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蓝色色素在蓝粒小麦种子糊粉层中的生物合成途径的分子生物学机制至今仍不清楚.应用RT-PCR和RACE方法从蓝粒小麦正在发育的种子中克隆到一个编码二氢黄酮醇4-还原酶的基因(DFR).推测其为花青素生物合成途径中的一个关键基因,且与蓝粒小麦中蓝色色素形成密切相关;其开放阅读框编码一个包含354个氨基酸残基的多肽,与一些从其他植物中已克隆到的DFR有很高的同源性:大麦(94%)、水稻(83%)、玉米(84%).从长穗偃麦草(2n=70)、蓝粒小麦、浅蓝粒小麦自交产生的白粒后代小麦以及中国春的基因组中分别分离到一个全长DFR序列.经聚类分析表明DFR cDNA核甘酸序列与从中国春基因组中克隆的DFR具有100%的同源性,且与长穗偃麦草、蓝粒小麦、白粒小麦基因组中分离的DFR均有很高的同源性.4个DFR基因组DNA均含有3个内含子,且它们之间的差异主要在内含子区,表明该基因在进化上很保守.经Southern杂交分析,DFR在小麦中至少有3~5个拷贝,不同小麦材料间未见明显差异,但与长穗偃麦草有明显差异,属于一个DFR超基因家族.Northern分析表明该DFR在蓝粒和白粒种子的不同发育时期的表达存在明显差异,都在开花后大约18 d表达最强,在同一时期的蓝白种子中,DFR在蓝粒种子中的表达量高于白粒.DFR转录本在小麦和长穗偃麦草的幼叶中积累多,但在芽鞘中的表达显著低于幼叶中;在小麦的根和长穗偃麦草的发育种子中均未检测到DFR的表达.推测蓝粒小麦中可能存在调控DFR在蓝粒小麦中表达的调控基因,类似于玉米花青素合成途径中的调节基因.  相似文献   

采用RT-PCR和RACE方法从蓝粒小麦(Triticum aestivum L.×Thinopyrum ponticum(Podp.)Z.W.Liu et R.R.-C. Wang)发育种子中克隆到两个查尔酮合酶基因(TaCHS.t1,TaCHS.w1),分别编码394个氨基酸,二者核苷酸和氨基酸序列的同源性分别为96.0%和98.9%;而且克隆到一个类黄酮3′5′-羟化酶基因(F3′5′H)3′-末端.分别从长穗偃麦草(Thinopyrum ponticum(Podp.)Z.W.Liu et R.R.-C.Wang)、蓝粒小麦、白粒小麦和中国春基因组中分离到查尔酮合酶基因(CHS)的全长序列(ThpCHS.tg,TaCHS.bg,TaCHS.wg,TaCHS.csg),它们的核苷酸序列之间具有很高的同源性,且均含有一个内含子(intron),序列差异主要在内含子.通过DNA序列比较,发现一个CHS与亲本之一的长穗偃麦草基因组同源性达100%,一个CHS与另一白粒亲本基因组同源性达99%,表明来自于父、母本的CHS在蓝粒发育的种子中均表达.Southern杂交结果表明CHS在小麦中的拷贝数至少有4个,不同颜色的蓝粒小麦、白粒小麦间拷贝数基本一致,但都与长穗偃麦草有差异,根据以上结果初步判定CHS在蓝粒小麦中属于一个多基因家族.Reverse Northern分析表明CHS在开花后15 d发育的蓝粒小麦中具有较强的表达;花后21 d F3′5′H和DFR的转录本积累显著高于CHS,基本上检测不到CHS的表达.这三个基因在蓝粒小麦中的表达顺序与其他植物花青素合成途径中的基因表达次序一致:CHS先于F3′5′H,F3′5′H先于DFR.实验还表明F3′5′H和DFR在幼叶中表达也较强,CHS仅在发育种子中表达,具有组织特异性.花后21 d,F3′5′H在白粒、蓝粒小麦和中国春种子中均强烈表达,蓝粒小麦CHS和DFR转录本比白粒小麦多.因此,认为在蓝粒小麦中存在花青素生物合成途径,在蓝色色素形成过程中,该途径中的结构基因受到调节基因的调控.  相似文献   

邓志勇  张相岐 《遗传》2004,26(3):325-329
通过PCR克隆的方法,获得了分别来自二倍体长穗偃麦草的E基因组和四倍体长穗偃麦草的E_1基因组的4个高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)基因启动子的部分序列。序列分析表明,它们之间的同源性较高,两个x型亚基启动子序列之间只有1个碱基的差异,而两个y型亚基启动子序列完全相同,x和y型亚基启动子序列之间的长度和部分碱基位点都有差异。推测四倍体长穗偃麦草中的E_1基因组可能起源于二倍体的E基因组。与来自小麦族的A、B、D和G基因组部分亚基基因的启动子序列比较表明,小麦族的这一区域在进化上是相当保守的,不同基因组来源的序列同源性都在90%以上。经过对这些序列的聚类分析,表明长穗偃麦草的y型HMW-GS基因与其他亚基基因的进化关系较远,而x型亚基基因与一个来自小麦1B染色体的亚基基因关系最近。  相似文献   

试验以长穗偃麦草基因组DNA为探针 ,与普通小麦 中间偃麦草TAI 2 7进行染色体原位杂交 ,表明有 4条与长穗偃麦草同源的染色体 ;以P .stipifolia (St)基因组DNA为探针 ,有 4条与St同源的染色体 .这说明TAI 2 7中有 4条St染色体 .TAI 2 7是异代换 附加系 .对TAI 2 7中附加的中间偃麦草染色体进行显微切割 ,并建立其微克隆库 ,从中筛选获得了中间偃麦草的特异性探针 ,同源性分析表明该序列为一新序列 .这为进一步筛选抗病、抗逆和优质基因打下基础 .  相似文献   

应用基因组原位杂交鉴定蓝粒小麦及其诱变后代   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
杨国华  李滨  刘建中  英加  穆素梅  周汉平  李振声 《遗传学报》2002,29(3):255-259,T001
应用基因组原位杂交技术(GISH)对普通小麦(Triticum aestivumL.)和长穗偃麦草[Agropyron elongatum(Host)Beauv,2n=10x=70]杂交后选育出的蓝粒小麦蓝-58及其诱变后代的染色体组成进行了鉴定。结果表明,GISH可方便地检测到小麦遗传背景中的长穗偃麦草染色体或易位的片段。如前人报道,蓝-58(2n=42)是一个具有2条长穗偃麦草4E染色体的异代换系(4E/4D)。LW004可能是一个具有两对相互易位染色体的纯合系,其田间表现磷高效特性,LW43-3-4为41条染色体的蓝单体(40W 1’4E),种子颜色为浅蓝色,通过此法还检测出一些染色体结构发生很大变异的材料如4E的单端体(40W 1‘4E),种子颜色为浅蓝色,通过此法还检测出一些染色结构发生很大变异的材料如4E的单端体(40W 1‘t4E)以及组型为39W 1‘4E 1‘t4E的个体,此项研究结果更为直观地表明控制蓝粒体状的基因的确在来自长穗偃麦草的染色体上。同时说明有效的突变方法与灵活方便的检测手段的有机结合在染色体工程材料的创制和染色体工程育种中起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

长穗偃麦草优异基因的染色体定位及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长穗偃麦草比较公认的有2个种,即二倍体长穗偃麦草(Thinopyrum elongatum,2n=2X)和十倍体长穗偃麦草(Thinopyrum ponticum,2n=10X),是重要的小麦近缘种,具有抗病、抗寒、抗旱、耐盐碱等优良性状。因其基因组中蕴含许多对小麦品种改良极为有用的基因,且易与小麦杂交等优势,多年来长穗偃麦草一直作为小麦遗传改良的优良种质资源而备受关注。本文对长穗偃麦草的基因组研究及其在小麦的抗逆、抗病和提高光合能力、产量及高分子量谷蛋白(HMW-GS)含量等方面的应用做了综述,为其基因组中优异基因的进一步开发和利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

蓝粒小麦的细胞学鉴定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蓝粒小麦是在长穗偃麦草与普通小麦杂交后代中选育出来的新类型。实验证明,蓝粒小麦在研究胚乳遗传和染色体工程方面是一个非常有用的材料。本试验观察了用中国春小麦,中国春单体系统、中国春4D缺体,分别与蓝粒小麦杂交F_1代的染色体数目和染色体行为,其结果是:(1)(中国春小麦×蓝粒小麦)F_1,减数分裂中Ⅰ,76%的细胞为20"+2';(2)(中国春4D单体×蓝粒小麦)F_1,中Ⅰ,普遍出现了20"+1'的染色体构型,其它杂种F_1均为19"+3';(3)(中国春4D缺体×蓝粒单体分离出的缺体)F_1,中Ⅰ,花粉母细胞n=20"。以上结果证明,蓝粒小麦是一个异代换系,即由1对长穗偃麦草染色体,4Ael,代换了小麦的1对4D染色体。  相似文献   

利用染色体配对分析和酯酶及种子醇溶蛋白电泳分析研究了我国育成的11个八倍体小偃麦,结果表明:(a)来源于小麦和中间偃麦草杂交后代的6个部分双二倍体中,中1和中2的偃麦草染色体组不同于中3、中4、中5和小偃78829的偃麦草染色体组;(b)来源于小麦和长穗偃麦草杂交后代的5个部分双二倍体中,小偃784的偃麦草染色体组不同于小偃693和小偃7631中的偃麦草染色体组,表明在长穗偃麦草中有两个互不相同又不同于小麦的染色体组E和F,而小偃7430和小偃68中的偃麦草染色体组很可能是E和F染色体组的重组体;(c)小偃784中的长穗偃麦草染色体组和中5及小偃78829中的中间偃麦草染色体组基本相同,而中2的中间偃麦草染色体组不同于小偃693和小偃7631中的长穗偃麦草染色体组F,这意味着在长穗偃麦草和中间偃麦草中可能只有一个共同的染色体组E。部分双二倍体中酯酶及醇溶蛋白偃麦草染色体特征带的存在和发现,为这些染色体或其片段导入小麦后的鉴定提供了方便。  相似文献   

赤霉病是我国乃至世界小麦(Triticumaestivum)产区的重要病害,给农业生产和人畜健康造成重大威胁。分离鉴定优质抗病基因、培育抗病品种,是控制我国麦区赤霉病的重要手段。最近,山东农业大学孔令让团队完成了二倍体长穗偃麦草(Thinopyrumelongatum)基因组的组装,并在此基础上通过精细定位和图位克隆分离得到来自长穗偃麦草的抗赤霉病基因Fhb7。他们发现Fhb7编码1个谷胱甘肽转移酶,对禾谷镰孢菌(Fusarium graminearum)分泌的包括呕吐毒素等在内的多种毒素具有解毒作用,是1个广谱持久抗病基因。他们还发现Fhb7很可能最初源于内生真菌,经过基因水平转移进入到偃麦草基因组中。此外,Fhb7不影响其它农艺性状,且其抗性不受小麦遗传背景影响。这一系列工作揭示了作物抗病演化中的全新机制,对小麦抗赤霉病育种以及更好地利用长穗偃麦草的丰富基因资源都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

用石蜡切片法,对小麦(Triticum aestivum)和长穗偃麦草(Elytrigia elongata)杂交的受精和早期胚胎发育进行了观察。结果表明,长穗偃麦草花粉在小麦柱头上萌发良好,花粉管可顺利长人花柱和胚囊。 观察的170个小麦子房中,17.65%发生了双受精,产生了胚和胚乳;9.41%发生了单卵受精,只产生胚而无胚乳;4.71%。发生了单极核受精,只产生胚乳而无胚;总受精率为31.77%;成胚率为27.06%。由于胚乳的缺乏或发育异常及败育,最终难以获得有生活力的种子。为小麦与长穗偃麦草远缘杂交提供了细胞胚胎学证据。  相似文献   

The blue grain trait in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L., 2n = 6x = 42, AABBDD), which is caused by blue pigments in the aleurone layer, was originally derived from the tall wheatgrass (Thinopyrum ponticum Liu & Wang = Agropyron elongatum, 2n = 10x = 70, StStStStEeEeEbEbEXEx) during chromosome engineering research. Over the last few decades, there have been continued interests in the genetic mechanism of this blue coloration and the practical utilization of the blue aleurone character as a phenotypic marker. This article reviews the research history and the recent progress of the studies on blue-grained wheat, with emphases on genetic and biochemical analysis and practical applications of blue-grained wheat.  相似文献   

The original blue-grained wheat, Blue 58, was a substitution line derived from hybridization between common wheat (Triticum aestivum L., 2n=6x=42, ABD) and tall wheatgrass (Thinopyrum ponticum Liu & Wang=Agropyron elongatum, 2n=10x=70, StStEeEbEx), in which one pair of 4D chromosomes was replaced by a pair of alien 4Ag chromosomes (unknown group 4 chromosome from A. ponticum). Blue aleurone might be a useful cytological marker in chromosome engineering and wheat breeding. Cytogenetic analysis showed that blue aleurone was controlled by chromosome 4Ag. GISH analysis proved that the 4Ag was a recombination chromosome; its centromeric and pericentromeric regions were from an E-genome chromosome, but the distal regions of its two arms were from an St-genome chromosome. On its short arm, there was a major pAs1 hybridization band, which was very close to the centromere. GISH and FISH analysis in a set of translocation lines with different seed colors revealed that the gene(s) controlling the blue pigment was located on the long arm of 4Ag. It was physically mapped to the 0.71-0.80 regions (distance measured from the centromere of 4Ag). The blue color is a consequence of dosage of this small chromosome region derived from the St genome. We speculate that the blue-grained gene(s) could activate the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway of wheat.  相似文献   

The blue-grained wheat substitution line (blue 58) originated from wild hybridization between Triticum aestivum L. and Agropyron elongatum (Host) Beauv= Elytrigia elongatum (Host) Nevski= Thinopyrum ponticum (Host) Barkworth and Dewey (2n=10x=70) was irradiated and four translocation lines were screened by fluorescence in situ hybridization from the offsprings. The results obtained include the following: (1) both the two translocation lines, 9906 and 9902, have 42 chromosomes. The length of the translocated blue-grained segment was approximately one-third of the short-arm and one-half of the long-arm of the translocated wheat chromosome in 9906 and 9902, respectively, and the blue-grained translocated segment in 9902 was located on D genome; (2) both 9915 and 9904 have 44 chromosomes. One pair of chromosomes was translocated and two chromosomes from Th. ponticum were added in 9903, while two pairs of chromosomes were translocated in 9904 by blue-grained wheat segment. The location and application of blue-grained wheat translocation lines were discussed.  相似文献   

Common root rot, caused by Cochliobolus sativus (Ito and Kurib) Drechs. ex Dastur, is a major soil-borne disease of spring and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell.) on the Canadian prairies. Resistance to common root rot from Thinopyrum ponticum (Podp.) Liu and Wang was transferred into wheat via crossing with Agrotana, a resistant wheat - Th. ponticum partial amphiploid line. Evaluation of common root rot reactions showed that selected advanced lines with blue kernel color derived from a wheat x Agrotana cross expressed more resistance than the susceptible T. aestivum 'Chinese Spring' parent and other susceptible wheat check cultivars. Cytological examination revealed 41 to 44 chromosomes in the advanced lines. Genomic in situ hybridization, using total genomic DNA from Pseudoroegneria strigosa (M. Bieb) A. L?ve (St genome) as a probe, demonstrated that the blue kernel plants had two pairs of spontaneously translocated J-Js and Js-J chromosomes derived from the J and Js genome of Th. ponticum. The presence of these translocated chromosomes was associated with increased resistance of wheat to common root rot. The lines with blue aleurone color always had a subcentromeric Js-J translocated chromosome. The subtelocentric J-Js translocated chromosome was not responsible for the blue kernel color. The genomic in situ hybridization analysis on meiosis revealed that the two spontaneous translocations were not reciprocal translocations.  相似文献   

Blue wheat grain contains different groups of pigments that can be used for making specialty foods or as food colorants. Thinopyrum bessarabicum, a wild relative of wheat, carries a blue-grained gene on chromosome 4J. In this study, we analyzed the mitotic chromosomes of 159 F7 lines derived from the cross between Triticum aestivum cv. Chinese Spring (CS) and a CS–Th. bessarabicum amphiploid by using multi-color fluorescence in situ hybridization, genomic in situ hybridization, and newly developed chromosome 4J-specific DNA markers. Intact chromosome 4J and various 4J chromosomal segments were identified in the 159 lines. The blue-grained gene of Th. bessarabicum was physically localized to the region between the centromere and FL0.52 on chromosome arm 4JL. The chromosomal location of this gene differed from the location of previously reported blue-grained genes. In addition, a strong dosage effect was observed with this gene. These results suggest that the blue-grained gene in Th. bessarabicum represents a novel gene locus for blue aleurone, designated BaThb. The wheat lines and 4J chromosome-specific molecular markers developed in this study will facilitate the introgression and utilization of BaThb for wheat nutritional quality improvement.  相似文献   

Diploid wild einkorn wheat, Triticum boeoticum Boiss (AbAb, 2n = 2x = 14), is a wheat-related species with a blue aleurone layer. In this study, six blue-grained wheat lines...  相似文献   


Key message

A Thinopyrum ponticum chromosome 4Ag physical map was constructed, the blue-grained gene was localized, and related specific markers and a FISH probe were developed by SLAF-seq.


Decaploid Thinopyrum ponticum (2n?=?10x?=?70) serves as an important gene pool for wheat improvement. The wheat-Th. ponticum 4Ag (4D) disomic substitution line Blue 58, derived from a distant hybridization between Th. ponticum and common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), bears blue coloration in the aleurone layer. To map the blue-grained gene, eight wheat-Th. ponticum 4Ag translocation lines with different chromosomal segment sizes were obtained from Blue 58 using 60Co-γ ray irradiation and were characterized using cytogenetic and molecular marker analysis. A small-segment blue-grained wheat translocation line L13, accounting for one-fifth of 4AgL, was obtained. A physical map of chromosome 4Ag was constructed containing 573 specific-locus amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF-seq) markers, including three bins with 223 markers on 4AgS and eight bins with 350 markers on 4AgL. The blue-grained gene in three blue-grained translocation lines L5, L9, and L13, was located on bin 4AgL-6 with FL 0.75–0.89. Moreover, 89 blue-grain-related molecular markers and one fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probe, pThp12.19, were identified in this bin. The newly developed translocation lines and the molecular markers and FISH probe will facilitate the application of the Th. ponticum-origin blue-grained characteristic in wheat breeding.

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