria qinglinensis sp.nov.和长白山食蚜蝇Syrphus changbaishanicus sp.nov..新种正模标本保存于河北大学博物馆,副模标本保存于陕西理工学院陕西省资源生物重点实验室.  相似文献   

大草蛉对草地贪夜蛾捕食潜能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda JE Smith于2018年底至2019年初入侵我国后,迅速扩散,并在半年内对西南地区的玉米生产造成为害。田间调查和观测研究表明,田间虽然可见该害虫的天敌,但由于天敌种群数量低,无法形成有效控害的模式。为研究大草蛉对草地贪夜蛾的控害潜能,本研究进行了捕食功能反应试验。结果表明,大草蛉成虫对草地贪夜蛾卵以及大草蛉3龄幼虫对草地贪夜蛾1龄幼虫的捕食效应均能够很好的拟合HollingⅡ功能反应模型。其中,大草蛉成虫对贪夜蛾卵的理论日最大捕食量、瞬时攻击率和处理时间分别为1115.56头、1.004和0.0009 d。大草蛉幼虫对贪夜蛾低龄幼虫的理论日最大捕食量、瞬时攻击率和处理时间分别为358头、1.074和0.003 d。结果表明大草蛉具备对草地贪夜蛾卵和低龄幼虫进行有效控害的潜力,为应用天敌昆虫防治草地贪夜蛾提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

大豆蚜对环境的适应及对大豆产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009-2010年,以辽东山区大豆主产区岫岩县作为试验点,系统调查了大豆蚜Aphis glycines Matsumura正常型蚜和小型蚜的种群动态,研究了蜡蚧轮枝菌Verticillium lecanii(Zimmerman)Viegas、豆柄瘤蚜茧蜂Lysiphlebus fabarum Marshall、异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis(Pallas)对大豆蚜正常型蚜和小型蚜的寄生与捕食作用;另外,也研究了降雨对小型蚜和正常型蚜的冲刷作用,以及小型蚜对大豆产量的影响等。研究结果表明,7月上中旬为大豆蚜小型蚜发生初期,7月下旬—8月上旬为小型蚜发生高峰期,2010年小型蚜平均蚜量达10000头/百株以上。此外,通过比较大豆蚜正常型蚜和小型蚜排蜜量,发现正常型蚜与小型蚜在30min内的排蜜频率差异极其显著,正常型蚜排蜜次数明显多于小型蚜。蜡蚧轮枝菌对大豆蚜小型蚜的侵染较正常型低,前者被侵染率低于3%,后者被侵染率高达25%。豆柄瘤蚜茧蜂对正常型蚜的寄生率较小型蚜高,寄生率分别为43.41%和0.58%。异色瓢虫3龄幼虫对正常型蚜和小型蚜的捕食率分别为80.24%和36.36%。降雨对小型蚜冲刷作用明显低于正常型蚜。最后,通过对单株蚜量与单株产量进行单因素方差分析,结果表明,单株小型蚜量对产量影响不显著(F=0.378;df=7,1;P>0.05)。上述研究为明确大豆蚜的发生与为害、小型蚜适应环境的生存机制以及自然天敌对大豆蚜的田间控制作用,进而为大豆蚜的可持续控制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis(Pallas)是枸杞木虱的优势天敌种类之一,为了明确不同龄期异色瓢虫对枸杞木虱4种虫态的捕食作用及田间控害效果,本文利用HollingⅡ型功能反应模型进行拟合以明确其捕食潜能,同时根据其捕食潜能的测算结果,在田间通过罩笼试验探究异色瓢虫4龄幼虫与成虫对枸杞木虱的捕食效果。结果表明:各龄期异色瓢虫幼虫对枸杞木虱4种虫态的捕食量存在显著差异,在枸杞木虱密度相同的条件下,异色瓢虫4龄幼虫的日捕食量最大,为92.9头;不同龄期异色瓢虫对枸杞木虱的捕食功能反应均符合HollingⅡ型方程,当枸杞木虱密度趋于无限大时,异色瓢虫4龄幼虫对枸杞木虱最大捕食量最大为411.5头;成虫对枸杞木虱的瞬间攻击率最大,为0.7931;4龄幼虫对枸杞木虱的处理时间最短为0.0051 d。田间释放异色瓢虫4龄幼虫与成虫的试验证明,处理植株上枸杞木虱虫口减退率,4龄幼虫为43.32%,成虫为14.78%;而对照组即周围8株植株上枸杞木虱虫口减退率,4龄幼虫为14.78%,成虫为16.22%;在异色瓢虫4龄幼虫释放区,处理植株上枸杞木虱虫口减退率为43.32%显著高于其周围8株植株的14.78%;而在成虫释放区,处理植株上枸杞木虱下降率为14.78%,对照组植株的虫口减退率为16.22%,没有显著差异。研究表明,异色瓢虫田间释放需根据枸杞木虱防治范围与力度的需求,选择适宜的异色瓢虫虫态进行枸杞木虱的生物防治。  相似文献   

查明麦田害虫天敌有98种,其中捕食性天敌80种,寄生性天敌18种,对天敌种群动态作了系统观察,分析了影响天敌种群数量的环境因素,对大灰食蚜蝇,黑带食蚜蝇,七星瓢虫捕食麦蚜效能进行了探讨。  相似文献   

叉角厉蝽Eocanthecona furcellata是一种在生物防治方面有重要作用和潜力的捕食性天敌昆虫,为探明叉角厉蝽对亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis幼虫的控害潜力,在室内温度26℃±1℃、相对湿度65%±10%、光周期16 L∶8 D条件下,观察了叉角厉蝽4龄、5龄若虫和成虫分别对亚洲玉米螟3龄、4龄幼虫的捕食行为,测定了叉角厉蝽对不同亚洲玉米螟密度下的捕食量、搜寻效应以及自身密度和种间干扰对捕食作用的影响。结果表明,叉角厉蝽对亚洲玉米螟的捕食功能反应符合Holling-Ⅱ功能反应模型,叉角厉蝽3个虫龄对亚洲玉米螟3龄与4龄幼虫的理论最大取食量顺序均为:成虫(30.21头)>5龄若虫(24.69头)>4龄若虫(11.96头),相同虫龄的叉角厉蝽对亚洲玉米螟3龄幼虫的最大取食量均大于对亚洲玉米螟4龄幼虫的最大取食量。在亚洲玉米螟相同虫龄内,搜寻效应与猎物密度的增加呈负相关。在生存环境和亚洲玉米螟幼虫密度固定的条件下,其平均捕食量和搜寻效应与叉角厉蝽成虫密度的增加呈负相关。叉角厉蝽成虫与亚洲玉米螟幼虫以相同比例增加时,叉角厉蝽成虫种间会产生干扰作用。结果表明了叉角厉蝽对亚洲玉米螟具有较好的控害潜力,为今后高效利用叉角厉蝽田间防治亚洲玉米螟提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

叉角厉蝽对草地贪夜蛾的捕食功能反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叉角厉蝽Eocanthecona furcellate(Wolff)是一种极具应用潜力的重要捕食性天敌。为了探明叉角厉蝽3龄若虫对草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda(J.E.Smith) 3龄幼虫的控害效果,在室内条件下,观察了叉角厉蝽对草地贪夜蛾幼虫的捕食行为,研究了叉角厉蝽对草地贪夜蛾3龄幼虫的捕食功能反应。结果表明,叉角厉蝽以口针从草地贪夜蛾腹部或者体躯末端插入取食,被取食后的草地贪夜蛾呈干瘪状死亡。叉角厉蝽3龄若虫对草地贪夜蛾3龄幼虫的捕食功能反应模型符合Holling II型方程,为:Na=0.6702 N/(1+0.0133 N),叉角厉蝽若虫对草地贪夜蛾3龄幼虫的日最大捕食量、瞬时攻击率和处理时间分别为50.25头、0.6702 d和0.0199 d。叉角厉蝽的捕食量与猎物密度正相关,寻找效应与猎物密度负相关,叉角厉蝽的捕食作用存在较强的种内干扰作用。试验证实叉角厉蝽对草地贪夜蛾具有较好的控害效果,为其田间应用释放技术提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨桃园捕食性节肢动物群落特征、结构组成及动态规律,为桃园害虫防治提供依据。【方法】在西北农林科技大学实验站选择树龄5~6年的桃园为调查对象,系统调查园内节肢动物群落的种类和数量,测定群落的相对丰富度、多样性指数(H')、均匀度指数(E)及优势集中性指数(C)等指标,研究园内捕食性节肢动物群落的变化规律。【结果】桃园捕食性节肢动物群落的多样性指数和均匀度指数表现为高-低-高-低的趋势;群落优势度(B)与优势集中性指数呈现低-高-低趋势。食蚜蝇、蜘蛛、瓢虫、步甲和草蛉是桃园主要捕食性节肢动物亚群落。大灰食蚜蝇Metasyrphus corollae和黑带食蚜蝇Episyrphus balteata是食蚜蝇亚群落的优势种群,5月中旬至6月下旬是其发生高峰期;龟纹瓢虫Propylaea japonica是瓢虫亚群落的优势种群,5月中旬至7月下旬是其发生高峰期,随后数量维持在较低水平;龟纹瓢虫鼎斑变型和锚斑变型是桃园最常见的色斑变型,分别占49.6%和29%;蜘蛛亚群落主要包括皿蛛、蟹蛛和球蛛类群,5月上中旬、8月中下旬和10月中旬是其发生高峰期;步甲亚群落的发生高峰期为5月上旬至6月下旬,随后维持在较低的水平;中华草蛉Chrysoperla sinica为草蛉亚群落的优势种群,6月上旬至8月上旬是其发生高峰期。【结论】桃园捕食性节肢动物主要包括捕食性蜘蛛、食蚜蝇、捕食性瓢虫、步甲和草蛉5个亚群落,不同天敌亚群落的结构特征随着季节和气温的变化而相互演替,共同发挥控制害虫的作用。  相似文献   

Elder shrubs (Sambucus nigra L.) were planted in an experimental apple orchard as bordering hedgerow with the objective of rearing syrphids (Diptera: Syrphidae) and consequently enhancing the biological control of the rosy apple aphid Dysaphis plantaginea (Passerini). The inoculative introduction of the specific elder aphid Aphis sambuci L. (Homoptera: Aphididae) in late March 2002 and again in 2003 led to the complete hedgerow turning into an early and productive alternative prey reservoir for indigenous syrphids. The species Scaeva pyrastri (L.), S. selenetica (Meigen), Syrphus ribesii (L.), S. vitripennis Meigen, Epistrophe eligans (Harris), E. nitidicollis (Meigen), Platycheirus scutatus (Meigen), Eupeodes corollae (F.), Meligramma triangulifera (Zetterstedt) and Episyrphus balteatus (De Geer) developed on the elder hedgerow during the spring 2002 taking advantage of the aphid infestation. The season 2003 was characterised by a quite different species abundance pattern as, contrary to the previous year when both monovoltine and polyvoltine species were equally represented, the monovoltine syrphids (Epistrophe spp.) represented the dominant group exploiting the elder aphids. A parallel analysis showed that the faeces of the first adult syrphids observed ovipositing on the elder hedgerow in spring contained digested pollen of mainly apple. Our observations indicate the possibility of establishing a local population of monovoltine syrphids in apple orchards by managing an aphid-infested elder hedgerow, without any additional pollen or nectar producing plants.  相似文献   

Three bioassays were used to examine the oviposition behaviour of the hoverfly, Episyrphus balteatus (Degeer) in which various stimuli purported to influence host assessment and choice were tested. Episyrphus balteatus failed to exhibit enhanced behavioural responses, in terms of approaches and landings, to artificial leaves with the highest numbers of aphids, suggesting that females are merely responding to the colour of the artificial leaves. A density-dependent oviposition response was reported in a second bioassay using whole bean plants, although there was an asymptotic relationship. Syrphid responses, which were measured by oviposition over a five-day period, were greatest towards those plants with the highest number of aphids. In a final series of trials, gravid female E. balteatus showed a behavioural preference for filter papers treated with the greatest honeydew concentrations (0.26 mg microl(-1) honeydew). More time was spent in the treated areas and syrphids demonstrated more proboscis and ovipositor extensions in these treatments. These bioassays provided an opportunity to isolate some of the individual components of decision-making by female E. balteatus during egg-laying behaviour. A greater understanding of natural enemy behaviour is essential before enhanced control of pest populations in the field can be established.  相似文献   

The addition of floral resources in a crop is the most commonly used conservation biological control strategy. The influence of additional floral resources on the abundance of aphidophagous syrphids has been studied in Mediterranean sweet-pepper greenhouses, in southeast Spain. Sweet alyssum and coriander were the plant species used as flowering plants, distributed in the greenhouse in several monospecific patches. In our first experiment the influence on syrphid pre-imaginal stages (larvae and pupae) was studied and adult stages were studied in a second experiment. A higher number of pre-imaginal syrphids was recorded in two replicated greenhouses where flowers were introduced, compared with two control greenhouses (without additional floral resources). To evaluate the effect on adults, 4 greenhouses were divided into 2 plots in each greenhouse and flowers were introduced in one plot per greenhouse. More hoverfly adults were observed in the plots where flowers had been introduced than in the control. The three most abundant syrphid species found were Eupeodes corollae, Episyrphus balteatus and Sphaerophoria rueppellii. Specimens from these species were dissected, and their pollen content was analysed to assess the food potential of the introduced flowers. The three syrphid species fed on pollen from both the flowering plants, as well as on sweet-pepper pollen. This conservation biological control strategy is an effective method to enhance native syrphid populations in Mediterranean sweet-pepper greenhouses.  相似文献   

We have investigated several factors affecting the augmentation of the aphidophagous syrphid Episyrphus balteatus in Mediterranean sweet pepper greenhouses. First, the effectiveness of releases has been assessed by recording the larva and pupa number. The abundance of E. balteatus varied between greenhouses, which was not observed to be a release effect. Second, two experiments were performed to assess the effect of three biological control management strategies on the release residence time. In the first experiment, the greenhouse ventilation was shown to have a significant influence on the adult population residence time, which was higher when the side walls were closed rather than open. The introduction of additional floral resources (sweet alyssum and coriander) did not have a significant effect on the release residence time. In the second experiment, the age of the released adults was assessed, and 2-day-old adults stayed longer in the greenhouse than 7-day-old adults, but the 7-day-old adults had more time to lay eggs. Although syrphids are effective aphid natural enemies, the release methodology of introducing pupae appears not to be effective in Mediterranean greenhouses. In this paper, we propose changing the methodology of releasing E. balteatus .  相似文献   

Organic lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., producers on California's Central Coast rely on endemic syrphid flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) to suppress populations of Nasonovia ribisnigri Mosley (Homoptera: Aphididae) and other aphids affecting lettuce. Growers are using various forms of habitat manipulation to enhance biological control. We surveyed syrphids collected from organic romaine in and around the Salinas Valley from March through September 2005 to gain a better understanding of the species responsible for aphid suppression and to examine possible implications for biocontrol. The primary species of syrphid fly reared were Toxomerus marginatus (Say) (39%), Platycheirus stegnus (Say) (27%), Sphaerophoria sulfuripes (Thomson) (13%), and Allograpta obliqua (Say) (10%). Syrphus opinator Osten Sacken (2%), Toxomerus occidentalis (Curran) (1.3%), and Eupeodes volucris Osten Sacken (1%) were less common. Sphaerophoria pyrrhina Bigot, Scaeva pyrastri (L.), Platycheirus obscurus Say, Allograpta exotica Wiedemann, and Eupeodes americanus Wiedemann each made up <1% of the syrphids reared. T. marginatus and Sphaerophoria sulfuripes were commonly collected from romaine plants with few or no detectable aphids. P. stegnus was observed to deposit in clusters of eggs, and was only reared in significant numbers from highly infested fields. Approximately 5% of syrphid larvae overall were parasitized by either Diplazon sp. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) or Pachyneuron sp. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae).  相似文献   

Episyrphus balteatus (DeGeer) (Diptera: Syrphidae), Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Rondani) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) are the three most abundant natural enemies of Dysaphis plantaginea Passerini (Homoptera: Aphididae) in Asturian (NW Spain) apple orchards. They attack this aphid in sequence: E. balteatus arrived first, followed by A. bipunctata and then by A. aphidimyza. The cecidomyiids arrived too late to have a regulating effect. The syrphids laid an average of 2.3 ± 1.7 eggs per aphid colony and the coccinellids 18.4 ± 9.9 regardless of the degree of the infestation rates of the apple shoots. This value corresponds to the size of an egg batch laid by one female. Therefore, these aphid predators did not respond numerically to the abundance of the pest. The results of this study indicate that natural populations of syrphids and ladybird beetles are unable to control D. plantaginea, and therefore a more complex strategy than waiting for natural enemies is required.  相似文献   

Provision of additional floral resources in the crop is a successful strategy of conservation biological control for attracting several natural enemies including predatory syrphids. However, the selection of flower species is mainly based on visiting preferences, paying little attention to the link between preference and performance. In this study, we assess the influence of feeding on flowers of two insectary plants (sweet alyssum and coriander) and flowers of a crop species (sweet pepper) on performance of the parental and first generation of the syrphid Sphaerophoria rueppellii (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Syrphidae). We found that floral preference of the adults was linked to developmental performance of their offspring. Sweet alyssum was the flower most frequently visited by syrphid adults, enhancing adult body size and egg-to adult survival of the F1 generation.  相似文献   

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