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2005年6—7月和9月,运用样线法研究了青海省天峻县布哈河上游同域分布的普氏原羚(Procapra przewalskii)和藏原羚(Procapra picticaudata) 的集群行为。该地区的普氏原羚和藏原羚集群类型分为雌性群、雄性群、混合群及母子群。四种集群类型中,雄性群出现的频次均为最高(普氏原羚和藏原羚分别为41%和50%);其次为雌性群(普氏原羚和藏原羚分别为34%和30%);再次为母子群和混合群。比较集群规模发现,除藏原羚母子群显著大于普氏原羚(P=0.015)外,两个种其余集群类型规模差异不显著。集群规模出现频次:单只出现的频次最高(普氏原羚和藏原羚分别为21.9%和18.7%);2—8只,普氏原羚和藏原羚分别为62.6%和67.6%;大于9只,普氏原羚和藏原羚分别仅占15.5%和13.7%。另外,普氏原羚和藏原羚产羔后平均集群规模显著减小(普氏原羚,P=0.014;藏原羚,P=0.008);在雄性群、混合群规模均较产羔前略有增大的情况下,雌性群的规模却显著减小(普氏原羚,P<0.001;藏原羚,P=0.002),成为普氏原羚和藏原羚产羔后集群规模变小的主要原因。布哈河上游同域分布的普氏原羚和藏原羚草青期的集群类型、集群规模相差不大。  相似文献   

普氏原羚研究概述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
普氏原羚(Procapra przewalskii)是我国特有的珍稀动物。在20世纪90年代以前,人们对普氏原羚的系统地位、生态行为和濒危现状了解有限。从20世纪90年代中期开始,中国研究人员对普氏原羚开展了系统的研究。除了普氏原羚的生态学、行为学、种群和栖息地现状以外,研究者还研究普氏原羚种群间的基因流,澄清了原羚属的分类地位,发现青海湖地区是目前普氏原羚的惟一分布区。有关普氏原羚的研究发现不仅有助于认识普氏原羚及中国羚羊的系统演化与科学地位,而且为实施对普氏原羚的有效保护提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

2005年6—7月和9月,运用样线法研究了青海省天峻县布哈河上游同域分布的普氏原羚(Procapra przewalskii)和藏原羚(Procapra picticaudata)的集群行为。该地区的普氏原羚和藏原羚集群类型分为雌性群、雄性群、混合群及母子群。四种集群类型中,雄性群出现的频次均为最高(普氏原羚和藏原羚分别为4l%和50%);其次为雌性群(普氏原羚和藏原羚分别为34%和30%);再次为母子群和混合群。比较集群规模发现,除藏原羚母子群显著大于普氏原羚(P=0.015)外,两个种其余集群类型规模差异不显著。集群规模出现频次:单只出现的频次最高(普氏原羚和藏原羚分别为21.9%和18.7%);2—8只,普氏原羚和藏原羚分别为62.6%和67.6%;大于9只,普氏原羚和藏原羚分别仅占15.5%和13.7%。另外,普氏原羚和藏原羚产羔后平均集群规模显著减小(普氏原羚,P=0.014;藏原羚,P=0.008);在雄性群、混合群规模均较产羔前略有增大的情况下,雌性群的规模却显著减小(普氏原羚,P〈0.001;藏原羚,P=0.002),成为普氏原羚和藏原羚产羔后集群规模变小的主要原因。布哈河上游同域分布的普氏原羚和藏原羚草青期的集群类型、集群规模相差不大。  相似文献   

普氏原羚的活动规律与生境选择   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
普氏原羚生活在沙漠与干旱草原生态交错区(Ecotone)。青海湖畔沙漠中植被盖度较高, 沙地沙蒿群落中普氏原羚活动较多, 而沙地柏群落中普氏原羚活动较少。普氏原羚在沙地和距离沙地2~3 km以内的地域内活动, 利用起伏沙丘作为隐蔽生境。草原中的芨芨草群落、冷蒿—紫花针茅群落是普氏原羚的主要取食场所。普氏原羚具晨昏型活动规律, 在傍晚和清晨取食, 其活动避开牛羊的取食时间。普氏原羚常常聚群活动, 它们在繁殖期、育幼期和交配期形成大小不同的群体。群体的类型包括同性群、混合群和单一个体群。非繁殖季节普氏原羚雌雄分群活动。目前在人为活动影响下, 普氏原羚很难进行季节性迁移。  相似文献   

普氏原羚生境选择的数量化分析   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
1998 年8 月至1999 年8 月, 在湖东种羊场地区开展了普氏原羚生境选择的研究。在湖东—克图沙丘和草原交界处沿约30 km的样线开展种群调查, 在调查过程中, 共发现582 只普氏原羚。在研究中选择了8 类与普氏原羚生境选择相关的生态因子: 植被类型、食物丰富度、草原围栏、隐蔽条件、人为干扰、距公路距离、距沙丘距离和距农业用地距离, 研究了普氏原羚的生境选择。在研究中, 将这些生态因子分别分成3 个等级, 进行回归分析, 建立普氏原羚在不同生境中出现的概率的预测性方。通过对生态因子和普氏原羚在不同生境中出现的概率进行方差分析, 判断影响普氏原羚生境选择的主要生态因子是人为干扰和围栏, 其次为食物丰富度、距沙丘距离和农业用地距离, 植被类型、隐蔽条件和与公路距离对普氏原羚生境选择的影响不明显。  相似文献   

普氏原羚(Procapra przewalskii)和藏羚羊(Pantholops hodgsonii)均为我国Ⅰ级保护野生动物,两者的消化系统结构一直未被报道。本研究对野外死亡的6只普氏原羚和2只藏羚羊进行了大体解剖,对二者消化系统进行描述。其消化系统均由口腔、食道、瘤胃、网胃、瓣胃、皱胃、十二指肠、空肠、回肠、盲肠、结肠、直肠组成。普氏原羚和藏羚羊的胃属于复胃,瘤胃体积最大。本文将普氏原羚和藏羚羊的消化系统解剖结构特征与牦牛(Bos grunniens)、蒙古绵羊(Ovis aries)、林麝(Moschus berezovskii)、欧拉型藏绵羊(O.aries)、黑麂(Muntiacus crinifrons)、四川梅花鹿(Cervus nippon sichuanicus)以及长颈鹿(Giraffa camelopardalis)等反刍动物进行了比较和分析,发现了其适应生活环境的消化系统特征。  相似文献   

青海湖地区普氏原羚的种群结构   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
普氏原羚是中国的特有动物。 1986年在青海湖地区仅发现 35 0只普氏原羚 ,分布于鸟岛、湖东 克图和元者 3个种群之中。 1996~ 1998年 7月至 8月 ,我们沿设定的 10条样线对青海湖地区的普氏原羚进行了考察。调查样线总长度为 37 5 5km。观察记录距样线两侧 10 0m以内普氏原羚足迹链和狼足迹链、粪堆和尿迹。同时记录观察样线两侧 6 0 0m以内的普氏原羚个体 ,记录群体大小、性别和年龄 ,然后 ,计算单位样带面积上普氏原羚和狼的密度。 1997年湖东 克图种群雄羚占 2 9%、雌羚占 5 0 %和幼羚占 2 1% ;元者种群雄羚占 2 9%、雌羚占 43%和幼羚占 2 7%。狼捕食是 1997年湖东 克图种群数量下降的主要原因。在湖东 克图沙漠中 ,1996年普氏原羚群体大小为 9 0± 6 9只 (平均数±方差 ) ,密度为 3 19± 3 5 9只 /km2 ,而 1997年为 4 2± 3 9只 /km2 ,密度为 1 14± 1 0 9只 /km2 。 1997年冬季猎狼后 ,湖东 克图种群数量回升到 2 14± 3 13只 /km2 ,幼羚占群体的2 7%。  相似文献   

普氏原羚的采食对策   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
刘丙万  蒋志刚 《动物学报》2002,48(3):309-316
从1998年8月到2000年6月,我们在青海省共和县和海晏县利用系统取样法测定了植物的地上生物量,利用粪样显微组织学分析法、目标动物记录法研究了约200只普氏原羚的食物组成和采食时间,同时研究了普氏原羚对采食生境的选择。我们发现:(1)采食是普氏原羚的主要活动之一,占其活动时间的40.0%-65.6%。普氏原羚晨昏采食时间超过总采食时间82.9%;(2)普氏原羚在人为干扰小、食物丰富度高的地方采集,人为干扰与食物丰富度对普氏原羚的采食活动影响显著(P<0.01);(3)普氏原羚是广食性物种,共取食16科50种植物,其食物组成季节性差异极为显著(P<0.01);(4)食物资源影响普氏原羚的食物组成。普氏原羚的食物中从11月份到第二年5月会出现替代性食物狼毒和马蔺,食物中狼毒和马蔺的比例随食物资源的下降而上升;在5月份,偶吃性食物沙蒿所占比例最大,为13.8%;(5)普氏原羚选择芨藤草草原以及其它食物丰富度高、隐蔽条件好和人类干扰少的生境作为采食区;几乎不在围栏内采食,但常在距离围栏1km内的生境中采食,对距离围栏1km以上的采食生境的选择为随机选择;普氏原羚不在沙丘中采食,而在沙丘边缘的生态交错带采食。基于以上结果,我们认为:人类活动和食物资源量对普氏原羚的采食对策影响显著。  相似文献   

普氏原羚(Procapra przewalskii)是青藏高原特有物种, 为了掌握该物种的分布和种群状况, 我们于2014-2015年采用全面调查和直接计数的方法, 对普氏原羚的分布、种群和保护现状进行了调查。结果如下: 普氏原羚分布在青海湖周边12个隔离的分布点, 与全国第一次野生动物资源调查的结果相比, 有多个新的分布点被发现, 分布范围和面积扩大; 调查共发现1,238只普氏原羚, 与2010年以后的调查结果相比, 种群数量维持在一个稳定的水平。然而, 仅有4个分布点位于青海湖国家级自然保护区范围内。尽管刚察县成立了青海湖普氏原羚特护区, 天峻县成立了普氏原羚自然保护站, 但现有的管护力度仍然不够, 且缺乏系统的管理规划。我们建议在天峻县布哈河上游的生格-快尔玛地区成立普氏原羚自然保护区; 同时建立适当的生态补偿机制, 协调保护与社区发展的矛盾; 鉴于目前圈养种群发展迅速, 建议在历史分布区选取合适的地点进行人工繁育个体的迁地放归。  相似文献   

从青海湖国家级自然保护区管理局获悉 ,世界上第 1只人工饲养的普氏原羚“玲玲”,8月 6日成功产下第 1胎幼仔 ,经过近 1个月的精心呵护 ,取名为“陶陶”的幼仔生长发育良好。普氏原羚是中国的特有物种、世界极度濒危级动物 ,目前仅生存在青海湖环湖地区 ,数量不足 2 0 0只。国家林业局野生动物研究与发展中心李迪强博士说 :“普氏原羚的人工饲养和繁育非常不易 ,如果能通过人工繁育的方式建立人工种群 ,对这个物种的保护将很有意义。”普氏原羚人工繁育取得成功  相似文献   

Abstract: We conducted a carcass census of Mongolian gazelles (Procapra gutturosa) along the Trans-Mongolian railroad in June 2005. We counted 241 gazelles that had died within the previous 12 months. Carcass numbers were greater on the southwestern side in the northern 3 zones, but we found carcasses only on the northeastern side in the southernmost zone. It suggests that impact of the railroad was stronger on one side and that the strength of this impact varied among regions.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that desert ungulates adjust their physiology in response to long-term food and water restriction, we established three groups of sand gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa): one that was provided food and water (n = 6; CTRL) ad lib. for 4 mo, one that received ad lib. food and water for the same period but was deprived of food and water for the last 4.5 d (n = 6; EXPT(1)), and one that was exposed to 4 mo of progressive food and water restriction, an experimental regime designed to mimic conditions in a natural desert setting (n = 6; EXPT(2)). At the end of the 4-mo experiment, we measured standard fasting metabolic rate (SFMR) and total evaporative water loss (TEWL) of all sand gazelles and determined lean dry mass of organs of gazelles in CTRL and EXPT(2). Gazelles in CTRL had a mean SFMR of 2,524 +/- 194 kJ d(-1), whereas gazelles in EXPT(1) and EXPT(2) had SFMRs of 2,101+/- 232 and 1,365 +/- 182 kJ d(-1), respectively, values that differed significantly when we controlled for differences in body mass. Gazelles had TEWLs of 151.1 +/- 18.2, 138.5 +/- 17.53, and 98.4 +/- 27.2 g H(2)O d(-1) in CTRL, EXPT(1), and EXPT(2), respectively. For the latter group, mass-independent TEWL was 27.1% of the value for CTRL. We found that normally hydrated sand gazelles had a low mass-adjusted TEWL compared with other arid-zone ungulates: 13.6 g H(2)O kg(-0.898) d(-1), only 17.1% of allometric predictions, the lowest ever measured in an arid-zone ungulate. After 4 mo of progressive food and water restriction, dry lean mass of liver, heart, and muscle of gazelles in EXPT(2) was significantly less than that of these same organs in CTRL, even when we controlled for body mass decrease. Decreases in the dry lean mass of liver explained 70.4% of the variance of SFMR in food- and water-restricted gazelles. As oxygen demands decreased because of reduced organ sizes, gazelles lost less evaporative water, probably because of a decreased respiratory water loss.  相似文献   

Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious, viral disease that affects most ruminant and porcine species, and periodic outbreaks on Mongolia's Eastern Steppe affect Mongolian gazelles (Procapra gutturosa) and livestock. During 2005-08, we collected sera from 36 and 57 calf and adult gazelles, respectively, and from adult domestic animals sympatric with the gazelles, including 138 sheep (Ovis aries), 140 goats (Capra aegagrus hircus), 139 Bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus), and 138 cattle (Bos taurus). Our goal was to determine whether the prevalence of the antibody to foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) in gazelles declined relative to previous estimates in the absence of FMD outbreaks. Overall, 2.0% (95% CI 0.7-3.3%, n=555) of the four livestock species were antibody-positive for nonstructural proteins of FMDV (FMDV-NS), whereas 30.3% (95% CI 26.5-34.1%, n=555) had antibodies for structural proteins (i.e., vaccination-derived antibodies). Seven of 57 free-ranging gazelle calves (7.5%, 95%CI 1.6-12.4%) were FMDV-NS positive. None of 36 adult gazelles sampled in 2008 were antibody-positive for exposure to FMDV, indicating a significant decline (χ(2)=18.99; P<0.001; df=1) in antibody prevalence among gazelles from the same area during a livestock outbreak in 2001. The episodic nature of FMD outbreaks on the Eastern Steppe, Mongolia, with evidence of FMDV exposure in gazelles only during or following concurrent outbreaks in livestock, suggests that FMDV may spill over into the gazelle population during livestock outbreaks and that successful control of FMD on the Eastern Steppe requires a focus on control in livestock populations through vaccination.  相似文献   

This study examines midden selection and use by mountain gazelles Gazella gazella in central Saudia Arabia and the implications of middens (dung piles) for the conservation of this species. Specifically, we tested poachers' claims that mountain gazelles are easy to kill because midden use was predictable and conspicuous. We found that midden selection in mountain gazelles is non-random, with middens typically located at the base of the most conspicuous and largest trees, although the choice of midden sites is also influenced by tree species. Middens clearly have olfactory importance; the majority of mountain gazelles that visited middens were observed sniffing the ground. Mountain gazelles visit middens at night, which corroborates poachers' claims that the animals are easily hunted at night through spotlighting. Although the use of open habitats that are accessible to automobiles makes gazelles vulnerable to hunting and being run down, our data suggest that midden use is also an attribute that makes gazelles susceptible to hunting. Poachers can locate gazelles because of middens' predictable locations, as they are placed at prominent landmarks, are visually conspicuous as large dung piles, and are visited at night, which allows the animals to be found through spotlighting. Other taxa that use predictable and prominent landmarks, or communicate through visually conspicuous methods could also be susceptible to poaching.  相似文献   

Understanding local adaptation and population differentiation is vital to the success of re‐introduction initiatives. As other mammals living on islands, Arabian gazelles (G. arabica) show reduced body size on the Farasan archipelago, which we corroborated in this study through morphometric analyses of skulls. In the light of the steep population decline on the Arabian Peninsula – but stable population development on the archipelago – we tested the potential suitability of Farasan gazelles as a source for re‐introductions on the mainland. We therefore investigated genetic differentiation between Farasan and mainland populations using eleven nuclear microsatellite loci and detected a distinct genetic cluster exclusively present on the archipelago, which we inferred to be separated from the mainland cluster for less than 2000 years. About 30% of sampled individuals from Farasan Islands showed assignment to a mainland cluster with signs of ongoing introgression. Analyses using the isolation‐with‐migration model confirmed recent (probably human‐induced) bidirectional exchange of gazelles between mainland and island populations. Hence, the surprisingly uniform island dwarfism most likely reflects phenotypic plasticity, that is, altered morphology as a direct consequence of harsh environmental conditions and resource limitation on the archipelago. Should a further decline of Arabian gazelles on the mainland necessitate restocking in the future, Farasan gazelles may thus become an additional source for captive breeding programmes.  相似文献   

During March 2009, we evaluated the hemostatic profile and platelet indices of 18 Arabian sand gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa marica) and compared the results with those from humans and camels (Camelus dromedarius). Gazelles and camels had shorter activated partial thromboplastin times, lower proconvertin and higher antihemophilic factor coagulation activity, and plasma fibrinogen levels than humans. Prothrombin time was longer in sand gazelles and shorter in camels than it was in humans. Plasma thromboplastin component, Stuart factor, and plasma thromboplastin antecedent were similar in gazelles, humans, and camels, whereas the platelet count of the sand gazelle was significantly higher than it was for camels and humans.  相似文献   

Experimental cross-transmission of gastro-intestinal nematodes between Merino sheep (Ovis aries) and Thomson's gazelles (Gazella thomsonii) from similar but separate grazing habitats in Kenya was studied. Cross-transmission did occur with some species but the faecal egg counts of sheep were higher than the gazelles' following infection with larvae isolated from either sheep or gazelles. Of the 11 gastro-intestinal nematodes which became established in gazelles following infection with larvae cultured from nematodes in gazelles, only Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus probolurus and Cooperia hungi were infective for sheep. Following infection with larvae of either sheep or gazelle origin, the H. contortus recovered from the sheep at necropsy were more numerous and had greater average weights, lengths and spicule lengths than those recovered from the gazelles. This would suggest that H. contortus is primarily a sheep parasite. It is concluded that Thomson's gazelles probably would not contribute significantly to the problem of haemonchosis in sheep in areas of shared grazing, unless efforts were being made to eradicate the parasite from sheep, in which case the gazelles would act as a continuing reservoir of infection.  相似文献   

Ants are among the most important elements in many ecosystems and known as famous ecosystem engineers. By changing physical and chemical properties of soil, ants may provide suitable habitats for other species. Based on previous observations, we hypothesized that Persian goitered gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa subgutturosa) exhibit a preference for utilizing sites close to seed harvester ant (Messor spp.) nests. We tested our hypothesis by (1) mapping the occurrence of harvester ant nests and aggregated gazelle pellet groups along 31 strip transects, (2) monitoring pellet group accumulation bimonthly at 56 pairs of permanent plots established on ant nests and at adjacent control sites for a complete year, and (3) comparing vegetation and soil parameters between ant nest sites used by gazelles and paired control plots without ant nests. Although the area of Messor spp. nest sites covered only about 0.29% of the sampled transects, 84% of the gazelle pellet group aggregation sites were positioned upon ant nests, suggesting that gazelles actively selected Messor spp. nest sites. Pair-wise comparisons between ant nest plots and paired control plots also confirmed higher use of ant nest sites by gazelles compared to sites without ant nests in all time periods. Percent soil organic matter, percent cover of gravel, and annual herb vegetation significantly differed between ant nest and paired control plots in all the vegetation communities. We suggest that the alterations brought about by harvester ants on soil and vegetation make these sites attractive to gazelles. Gazelle territoriality behaviour and use of ant nests as bedding sites may be the reasons for selection of ant nest sites by gazelles.  相似文献   

通过分析华北晚中新世保德期三个经典地点的羚羊牙齿釉质之稳定碳同位素,结合相同地点的单纯食叶者(鹿科)与食草者(三趾马)的数据,推断其食性取向。结果显示这些晚中新世生态系统中C_3植物占据主导地位,但也含有一小部分的C_4植物(可能小于30%)。高冠羚羊(Gazella dorcadoides类型)取食约20%的C_4植物,而中冠羚羊(G.paotehensis类型)与低冠羚羊(G.gaudryi类型)为纯C_3植物消费者。鹿科动物单纯取食C_3植物,而三趾马与G.dorcadoides类型的羚羊取食C_4植物的比例在统计上难以区分。碳同位素数据与G.gaud- ryi类型的食叶性以及G.dorcadoides类型以草食为主的观点相一致。参照这些类群的地理分布,当前的数据支持晚中新世黄土高原东南部处于相对于西北部更为封闭环境的观点。这种环境梯度的分布方向与模式可能是该地区东亚季风体系的早期信号。  相似文献   

Botanical and particle size compositions of the feces of sympatric Mongolian gazelles, sheep/goats, and horses collected in southern Mongolia in autumn 2002 were analyzed. The botanical composition of Mongolian gazelles was similar to that of sheep/goats where dicotyledonous plants (64.6% for Mongolian gazelles, 65.6% for sheep/goats), particularly woody fibers were important (39.5% for Mongolian gazelles, 19.5% for sheep/goats). In contrast, horse feces were exclusively composed of graminoids (93.2%). Consequently, food overlap was great between Mongolian gazelles and sheep/goats (Piankas index: 0.977) but was small between Mongolian gazelles and horses (0.437) and sheep/goats and horses (0.421). Particle size distributions were also similar between Mongolian gazelles and sheep/goats, whereas they were different between horses and Mongolian gazelles and horses and sheep/goats. These results support our expectation based on the Jarman-Bell principle. Although interspecific competition cannot be inferred from a mere food overlap, our analyses suggest that sheep and goats are potential competitors for Mongolian gazelles. Therefore, the increase in the numbers of domestic sheep/goats might pose a risk for Mongolian gazelle populations.  相似文献   

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