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目的:筛选1型人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV-1)中国流行株中包膜蛋白gp41的优势抗原片段,构建具有区域流行代表性的HIV-1 gp41重组抗原,为改进现有HIV-1初筛试剂盒中使用的同类抗原奠定基础。方法:利用免疫斑点杂交和生物信息学方法,从收集自重庆、广州、上海的区域代表性150份HIV-1感染者血清标本中筛选gp41抗原性强的候选样本,利用RT-PCR及巢式PCR方法扩增包含重要抗原表位决定蔟的gp41基因片段,与原核表达载体pQE30连接,转化大肠杆菌M15构建gp41重组抗原表达菌株,表达后经亲和层析纯化、SDS-PAGE和Western印迹鉴定。结果:兔源HRP标记的gp41多抗能识别标本中gp41抗原性差异,得到候选样本,扩增包含gp41主要抗原表位片段;构建了包含gp41抗原表达簇的重组原核表达质粒,表达、纯化后经His标签抗体Western印迹鉴定为阳性。结论:高纯度的重组优势gp41抗原的构建和鉴定,为进一步改进现有HIV初筛诊断奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的建立两种甲型肝炎病毒抗原(HAV-Ag)检测试剂盒,并对其检测效果进行评价。方法生物素标记甲型肝炎病毒抗体(HAV-Ab)与辣根过氧化物酶标记亲和素联合应用建立甲型肝炎病毒抗原BA-ELISA检测法;同时使用辣根过氧化物酶标记HAV-Ab作放大系统建立双抗体夹心甲型肝炎病毒抗原ELISA检测试剂,对比两种检测方法的特异性、灵敏度及实际应用效果。结果用生物素标记甲型肝炎病毒抗体-辣根过氧化物酶标记亲和素作放大系统建立的甲型肝炎病毒抗原BA-ELISA检测法,较双抗体夹心ELISA检测方法灵敏度高1~2个稀释度;两种检测法均对10余种病毒无交叉,P/N值BA-ELISA检测法较高。结论甲型肝炎病毒抗原BA-ELISA检测法是一种灵敏度高,特异性好,方便快捷的检测方法,可广泛应用于甲型肝炎病毒研究及临床检测中。而甲型肝炎病毒抗原双抗体夹心ELISA检测法,检测灵敏度适中,操作简单,更适用于甲肝疫苗生产检定。  相似文献   

单克隆抗体夹心ELISA检测SARS病毒抗原的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:建立单克隆抗体(McAb)夹心ELISA法,用于检测SARS病毒(SARS-CoV)抗原。方法:用间接夹心ELISA法筛选捕捉和标记用单克隆抗体的组合,采用过碘酸钠法标记辣根过氧化物酶(HRP),优化后用于检测SARS-CoV。结果:从12株抗SARS-CoV鼠单克隆抗体中筛选出2A3/1C5组合用于捕捉SARS-CoV,1A5/1B4组合标记HRP作为指示抗体。优化后2A3/1C5的最适工作浓度为1∶4000,HRP-1A5/1B4的最适工作浓度为1∶2000。本方法检测SARS-CoV的敏感度为105pfu/mL。结论:单克隆抗体夹心ELISA法可特异性检测SARS-CoV抗原。  相似文献   

目的:建立2种结核分枝杆菌(Mtb)抗体的双抗原夹心ELISA检测方法,并初步评价其在Mtb血清学临床辅助诊断中的应用价值。方法:采用Mtb融合抗原38k D+ESAT6+CFP10作为包被抗原,分别以辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)和生物素(Bio)标记的38k D+ESAT6+CFP10作为标记抗原,建立2种Mtb双抗原夹心ELISA法,即HRP-ELISA法和Bio-ELISA法;采用所建立的2种方法对结核患者和健康对照血清进行检测。结果:经过一系列的反应条件优化,确定HRP-ELISA法和Bio-ELISA法的最佳抗原包被浓度分别为2、0.25μg/m L,最适加样量均为100μL血清原液,最佳标记抗原稀释率分别为1∶500、1∶2000,检测的灵敏度分别为43.66%、52.11%,特异性均为100%。结论:建立了2种Mtb双抗原夹心ELISA法,它们均适用于Mtb血清学的临床辅助诊断。  相似文献   

应用斑点金免疫渗滤试验(dotimmunogoldfiltrationassay,DIGFA)建立了一种同步快速检测四种抗HIV-1/2IgG抗体的HIV诊断试纸。通过基因工程技术在大肠杆菌中表达了5种HIV抗原蛋白片段(P24,GP41,GP36,GP120V3,GP120C)。这5种抗原蛋白首先被固定在硝酸纤维素膜上,然后滴加待测血清,其中的病毒抗体通过免疫反应与抗原结合,再加胶体金标记的葡萄球菌蛋白A(SPA),待其渗过膜片后,洗涤,即可形成肉眼可见的红色斑点。用已确证的21份HIV阳性血清(其中包括1份HIV-1标准阳性血清和1份HIV-2标准阳性血清)和30份阴性血清进行了试验,结果表明该快速检测方法与ELISA方法无显著差异。该检测方法不需任何仪器,仅凭肉眼即可判定结果,整个检测过程不超过5分钟。与传统的的ELISA法相比,具有方便快速,成本低廉,应用范围广等优点。同时,此HIV快速诊断试纸可以同步检测并区分针对HIV-1和HIV-2感染的不同检测标志物(抗P24、GP41、GP120和GP36抗体),这对提高快速检测的灵敏度和准确性,以及对判断HIV感染者是否临近或已进入AIDS期有着较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

用基因重组技术将截短的HIV-1 p24基因和gp41基因连接成嵌合基因,插入质粒pGEX-4T3,构建成重组表达质粒pGEX-F。将pGEX-F转化大肠杆菌BL21。经IPTG诱导表达,pGEX-F在大肠杆菌BL21中获得了高效表达。融合蛋白P24-gp41经Glutathione-Sepharose4B亲和层析纯化后,用间接ELISA和免疫印迹检测HIV抗体阳性血清和正常人血清,P24-gp41只与HIV抗体阳性血清反应,证明获得的融合蛋白P24-gp41有很强的抗原特异性和免疫反应性,具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

目的:追踪检测SARS冠状病毒(SARS-CoV)抗体在严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)患者血清中的产生及其转归规律,为SARS诊断及防治提供依据。方法:对41例临床诊断SARS患者的血清进行了连续3年的检测,分别应用间接免疫荧光(IFA)检测患者血清特异性IgG抗体平均滴度,应用双抗原夹心ELISA法检测患者血清核衣壳蛋白(N蛋白)抗体的平均滴度,绘制消涨曲线,得出消涨规律。结果:应用IFA检测患者血清特异性IgG抗体与应用双抗原夹心ELISA法检测N蛋白抗体所得到的消涨规律不同,前者测得康复者血清IgG抗体滴度维持在较低水平,但后者检测35例康复者血清N蛋白抗体仍维持在较高水平。结论:SARS-CoV的N蛋白是免疫原性较强的抗原,感染3年后仍存在高滴度抗体;抗原夹心ELISA检测SARS-CoV N蛋白抗体的灵敏度较IFA方法高。  相似文献   

疫苗一直被视为终结人类免疫缺陷病毒1型和2 型(human immunodeficiency virus type 1/2,HIV-1/2)最有力的武器。位于HIV-1 gp41胞外域C末端的近膜端外部区域(membrane-proximal external region, MPER)是一个重要的抗原位点,但糖蛋白41(glycoprotein 41,gp41)在野生型HIV-1的包膜蛋白中并未充分暴露,单独的gp41或MPER多肽无法模拟gp120/gp41包膜蛋白在病毒包膜上的天然状态。本研究以HIV-1 gp41 MPER为抗原进行疫苗设计,以期能诱导产生具有强效中和作用的MPER特异性抗体。通过在gp41的N末端七肽重复域(N-terminal heptad repeat, CHR)和C末端七肽重复域(C-terminal heptad repeat, NHR)引入突变,阻断二者相互作用形成6螺旋(6-helix bundle, 6-HB)构象;使用不同来源的流感病毒HA1亚基替代gp120,以防止机体产生大量针对HA1的抗体,并构建一系列包含不同HA1亚基的HA/gp41-1605嵌合DNA。结果发现,在细胞上表达的嵌合疫苗抗原能更好地展示MPER上的中和表位,但不显示gp41上免疫优势抗原表位。使用构建的HA/gp41嵌合DNA疫苗对新西兰大耳兔进行肌肉内序贯免疫,提示该疫苗策略的确不可诱生高滴度的HA抗体或gp41的loop及6-HB特异性抗体,而能诱生MPER特异性抗体。然而,该抗体对HIV-1不具有中和作用,说明该疫苗策略还有待进一步优化。  相似文献   

目的 制备汉滩病毒(Hantaan virus, HTNV)PS-6株小鼠单克隆抗体(monoclonal antibody, mAb),建立HTNV抗原双抗体夹心ELISA检测方法,验证方法的检测性能并初步应用于疫苗抗原含量检测。方法 以HTNV PS-6株灭活全病毒原液作为免疫原,采用小鼠杂交瘤融合技术,筛选mAb杂交瘤细胞株,制备mAb;用间接ELISA测定mAb效价;用Western blot鉴定mAb特异性;用间接ELISA测定mAb相对亲和力;经抗体配对筛选,建立双抗体夹心ELISA病毒抗原检测方法。以I型肾综合征出血热疫苗标准品作为定量标准,验证该方法的检测限、线性范围、特异性、准确度、精密度;对6批次I型肾综合征出血热灭活疫苗原液进行检测,初步验证该方法的适用性。结果 获得4株稳定分泌抗HTNV PS-6特异性抗体的阳性杂交瘤细胞株:4B2、3H8、5D7及2A7;间接ELISA检测腹水抗体效价均在1×106~1×106~1×107;Western blot鉴定4株mAb均能特异性识别HTNV PS-6;相对亲和力为4B2>5D7>3H8>2A7;抗体ELISA配对筛选后,选用5D7作为包被抗体,4B2作为标记抗体,包被抗体工作浓度为10μg/mL,HRP标记抗体工作浓度为1∶5 000。该方法对HTNV PS-6抗原检测限为0.039 1μg/mL;检测线性范围为0.078 1~2.500 0μg/mL,R7;Western blot鉴定4株mAb均能特异性识别HTNV PS-6;相对亲和力为4B2>5D7>3H8>2A7;抗体ELISA配对筛选后,选用5D7作为包被抗体,4B2作为标记抗体,包被抗体工作浓度为10μg/mL,HRP标记抗体工作浓度为1∶5 000。该方法对HTNV PS-6抗原检测限为0.039 1μg/mL;检测线性范围为0.078 1~2.500 0μg/mL,R2> 0.97;检测与I型肾综合征出血热疫苗生产主要原辅料成分、II型肾综合征出血热疫苗、森林脑炎疫苗及甲肝疫苗均无交叉反应;准确度验证,病毒抗原回收率在95.8%~110.5%之间;试验内和试验间精密度,CV分别在6.72%~8.03%、8.24%~9.70%之间。用该方法检测6批次I型肾综合征出血热灭活疫苗原液,结果均呈剂量依赖性。结论 成功制备HTNV PS-6株mAb,建立病毒抗原双抗体夹心ELISA抗原检测方法,方法准确、可靠,可初步应用于I型肾综合征出血热灭活疫苗科研、生产过程病毒抗原检测。  相似文献   

目的:制备分泌特异性抗人甲状腺球蛋白(thyroglobulin,Tg)单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株,为建立高灵敏度的Tg检测方法做准备。方法:以天然人源甲状腺球蛋白为抗原经皮下免疫BALB/c小鼠,通过细胞融合制备分泌抗人甲状腺球蛋白单克隆抗体,并对其进行特异性鉴定,建立检测Tg的双抗体ELISA(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay)夹心法。结果:获得7株可稳定分泌抗人甲状腺球蛋白单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株,经ELISA鉴定,筛选抗体可与Tg抗原有良好的特异性反应。建立的双抗体夹心ELISA方法敏感性可达1 ng/mL。结论:成功制备了抗人Tg单克隆抗体并建立了检测人Tg双抗体夹心ELISA方法,为进一步研发Tg快速诊断试剂盒提供了原料。  相似文献   

SpltMNPV日本分离株gp41的克隆表达及gp41和ph的进化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从斜纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒(Spodopteralitura multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus,SpltMNPV)日本分离株(C3)基因组中克隆了gp41基因.该基因编码区含993bp核苷酸,编码分子量为36.9kDa的多肽.将该基因克隆至原核表达载体pET28a,经IPTG诱导后在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中获得了表达.应用CLUSTAL程序分析表明,SpltMNPV日本株(C3)gp41的核苷酸序列和氨基酸序列与SpltMNPV中国G2株相似性最高,均达99.9%.用MEGA分别构建了基于gp41和ph的聚类分析图和分子进化树,发现它们具有相似的拓扑结构.将这两个基因序列结合在一起构建进化树,该树的结构与基于gp41的进化树相似.突变率分析显示gp41的突变率高于ph,这意味着在杆状病毒进化过程中,gp41和ph面临不同的选择压力.  相似文献   

During viral entry, HIV gp41 adopts a transient conformation called the "prehairpin intermediate" in which a highly conserved therapeutic target, the N-trimer, is exposed. Despite extensive discovery efforts, potent and broadly neutralizing antibodies that target the N-trimer are elusive. We previously demonstrated the N-trimer is protected by a steric block that prevents large proteins, such as antibodies, from accessing it. Here we further characterize the steric block and identify its source. To study the N-trimer steric accessibility, we produced two sets of C-peptide inhibitors (a potent inhibitor targeting the N-trimer) fused to cargo proteins of increasing size facing either the virus or cell side of the prehairpin intermediate. Both bulky inhibitor sets show a steric block, but the effect is more pronounced with virus-side cargo. Additionally, both sets maintain their potencies in a modified entry assay that removes possible sources of target cell steric hindrance. These results implicate a viral source, likely gp120, as the primary component of the steric block. In addition, we studied the steric accessibility of the "pocket" region of the N-trimer, a highly attractive drug and vaccine target. We demonstrated a pocket-specific antibody, D5, is more potent as an scFv than as a full-length IgG, suggesting the N-trimer steric restriction extends to the pocket. This characterization will facilitate the design of sterically restricted antigens that mimic the steric environment of the N-trimer in the prehairpin intermediate and are capable of inducing potent and broadly neutralizing antibodies that circumvent the N-trimer steric block.  相似文献   

The importance of the HIV gp41 conserved disulfide loop to envelope function has been examined by mutational and functional analyses. Based on a luciferase-reporter entry assay, mutants gp41-CC/AA (C598A/C604A) and gp41-Delta (deletion of residues 596-606) result in a nonfunctional envelope protein. Western blot analysis shows both mutants to be properly expressed but not processed to form gp120 and gp41, which explains their nonfunctionality. The presence of mutant gp160 on the cell surface, as well as their ability to bind to sCD4, suggests that the mutations have disrupted processing at the furin recognition site encoded within the gp120 conserved domain 5, without resulting in an overall misfolding of the protein. With respect to the furin recognition site, the mutations are sequentially distant, which implies that the gp41 disulfide loop is interacting with gp120 C5 in gp160. In addition, we have modeled the gp120-gp41 interaction in unprocessed precursor gp160 using structural data available for gp120 and gp41 domains in isolation, supplemented by mutagenesis data. We suggest that the mutations have altered the interaction between gp120 C5 and the gp41 disulfide loop, resulting in decreased accessibility of the furin recognition site and implying that the interaction between the gp120 C5 and gp41 loop is a conformational requirement for gp160 processing. The sensitivity of this interaction could be exploited in future antivirals designed to disrupt HIV pathogenesis by disrupting gp160 processing.  相似文献   

We have attempted to purify envelope (Env) glycoproteins of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from the culture supernatants of CHO-Sec cells that secreted truncated 140-kDa precursor and mature 120-kDa Env glycoproteins. The concentrated culture supernatants were applied to a column coupled with cibacron blue 3GA (CB3GA) to separate albumin from the Env proteins because CB3GA, a triazine dye, has been known to have a high affinity to albumin. Unexpectedly, Env proteins as well as albumin bound to the column, and the bound Env proteins were eluted by increasing the ionic strength using KC1. Gp120 was eluted at 0.5–0.9 m of KC1, while a higher concentration (0.9–1.5 m ) was necessary for the elution of gp140. The agarose gel coupled with reactive red 120 (RR120), another triazine dye with similar characteristics, also retained both Env proteins, and the bound Env proteins could be eluted in a similar manner. In addition, these agents inhibited syncytium formation caused by HTLV-IIIB and HTLV-IIMN. Inhibition was also seen when a virus-free fusion assay between Env protein expressed in CHO cells and fluorescent labeled SupT1 cells were used. These findings indicate that triazine dyes bind to the functional regions of Env proteins of HIV-1 that play important role(s) for HIV infection.  相似文献   

A broad range of proteins bind high-mannose carbohydrates found on the surface of the envelope protein gp120 of the human immunodeficiency virus and thus interfere with the viral life cycle, providing a potential new way of controlling HIV infection. These proteins interact with the carbohydrate moieties in different ways. A group of them interacts as typical C-type lectins via a Ca2+ ion. Another group interacts with specific single, terminal sugars, without the help of a metal cation. A third group is involved in more intimate interactions, with multiple carbohydrate rings and no metal ion. Finally, there is a group of lectins for which the interaction mode has not yet been elucidated. This review summarizes, principally from a structural point of view, the current state of knowledge about these high-mannose binding proteins and their mode of sugar binding.  相似文献   

IgA has been supposed to play an important role in the prevention of HIV-1 infection. In this study, IgA-binding sites on gp120 and gp41 of HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins were analyzed using ELISA and overlapping synthetic peptides covering all of the gp120 and gp41 sites. IgA antibodies in plasma and saliva mainly bound to six and five sites on gp120 and gp41, respectively. Some of the IgA-binding sites differed from those of IgG-binding sites and the amount of IgA antibodies that bound to each site varied among samples. IgA antibodies in some plasma samples neutralized HIV-1 infection, and those IgA antibodies contained the antibodies which bound to the V3, C3 and ELDKWA sites. The results suggest that IgA antibodies which bind to certain sites on HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins may neutralize HIV-1 infection, presumably at mucosal sites where most IgA antibodies are produced. The induction of IgA antibodies that bind specific sites and neutralize HIV-1 infection at mucosal sites may be important in the development of a vaccine against HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

L-Isoleucyl t-RNA synthetase was purified to 97% purity in a single step by affinity chromatography on a column carrying L-isoleucinyl 5′-adenylate as the insolubilized ligand. Recovery was 50–60%.  相似文献   

Five monoclonal antibodies (mabs) specific for the envelope proteins of a simian immunodeficiency virus of African green monkeys (SIVagm) have been raised. Two mabs were directed against distinct epitopes on the transmembrane protein gp41. A conformational epitope on the gp130 was recognized by three mabs. This is the first report on mabs specific for SIVagm-gp130. Studies of the cross-reactivities revealed that the epitopes recognized by the env-directed mabs are conserved species-specifically in SIVagm isolates. Therefore, these mabs can be used to distinguish SIVagm strains from other virus groups.  相似文献   

从斜纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒(Spodopteralituramulticapsidnucleopolyhedrovirus,SpltMNPV)日本分离株(C3)基因组中克隆了gp41基因。该基因编码区含993bp核苷酸,编码分子量为36.9kDa的多肽。将该基因克隆至原核表达载体pET28a,经IPTG诱导后在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中获得了表达。应用CLUSTAL程序分析表明,SpltMNPV日本株(C3)gp41的核苷酸序列和氨基酸序列与SpltMNPV中国G2株相似性最高,均达99.9%。用MEGA分别构建了基于gp41和ph的聚类分析图和分子进化树,发现它们具有相似的拓扑结构。将这两个基因序列结合在一起构建进化树,该树的结构与基于gp41的进化树相似。突变率分析显示gp41的突变率高于ph,这意味着在杆状病毒进化过程中,gp41和ph面临不同的选择压力。  相似文献   

HL9 is a nonapeptide fragment of human lysozyme which has been shown to have anti-HIV-1 activity in nanomolar concentration. This study aims to explain this inhibitory activity by using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, focusing on the ectodomain of gp41, the envelope glycoprotein of HIV-1 crucial to membrane fusion. It was found that in HL9, two Trp residues separated by two others occupy the conserved hydrophobic pocket on gp41 and thus inhibit fusion in dominant-negative manner. Detailed HL9-gp41 binding interactions and free energies of binding were obtained through MD simulation and solvated interaction energies (SIE) calculation, giving a binding free energy of −8.25 kcal/mol which is in close agreement with the experimental value of −9.96 kcal/mol. Since C-helical region (C34) of gp41 also has two Trp residues separated by two others, this arrangement may be generalised and used to scan peptide library and to find those having similar manner of inhibition.  相似文献   

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