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王晓冬  王成  马智宏  侯瑞锋  高权  陈泉 《生态学报》2011,31(10):2822-2830
为研究盐胁迫下小麦幼苗生长及Na+、K+的吸收和积累规律,以中国春、洲元9369和长武134等3种耐盐性不同小麦品种为材料,采用非损伤微测技术检测盐胁迫2 d后的根系K+离子流变化,并对植株体内的Na+、K+含量进行测定。结果表明:短期(2d)盐胁迫对小麦生长有抑制作用,且对根系的抑制大于地上部,耐盐品种下降幅度小于盐敏感品种。盐胁迫下,小麦根际的 K+大量外流,盐敏感品种中国春K+流速显著高于耐盐品种长武134,最高可达15倍。小麦幼苗地上部分和根系均表现为Na+积累增加,K+积累减少,Na+/K+比随盐浓度增加而上升。中国春限Na+能力显著低于长武134,Na+/K+则显著高于长武134。综上所述,盐胁迫下造成小麦组织器官中Na+/K+比上升的主要原因是根系K+大量外流和Na+的过量积累,耐盐性不同的小麦品种间差异显著,并认为根系对K+的保有能力可能是作物耐盐性评价的一个重要指标。  相似文献   

Na+H+逆向转运蛋白对植物耐盐起着重要作用 ,它利用质膜H+ATPase或液泡膜H+ATPase及Ppiase泵H+产生的驱动力把Na+排出细胞或在液泡中区隔化以消除Na+的毒害。主要讨论植物中Na+H+逆向转运蛋白研究在分子水平的最新进展.  相似文献   

赵宏亮  倪细炉  侯晖  谢沁宓  程昊 《广西植物》2022,42(7):1150-1159
为揭示长苞香蒲(Typha domingensis)对盐生湿地生态系统中Na+和K+的吸收与转运特征,探讨长苞香蒲对盐生湿地的生态修复效果,该研究采用人工模拟盐生湿地的方法,设置CK(对照)、T1(浇灌100 mmol·L-1盐水)、T2(浇灌200 mmol·L-1盐水)及T3(浇灌300 mmol·L-1盐水)4种不同盐浓度的人工湿地生态系统,并分别于5月5日(开始盐胁迫处理,S0)、5月30日(S1)、6月30日(S2)和7月30日(S3)测量其株高和干重、植株地上与地下部分Na+和K+的含量以及底泥和水体中Na+和K+的含量以分析长苞香蒲对盐碱湿地的脱盐作用。结果表明:(1)各处理的长苞香蒲的株高和干重随着处理时间的延长呈增加趋势,但与CK 相比,各处理生长量随盐浓度升高出现下降趋势。(2)高浓度盐处理(T3)使长苞香蒲的地上部分和地下部分的Na+分别增加了2.56倍和1.75倍,地上部分及地下部分的K+含量分别降低了34.1%和35.8%。(3)地上部分和地下部分的Na+/K+在处理和对照间均随处理时间延长呈增加的趋势,选择性转移系数与Na+和K+转移系数总体随处理时间延长呈降低的趋势。(4)在S0至S3期间,长苞香蒲对处理组土壤Na+和K+的去除率为10.6%~15.8%和2.3%~12.8%,对处理组水体Na+和K+的去除率为55.0%~65.1%和1.6%~67.0%。综上表明,盐胁迫能影响长苞香蒲体内的Na+和 K+平衡,长苞香蒲能够有效地吸收Na+,并在一定盐浓度下能通过K+的交换将Na+从根部吸收转运至地上部分。因此,长苞香蒲可通过离子转运的形式完成对盐离子的吸收,可作为盐碱湿地生态修复的优良植物。  相似文献   

本文介绍了晶状体的结构与功能,并着重介绍了与白内障有密切关系的离子转运的研究概况。大多数学者认为,白内障晶状体的离子泵Na+,K+-ATPase和Ca2+-ATPase活力下降,也有人认为Na+,K+-ATPase的活力没有变化。  相似文献   

以原代培养的大鼠前脂细胞为模型 ,以 2′ ,7′ bis ( 2 carboxyethyl) 5 ( 6 ) carboxyfluorescein (BCECF)作为检测胞内pH(pHi)的荧光探针 ,测定不同生长因子刺激下胞内pH的变化 ,证明大鼠肾周前脂细胞质膜存在Na+/H+交换活性 ,胎牛血清(FCS)能快速激活Na+/H+交换 ,导致pHi升高 (约 0 .2pH单位 ) ,并引起DNA合成 .Ethyl isopropyl amiloride (EIPA)抑制Na+/H+交换与DNA合成 .在无血清条件下 ,胰岛素不刺激DNA合成但引起细胞分化 ,表现为胞内脂滴积累和 3 磷酸 甘油脱氢酶(G3 PDH酶 )活性增强 ,同时激活Na+/H+交换活性导致pHi升高 ;EIPA既抑制胰岛素对Na+/H+交换的激活 ,也抑制G3 PDH酶活性增强 .结果证明 :Na+/H+交换的激活不仅与大鼠前脂细胞增殖相关 ,同时也是细胞分化的早期事件 .  相似文献   

脉冲电场引起的红血球内钠离子浓度变化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用位移试剂和23Na-NMR的方法研究脉冲电场对正常人红血球内Na+浓度的影响,实验结果给出在高强度电场作用下,细胞内Na+浓度增加,并且随脉冲强度的增加而增加,比指数关系还快.在低强度电场作用下,细胞内Na+浓度减少.乌苯苷能抑制细胞内Na+浓度的减少,抑制程度随乌苯苷浓度的增加而增强,从而证实了低强度的脉冲电场对Na+,K+-ATPase的激活作用,直接测定脉冲电场对红血球血影膜的Na+,K+-ATPase活性的影响,进一步证实了这一结果.并对在电场作用下细胞膜的通透性和电场对酶的激活作用及电场等外界物理信号是否能跨过细胞膜等进行了讨论.  相似文献   

研究了渗透和盐胁迫处理对转Bt基因抗虫棉(Gossypium hirsutum) 99B种子的萌发和幼苗生长的影响,以及幼苗不同器官离子吸收和分配的差异。结果表明:渗透和盐胁迫均对转Bt基因抗虫棉幼苗的生长有抑制作用,其中PEG的抑制作用最强,而3种盐的抑制程度以CaCl2>NaCl>Na2SO4,且在Na+含量相同时,Cl-的毒害大于SO42-。渗透胁迫下使根、茎和叶中的Na+和Cl-含量提高,K+、Ca2+、SO42-含量和K+/Na+、Ca2+/Na+和SO42-/Cl-比值降低,且地上部的变化幅度大于地下部的,其中以PEG的影响最为显著,其次是CaCl2,Na2SO4处理最弱。这些说明,转Bt基因抗虫棉99B的耐盐性较弱。  相似文献   

选择苗期耐盐性较强的水稻(Oryza sativa)品种(株系)‘AB52’、‘02402’和‘02435’及敏感品种‘日本晴’, 在网室周转箱内,设置5 000和8 000 mg•L-1 NaCl两种盐处理,以清水为对照, 研究盐胁迫下苗期水稻植株不同部位Na+和K+的吸收和分配与品种耐盐性的关系。结果表明,盐胁迫下,株高、绿叶干重和绿叶面积下降,绿叶中的水分含量降低,但茎鞘中的水分含量有所上升。5 000 mg•L-1 NaCl胁迫处理10 d,耐盐品种所受的生长影响和叶片伤害程度低于敏感品种,但8 000 mg•L-1 NaCl胁迫处理下品种间差异变小。盐胁迫下,水稻植株吸收 Na+和置换出K+,但不同器官部位中Na+和K+的区域化分布特征明显,各部位的Na+含量由低到高依次为绿叶、根、茎鞘和枯叶。下部老叶能优先积累较多Na+而枯黄;绿叶吸收Na+ 相对较少,维持较低的Na+水平,同时保持较高且稳定的K+含量;植株茎鞘通过选择性吸收大量Na+ 和置换出一部分K+到叶片中,保持绿叶较稳定的K+含量和相对较低的Na+含量,维持较高的K+ /Na+比,从而使植株少受盐害。敏感品种‘日本晴’在盐胁迫下绿叶中的Na+含量相对较高,且 5 000 mg●L-1 NaCl胁迫下绿叶Na+含量已接近高值,与在8 000 mg●L-1 NaCl胁迫下差异不大, 而耐盐品种绿叶吸收较少的Na+。另一方面,耐盐品种茎鞘的含K+相对较高,在盐胁迫下能吸收容纳较多的Na+,而绿叶中K+/Na+比较高。可以认为,绿叶的K+/Na+比可作为一个衡量耐盐性的相对指标。  相似文献   

通过农杆菌介导法将拟南芥液泡膜Na+/H+反向转运蛋白基因AtNHX1转入荞麦中,在2.0mg/L 6-BA、0.1mg/L IAA、1mg/L KT、50mg/L卡那霉素和500mg/L头孢霉素的MS培养基上进行选择培养,从来源于864块外植体的36块抗性愈伤组织中共获得426棵再生植株(转化频率为4.17%)。经PCR、Southern印迹分析、RT-PCR和Northern检测,初步证实AtNHX1基因已整合至荞麦基因组中。用200mmol/L的盐水对转基因植株和对照植株进行胁迫处理6周,转基因植株能够生存,而对照植株死亡。用不同浓度的NaCl溶液处理转基因植株和对照植株,发现Na+及脯氨酸含量在转基因植株中的积累水平显著高于对照植株,而K+的含量在转基因植株中的积累水平低于对照植株。次生代谢产物黄酮类化合物芦丁在转基因植株根、茎和叶片中的含量也比对照植株明显要高。这些结果表明利用基因工程手段提高作物的耐盐性是可行的。  相似文献   

通过农杆菌介导法将拟南芥液泡膜Na+/H+反向转运蛋白基因AtNHX1转入荞麦中,在2.0mg/L 6-BA、0.1mg/L IAA、1mg/L KT、50mg/L卡那霉素和500mg/L头孢霉素的MS培养基上进行选择培养,从来源于864块外植体的36块抗性愈伤组织中共获得426棵再生植株(转化频率为4.17%)。经PCR、Southern印迹分析、RT-PCR和Northern检测,初步证实AtNHX1基因已整合至荞麦基因组中。用200mmol/L的盐水对转基因植株和对照植株进行胁迫处理6周,转基因植株能够生存,而对照植株死亡。用不同浓度的NaCl溶液处理转基因植株和对照植株,发现Na+及脯氨酸含量在转基因植株中的积累水平显著高于对照植株,而K+的含量在转基因植株中的积累水平低于对照植株。次生代谢产物黄酮类化合物芦丁在转基因植株根、茎和叶片中的含量也比对照植株明显要高。这些结果表明利用基因工程手段提高作物的耐盐性是可行的。  相似文献   

In vitro responses of embryogenic sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.; cv. CoC-671) calli stressed with different levels of NaCl (0.0, 42.8, 85.6, 128.3, 171.1, 213.9 or 256.7 mM) were studied. The results showed that a significant decrease in callus growth and cell viability occurred with ≥85.6 mM NaCl. Higher amounts of free proline and glycine betaine were accumulated in NaCl-stressed calli. Although the leached and retained Na+ contents increased, the retained K+ content decreased with increasing levels of NaCl. Such a mechanism implies that sugarcane can be considered as a Na+-excluder. The accumulation of salt ions and osmolytes could play an important role in osmotic adjustment in sugarcane cells under salt stress.  相似文献   

Durum wheat, Triticum turgidum L. (2n= 4x=28, genome formula AABB) is inferior to bread wheat, T. aestivum L. (2n=6x=42, genome formula AABBDD), in the ability to exclude Na+ under salt strees, in the ratio of the accumulated K+ to Na+ in the leaves under salt stress, and in tolerance of salt stress. Previous work showed that chromosome 4D has a major effect on Na+ and K+ accumulation in the leaves of bread wheat. The 4D chromosome was recombined with chromosome 4B in the genetic background of durum wheat. The recombinants showed that Na+ exclusion and enhanced K+/Na+ ratio in the shoots were controlled by a single locus, Kna1, in the long arm of chromosome 4D. The recombinant families were grown in the field under non-saline conditions and two levels of salinity to determine whether Kna1 confers salt tolerance. Under salt stress, the Kna1 families had higher K+/Na+ ratios in the flag leaves and higher yields of grain and biomass than the Kna1 - families and the parental cultivars. Kna1 is, therefore, one of the factors responsible for the higher salt tolerance of bread wheat relative to durum wheat. The present work provides conceptual evidence that tolerance of salt stress can be transferred between species in the tribe Triticeae.  相似文献   

The intracellular level of Na+ and K+ of S. cerevisiae strain AB1375 revealed that under KCl as well as sorbitol stress, the cationic level was comparable to the level under no stress conditions. On the other hand, there was a sharp drop in the intracellular K+ content and increase in the Na+ content on addition of NaCl to the medium. However, the total cationic level was close to that under control conditions. In addition to changes in the cationic level, an enhanced production and accumulation of glycerol were also observed under osmotic stress. A regulatory mechanism co-ordinating the intracellular concentration of glycerol as well as Na+, K+ content under osmotic stress conditions has been proposed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the range of NaCl concentrations in the nutrient solution that allow Suaeda altissima (L.) Pall., a salt-accumulating halophyte, to maintain the upward gradient of water potential in the “medium-root-leaf” system. We evaluated the contribution of Na+ ions in the formation of water potential gradient and demonstrated that Na+ loading into the xylem is involved in this process. Plants were grown in water culture at NaCl concentrations ranging from zero to 1 M. The water potential of leaf and root cells was measured with the method of isopiestic thermocouple psychrometry. When NaCl concentration in the growth medium was raised in the range of 0–500 mM (the medium water potential was lowered accordingly), the root and leaf cells of S. altissima decreased their water potential, thus promoting the maintenance of the upward water potential gradient in the medium-root-leaf system. Growing S. altissima at NaCl concentrations f 750 mM and 1 M disordered water homeostasis and abolished the upward gradient of water potential between roots and leaves. At NaCl concentrations of 0–250 mM, the detached roots of S. altissima were capable of producing the xylem exudate. The concentration of Na+ in the exudate was 1.3 to 1.6 times higher than in the nutrient medium; the exudate pH was acidic and was lowered from 5.5 to 4.5 with the rise in the salt concentration. The results indicate that the long-distance Na+ transport and, especially, the mechanism of Na+ loading into the xylem play a substantial role in the formation of water potential gradient in S. altissima. The accumulation of Na+ in the xylem and acidic pH values of the xylem sap suggest that Na+ loading into the xylem is carried out by the Na+/H+ antiporter of the plasma membrane in parenchymal cells of the root stele.__________Translated from Fiziologiya Rastenii, Vol. 52, No. 4, 2005, pp. 549–557.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Balnokin, Kotov, Myasoedov, Khailova, Kurkova, Lun’kov, Kotova.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Wang L  Liu Y  Zhang Q  Wei Q  Zhang W 《Planta》2006,224(3):545-555
Nitric oxide (NO), an endogenous signaling molecule in animals and plants, mediates responses to abiotic and biotic stresses. Our previous work demonstrated that 100 μM sodium nitroprusside (SNP, an NO donor) treatment of maize seedlings increased K+ accumulation in roots, leaves and sheathes, while decreasing Na+ accumulation (Zhang et al. in J Plant Physiol Mol Biol 30:455–459, 2004b). Here we investigate how NO regulates Na+, K+ ion homeostasis in maize. Pre-treatment with 100 μM SNP for 2 days improved later growth of maize plants under 100 mM NaCl stress, as indicated by increased dry matter accumulation, increased chlorophyll content, and decreased membrane leakage from leaf cells. An NO scavenger, methylene blue (MB-1), blocked the effect of SNP. These results indicated that SNP-derived NO enhanced maize tolerance to salt stress. Further analysis showed that NaCl induced a transient increase in the NO level in maize leaves. Both NO and NaCl treatment stimulated vacuolar H+-ATPase and H+-PPase activities, resulting in increased H+-translocation and Na+/H+ exchange. NaCl-induced H+-ATPase and H+-PPase activities were diminished by MB-1. 1-Butanol, an inhibitor of phosphatidic acid (PA) production by phospholipase D (PLD), reduced NaCl- and NO-induced H+-ATPase activation. In contrast, applied PA stimulated H+-ATPase activity. These results suggest that NO acts as a signal molecule in the NaCl response by increasing the activities of vacuolar H+-ATPase and H+-PPase, which provide the driving force for Na+/H+ exchange. PLD and PA play an important role in this process.  相似文献   

Previous results showed that in short-term NaCl-treated beans increased leaf abscisic acid (ABA) concentration was triggered by Na+ but not by Cl-. In this work, the specificity of ABA signaling for Na+ homeostasis was studied by comparing the plant’s responses to solutions that modified accumulation of ABA and/or Na+ uptake and distribution, such as supplemental Ca2+, increased nutrient strength, different isosmotic composition, application of exogenous ABA, fluridone (an ABA inhibitor) and aminooxiacetic acid (AOA, an ethylene inhibitor). After fluridone pretreatment, salt-treated beans had lower Na+ uptake and higher leaf Na+ exclusion capacity than non-pretreated plants. Moreover, Na+ uptake was increased and leaf Na+ exclusion was decreased by AOA and ABA. NaCl and KCl similarly increased leaf ABA and decreased transpiration rates, whereas supplemental Ca2+ and increased strength nutrient solution decreased leaf ABA and leaf Na+. These results show (1) a non-ion-specific increase in ABA that probably signaled the osmotic component of salt, and (2) increased ABA levels that resulted in higher leaf Na+ concentrations due to lower Na+ exclusion or increased root-shoot Na+ translocation.  相似文献   

Recently, we found NHX1, the gene encoding a Na+/H+ exchanger, participated in plant disease defense. Although NHX1 has been confirmed to be involved in plant salt tolerance, whether the NHX1 transgenic plants exhibit both salt tolerance and disease resistance has not been investigated. The T1 progenies of Nicotiana tabacum L. lines expressing SeNHX1 (from Salicornia europaea) were generated for the present study. Compared with PBI-type control plants, SeNHX1 transgenic tobaccos exhibited more biomass, longer root length, and higher K+/Na+ ratio at post germination or seedling stage under NaCl treatment, indicating enhanced salt tolerance. The vacuolar H+ efflux in SeNHX1 transgenic tobacco was increased after treatment of NaCl with different concentration. Meanwhile, the SeNHX1 transgenic tobaccos showed smaller wilted spot area, less H2O2 accumulation in leaves after infection of Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae. Further investigation demonstrated a larger NAD(P)(H) pool in SeNHX1 transgenic tobacco. These evidences revealed that overexpression of SeNHX1 intensified the compartmentation of Na+ into vacuole under salt stress and improved the ability of eliminating ROS after pathogen attack, which then enhanced salt tolerance and disease resistance simultaneously in tobacco. Our findings indicate NHX1 has potential value in creating crops with both improved salt tolerance and disease resistance.  相似文献   

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