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重组葡激酶和水蛭素融合蛋白的血栓靶向性机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解释以凝血因子Xa(FXa)的识别序列为连接肽的葡激酶和水蛭素的融合蛋白(命名为SFH)在体内的强溶栓和低出血的特征,研究分析了SFH的两个血栓靶向性作用机理.首先采用ELISA和免疫组化的方法在体外分析了由水蛭素游离的C末端赋予的SFH对血栓的靶向性,结果显示SFH对凝血酶和富含凝血酶的血栓具有更高的亲和力.为阐明SFH抗凝活性在血栓部位的靶向性释放,构建表达了仅在水蛭素N末端连接FXa识别序列的水蛭素衍生物(命名为FH).体外试验结果表明完整的FH无抗凝活性,在体内FH可以发挥抗栓作用,且出血副作用较低,这些结果说明FXa的识别序列可以封闭水蛭素的抗凝活性,在体内FH可以由于FXa的成功裂解而释放其抗凝活性,且其抗凝活性可能仅局限于血栓局部.这就间接说明了SFH的抗凝活性可以在血栓局部进行靶向性释放.以上两个血栓靶向性作用机理是SFH在体内发挥更高溶栓效率和降低出血副作用的重要机制.  相似文献   

尿激酶原是一种溶栓效果好、副作用小的溶栓药物。经研究证明尿激酶B链(即pro-UK的144-411aa)具有与尿激酶原相似的溶栓性,即对血栓溶解具有特异性,引起系统性出血副作用小。水蛭素是一种分离自医用水蛭、由65个氨基酸残基组成的单链多肽,能特异、高亲和性地抑制凝血酶的活性,研究证明它各方面的性能都优于肝素。近年来,通过多肽合成方式对水蛭素结构与功能进行了大量研究,确定水蛭素C端12肽是一个具有抗栓功能的结构片段。由于它对凝血酶的高度亲和性,相对低浓度  相似文献   

构建并表达兼有溶栓和抗凝活性、减少出血副作用的人组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(t-PA)和水蛭素(HV2)的融合蛋白。通过提取总RNA和RT-PCR获得t-PA基因,与HV2基因通过活化凝血因子X(Fxa)识别序列(IEGR)的对应碱基序列连接构成融合蛋白基因,融合蛋白基因经pGEM-T、pIC9克隆至表达载体pIC9K上,电转导入毕赤酵母(Pichia pastoris)GS115。转化子摇瓶内甲醇诱导表达。纤维蛋白平板溶圈法和纤维蛋白凝块法分别检测溶栓和抗凝活性。琼脂糖凝胶电泳结果显示克隆的t-PA基因片段大小为1700bp,序列测定结果表明其35位氨基酸由文献报道的精氨酸突变为色氨酸。限制性酶切和PCR鉴定结果均表明融合蛋白基因已克隆入表达载体和宿主菌。甲醇利用实验、G418抗性筛选获得多拷贝甲醇利用快型克隆。甲醇诱导表达产物具有纤溶活性并可被抗t-PA抗体抑制。完整融合蛋白无抗凝活性,但以Fxa裂解后可释放抗凝活性。同时,融合蛋白以单链和双链两种形式存在。融合蛋白在血栓部位特有的Fxa作用下靶向释放抗凝活性,具有溶栓抗凝双功能,有望降低临床出血副作用。  相似文献   

美国Biogen公司在美国开始抗血栓蛋白水蛭素的临床试验.水蛭素是吸血希耳制造出来的血液凝固抑制肽.该公司以水蛭素的作用部分为基础设计的新肽“Hirulog”有水蛭素的约2倍的血液凝固作用.已结束第一阶段的临床试验,没有发现出血过多和引起过敏等严重副作用,最近将对抑制血栓形成的抗凝血酶药着手第二阶段临床试验.  相似文献   

采用一种新的PCR定点诱变技术成功地对野生型水蛭素Ⅲ进行了定点诱变,这种方法快速、简便,有效。通过突变,将野生型水蛭素Ⅲ分子的活性功能非必需区的指状结构顶端第33~36位的氨基酸残基替换为RGDS序列,并进行了高效分泌表达,表达产物分泌到细胞外发酵液中。改构的水蛭素突变体与野生型水蛭素Ⅲ相比,两者的抗凝血酶活性基本一致,但体外抗血小板凝集试验结果表明,前者除原有的抗凝活性外还具有显著的抗ADP诱导的血小板凝集活性,该研究为水蛭素Ⅲ分子的结构功能关系研究以及新型抗凝药物的研制打下了基础。  相似文献   

胡征林 《蛇志》1998,10(4):1-2
蛇毒抗栓制剂在我国研究应用已有20年,但由于多种原因目前仍不规范,特别是概念混淆。有必要进一步说明,以便更科学合理地评价蛇毒抗栓剂在临床中的地位和指导应用。1历史评价中值得注意的问题近几年很多医学杂志都对蛇毒抗栓剂进行了报道,说明蛇毒抗栓剂临床应用十...  相似文献   

在血液循环系统中,血小板在抑制因子的作用下,处于静息状态。当机体出血或外界因素刺激时,血小板活化,产生聚集、黏附和释放反应,释放出二磷酸腺苷(ADP)、花生四烯酸(AA)、血小板活化因子和5-羟色胺等物质,招募更多的血小板黏附于出血处,从而启动凝血过程,发挥止血作用。当止血反应完成后,血小板发生解聚,恢复到静息状态。然而,在病理条件下,血小板的内在解聚能力下降,形成过度活化的血小板,产生病理性血栓,导致急性缺血性心血管疾病的发生。临床使用抗血小板药物控制血小板的活化,治疗急性缺血性心血管疾病。然而,目前临床上常用的抗血小板药物发挥抗血小板活化作用的同时,影响了血小板正常的生理性止血作用,产生出血等副作用。因此,我们需要研发新型抗血小板药物,使其既能发挥抗血小板作用,又能减少出血等副作用。本文将对血小板负性调控机制进行综述,为进一步研究抗血小板药物提供思路。  相似文献   

水蛭素在噬菌体表面的展示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
水蛭素是凝血酶强有力的天然抑制剂。通过改造噬菌质粒并构建水蛭素表达载体pCANTAB 5G8Hir,使水蛭素基因通过接头与噬菌体M13的gp3(197~406)基因片段融合。表达产物在gp8信号肽的引导下到达大肠杆菌周质,在辅助噬菌体M13KO7的帮助下组装到丝状噬菌体外壳上。展示在噬菌体表面的水蛭素仍然具有与凝血酶结合并抑制酶活性的作用,说明展示的水蛭素保持了正确的空间构象和生物学活性。水蛭素在噬菌体表面的功成展示为进一步开展其实验定向进化以及结构与功能关系的研究打下基础。  相似文献   

抗凝良药水蛭素的研究进展   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
从水蛭素的分子生物学性质,克隆表达研究,以及临床应用研究等主要方面论述抗凝防栓良药水蛭素的研究进展,并对水蛭的临床应用价值,开发研究成为抗栓领域的一大热点进行了论述。  相似文献   

重组水蛭素的突变及突变体部分性质研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以基因突变结合动力学分析的方法研究了水蛭素空间结构及其与凝血酶的相互作用.采用基因定点突变和随机突变的方法得到两个重组水蛭素突变体,并从抗酰胺水解活性,抗凝血酶活力和稳定性三个方面,比较研究了重组水蛭素rHV2中47位和11位两个氨基酸残基对其稳定性和抑制能力的影响.将rHV2中Gln11和Asn47分别突变为His11和Lys47后,rHV2-H11生物活力降低30%,rHV2-K47生物活力提高61%.测定抑制常数Ki表明,rHV2-H11突变体Ki值升高14倍,rHV2-K47突变体Ki值降低14倍,两个突变体的热稳定性均有所增强,rHV2-H11在酸性和碱性条件的稳定性降低.分析实验结果,可以认为:①47位的Lys可能是通过氢键和静电两种作用力同时影响着水蛭素的三维结构和其与凝血酶的结合.②11位氨基酸可能是水蛭素分子中另一个重要位点.  相似文献   

目的:研究重组水蛭素抗血栓形成的作用及机制。方法:将60只雄性昆明小鼠随机分为对照组、模型组、阿司匹林组和重组水蛭素低、中、高剂量组(n=10)。除对照组外,其余各组小鼠分别腹腔注射角叉菜胶2.5 mg/kg,诱发小鼠尾部血栓形成。注射角叉菜胶前24 h、0.5 h和注射后24 h,阿司匹林组小鼠分别腹腔注射阿司匹林25 mg/kg,重组水蛭素低、中、高剂量组小鼠分别腹腔注射0.05、0.1、0.2 mg/kg重组水蛭素,对照组和模型组小鼠分别腹腔注射等体积生理盐水。注射角叉菜胶后48 h,观察小鼠黑尾长度并计算黑尾发生率;检测血浆凝血酶原时间(PT)、活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)、组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(t-PA)、纤溶酶原激活物抑制因子-1(PAI-1)、6-酮-前列腺素F1α(6-keto-PGF1α)、血栓恶烷B2(TXB2)水平。结果:与对照组比较,模型组小鼠尾部形成血栓;血浆PT明显缩短(P<0.01),PAI-1、TXB2水平明显升高(P<0.01),t-PA、6-keto-PGF1α水平明显降低(P<0.01)。与模型组比较,重组水蛭素低、中、高剂量组和阿司匹林组小鼠尾部血栓长度明显缩短(P<0.05或P<0.01),PT明显延长(P<0.01),PAI-1、TXB2水平明显降低(P<0.01),t-PA、6-keto-PGF1α水平明显升高(P<0.01)。与阿司匹林组比较,重组水蛭素低剂量组小鼠尾部血栓长度明显增加(P<0.05),PT明显缩短(P<0.01),PAI-1、TXB2水平明显升高(P<0.01);重组水蛭素低、中剂量组6-keto-PGF1α水平明显降低(P<0.01,P<0.05);重组水蛭素中剂量组PAI-1、TXB2水平明显升高(P<0.01,P<0.05)。结论:重组水蛭素有明显抗血栓形成作用,其机制可能与影响外源性凝血系统、促进纤溶功能有关。  相似文献   

Haemorrhagic effects of the naturally occurring thrombin inhibitor hirudin measured by the determination of bleeding time were compared with its antithrombotic actions in different models of experimental thrombosis. In mice and rats intravenous administration of hirudin caused a plasma concentration-dependent prolongation of bleeding time after transection of the tail tip and standardized incision of the tail, respectively. In rats intravenous infusion of hirudin prevented the formation of stasis-induced venous thrombosis of the jugular vein and the occurrence of thrombotic occlusion of the carotid artery after electrically induced damage of the vessel wall. Comparison of the haemorrhagic action of hirudin with its antithrombotic effectiveness showed that it caused haemorrhagic side effects only at plasma concentrations which are not required for the antithrombotic effects.  相似文献   

Hirudin is the most potent non-covalent inhibitor of thrombin. Several expression systems have been used to produce recombinant hirudin for pharmaceutical purposes. However, high expression of active hirudin in Escherichia coli cytoplasm has not been successful owing to the fact that heterogenetic small peptide is easily degraded in the cell. To solve this problem, we constructed a recombinant form of the hirudin variant-1 (HV1) as a fusion protein with the small ubiquitin-related modifier gene (SUMO) by use of over-lap PCR. The fusion gene His6-SUMO-HV1 was highly expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3) in which the SUMO-HV1 accounts for over 30% of the soluble fraction. The fusion protein was purified by Ni?CNTA affinity chromatography and cleaved by a SUMO-specific protease Ulp1 to release the HV1 with natural N-terminal. The recombinant HV1 (rHV1) was further purified by Ni?CNTA affinity chromatography and then by Q anion-exchange chromatography. N-terminal sequencing result demonstrated the purified rHV1 had the same N-terminal sequence as the native hirudin. MALDI-TOF/MS analysis indicated that the molecular weight of the purified rHV1 protein was 6939.161 Da, which was similar to the theoretical molecular weight of rHV1 6,944 Da. The Chromozym TH assay result showed that the anti-thrombin activity of purified rHV1 was 8,800 ATU/mg and comparable to the specific activity of native hirudin.  相似文献   

Antithrombotic, haemorrhagic and anticoagulant effects of unfractionated heparin (UH) and the low molecular weight heparin fragment KABI 2165 were studied in rats. In stasis-induced venous thrombosis of the jugular vein intravenous injection of both, UH and KABI 2165, either reduced significantly the size of thrombi or completely prevented thrombus formation in a dose-dependent manner. The dose of KABI 2165 required for prevention of thrombus formation showed a marked anticoagulant activity measured by APTT which was in the same range as that of the equieffective dose of UH. After administration of antithrombotically effective doses only UH caused a significant prolongation of bleeding time after standardized incision of the tail. KABI 2165 produced haemorrhagic effects at about 4-fold higher doses only than those required for the antithrombotic action.  相似文献   

Summary Recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae was employed to continuously produce hirudin in a membrane cell recycle fermentor. The gene cooing for the anticoagulant protein was combined with the GAL10 promoter for controlled expression and the MF 1 signal sequence for secretion to the fermentation broth. A dilution rate of 0.1h–1 yielded a maximum hirudin concentration of 59mg / l with a specific hirudin concentration of 2.4 mg /g cell mass among dilution rates studied ranging from 0.05h–1 to 0.3h–1. Cell bleeding gave the same fermentation results as cell recycle fermentation without cell bleeding. The productivity of the cell recycle fermentation process was 6.0mg hirudin/l · hr, corresponding to a 1.7-fold increase compared with a conventional continuous culture.  相似文献   

重组水蛭素HV2的稳定性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
重组水蛭素HV2是凝血酶的特异性抑制剂,是一种非常稳定的蛋白质。温度的升高(100℃水浴)和pH(1─13)的改变不影响其活力,在某些变性剂(8mol/L尿素、1%SDS和6mol/L盐酸胍)存在的条件下也非常稳定,0.1mol/L的DTT在70℃时使其部分失活,只有pH和温度同时升高其活力才开始下降,pH13、80℃处理15min即完全失活,氨基酸组成和活性分析发现失活样品的Cys和Lys被破坏。重组水蛭素HV2含有一个结构紧密的N端核心区和一个无序的C端尾部。其N端的3个Lys-Xaa键均不被胰蛋白酶水解;胃蛋白酶及糜蛋白酶消化后,分离所得片段,氨基酸组成分析发现N端核心区依然保持很高的抗凝血酶活性,继续消化24h,核心区不被进一步降解。  相似文献   

Unlike the European leechHirudo medicinalis, the Asian jawed leechHirudinaria manillensis is specialized for feeding on mammalian blood. In the salivary glands of both these leeches, there is a potent inhibitor of thrombin, called hirudin, which acts as an anticoagulant. We have reported previously the isolation and purification of a variant of hirudin, called bufrudin, from the head portions ofHirudinaria. In the present study, the complete amino acid sequence of bufrudin was determined by automated Edman degradation of peptide fragments generated after cleavage of protein with trypsin or thermolysin. Comparison of the primary structure of bufrudin, with hirudin HV1, show about 70% sequence identity with deletion of two amino acids, but the key amino acids at the C-terminus, involved in the inhibition of thrombin, are conserved. However, similar sequence comparison of bufrudin with hirullin P18, a hirudin variant isolated from the same leech species but from whole leech, instead of heads, reveals even less sequence identity of about 60%. From the amino acid sequence, it is suggested that the conformation of the C-terminal portion of bufrudin may be significantly different from hirullin P18, but similar to hirudin HV1, upon its interaction with thrombin. These results indicate that, as withHirudo leech, various isoforms of hirudin also exist inHirudinaria leech, with a significant change occurring in the structure of the molecule during the evolution of leeches.  相似文献   

Unlike the European leechHirudo medicinalis, the Asian jawed leechHirudinaria manillensis is specialized for feeding on mammalian blood. In the salivary glands of both these leeches, there is a potent inhibitor of thrombin, called hirudin, which acts as an anticoagulant. We have reported previously the isolation and purification of a variant of hirudin, called bufrudin, from the head portions ofHirudinaria. In the present study, the complete amino acid sequence of bufrudin was determined by automated Edman degradation of peptide fragments generated after cleavage of protein with trypsin or thermolysin. Comparison of the primary structure of bufrudin, with hirudin HV1, show about 70% sequence identity with deletion of two amino acids, but the key amino acids at the C-terminus, involved in the inhibition of thrombin, are conserved. However, similar sequence comparison of bufrudin with hirullin P18, a hirudin variant isolated from the same leech species but from whole leech, instead of heads, reveals even less sequence identity of about 60%. From the amino acid sequence, it is suggested that the conformation of the C-terminal portion of bufrudin may be significantly different from hirullin P18, but similar to hirudin HV1, upon its interaction with thrombin. These results indicate that, as withHirudo leech, various isoforms of hirudin also exist inHirudinaria leech, with a significant change occurring in the structure of the molecule during the evolution of leeches.  相似文献   

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