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开展凋落物分解特征与植物功能性状间的关系研究对于认识生态系统功能的维持机制至关重要。为了阐明不同物种叶凋落物和根系分解的主要影响因素, 该研究以大针茅(Stipa grandis)典型草原的大针茅、糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)、知母(Anemarrhena asphodeloides)、羊草(Leymus chinensis)、银灰旋花(Convolvulus ammannii)和黄囊薹草(Carex korshinskyi) 6种植物的叶凋落物和根系为研究对象, 采用凋落物袋法通过501天的野外分解实验对叶凋落物和根系的分解速率常数进行研究, 并测定6种植物的叶片干物质含量、根比表面积、根组织密度以及叶凋落物和根系的碳(C)、氮(N)含量、纤维组分含量等功能性状, 探讨了6种植物叶凋落物和根系的分解特征与其功能性状之间的关系。结果表明, 6种植物叶片和根系性状的种间差异显著, 大部分性状的最大值和最小值的比值在1到2之间, 而个别性状如根系的C:N和根比表面积相差近4倍。叶凋落物和根系在分解过程中质量剩余率与分解速率常数整体变化趋势都表现出前期分解迅速, 中期相对变缓, 后期分解最慢的规律; 并且糙隐子草的叶凋落物和根系分解最慢, 而银灰旋花的叶凋落物分解最快, 知母根系分解最快。通过相关分析和逐步回归分析发现, 在不同分解时期, 叶凋落物和根系的分解过程受到不同性状的影响。结构性碳水化合物含量是叶凋落物前期和后期分解以及根系前期分解的主要影响因素, 非结构性碳水化合物含量则是根系中期和后期分解的主要影响因素; 另外, 叶凋落物在分解中期的分解速率主要受叶片干物质含量的影响, 根系在分解中期和后期的分解速率还分别受到根系C:N和N含量的显著影响。研究结果对于预测大针茅草原的碳和养分循环过程具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

采用网袋法,对0~360 d内杉木[Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb. ) Hook. ]、楠木[Phoebe bournei (Hemsl. ) Yang]和木荷(Schima superba Gardn. et Champ. )叶凋落物在杉木人工林下的分解特征及营养元素(N、P、K和C)含量的变化动态进行了比较分析.结果显示,经过360 d的分解,杉木、楠木和木荷叶凋落物的干质量损失率分别为40.6%、42.0%和51.6%,平均腐解率分别为0.001 3、0.001 6和0.002 0 d-1,叶凋落物的分解半衰期分别为537、482和372 d.在整个分解过程中,3个树种叶凋落物中P含量总体上均呈波动且缓慢的上升趋势;K含量在分解过程前期均急剧下降,然后随分解时间的延长变化趋缓;N含量变化差异较大,随分解时间的延长,杉木叶凋落物中N含量呈缓慢上升趋势,另外2个树种叶凋落物中N含量总体上呈先下降后上升的变化趋势;C含量基本上呈前期上升、中期下降、后期又略有上升的趋势,而C/N比则呈前期略上升而后期逐渐下降的趋势.3个树种叶凋落物分解过程中N、P、K和C的释放率及其动态变化也存在一定差异.3个树种叶凋落物中K的释放率均较高、变化趋势较接近,且均处于净释放状态;杉木叶凋落物中N、P和C的释放率总体上低于另2个树种,且木荷叶凋落物中N、P和C基本均处于单调净释放状态,而杉木叶凋落物中N、P和C以及楠木叶凋落物中P和C在分解过程前期均略呈净富集状态,之后N和C基本上呈净释放状态、P则呈波动式净释放状态.结果表明,在杉木人工林下,阔叶树种(楠木和木荷)叶凋落物比针叶树种(杉木)叶凋落物易分解,且阔叶树种叶凋落物中的营养元素也较易释放.  相似文献   

王云霞  刘桂要  邓强  时新荣  袁志友 《生态学报》2020,40(19):6872-6884
凋落物分解是维持生态系统养分循环和能量流动的关键过程,但在雨热同期的黄土丘陵区,不同降雨时期凋落物基质质量动态对该区不同树种凋落物分解速率的影响还不清楚。采用凋落物分解袋法,基于野外原位分解实验分析黄土丘陵区主要人工林刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia Linn.)和油松(Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.)凋落叶在不同降雨时期的分解特征和分解过程中凋落叶基质质量的变化与分解速率之间的关系。研究结果发现:(1)经过391 d的分解,刺槐凋落叶的平均质量损失速率为(51.0±8.44)mg/d,显著地高于油松凋落叶(36.7±4.83)mg/d;雨季期间两树种凋落叶的质量损失速率均显著地高于旱季,其中夏季多雨期间凋落叶的质量损失速率最高,冬季微量降雨期间质量损失速率最低。(2)在整个分解过程中两树种凋落叶C和N含量都表现为净释放且主要发生在雨季,P含量表现为释放与富集交替进行;刺槐凋落叶C/N比、C/P比和N/P比呈波动的趋势,油松凋落叶C/N比则显著地增加且在夏季多雨期出现峰值,C/P比呈波动的状态,N/P比变化较小。(3)不同降雨时期刺槐凋落叶的质量损失速率与凋落叶P含量动态显著正相关,与C含量、C/P比和N/P比动态显著负相关。油松凋落叶质量损失速率与C/N比动态显著正相关,与C、N含量动态显著负相关,与N/P比动态呈负二次函数的关系。这些结果说明黄土丘陵区刺槐和油松凋落叶在不同降雨时期分解速率之间的差异显著且两树种凋落叶的分解都集中在雨季期间;此外凋落叶分解主要受到凋落叶N含量和N/P比动态变化的制约,与刺槐凋落叶相比,N含量与N/P比对油松凋落叶的限制作用更强。  相似文献   

不同起源时间的植物叶凋落物在中亚热带的分解特性   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
马元丹  江洪  余树全  窦荣鹏  郭培培  王彬 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5237-5245
选择9种起源时间不同的植物的凋落叶,采用分解袋法,在浙江千岛湖地区从2006年6月到2008年6月进行了分解试验,试图探索植物进化过程中凋落物分解特性的演变趋势.所选的9种植物分属于4个类群,按起源时间由早到晚依次为蕨类植物(芒萁和桫椤)、裸子植物(苏铁、水杉、杉木和马尾松)、双子叶植物(木荷和青冈)及单子叶植物(毛竹).每隔一个月取样,每种凋落物3次重复.结果表明:不同植物类群凋落物基质的氮(N)、木质素(Lignin)含量及Lignin/N比值与分解速率具有良好的相关性.起源时间越晚的植物凋落物的基质N含量越高,为单子叶植物>双子叶植物>裸子植物>蕨类植物.Lignin含量和Lignin/N比值的趋势一致,均为起源时间越晚而值越低,即蕨类植物>裸子植物>双子叶植物>单子叶植物.凋落物分解系数k值的范围在0.25~0.63之间,表现出毛竹>青冈>木荷>水杉>马尾松>杉木>苏铁>桫椤>芒萁的趋势.4个植物类群的凋落物分解速率的均值为单子叶植物>双子叶植物>裸子植物>蕨类植物.试验结果初步表明:植物凋落物分解的进化趋势是由分解缓慢逐渐演变为分解较快.  相似文献   

为探究氮(N)沉降和凋落物输入量改变对凋落叶分解的影响,该研究于2014年6月至2019年6月,以华西雨屏区处于N饱和状态的常绿阔叶林为研究对象,设置N添加和凋落物处理双因素实验,其中N添加处理分别为对照(CK, 0 kg·hm–2·a–1)、低N(LN,50kg·hm–2·a–1)和高N(HN,150kg·hm–2·a–1),凋落物处理分别为凋落物输入量不变(L0,不改变凋落物输入),减少(L-,减少50%)以及增加(L+,增加50%)。结果表明:6年N添加处理对该森林生态系统地上凋落物产量影响不显著; N添加处理显著抑制凋落叶分解,且N添加量越高,凋落叶分解抑制作用越强;N添加显著降低分解后期凋落叶中锰(Mn)的残留率,促进Mn的释放;凋落物输入量的增减处理未显著改变凋落叶分解速率,而凋落物增减处理升高了凋落叶中Mn的残留率,减缓Mn的释放; N添加和凋落物处理交互作用不显著。该研究表明亚热带N饱和常绿阔叶林凋落叶分解受N沉降的直接影响显著,凋落物处理...  相似文献   

冬小麦生境中土壤养分对凋落物碳氮释放的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
土壤养分影响植物生长, 进而影响凋落物质量和产量; 凋落物质量和产量影响凋落物分解过程。基于一个生长实验和一个相同环境分解实验, 研究了冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)生境中养分可利用性对凋落物碳(C)和氮(N)释放的影响。结果显示: (1)冬小麦凋落物产量、叶/根C:N比、C释放量和N释放量随土壤养分梯度呈单调变化; (2)土壤养分影响叶凋落物丢失率而不影响根凋落物丢失率; (3)初始叶/根C:N比与其C、N释放量之间存在负相关关系; (4)分解过程降低叶C:N比和根C:N比。结果表明: 生境中土壤养分的提高可加速凋落物C、N归还, 这反过来可能促进冬小麦生长, 因此这种效应是正反馈; 初始C:N比可预测凋落物C、N释放量。  相似文献   

 通过福建省中亚热带杉木观光木混交林(Cunninghamia lanceolata and Tsoongiodendron odorum mixed forest)和杉木纯林(Pure C. lanceolata forest)凋落物的分解和养分释放动态试验研究表明,凋落物各组分分解过程中干物质损失速率随时间而减小,分解1年时以观光木叶的干重损失最大。各组分分解过程中N、P元素浓度增加而K和C元素浓度下降。混交林中各组分的养分释放速率大小为观光木叶>混合样品(等重量的观光木叶和杉木叶混合)>杉木叶>杉木  相似文献   

通过对中亚热带格氏栲天然林(natural forest of Castanopsis kawakamii。约150年生)、格氏挎和杉木人工林(monoculture plantations of C.kawakamii and Cunninghamia lanceolata,33年生)凋落物数量与季节动态、养分归还及凋落叶分解与其质量的关系为期3a的研究表明。林分年均凋落量及叶所占比例分别为:格氏栲天然林11.01t/hm^1。59.70t/hm^2;格氏栲人工林9.54%。71.98%;杉木人工林5.47t/hm^2。58.29%。格氏栲天然林与人工林凋落量每年只出现1次峰值(4月份)。而杉木林的则出现3次(4或5月份、8月份和11月份)。除杉木林的Ca和格氏栲人工林的Mg年归还量最大外。N、P、K及养分总归还量均以格氏栲天然林的为最大。杉木人工林的最小。分解la后格氏栲天然林中格氏栲叶的干重损失最大(98.16%)。杉木叶的最小(60.78%)。C/N及木质素/N比值与凋落叶分解速率呈显著负相关。而N、水溶性化合物初始浓度与分解速率呈显著正相关。与针叶树人工林相比,天然林的凋落物数量大、养分归还量高、分解快。具有良好自我培肥地力的能力。因此。保护和扩大常绿阔叶林资源已成为南方林区实现森林可持续经营的重要措施之一。  相似文献   

应用分解网袋法对暖温带落叶阔叶林内分布较为优势的辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)、五角枫(Acermono)、蒙椴(Tilia mongolica)、糠椴(T.mandshurica)等4种植物叶片凋落物第一年的分解速率损失过程基本符合Olson的指数降解模型。4种凋落物的分解速率(凋落物的年重量损失)依次为五角枫>糠椴>蒙椴>辽乐栎。N、P、Na、Fe、Cu、Mn在几种凋落物残留物中各自有不同程度的富集。C、K含量显著单调下降,其它几种元素含量变化不太规律。可以看出,元素的初始含量对其释放速率有很大影响,当微生物固持作用使C与其它元素比升高到某一阈值时,元素开始释放;初始含量较高的元素则从最初开始释放。高含量的木质素对元素的净释放有一定抑制作用,而在凋落物分解初期影响不大。  相似文献   

模拟N沉降对森林生态系统的影响是当今全球变化生态学研究的一个热点问题,土壤碳库对N沉降比较敏感,N沉降增加了凋落叶分解过程中外源N含量,间接影响凋落叶分解的化学过程并改变凋落叶分解速率,因此,研究模拟N沉降下凋落叶分解-土壤C-N关系对预测森林C吸存有重要意义。利用原位分解袋法研究了模拟N沉降下三峡库区不同林龄马尾松林(Pinus massoniana)凋落叶分解过程中凋落叶-土壤C、N化学计量响应及其关系;N沉降水平分对照(CK,0 g m~(-2)a~(-1))、低氮(LN,5 g m~(-2)a~(-1))、中氮(MN,10 g m~(-2)a~(-1))和高氮(HN,15 g m~(-2)a~(-1))。结果表明:分解540 d后,N沉降促进20年生和30年生马尾松林凋落叶分解,46年生马尾松林中仅低氮处理促进凋落叶分解,4种处理均是30年生分解最快,说明同一树种起始N含量低的凋落叶对N沉降呈正响应,N沉降处理促进起始N含量低的凋落叶分解,起始N含量高的凋落叶分解过程中易达到"N饱和"。N沉降抑制20年生和46年生凋落叶C释放(低于对照0.62%—6.69%),促进30年生C释放(高于对照0.28%—5.55%);30年生和46年生林分N固持量均高于对照(高于对照0.15%—21.34%),20年生则低于对照(5.70%—13.87%),说明模拟N沉降处理促进起始C含量低的凋落叶C释放和起始N含量低的凋落叶N固持。N沉降处理下仅30年生马尾松林土壤有机碳较对照增加,且土壤有机质与凋落叶C、N和分解速率呈正相关,与凋落叶C/N比呈显著负相关;土壤总氮与凋落叶分解速率、凋落叶N含量呈正相关,土壤有机碳/总氮比与凋落叶C、N含量呈正相关;对照处理中凋落叶分解指标对土壤养分影响顺序是分解速率凋落物C含量凋落物C/N比凋落物N含量,低、中、高氮处理中则是凋落物C含量分解速率凋落物N含量凋落物C/N比。研究表明低土壤养分含量马尾松林对N沉降呈正响应,N沉降促进低土壤养分马尾松林凋落叶分解并提高土壤肥力;凋落叶质量和土壤养分含量低的生态系统土壤C对N沉降响应更显著。  相似文献   

Apple leaf senescence: leaf disc compared to attached leaf   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Attached apple leaves (Pyrus malus L., Golden Delicious) began to lose protein in early August as the first sign of senescence. Apple leaf discs prepared from samples before early August gained protein for up to 7 days after detachment. After early August, the loss of protein from leaf discs was no greater than the loss from attached leaves in 7 days. The loss of chlorophyll from leaf discs began over 2 months before attached leaves began to lose chlorophyll naturally and before leaf discs lost protein. Leaf discs from presenescent leaves did not senesce significantly faster when maintained in darkness instead of 12 hours of light. In general, the loss of protein and chlorophyll from apple leaf discs after 7 days was much less than for most other leaf types studied.  相似文献   

The relationship between near-infrared reflectance at 800 nm (NIRR) from leaves and characteristics of leaf structure known to affect photosynthesis was investigated in 48 species of alpine angiosperms. This wavelength was selected to discriminate the effects of leaf structure vs. chemical or water content on leaf reflectance. A quantitative model was first constructed correlating NIRR with leaf structural characteristics for six species, and then validated using all 48 species. Among the structural characteristics tested in the reflectance model were leaf trichome density, the presence or absence of both leaf bicoloration and a thick leaf cuticle (>1 μm), leaf thickness, the ratio of palisade mesophyll to spongy mesophyll thickness (PM/SM), the proportion of the mesophyll occupied by intercellular air spaces (%IAS), and the ratio of mesophyll cell surface area exposed to IAS (A(mes)) per unit leaf surface area (A), or A(mes)/A. Multiple regression analysis showed that measured NIRR was highly correlated with A(mes)/A, leaf bicoloration, and the presence of a thick leaf cuticle (r = 0.93). In contrast, correlations between NIRR and leaf trichome density, leaf thickness, the PM/SM ratio, or %IAS were relatively weak (r < 0.25). A model incorporating A(mes)/A, leaf bicoloration, and cuticle thickness predicted NIRR accurately for 48 species (r = 0.43; P < 0.01) and may be useful for linking remotely sensed data to plant structure and function.  相似文献   

干旱区植物叶片形态可塑性是植物适应高温干旱环境的重要生存策略, 但目前仍缺乏直观的数据予以证明。该研究应用热成像技术和图像分析技术, 同步测定真实叶片与模拟叶片的叶温、形态及风速、辐射和温度等环境参数。研究结果显示: 在干旱、高温环境下, 除了蒸腾, 叶片形态变化也是调控叶温的重要因子。干旱区植物叶片变小, 有利于加速叶片与环境的物质及热量交换, 从而达到降低叶温的目的。样地数据显示, 在高温、低风速环境下, 叶片宽度每减少1 cm, 叶片表面温度降低约2.1 ℃, 而模拟叶片叶宽度每减少1 cm, 叶片表面温度降低0.60-0.86 ℃。该研究对深入理解植物生存策略与环境适能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Larvae of two bivoltine species of leaf-mining Lepidop-tera, Acrocercops sp. and Neurobathra strigifinitella (Clem.), restrict feeding to young, second-flush leaves of their host trees in north Florida.
2. During 1980 and 1981, densities of both species varied greatly among thirty small water oaks ( Quercus nigra ), as did timing and extent of secondary leaf production.
3. In both years leaf-miner density at the end of the first generation (mid-August) was positively correlated with secondary leaf production.
4. Five trees abscised their leaves and reflushed new ones at atypical times of the growing season. When refoliation coincided with emergence of ovipositing adults, Acrocercops sp. and N.strigifinitella densities increased dramatically, indicating that both species are at times limited by availability of young leaves.
5. By staggering termination of diapause these leaf miners can exploit a temporally variable resource.  相似文献   

Effects of leaf shape plasticity on leaf surface temperature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
干旱区植物叶片形态可塑性是植物适应高温干旱环境的重要生存策略, 但目前仍缺乏直观的数据予以证明。该研究应用热成像技术和图像分析技术, 同步测定真实叶片与模拟叶片的叶温、形态及风速、辐射和温度等环境参数。研究结果显示: 在干旱、高温环境下, 除了蒸腾, 叶片形态变化也是调控叶温的重要因子。干旱区植物叶片变小, 有利于加速叶片与环境的物质及热量交换, 从而达到降低叶温的目的。样地数据显示, 在高温、低风速环境下, 叶片宽度每减少1 cm, 叶片表面温度降低约2.1 ℃, 而模拟叶片叶宽度每减少1 cm, 叶片表面温度降低0.60-0.86 ℃。该研究对深入理解植物生存策略与环境适能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Based on prior evidence of coordinated multiple leaf trait scaling, we hypothesized that variation among species in leaf dark respiration rate (R d) should scale with variation in traits such as leaf nitrogen (N), leaf life-span, specific leaf area (SLA), and net photosynthetic capacity (A max). However, it is not known whether such scaling, if it exists, is similar among disparate biomes and plant functional types. We tested this idea by examining the interspecific relationships between R d measured at a standard temperature and leaf life-span, N, SLA and A max for 69 species from four functional groups (forbs, broad-leafed trees and shrubs, and needle-leafed conifers) in six biomes traversing the Americas: alpine tundra/subalpine forest, Colorado; cold temperate forest/grassland, Wisconsin; cool temperate forest, North Carolina; desert/shrubland, New Mexico; subtropical forest, South Carolina; and tropical rain forest, Amazonas, Venezuela. Area-based R d was positively related to area-based leaf N within functional groups and for all species pooled, but not when comparing among species within any site. At all sites, mass-based R d (R d-mass) decreased sharply with increasing leaf life-span and was positively related to SLA and mass-based A max and leaf N (leaf N mass). These intra-biome relationships were similar in shape and slope among sites, where in each case we compared species belonging to different plant functional groups. Significant R d-massN mass relationships were observed in all functional groups (pooled across sites), but the relationships differed, with higher R d at any given leaf N in functional groups (such as forbs) with higher SLA and shorter leaf life-span. Regardless of biome or functional group, R d-mass was well predicted by all combinations of leaf life-span, N mass and/or SLA (r 2≥ 0.79, P < 0.0001). At any given SLA, R d-mass rises with increasing N mass and/or decreasing leaf life-span; and at any level of N mass, R d-mass rises with increasing SLA and/or decreasing leaf life-span. The relationships between R d and leaf traits observed in this study support the idea of a global set of predictable interrelationships between key leaf morphological, chemical and metabolic traits. Received: 23 May 1997 / Accepted: 16 December 1997  相似文献   

Question: Do thick‐twigged/large‐leaf species have an advantage in leaf display over their counterparts, and what are the effects of leaf habit and leaf form on the leaf‐stem relationship in plant twigs of temperature broadleaf woody species? Location: Gongga Mountain, southwest China. Methods: (1) We investigated stem cross‐sectional area and stem mass, leaf area and leaf/lamina mass of plant twigs (terminal branches of current‐year shoots) of 89 species belonging to 55 genera in 31 families. (2) Data were analyzed to determine leaf‐stem scaling relationships using both the Model type II regression method and the phylogenetically independent comparative (PIC) method. Results: (1) Significant, positive allometric relationships were found between twig cross‐sectional area and total leaf area supported by the twig, and between the cross‐sectional area and individual leaf area, suggesting that species with large leaves and thick twigs could support a disproportionately greater leaf area for a given twig cross‐sectional area. (2) However, the scaling relationships between twig stem mass and total leaf area and between stem mass and total lamina mass were approximately isometric, which indicates that the efficiency of deploying leaf area and lamina mass was independent of leaf size and twig size. The results of PIC were consistent with these correlations. (3) The evergreen species were usually smaller in total leaf area for a given twig stem investment in terms of both cross‐sectional area and stem mass, compared to deciduous species. Leaf mass per area (LMA) was negatively associated with the stem efficiency in deploying leaf area. (4) Compound leaf species could usually support a larger leaf area for a given twig stem mass and were usually larger in both leaf size and twig size than simple leaf species. Conclusions: Generally, thick‐twigged/large‐leaf species do not have an advantage over their counterparts in deploying photosynthetic compartments for a given twig stem investment. Leaf habit and leaf form types can modify leaf‐stem scaling relationships, possibly because of contrasting leaf properties. The leaf size‐twig size spectrum is related to the LMA‐leaf life span dimension of plant life history strategies.  相似文献   

Osada  Noriyuki 《Plant Ecology》2020,221(10):939-950
Plant Ecology - Spring leaf phenology has been intensively studied in temperate deciduous broad-leaved tree species, but the phenology of evergreen broad-leaved tree species has seldom been focused...  相似文献   

Crude protein content of the leaf of cultivars ofManihot esculenta is very high. There are no analyses of nutritionally essential ami no acids, but certain evidence indicates that cassava leaf may be of value in protein-rich diets.  相似文献   

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