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许多研究表明 ,大气 CO2 浓度 ([CO2 ])的升高会导致植物气孔密度 (Stom atal Density,SD)和气孔指数 (Stom atal Index,SI)降低。这一关系成为推测地质历史时期大气 [CO2 ]变化的重要古生物指标之一。但是 ,[CO2 ]不是唯一影响 SD和 SI的环境因素。研究利用温度梯度和温度 [CO2 ]梯度技术 ,以 7种美国中西部地区弃耕地常见草本植物和 3种美国东部落叶阔叶林优势木本植物为材料 ,其中草本包含豆科、非豆科 C3和 C4 功能型 ,就它们的 SD,SI,表皮细胞密度 (Epidermal Cell Density,ECD)和气孔孔径长度 (Stomatal Aperture L ength,APL)对 [CO2 ]和温度升高的反应进行了研究。结果表明 ,沿 [CO2 ]梯度 ,所研究物种的 SD比 SI反应敏感 ,SD显示出与 [CO2 ]正相关、负相关和无显著相关性 ,SI显示出与 [CO2 ]正相关和无显著相关性 ;沿温度梯度 ,所研究物种的 SI比 SD反应敏感 ,SI显示出与温度正相关、负相关和无显著相关性 ,SD显示出与温度正相关和无显著相关性。 ECD和 APL对 [CO2 ]和温度梯度也有不同的响应。这说明 ,除 [CO2 ]外 ,温度也对 SD,SI,ECD和 APL有显著的影响。所以在用气孔特征重建地质历史时期 [CO2 ]的变化趋势时 ,除准确建立气孔参数与 [CO2 ]关系外 ,还应考虑大气温度对这一关系的影响  相似文献   

蒋延玲  周广胜  王玉辉  王慧  石耀辉 《生态学报》2015,35(14):4559-4569
收集了1992—2013年关于模拟CO2浓度升高及气候变化(温度升高、降水变化)对内蒙古地带性草原群落的5个建群种针茅植物(贝加尔针茅、本氏针茅、大针茅、克氏针茅、短花针茅)影响的实验研究结果表明,模拟CO2浓度升高、增温和增雨将提高针茅植物的光合作用和株高生长,但CO2处理时间延长会导致光合适应;温度和降雨变化将改变针茅植物的物候进程,但物种之间反应有差异;CO2浓度升高有助于针茅植物生物量增加,增温和干旱则相反,CO2浓度升高对干旱的影响具有补偿作用;干旱和涝渍胁迫将提高针茅植物植株C/N,CO2浓度升高将加剧水分胁迫下针茅植物植株C/N的增加效应,导致牧草品质下降。由于当前在适应性指标、针茅植物对气候变化协同作用的适应机理及其敏感性研究等方面存在的不足,导致目前无法全面比较各针茅植物对CO2和温度、降水变化的响应差异及其敏感性,因而无法预测未来在全球变化背景下,这几种针茅植物的动态变化及其在地理分布上的迁移替代规律。为科学应对气候变化,未来应加强内蒙古地带性针茅植物的适应性指标、针茅植物对多因子协同作用的适应机理及敏感性研究。  相似文献   

青藏高原高寒草地和内蒙古高原温带草地同属中国地带性的草地类型.然而,主导它们的环境因子有所不同.前者主要受生长季低温的影响,后者主要受干旱的影响.发育在这两类草地上的植物,在解剖特征上有何共性和差异,目前少有报道,但却是理解植物适应环境的关键所在.本文通过对青藏高原高寒草地和内蒙古高原温带草地71个样地65种双子叶植物叶片解剖特征的研究,对比分析了不同科、属及不同生活型植物叶片对干旱环境以及高寒环境的适应特征,探讨了叶片总厚度、上表皮和下表皮厚度、叶肉组织厚度、叶肉细胞密度、叶肉细胞表面积和体积等多个解剖特征之间的关系以及气候因子(生长季温度、降水)对它们的影响.结果表明:(1)总体上看,青藏高原与内蒙古高原草地植物的叶片解剖特征存在显著差异,除叶肉细胞密度外,青藏高原高寒草地植物的叶片各组成部分厚度、叶肉细胞表面积和体积均大于内蒙古高原温带草地植物;(2)同一科属植物的叶片解剖特征在两地存在显著差异,并显示出与所有物种总体分析一致的规律;(3)在调查范围内,两地草本植物除叶肉细胞密度外,叶片各组成部分厚度以及叶肉细胞表面积、体积均显著大于木本植物;(4)叶片的各解剖指标间存在显著的协同变化:叶片总厚度,上、下表皮厚度,叶肉细胞厚度,叶肉细胞表面积和体积之间均呈显著正相关,而叶肉细胞密度与这些指标显著负相关;(5)总体上看,青藏高原和内蒙古高原草地植物叶片的解剖特征与生长季温度的关系比与生长季降水密切.因此,尽管青藏高原高寒草地和内蒙古高原温带草地在外貌上有趋同性,但叶片解剖结构有着显著差异,这可能是由于植物对环境的适应进化及(或)环境的筛选作用共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地植物成熟叶片性状与叶凋落物分解的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李玉霖    孟庆涛  赵学勇  崔建垣 《生态学报》2008,28(6):2486-2486~2492
采用室内培养的方法,对科尔沁沙质草地20个主要植物种(10个单子叶植物种和10个双子叶植物种)叶凋落物的CO2释放量和释放速率进行比较,同时测定了20种植物成熟叶片的热值、镁浓度、磷浓度、氮浓度、钾浓度、碳浓度、碳氮比、氮磷比、比叶面积、干物质含量以及叶面积等11项叶片性状,分析20种植物叶凋落物的CO2释放量和释放速率与11项叶片性状的相关关系.结果表明, 20种植物的叶片性状在物种间变异范围很大,大多数指标的最大值和最小值的差异在3倍以上,而个别指标如叶镁浓度差异更大,接近9倍之多.由于本项研究中的20种植物均来自于同一样地,因此认为20种植物的自身性状和遗传特性决定了其叶片性状的变异.20种植物叶凋落物培养28d的CO2释放量平均值为(4121±1713)μg kg-1,释放量最大的是尖头叶藜(8767±177)μg kg-1干土,释放量最小的是马唐(1669±47)μg kg-1,二者相差5倍以上.但20种植物叶凋落物CO2释放速率表现相同的变化趋势,培养初期凋落物分解迅速,后期分解相对缓慢.比较分析发现,双子叶植物和单子叶植物叶凋落物CO2释放量、CO2释放速率,以及成熟叶片的叶氮浓度、叶碳浓度、叶C/N和叶干物质含量之间差异显著.相关分析揭示,20种植物成熟叶片叶氮浓度、叶碳浓度、叶C/N和叶干物质含量与叶凋落物分解过程中的CO2释放量和释放速率之间呈显著的相关关系,说明可以利用成熟叶片的N浓度、C浓度、C/N以及干物质含量间接的预测叶凋落物的分解速率.  相似文献   

植物叶片形态解剖结构对环境变化的响应与适应   总被引:64,自引:0,他引:64  
叶片是植物进化过程中对环境变化比较敏感且可塑性较大的器官,环境变化常导致叶的长、宽及厚度,叶表面气孔、表皮细胞及附属物,叶肉栅栏组织、海绵组织、胞间隙、厚角组织和叶脉等形态解剖结构的响应与适应。本文综述了陆生植物叶片上述形态解剖结构对水分、温度、光照、CO2浓度和UV-B辐射等环境因子变化以及多因子复合作用的响应与适应,分析了该领域的研究特点及其存在的问题,指出了未来研究的重点和方向。  相似文献   

叶片作为植物与外界进行物质交换的桥梁,其解剖性状能够相互协调以应对外界环境对植物生长造成的不利影响,从而反映出植物对环境变化所采取的适应策略。通过对黄土高原不同植被带(森林草原带、典型草原带、荒漠草原带)草地群落中常见115种植物(包括单子叶植物,双子叶植物,木本植物和草本植物四种功能型植物)叶片进行取样,并运用石蜡制片技术和光学显微技术获得叶片解剖性状(包括表皮厚度、栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度、叶肉厚度和叶片厚度),旨在研究不同植被带内草地植物叶片解剖性状的变异规律及其与群落内物种相对优势度之间的关系,为黄土高原植被恢复和生态环境改善提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)沿着干旱梯度,从森林草原带、典型草原带到荒漠草原带,除叶肉厚度外,植物各叶片解剖性状值均呈现增大趋势,表明干旱地区叶片的旱生结构特征明显。(2)不同功能型植物叶片解剖性状与环境因子的关系各异。木本植物和草本植物的栅栏组织厚度和栅海比均与降水和土壤养分呈显著负相关关系(P<0.05)。同时,木本植物的叶片厚度与水分呈显著负相关关系(P<0.05),而草本植物表皮厚度仅与土壤养分呈显著负相关关系(P<0.05)...  相似文献   

 本文针对国外近十几年来在CO2浓度升高对植物的直接影响方面所开展的生理生态学研究方法、动态、基本结论、存在问题等内容做了简要的介绍。大气CO2浓度在过去200年内已增加了80μmol·mol-1,生长在高CO2环境下的植物,其生理生态、形态及化学成分等方面将会发生相应的变化。表现在光合作用速率出现不同程度的提高;呼吸作用受抑制;气孔密度减少,水分利用效率增加;生物量及产量增加;一些关键蛋白质及酶、非结构性碳水化合物含量增加;组织中的氮、硫等元素含量降低;根系及花的发育也随CO2浓度的升高而提前等。不同光合途径(C3、C4及CAM)及不同植被类型(自然植被、栽培植被)的植物随CO2浓度发生的上述指标的变化在长期反应与短期反应方面具有很大的差异。另外,实验控制条件如温度、光照、水分、养分甚至实验装置(如花盆)的大小对预测结果也有很大的影响。  相似文献   

 本文针对国外近十几年来在CO2浓度升高对植物的直接影响方面所开展的生理生态学研究方法、动态、基本结论、存在问题等内容做了简要的介绍。大气CO2浓度在过去200年内已增加了80μmol·mol-1,生长在高CO2环境下的植物,其生理生态、形态及化学成分等方面将会发生相应的变化。表现在光合作用速率出现不同程度的提高;呼吸作用受抑制;气孔密度减少,水分利用效率增加;生物量及产量增加;一些关键蛋白质及酶、非结构性碳水化合物含量增加;组织中的氮、硫等元素含量降低;根系及花的发育也随CO2浓度的升高而提前等。不同光合途径(C3、C4及CAM)及不同植被类型(自然植被、栽培植被)的植物随CO2浓度发生的上述指标的变化在长期反应与短期反应方面具有很大的差异。另外,实验控制条件如温度、光照、水分、养分甚至实验装置(如花盆)的大小对预测结果也有很大的影响。  相似文献   

不同植物叶片水分利用效率对光和CO2的响应与模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物叶片水分利用效率的高低取决于气孔控制的光合作用和蒸腾作用两个相互耦合的过程,模拟水分利用效率对环境变化的响应特征和机制是理解生态系统碳循环和水循环及其耦合关系的基础.研究通过人工控制光强和CO2浓度,对叶片水分利用效率进行了研究.提出了植物水分利用效率在光强和CO2浓度共同作用下的估算模型.数据分析表明,该模型在包括C3和C4植物、草本和木本植物在内的9种植物上能很好地模拟水分利用效率对光强和CO2浓度共同作用的响应.该模型可以用于估算CO2浓度升高条件下光合速率的提高和蒸腾速率的降低对水分利用效率提高的贡献量.CO2浓度变化条件下,水分利用效率在不同植物之间有巨大差异,研究区域尺度植物的水分利用效率时至少需要将植物区分为C4植物和C3植物,其中C3植物区分为草本和木本植物3种生态功能型才能较为准确地估算植物的整体水分利用效率.应用本研究提出的水分利用效率估算模型和植物水分利用效率生态功能型分类标准,可以为建立以植物的水分利用效率为基本参数的陆地生态系统水循环模型和陆地生态系统生产力模型提供重要依据.  相似文献   

28种园林植物对大气CO2浓度增加的生理生态反应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对28种园林植物在不同CO2浓度水平下的气体交换参数的观测,分析了净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率和水分利用效率等生理生态指标的变化趋势与规律.结果表明,所测植物净光合速率和水分利用效率随CO2浓度升高而线性增加,但不同植物种类对高CO2浓度的反应存在较大差异.气孔导度和蒸腾速率与CO2浓度呈线性负相关关系.当CO2浓度倍增(350~700 μmol·mol-1)时,28种园林植物净光合速率平均提高31.2%,气孔导度降低16.5%,蒸腾速率下降11.7%,而水分利用效率则提高了49.2%.不同光合途径的植物净光合速率和水分利用效率受CO2浓度增加的影响程度为C3植物较大,C4植物较小, CAM植物介于两者之间.对不同生活型植物而言,影响程度则为草本C3植物较大,乔木C3植物较小,灌木C3植物居于两者之间.  相似文献   

The anatomical features of leaves in 11 species of plants grown in a temperature gradient and a temperature + CO2 gradient were studied.The palisade parenchyma thickness,the spongy parenchyma thickness and the total leaf thickness were measured and analyzed to investigate the effects of elevated temperature and CO2 on the anatomical characteristics of the leaves.Our results show that with the increase of temperature,the leaf thickness of C4 species increased while the leaf thickness of C3 species showed no constant changes.With increased CO2,seven out of nine C3 species exhibited increased total leaf thickness.In C4 species,leaf thickness decreased.As for the trend on the multi-grades,the plants exhibited linear or non-linear changes.With the increase of temperature or both temperature and CO2 for the 11 species investigated,leaf thickness varied greatly in different plants (species) and even in different branches on the same plant.These results demonstrated that the effect of increasing CO2 and temperature on the anatomical features of the leaves were species-specific.Since plant structures are correlated with plant functions,the changes in leaf anatomical characteristics in elevated temperature and CO2 may lead to functional differences.  相似文献   

The anatomical features of leaves in 11 species of plants grown in a temperature gradient and a temperature + CO2 gradient were studied. The palisade parenchyma thickness, the spongy parenchyma thickness and the total leaf thickness were measured and analyzed to investigate the effects of elevated temperature and CO2 on the anatomical characteristics of the leaves. Our results show that with the increase of temperature, the leaf thickness of C4 species increased while the leaf thickness of C3 species showed no constant changes. With increased CO2, seven out of nine C3 species exhibited increased total leaf thickness. In C4 species, leaf thickness decreased. As for the trend on the multi-grades, the plants exhibited linear or non-linear changes. With the increase of temperature or both temperature and CO2 for the 11 species investigated, leaf thickness varied greatly in different plants (species) and even in different branches on the same plant. These results demonstrated that the effect of increasing CO2 and temperature on the anatomical features of the leaves were species-specific. Since plant structures are correlated with plant functions, the changes in leaf anatomical characteristics in elevated temperature and CO2 may lead to functional differences. Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2006, 26(2): 326–333 [译自: 生态学报]  相似文献   

The anatomical features of leaves in 11 species of plants grown in a temperature gradient and a temperature + CO2 gradient were studied. The palisade parenchyma thickness, the spongy parenchyma thickness and the total leaf thickness were measured and analyzed to investigate the effects of elevated temperature and CO2 on the anatomical characteristics of the leaves. Our results show that with the increase of temperature, the leaf thickness of C4 species increased while the leaf thickness of C3 species showed no constant changes. With increased CO2, seven out of nine C3 species exhibited increased total leaf thickness. In C4 species, leaf thickness decreased. As for the trend on the multi-grades, the plants exhibited linear or non-linear changes. With the increase of temperature or both temperature and CO2 for the 11 species investigated, leaf thickness varied greatly in different plants (species) and even in different branches on the same plant. These results demonstrated that the effect of increasing CO2 and temperature on the anatomical features of the leaves were species-specific. Since plant structures are correlated with plant functions, the changes in leaf anatomical characteristics in elevated temperature and CO2 may lead to functional differences.  相似文献   

植物有性生殖对大气CO2浓度变化响应的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 比较详细地概述了过去数十年关于在大气CO2浓度升高条件下,植物有性生殖特性发生变化的主要研究成果。随着植物相对生长速率加快,植株达到有性生殖所需形体大小的时间变短,开花期提前,生殖器官的生物量也相应提高,其主要表现为开花数量、花粉和花蜜产量、果实数量与大小、种子大小与产量等均有不同程度的增加。对大多数农作物而言,种子产量的增加主要通过种子数量的增加,而与种子大小变化关系不大。通常,高浓度CO2对豆科植物种子含氮量影响比较小, 却能显著地降低非豆科植物种子含氮量。不同类型植物的生殖生物量增加趋势存在一定的规律性,如不定型植物>定型植物,豆科植物>C3非豆科植物>C4植物,栽培植物>野生植物。针对国内外对CO2浓度升高影响植物有性生殖特性的研究中存在的不足,该文提出了今后研究应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

大气中CO2浓度升高对植物的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大气中CO_2浓度升高以及由此所引起的温室效应已成为人们普遍关注的议题。在未来的世界里,CO_2浓度将持续上升。预计到21世纪中叶,CO_2浓度可能达到700ppm。一些试验结果表明;CO_2浓度升高对多数植物的个体生长发育有促进作用,其中包括种子的发芽率提高,幼苗生长加快,叶面积增大,根系数量增多,气孔数量减少,茎干生长轮加宽,开花期提早,种子产量提高等。但是,CO_2浓度升高对植物也有不利影响。在高CO_2浓度环境中,由于过量产生的碳水化合物在叶片中的积累和矿物质的不平衡,许多植物在生长后期生长缓慢或出现负增长;个体生长发育规律的变化将导致一些增长种群逐渐向衰退种群过渡;C_3类杂草的加速生长将引起农业欠收;群落结构与组成的变化将促使一些植物走向绝灭;植物残渣中碳氮比的改变将引起生态系统生产力的下降等。因此,对于今后大气中CO_2浓度升高的影响还要做大量的研究。  相似文献   

Leaf miners are specialist herbivorous insects that are potentially vulnerable to environmental change because of their dependency on particular host plants. Little, however, is known about how climate affects the distribution of leaf miner communities and their interactions with host plants. Elevational gradients are useful tools for understanding how ecological communities respond to local clines in climate. Given that plant communities are known to undergo elevational turnover in response to changes in climatic conditions, we expect that leaf miner species will also change with elevation. We repeatedly hand collected leaf miners along three elevational gradients in subtropical rainforest in eastern Australia. Individual leaf miners were counted and identified to species, and their host plants were recorded. We tested if leaf miner species richness and the number of unique interactions among leaf miner and host plant species were affected by elevation. We also tested if the composition of leaf miner species and the composition of interactions between leaf miners and host plants showed a relationship with elevation. The rarefied number of unique leaf miner–host plant interactions significantly decreased with elevation, with a slight peak at approx. 700 m a.s.l., while neither rarefied or observed species richness (species density) of leaf miners nor observed numbers of unique interactions (interaction density) were significantly affected by elevation. The composition of leaf miner species and the composition of leaf miner–host plant interactions (occurrence of pairwise interactions) were significantly related to elevation. Elevational turnover in leaf miner species composition indicated that different species varied in their response to changes in biotic and/or abiotic conditions imposed by increasing elevation. Through our analyses, we identified four leaf miner species that may be locally vulnerable to climate change, as a result of their restricted elevational distribution and level of host specificity.  相似文献   

Leaf anatomical traits play key roles in plant functions and display evolutionary adaptive changes to suit the surrounding environment. To reveal the adaptive mode and mechanisms of plants in response to global warming, we analyzed leaf morphology and anatomical structures in three different species, Epilobium amurense Hausskn., Pedicularis densispica Franch., and Potentilla fulgens Wall. ex Hook., growing along an elevational gradient (3,000–4,600 m) in the Yulong Mountains. The results showed leaf length and width decreased, whereas leaf thickness increased with increasing altitude in all three species. Thickness of leaf upper epidermis, lower epidermis, palisade and spongy mesophyll, and main vein increased with rising altitude. Stomatal density in each species increased with rising elevation. These results illustrate that plants can adapt to the environmental changes that accompany high altitudes by decreasing leaf area and increasing leaf thickness, mesophyll tissue thickness, and stomatal density. Such morphological and anatomical plasticity would lead to lower transpiration rates, enhanced internal temperature and water status, and improved photosynthetic capability.  相似文献   

大气中CO2含量增加对植物-昆虫关系的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
近两百年来,大气中CO2含量一直在不断地增加,而且增加的速度越来越快.CO2浓度升高有利于C3植物如水稻、小麦、大豆和棉花等光合作用和生产力的提高,但同时也减少了这些作物的含氮量,因而降低了它们对植食性昆虫的营养价值.现有的一些研究表明,在这种情况下,植食性昆虫会消耗更多的植物组织以补偿其对含氮物质的需要,导致昆虫对寄主植物为害的加重.  相似文献   

By affecting plant growth and phytochemistry elevated CO2 may have indirect effects on the performance of herbivores. These effects show considerable variability across studies and may depend on nutrient availability, the carbon/nutrient‐balance in plant tissues and the secondary metabolism of plants. We studied the responses to elevated CO2 and different nutrient availability of 12 herbaceous plant species differing in their investment into secondary compounds. Caterpillars of the generalist herbivore Spodoptera littoralis were reared on the leaves produced and their consumption and growth rates analysed. Elevated CO2 resulted in a similar increase of biomass in all plant species, whereas the positive effect of fertilization varied among plant species. Specific leaf weight was influenced by elevated CO2, but the effect depended on nutrient level and identity of plant species. Elevated CO2 increased the C/N ratio of the leaves of most species. Caterpillars consumed more leaf material when plants were grown under elevated CO2 and low nutrients. This indicates compensatory feeding due to lower tissue quality. However, the effects of elevated CO2, nutrient availability and plant species identity on leaf consumption interacted. Both the effects of CO2 and nutrient availability on the relative growth rate of the herbivore depended on the plant species. The feeding rate of S. littoralis on plant species that do not produce nitrogen‐containing secondary compounds (NCSC) was higher under low nutrient availability. In contrast, in plants producing NCSC nutrient availability had no effect on the feeding rate. This suggests that compensatory feeding in response to low nutrient contents may not be possible if plants produce NCSC. We conclude that elevated CO2 causes species‐specific changes in the quality of plant tissues and consequently in changes in the preferences of herbivores for plant species. This could result in changes in plant community composition.  相似文献   

C_3植物光合效率的日变化   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
多种田间C_3植物在晴天的光合效率常有明显的日变化,中午前后光合效率降低。C_3植物大豆叶片光合效率中午降低的主要原因,不是空气CO_2浓度和气孔导度及光呼吸的变化,而可能是光抑制。因为:1.在饱和CO_2中测定仍可观测到这种中午降低;2.光合作用的饱和光强远低于晴天中午的太阳光强;3.用纱布预遮阴可以提高叶片的光合效率;4.阴天时叶片光合效率不发生中午降低。  相似文献   

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