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核苷酸序列比对在生物系统发育研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
作为确定分子数据初级同源性(primary homology)的过程,比对的重要性在于后续算法的选择.本文对其在生物系统发育研究中的作用及其基本步骤与算法做了简要说明;从理论与实践相结合的角度介绍了使用最为广泛的软件,讨论了其中的空位(gap)问题、参数问题和比对结果校正等问题;并且对此领域中前沿的基因组比对研究进展做了概述.  相似文献   

使用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜等手段,研究了新疆褐梅衣属7种地衣的解剖学特征;利用显色反应(CT)、微量结晶( MCT)和薄层层析(TLC)等方法,对化学成分做了检测,并利用这些结果对主要分类学特征做了归纳。  相似文献   

陆地棉和海岛棉染色体组型比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
棉花染色体组型的研究,已有人做过工作,如Eduards曾研究了草棉(Gossypium nerbaceum var.africanum)2n=26和两种澳大利亚野生棉(G.bickii;G.sturticanum)2n=26染色体组型;陈瑞阳、聂汝芝、李懋学等人均在这方面做了工作。我们也对陆地棉(G.hirsutum)和海岛棉(G.barbadense)进行了核型分析,结果如下:  相似文献   

中国毛虾的幼体发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛虾在我国分布很广,尤其是渤海资源较丰富,在渔业中占有重要的位置,是利用比较广的一种浮游动物。对于中国毛虾(Acetes chinensis Hansen)幼体发育的研究,在国内未见详细报道,在国外只见对同属种的研究。副岛伊三(1926)研究过日本毛虾(Acetesjaponicus Kishinouye)的发生;吉田裕(1949)和池末弥(1953)报道过日本毛虾的生活史,但未涉及幼体发育;Pillai(1973)发表过印度毛虾(Acetes indicus H. Milne-Edwards)的幼体发育。五十年代我们对中国毛虾开展了调查研究,对其幼体的形态做了较详细的观察,本文主要报道近二十年我们在这方面的研究结果。  相似文献   

<正>本文介绍了正在进行研究的多肽疫苗、重组DNA技术生产的乙型肝炎疫苗、重组乙型肝炎活疫苗及化学合成疫苗。 一、乙型肝炎多肽疫苗 纯化的乙肝表面抗原有二种主要的多肽,一种为分子量22000到25000或26000;另一种为糖基化形式,其分子量为28000—30000。这些被称做P~(25)和gP~(30)。多肽疫苗含有P~(25)和gP~(30)已在易感的黑猩猩上做了安全  相似文献   

冷延家 《昆虫学报》1963,(3):382-384
1923年Newstead氏鉴定了松山等氏 1916年 6—7月间从日本所捕到的白蛉;发现其中有一新种,定名为鳞喙白蛉 Phlebotomus squamirostris,并对其雌雄蛉做了形态描述。1928年Sinton氏(1928)研究了Newstead氏的鳞喙白蛉模式和副模式标本,进一步明确了 De Meijere 氏(1909)在爪哇岛所发现的搅扰白蛉 Phlebotomus perturbans;  相似文献   

用高效液相层析(HPLC)对北京鸭血清高密度脂蛋白(HDL)的所有载脂蛋白(apo)分离纯化,得五个主要apo峰,经SDS-PAGE鉴定,均为单一带;并做了IEF、糖基含量分析;对其中含量高的四个apo峰样进行了氨基酸组成测定和N-端部分氨基酸序列分析;从所做理化性质的研究,发现北京鸭血清HDL中的主要apo为:A-Ⅰ、C-Ⅲ_o、apoC-Ⅲ_s(s=1,2)、apoC's及可能的A-Ⅲ,几乎不含E和A-Ⅱ_o北京鸭HDL中apo的上述组成特点明显不同于易患动脉粥样硬化(As)的人及兔等动物,在一定程度上决定了北京鸭HDL的形成与代谢具有其特点,该特点与北京鸭不易形成As密切相关。  相似文献   

刘德山 《动物学研究》1982,3(2):157-164
通过对牛带绦虫早期虫卵的冷冻断割,做扫描电镜观察,见到带科绦虫虫卵在早期阶段保留了典型的各层膜的结构。虫卵共有七个膜层,实际各层之间是互相沟通与渗透的完整体系。待到虫卵成熟时,绦虫的卵壳才破裂,卵黄细胞及卵黄膜层也有退行性变化,而胚膜(embryophore)及幼虫(六钩幼hcxacanth embryo)的发育则趋于更完整。 对带绦虫的成熟虫卵的超微结构,国内、外已有过较细的描述(Inatomi,S.1962;Ishii,Y.1972;王松山等 1980)。这些报告多侧重于对带绦虫的胚膜超微结构的研究,尤其是对胚膜微管系统的观察,这些观察对于了解虫卵的生理是很有意义的。此外,Ogren,R.E.(1953,55,56,57,67) Smyth,J.D.(1956) 曾分别对Linstowiidae 科绦虫的 Oochoristria symmetrica(=O,ratti)及假叶目绦虫(Pseudophyllidae)的Schistocephalus solides的虫卵的发育做了一系列的观察;森山(1961)也对未成熟的牛带绦虫卵做过观察。但这些研究的方法,主要是光学显微镜的观察,对一些虫卵的微细结构,仅是以示意模式图来表示,而不能直接地表达其观察结果。 本文试图应用冷冻断割法(freeze fracture)将牛带绦虫卵剖开,通过SEM观察绦虫卵的早期三维结构,对绦虫卵的膜结构做了进一步地了解。  相似文献   

改性壳聚糖吸附Cu(Ⅱ)及其生物活性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
壳聚糖具有特殊的生物活性和生理调节机能,其分子的重复单元中富含氨基和羟基,对Cu(Ⅱ)具有良好的络合能力.壳聚糖分子结构的规整性和分子间氢键的存在使其难溶于多数溶剂,对壳聚糖进行改性以增强溶解性和对Cu(Ⅱ)的吸附能力是壳聚糖研究的热点.文章综述了目前壳聚糖的理化改性和对Cu(Ⅱ)的吸附研究,对吸附过程的影响因素做了总结,对壳聚糖吸附体内Cu(Ⅱ)生物学活性的应用作了展望.  相似文献   

中国蟾蜍科一新属   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对世界蟾蜍科动物的分类现状做了概述,并对我国原定名为鳞皮游蟾Nectophryne scalptus Liu and Hu(1973)及叶昌嫒等(1978)将其改为鳞皮厚蹼蟾Pelophryne scalptus(Frost,1985订正种名为scalpta)的海南标本做了进一步研究,与现有蟾蜍科各属、特别是与东南亚地区的几个特有属的特征做了对比研究。结果表明:原定名为鳞皮游蟾Nectophryne scalptus的海南标本应代表一个新属即小蟾属Parapelophryne gen.nov.,因此原定名为鳞皮游蟾(或鳞皮厚蹼蟾)的标本为新属的成员,即种名应改为鳞皮小蟾Parapelophryne scalpta(Liu and Hu)。  相似文献   

Moberg, R. 1995. The lichen genus Phaeophyscia in China and Russian Far East. -Nord. J. Bot. 15: 319–335. Copenhagen ISSN 0107–055X.
Fifteen species, more than half of the total known species in the lichen genus Phaeophyscia , are shown to be present in China and Russian Far East. Morphology, anatomy, chemistry, distribution, habitat, relations to other taxa and some evolutionary trends are discussed. A key to the species is presented and regional distribution maps of all species are given. Several species are new to the area. New combinations are: Phaeophyscia endococcina var. endococcinodes and Phaeophyscia hispidula var. exornatula . The following names are reduced to synonymy: Phaeophyscia endococcinodes, Physcia endococcinodes var. megalospora, Physcia endococcinodes var. stellata, Phaeophyscia imbricata, Phaeophyscia exornatula, Phaeophyscia limbata , and Physcia endococcina var. latiloba .  相似文献   

To test the phylogenetic position of phenotypically peculiar species in the Physciaceae we generated 47 new sequences (26 of nrITS region and 21 of mtSSU rDNA) from 19 crustose taxa of Physciaceae mainly from the genus Rinodina. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed the Buellia and Physcia groups. The analysis revealed a considerable variability of characters traditionally used for classification, especially in the delimitation of the genera Buellia and Rinodina. While ascus types agree well with the distinction of the Buellia and Physcia groups, none of the other traditional characters, including excipulum type and ascospore thickening, were consistent within subclades of the Physcia group. We suggest that both excipulum type and ascospore characters are rather dynamic in the evolution of Rinodina species and only appear consistent in morphologically more complex foliose and fruticose groups, which are characterized by thallus characters not present in the crustose groups. Two recent taxonomic changes are supported by molecular characters: Endohyalina insularis (syn. 'Rinodina' insularis) and Rinodina lindingeri (syn. 'Buellia' lindingeri). In addition Rinodina parvula (syn. 'Buellia' parvula) is reinstated. New records for Endohyalina brandii, E. diederichii, E. insularis and Rinodina albana are presented.  相似文献   

Twenty-one species of the lichen genus Physcia (s. str.) in East Africa are treated. Their morphology, chemistry, distribution, habitat and relation to other taxa are discussed. Section Atrae and five species are described as new; P. atrostriata, P. erumpens, P. krogiae, P. undulata and P. verrucosa. The structure of the lower cortex is divided into six different types and the types of soralia have been classified in two main groups with some sub-groups.  相似文献   

Thirty-four species of the lichen genus Physcia (s. str.) in Central and South America are defined. Morphology, anatomy, chemistry, distribution, habitat, relation to other taxa and some evolutionary trends are discussed. A key to the species is presented. Eleven species are described as new; P. cinerea, P. convexella, P. coronifera, P. decorticata, P. kalbii, P. lobulata, P. lopezii, P. manuelii, P. rolfii, P. sinuosa , and P. tenuis. P. nubila is a new name for Heterodermia desertorum .  相似文献   

Axenic cultures of lichen photobionts isolated from bark-inhabiting lichen thalli of the Physcietum adscendentis Ochsner were identified by light microscopy and sequence comparisons of internal transcribed spacer rDNAs to investigate principles of lichenization within a defined lichen sociological unit. The photobiont identity of eight lichen species is reported for the first time (photobiont species in square brackets): Lecania cyrtella (Ach.) Th. Fr. [ Trebouxia arboricola Puym.], Lecania naegelii (Hepp) Diederich & v. d. Boom [ Dictyochloropsis symbiontica Tscherm.-Woess], Candelaria concolor (Dicks) B. Stein [ Trebouxia jamesii (Hildreth & Ahmadjian) Gärtner], Candelariella cf. reflexa (Nyl.) Lettau [ T. jamesii ], Lecanora spec. [ T. arboricola ], Phaeophyscia orbicularis (Neck.) Moberg [ T. impressa Ahmadjian], Physcia adscendens (Fr.) H. Olivier [ T. impressa ] and Lecidella elaeochroma (Ach.) M. Choisy [ T. arboricola ] and could be confirmed for another two species, Physcia stellaris (L.) Nyl. [ Trebouxia impressa ] and Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr. [ Trebouxia arboricola ]. The observation that pioneer lichens without vegetative propagules, growing on smooth bark, had Trebouxia arboricola as photobiont can be explained by the assumption of a free-living population of Trebouxia arboricola . Species of photobionts from Xanthoria parietina were morphologically and genetically different from those of Physcia adscendens and Phaeophyscia orbicularis , respectively; a finding that does not support the previous assumption that Xanthoria parietina takes over its algal partner from a Physcia species, at least at the sites investigated.  相似文献   

 根据多年的研究资料并采用聚类分析方法对分布在天山西部山脉的地衣群落结构进行了研究。结果表明,分布在该地区的地衣种类形成了6种群落:1) 土星猫耳衣(Leptogium saturninum)+矮石蕊(Cladonia humilis)+兰灰蜈蚣衣(Physcia caesia)群落;2)黑穗石蕊(Cladonia amaurocr  相似文献   

新疆蜈蚣衣科3属地衣生态分布与地理区系成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据多年的实地调查资料和相关研究资料,对新疆的黑蜈蚣衣属(Phaeophyscia)、蜈蚣衣属(Physcia)和大孢蜈蚣衣属(Physconia)地衣的种类及分布区、区系特征和垂直分布特征进行了初步分析。结果表明,分布在新疆的蜈蚣衣科地衣共有37种,分属6种地理成分和6种生态类型,主要分布在新疆的天山和阿勒泰山。研究结果还显示,分布在阿勒泰山和天山的蜈蚣衣科种类的垂直分布有明显差异。  相似文献   

金色藻属Chrysochromulina的种类是海洋浮游植物的重要组成成分。报道了该属在我国的4个新记录种,即盅鳞金色藻Chrysochromulina cymbium Leadbeater & Manton、毛刺金色藻C hirta Manton、粗柱金色藻C,megacylindra Leadbeater和普氏金色藻C pringsheimii Parke & Manton,并在电子显微镜下观察了细胞的超微结构。  相似文献   

八角属花粉形态研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
林祁 《植物研究》1989,9(1):115-124
本文利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对八角属(Illicium L.)14种1变种的花粉形态作了研究。通过花粉形态的研究,验证了在分类上本属所分各组的合理性,讨论了该属花粉形态的演化趋势。  相似文献   

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