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郭秀丽  周立华  陈勇  杨国靖  赵敏敏  王睿 《生态学报》2017,37(20):6963-6972
提升农户兼业化程度是解决农户贫困与生态环境脆弱等关键问题的主要途径。采用参与式的农村评估法(PRA),以地处库布其沙漠腹地的杭锦旗为例,在对农户生计资本和生计策略分析的基础上,建立了多项Logistic回归模型,就农户生计策略由纯农型向农兼型和兼农型转化的关键影响因素进行研究。结果表明:(1)农户生计资本整体上比较稀缺,其中自然资本最为匮乏,且生计资本值存在一定差异。(2)农户主要采取纯农型、农兼型、兼农型和非农型四种生计策略;不同生计策略类型的农户在生计活动安排及其收入构成上存在一定差异。(3)人力资本始终是影响农户生计策略转化的关键生计资本;家庭整体劳动能力(H1)、人均耕地面积(N1)、人均年收入(F1)和能够提供援助的亲友数(S2)是影响农户生计策略转化的关键生计资本指标。除N1外,以上生计资本及生计资本指标对农户生计策略由纯农型向农兼型和兼农型转化均具有促进作用。在此基础上,提出了提高杭锦旗农户生计水平,改善区域生态环境的政策建议。  相似文献   

气候变化是21世纪人类面临的最严峻挑战之一,加剧了许多国家和地区的脆弱性,对以自然资源为生计基础的农业人口的影响尤为显著。明确气候变化对农户生计脆弱性的影响,对于制定有效的气候变化适应政策,增强农户的气候变化适应能力,减轻农村贫困人口的生计脆弱性具有重要意义。本文以甘南高原为例,建立了气候变化对农户生计脆弱性影响评价指标体系,基于539份农户调查问卷,分析了气候变化对农户生计的影响,并利用多元线性回归模型分析了影响农户生计脆弱性的关键因素。结果表明:(1)气候变化对甘南高原不同类型农户生计的影响不同,其中,青年户主型农户生计的脆弱性最强,中年户主型农户生计的脆弱性最小;从低收入农户到高收入农户、从低教育水平农户到高教育水平农户、从纯农户到二兼户,其生计脆弱性趋于降低,但从低抚养比农户到高抚养比农户,其生计脆弱性趋于增大;(2)气候变化对甘南高原不同区域农户生计的影响存在差异,其中,纯牧区农户生计的脆弱性最强,农区农户生计脆弱性最小;(3)农户生计的脆弱性与农户的年龄和受教育水平、家庭人均收入水平、非农化水平及生计多样化水平呈负相关,与家庭抚养比呈正相关。最后,提出了减轻农户生计脆弱性的建议。  相似文献   

李治  孙悦  李国平  刘生胜 《生态学报》2022,42(19):7818-7829
陕北黄土高原自然环境严峻,是我国农村生活最贫困的地区之一,不同地理地貌村庄的贫困农户生计策略对生计资本的敏感性还缺乏相关的实证检验。基于佳县的调研数据,将样本划分为风沙区、丘陵沟壑区和土石山区三类村庄,在贫困户和非贫困户生计资本与生计策略对比分析基础上,结合二元logistic模型对贫困农户生计策略由纯农型向非农型转变的关键因素进行分析,研究发现:人力资本、金融资本和社会资本的增加对贫困农户非农型生计策略的选择有正向作用,而自然资本、物质资本的增加对非农型生计策略的选择有负向作用。风沙区和丘陵沟壑区的结果与总样本相似,土石山区贫困农户自然资本越丰富反而越倾向于选择非农型生计策略。不同类型村庄生计策略存在显著差异,不调整生计策略的贫困农户未来仍有70%选择扩大农业、林业生产。在进行可持续生计策略调整时,个体经营和外地打工是他们主要选择的方式,自然灾害和红枣市场不景气是他们未来愿意选择生计多元化的主因。  相似文献   

草地是重要的陆地生态系统,也是我国主要的畜牧业资源之一。随着草地退化日益严重,草地生态环境遭到破坏,草地可持续发展受到严重影响,对牧区牧民带来巨大的生计压力。系统分析草地质量对牧户生计的影响,对于制定有效的草地修复政策,增强牧户的草地退化适应能力,减轻牧区贫困人口的生计脆弱性具有重要意义。本文选取内蒙古典型草原区作为研究区,利用2017年和2019年野外采样数据及2021年牧户访谈数据,构建了牧户生计脆弱性评价指标体系,分析了草地质量对牧户生计脆弱性的影响,并探究了影响牧户生计脆弱性的关键因素。结果表明:内蒙古典型草原区纯牧户、牧兼户和非牧户的草场面积、人均收入差异不大,纯牧户、牧兼户的家庭劳动力较丰富,非牧户家庭劳动力较少;纯牧户、非牧户的生计脆弱性较高,牧兼户的生计脆弱性较低;草地质量是纯牧户生计脆弱性的关键影响因素,修复草地生态环境能够降低牧户生计脆弱性;发展以牧业为主的多样化生计、提高牧户家庭的健康水平和信贷资本,均有利于降低牧户生计脆弱性。  相似文献   

不同生计方式农户的环境感知——以甘南高原为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵雪雁 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6776-6787
准确的环境感知是合理环境行为的前提,利用参与式农村评估方法,研究了甘南高原不同生计方式农户的环境感知。结果发现:(1)甘南高原农户生计方式较单一,生计多样化指数仅为1.76,纯牧区、半农半牧区、农区农户的非农化水平依次提高,但非农活动均以外出打工为主;(2)随着非农化水平的提高,农户的生态关注度、生态保护认知度以及生态变化感知度发生有规律变化,纯农户、兼业户、非农户的生态关注度、生态恶化感知度依次降低,但生态保护认知度依次增强; 3) 非农户、兼业户的环保活动参与度强于纯农户。  相似文献   

基于2014年贫困户实地调查数据,运用集对分析和障碍度模型对宁夏海原县农户生计脆弱性及其胁迫因子进行实证分析.结果表明: 海原县农户生计脆弱性总体较高且呈现地貌和民族差异化,平原区、河谷川地山间洼地农户生计脆弱性低于土石山区、黄土梁区和中山地貌区;回汉混居村农户生计脆弱性高于纯回族与纯汉族村.农户自身必要资产的缺乏和外部地理环境敏感性的胁迫是海原县农户生计脆弱的深层原因.生计结构不合理与生计方式单一导致生计脆弱性长期积累;地理环境的不易改变使扶贫资源的地区可进入性降低.农户生计应对能力的提高需建立明确的村级水权分配制度,实施教育贫困户对口帮扶,加大生计方式多元化转型的成本投入,开发村域连锁综合商品市场.农户生计脆弱性的治理应把“公路村村通”建设放在“村村通工程”更突出的位置,坚持气象防灾和保险企业减灾相结合,开发农业生产保险系统.  相似文献   

农户作为农村社会中最小的生计单元,面临着多重压力的冲击,这些压力不仅加剧了重点生态功能区农户的生计脆弱性,更威胁到该区生态服务功能的提升,当前亟需准确评估多重压力下农户的生计脆弱性,为制定可持续的生计政策提供借鉴。以甘南黄河水源补给区为例,利用入户调查数据,评估了多重压力下农户的生计脆弱性,分析了多重压力下农户生计脆弱性的形成过程。结果发现:(1)家人患病、子女学费开支高和自然灾害三种生计压力对甘南黄河水源补给区农户生计的影响最为剧烈,经济压力是该区农户面临最频繁的压力类型,但自然压力对该区农户的生计脆弱性影响最大;(2)经济示范区农户的生计敏感性最高,重点保护区农户的适应能力最低;(3)重点保护区农户的生计脆弱性最高,经济示范区次之,恢复治理区最低,自然压力冲击下农户的生计脆弱性最高;(4)不同类型的生计压力影响农户生计脆弱性的路径不同,自然压力通过影响自然资源依赖度与自然资本、社会压力通过影响饮水条件与社会资本、经济压力通过影响家庭抚养比与金融资本来影响生计脆弱性,生计压力之间的交互作用会增强农户的生计脆弱性。  相似文献   

本研究以钱江源国家公园体制试点区(以下简称为钱江源国家公园)为例, 基于可持续生计分析框架, 构建农户生计资本评价指标体系, 运用熵权法、聚类分析和空间自相关分析, 开展钱江源国家公园农户生计资本评价, 并对其空间分布和集聚特征进行分析。结果表明: (1)不同农户类型的生计资本均值呈现非农户 > 兼业户 > 纯农户, 非农户的人力资本、社会资本和物质资本远高于兼业户和纯农户; (2)不同农户类型资产等级划分差异显著, 纯农户的中低资产较多, 非农户的高资产较多, 生计资本与生计活动类型密切相关; (3)农户生计资本总量在空间上呈现由西南向东北递增的趋势, 何田乡生计资本较为均衡, 齐溪镇、长虹乡和苏庄镇的生计资本搭配不合理; (4)不同功能区农户生计资本分布与功能定位和管理强度相关; (5)自然资本呈现显著空间自相关性, 其余资本及总量空间自相关性不显著。最后, 为改善钱江源国家公园农户生计状况提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

生计资本与农户收支有着密切关系,决定农户的生计策略,影响区域的发展机理与发展模式.基于参与式农村评估和数理统计方法,分民族、地形、农户类型对宁夏限制开发生态区农户生计资本与农户收支状况进行定量评估,创建农户非农性指数,揭示生计资本与农户收支和非农性指数的关系,结合研究区实际对农户可持续生计进行研究,探讨区域发展机理.结果表明: 研究区农户生计资本量整体偏低,其中,回族略高于汉族、川道农户高于山地农户、兼业户和非农业户显著高于农业户;区域发展与非农性指数和人力、物质等资本显著正相关,与自然资本显著负相关,需着力提升农户的非农性指数和人力、物质等资本量,同时引导农户对农业生产资料进行流转,促进自然资本两极分化.  相似文献   

樊怡  史兴民  冯晓  宋臻 《生态学报》2022,42(8):3134-3143
黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展成为事关中华民族伟大复兴的千秋大计。人地系统协调与农业农村高质量发展是黄河流域高质量发展的重要内容,也是实施城乡融合与乡村振兴战略的内涵所在。而在气候多变、水旱灾害异常的背景下,依赖农业为生的黄河流域旱塬区农户生计面临着不可持续的威胁。当前亟需评估基于等级差异的农户生计脆弱性影响因素,建立农户的可持续生计,为巩固脱贫攻坚成果、解决相对贫困提供借鉴。以黄河流域旱塬区的渭北旱塬为例,在综合评价农户生计脆弱性指数的基础上对农户的生计脆弱性等级进行排序,使用有序logistic回归分析了影响农户生计脆弱性的关键因素,并进一步使用夏普利值进行分解。结果发现:(1)非农户和一兼户占了研究样本的大多数,从脆弱性的三个维度来看,纯农户的暴露水平最高,敏感性最低,非农户的适应能力最高;(2)回归结果表明,耕地数量、耕地质量、房屋结构、家庭固定资产数量、村民信任、整体健康状况影响显著;(3)夏普利值分解发现,生计资本的排序为:物质资本>人力资本>社会资本>自然资本,各类资本的组成成分中,家庭固定资产数量的贡献度最高,整体健康状况次之,村民信任、耕地质量、房屋结...  相似文献   

赵雪雁  刘春芳  王学良  薛冰 《生态学报》2016,36(13):4141-4151
生态退化对干旱区内陆河流域农业人口的负面影响非常显著,当前急需评估农户生计对生态退化的脆弱性,识别脆弱群体及脆弱性成因,并依此寻求降低生计脆弱性的对策措施。以石羊河中下游为研究区,基于366户农户调查数据,分析了不同类型农户对生态退化的暴露度、敏感性及适应能力,评估了农户生计对生态退化的脆弱性,探明了影响农户生计对生态退化脆弱性的关键因素。结果表明:(1)高收入及高文化程度农户的适应能力强,暴露度与敏感性高,生计脆弱性较低;(2)从纯农户到非农户、从单一生计农户到多种生计农户,适应能力依次增强,暴露度与敏感性递减,生计脆弱性降低;(3)改善生态环境质量,提高农户的富裕水平、受教育程度及社会资本,促进生计转型能够显著降低农户生计对生态退化的脆弱性。最后,提出了减轻农户生计脆弱性的对策建议及未来需进一步关注的问题。  相似文献   

Although considerable achievements in the global reduction of hunger and poverty have been made, progress in Africa so far has been very limited. At present, a third of the African population faces widespread hunger and chronic malnutrition and is exposed to a constant threat of acute food crisis and famine. The most affected are rural households whose livelihood is heavily dependent on traditional rainfed agriculture. Rainfall plays a major role in determining agricultural production and hence the economic and social well being of rural communities. The rainfall pattern in sub-Saharan Africa is influenced by large-scale intra-seasonal and inter-annual climate variability including occasional El Ni?o events in the tropical Pacific resulting in frequent extreme weather event such as droughts and floods that reduce agricultural outputs resulting in severe food shortages. Households and communities facing acute food shortages are forced to adopt coping strategies to meet the immediate food requirements of their families. These extreme responses may have adverse long-term, impacts on households' ability to have sustainable access to food as well as the environment. The HIV/AIDS crisis has also had adverse impacts on food production activities on the continent. In the absence of safety nets and appropriate financial support mechanisms, humanitarian aid is required to enable households effectively cope with emergencies and manage their limited resources more efficiently. Timely and appropriate humanitarian aid will provide households with opportunities to engage in productive and sustainable livelihood strategies. Investments in poverty reduction efforts would have better impact if complemented with timely and predictable response mechanisms that would ensure the protection of livelihoods during crisis periods whether weather or conflict-related. With an improved understanding of climate variability including El Ni?o, the implications of weather patterns for the food security and vulnerability of rural communities have become more predictable and can be monitored effectively. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how current advances in the understanding of climate variability, weather patterns and food security could contribute to improved humanitarian decision-making. The paper will propose new approaches for triggering humanitarian responses to weather-induced food crises.  相似文献   

禁牧政策下宁夏盐池县农户适应策略及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
路慧玲  周立华  陈勇  马兵  魏轩 《生态学报》2016,36(17):5601-5610
禁牧政策下农户的适应策略是农户为了应对外界干预而做出的各种适应性改变,生计变化是其中最重要的部分。通过实地调查获得研究数据,对比分析禁牧初期和禁牧10a农户生计模式、养殖及种植方面的变化,并以农户的生计资本作为自变量,运用有序多分类和二项的Logistic回归模型分析农户适应策略(农户生计多样性、养殖规模及养殖方式)变化的影响因素。研究得出:1与禁牧初期相比,当前农户的适应策略主要表现为农户生计模式具有初步非农化倾向,生计多样性增加,大部分农户养殖规模减小或不变,农户生产结构有所调整,粮食作物种植面积增加,而经济作物种植面积减小,单只羊的养殖成本增加。2农户生计资本水平对其适应策略具有重要影响,农户生计多样性变化的主要影响因素有人力资本、金融资本和社会资本;影响农户养殖规模变化的主要有自然资本、物质资本、金融资本和社会资本,而影响农户养殖模式选择的主要是物质资本和金融资本因素。  相似文献   

Livelihood vulnerability in environmentally fragile areas is emerging as a key issue due to its positive feedback to environmental degradation. Assessment of sustainable livelihoods is a crucial prerequisite for targeting interventions. However, aggregated analysis usually obtained ambiguous conclusions because they ignored the heterogeneity of rural households. Here, we evaluated the livelihood sustainability of different rural households by constructing an improved Livelihood Sustainability Index (LSI) in hilly red soil erosion areas of southern China. Changting County was selected as the study case by virtue of its unique representativeness in soil erosion and poverty. The results showed that livelihood sustainability among rural households was far from equivalent. Different from previous studies, higher nonfarm income share was not always consistent with higher extent of livelihood sustainability. Besides nonfarm employment, agricultural specialization could be another viable pathway to attain sustainable livelihoods. We also found that intergenerational sustainability was one primary cause for long-term livelihood differentiation of rural households. The poor education in rural areas would aggravate livelihood vulnerability of the poor and threaten the sustainable livelihoods of specialized agricultural households. Policy implications include further investment in rural infrastructure, irrigation and drainage, and stimulus for land transfer and concentration to facilitate agrarian specialization; enhancing investment in rural education to improve intergenerational sustainability; as well as targeting of the most vulnerable households, for example, promoting development of social insurance, social relief, and medical services for orphans and widows.  相似文献   

Energy flows were studied for the 2002–2003 agricultural cycle in four households for which agriculture is part of a diversified survival strategy and four that practice agriculture as a business. Home garden inputs and outputs were measured monthly. Quantified inputs were: household labour, household agro-system production, and purchased external renewable and non-renewable energy. Outputs measured were: sales, family and animal foods. While both strategies had similar indicators in biomass and energy production, vegetable richness, and soil quality, household garden function and sustainability differed between subsistence and commercial householders. Subsistence gardens complemented family diet and contributed to household system resiliency. They relied heavily on renewable energy sources from within their agro-system. Gardens in commercial households reduced fruit tree area and increased animal husbandry for the market. They depended more on purchased non-renewable energy sources and were less sustainable and much less energy efficient than traditional gardens.
Francisco D. Gurri-GarcíaEmail:

Although numerous studies have been conducted on the relationship between livelihood assets and strategies, only a few quantitative studies exist on the topic for anti-poverty policies with regard to the Tibetan Plateau. This study investigated 357 households in the upper reaches of the Dadu River watershed in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau, China, using the participatory rural appraisal method. Then, applying a multinomial logistic regression model, we quantitatively analyzed the relationship between livelihood assets and livelihood strategies, the findings of which have implications for local agricultural policy interventions. The preliminary results indicate that of the four classifications of livelihood strategies used in this study, the main livelihood strategy is that of the non-farming-dependent household type (i.e., Type III in our study) that combines agricultural and non-farm activities or practices self-employment for wages. There are significant differences in the livelihood assets owned by households with different livelihood strategies. Human, natural, and financial assets have significant influences on livelihood strategies, and the choice of livelihood strategy varies by livelihood assets. Further, with improvements in household labor capacity and cash income per capita, the livelihood strategies of non-agricultural and non-farming households may shift away from agriculture, while an increase in farmland cultivated per capita, cash income per capita, and household labor capacity may encourage households to adopt agriculture-dependent livelihood strategies. These findings contribute to research on livelihood and related development strategies and anti-poverty policies in not only the Eastern Tibetan Plateau but also other regions with similar livelihood strategies.  相似文献   

Despite being a low-income, agriculture-based country with a subsistence orientation, Laos is in the early stages of a major economic transformation whereby rural households have been experiencing rapid change in their farming and livelihood systems. Some households have begun to engage in semi-commercial farming while others have adopted labour-oriented or migration-oriented livelihood strategies. This paper explores how rural households in six villages in the lowlands of Champasak Province in southern Laos make a living. These villages vary in their access to irrigation and to markets. Nevertheless, in all villages, long-term migration of younger household members to neighbouring Thailand has come to play a large role in household livelihood strategies. In some cases this is necessary to meet the household’s consumption requirements; in most, it is part of a diversified strategy in which rice farming still plays a significant role, though still largely for subsistence. The paper examines some of the issues involved in attempting to promote intensive, market-oriented rice farming in a context of an emerging on-farm labour shortage combined with an increasing flow of remittances from migrant family members.  相似文献   

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